Educational program for a billiard player: choosing balls. Varieties of billiards - billiard game

Russian billiards (or pyramid) is the collective name for a number of varieties of billiards. Russian billiards is a type of pocket billiards that has its own special requirements to the gaming equipment. There are several official types of pyramid, the simplest of which are the American rules (free pyramid). All Russian billiards competitions are held using equipment suitable technical requirements FRB (Federation of Russian Billiards).

  • did not touch the tailgate;
  • touched with a long side;
  • crossed the longitudinal line;
  • jumped out or fell into a pocket.


The ball is played when, as a result of a correct shot, it enters the pocket. The billiard player retains the right to make the next one.

Hovering ball

If during a strike he stops on target in a pocket in an unstable position, and then falls into it before the stroke is completed, then it is considered played. If it falls into the pocket after the blow has been completed or due to the shaking of the table, then it will not be counted, the referee will place it in its original place.

Popped up ball

The jumper is the one that left the table surface during the strike without falling into the pocket. The aiming ball that pops up is placed on the back mark after the shot, no penalty is imposed, and the shots played by the billiard player are counted. If the cue ball leaves the table, the player receives a penalty, the balls he pocketed do not count, and the cue ball is placed on the table based on the rules of the particular game. If a ball that has left the playing surface of the billiard table touches the player's clothing or cue above it, then this will be a violation of the rules and will result in a fine. If he returns to the table, he remains in the game, and if he leaves it, he is considered to have jumped out. It is not considered a violation of the rules if the ball touches lighting, staple pockets or tops of the boards, and then return to the table.

Fielding balls

Not ordered, scored in violation of the rules and popped up sightings are set by the judge on the back mark. If this mark is occupied, then they are placed close (but not directly close) to the obstructing ball along a longitudinal line towards the back board. If this part of the longitudinal line is already occupied, then it is set towards the central mark.

Entering the opponent's game

The opponent enters the game when the player has not played a ball or has violated the rules. If a penalty is imposed on the hitting billiard player, then his opponent, taking into account the current situation on the table, may demand to perform the next shot, saying: “Play further.” Unrecorded winnings If, due to the inattention of the judge and opponents, the game continued despite the fact that the billiard player won the game (played eight or earned 71 points or more), then if this circumstance is discovered, he is immediately awarded victory in the game, despite all subsequent events.


A fine in Russian billiards is imposed in the following cases:

  • when the blow is not made by the cue stick;
  • when the next blow is executed before the previous one is completed;
  • when, after a hit, the cue ball flew beyond the boundaries of the playing surface;
  • for delivering a double blow (punched through);
  • for the carcass of any of the balls on the surface pool table during the game - with a cue, chalk, typewriter, hands, items of clothing, etc.;
  • when the initial shot is made on the cue ball located outside the house (Mosca, RP);
  • for failure by the player to comply with the wagering rules; - for a mistake;


With this type of Russian billiards, the cue ball can be located anywhere within the house (but not on the house line, since it does not apply to it).

After breaking the pyramid with the cue ball, the American player can choose any ball as the cue ball. Both the object ball and the cue ball fall into the pocket (but only after hitting the object ball). The billiard player who has scored the ball has the right to make the next shot. The wagering rules are that when not a single ball is played, then after the cue ball touches the target minimum, one of them must touch up to 2 different sides (or, having hit one side, bring the second ball to the other side), either touch one side and then cross the center of the table (or roll another ball over it), or cross it and then touch the side or bring another ball to the side). The winner is the billiard player who scores 8 balls first.

your basket is empty

Billiard terminology

An apricole is a hit with the cue ball first against the board and then at the target ball being played, i.e. This is a type of doublet that is used when the ball standing right next to the pocket cannot be played otherwise.

American is a game of pocket billiards. A variation of this game is American one line. Currently, the American has been renamed Pyramid.

Scam is a special term most often used in sports billiards when playing some games (Alager, Express), i.e. take on a scam - this means playing for your billiards partner in the game.

The cue ball is the ball that is used to hit the other balls being played. The name shock is also found. In international terminology, the cue ball is referred to as a cue ball or simply a ball that is struck by a cue ball.

A side kick is a strike with a cue ball at points lying to the left or right side from a vertical line passing through the center of the cue ball (left side kick and right side kick - French kick).

A side ball is a ball standing close to the side.

The diamond is one of eighteen mother-of-pearl dots set into the top wood of the sides of a pocket billiard (see Diamond system).

The Diamond System is a scientifically proven billiard system that provides practical use diamonds on the sides, which help to match a clear diagram of shots with the calculation of the path of the balls to a certain place (a certain point on the billiard table).

A screw is a shot that imparts spin to the cue ball or object ball.

Eight is the name of the pool game ( American look pocket billiards).

To play a ball means to put the ball in the pocket.

Exit is a professional technique in the game by which the player, having put a ball into a pocket with a blow, simultaneously comes out with the cue ball under another ball being played in such a way that the latter can be relatively easily put into the pocket with a blow.

The pocket lip is the rounding of the side of the pocket.

A double shot is one of the illegal shots in billiards where the cue stick touches the cue ball twice during the shot.

The home is the place on the pool table designated for the kickoff, bounded by the sides and a chalk line running through the first point of the pool table parallel to the short side. You can install the hitting ball anywhere in the house.

A curved shot is a special type of side kick, when the cue ball describes a curved line after impact (see side shot and screw).

A double is a shot in which the object ball hits the board and bounces off it (see also Croizet) into the pocket.

To screw or twist the ball means to give the cue ball a strong and, moreover, only lateral rotation (see side and arc).

A called ball is a ball that the player intends to pocket and calls before hitting.

Finish the game with a cue - This is what they say when the player starts and finishes the game after a continuous series of hits (makes a bill - a series of accurate goals).

To cover a ball means to place your ball when playing the Moscow Pyramid or Russian Pyramid at a certain point so that the object ball is covered by any other ball (see also Smear).

Illegal strikes are strikes that cannot be made and for which the player is penalized - double, pressing on the board, pushing through.

Why do you need a triangle - this is one of the billiard equipment items: wooden frame in the shape of a triangle, with the help of which billiard balls are installed in a pyramid before the start of the game.

Playing three boards (from three boards) is one of the most technically difficult shots in billiards, when someone else's ball, after hitting the cue ball, touches three boards and falls into the pocket.

