Japanese garden landscape design is the art of supreme harmony. Japanese style garden

Japanese garden in the country

If you are close to oriental motifs in the design of the garden, then for sure you will not be indifferent to the Japanese garden. If you dare to organize it on your site, then you will have a haven of calm and tranquility, where you can always hide from the bustle of the city.

Japanese garden in the country

However, in fairness, I admit that creating a real Japanese garden is quite an expensive pleasure. Therefore, you should not aim at large territories, you can simply organize a small corner, no more than 4-6 square meters, in your garden.

Japanese garden in the country - paths

Gardeners share two types of Japanese gardens - hilly and flat. You can choose between them in favor of the direction that best suits you according to the landscape of the site.

Japanese garden in the country - steps

The plain Japanese garden is located on a flat area, its entire composition is visible from any point in the garden. But a hilly garden can open differently from different points of view, in which the hills form the main part of the landscape.

Usually, five hills are arranged in a Japanese garden, one of which is higher than the surrounding ones. It symbolizes Mount Fuji, which the Japanese consider sacred.

Lantern in a Japanese garden

Five Principles of Japanese Garden Design

Use five fundamental principles when organizing a garden that will make it truly Japanese.

The first principle is the asymmetry of landscape design. This is the basis of the nature around us, from which the Japanese try to take all their design ideas.

Pond in a Japanese garden

The second principle is the absence of random details that will confuse the organization of the garden. Any element of the site must be placed meaningfully and carry a certain symbolism.

Pine tree in a Japanese garden

The third principle is that the plants and stones chosen for the garden should be discreet in color, but expressive. They should be chosen according to the shape, usually the elements of the Japanese garden have a clear, regular and slightly rounded structure. The arrangement of plants and stones should be contemplative.

The fourth principle is that usually the ground around the plants is either rammed or covered with fine gravel. V last years began to plant lawn grass, and the Japanese try to avoid large green lawns. They always have something stuck in the middle of the green carpet - a bush, a stone composition, etc.

The fifth principle - try not to compact the landings, leave some free space between all the elements. Stop yourself from wanting to make a lot of flower beds, flower beds and plant a lot of trees.

Trees in a Japanese garden

Selection of plants for the Japanese garden

Especially important for the Japanese garden correct selection trees and shrubs. Japan has a peculiar climate and many plants are simply not grown here. But there is an adapted middle lane Russia, which can be planted in a Japanese garden.

For example, the well-known beautiful flowering Japanese cherry - sakura can be replaced with an ornamental variety of plum, steppe almond or felt cherry.

Cold-hardy varieties can also beautify your Japanese garden. Japanese maple, unfortunately, is not quite suitable for our climate, but you can plant black elderberry with beautiful leaves and crown shape.

Bonsai in a Japanese garden

A little about bonsai trees. Ready-made bonsai is not cheap, but you can grow it yourself, for example from pine. It is enough to pinch pine shoots every year and in 5-7 years you will have an elegant tree.

Most importantly, when you are faced with the choice of plants, remember that less is better. Leave more free space in the garden in order to emphasize the conciseness of the landscape.

Japanese garden space

Japanese garden video

We recently visited a real Japanese garden. V botanical garden Prague, in the Czech Republic, there is a corner of Japan. It's very beautiful and contemplative. I invite you to take a walk with us!

The Japanese garden is indeed one of the most mysterious gardens, and in many ways this mystery lies in its simplicity. That's why he's so attractive. The Japanese style is also a special philosophy, and it influences the life of the owner of the garden, actively helping him. In the matter of getting rid of stress, finding inner harmony, the Japanese garden has no equal: here all the elements of style have been adjusted for centuries for just such a purpose. This is an easy care garden (although it seems difficult at first). But at the same time he is one of the most "professional". A sense of proportion and taste are very important here, because the Japanese garden is a work of landscape art. And therefore, in order for such a garden to look organic in our conditions, you do not need to literally copy all its elements. Do not try to create it exactly the way it is traditionally in Japan, but use the motifs, techniques, symbolism of this garden, using your pictorial means.

