Green hedge labyrinth. Creating a labyrinth garden with your own hands

A labyrinth of hedges is not just a garden decoration or a way to plant shrubs, not just tangled paths, winding passages and dead ends. This is the personification of refined aristocracy and dreaminess. It is not for nothing that garden labyrinths were so loved by classical writers - in their shady corners young people could hide from daddy, coo and make passionate promises to each other.

It is not known for certain who, when, and why decided to “plant” a labyrinth of bushes, but there is a piquant legend that the first labyrinth appeared in order to disguise the house of the mistress of King Henry II (England, 12th century). The right path was known only to the king, so his betrayals had to remain secret.

Living labyrinths reached their heyday in the 18th century. 19th centuries. They were built mainly at castles and family houses of European aristocrats. For England they even became something of a national symbol.

It is interesting that green labyrinths, for all their wild popularity, had no practical purpose. Some historians claim that they were made in order to protect the estate from wild animals, but, you see, high hedge would be more obvious and convenient solution. No, labyrinths were planted primarily for aesthetic pleasure and leisure time. It was a place for long walks, private conversations, games and entertainment. And yes, like the spacious ballrooms and an impressive staff of servants, they emphasized the high status of their owner.

By the way, turf labyrinths (as they are also called) may not necessarily have high green walls. You can find puzzles of low borders, trellises entwined with plants, even lawn labyrinths with paved intertwining paths. But, of course, the most impressive will always be the option with evenly trimmed walls made of small-leaved shrubs, always tall so that it is impossible to look over the walls. Add to this complex design with many passages and dead ends and get a platform for an exciting game. A good labyrinth is one in which you can get lost and require solving.

Ideally, next to the labyrinthine park there should be an elevation from which one could see the planting pattern and make fun of those who got lost. You can fit elevations inside the structure - add bridges over walls, towers, high gazebos.

What is the key to a successful labyrinth? Let's answer using the most popular park puzzles as an example.

Secrets of the most famous labyrinths in the world

Long haul

Labyrinth The Longleat Maze estate in Great Britain appeared in the 18th century and is still considered the longest. More precisely, it has the largest total length passages - as much as 2.7 km.The park was created by the famous landscape architect Lancelot Brown, a supporter of the English landscape style. By the way, this style completely excludes any symmetry and preaches the idea of ​​​​the invisibility of human work on the landscape, as if everything grew by itself, at the behest of nature. Landscape architects greatly disliked labyrinths because they were usually symmetrical and too unnatural. Mr. Brown went against the grain and designed a picturesque labyrinth based on the sinuous patterns found in nature—fingerprints, coral polyps, walnuts and so on.


The largest labyrinth in the world according to the Guinness Book of Records is the Pineapple Garden Maze in Hawaii with an area of ​​more than 2 hectares. It is located on the pineapple plantation of Dole, a global fruit supplier.Not only is the center of the park made in the shape of a pineapple, but it is also planted with them! Of course, not all of them; in addition to pineapples, various varieties of hibiscus, heliconia, croton, etc. grow here. You can also buy the freshest pineapples, if you’re lucky, cut right in the labyrinth.


Labyrinths don’t have to be huge to become world famous. In the labyrinth of Villa Pisani (Il Labirinto) in Venice, for example, despite its relatively small sizes, you can easily get lost. It is considered the most complex of the existing ones, apparently because Napoleon himself once got lost in it.

Competent PR

The Hampton Court Maze in England was included in the Wikipedia article on mazes only because it was mentioned by Jerome K. Jerome in his work “Three Men in a Boat and a Dog.” Every year hundreds of thousands of people come to the labyrinth in order to repeat the path of the main character.

Unusual drawing

In our information age of satellites, Google maps and private planes, the layout of the labyrinth, its view from above, has become more important than the improvement of the paths. And a new popular type of green maze has appeared - a child of mystical crop circles and classic “gardens of wanderings”. These are picture mazes that farmers and artists create in corn fields in Europe and the USA. For example, English farmer Tom Pirkey has been turning his fields into paintings for several years now. The advantage is that the design can be changed every year - sometimes it’s a huge astronaut, sometimes Harry Potter, sometimes James Bond. Its ever-changing York Maze corn maze is, by the way, the largest in Europe today and attracts many tourists.

