Love horoscope: how Zodiac Signs show feelings. How different zodiac signs show their love

Love horoscope will help you choose your soul mate and build a relationship.

Aries (March 21 – April 20)

Aries They cannot imagine their existence without love. Aries in love for the sake of own feelings ready not only to move mountains, but to turn the whole world upside down.

Love for Aries is an exciting adventure in which the fullness of emotions is clearly and unbridled. Aries does not even allow the thought of betrayal, therefore, while he is in love and the feeling captures him completely, he will not look not only for romantic adventures on the side, but also for frivolous flirting.

Aries, who is straightforward by nature and believes in love at first sight, will never hide his feelings. What he values ​​most in partners is tenderness and care.

If you encounter misunderstanding on the part of a loved one belonging to this zodiac sign, do not despair. Try to be patient and resourceful in your relationship, surround him with care and attention - and you will see how the results will exceed expectations.

Aries feels most comfortable in love relationships with representatives of the fire elements - Leo and Sagittarius. The strength of the union in this case will be based on similarities in character traits and mutual respect. Slow Cancer can hardly find mutual language with a lively and energetic Aries. Relationships can be destroyed by petty quarrels and understatement.

Taurus (April 21 – May 20)

For the romantic and impressionable Taurus They take love seriously, so many of them pay special attention to choosing a partner. First, they need to become convinced that this is really love, and then that the relationship has a future.

By nature, Taurus are monogamous, so they approach the world of feelings with undisguised caution. A Taurus in love is sentimental and will never forget the day, place and even time of birth of his love. He remembers a lot of romantic details associated with his loved one, and, being partial to music, often associates a certain melody with the object of his adoration.

Taurus does not like to throw money away, but he does not skimp on gifts to his beloved, and he can give them without any particular reason.

Virgos, who by nature are not too demanding and know how to value family ties, are one hundred percent suitable for Taurus as a marriage partner. Taurus will also get along peacefully with Capricorns, who are prone to stability and comfort. The most difficult alliance with Aquarius. The latter is capable of hurting Taurus very painfully with his eternal desire for freedom in relationships and independence.

Gemini (May 21 – June 21)

Twins They are constantly in search of (the best), since they do not feel satisfaction from the present. This trait also manifests itself in love, Geminis can have several partners. The reason for this is inconstancy, changeability of desires.

Geminis love more with their minds than with their hearts, so they look for a good interlocutor in their partner, first of all. If, despite everything, you managed to conquer the heart of Gemini, the world of his sensuality and generosity will open up for you.

The most successful compatibility between Gemini and Leo is the union of two strong people, where there is neither a ruler nor a subordinate. Relationships with Aquarius will also be harmonious. If these two signs find each other, they will never separate. An alliance with Virgo is perhaps the most unfavorable option: she sets too strict boundaries in relationships, and this depresses Gemini.

Cancer (June 22 – July 22)

Cancers are deep, emotional and vulnerable natures. It is these traits that largely determine their attitude of love. For the sake of his beloved, Cancer is ready to do anything. Family traditions They are very important to them, they are revered sacredly and remain unchanged throughout their lives.

In partner Cancer looking for a person with whom he can create a comfortable home. Empty coquetry and flirting are not of interest to him.

Many representatives of this sign find it difficult to face life’s adversities alone, so they need support strong personality, capable of ensuring stability in relationships. Cheating is not easy for Cancer: he understands how painful it is to be deceived in his feelings, and usually does not cause mental pain to his loved one.

Harmonious compatibility is very important for Cancers. Complete mutual understanding can be achieved in relationships with Pisces and Taurus. Aries are too impulsive for Cancers, and this union is unlikely to be successful.

Leo (July 23 - August 23)

For Leos, being in love is a holiday that should last forever. For the sake of a loved one, they are ready to do beautiful and reckless things.

Leo seeks attention and reciprocity with the help of material things: expensive gifts, immense bouquets of roses, travel to exotic corners of the world. In love, he is ready to give more than to receive.

Leos are able to remain faithful and will not allow betrayal even in their thoughts. To save long term relationship with Leo, you will have to convince him that he is the most significant person in your life.

Leo does not manage to build long-term and harmonious relationships with all signs. The reason is imbalance of character. A strong alliance can result with Aries: thanks to their natural intelligence, Aries will be able to play along with Leo’s ambitions and give him the first roles. Libra is able to create a harmonious union with Leo, since they need skillful leadership and will always support any initiative of Leo. Relationships with Taurus are not always built smoothly: conflicts can flare up on the basis of primacy and a leading role in the family.

Virgo (August 24 – September 23)

Virgo They take love seriously and are demanding in choosing a partner. They really value impeccability and accuracy in everything: from appearance and manners to work and career.

Thanks to insight and healthy skepticism, Virgos are not easily misled. They show their feelings more in actions than in words. Feelings and emotions do not like to be shown off. Honesty and moral purity are the accents on which Virgo builds relationships. Virgos are prone to deep emotional attachments and, having fallen in love once, are ready to remain faithful all their lives.

The connection between Virgo and Capricorn has every chance of developing into a strong and long-lasting marriage. The union with Cancer will be integral and harmonious: friendship and love, complementing each other, will create fertile ground for the development of talents and abilities. A successful marriage between Sagittarius and Virgo is very rare. Sagittarians are happy only in the feeling of complete freedom from obligations, and this contradicts the life principles of Virgos.