The most important thing in the philosophy of the Japanese garden is that it is a model of nature, and in order to create it, you need to express the image that is characteristic of your area and your interpretation of the space around you. The Japanese garden is full of symbolism. Each of its elements: a plant, a stone, an object - personifies something, that is, the main emphasis is not on visible decorative qualities, but on the inner meaning. When it is, then the most discreet element will play. Interestingly, the Japanese style can be called "dimensionless", in the sense that it is suitable for sites of absolutely any size: from very large to extremely small. But the optimal plot is from 1 to 8 acres. The shape of the allotment of land also does not matter. By the way, the Japanese style is suitable for narrow and long areas, it will look great on a slope, but you can arrange a Japanese garden in a lowland.

Key elements of landscape design:

The main components of the Japanese style are water, stones and plants. It is important to use local materials (for example, those stones and plants that are common in your area).
Asymmetry in everything - both in the arrangement of elements, and in the fact that none of them should be repeated in size, color, texture.
Rock gardens.
Tracks - from separate stone slabs with a gap, or the same slabs go against the background of gravel. Combined paving.
Dry stream.
Water in any form: a pond, a small fountain, just a large stone bowl with water or a stream.

Planning features:

All elements of the Japanese garden must be balanced (there are few of them, together they make up a composition, and each of them is in its place).
Decorating the entire site in this style, divide it into areas irregular shape(they may coincide with functional areas), and let each such area have its own composition. Then organize smooth transitions between them with plants, materials and accessories.

Color solution:

The color scheme is very restrained, soft. Basically, it is built on smooth transitions, semitones. A sign of special craftsmanship is the use of multiple shades of the same color. Basic colors - gray, green, brown, white. All tones are muted. 1-2 bright color accents are acceptable.

Style Plants:

Trees: all kinds of pines and junipers, thuja, spruce, cypresses, cherries and plums, decorative apple trees, maples - riverside and Tatar.
Shrubs: black alder "Imperialist" (it looks like bamboo), Japanese and gray spirea, rhododendrons (however, not all of us grow and bloom, choose Smirnov's, Japanese, Kamchatka, dense, Canadian, short-fruited rhododendrons), Japanese quince, forsythia, with an appropriate haircut - chokeberry, girlish grapes.
Perennials and flowers: hostas of all colors, any ferns, rhubarb, rogersia, various cereals and sedges, brunners (including white), astilbes, common daylily, meadowsweet, buzulnik, mountain clematis, girlish grapes, peonies, irises, various chrysanthemums, in spring - bulbous, but also discreet (not varietal), lilies of the valley, wild garlic, onions.

Small architectural forms:

Bridges that are arranged not only over water, but also over dry streams. These bridges may be in the form of several thick boards or slightly curved with a railing, or may be marked by several large flat stones laid directly into the water or on the surface of the gravel.
The benches are stone, simple in shape, or wooden in the form of a board laid on 2 flat stones.
Japanese stone lanterns.
Bamboo in the garden.
Garden screens.
Pavilions - in the form of a pagoda, "tea house" or in the form of a cube.
Small well maintained garden.

Landscape designer tips:

Don't use too much a large number of objects and plants - this creates a sense of disorder.
A bench in a Japanese garden can be one large stone. If the stones are used as a seat, they must be made of wooden lining.
The pond does not have to be deep.
Plastic Japanese lanterns cannot be used. But real stone lanterns are a very expensive pleasure, so real option- portable ceramic, and take it with you for the winter. You can lay out a stylized lantern from flagstone-sandstone yourself (from which paths are laid), you need small fragments of it.
You can not arrange gazebos in the form of a "tent" in the Japanese garden.
An interesting technique in the Japanese style is the creation of mono-gardens, for example, a moss garden, a host garden - in general, compositions from plants of the same type, stones and accessories. Or a mini-garden of plants that, say, bloom only with white flowers. Monogardens always look advantageous and original. The secret to success is to use local plants.
Bamboo can be used to decorate a fountain, decorate a fence, make a small garden sculpture, or simply vertically strengthen several trunks somewhere in the area.
It is necessary to closely monitor the compliance of the garden with the style of your home: if you have a village hut, it is better if some corner is Japanese, and not the whole garden.
Use ropes to decorate the Japanese corner.