If your corn field If you don’t have one, but want to make a labyrinth, take it not in scale, but in complexity or decorativeness. Nowadays it has become popular to make labyrinths in recreation parks, country clubs, private schools, etc. It's interesting, it always attracts people, gives children room to play tag, and adults the opportunity to feel like heroes of a classic novel.

One of the most memorable scenes in the film “Three Men in a Boat” is the scene in which the main characters find themselves in a maze.

Labyrinths of dense hedges for a long time were a symbol of baroque luxury. They have always fascinated people and at the same time slightly frightened them. And although in modern world their popularity has decreased significantly, there are still great amount these magical living labyrinths that continue to grow. Here are examples of winding examples of garden architecture, in the corners of which you can still get lost.

Longleat Manor Labyrinth (Wiltshire, Warminster, England)

Comprising more than 16,000 English yew trees, the hedge maze at Longleat is one of the longest in the world. The length of its corridors, consisting of approximately 16 thousand yew trees,about 2.7 kilometers, and the total area of ​​the labyrinth is 0.6 hectares. Since the 16th century, this area has belonged to the Marquises of Bath, who in 1975 allocated part of their estate for a huge hedge maze. Later smaller maze gardens were built on the estate “Sun Maze” and “Love Labyrinth”.

Masone (Parma, Italy)

The largest maze in the world is Masone, which was built in an Italian city famous for its Parmesan cheese. Interestingly, the labyrinth was created as a result of a dispute between Italian publisher Franco Maria Ricci and writer Jorge Luis Borges. When Ricci said that he wanted to build the world's largest labyrinth, Borges replied that this was impossible.

The star maze, which opened in May 2015, was built using 200,000 bamboo plants and spans a whopping 8 hectares. Seventy-year-old Ricci used fast-growing bamboo instead of traditional trees and shrubs to see the labyrinth ready before he died.

Andrássy Castle (Tisádob, Hungary)

Situated along the Tisza River near the Hungarian-Slovakian border, the hedge maze of boxwood and yew at Andrássy Castle was designed by the architect to resemble a huge squid from above. The castle itself was built in the 19th century for Count Andrássy.

Pineapple Maze (Wahiawa, Hawaii)

This permanent hedge maze, which was the largest in the world before Masone's construction, is located on the Dole pineapple plantation in Hawaii. It consists of 14,000 pineapple bushes that scent the entire four-kilometer path through the labyrinth. The huge pineapple maze Dole Plantation is located on the Hawaiian island of Oahu. This labyrinth not only has intricate paths, but also magnificent scenic spots. Tourists have the opportunity to search for a way out, accompanied by a special audio recording that tells a detailed history of the creation of pineapple plantations in Oahu. At the end of the walk, everyone who chooses receives interesting prizes.

Labyrinth of Villa Pisani (Stra, Italy)

It is often said that, despite its small size, the labyrinth on the grounds of Villa Pisani is the most complex in the world. Guides like to say that in 1807, while walking along the winding paths of the labyrinth, Napoleon got lost in it. Whether it’s a story or not is unknown, but the labyrinth, built in 1720 by the rich Doge near his villa, is one of the most beautiful in the world.

Corn Maze at Richardson Farm (Spring Grove, Illinois)

A so-called corn maze is created every year on a 13-hectare corn field. Moreover, its design changes every year - for example, in 2013 the labyrinth looked like a portrait of the Beatles from above, in 2014 - like the US flag, and in 2015 the design of the labyrinth was dedicated to the victory of the Chicago Blackhawks in the NHL.

Labyrinth of the World (Castlewellan, Ireland)

The 1-hectare Peace Labyrinth was planted in 2000 to celebrate the signing of the Agreement Good Friday(agreement to resolve the political conflict in Northern Ireland). It consists of two parts, and to complete the maze, you need to cross both. There is a tradition: the one who reaches the center of the labyrinth rings the “Peace Bell” located there.