Playing over the back is striking the cue ball, in which the partner places the cue behind the back due to the inconvenience of playing at the object ball in this situation. I note that to avoid this inconvenience, you need to learn to play with both one and the other hand.

Playing with a ball is a type of strike - one of the options difficult situations games of sports billiards, i.e. a game in which the cue ball does not hit the object ball directly (the object ball is covered by other balls), but is forced to hit the auxiliary ball, which in turn, by hitting the object ball, will put it in the pocket. Hence the expression when playing - to play with a system of balls, when the blow is transmitted through several balls.

Playing with a pistol is one of complicated ways one-handed games. In this case, the cue is taken at the place of the center of gravity on the large and ring fingers and grab it with your index and middle fingers. The blow is usually made in the air or with emphasis on the elbow.

Play in a series is an expression used when playing chips, which means: the player makes strokes until the pins fall and there is no penalty stroke, after which the right to strike passes to the partner.

Play from hand - this means that the player can place the cue ball and play it from anywhere in the house established by the rules cases.

play through the balls - this means hitting the object ball with the cue ball through several balls (playing with a system of balls of the object ball in the pocket).

The ball hangs over the pocket - this is usually said when the ball is so close to the pocket that the slightest touch to it is enough for it to fall into the pocket. When playing billiards, such balls are usually called dead balls.

What kind of pocket in billiards is a custom pocket - called the pocket by the player, into which he intends to put a custom ball after hitting it.

What varieties of the Pyramid game exist - there is a simple Pyramid (American), and there are also the following varieties of this game: small Russian pyramid (71 points), large Russian pyramid (91 points), pyramid with full balls, pyramid with colored balls, rolling pyramid, pyramid without touching the cue ball board, removing balls by hand, Moscow pyramid (Siberian pyramid).

What should a billiard player's stance be like and what is it in general - a stance is the optimal position of the athlete at the table, i.e. position of the legs, arms, body and cue. Exist certain rules racks, but everyone has their own.

Carom - this word is the name of the game of billiards without pockets with three balls, and also denotes the collision of balls, in which a collision of the cue ball with two or more balls occurs sequentially from one blow.

Quatban is a shot in which the ball is reflected from the four sides into the pocket.

Kick, kick - Kick - an unsuccessful blow with a cue ball when the sticker slides off the ball (it results in a misfire). Kick - make a kick, i.e. hit the cue ball casually with the cue so that the ball only moves from its place or rolls in a direction unexpected for the player.

Klopstoss is a jerky, short blow to the center of the cue ball in a plane parallel to the plane of the table, as a result of which the cue ball, having hit the object ball, remains in place.

The counter-party is the decisive game between partners who have same number games won. It is called in short - back or contra.

A counter-touch is a reverse blow to the cue ball reflected from the side of the object ball.

Croise is a type of doublet in which the object ball, reflected from the board, crosses the line of motion of the cue ball. This type of doublet is also called a reverse, a reverse (see also Doublet). Performing Croise is also called Wrapping the ball.

Who are Hares - these are two touching (touched) balls.

Who is the King - this is the conventional name for an athlete who plays one against two (pairs) (see Prince). The king is also the name given to the colored piece in the game of chips.

Who is Marker - this is standard executive(manager) of a billiard room, whose responsibilities include servicing billiard players, as well as repairing billiard equipment. The marker, as a rule, must know all the rules of billiard games well and confidently solve everything conflict situations between players.

Mazik is one of the pieces of billiard equipment of the past, designed for hitting the cue ball instead of a cue.

A stroke is a position on the table when the ball or balls are blocking the target that you want to hit with the cue ball. Sometimes in this case they say that the ball is smeared and it is difficult to hit it.

Small Russian Pyramid is a game of Russian billiards up to 71 points, very common during official competitions.

Masse is one of the types of unusual complex shots.

A machine is one of the pieces of billiard equipment that serves as a stand for a cue when performing some shots. This device helps the athlete, for example, play balls that he cannot reach in the usual way when playing with a cue. The machine is also called the bridge and mother-in-law.

A dead ball is a ball that sits in the lip of a pocket and the slightest push on it is enough for it to fall. Such a ball is said to hang above the pocket.

“Undercut the ball” means making a shot that causes the cue ball to hit the object ball closer to the center.

A draw is a blow with a cue in a plane almost parallel (and sometimes at an angle) to the plane of the billiards at the part of the cue ball lying below its center; when pulling back, the cue ball, after colliding with another ball, lingering in place for a moment, rolls back during the reverse rotation.

Wagering is a defensive tactic in the game, as a result of which a shot is made in such a way as to make it difficult for the opponent to execute the next shot (put the cue ball to the board and away from the object balls, cover the cue ball with balls, etc.).

Pachekot is a type of game.

"Cut the ball" is when the played ball is taken at a sharper angle to the played pocket, i.e. the cue ball hits the object ball close to the edge (thinner than necessary).

A jump is one of the types of unusual shots when the cue is hit at the bottom of the cue ball at a large angle to the billiards plane. In this case, the cue ball jumps over the ball and rolls in the direction of the shot.

A pyramid - firstly, these are balls placed on a billiard table close to each other in a certain order and forming an equilateral triangle. Secondly, this is what the game is called now - in the past, American.

The rest is a position of the ball where it is very easy to play. Usually the ball stands near or directly in the pocket for playing someone else's object ball, or near the pocket for playing one's own cue ball (in those games where this is allowed by the rules).

Putting the ball on the spot is when the ball is, in certain cases, placed on the third spot of the billiard table. Usually, penalty balls that are incorrectly pocketed and fly off the playing field are placed on the spot. In the event that the point is occupied by another ball, the balls are placed along the line to the short side as close as possible to the interfering ball.

Why do they sometimes remove balls by hand - I remove balls in several cases - when playing the Moscow Pyramid, when the cue ball is pocketed, the opponent removes any other ball to the pocket of the one who scored. There is also a game called Ball Removal - a pyramid game in which partners take turns playing with a cue, and if one does not place the ball, the other will remove any ball with his hand in his favor.

Who is the Prince - this is the conventional name for each of the two athletes playing in pairs against one opponent (see also King)

An object ball is any ball other than the cue ball - the one that will be hit by the cue ball. There is also the name someone else's ball.