Libra (September 24 - October 23)

U Libra the need for love and partnership is strong. Representatives of this sign are constantly in search of the ideal. In love, they strive for romance, emotional security and stability.

Libras are rarely caught being fickle. They know how not only to control feelings, but also to manage them. To maintain a relationship with this sign, you should pay compliments more often, try to look attractive, and make decisions for them at important moments.

The union of Libra and Sagittarius is ideal: they are united not only by a strong attraction, but also by a common outlook on life. A marriage with Aquarius will also be successful: these signs understand each other perfectly, they know how to not only support, but also forgive mistakes. Relationships with Cancer can be strained due to the desire to constantly keep a distance in communication.

Scorpio (October 24 - November 22)

Love for Scorpios is the true elixir of life. An all-consuming passion can either understand them to heaven, or plunge them into the very abyss.

Scorpios love strongly and deeply, striving to completely subjugate their partner to their will. A sense of ownership and jealousy towards a loved one are associated with the internal vulnerability of Scorpio. Unbridled and painful passion fully manifests itself under the influence of love shocks.

Scorpios do not like easy flirting; what is important to them are sensations that capture both the heart and soul. They intuitively feel sincerity and deceit in people, so they rarely make mistakes in their choice.

The ideal partner for Scorpio is Cancer, as these signs have similar temperaments and easily find a common language. An alliance with Capricorn is also favorable: a realistic outlook on the world and the ability to achieve common goals will serve as the key to a long, happy and harmonious marriage.

Relationships with Aquarius are problematic due to differences in temperament and views on the world around them.

Sagittarius (November 23 - December 21)

Sagittarius loves passionately and selflessly, so she often commits reckless acts for the sake of her loved one. Sagittarius is characterized by inexhaustible warmth and generosity; he does not skimp on manifestations of love.

Representatives of this zodiac sign will not seek reciprocal feelings: if Sagittarius feels that there is absolutely no reciprocal passion for him, he will never humiliate himself and beg for love.

In a partner he values ​​friendliness, devotion, optimism and strong life principles. To maintain a relationship with Sagittarius, you should share not only his interests, but also recognize the right to freedom and independence.

The sign with which Sagittarius can build a strong and long-lasting alliance is Aquarius. With him, Sagittarius can have both good friendly relationships and close love ones. A romantic relationship with Pisces may be unsuccessful. These signs have few common points of contact, so they are unlikely to become truly close people.

Capricorn (December 22 – January 20)

Capricorn– a sign inhabited by success and success in love is no exception. Choosing a partner for this sign is a very serious process. Capricorn will never allow himself to become emotionally dependent on his partner. The most optimal relationship for him is one of equal rights: with a person of the same social status, age and material wealth.

Capricorn is attracted by external restraint (even coldness), as well as the ability to maintain a conversation on serious topics. Representatives of this zodiac sign are very sensitive and vulnerable, so they are afraid to let even a loved one into their inner world.

Between Capricorn and Taurus it can easily arise mutual sympathy, which will later develop into close relationships, and subsequently into true love. They will always be interested in being together, because they are made for each other. Difficult relationships can develop with Leo, since Leo is completely absorbed in himself and is sensitive to the successes of others.

Aquarius (January 21 - February 20)

Love and romantic relationships for Aquarius is an exercise for the mind in which reality and fantasy are intertwined in an incomprehensible way.

At the beginning of a romance, Aquarius may gravitate toward superficial relationships and prefer to be a good friend, and only then a lover. He is constant: if he experiences a feeling of attachment, then, as a rule, it is serious and for a long time.

Representatives of this sign are not prone to flirting and casual relationships. If your lover is an Aquarius, you need to remember that intellectual communication is the basis of your relationship.

Aquarius can achieve complete harmony with Sagittarius. Mutual understanding will also reign in relations with Libra. Aquarius will give Libra confidence, and in return will receive support in all endeavors. Not only a love union, but also any contact in principle is extremely undesirable with Taurus. It is very difficult for representatives of this zodiac sign to achieve mutual understanding. Frequent quarrels and scandals can ultimately lead to a breakdown in relationships.

Pisces (February 21 - March 20)

Fish created for love, they value not only the physical component of this feeling, but also the spiritual aspect. Plunging headlong into a fountain of emotions, Pisces firmly believe that this love is the real one, the one they have been looking for all their lives.

Representatives of this sign are full of sympathy and therefore risk mistaking the desire to help and provide emotional support for love. They do not like sharp edges in relationships and tend to hide unpleasant facts.

Pisces are not used to fighting for love. If a rival appears, they will simply step aside and suffer alone.

Cancers are a perfect match for Pisces; these signs subtly sense each other’s experiences on an intuitive level, guess hidden desires and readily fulfill them. People of these signs are always ready to understand, accept and forgive. Virgos are not a suitable match for Pisces. Restrained in the external manifestation of feelings, Virgos can bring complete disappointment to Pisces.