Ashcombe Maze (Victoria, Australia)

More than a thousand Monterey cypress trees were used to build one of the oldest plant labyrinths in the Southern Hemisphere. Since the 1970s, cypress trees have been carefully trimmed twice a year, with each trimming session lasting a full month. Visitors need to go through two halves of the maze, each of which has its own unique design. And next to the cypress labyrinth there is another labyrinth, which was created from more than 4,000 lavender bushes.

Hampton Court Palace (Surrey, UK)

The oldest surviving hedge maze in the United Kingdom was planted in the late 1600s for King William III near Hampton Court Palace. It was originally made from hornbeam, but then the trees were replaced with holly and yew. The Hampton Court Maze is known as one of the most challenging in the world. Although it is not the largest or most complex maze, the Hampton Court Maze is one of the oldest in the world. For more than 300 years, it has kept its visitors wandering for hours. This labyrinth is "multi-cursal", which means there are several possible ways to the exit. It is this variety of choice that has entertained people for several centuries.

Park "Labyrinth Orta". Barcelona, ​​Spain

The oldest garden Barcelona is a beautiful angular hedge maze dating back to the late 1700s. Its winding cypress corridors, some 750 meters long, lead to terraces and balconies in Italian style. And whoever gets to the center of the labyrinth will meet there the statue of Eros - greek god love. And this is hardly an accident, because getting into the “heart” of a fantastic historical garden is not so easy.

Glendurgan Garden Labyrinth, Cornwall

Created over 170 years ago, this twisting, rounded puzzle continues to confuse visitors to this day. The hedges of the Glendurgan laurel labyrinth resemble snakes coiled in the grass. Closest to the center of the labyrinth is a gazebo, rising above the foliage, but such is the structure of the labyrinth that even here you feel only halfway to the goal. The creator of the labyrinth deliberately complicated it, making it asymmetrical, unlike most other world-famous labyrinths.

French labyrinth Reignac-sur-Indre

For more than sixteen years, the Reignac-sur-Indre labyrinth has been called the largest labyrinth in the world, which was created by human hands. The “green” labyrinth is located in the small provincial town of Touraine. The peculiarity of this place is that the paths are different every year, because the place where the plants are planted changes every year. An unusual work of art appeared thanks to farmers who wanted to attract public attention to the problems of the city. At that time, men did not even suspect that they were creating something more than just a labyrinth. Every year thousands of lovers of extreme entertainment come to take a walk in this garden.

Massachusetts Maze Davis Mega Maze

The huge labyrinth Davis Mega Maze is famous for its scale and unpredictability. This labyrinth is located in the USA, in the state of Massachusetts. Every year, farmers devote more than 10,000 hours to the labyrinth. Every year this place is transformed into something new; no one can predict what the garden will look like. Tourists can spend hours wandering and looking for a way out in the maze.

Top Pearsy's Maize Maze in the UK

Perhaps all owners summer cottages they are trying to do something unusual and original in the yard, something that would make it stand out from the rest. It could be small, hidden between spreading trees, other options. These are all classics, but there are others, more mysterious garden elements– remember, for example, the labyrinths during the Middle Ages, which were framed by luxurious palaces! And something similar (on a more modest scale, of course) can be done by any owner suburban area, if he has the capabilities and desire. And about how to make a garden labyrinth with your own hands, we will tell you in today's article.

Interesting! Did you know that there are several ways to remove tree stumps? If you want to know more about this, then this is for you!

But what's so good about a garden labyrinth? You will be surprised, but this idea has numerous advantages:

  • the garden will be arranged in an unconventional, original way;
  • it will be useful for children in terms of development;
  • family and guests will be able to have great fun.

Determining what a garden labyrinth is

Let us immediately make a reservation that any labyrinth is an extremely complex system, which consists of intricate passages and paths leading to a single goal, namely the center of the entire composition. It is not at all necessary that the labyrinth in the garden be large - there are also relatively small ones among them, distinguished by their emphasized ease of implementation. In addition, to create a composition you can use the most different materials– from traditional hedges to original stone paths.

And if you have children, then remember that such a labyrinth will very quickly become their favorite place to play, because it’s so interesting to play hide and seek there! For adults, this is an excellent opportunity to take a leisurely stroll, carried away by their dreams and thoughts.