A miss means that the cue ball did not touch the other balls when hit.

A push is a forbidden shot in billiards. Usually done by hitting closely spaced balls - i.e. at the moment the cue ball touches the cue ball, the cue sticker is still in contact with the cue ball.

A straight ball is an arrangement of balls where the cue ball, object ball and the pocket being played are in a straight line.

Pool is a type of pocket billiards. The game is played with colored balls with a diameter of 57.5 mm on a table with wide pockets.

Robbery is the initial blow at the beginning of the game to the balls standing in the pyramid.

Expense is the termination of an unfinished batch by mutual agreement of the partners. This doesn't happen in competitions.

A ball cut is when the cue ball hits the object ball offset from the center of the object ball.

A rockambole is a ricochet of a ball along several sides.

Your ball - the cue ball is called your ball - the ball that is struck with the cue.

Snooker is a very popular pocket billiards game in the UK. This game uses twenty-two balls: 1 white (cue ball), 15 red and 6 balls different colors(yellow, green, brown, blue, pink and black).

A dry game is the name of a lost game in which the loser did not manage to play a single ball or score a single point. They also say that the batch ended “dry”.

To play with air is to hit the cue ball very subtly on the object ball when hitting.

A heel play is a special case of an apricole where the ball is hit by the cue ball reflected off the board, with the point of the cue ball hitting the ball being on the opposite side of where the cue ball was before the shot. Wagering as a heel in Pyramid and some other types of billiards is now prohibited.

To play with pressure means to put the ball in play with an illegal blow - with pressure. This happens, in particular, when two balls are located close to a pocket and when one of them is pocketed (his or someone else’s), the player pushes it into the pocket.

A point on the table, its purpose is a point on the table indicated by a colored circle with a diameter of 1 cm, pasted at the intersection of two lines connecting the centers of the two corner pockets with the centers of the two middle pockets (the first and third) and the middle of the middle pockets (the second). One of the points is intended for installing the pyramid (third), the second (middle) marks the middle of the table, and the first marks the house.

A triple is when someone else's ball is placed in a pocket when it is reflected during a hit from two sides.

The Ace is the ball labeled 1 (counts as 11 points when playing Russian Pyramid).

The turnnyak is the thick part of the billiard cue. Some people incorrectly call it a horizontal bar.

A touch is any touching of any billiard ball with a cue, hand, clothing, tie, machine, etc. A touch differs from a hit in that during it the ball does not make, or makes a slight forward movement.

A frontal shot is when the cue ball hits the center of the object ball.

A through shot is a hit with the cue ball simultaneously on two playing balls that are close to each other.

The Finnish game is a game of billiards with 16 balls placed in pairs against each pocket, and three balls along the middle line connecting the middle pockets of the table.

Chips is a game, the peculiarity of which is that, in addition to three balls, five or seven chips are introduced into the game. It can be played both on billiards without pockets and on pocketed ones. A variation of the game of chips (or skittles) is Pachecote.

A foul is any violation of the rules of the game of billiards.

A handicap is when one of the obviously stronger playing opponents gives a certain number of points, balls or shots before the game, thereby leveling the level of the partners’ playing class. The name Handicap is also in use.

A fuch is a ball that fell into a pocket unexpectedly, unexpectedly. Hence the expression Fuchsian party, i.e. won by sheer luck.

What kind of game is “Two Balls” - this is a game of two balls, in which each of the partners must put the opponent’s ball into any pocket without assigning it.

What kind of game is "Five Balls" - a game of pocket billiards (60 points), Russian game. Played with five balls: 2 white, 2 red, 1 yellow. A variation of this is five balls with caroms.

What does it mean when they say “Clear” - this expression is used in the game to designate the case when the ball being played does not touch other balls in billiards during its movement.

What does it mean: A ball is visible or not visible - this is the position of the balls on the table at which the aiming point of the ball being played is visible or not visible.

What is considered the beginning and end of a blow - the beginning of a blow is considered to be any touch of the player to any ball on the billiards, and the end of a blow is the moment of removing the hand, cue, machine from the billiard table and stopping the movement of the balls.

What does it mean to kick, kick - this means hitting the side of your ball with a cue unsuccessfully, i.e. casually, so that the ball only moves from its place or rolls in a direction unexpected for the player. A similar blow occurs when playing, as a rule, when the end of the cue is not chalked, when the sticker has lost its roughness (has become greasy), or when the player uses damp chalk.

A ball pocket is when the object ball or cue ball is pocketed by touching another ball.

Stoss is a type of shot in the game of bowling. In this case, the partners take turns making one hit, regardless of whether the pins fall or not.

Effe is a relatively complex hit on the ball, which imparts a certain lateral rotation to the ball in addition to its forward motion.

Brief rules

At the start of the game gaming table There are 15 red balls arranged in a pyramid and 6 colored balls, each of which is located at a certain mark on the table. The white ball (cue ball) is used to hit colored balls. Players must alternately pocket red and colored balls. While the red balls remain on the table, the pocketed colored balls are placed in their positions. The player who scores the most points wins. If the players score (after potting all the balls) the same number of points, the frame is completed with one black ball. In snooker, a “stalemate” situation is possible when hitting the red balls does not contribute to the continuation of the frame. In this case, by agreement of the players and the referee, the frame begins again.

"Price" of balls:

  • red ball - 1 point,
  • yellow ball - 2 points,
  • green ball - 3 points,
  • brown ball - 4 points,
  • blue ball - 5 points,
  • pink ball - 6 points,
  • black ball - 7 points.

Greatest possible quantity points for one series - 147 (without a “free ball”) and 155 (with a “free ball”). A run of 147 points (or 155 points with a free ball) is called a "max run" or "max break". For getting maximum quantity points, the player must pot all the red balls, potting a black ball after each red, and then pot all the colored balls in order of seniority.