The material was prepared by Wisteria LLC.

Any kind of oriental art is turned to the aesthetics of asceticism - its luxury is not in abundance, but in a careful selection of forms, lines, colors, sounds. This intellectual approach to creativity can also be found in Japanese-style garden planning. In bloom, fallen leaves or under snow - it is beautiful at any time of the year. The landscape design of the Japanese garden has been elevated to the rank of philosophy, which is based on a careful and grateful attitude towards nature and the principle of its inheritance.

General picture of the Japanese garden

Japanese-style garden landscaping is usually small in size and restrained in color. However, it cannot be called boring in any way - the composition is thought out so carefully that each of its fragments is a work of art. The horizontals of the water space are intersected by humpbacked bridges and dynamic verticals of plants. The intricate stone arrangements are eye-catching, and the winding paths are laid out in such a way that, walking along them, one can capture all the picturesque views.

In a Japanese garden, you can often hear the soothing murmur of water from fountains, streams and small waterfalls. If there are bright spots in the overall picture, as a rule, these are accents of the same color - red or pink blotches against the background of a calm landscape in tone resemble accidental splashes of paint on a monochrome Japanese engraving.

Japanese style landscape design

In the garden, you can find moss-covered stones, fragments of a darkened tree or overgrown paths - and this is not at all casual negligence. In Japanese culture, there is a separate word that contains the concept of the beauty of imperfection. And since natural beauty, according to the Japanese, is tested by time, something that has its imprint on itself can be truly beautiful.

Key Components of a Japanese-Style Garden

In the spiritual culture of Japan, everything that is in nature: trees, mountains, rivers, animals and plants - carries a divine particle. Therefore, the creation of a garden is not just decoration, but a serious creative act that requires compliance with many canons.

Dry rock stream

Symbolism of stones in garden art

The landscape design of a Japanese garden cannot be captured only by sight - it is full of metaphors that need to be "read". The main element, which has many meanings, is a stone used exclusively in its raw form. Depending on its shape and size, it can be a mountain, a hill, a plain, an island, and even water. Rounded stones placed on the slope symbolize the waterfall. Angular cobblestones can convey the dynamics of a mountain river.

The color of the stones is also taken into account - gray-blue usually act as water, and sometimes heavenly space, greenish personify vegetation. stones bizarre forms often symbolize animals. Gravel is also used to indicate water - white is represented by the sea, gray - by a lake or a sea bay. Pebbles combined with sand means a river or stream. At the same time, there may be waves drawn with a rake on the sandy surface.

Cypress and pine near the lantern

The living world of plants

Flora in Japanese culture is perceived as creature containing a certain amount of energy. So, maple carries life wisdom, weeping willow - peace and purity. You can often find the arrangement of a Japanese garden in pine trees, because this tree is especially respected - it is a symbol of a strong spirit, courage and resistance to difficulties.

Mountain, cedar, and umbrella pine, as well as coniferous plants such as juniper, yew, fir, spruce, cypress, are especially suitable for the compact size of the garden. A common inhabitant of the Japanese garden - dwarf trees bonsai, which are placed in pots. Also here you can often meet bringing joy blooming trees- sakura, peach, orange, magnolia.

magnolia and azalea

Flowers are designed to give the garden landscape a special meaning:

  • a rose is a sign of love;
  • jasmine brings pleasant memories;
  • the water lily represents purity and fidelity in love;
  • azalea - a symbol of the unity of souls and true friendship;
  • dahlia embodies nobility;
  • camellia reminds of those who have gone to another world.

Traditional Japanese stone towers

Small architectural forms and decorative elements

Buildings in the East are traditionally made from natural materials: stone, clay, wood and bamboo. Miniature stone fountains, gazebos-pagodas entwined with plants, benches and statues literally merge with the surrounding landscape. Hedges are often used to delimit space, thanks to which, at each turn of the ornate path, new unexpected views open up to the viewer.

Stone towers in the form of multi-tiered pagodas are a symbol of the temple, which is inhabited by spirits. These heavy structures are often decorated with carvings depicting dragons or floral ornaments. Since symmetry is alien to the Japanese garden, the towers in it are located on different plans of the landscape and more often in such a way that not all objects are visible from each point.