Each zodiac sign has certain characteristics and, taking them into account, you can quickly achieve the favor of this or that person. In personal relationships, the main thing is shades, psychological nuances. We'll talk about these subtleties


Sometimes Aries walks with his head held high. Aries in love always walks with his head held high, and tries to make sure everyone notices it. Aries are proud of their partners. Even an Aries woman will always let her partner go ahead so that everyone can admire the trophy she has won. Don't expect Aries to talk loftily about love. Aries can speak completely childishly when they know they can count on their partner, but once you turn your back on them, their speech becomes quite interesting. Aries are very proud and do not want their friends to think they have been hit by Cupid's arrow. They prefer to give the impression of self-confident people, capable of keeping everything under control, able to leave their partner, although most likely everything is completely wrong. Aries are very dependent on their partners. Aries' partner may seem rather strange at first glance, but each Aries has a distinct personality and his own taste. Aries does not suffer fools. If he feels that his partner does not meet his needs, then such a union will not last long. If your partner is an Aries, then don't expect him to return home on time, no matter how much he loves you. Aries will find a thousand and one obstacles that prevent him from getting home: he will take the old lady across the road and help her carry heavy bags, and maybe even save the whole world. Aries absolutely loves to stall for time, but there is also a pleasant side to this. They often come home with a pleasant surprise and gift. If it's lingerie, don't be fooled. They bought it for their own pleasure, and not for yours. And don’t be surprised if, during a shopping trip, Aries offers you to buy something that you would never even think of buying. Aries loves you, and you should meet his desires. If you want to keep an Aries, don't resist his passion for life and constant need to experiment. You may keep each other on a short leash, but you should never forget about the character traits inherent in your partner's sign. Aries can be quite tight-fisted, but there is always a reason for this. Aries knows how to have a lot of fun without getting into trouble. extra expenses. A friend of mine, in love with an Aries girl, once told me: “This is wonderful! We know how to have fun even at the bus stop. Now I realized that relationships depend on the person, and not on the places you go with him.” I have told this story many times to my friends who complained to me that their friends never took them to expensive restaurants. Of course, such a story does not make the slightest impression on Gemini, but Pisces and Libra understand perfectly well what I’m talking about.


Even in love, Taurus loves to have fun. This loving bull can sniff for days, or even months, and look for something interesting for himself. In a fit of passion, Taurus begins to speak in a very sexy voice. Let's not remember Greta Garbo, but the sensual lowering of the voice in Taurus is a very significant sign. A Taurus in love eats more than usual. During the first year of a relationship, he may well gain a few pounds, usually around the waist and neck. Taurus are happy to show their partners how great their love is. They buy countless gifts, each of which is filled with deep meaning. Maybe a new set of pots and pans isn't the gift you were hoping for, but for a Taurus it's great way demonstrate your serious intentions and highest degree trust. Don't be embarrassed when a Taurus starts showing their feelings in public, and don't call for help if they decide to hug you in a crowded supermarket. Very soon you will fall in love with such signs of attention that only a person born under the sign of Taurus is capable of. And if you like to talk about sex, then Taurus will suit you for this purpose like no other. In terms of sex, Taurus boils and gurgles like a boiling kettle. But first, you must convince him that your passion and attention for him has not faded since the first date. If you take your eyes off him for even a minute, Taurus will immediately begin to flirt with your best friend. Don't forget to spend money on your Taurus - this The best way prove the constancy of your feelings. A Taurus who tells you in the run-up to Christmas, “You don't have to worry about gifts this year,” is lying blatantly. Don't you dare believe it! Bring an expensive gift and, quite by accident, forget the price tag on it - and your Taurus will literally beam with happiness. The most remarkable thing about Taurus is that, unlike many other signs (and again, let’s not point fingers), he gives himself entirely to his beloved. Accustomed to dominance, Taurus proves his love not with words, but with actions. If you have an argument and your partner still wants to make love to you, you can be sure that your disagreement is not serious. Next week there will be no trace of her. If your Taurus is not paying attention to you, then there is cause for concern. This behavior indicates that he is seriously offended. Try your best possible ways make amends, and then everything will be fine in the bedroom again. If everything I told you doesn’t scare you, then you are destined to be with a Taurus. Marriage to a Taurus is a marriage for life. Just be careful that your family doesn't get too big - unless you want to start a family soccer team!



When Cancers are in love, the whole world should know about it. And not because they shout about their love from every rooftop. Of course not. Just at the first glance at them, it becomes clear that these people are in a state of pure and passionate love. If there are any doubts left, pay attention to their work - on such days everything falls out of their hands. One of the problems that Cancer lovers face is that they try with all their might to assert ownership of their loved one. There is nothing wrong with this if the partner is ready to obey. But if Cancer’s choice fell on an independent person who is accustomed to deciding everything on his own, problems cannot be avoided. Cancer in love becomes lazy. Work in the office and at home seems unimportant to him; he can only think about love. Do not try to somehow influence such a person, it is simply useless. If you want to get some action from him, wait until the first signs of falling in love pass (even if Cancer is in love with you). If Cancer is in love with you, well, enjoy it. He will spend money on you and reveal his life to you as if it were a fascinating book. But don't be fooled. Cancer will never tell you the whole truth. He likes to ask riddles. You will have to work hard on your own. Cancer is ready to give, he will try to fill your life with something new and interesting - both in the kitchen and in the bedroom. If Cancer spent ten hours in stores looking for bamboo leaves and exotic herbs, then you won’t force him to wash the vegetables. And don't forget about it. If you managed to get your hands on Cancer, this is not an accident; your partner probably planned everything in advance. If you have a Cancer friend, don't be offended if he fools you a little. Cancers are always drawn to new people, it’s in their blood. Don't worry, very soon your friend will be crawling on his knees, begging for forgiveness. Cancers always strive for success. This sign develops an interest in love at a very early age. Cancers quickly understand what exactly they want from a relationship and how to achieve it. Even as children, they choose names for their future children! Cancer may scare people away, but don't mind its scary claws. If Cancer doubts your fidelity, you will have a hard time. And you have to excuse your friends for trying to separate you from the charming Cancer grinning behind your back. Living with Cancer has its own difficulties. But he loves love and gives himself to it with all his soul. If Cancer is next to you, you are able to conquer the whole world. Other people can only dream of the exquisite massage that awaits you after work. And you just have to love this delightful zodiac sign!


