Potassium permanganate for plant health is reliable and irreplaceable. Kuril bush tea: planting and care, cultivation features and reviews

A plant called Kuril tea is a unique natural combination of minerals and substances beneficial to humans. Another name for the culture is shrubby cinquefoil. At first people used it as ornamental plant, but over time they also discovered healing properties. The article will tell you what diseases this tea treats, what contraindications and reviews it has, and show with the help of a photo what the flower looks like.

Description and characteristics of Kuril tea

Cinquefoil grows as a shrub. Some varieties of the flower are quite tall and reach 1.5 m, others do not grow higher than 20 cm. Depending on the variety, the color of Kuril tea can be white, yellow, cream, scarlet or orange. Flowering period: June–October. But a particular bush does not bloom for more than two months.

In the homeland of Kuril tea - Siberia, Central Asia, Far East- it is brewed and drunk instead of the usual one. The phytodrink has a pleasant taste and pale yellow color.

Blooming Kuril tea

People became aware of the healing properties of the plant relatively recently, so they are not yet used on a large scale. Kuril tea little popular outside its native range.

Attention! There are specially bred decorative garden varieties Potentillas. From such plants you can create beautiful composition on the site, but useful substances they have less.

Biochemical composition of Kuril tea

The composition of cinquefoil is very diverse - it contains more than 300 chemical compounds. Among the main ones:

  • vitamin set, especially a lot of vitamin C, which is responsible for immunity;
  • flavonoids that have a beneficial effect on the blood;
  • tannic acids and catechins, which have disinfecting properties;
  • glycosides, mineral salts, saponins, essential oils;
  • in macro- and micro-quantities - iron, magnesium, aluminum, zinc, copper, etc.

Attention! IN medicinal purposes you need to prepare the apical leaves and cinquefoil flowers. In some recipes, the root is used if it is dug up in a place where Kuril tea grows massively. First, the greens are dried in the shade, and then, more intensively, in a heat dryer at 60–70°C.

What diseases is Kuril tea used against?

The main directions of the beneficial effects of the plant on the human body:

  • nervous system;
  • immunity;
  • antimicrobial protection.

Kuril tea is used as a medicinal plant

The drink is also recommended for indigestion and weak lungs. It will help with heart or liver problems. When brewed, tea has expectorant, diaphoretic, hemostatic and astringent properties.

The leaves of the plant are recommended to be taken for the prevention and treatment of seasonal colds. They are also useful:

  • in regulation bleeding and pain relief during menstruation in women;
  • when stopping bleeding (stimulate platelet formation);
  • nervous disorders and stress;
  • with anemia;
  • for skin ulcers and external injuries;
  • during postoperative recovery of patients;
  • in the fight against any bad bacteria in the body, without causing dysbacteriosis;
  • in removing stones from the kidneys or bladder;

Attention! The latter property is especially important in cases where stones in organs are not amenable to surgery.

Contraindications to drinking Kuril tea

Most of the warnings about using cinquefoil for food are common for herbal medicines. In particular, people with a number of chronic diseases should be careful:

  • low blood pressure;
  • urinary tract disorder (if the use of diuretics is prohibited);
  • kidney and liver diseases;
  • incorrect functioning of the bile ducts.

In these cases, to be sure, consult your doctor. Kuril tea is also contraindicated in case of personal intolerance of this plant, during pregnancy or lactation and for children under 5 years of age. It is better for any person to start drinking herbal drinks in small doses, increasing them and listening to see if a negative reaction occurs in the body. For example, if you are intolerant, you may experience nausea and vomiting.

How to prepare medicine from Kuril tea

Brewed tea is the most popular remedy based on this plant. It can also be drunk as a replacement for regular tea. The brew is made at the rate of 1 tbsp. l. dry mixture of flowers and leaves per 1 tbsp. boiling water Use a porcelain container. Leave for about 10 minutes. You can add lemon balm or mint to the brew.

