The best photo translators for iOS, Android and Windows Phone. The best photo translators for iOS, Android and WP

Greetings, dear readers of the blog site! Probably many of you have encountered the need recognize text from some scanned document, book, photograph, etc. As a rule, for a large volume of text recognition from documents, special and rather expensive programs (OCR) are used. But in order to recognize a small number of pages of text, it is not at all necessary to buy an expensive application. There is a well-known free text recognition program, which I already wrote about - CuneiForm. It is simple and convenient, but it must be installed on your computer.

And if the need for text recognition from documents does not arise so often, then it would probably be more logical to use a special online service om who recognizes text for free or for a symbolic amount. You can find dozens of such services on the Internet. And, each service, as a rule, has its own pros and cons, which can only be determined by the user himself.

For readers of my blog, I decided to make a small selection of online services where you can recognize texts from documents different formats.

The choice was made based on the following criteria:

The text recognition service should be free.

The number of recognized pages of text should be unlimited, and if there are minor restrictions, then they are not related to demonstrating the quality of document recognition.

The service must support Russian text recognition.

What service recognizes texts better, and which is worse, it’s up to you, dear readers, to decide. After all, the result obtained after text recognition depends on many factors. This may depend on the size of the source document (page, photograph, drawing, scanned text, etc.), format and, of course, the quality of the document being recognized.

So, I got six services where you can engage in text recognition online without any special restrictions.

In first place I put the Google Drive service, where you can do online text recognition, only because this resource is in Russian. All other “bourgeois” services are in English.

Seven services where you can recognize text online for free.

Google Drive

Registration is required here if you do not have your own Google account. But if you ever decide create your blog on blogspot, then you already have an account. It can recognize PNG, JPG, and GIF images and PDF files up to 2 MB in size. IN PDF files Only the first ten pages are recognized. Recognized documents can be saved in DOC, TXT, PDF, PRT and ODT formats.

OCR Convert.

Free online text recognition service that does not require registration. Supports PDF, GIF, BMP and JPEG formats. Having recognized the text, it saves links as URLs with the TXT extension, which can be copied and pasted into the file you need. Allows you to upload five documents up to 5 MB at the same time.


Registration is required for this online service. Supports OCR documents in TIF, JPEG, PNG, BMP, GIF, PBM, PGM, PPM formats. You can upload a document up to 10 MB without any restrictions. The resulting recognition result can be downloaded to your computer in the DOC extension.


In my opinion, the most serious and excellent online service that does not require registration. Without restrictions, you can recognize almost any graphic files for free. Upload several pages of text at once in TIFF, PDF and DjVu formats. Can recognize texts from images in DOC files, DOCX, RTF and ODT. Select and expand the required area of ​​page text for recognition. Supports 58 languages ​​and can do text translation using Google translator online. You can save the obtained recognition results in TXT, DOC, ODT, RTF, PDF, HTML formats.


Allows you to perform text recognition from 15 images in one hour without registration and for free. maximum sizes 4 MB. You can extract text from JPG, JPEG, BMP, TIFF, GIF files and save the result to your computer in the form of documents with the MS Word (DOC), MS Excel (XLS) extension or in TXT text format. But to do this you will have to enter the captcha every time. Supports 32 languages ​​for recognition.


An online service for free text recognition that does not require registration. But to get the result you will need to enter a captcha. Recognizes PDF files and JPG, GIF, TIFF or BMP images one page at a time. There are restrictions on recognizing no more than 10 documents per hour and the image size should not exceed 5000 pixels and a volume of 2 MB. The recognized text can be copied and pasted into a document of the desired format.


When recognizing texts on this online service, it is recommended that the image files be High Quality in JPG format (although it accepts other formats for recognition). You can recognize only five pages of text per week, and save it on your computer in DOC, PDF, RTF and TXT formats. Additional pages are recognized only as “bourgeois piastres” and you must register.

I hope these online text recognition services someone will be able to ease the laborious process of typing texts by hand. One way or another, these services are useful. And which one is better or worse, everyone will determine for himself.

I will be waiting for your feedback. And if any of the readers liked this selection of text recognition services, I would be very grateful to those who share the link to this page with their friends. And you and your friends will have LUCK!

At the end of this article, I would like to wish everyone well-being and success.

Not all of us have the opportunity or talent to study several foreign languages, but when visiting new countries, making acquaintances or getting a job, you cannot do without these skills. To make life easier for its users, Google has released a photo translator - an addition to Google Translate - Word Lens. This mobile application translates text from a photograph, picture or other images with text. Google Photo Translator takes a photo and translates it into one of the 38 most common languages ​​in the world.

How to use Google Translate as a text translator with photos?

First of all, install the Google Translate application with Word Lens; you do not need to download Word Lens separately, it is already built into the Google Translate application.