A Leo in love is an impressive sight. Leo demonstrates his conquered partner with the pride of an ancient warrior who returned with victory. And he really wins his trophy in battle. This seductive zodiac sign does not like to receive what itself falls into its paws. First, Leos announce their intentions to the whole world. Unlike water and earth signs, Leos do not try to divide their lives. They prefer to include partners in their own home, work and friendly circles, so that everyone around them can see who exactly inflamed them. Romantic optimism makes Leo immediately talk about marriage, although later he may bitterly regret his indiscretion. It will be good if he manages to take back his words. What if a savvy partner immediately takes tickets to Las Vegas and gets married to Leo in the nearest chapel? If Leo is serious about you, then he will be pleased to see that your financial position stable and reliable. He will definitely want you to completely forget about your previous romantic interests and get rid of any reminders of your former partners. Don’t even think about turning on a CD with your previous partner’s favorite music! A new hairstyle is strong evidence that Leo has entered into a new relationship. Or maybe he ended his previous relationship. A Leo lover will trust you completely. A Leo in love is very trusting. But look at this quality of his from the other side. Of course, it's great to trust another person unconditionally from the very beginning. But if this person turns out to be a complex, nervous Scorpio, then everything may not turn out so rosy. Other signs of love in Leo are a rapid heartbeat and a bright blush on the cheeks. I'm afraid that Leo's friends will have to go into the shadows for a while until their loving friend returns to normal condition. A Leo in love has other priorities - at least for a couple of weeks. No, no, I was just joking. Leo will spend a long time courting his new partner, taking him to wonderful exotic places to create memories that can be enjoyed later. Just don't ask where he got the money for the trip. Didn't you say you're doing well at work?


A Virgo in love talks incessantly about who managed to win her heart. In order to arrange a family nest, she is ready to sell a car, a house and even a fashionable watch from famous designer. Out of jealousy, Virgo may leave no stone unturned from the reputation of another person, accusing him of what is appropriate - from bad smell to unpaid bills. Virgos are not the most jealous of all the zodiac signs, but they can quite stand up for themselves. Virgos in love forget about everything, which is quite strange for a sign with such a chaste name. If Virgo is not going to marry you, don't be angry. A Virgo does not have to get married at all to remain faithful to her partner. If you fail to correctly understand this contradictory sign, you will find yourself in a strange position: just yesterday you were sure that you knew your partner, and today a stranger was next to you. Virgos are very complex and difficult to understand. Although Virgos are characterized by idealism, they remain strict realists. Their judgments are always sober and reasonable. If Virgo says that you could very well spend your life together, it means that she has already thought through everything and spent a lot of time thinking about it. Virgos are very restless people. Don’t be surprised if, after telling you that they love you, they ask you to think about it ten times. This is the only way they can feel safe. Virgos prefer to learn that your tastes differ from their own sooner rather than later. Life is too fast to make mistakes - even if you're only going five miles an hour. I decided to tell you a secret. After sex, Virgos love to wash themselves. Don't take this as an insult. Virgos are very picky. They very quickly begin to consider themselves dirty, so at the first opportunity they want to scrub themselves to virgin purity. That's what they are, these Virgos. Now they can't fool you. When falling in love, Virgos often get sick. If your Virgo colleague called and said that he was sick, and you know that a new girlfriend has appeared in his life, do not doubt the truth of the message. Most likely, your colleague is really sick, and did not decide to spend this day in bed with a new girlfriend. This sign is prone to bouts of melancholy. Dishonesty is alien to Virgos. Passion and strong emotions often lead to illness. I had a Virgo friend who was really allergic to people he didn't like. In their presence, he developed an uncontrollable runny nose. Virgo is a favorite customer at the local pharmacy. A Virgo in love cannot spend the whole day in bed. He or she will definitely get up to make you breakfast and iron your clothes. Those who live next to Virgo know and experience her organizational abilities very well. Even if your Virgo friend just decided to spend the night in your house, when she gets up in the morning, she will make tea for everyone in the household and wash the cups as soon as everyone gets up from the table. And then she will start advising you on how to rearrange the furniture in the kitchen - so you better just run away. The great thing about Virgos is their attention to their partners' lives. If your job is bad, they will tell you to change it. The car won't start? They will find you a great mechanic. Do you want to be convinced of Virgo's love? If he or she holds your hand and kisses you in public, you can be completely sure of their feelings. If Virgo is so confident that she is not afraid to demonstrate to others that you are a couple, then you have managed to seduce Virgo forever.