  • cue ball- a white ball that is used to hit colored balls.
  • Break- a continuous series of strikes by one player.
  • Screw- giving the cue ball rotation when hitting it with a cue.
  • Double- doublet (putting the ball into a pocket not directly, but when bouncing off the side of the table).
  • Double kiss- double collision between the cue ball and the object ball.
  • Kix- an unsuccessful blow with a cue ball.
  • Cluster- a cluster of two or more balls standing close to each other.
  • Clearance- pocketing balls until the table is completely clear;
    • Total ground clearance- pocketing all (from the first to the last) balls.
  • Cross-double- intersection of the trajectories of the cue ball and the object ball.
  • Cuing- possession (operation) of a cue.
  • Cannon- unexpected or intentional collision of the cue ball with other balls.
  • Miss- failure to hit the target ball with the cue ball.
  • Misskew- impact failure caused by technical defects.
  • Wagering- hitting the object ball not with the purpose of pocketing it, but with the purpose of moving the cue ball into a difficult position for the opponent (if possible, into a snooker state).
  • Frame replay:
    • Re-rack- replay of the frame in case of a “stalemate” situation;
    • Replay in black(English) re-spot black) - when, after potting the last ball, the score in the frame becomes equal, the black ball is placed on its mark and a lot is drawn, according to the results of which one of the players receives the right to strike first. The frame continues until black is pocketed or a foul is committed.
  • Plant- playing the required ball through the ball (rarely through two), which is hit with the cue ball (the player hits the object ball, which hits another ball falling into the pocket).
  • Object ball- the ball that is hit.
  • cutting- the angle at which the cue ball is sent to the object ball.
  • Rest(varieties: spider-rest, rest swan neck) - special device, on which the cue is placed if playing from the hand is difficult or impossible.
  • loose ball- This is the ball that the striker orders as another when the cue ball is snookered (a position where the full size of the object ball is not visible) after a foul.
  • Century- a continuous streak of one player (break) of 100 points.
  • Snooker:
    • the actual name of the game;
    • position on the gaming table when cue ball closed from object ball another ball and cannot reach it in a straight line from both sides. This situation occurs not only in snooker but also in other billiard games, for example in pool (where it is also called mask).
  • Fluke- accidental entry of a ball into a pocket without violation.
  • Foul(or fine) - violation of the rules by a player during the game. When a penalty is announced, the right to strike is transferred to the opponent and he is awarded additional points (from 4 to 7).
  • Frame- one game in snooker.
  • Frame ball- a ball, when scored, the player gains more points than those potentially available on the table. Most often, this ball is the winning ball in the frame, but the losing player has the opportunity to win the frame due to “artificial” snookers and the opponent’s fouls for them;
    • Match ball- frame ball, due to which the entire match is won.
  • English Touching ball - a situation where the cue ball stands together with the ball that can be played by touching it (that is, if the turn to play is red, and the cue ball is in contact with the colored one, and vice versa, a touching ball is not assigned).

Snooker - complete rules

Snooker(English) Snooker) is a type of billiard game. This originated and is most widespread billiards In Great Britain.

Rules of the game



1.1. Standard table
1. Dimensions: The playing surface, enclosed between elastic sides, must have dimensions of 3569 mm x 1778 mm. The permissible deviation for both dimensions is ±13 mm.
2. Height: the height of the table from the floor to the top side of the side (handrail) ranges from 850 to 875 mm.
3. Pockets:
a) The table must have four pockets in the corners and two pockets in the middle of the long sides;
b) The dimensions and shape of the pockets must comply with the standards of the World Professional Canon and Snooker Association.
4. Beam line and beam: The straight line parallel to the front board and spaced 737 mm from it (1/5 of the length of the playing surface) is called the beam line, and the space between it and the front board is called the beam.
5. Sector “D”: Sector “D” is a semicircle, described towards the beam, with a center in the middle of the beam line and a radius of 292 mm (1/6 of the width of the playing surface).
6. Marks: There are four marks on the center longitudinal line of the table.
1) Special mark (black ball mark) - at a distance of 324 mm (1/11 of the length of the playing surface) from the backboard.
2) Center mark - in the center of the playing surface of the table.
3) Pyramid mark - at an equal distance from the center mark and the backboard.

1.2. Balls
1. Balls must have a diameter of 52.5 mm. Permissible deviation ± 0.05 mm.
2. The weight of the balls must be the same. The permissible deviation is:
a) 3 g - in a snooker set
b) 0.5 g - in the set for Canon.
Note: by mutual agreement of the players or by decision of the referee, a ball or the entire set of balls can be replaced.
The length of the cue must be at least 914 mm, and its shape must not differ significantly from the traditional and generally accepted one.
You can use clippers to support the cue.
Note: Players are responsible for carefully installing and promptly removing the machine from the table.


2.1. Frame* (draw)
The frame ends:
1) either after the opponent admitted defeat,
2) either after the last black ball has been correctly pocketed, or a violation has been committed while hitting it.

2.2. Game (game)
A game consists of an agreed number of frames.
* In domestic billiard practice, the concepts of “frame” (draw) and “game” (game) coincide, i.e. a game consists of one draw. (Translator's note.)

2.3. Match (meeting)
A match consists of an agreed number of games.

2.4. Balls
1. White ball - cue ball.
2. 15 red
3. 6 colored balls - aiming balls.

2.5. playing
The participant preparing to make or making a strike is the player and remains so until the completion of the strike or series (clauses 2.6 and 2.12).

2.6. Hit
1. The cue ball is struck with a cue stick.
2. The blow is considered correct if the following requirements are met:
a) at the moment of impact, all balls must be motionless, and the colored ones (if necessary) must be exposed;
b) the cue ball must be hit, not pushed (pushed);
c) when performing one stroke, the sticker should not touch the cue ball more than once;
d) at the moment the kick is executed, at least one foot of the player must touch the floor;
e) the player must not touch any other balls except the cue ball in accordance with clause 6-a;
e) the ball or balls must not jump overboard.
3. The stroke is considered completed after all the balls have stopped and the player, in the opinion of the referee, has moved away from the table.

2.7. Out of the game
1. The cue ball is out of play if it falls into a pocket or goes overboard.
2. He remains out of play until he is put into play by an in-hand stroke or until any violation is committed after the cue ball has been placed.

2.8. Ball in game
1. The cue ball is in play in all cases not falling under clause 2.7.
2. Object balls are in play after fielding and remain so until they fall into a pocket or go overboard.
Note: A cue may be used to set the cue ball if the player, in the opinion of the referee, is not attempting to make a shot. In this case, the cue ball remains out of play, even if the cue stick touches the cue ball.

2.9. Next ball (ball in play)
The next object ball is the one that must first touch the cue ball after the shot is struck.