Download Google Translate for free and after that you can translate text from photos.

To use the Google Translate application as a photo translator, you need to launch the application, allow access to the camera on your mobile phone, point the smartphone camera at a picture with, for example, English or German languages. This is all. The online application will translate the text in the picture and display it to you. At the very beginning, when the application was first released, only a few languages ​​were available (Russian, English, French, Spanish, German and Italian), but now this list has been expanded to 38 languages, including the following translations:

  • from Portuguese to Russian;
  • from Japanese to Russian;
  • from Chinese to Russian,
  • from Arabic to Russian;
  • even from Ukrainian to Russian;
  • from Croatian to Russian;
  • from Danish to Russian;
  • from Mongolian to Russian;
  • from French to Russian;
  • and so on

But the developers of the photo text translator do not intend to stop there either. It is worth noting that all users were waiting for the release of simultaneous translation. They promise to further improve translation from pictures in real time so that it takes no more than a couple of seconds. Other features of the program are highlighted:

  • users can hear how the text from the translated language sounds;
  • synchronization with other applications and social media. networks;
  • work offline, but only for iOS. To do this, you need to first download the dictionary to your phone;
  • translation into simplified Chinese.

What does translating text from a photo with Google Translate look like in action?

The only negative is that translating text from a photo containing a handwritten test is difficult because it is difficult for the application to recognize it. Now you can only work in pairs with the English language, but later you can choose sets of languages ​​yourself. In Google Translate, for communication, you currently have to enter and translate text one by one, but they promise to change this, and then languages ​​will be detected automatically, which will also be applied to Word Lens.

In the video you can see the principle of operation of the mobile application - translator with photo:

Let us remind you that previously you had to pay money to buy languages ​​for translating text from photographs, but after purchasing Quest Visual, any linguistic set became free, although not for long. Therefore, you should quickly download Google Translate from Word Lens to your phone if you are going on a trip and your English, Spanish or French is not good.

From personal experience of using an online photo translator

Quite recently I went on a trip to Hungary. The Hungarian language itself is very difficult, and Hungarians are in no hurry to learn English. Therefore, the application often came to the rescue, especially in the store, when choosing goods and souvenirs. A small life hack— I recommend uploading the dictionary to the application in advance so that you can translate text from photos without the Internet (offline).

The thought came to me that how much the world is improving. Of course, knowledge of languages ​​in itself is useful and necessary, but thanks to new technologies, this knowledge is not something unique. And if you look 10-20 years into the future, I see a picture where not only texts from photos and images are translated online, but also voices. When will the profession of translator be transferred to robots or such applications based on the first text in the photo, and they will still have to look for a new use for themselves. Alas.

Translation of voice or sound online

Among other things, the Google Translate application supports voice translation. So, while traveling, you can speak into the application in your language, and it will translate into the desired one and vice versa. The world is changing.

Help in learning a foreign language

I thought that the article would not be complete if I did not recommend applications that would help not to use all kinds of online translator ami with a photo or image, you will simply understand the words immediately. The application is as simple as possible. You learn only 10 words a day.

Easy Ten - 10 words a day - that's 70 new words a week, 300 new words a month, 3650 new words a year. At the same time, a native speaker uses an average of 3,000 words in everyday life.

And finally start learning 10 words a day. That's 5 minutes a day!

That’s all for sure now :)

Many of us have an endless passion for travel and mostly we have a need to translate from in English into Russian. We want to visit new cities and countries, get acquainted with other cultures, communicate with many new and interesting people. Of all the barriers that prevent us from fully receiving new, vivid impressions from the trip, language barrier is one of the most important. Our inability to understand speech that is foreign to us becomes a significant obstacle to communication, which inspires us to search for ways to, if not eliminate, then at least smooth out this deficiency. One of these methods is the use of auxiliary programs that turn our smartphone into a fast and convenient translator and interpreter. writing. IN this material I will look at one of these mobile programs - “Translator from Google”, which allows you not only to perform the usual oral and written translation, but also to translate the text on the photo we have. But first things first.

Google launched its web translation service back in 2006, and a few years later mobile forms of the translator for Android and iOS saw the light. At first, the application was criticized for its rather rigid, “machine” translation text, limited opportunities and unstable functionality. But the constant work carried out by the developers to improve the capabilities of the application, as well as the transfer of the translator engine to “GNTP” (neural machine translation) in 2016, significantly improved its position, and now this tool is not only one of the most popular, but also one of the most reliable.

An important step In the development of the application, Google purchased the company “Quest Visual” - the developer of the mobile application “Word Lens”, which allows you to translate any foreign text using a camera. Google first made the mentioned program free, and then included it in the functionality of its translator, who learned not only to translate written and spoken speech, but also to translate using a mobile phone camera.