All air signs love to talk, and Libra is no exception, especially Libra in love. At such moments, they can talk about the object of their passion almost incessantly, extolling the amazing eyes of their chosen one, delicious lips and incredibly beautiful accent. Libras in love turn into Shakespeare, and it is almost impossible to silence them. Unfortunately, young Libras often engage in wishful thinking. They just want to seem like adults. But still, much more often their love is quite real. Libras in love are ready to spend money on their partners, do something nice for them and show their love in every possible way. Libra will support and love you. Libra may seem overly persistent to you, especially if you are not yet ready for sex, but for them sex is a very important aspect of showing the depth of feelings. Libras will readily change apartments, cities, and even countries if it makes their partners happy. Libra's friends can't help but notice how happy Libras in love become. They literally radiate happiness. Libras cannot find happiness alone; they need their other half. Libras in love do not walk, but fly. They listen to recordings of love songs endlessly. They are happy to meet your friends. (But this won't last long. After the first attack of passion passes, they will tell you what they like about your friends and what they can't stand.) Libra will introduce you to their circle, open you to all aspects of their lives. They will solemnly lead you in front of the line of their close friends, and then discuss their merits with you. Libras in love are unstoppable. They continue to flirt, but the best has already gone to you. Having found a partner, Libra gains confidence in life and begins to explore new aspects of life. They want to know about your plans for the future, about your past, about your thoughts. They will dedicate poems to you (though not always romantic enough!). You will find a loyal and sensual lover in Libra. But I advise you to check out his CD collection first!


Scorpio in love - very interesting sign. The confident, happy expression on his face clearly indicates that he has found love, and a contented smile is a sign of physical satisfaction. Scorpio is a passionate and unbending nature, for whom success in love means much more than for those born under another zodiac sign. Even a minor critical remark or inattention on the part of a partner hurts Scorpio and can lead to problems in their relationship. sexual relations . Scorpios constantly need encouragement and support. They cannot make love if they feel that their partner's feelings have weakened. Scorpios in love cannot even imagine infidelity. They are too emotional to betray their partner, because by doing so they will betray themselves. But nevertheless, Scorpios may well use sex to manipulate their partner - after all, it is not easy to find better lovers than them. Scorpio's mood is contagious not only for partners, but also for everyone around them. If Scorpio is in love and has just experienced a passionate night, all he needs to do is look at you for you to understand everything. (And everyone who happens to be nearby, too!) Scorpios are passionate, addicted, sensitive and sensual natures. It's no surprise that Bruce Willis fell in love with Scorpio seductress Demi Moore, a true sex siren both on screen and in life. Meg Ryan has had many hobbies. And Scorpio men are not far behind. Look at Leonardo DiCaprio. Who would have thought that this boyish face would have such an impact on men and women of all ages? Scorpios know no boundaries. Scorpio men are often very attractive to other men, who are willing to treat them with the respect and admiration that this sign so requires. Beware of hurting a Scorpio lover. Scorpios don't forgive so quickly. If there is a strange smell in your home, there may be a very simple explanation. But who put a dirty old sock behind the radiator? Mars, which rules Scorpio, is a changeable and unpredictable planet. Such are Scorpio lovers. If you even dare to think about betraying their love, you will be very lucky if they continue to greet you. Scorpios will easily forget your name if they catch you betraying you. This sign does not tolerate mistakes. Suspecting betrayal, Scorpio will instantly disappear from your life. But a Scorpio in love is ready to do anything to make his partner’s life happy in every sense of the word, including the sexual one. Gradually, Scorpio will open his soul to his partner, and you will learn something that the rest of the world will never know. Scorpio opens up only to those he trusts, and believe me, it's worth earning that trust. Loyalty, magnetism and intuition are the hallmark qualities of Scorpio. But the other side of the coin is the ruthlessness and excessive suspicion characteristic of Scorpio, driven into a corner and suspecting betrayal. A lonely Scorpio can achieve a lot. When Scorpios fall in love, their partner's interests become more important to them than their own. They are ready to give up their entire life's ambitions in order to achieve complete self-realization in a relationship with a partner. And here they do not know half measures. If a Scorpio loves you, he will go wherever you take him. He will demonstrate his love physically, but also spiritually. It is very important for him to find a soul mate - otherwise Scorpio will never achieve complete satisfaction. If you enter into a relationship with this powerful sign capable of deep love, you will not regret it. Look how a Scorpio in love behaves: he is gentle, affectionate, calm (if you can imagine a calm Scorpio). Look at the strange expression on his face. Don't worry: he's more likely to kiss you than knock you out - if your own intentions are honest, of course!