Note! If we talk about a regular garden, then almost any type of labyrinth is suitable for it, while for a landscape garden it is better to use a fantasy or stone one.

Now - directly to the process of creating a labyrinth!

Stage one. Location, composition

Before you start doing anything, decide where the composition will be located. Obviously, almost all labyrinths can only be fully seen from above, for this reason it is very good if you have some kind of hill on your site or a house with two floors (from the second floor you can admire the delights of the composition). As for the location, it is better to arrange a labyrinth next to a children's playground or recreation area.

The most primitive version of the labyrinth is a twisted spiral, the paths of which connect in the center. But with compositions that have several exits or a dead end, everything is much more complicated. And any park labyrinth in Europe can be an excellent example of this, and if you simplify it, you can get your own original diagram.

When creating a labyrinth, attention should be paid to both the interweaving of the paths and the “heart” of the composition, that is, the central part. It is recommended to set up a recreation area there, for which you can, for example, put a table with chairs, build a pergola, and so on. Even a beautiful sculpture, flower bed, pond or even a sundial can become a “heart”.

Stage two. Choosing plants

If the labyrinth is small, that is, for children, then when creating it you can use annual plants (such as curly parsley), flower pots, small cobblestones. But if the structure is large enough, then it will require planting shrubs. It is important that they are such that neither cutting nor care will cause any particular difficulties (and all this is extremely necessary to give the composition the required shape and adjust the dimensions of the walls).

When creating a medium labyrinth, plants no more than 0.5 meters high are used (this can be low-growing spirea, alpine currant, boxwood). All of these crops grow in middle lane. And if you are planning something truly large-scale - a composition in which even adults will fornicate for some time, then the best option there will be trees up to 3 meters high. According to experienced experts, yew, rose hips, Tatarian maple, hornbeam, and others are most suitable for this.

Note! The combination of crop types should be selected so that they have different flowering periods, that is, they bloom not at the same time. Only in this case will the garden labyrinth look great most of the year!

As already noted, traditionally garden labyrinths are made in the form of a circle, although if desired, you can use any other shape - a triangle, a square, it can even be made in the form of initials. In short, there are a lot of options, so you can safely involve children in the process - they will take part in it with great pleasure. The most primitive version of the composition consists of:

  • entrance;
  • several turns;
  • exit.

As for the forms, the simplest of them are spiral compositions, where all the paths are connected in the center. There is also a cross-cutting design that lacks a distinct “heart.” Now let’s figure out what types of labyrinths are the most popular in landscape design.

Stage three. Let's get down to business - several possible courses of action

There are four main types of composition, and your further actions will depend on which one you have chosen. So, let's take a quick look at everyone.

Option #1. Hedge composition

The most attractive, and therefore tempting, option is a garden labyrinth made from hedges. It is quite obvious that this option is also the most time-consuming and difficult to implement. The crops (this can be either trees or bushes) forming passages in this type of composition require constant care and frequent pruning. Moreover, the area of ​​such beauty will be considerable - no amount of 6 acres will save it in this case.

Although, if the area of ​​the plot is large enough, and you yourself are filled with the desire to keep the hedge “in shape,” then such a structure will turn into your favorite place for walking! Most likely, not only children, but also grandchildren will be able to play in the intricate moves, since with proper care the composition will still be attractive for decades.

If you plan to use a hedge as a “building material,” we advise you to resort to:

  • brilliant cotoneaster;
  • laurel;
  • privet;
  • evergreen boxwood.

And if desires wait until they grow up perennial bushes, you don’t have it, you can do everything quickly, using fast-growing annual crops (this could be, for example, broom kochia, which grows no higher than 1 meter). She's in a record short time It forms a dense green mass, and is also quite easy to cut. Although there is a significant drawback - such a labyrinth of annual crops will have to be restored every year, for this reason it is rather a temporary option.

Option #2. Labyrinth made of stone

You can also use stone to create a labyrinth - in this case, the finished composition will look like the ruins of an ancient fairy-tale structure. Of course, it will be intended exclusively for viewing and, perhaps, for walking, since it will hardly be possible to use it for “wandering.” To lay out a decorative spiral, take small pebbles of the same size, or a masonry side. And if you use large stones, this will help create a kind of walking version of the composition.