2.10. Announced ball
A declared object is an object ball that the player announces (or points to the referee) as the next one.
Note: at the request of the referee, the player must announce the next ball.

2.11. Played (pocketed ball)
1. An object ball is considered potted if, after colliding with another ball and in full compliance with these Rules, it falls into a pocket.
2. If a color is played, then it should be placed before the next blow is struck, until it is finally played in accordance with clause 3.3.
If a strike is made with incorrectly placed or unplaced balls and this violation was not recorded in a timely manner, then:
a) the balls that were on the table are considered to be correctly placed,
b) balls that are outside the table are placed after they are discovered.
Notes: 1). The player must ensure that all balls are positioned correctly before striking.
2). Except for special cases specified in paragraphs. 7.3.8 and 7.3.12, the positions of the red balls are never restored, notwithstanding that the offending player may gain any positional advantage as a result.

2.12. Series
1. If the ball is played, then the next stroke is made by the same player.
2. A streak is a sequence of scoring hits by the same player.

2.13. Popped balls
1. The ball is considered to have jumped out if, after being hit, it did not stop on the playing surface of the table and did not fall into the pocket.
2. If a colored jumps out, then before the next blow is struck it is set in accordance with clause 7.3.6.
2.14. Violation (foul)
A violation is any act that contradicts these Rules.

2.15. Mask (snooker)
1. A mask is a position in which masking (not next) object balls do not allow a direct hit with the cue ball on the next feast.
Note: there is no mask if a direct hit is possible on at least one of the next balls.
2. If a shot is made from the hand, then the cue ball is masked only if it is impossible to directly hit the next ball from any position inside or along the boundaries of sector “D”.
3. If the cue ball is masked by more than one ball, then the one closest to the cue ball is called the effective masking ball.

2.16. Lip hold
1. The cue ball is considered to be placed behind the lip of the pocket if the lip of the pocket does not allow a direct hit to the next object ball.
Note: the cue ball is not considered to be placed by the lip if a direct hit is possible on at least one of the next balls. If the cue ball is placed by the lip in violation of the Rules, then
1. the judge states this fact, after which
2. The player can, if desired, strike with his hand from the sector.

2.17. Occupied mark
A mark is considered occupied if a ball cannot be placed on it without touching another ball.

2.18. Pushed through
A pass is an illegal shot in which the cue stick remains in contact with the cue ball:
1) after the cue ball has touched the object ball;
2) after the cue ball has begun to move forward independently. If the cue ball and the object ball almost touch each other, then the shot made at the extreme cut is considered correct.

2.19. Jump
A hop is a shot in which the cue ball first jumps over a masking object ball and then hits the next object ball (rather than the other way around).
Note 1: if the jumping cue ball lands on the other side of the next ball, then the cue ball is considered to have jumped over it, even if it touched the next ball in flight (i.e. the hit is considered as a miss on the next ball).
Note 2: if the cue ball hits the board after hitting the next ball and then jumps over the next ball, then the shot is considered correct.

2.20. Miss
A miss is a shot in which the cue ball, in the opinion of the referee, did not hit the next ball.


3.1. Description
Snooker is played on an English billiard table. There can be two or more players, divided into teams or each for himself.
The winner is the player or team who scores greatest number points, or the one who is awarded the victory in the game. Each player uses the same white cue ball. The 21 object balls include 15 red ones worth one point and 6 colored ones: yellow - 2 points, green - 3, brown - 4, blue - 5, pink - 6, black - 7. Scoring shots are made by playing red and colored alternately until until there is not a single red ball left on the table, after which the colored ones are played in ascending order of their value, i.e. from yellow to black.

3.2. Ball placement
Before the start of each frame, the object balls are positioned as follows:
black - for a special mark,
pink - on the pyramidal mark,
blue - to the central mark,
brown - in the middle of the beam line,
green - in the left corner of the sector,
yellow - in the right corner of the sector,
red - in the shape of a triangle with the top as close as possible to the pink ball, but not close, and the base parallel to the back board.
Note: Positions are usually named by the color of the object ball, eg black mark, pink mark, etc.

3.3. Playing the game
3.3.1. By drawing lots, the participants decide in what order they will play, and this order (except for the cases specified in section 3.10) must remain unchanged throughout the entire frame.
Note: The order of the first strike in each subsequent frame during the same game changes.
3.2.2. The frame begins with a blow from the hand from sector “D”.
3.3.3. The cue ball must:
a) touch the next ball and
b) Don't fall into a pocket.
3.3.4. Not another ball should fall into the pocket.
3.3.5. The following conditions are met:
a) as long as there are red balls on the table, they are the next ones when performing the first hit of each new series;
b) in the case of a scoring strike, the value of each red ball played or a ball declared as red is counted.
3.3.6. If a red is played, then the next ball in play is a colored one. If a color is played correctly, the player is credited with its value, after which the ball is exposed.
3.3.7. The following conditions are met:
a) while red balls remain on the table, the series continues by alternately playing red and colored ones;
b) after this, colored ones become the next ones in order of increasing their value (clause 3.2), which after playing are no longer displayed (except for special cases specified below);
c) if the player fails to make a successful shot, then the opponent entering the game plays from the place where the cue ball stopped.
3.3.8. If there is only one black ball left on the table, the frame ends after the first hit or foul, unless the score is then tied, in which case proceed as follows:
a) black is displayed,
b) by drawing lots they determine who will make the next blow,
c) the game continues with a blow from the hand from the sector,
d) the frame ends after the first successful hit or foul.
Note: If there is an aggregate score in a set or match, the above rule only applies if the score is tied after the end of the last frame.
3.3.9. The player must, to the best of his strength and ability, try to hit the next ball. Otherwise, the judge declares a mistake.
Note: if it is impossible to hit the next ball, it is considered that the player is trying to hit it.

3.4. Hand strike from the sector
The hand shot is made after placing the cue ball inside or on the border of sector “D”. Note: If necessary, the referee must answer the question of whether the cue ball is positioned correctly.

3.5. Hitting the cue ball into two balls at the same time
The cue ball must not hit two balls at the same time, unless both balls are red or one is free and the other is regular.