A Sagittarius in love is unable to talk about anything other than his love, which torments and oppresses his friends. When my Sagittarius friends fall in love, I prefer not to see them for a week or two. I'm waiting for the moment when the magic veil falls from their eyes. And even then they will talk about their chosen ones with the ardor of people who have fallen in love for the first time. And they will completely boldly begin to mention words that frighten many people - marriage and rent. Don't worry if Sagittarius asks you to get married, and then delays the wedding for seven or eight years. The obligations have already been accepted, but Sagittarius is never in a hurry to put an end to things. If your new partner has different religious beliefs, try to win him over to your faith. Sagittarius easily agrees to change religion. Sagittarians are always more interested in people belonging to a different religion or culture. Lots of Sagittarians fall in love on vacation, and this is no accident. They are truly ready to pick up and start life in a new place. If you don't speak the same language, it turns Sagittarius even more. Don't get me wrong. Sagittarius are very difficult people, they are difficult to understand. Today they are full of love, and tomorrow they lose all interest in you. Being half human and half animal (Sagittarians are depicted as centaurs), it is not easy for them to be constant. Their plans change even before the ink of their signature is dry. If they love you, they will trust you completely. Use this power wisely. Maybe I'll shock you, but remember that Sagittarius always remains a child and needs a guiding hand. Don't forget this. We all make mistakes, and if you want to be with a Sagittarius, you need to learn to forgive. Sagittarius is not the most practical sign of the Zodiac. In addition, he is not punctual. If they wake you up at five in the morning to give you a rose and give you freshly brewed coffee, don't be angry. Smile and enjoy. If Sagittarius is ready to forget about his family for your sake, do not offend him with your coldness. Sagittarius always strives to go where he feels safe. Try to improve your relationship with his family members and friends, this will benefit your relationship. Think of a child who needs a new toy every week, but who only loves the oldest teddy bear. So is Sagittarius. Become part of his security system and he will never leave you.


A Capricorn in love suddenly changes plans, including a new person in them. Capricorns love to work in a team, so they will be happy to include you in their aspirations. They love sex, and the first months of their life together will be filled with passionate love. Then the time will come when seductive lingerie will be replaced by pajamas and slippers, but do not rush to pack your suitcases - most likely you have managed to conquer Capricorn forever. Once they decide that you are worthy of them, they will immediately begin planning for retirement and other financial questions. They will do anything for you - unless they have to sacrifice their career. Without a chosen profession, they do not feel like people. They work more for reputation than for money. They like to feel like tough businessmen because it brings respect. Don't freak out if they call you and tell you they're working late - they are. These men and women prepare everything in advance - both for work and for leisure. Don't you dare squeeze out toothpaste from the middle of the tube and do not drink milk directly from the bottle. Such an act can turn Capricorn away forever. Capricorns are in no hurry to get married. Even when this important question arises in front of them, do not rush to draw up a guest list. It will be months, if not years, before anything can be said definitively. But all the delays are caused only by the fact that Capricorns strive to achieve perfection in everything and in no case disrupt their career plans. The great thing about Capricorns is their ability to suddenly show off their sense of humor in full brilliance. It’s in vain that Capricorns use this property so rarely. When Capricorns fall in love, they fall in love with all their hearts. They show off their chosen one to everyone, like a wonderful jewel that can be admired, but not touched. Capricorns are terrible owners. The more they are in love, the more childish they begin to behave. Some even speak completely differently, confusing their friends. Fortunately, this stage of their relationship quickly passes. If Capricorn is over thirty, then he can tell you about those who left him in his youth, without waiting for him to talk about his feelings. Despite their characteristic arrogance, Capricorns treat their partners very carefully. They are always ready to protect their chosen one from the blows of fate. Capricorns have a sixth sense and tend to live long lives. They know how important it is to find a person who would go through life with them, listening to all their complaints and demands. A lonely Capricorn may claim that he is happy, but he will not achieve complete happiness until he meets his soul mate. A Capricorn in love is simply irresistible. Life no longer seems like a competition to him. But don't try to play with Capricorn own games. You will only regret it. Be faithful, and Capricorn will repay you handsomely.


Aquarius in love talks nonsense even more actively than usual. Most often, he talks about moving somewhere or changing the world together with the object of his passion. Don't take these words seriously. This is typical Aquarius behavior. Their promises made at dawn love relationship, are not always (or even never) translated into reality. But they are full of good intentions. Aquarians try with all their might to improve the lives of those they love, relying not only on luck, but also on their own talent. The support of a partner helps them climb the career ladder faster. But don't expect to have your own Kazakov in the bedroom just because you managed to marry him. If you want full attention, you'll have to hide the block away remote control TV and put all radios out of sight. An Aquarius in love with you will analyze your entire career and life and advise you on how to improve it. Aquarians are not prone to making hasty decisions, so pay close attention to their advice. But don’t try to repay them in kind yourself. Aquarians hate being told what to do, especially if their lover and partner acts as an adviser. They can only accept advice from higher management, and even then not always. If you are married to an Aquarius, don't expect the first five years to be easy. But there is no need to despair, because Aquarius would never have accepted obligations that so greatly limited his freedom if he had not truly loved you. Despite all his independence, Aquarius, having accepted certain obligations, is almost guaranteed to remain faithful to his partner. This is not a sign that is looking for entertainment on the side. However, the factor of unpredictability cannot be ignored. If you've given your heart to an Aquarius, don't be surprised if you have to move from place to place and even change your country of residence. Follow your Aquarius faithfully and faithfully. An Aquarius who gets married literally falls into childhood. In his new state, anything seems possible to him. Your relationship may be no different from any other, but Aquarius will consider it unique. The need to be different from everyone else is so strong among Aquarians that they are simply unable to overcome it. An Aquarius in love with you will seem interesting, annoying and surprising at the same time. Family life will flow quite normally. Aquarius will immediately want to meet your family members and see your childhood photos. If Aquarius wants to feel like the master of the house, allow him to do so by quietly making decisions behind his back and convincing him that it is he who makes the decisions. If you succeed, your Aquarius will be tamed forever. All broken hearts will be left behind, and strangers will puzzle over whether the eternal bachelor really had to face a stronger nature than himself. The main problem in relationships with Aquarius is that he is always in a hurry to move on to next stage, without thinking about the appropriateness and timeliness of this step. Try to adapt to his rhythm - this is the key to a happy and long relationship. Don't let a great beginning end in a dreary and sad ending. You won’t want to let go of this amazing and beautiful sign so easily.