If you wish, or, for example, if you think that the stone labyrinth looks too gloomy, you can “revive” it with the help of plants planted between the boulders. In this case, if small pebbles were used, then “alpine” crops (juvenile, sedum) are perfect. But for transformation stone wall experts advise taking ivy, kobeya, honeysuckle or dichondra.

Option #3. Flower arrangement

Labyrinth in the form of a spiral flower planting enjoys enormous popularity. It is important to select compact flowers with erect stems. Crops must clearly repeat all the outlines of a given composition, which is why spreading flowers are unlikely to be suitable (they, as you know, “love” to grow). It is also undesirable to use reseeding crops to create a garden labyrinth (this could be eschscholzia or poppy), since, as the name implies, they are prone to self-sowing.

Note! If these self-seeding crops are nevertheless used, the composition will lose clarity and become a blurry spot. Therefore, it is better to take compact plants for this - a border rose, for example, or a bush petunia.

As for color, the labyrinth in this regard should be as clear and uniform as possible, otherwise the outlines will be blurred and will not be perceived holistically. And if the composition consists of two spirals connected in the center, then you can use two colors that contrast with each other. By the way, flower composition can only act as an ordinary flowerbed, that is, it can only be inspected or used for walks. If walks were chosen, then between plantings lay gravel paths that clearly follow all the passages.

Option number 4. Fantasy composition

This option is the most unpredictable, since it is away from clear lines and geometric laws. No circuit layout is required here, nor is the presence of a “heart”; the main emphasis here is on the extreme complexity of the moves, maximum quantity turns, dead ends in unexpected places. And, walking through such a labyrinth, a person will be able to take part in an exciting journey, during which he will not know what awaits him at the next intersection.

Fantasy-type labyrinths are interesting in that they can be not only a strictly defined area of ​​a suburban area, like the options described above, but can be located throughout the entire garden, including play area, recreation area, etc. It is only necessary that the transitions be insignificant and “mixed” with various intersections and turns. Only in this case, the person inside the composition will not know what awaits him just a few meters ahead. And for this, pergolas, trellises or arches decorated with climbing plants can be used.

All plant crops, including hedge, will grow freely here, grow as they “want”, in order to hide from people everything that is a few steps away. And after every turn, something unusual and at the same time pleasant will await the visitor: a beautiful flowerbed, a comfortable bench for relaxation, a plaster sculpture, etc.

Summing up

If you make a garden labyrinth with your own hands, then you definitely won’t regret your idea, since this element of garden design will always attract attention, and you, in turn, will be proud of your creation! And you shouldn’t be afraid that the path to your dream may turn out to be too confusing. There is always a way out in labyrinths, you just need to make an effort and find it!

Probably everyone remembers from childhood how the heroes of Jerome Klapka Jerome wandered through the green labyrinth of Hampton Court. Everyone also remembers the wonderful myth about the frightening Cretan labyrinth of the Minotaur and the saving thread of the lover Ariadne. For many centuries, people have built various labyrinths - first for sacred and then for artistic purposes.

Labyrinth - an area with specially intricate passages between cropped dense greenery (for example,%20 hornbeam, linden) inside the park. That's what the encyclopedia says. The Dictionary of Symbols states that the labyrinth is a metaphor for a person's journey from birth to death. From a technical point of view, a labyrinth is a complex system of paths and passages leading to a certain goal - the center of the labyrinth.

The earliest depictions of labyrinths have been discovered in rock art around the world. Our ancestors believed that in this way they could “confuse” evil spirits and protect their home. However, even today Feng Shui experts assure that a properly made labyrinth is capable of directing energy flows and performing the function of a kind of amulet. Moreover, it does not matter at all how large and intricate the labyrinth is and what materials it is made of - the only important thing is the correctly chosen pattern.

In European landscape art In the late Middle Ages, labyrinths made of hedges became a traditional element of palace gardens and park complexes; walks through such labyrinths were a favorite pastime of the aristocracy.