3.6. Exhibiting Coloreds
3.6.1. If it is necessary to place a colored ball, but its own mark is occupied, then it is placed on the free mark of the highest value.
3.6.2. If more than one color is fielded and their own marks are occupied, then priority is given to the ball of higher value.
3.6.3. If all the marks are occupied, then the color one is placed as close as possible to its own mark on the side of the rear side.
3.6.4. If, in the case of black or pink, all the space on the longitudinal line between its own mark and the back board is occupied, then the ball is placed on the longitudinal line as close as possible to its own mark from the front side.

3.7. Balls touching
3.7.1. If the cue ball touches another ball, which is or may be the next one, then the referee determines the contact of the balls.
3.7.2. In this case, the player must strike away from him, otherwise he will be pushed through.
3.7.3. There is no penalty for hitting away from the ball if:
a) the ball is not another,
b) the ball is next, and the player announces it, or
c) the next ball, and the player announces and strikes another ball.
Note: if, in the opinion of the referee, the ball in contact has moved from its place for reasons beyond the control of the player, then no penalty will be imposed.

3.8. Ball hanging on the edge of a pocket
3.8.1. If a ball falls into a pocket without colliding with another ball, it is restored to its original place.
3.8.2. If the hanging ball could have been hit by any other ball that had started to move as a result of the blow, but fell into the pocket before colliding with it, then all the balls are restored to their original positions and the blow is repeated again. If a violation is committed, then a fine is imposed on the player and all balls are restored to their original positions (except for the case specified in clause 3.10c).
3.8.3. If a ball pauses for a moment on the edge of a pocket and then falls into it, it is not recovered.

3.9. loose ball
3.9.1. If the cue ball is masked after a violation, the referee declares a free ball.
3.9.2. If the opponent takes the hit in this case, he can declare any object ball to be the next one.
3.9.3. When performing this strike, the announced ball (in all respects except clause 3.9.5a) is considered as another and is equal to it in value.
3.9.4. The rules are considered violated if:
a) the cue ball did not touch (first) the free ball,
b) after the strike, the cue ball turned out to be masked by a free ball (except for the case when only pink and black remained on the table).
3.9.5. If the free ball is played then
a) he is exhibiting,
b) the player is credited with the cost of the next ball.
3.9.6. If another ball is played, its value is counted.
3.9.7. If both a free ball and a regular ball are played, then only the value of the next ball is counted (except for the case specified in clause 3.3b).

3.10. Violations
3.10.1. If a violation is committed:
a) the referee immediately calls a foul and, after completing the kick, announces a penalty;
b) if the referee did not record the violation, and the opponent did not declare it before the next blow, then it remains without consequences;
c) all incorrectly placed balls remain in their places, and those not placed are put out;
d) when imposing or claiming a fine, all previously scored points are taken into account;
e) the next shot is made from the place where the cue ball stopped.
3.10.2. If several violations are committed during the execution of one blow, then only one, but the maximum penalty provided for the most serious violation, is imposed.
3.10.3. a) The player who committed the violation is subject to a fine as provided for in the Rules, and penalty points are added to current account opponent;
b) in addition, at the request of the opponent, the offender is obliged to make the next blow;
c) if the Rule set out in clause 3.3 is violated, then at the request of the opponent the offender is obliged to strike from the starting position.

3.11. Fines
For the following violations a fine of established amount, but not less than four points.
3.11.1. In the amount of the cost of the next ball: per strike
a) until the balls come to a complete stop (clause 2.6),
b) on the cue ball more than once (clause 2.6),
c) with both legs lifted off the floor (clause 2.6),
d) out of turn (clause 3.3),
e) incorrectly by hand (clause 3.4), for:
e) miss on all object balls (clause 3.3),
g) the cue ball falls into the pocket (clause 3.3),
h) masking the cue ball with a free ball (clause 3.9),
i) jump over the next ball (clause 2.19).
3.11.2. In the amount of the cost of the regular or corresponding non-regular ball for:
a) another ball falling into the pocket (clause 3.3),
b) the cue ball touches a different ball for the first time (clause 3.3),
c) pushed through (clause 2.18),
d) striking with an incorrectly positioned ball (clause 2.11),
e) touching the ball except with a cue stick when the right kick(clause 2.6),
e) a popped ball (clause 2.13).
3.11.3. In the amount of the cost of the next ball or two balls (whichever is greater) if the cue ball hits these two balls at the same time, with the exception of two red ones or a free one and the next ball (clause 3.5).
3.11.4. A penalty of seven points is imposed if the player
a) violates the Rules after the red is played, but before the color is announced;
b) uses balls that are out of play for one purpose or another;
c) plays red when it’s color’s turn;
d) uses a non-white ball as a cue ball.

3.12. Outside influence
If a stationary or moving ball is disturbed due to any extraneous influence not related to the player, then the referee restores it to its original place.
Note: this also includes the case when, due to some outside intervention, the player himself touches the ball. The player is also not responsible if the balls are disturbed due to any direct or indirect influence on the part of the referee.

3.13. Stalemate position
If there is a stalemate on the table, the referee must warn the players that if the situation does not change soon, the frame will be declared void. After that, it is replayed maintaining the same order of participants.

3.14. Doubles snooker
3.14.1. In doubles play, each pair takes turns starting the next frame. The order of play of the participants is determined before the start of each frame and must remain unchanged during the frame.
3.14.2. Before the start of each frame, the order of participants may be changed.
3.14.3. If a violation is committed, then at the request of the opponent the offender makes the next blow, while the accepted order is maintained.
3.14.4. If the frame ends in a draw, then clause 3.3 comes into force. In this case, the pair that received the right to the first strike has the right to choose the order of players, which remains until the end of the frame.
3.14.5. During the game, partners can confer with each other, except when one of them is the player and is at the table, and also if he has already started his series.


4.1. Slow Play
If a player, in the opinion of the referee, spends too much time on the kick, the referee warns him of possible disqualification.

4.2. Unsportsmanlike conduct
If a player refuses to continue playing or, in the opinion of the referee, deliberately and systematically behaves in an unsportsmanlike manner, then he is considered a loser in the game and is disqualified from further participation in the competition.

4.3. Sanctions
If a player is awarded victory under the conditions specified above, then the offender
a) a loss in the game is counted,
b) the points he scored are canceled, and the opponent is awarded the value of all the balls remaining on the table (eight points are counted for each red one).
Note: If an aggregate score is kept, the offender also loses 147 points for each remaining unplayed frame.