Pisces do not like to show their feelings in public, but you can expect regular signs of attention from them - flowers or small gifts. No matter how much you love your Pisces, sometimes you will feel like they live on another planet. Be glad that you are so different. You will never get bored with your life together. Pisces understand what is happening in your life much earlier than you do. They will always be on your side if life doesn't go the way you would like. But I do not advise you to enter into disputes and quarrels with them. They always sense the game plan, and it is impossible to deceive them. They seem naive, but this is just a mask. If Pisces is on your side, you will never make a mistake. Pisces men and women love to feel like they are in control of relationships. If Pisces strives to control you, it means she is in love. But Pisces want their partners to be happy more than anything else. If Pisces loves you, they will take part in your life. When you are unhappy, Pisces is also unhappy; if you need change, they will readily change; you start talking and they finish your sentence. Artistic Pisces will draw hearts and write your initials on letters, envelopes, notepads, newspapers - on anything that comes to hand. if you have Email, get ready for a flood of letters and poems. Pisces in love become very romantic, but only in relation to you, and not the rest of the world. If Pisces doesn’t like your family members, I’m afraid they won’t be able to hide it. All their feelings are always written on their face. Pisces don't know how to pretend. But this also has its own the good side. At least you can be sure that Pisces loves you. Pisces in love may try to manipulate you. And you won't notice it right away. Your lover will change his job, home, lifestyle - and all for your sake. And then you will notice that you sacrifice a lot to prove your love. You may not understand it at first, but it will happen. If you don't do this, Pisces will decide that you don't love them. They will probably be able to trick you around their finger. Don't be fooled. Be clear about the facts and real possibilities. And in the end, Pisces will smile and behave like good children. Outsiders can only envy the kind of love that will arise in your relationship.

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Astrology is a great tool that can help you determine certain personal characteristics and plays a big role in who will be compatible with you as a romantic partner. A horoscope is drawn up after studying the relationship between the positions of the Sun, Moon, stars and planets. There is some evidence about how these dispositions influence people's actions and behavior. If you are interested in astrology, you should learn how to find love by your zodiac sign!


This is the first sign of the zodiac, and it is not surprising that such people always value themselves first. Representatives of this sign are leaders and are incredibly impulsive. Aries are real magnets that attract people with their interesting ideas and constantly starting something new. Is it the talent of a leader or the desire to command everyone? Well, you could say it's both. Aries can act rashly and behave quite naively in relationships, and also demand a lot from their partner at the beginning of the romance. People of this sign are strong and independent. They should learn how to open up to another person. If you are an Aries, you should find someone who will provide you with balance, but will also be ready for adventure, for example, Libra or Aquarius.


Taurus are stubborn but amorous people who like exquisite things. Taurus people come in two states: completely relaxed and quiet, or extremely tense, on the edge of emotional and physical capabilities. Taurus do not like to take risks, although if they were willing to try new things, they could achieve incredible success, including in the area of ​​relationships. Representatives of this sign are faithful to their other halves as long as the relationship remains emotionally stable. Representatives of this zodiac sign also know what they want, and nothing will stop them on the path to their dreams. Virgo can be a wonderful partner, because they also need material wealth. Will fit well and water signs, for example, calm and sensitive Pisces.


Geminis usually have a unique personality. This sign has two sides to their personality. Staying close can be difficult, it takes calm person, ready for this. Geminis are great at establishing communication; they need an open and honest partner. Geminis tend to date a lot different people, they can't settle down. When they find the ideal chosen one, they will be happy. Geminis are suited to Leo or Libra.


Cancers can be emotional and overly sensitive. This side of character can be tamed if you pay attention to sufficient quantity attention to emotional well-being. Cancers achieve their goals well because they put all their emotions into their work. If Cancer manages to overcome his shyness and open up to another person, he becomes a wonderful, caring partner. You just need to take care of your emotional health and independence. Cancers are very affectionate. No less emotional and modest Pisces will suit them well.

a lion

This zodiac sign is distinguished by its proud character and stubbornness. Leos never change their point of view. They always want to control everything. In relationships, Leos have to learn to give and take in order to achieve true intimacy with their partner. This is a creative, dramatic sign that loves to be the center of attention. Leos can be quite arrogant, so a partner who is not too sensitive will suit them. They are impatient and love to argue, but they want relationships that are peaceful and harmonious. Sagittarius will be suitable option: laughter and fun in the house is what Leo needs.


Virgos are born diplomats. This is an extremely critical sign that loves to notice the shortcomings of everyone around them. Virgos pay a lot of attention to detail and perfectionism, and they thrive in conversations with people who are less confident in their ideas. This can be a plus, as long as you don't find yourself at the center of Virgo's criticism. Representatives of this sign can be tough, but they are still very sincere and emotional. They should look for a partner who will be more sensitive, for example, Cancer or Scorpio can smooth out the harshness of Virgo. You just have to allow yourself to demonstrate your deep emotions - and a strong union will arise.