How to use Google Translator

The translator's capabilities allow you to use your smartphone's camera to translate text in real time, as well as translate text from a photo you've already taken.

To take advantage of the translator's capabilities, first of all, download it to your gadget (Android or iOS).

After launching, select the language from which the translation will be performed on the top left, and the language into which the translation will be performed on the right.

  1. To translate using a camera, click on the corresponding camera icon in the program menu on the left.
  2. Then point your phone camera at the text you need to translate, and you will almost immediately see its translation on the screen of your device.

Visually it looks something like this:

The second option Translating text from a photo involves taking a photograph and then translating the foreign text on it.

You can also translate text from English into Russian (for example) from an image already on your phone. To do this, you need to launch the application, click on the mentioned camera button, and then tap on the picture button to the left of the red bottom button (this will allow you to select a photo from the phone’s memory).

Other features of the translator allow you to use voice translation (a button with a microphone image), as well as text (a button with a snake image).

Is it possible to use image translations on a PC?

The best way to do this on a computer is to use . Google version translator on a PC in the form of the popular network service does not allow processing of photographs with further translation of the text on them. Because alternative option is to use any Android emulator for Windows OS, which allows you to install this application on your computer and subsequently use its capabilities.

  1. Install one of the popular Android emulators on your PC (for example, Bluestacks 2 or Nox Player).
  2. Launch the emulator, log in, enter your Google account information.
  3. Then use the search to find Google Translator and install it.
  4. After that, find its icon on the emulator desktop, click on it, and use its capabilities on your PC (as far as it is functional).

Alternative solutions are to use a number of stationary programs at the “Screen Translator” level (you select a part of the screen with text, and the translator performs its translation). “Translator”, “Photron Image Translator” and other analogues that allow you to translate text from an existing image into the language we need.

The capabilities of “Photron Image Translator” claim to translate text from an image loaded into the program


The capabilities of Google Translator allow us to quickly translate the text we need by simply pointing the camera of our smartphone at such text. Other features of the application include the translation of text on a photo already in the device’s memory, as well as the usual voice and text translation. If you are looking for alternatives to such a translator on a PC, then I recommend trying the stationary alternatives listed above, which in some cases are not inferior to their mobile counterpart.


Today, all modern smartphones are equipped with fairly high-quality cameras that are capable of not only taking ordinary photographs, but also significantly simplifying other important operations, for example, creating electronic versions of printed documents or quickly translating text from a photo. But in order to do this, you need to install some applications, which will be discussed in today’s article.

How to translate text from a photo on a smartphone and tablet?

Today on the market there are Cell phones and tablet computers on various operating systems, so for convenience we will consider several options for different platforms.

A program for translating photos on Android smartphones

IN Play Market You can find many applications that allow you to recognize text in a photo, but only a few of them really do their job well. And one of the most popular and convenient applications– Google Translate, which allows you to translate text directly from a photo. To use it, simply download and install it, then launch it and select the mode for photographing the object. The program will independently activate your smartphone’s camera, all you have to do is take a photo (of a sign, sign, advertisement, etc.), and the application will translate its meaning from the original language to the user-specified one.

Similar in functionality is the Abbyy TextGraber+Translator application, which allows you to select one of 60 translation directions, recognize photographed text, translate it, and save it in a user-friendly format.

Text translation program for iOS devices

Today in the AppStore you can also easily find many programs for translating text from an image, but the most convenient and popular can be called Lingvo Dictionaries - a photo translator that can easily cope with the recognition of photographed text, but it is important to consider good lighting and the correct shooting angle. An extensive database of dictionaries allows you to select up to 30 translation directions. It is also worth paying attention to the simple and convenient free photo translator Photo Translate, which has modest functionality, but does an excellent job of converting text from an image and translating it. It is important to remember that this program only works online, and without an available Internet connection you will not be able to translate anything.

As an alternative for tourists who actively travel around different countries, the iSignTranslate application is perfect, the main task of which is to correctly and quickly translate various road signs, signs and advertisements on a smartphone in real time. In the basic version, only 2 languages ​​are available - English and Russian, the rest can be downloaded for an additional fee. Third-party online services are used for translation, so it is important to have a stable Internet connection.

A program for translating text into photos for the Windows Phone mobile platform

Use the Translator program, which can be downloaded completely free from the store Windows Phone. By installing it on your smartphone, you will get all the basic functionality of a photo translator. Distinctive feature The program can be called its ability to overlay already translated text on top of the original photo. The function is quite new and not always convenient, so the user has the opportunity to disable it.

That's all. We hope that now, when you are getting ready to travel, you will not forget to download the most suitable application for you to translate text from a photo and navigate your new country without any problems.

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