Tsukubai hand washing bowl

Since ancient times, a tea house has been placed in the Japanese garden, and in addition to it - tsukubai - a traditional bowl made of raw stones for washing hands before the tea ceremony. Interestingly, this peculiar well must necessarily consist of an odd number of stones, different in tone, shape and size.

Another stone attribute of the garden is the Japanese lantern, which has many variations. This handmade item natural material organically merges into the landscape, drawing attention not so much to itself as to the surrounding landscape.

Japanese lantern by the pond

It is very difficult to independently embody what you see in the photo, following all the rules of ancient art. This requires a deep study of the traditions, culture and worldview of the Land of the Rising Sun. Adapting the motifs and ideas of the Japanese garden to the conditions suburban area, you can get a corner of tranquility for relaxation and reflection.

One of the most interesting and fashion trends landscape design - creation on summer cottages corners for philosophical reflection and unity with the natural world. Decorating gardens in oriental style is a common phenomenon: for example, you can create an original Japanese garden with stone decor elements and ornamental vegetation with your own hands.

Such design of gardens and parks is becoming more and more popular due to the relaxing atmosphere, conducive to reflection on the meaning of life and finding spiritual harmony.

Realizing that authentic Japanese-style gardens and parks require a lot of money, in most cases they are created on modest plots.

Study photos and pictures of gardens in the Japanese style - and you will notice a lot original ideas, which can be realized in your backyard.

Japanese garden, photo

Types of Japanese gardens

Gardens in an unusual Japanese style are divided into two categories:

  • tsukiyama- are created in areas with hills and slopes. The classic tsukiyama gardens have five hills: one of them, located in the center, is usually larger than the others and symbolizes Mount Fuji, located on the Japanese island of Honshu;
  • khuraniwa- garden area without slopes and other relief differences. On a flat-type site, it is easier to plant vegetation and plan decoration. Decor elements of such a garden will be well viewed from different angles.

Japanese garden: photo in the country

If you are going to include a Japanese-style garden in the landscape decor of your backyard, you can make a combination of these varieties. When choosing this option you need to decide in advance where each decorative detail will be located, make sure that all elements form a complete picture, harmonize with each other.

If you have no experience in creating Japanese-style gardens, it will probably be difficult for you to bring the ideas of professional landscape designers to life. But gradually you will master the subtleties of exquisite and unusual design.

Design nuances

In order for the work you have spent to justify itself, and the garden created by your own hands symbolizes Eastern traditions, we advise you to follow the following rules decorating garden areas in Japanese style:

  • when designing such a garden, asymmetry should be observed: in this way, you will be able to emphasize the natural naturalness of the design;
  • every detail must be carefully planned. But you should not decorate it with elements that do not fit well into the composition: decorative details should carry a certain semantic load;
  • do not use too colorful vegetation and stones in the design. But it is important that the elements emphasize their location and rounded configuration;
  • the soil surrounding the plant parts of the garden must be compacted or covered thin layer gravel. V Lately lawn grass began to be used as a surrounding decor element, but when using it, it is necessary to diversify the design with small shrubs and decorations made of stones: this is exactly what distinctive feature Japanese style design
  • vegetation should be placed at a distance from each other. It is advisable to leave more space between plant elements. The abundance of trees, flower arrangements and beds is not suitable for gardens decorated in the Japanese style, so avoid chaos when creating landscape design.

Selection of stones

If you study photos of modern gardens in a distinctive Japanese style, you will see that stones are the main detail of their design. Having decided on the independent creation of such a garden, consider how the stone design will look.

We advise you to choose stones in a single tint palette; the composition of such details should be perceived holistically and harmoniously. You can use both sharp stones and rounded ones. various sizes: place them in the central zone of the garden.

It is not necessary to store a large number of stone elements like a pyramid, it is better to leave free space between the pebbles. To fill the cavities, fine gravel or sand is suitable. This decoration technique is called sute-ishi.