Today, labyrinths are still a widely used element landscape design. At the same time, labyrinths can be large and small, simple and complex, made from the most various materials- flowers, stone, paths, etc. The labyrinth is a real “magnet” for children - it’s so fun to play tag and hide in it! And adults like to leisurely stroll through the labyrinths, immersed in their thoughts.

As a simple temporary option, you can form a clipped labyrinth from annual plants- for example, Kochia broom (height up to 1 meter), which creates a thick green mass and lends itself perfectly to shaping and cutting.

A much simpler option that requires less space is a labyrinth of flowers. Flowers for a labyrinth-bed should be selected that are not spreading, compact, of a leveled shape - with erect stems or spherical bushes, not prone to self-seeding, so that the outlines of the labyrinth are not blurred and it does not turn into a simple blurry spot. For example, actively reseeding poppy and eschscholzia are absolutely not suitable for these purposes. But any annual or perennial border flowers are perfect - for example, dwarf snapdragon, sparkling salvia, coleus, border rose, etc.

The color scheme should be fairly uniform - otherwise the outlines will also be visually blurred. If your labyrinth consists, for example, of two interlocking spirals or several lines, you can make them contrast with each other.

A flower labyrinth can be a flowerbed (a compact version intended only for viewing) or a place for walking, where there are lines between the flower ribbons. garden paths- in this case, the winding paths will also follow all the shapes of the labyrinth.

An interesting option is a “disappearing” labyrinth on the lawn, which appears only in the spring and is renewed annually. Such a labyrinth is made from bulbous flowers that do not require annual digging - daffodils, botanical tulips, hazel grouse.

In order to make such a labyrinth, we need sufficient quantity flower bulbs, a long rope and, of course, several meters of lawn. The planting of a flower bed is carried out in early autumn. Using a rope, we lay out a pattern of the future labyrinth on the lawn. Along the contour, we cut and remove rectangular pieces of lawn turf so that a landing area is formed approximately two bulbs deep. The width of the flower ribbon is about half a meter (maybe less depending on the total area of ​​the labyrinth). Then we plant the bulbs (preferably quite tightly) and cover them again with the removed turf. Ready! You will see the outlines of the labyrinth in the spring, when the bulbous shoots appear. In the summer, the labyrinth will disappear from the lawn, but will remind itself again next spring.

Stone labyrinth

Interesting option landscape composition- a labyrinth made of stone. Like a flower labyrinth, it can be a small (for viewing) or large-scale (“walking”) composition.

It is advisable to select stones large enough, if possible more or less the same size, shape and color. You can simply lay the stones in a chain along the contour in one row or form a low masonry side. Such a composition, by the way, will serve as a decoration for the garden not only in spring and summer, but also in winter: the outlines of the labyrinth under the snow look extremely impressive.

And, of course, a huge advantage of a stone labyrinth over most other types is that after construction it will not require virtually any further maintenance from you.

You can enliven a stone labyrinth with the help of vegetation: place small ones here and there. alpine plants, looked younger, etc. Masonry You can even turn it into a “flowering wall” by planting plants with hanging stems between the stones.

Fantasy labyrinth

The most unpredictable of labyrinths is the fantasy labyrinth: there are no laws here, and the only limitation is the limits of your imagination! Unlike traditional labyrinths-amulets and labyrinths-symbols, such a labyrinth may not have any pre-planned pattern, clear outlines and a single goal - the center. The main thing here is the intricacy of the paths, unexpected turns and intersections, where you never know what awaits you around the corner. You can turn the entire garden into such a labyrinth, along with a playground, a recreation area and approaches to the house. The idea is that the transition paths should be small, with frequent turns and even “loops” - so that in each individual section you cannot see what is hidden a few meters away. This can be achieved through arches, pergolas, tall plants along the paths. Hedges here are not trimmed, they are allowed to grow freely and hide everything that is further than a few steps away. Around every turn you can expect a small surprise: a bench for rest, a gazebo, an elegant sculpture, original flower bed, a new landscape composition.

A continuation of such a labyrinth can even become... a vegetable garden. Here along the paths there can be pergolas with climbing beans and decorative pumpkin and cabbage borders. And vegetable beds can be made in the form of twisted spirals to emphasize that they belong to the labyrinth and this part of your domain.