Libra is a sign that requires perfect balance in everything, including in a romantic union. If something outweighs everything else, Libra will find it difficult to reach their full potential. They love peace and harmony without getting too involved in the emotions of others. They are very passive and ready to put up with problems as if everything is fine. With an energetic and easy-going attitude, it can work for a long time. Nevertheless, sooner or later problems will accumulate, and everything will end in a scandal. For a happy relationship, Libra should learn to notice their partner's emotions. A connection with a passionate Aries can strengthen Libra's emotional stability.


Scorpios are very loyal and you can always rely on them. Being a friend or other half of a representative of such a sign is always an emotional process. Scorpios don't like being rejected, so they won't chase anyone. If you have already found yourself in the heart of Scorpio, you will always be appreciated, every good deed of yours will be noticed. An offended Scorpio, out of stubbornness, can immediately break off the relationship. Scorpios form a strong attachment, which can be a cause of jealousy. In the company of a faithful and practical Taurus, such a person will be most comfortable!


Restless Sagittarians need independence and the ability to move in any direction they want. Sagittarians love travel and pleasure, which can sometimes make them irresponsible. These are people who can give up on something in a moment. At the same time, such people adapt well to new conditions and love to be in a new place. A strong need to escape means a need for a reliable partner. Sagittarians will be happy with Leos, who love adventure no less.


Capricorns are responsible and calm. They constantly set new goals for themselves and move on. These are wary and reserved people who should learn to behave more openly. Capricorn will only benefit if he understands that he cannot be the best at everything. Capricorns are not very trusting, so breaking down barriers to the heart of such a person is not easy. Faithful Taurus or intellectual Virgo will cope with this task.


Aquarians are like water, they are cold and still. This sign requires independence. Sometimes Aquarians are quite closed and devoid of emotions, but they manage to create a comfortable environment for others. It's very nice to be around them. Such people always want to move in their own way, which guarantees them success. A good match for Aquarius would be open Gemini or emotional Aries.


Pisces can be quite shy, they become attached to other people, which slows down their own development. They focus on inner world, are distinguished by their rich imagination and capacity for compassion. Pisces like to spend time in nature, walking in sun rays. This sign requires a powerful, logical partner. A caring and practical Scorpio will be a wonderful couple, who will help you forget about empty dreams and not live with your head in the clouds. For Pisces, who quickly lose touch with reality, this is very important.

Every person dreams of finding his true love, someone who will fit him like one piece of a puzzle fits another. But few people succeed...

Astrologers have the answer: when choosing a partner, find out if you are compatible according to your zodiac sign!
These are the people you need like no one else. With them there is less chance of making a mistake by entering into a destructive relationship. It seems like there is something in this...

Aries + Aquarius or Gemini

Aries are adventurers by nature. They need a person who will encourage them to constantly change something, then the couple is doomed to success!

Taurus + Pisces or Cancer

Taurus tends to stick to traditional family values, this is a very homely sign. You can conquer Taurus by answering his unconditional love the same coin. With these people you can build a strong and happy union!

Gemini + Aries or Leo

Geminis are rational, they seek stability. At the same time, they don't like being bored! Geminis need a cheerful, perky partner who will make their life brighter.

Cancer + Taurus or Virgo

All life for Cancer is love. But earning the trust of these people is not easy! They will be with someone who never lets you down and loves to work on relationships.

Leo + Gemini or Libra

Generous, romantic and very extravagant sign! Leo is greedy for compliments, and he also loves attention to his ego. An alliance with Leo will bring happiness to those who are used to acting in pairs and do not focus on themselves.

Virgo + Cancer or Scorpio

Virgos seem to be emotionally cold people, but in fact they experience everything very acutely. These people avoid arguments and value home comfort. You can conquer a Virgo with reliability and love, even in situations where a person has made a mistake.

Libra + Leo or Sagittarius

Libras are looking for a very strong partner who will meet their expectations. They stubbornly pursue their goal, and no one can stop them. Being with Libra means always working on yourself and your relationship!

Scorpio + Virgo or Capricorn

Sensual, passionate and witty sign. The main thing in a relationship with Scorpio is to accept him as he is. Also, do not forget that these are very emotionally vulnerable individuals who require careful handling.

Sagittarius + Libra or Aquarius

Love and loyalty are the best gifts for Sagittarius! It’s always good to be with him, he’s a self-sufficient person, and he never takes energy from his partner, he gives more. Sagittarius wants to be appreciated.

Capricorn + Scorpio or Pisces

Practical Capricorn does not want to make mistakes and regret them later. The beauty and sophistication of Capricorn is combined with an amazing adaptability to life. An alliance with Capricorn means that you will not be left in trouble under any circumstances!

Aquarius + Aries or Sagittarius

Aquarius does not tolerate any restrictions and wants his desire for adventure to be shared! These individuals are ready to participate in any adventure in order to achieve bliss in love. Aquarians are attracted to people who honestly open their hearts to them.

Pisces + Capricorn or Taurus

Pisces are happy when they realize that they are loved! These people constantly need to prove that they mean a lot to you. The key to a happy union with Pisces is common interests!