No less stylish in a Japanese rock garden is a combination of dark-colored stone elements with white sand. Using the game of contrasts, you can focus on the naturalness of the design.

Japanese rock garden, photo

Decoration with vegetation

Another important step in the creation of a Japanese garden - the selection of vegetation. When choosing plants, it is important to take into account climatic conditions, since vegetation that is not always characteristic of such a design will be able to adapt to the climate.

Important! Do not overdo it with flower arrangements and ornamental plants when decorating a Japanese garden. We recommend focusing on landscaping such areas, and you can add brightness to the landscape landscape with the help of small flower beds with neutral colors.

A classic element of decor for a Japanese garden - sakura blooming in white or pale pink - can be replaced with felt cherries, almond or plum trees.

Many summer residents are interested in which dwarf conifers to plant in a Japanese garden. Dwarf bonsai trees will help to make the design sophisticated. Such vegetation is not cheap, so we advise you to decorate the garden area with pine seedlings and other varieties of coniferous plants.

One of the most successful coniferous species cross-paired microbiota and Korean fir are considered to design a garden in the original oriental style.

For a garden in colorful Japanese style fit and climbing vegetation, as well as ground cover plants creeping along the surface of the soil. Separate areas can be decorated with mosses that form natural coverage soil.

Important! Plant details in Japanese landscape design should have a similar configuration - in this case, the decor will look holistic.

If you want to preserve the picturesque design of the site even in the cold season, use vegetation that is resistant to low temperatures. In this case, you will get confidence that the next season the Japanese corner in the country will look great. For example, you can plant rhododendrons in the garden - these plants are resistant to frost, or plant black elderberry seedlings.

Do not oversaturate the landscape with plants: the design should be concise, it is important to save free space and take care of the availability of space for placing other decor elements.

What else to use for decoration

Many owners of suburban areas complement the Japanese-style garden design with artificially created reservoirs: small ponds, mini-waterfalls or streams. Similar Items perform, in addition to decorative, also functional purpose: emphasize the dignity of the relief, hide the flaws and change the space.

A garden in the Japanese style, beloved by many summer residents, can also be decorated with small fountains. Water sources in such zones play a big role: in accordance with the philosophy of the East, circulating water personifies the energy flow, sets you up for relaxation and clarifies thoughts.

Advice: it is preferable to refuse fountains with noisy beating jets in a Japanese garden: with their noise they will disturb the relaxing atmosphere created thanks to the classic oriental design.

To decorate water sources in the oriental garden, you can use crystal pebbles - lay them on the bottom. Shiny elements will capture the sun's reflections and let in light streams, due to this the garden will look even more picturesque.

If you are designing a Japanese-style garden located on an area with slopes, trenches and ravines, transform the terrain with rockeries, which are compact flower beds decorated with stones. For this purpose, rock gardens are also suitable - stone gardens with alpine vegetation. Green areas can be combined with Japanese decor.

Another detail that can be used for decoration oriental garden- Nice tea house. Since ancient times, the Japanese have created gardens around such structures, and at present this tradition remains relevant.

Naturally, the construction of a separate structure specifically for tea ceremonies - difficult task, but a compact house that will serve a decorative purpose is quite realistic to build in the garden.

If desired, the territory on which the Japanese garden is being designed can be separated from other zones by personal plot. In most cases, to implement this idea, a bamboo fence is erected, which organically fits into the oriental decor.

A Japanese-style garden area will look more realistic thanks to a small bridge that embodies the complex movement through life and prompts philosophical reflection. You can buy a garden bridge in a store or construct it yourself: they are suitable for its construction various materials including stones and wood.

On the bridge, you can make a comfortable Japanese-style fence, install light sources - in order to give the garden brightness in dark time days. It should be noted that lighting plays a big role in the design of such gardens: it should be diffused, promote relaxation and emphasize the desired atmosphere.

If your goal is to create lighting for a modest area with stone and plant decor, you can use Japanese lanterns for an area of ​​\u200b\u200b1.5 meters or more. Near water sources or paths, you can place lighting fixtures called oki-gata: they are compact and will perform a decorative function.