4.4. Free opponent
When performing a kick, the opponent must not stand or move within the player’s field of vision. He should sit or stand at a sufficient distance from the table.

4.5. Absent Rival
If an opponent leaves the competition premises for a while, he can leave behind his representative, who protects his interests and, if necessary, reports a violation to the judge.


5.1. Judge
1. The judge is obliged:
a) make the final decision on all gaming issues and be responsible for strict compliance with these Rules;
b) intervene in case of any violation;
c) if the player is color blind, suggest the color of the ball at his request;
d) at the request of the players, wipe the balls.
2. A judge must not:
a) answer questions not provided for by these Rules;
b) in any way warn the player that he is about to make an illegal shot;
c) give advice or express an opinion about the game.
3. If the referee did not notice any moment of the game, then he can make a decision based on a survey of witnesses who had best opportunity observe what happened.
Note: The judge must answer the question about the difference in points.

5.2. Secretary
The scorekeeper must keep score on the display board and assist the referee in performing his duties. Note: At the request of the player, the referee or scorer may move the light source if any shadow may affect the execution of the stroke.


In addition to existing Rules For players playing in wheelchairs, the following provisions are made:
1. They must remain in a sitting position.
2. They should keep their feet on a footrest or stand at some distance from the floor.
In addition, the judge must help participants who have difficulty installing and removing the machine from the table. Players must inform the referee or appropriate official in advance that they will require this type of assistance during the game.

Like any sport that has more than centuries of experience, billiards has several varieties. More precisely, four main types:

1. Russian billiards;

3. Carom;

4. Snooker.

Russian billiards, or pyramid, is a pocket version of the game of billiards, widely known in the world sports community. This is a historically Russian game, which, as Russian billiard players like to say, reflects the essence of the Russian character and requires the highest skill and perseverance from players. This is the most stringent type of billiards game in its rules. Russian billiards is played with large balls in the amount of 16 pieces, 15 of which are numbered from 1 to 15, and the 16th is painted in a different color or marked. The pockets in Russian billiards are quite narrow and require high accuracy of the shot. The table size for this variety ranges from 6 to 12 feet. It is worth noting that Russian billiards has carried its refined technique through the years. Russian billiards, in turn, is classified into several types:

    Free pyramid, or American;

    Moscow pyramid, or combined pyramid;

    Neva Pyramid, or dynamic pyramid.

Pool, or American billiards, is an American pocket version of billiards. Pool differs from its counterparts in having small tables measuring from 4.5 feet, wide pockets and 16 relatively small colored balls. The main feature of the game of pool itself is the rules and technique by which the balls are driven into pockets. Pool has taken a strong position in the hearts of players and spectators thanks to its entertainment and speed. One game in the hands of professionals sometimes takes only a few minutes, which undoubtedly reflects the essence of the American people who strive to extract commercial benefit from everything. The technique of playing pool is quite simple and accessible to all fans of billiards. The pool, in turn, has its own varieties:

    Pool – 7, -8, -9, -10;

    In one pocket;

    Through the ball;

Carom is a type of pocketless billiards that is most common in Europe and its former colonies: South America, North Africa, Indonesia. Carom table small size- about 5-10 feet. The essence of this game is for the cue ball to touch one ball, hit two or three sides, and touch another. This type of billiards game also requires refined technique, thoughtful combinations and the ability to feel the force of impact, rotation and trajectory. The entertainment and intrigue of carom lies in the fact that after each new hit a completely new combination of balls is built on the billiard table. Types of carom:

    Triple breasted;

    Single breasted;

    Open Party;

    Artistic carom;

    Carom with chips.

Snooker is an English version of the game of billiards. Distinctive feature Snooker features wide pockets, large tables and small colored balls. The rules of this game are very complicated. The game involves 22 balls: 15 red and 7 colored. The color of each ball has its own “price”. The pocket lips on snooker tables are different from others and require a completely different playing technique from athletes. The conservatism of the British has preserved snooker in almost its original form. Among most experts and amateurs, snooker is currently considered the most serious type of billiards. This happened because this game requires players to professional equipment And high intelligence. Snooker also has variations:

    Snooker Plus;



    Power snooker;

    With six red ones.

In addition to these four directions, there are about ten more lesser-known varieties of billiards. Such as: Finnish billiards - kaiza, Italian chips, Scandinavian novus, as well as some table games with pins and others.

Russian billiards is a unique game, and there are many reasons for this. The rules of Russian billiards are quite simple, and the game is so exciting and interesting that women and men of any age, social status and religion play it. The game is quite versatile, it must have a steady hand for accuracy, calculation of several moves ahead and slowness, thus billiards is called chess in motion. It is worth noting the great history of this game.

History of origin

Thanks to Peter I, who “cut a window to Europe,” Russia was able to obtain not only unknown products, fabrics, etc., but at the same time people learned about such a game as billiards. The game became popular quite quickly, in all social circles. The only thing that caused some discomfort was the inability to purchase a table for Russian billiards, but over time, this problem was also solved. Not only the boyars, but Peter himself loved this game. It is necessary to take into account that billiards was most popular among the military; at that time it was impossible to find a headquarters where there was not a table for Russian billiards. Rumor that a a new game, thanks to which it was possible to develop accuracy and precision, quickly scattered, because of this, neither soldiers nor officers could not live without billiards. Since the 19th century, billiards has become even more popular; it can be found in any public place. Now in any hotel or tavern everyone was interested in the presence of a billiard table.

Varieties of Russian billiards

There are several varieties of this game, and the rules of Russian billiards are basically all the same, but there are slight differences based on the specific type:

  1. American.
  2. Moscow pyramid.
  3. Neva Pyramid.
  4. Classic pyramid, or 71 points.

The differences in the games lie not only in the rules, but also in the purpose of the game.

Differences between types of Russian billiards

In the classic pyramid, the winner is the player who scores 71 or more points in total, which are summed up based on the number of balls pocketed. Before performing a strike, the player must order the ball and pocket where the attack will be carried out. If the rules were violated, 5 points are deducted in favor of the opponent.

The Moscow pyramid is played exclusively on the cue ball. Victory is considered when the first eight balls are pocketed, and those balls that were received during a violation of the rules by the opponent are also taken into account.