Whichever labyrinth you choose, you are unlikely to ever regret your decision. A labyrinth is an element of landscape design that always attracts attention, looks impressive and can become a real pride of the owner of the site. And don’t let the complexity of the path to your dream scare you! There is always a way out of any labyrinth...

There are different shapes plant labyrinths. A labyrinth of hedges is not just a garden decoration or a way to plant shrubs, not just tangled paths, winding passages and dead ends. This is the personification of refined aristocracy and dreaminess. You can find puzzles made of sunflowers, trees, low bushes, stones, or lawns with intertwining paths.

For example, in 1840, on the farm of Robert Richardson, paths were laid in the corn field in the form of a labyrinth, from above, depicting a Disney castle. Today, the labyrinths at Richardson Farm change annually, with a new pattern created each time.

The largest maze in the world according to the Guinness Book of Records 2015 is the Pineapple Garden Maze in Hawaii with an area of ​​more than 2 hectares. It is located on a pineapple plantation of a world fruit supplier. The labyrinth is planted with pineapples!

The labyrinth of the Longleat estate in Great Britain appeared in the 18th century and is still considered the longest, with a passage length of 2.7 km.

The labyrinth of Villa Pisani (Il Labirinto) in Venice is considered the most complex in existence; Napoleon himself once got lost in it.

Not an ordinary labyrinth Samsø, in Denmark is listed in the Guinness Book of Records. And its peculiarity is that instead of standard walls made of bushes, it is planted with real trees. Therefore, everyone visiting this labyrinth is left with the feeling that they are in a forest where there is only one correct path. There are about 50 thousand trees and 5.5 kilometers of paths that intersect with each other.

The largest, ever-changing labyrinth in Reignac-sur-Indre, in France, turns into a vibrant field of sunflowers in the summer, and disappears in the winter, when the harvest is harvested, only to be resurrected in a new form in the spring. In 1996, the debut year for the labyrinth, more than 85 thousand visitors attempted to pass through the 40 thousand square meter puzzle.

The largest Butterfly Maze which has a total area of ​​33,564.67 m² (8,244 acres) and a total path length of 8.38 km (5.4 mi), created by Ningbo Maze Tourism Development Co., Ltd. (China) in Ningbo, Zhejiang, China and opened on April 22, 2017.

A new world record for the size of a plant labyrinth was set in 2017 in Ningbo, Zhejiang, (China). The largest plant Butterfly Labyrinth according to the official representative of the Dafeng City Tourism Bureau, this one popularizes the culture of creating garden labyrinths, adds an element of humanistic care, recreation, entertainment and a little childish sense of magic, turning the garden into a real “fairyland”. The creators of the project took into account the advantages of all plant labyrinths in the world and collected over 600 trees, shrubs and flowers. total area 33,564.67 m² (8,244 acres) track length 8.38 km (5.4 miles).

And in 2018, a plant labyrinth also appeared in Russia, which today has status of the largest labyrinth in the WORLD! On May 27, the labyrinth was registered with the INTERNATIONAL RECORDS REGISTRATION AGENCY as the largest plant labyrinth - a forest with an area of ​​41,526.5 square meters. meters, which is 7961.83 sq. meters more than the Chinese record holder.

A landscape structure, which is already visible to satellites from space, recently appeared on Tula land - in the Turgenev places in the Bezhin Meadow 21st century park. Calculations and global preparation for its construction took more than three years. Last year, the “Labyrinth of Interethnic Unity” project received a presidential grant, which made it possible to purchase green filling for the labyrinth. They were planted, as usual, by the whole world.

There are already about 20 thousand plants here, and to get to the center of the labyrinth you need to cover about 16 kilometers. The Russian labyrinth is divided into the elements fire, water, earth and wind, and every visitor can feel like the fifth element. Unlike foreign labyrinths, in the Russian version, with the breadth of the Russian soul, all kinds of trees, shrubs, flowers and even berries are planted. Visitors will be able to sit by the fire, take a break and drink tea with herbs, growing right there.