Large lanterns in the Japanese-style garden area will also look unusual. You can make your own lanterns from concrete using special molds and fixtures. Making concrete lanterns requires a lot of time and patience, but the result is worth the effort, such decorations look amazingly natural.

Japanese-style garden, photo

When planning the appearance of the garden, do not forget that colorful elements do not fit into Japanese design.

So that the design does not look boring and monotonous, first prepare a sketch of the garden design. If you have no experience in this matter, we advise you to study photos with examples of aesthetic decoration that reflects Eastern culture.

Stages of creation

To independently create a stone garden, popular with the inhabitants of Japan and our compatriots, you need to decide on its location. It is necessary that this area be good soil and sunlight, plus natural ventilation.

If a pond or other is planned in the garden water body, start by creating its configuration. The pond should look realistic: give up square shape and other bizarre formats that you will not find in natural natural environment. This rule also applies to created artificial streams.

Having prepared trenches and designed water sources, you can take on other components of landscape design. Choose the vegetation that best fits in Japanese decoration. Learn the characteristics of flowering and growing plants - ornamental shrubs and trees: keep in mind that annuals will have to be planted again next season, and flowers that love warmth will no longer decorate the site in the cold season.

Having finished with the planting of vegetation, take care of the stone elements. Discard stones that are strikingly different in color scheme, configuration and dimensions. Replace the abundance of small stones with two or three large boulders. Such elements can be used as the main ones in design, and with the help of small ones, decorate the surrounding space. This technique will allow you to focus on volumetric forms.

The largest boulder can be placed in the central zone of the garden - and decorate the space around with small elements. Such design will be associated with the Buddhist triad. It is better to concentrate stone details in the area where the artificially created water source is located, along the bank of the stream or in separate places along the perimeter of the pond.

Independent creation of the design of a Japanese garden on a site near a private house will give you great pleasure and help you find spiritual harmony, and the final result will bring aesthetic satisfaction. This garden is ideal for spending time on fresh air: reading, doing meditative exercises and just relaxing.


From this video you can learn ideas for decorating a Japanese-style garden:

photo gallery

Worldwide landscape designers actively use in their work the ideas that came from Japan. The landscape, decorated in this style, has a charm, the composition is concise and refined evokes a feeling of peace and tranquility. To create a real work of park art, it is not enough to purchase plants and stones, it is necessary to take into account the symbolism and peculiarity of each object, because the main thing here is harmony.

Japanese gardens

What are Japanese gardens? This is a natural composition, which is based on five components: the idea (spiritual part) and the material. The material component includes four elements: water, plants, stones and elements of architecture. All of them symbolize the unity of man and nature. The Japanese garden can be of three types: flat, hilly and rugged.

Each of these types has its own characteristics:

  • Flat type - a perfectly flat area. The world of terrestrial nature is represented by stones, trees, water sources or reservoirs. Decor - stone lanterns, garden sculptures.
  • The hilly view is a combination of high ground and water. It can be streams running down the hills, a pond with a waterfall.
  • Crossed Gardens is a miniature recreation of the mountainous part of Japan. At the base there is a reservoir with an island in the middle, artificial mountains, lanterns, paths, bridges. It is appropriate to arrange tea houses with a traditional tsukubai (bowl for washing hands), bamboo fences.

Rock gardens in Japan

An unusual and original type of cultural and aesthetic structures are rock gardens. They are a perfectly flat area covered with sand (you can use pebbles). The main elements are natural stones (unprocessed), arranged according to the rules of the Zen worldview. Their location is as follows: these are groups of three stones (triad), selected according to shapes and colors. There are 15 of them, but the point of contemplation opens 14, the last stone is hidden from any point (the use of phantoms is a symbol of the unknown).

The asymmetry of the arrangement of stone elements is emphasized by concentric lines on the sand, symbolizing the ocean. Rock gardens in Japan are a place of meditation, contemplation, self-knowledge. This type of landscape design is really unique, even a photo of stone gardens sets you in a philosophical mood. Their main purpose is to make you realize the beauty of ordinary things and the elegance of natural simplicity.