To be fluent in any type of game, you need to know the rules of Russian billiards. Free pyramid (American) is played until one of the opponents is the first to pocket 8 balls, while the cue ball can be taken by any ball, just like an object ball. For a violation, the opponent withdraws one ball as a penalty in his favor.

The Neva Pyramid has several similarities with the Moscow Pyramid. The entire game is played exclusively by striking the cue ball, but if the opponent breaks the rules, the second player has the right to choose: he can remove the ball from the table in his favor or refuse to do so and place the cue ball anywhere on the table.

In any case, before you start playing one form or another, you must first consider the rules of Russian billiards in more detail.

If you want to play one of the types of Russian billiards, you will need to become more familiar with the rules of each of them. To begin with, the main thing is to study and remember the provisions common to all.

Russian billiards-American

I would like to pay special attention to this particular type of game, since in modern world If you do not take into account tournaments, this type of billiards is the most common and popular. I would like to say that amateurs who are going to have a good time in the billiard hall give preference to the American one. The game is more dynamic compared to its counterparts. Many professional players also started with this game, as it develops a lot of skills that will be relevant in the future. Russian billiards “American” allows you to develop “putting”, in other words, the ability to put balls into pockets, “one’s own” and “someone else’s”, that is, from the ball and aiming, respectively. Thanks to this, the player improves the effect (giving the ball rotation). Therefore, as the first game to get acquainted with, it will be the best.

Etiquette rules during the game

Since billiards is an intelligent game, it is necessary to familiarize yourself not only with the rules of the game, but also with some rules of etiquette. At any time, the player must remain polite at all times, and must not interfere with his opponent at the moment when it is his turn to make his approach to the table. You also cannot stand in front of the pocket your opponent is aiming at; firstly, it is indecent, and secondly, it can be dangerous, as the balls sometimes fly off the table. When a player evaluates the location of the balls on the table and walks around it from all sides, and at the same time the opponent is aiming or preparing to make a shot, it is best to wait until he finishes his shot and proceed with his own. Billiards does not like to rush, so rather than making any sudden movements, it is best to act slowly and measuredly.

Rectangular table and round ball

Naturally, this game is impossible without a table. The size of the table for Russian billiards can be of four types: 12, 10, 9 and 8 feet. As for official competitions, they use the maximum big sizes a special cloth with markings is stretched; again, in the case of tournaments, only green cloth is used, but now in the billiard room you can find red, blue and even white covering.

In fact, the size of a table for Russian billiards is not that big. important information for the player, so it's worth going directly to the pockets and balls. The balls used for the game are only a few millimeters smaller in diameter than the width of the pocket. They are difficult to score, which makes the game really interesting.

The game consists of a set of 16 balls, 1 of which is a cue ball, differs from the rest in its color, each is numbered, except for the cue ball. The game begins with the fact that, using a triangle, it is necessary to install the pyramid so that its base becomes parallel to the short side, while its top must be at a specially marked point. The cue ball is placed in the “house”, this is a special area marked with a transverse line.


The rules of Russian billiards state that the right to strike first is assigned to the player who wins the game. The essence is this: both opponents stand near the short side, thus the table is conditionally divided into two longitudinal halves. After which the players must take a shot from home, and the opponent whose ball, after being reflected from the backboard, is closest to the sky, wins. There are several nuances. If the ball did not touch the board or touched, but it was a side board, rolled onto the opponent’s half, fell into a pocket or behind the Russian billiards table, then such a draw is considered lost.

If both opponents violated the conditions, then it is played again, the same is done in the case of the same removal of the ball after touching the board. When the winner is determined, he has the right to choose whether he will break the pyramid first or give this opportunity to his opponent, then the first blow takes place alternately. As for the drawing, the rules of the Russian pyramid in billiards and all other varieties of the game indicate the absolute identity of all conditions.

First hit

The first hit is carried out exclusively with the cue ball, while it can be moved around the “house”, but cannot be hit from the lowest point, since the rules of Russian billiards (American, Moscow, Neva pyramids) say that in this position the cue ball is considered “outside” areas of the house." The shot is considered completed when the cue stick touches the cue ball. A strike is considered successful if

  • the object ball hits the pocket;
  • if three balls from the pyramid touched the sides;
  • touching two balls on the side and one rolling in the middle of the table.

If these conditions are not met, the opponent has the right to continue the game or transfer the right of move to the opponent.

Cue for the game

It is customary to choose a cue for Russian billiards individually, based on personal preferences and physiological qualities. Amateurs and professionals of this game prefer to have their own cue in their arsenal. It is worth noting that this pleasure is not cheap, but a high-quality cue does not necessarily have to be made of expensive wood.

A good cue for Russian billiards should have optimal weight, length and balance. Also, depending on what type of wood the cue is made of, you should pay attention to its vibration after the strike. It is imperative to evaluate its straightness and absence of defects.


Fines are an integral part of any game, so you need to thoroughly study all the rules of the particular game you are going to play so as not to accidentally commit a violation. But there is a certain set of mandatory rules, for violation of which a fine is imposed.

A strike can only be made when all the balls on the table have stopped moving; rotation in place is also considered movement. The strike must be carried out very clearly, without additional shocks or accidental contact with other balls. In the case where the object ball is located at a distance less than ½ the radius of the ball, it must be struck at a 45-degree angle relative to the central axis of the cue ball. After hitting the object ball, the cue ball must either stop in place or roll back. A ball that falls into a pocket as a result of a targeted attack is considered pocketed if the rules were not violated when pocketing it, otherwise a violation is recorded and the turn goes to the opponent.

Popped up ball

Separately, I would like to talk about a ball that leaves the table during the game, for example, stopping the ball on the board or returning it to the table after being reflected from any foreign object. A ball can be considered in play if it touches the side and returns to the table. The placement of balls that have left the table depends on the specific type of game.

Whatever you say, one of the most popular games Russian billiards was and remains. The size and scope of some tournaments are simply off the charts. Modern parents prefer to send their children to this sport from childhood, so by the age of 16 they already have a lot of experience behind them and a lot of victories in prestigious competitions. Billiards cannot be called the cheapest sport, but if desired, there are now a large number of schools and private teachers who can provide quality lessons for a reasonable fee and are capable of raising more than one champion. If there is a desire, there will always be an opportunity!