Japanese style in landscape design

Characteristics of this style - miniature size, calmness and the presence of many symbols. The area used for the composition may be small, but it needs to create a perfect landscape, depicting natural elements in all formats. In the classical sense, this is a natural miniature of water, moss, pebbles, plants and stones.

Japanese landscape design popular all over the world for a reason. With the modern frantic rhythm of life, it is very important to be able to concentrate, calm down, and find peace. A layout with unusual outlines, asymmetric composition, harmonious elements, from each angle opens up a new landscape, a miniature world of nature in all its glory.

Japanese garden plants

The purpose of such a composition is to recreate the landscape. Plants for the Japanese garden serve rather as a relief decoration, emphasizing the contrast. You need to select them very carefully. The species beloved by the Japanese may not take root due to differences in climate and soil. We use:

  • trees: cherry (some regions can use sakura, the Raksa variety is perfect for the Moscow region), maple (almost all types are suitable, excellent honey plants, combined with coniferous plants), pine (conifers - the center of the composition, as the personification of longevity, strength, courage, it is desirable to weaken the growth of the tree, giving expressiveness to the crown);
  • shrubs: barberry (a variety of varieties, excellent material for hedges), hawthorn (beautifully flowering bushes will become an ornament in spring, and in summer they will delight with a variety of fruit colors, they look especially impressive in a bole);
  • perennial flowers: peony (choose a tree-like variety, flower diameter up to 25 cm, double or semi-double), rhododendron (the flower is not large, but in lush inflorescences, glossy leaves emphasize the tenderness of flowers), chrysanthemum ( national flower Japan, the variety of species does not limit the imagination);
  • cereals, ferns, bamboo: miscanthus (ornamental herbaceous cereals, many varieties, decorative period from the first months of spring to frost), maidenhair plant (takes root well in the Moscow region, openwork leaves look exotic and attractive even in the photo, sit in a conspicuous place), saza (in our latitudes, the only variety of bamboo that grows wild, sits against the backdrop of a stream or as a gazebo decoration).

DIY Japanese garden

Do-it-yourself planning for arranging a Japanese garden should begin with a composition that depends on the landscape of the selected area and climatic features region. The presence of free space is also a prerequisite, although its dimensions can be miniature. The composition may be the following types:

  • garden for philosophical reflection;
  • place for walking;
  • hill garden;
  • a place where the main element will be a house for tea ceremonies.

DIY Japanese-style garden

Do not forget about the main components: stone and water (maybe a dry stream), without which such a design cannot be formed. Here are some recommendations for independent creation this unique park design. If you do not know where to start creating your garden, let's take a step-by-step look at how to create a Japanese-style garden with your own hands:

  • Layout. It is better not to redevelop the park, but to take part of it. A site is selected in the courtyard or corner. It should be immediately visible in its entirety and be protected from three sides by walls or hedges.
  • Sketch project. The main elements are applied to it, taking into account the wind rose and cardinal points.
  • Stones are laid out in groups vertically and horizontally on prepared sand. To make the placement correct, use photos of finished landscapes.
  • The paths are not level.
  • The reservoir is installed depending on the relief of the site: a pond, a waterfall, dry streams or streams of light gravel.
  • Plants are planted to a minimum, using symbols that are not winter-hardy, they must be removed or immediately placed in tubs.

DIY Japanese rock garden

To properly arrange a Japanese rock garden on the site with your own hands, you need to follow five basic rules:

  • the basis of the composition is a group of three stones harmonious in texture and color;
  • total a multiple of three or five;
  • from any point of contemplation all stones are opened, except for one;
  • the main triad should look harmonious, the rest balance it;
  • stones are arranged asymmetrically. The stones are selected in accordance with the symbolism: large - islands, vertical - the sky, sand and white gravel - water, they also imitate circles in the sand.

DIY Japanese garden

You can make a very small Japanese garden with your own hands using houseplants. landscape composition miniature has its own rules:

  • It must be created in accordance with the traditions of Japan.
  • A low (up to 15 cm) container with a spacious surface is suitable as a container.
  • For such a mini-garden fit moss, cacti, diamond, sedum, saxifrage, ivy, stone rose etc. It is necessary to choose varieties of slow-growing plants.

Video: Japanese-style landscape design