Dried Kuril tea

ethnoscience also uses the following recipes:

  1. Light decoction. 3 tbsp. l. fill the workpiece with 0.5 liters of boiling water. Simmer over low heat for another 10 minutes. Leave for 2 hours in a thermos. This decoction helps with intestinal disorders and internal bleeding. Dose - 50 ml 4 times a day.
  2. Rich decoction. For half a liter of boiling water, use 4–6 tbsp. l. raw materials. Boil the mixture for 15 minutes. You can take this decoction even more often than the light one. It helps well with severe forms of gastrointestinal infections, as well as with throat diseases (for gargling), washing wounds, abrasions or burns.
  3. Root decoction. 1 tbsp. l. pour crushed rhizomes with 200 ml of water. Cook over low heat for 10 minutes. Leave for 2 hours. Take the medicine half an hour before meals, 1 tbsp. l., and it will help you calm your nerves.

People appreciate Kuril tea for its summer taste. It is an element of many diets and really helps with intestinal diseases. People also successfully use it as an external remedy against foot fungus, acne and ulcers, and to neutralize oily hair and skin.

Of all the types of shrubby cinquefoil, the most widespread among summer residents and gardeners in central Russia is Kuril tea or, as it is also called, cinquefoil.

The height of this plant can be from 20 to 150 cm, and the width from 1 to 1.5 m. Fresh shoots of Kuril tea are pubescent and silky, after a while they turn red brown colors. The deep green leaves are covered with thick soft hair. The flowers are large, in most cases solitary, sometimes they can be collected in small racemes. Bright yellow petals make them easily visible and stand out flowering bush from the general background. The color of the flowers of some varieties of Kuril tea can be white and pink.

The brightness of flowering complements its duration. It begins at the beginning of summer and continues continuously until the second decade of autumn. The fruits of this shrub are formed in late August - early September and are assembled pubescent achenes. Fruiting occurs already in the second year after planting and continues annually.

Natural places where Kuril tea grows are bushes, sparse coniferous forests, river banks, rocky slopes. The plant is extremely hardy - it can withstand frosts down to -40 C, while calmly withstanding temperature changes during prolonged thaws, with alternating frosts. Kuril tea bush favorable conditions can grow in one place for up to 30 years.

It is better to plant Kuril tea in an open sunny place. It is in this case that you will achieve the appearance maximum quantity flowers. In shaded areas, the plant will focus on stretching out shoots, flowering will be shortened and will be inexpressive. It is advisable that the landing site be reliably protected from winds.

Kuril tea varieties with white and yellow flowers. The latter are also the most frost-resistant.

It is advisable to cover pink-flowered varieties for the winter, protect them from getting wet and feed them more abundantly. Their flowering occurs somewhat later than that of the yellow-flowered Kuril tea. In dry weather, the red color may not appear at all in the color of the flowers.

Root system cinquefoil is located close to the surface, but it is extremely sensitive to soil compaction. Therefore, do not forget to carefully loosen the soil from time to time (5-10 cm deep), trying not to damage the roots of the plant.

Kuril tea is best grown on light loam. On clay soils drainage should be provided for sandy soils decorative properties plants are significantly reduced.

In the conditions of central Russia, it is advisable to plant Kuril tea at the end of April or in the fall. The depth of the planting hole should be from 50 to 60 cm with a half-meter diameter. It is best to use limestone gravel as drainage (Kuril tea loves a high calcium content in the soil). Bury a hole with a plant planted in it with a mixture of humus, turf soil and sand in a ratio of 2:2:1. Mineral fertilizer must be applied; it is advisable to add 1 tablespoon of wood ash and 150 g of lime. There is no need to deepen the root collar; it is best to leave it at soil level. Between adjacent bushes it is necessary to maintain a distance of at least 60 cm.

If the weather is rainless, Kuril tea must be watered regularly over the next 2-3 weeks after planting. At the beginning of summer, before flowering, the bushes need to be fed with a potassium-phosphorus solution (per bucket of water: 10 g of potassium sulfide and 30 g of superphosphate). Fertilizer should be watered directly at the root.

If the weather is hot and dry outside, spray the shoots of Kuril tea from a spray bottle in the evening, thereby replenishing the low humidity. A few weeks after planting (where watering can be regular), constant watering is abandoned in favor of one-time abundant watering (12 liters of water per bush), followed by mulching the soil with peat or humus.

Plays an important role in the development of cinquefoil timely pruning. To ensure flowering is as abundant as possible and the crown is compact and dense, in early spring Every year the plant is pruned, removing damaged shoots. Once every 5 years, rejuvenating pruning is carried out: in early spring, all branches of the cinquefoil are cut to 15 cm, after which the plant is fed with chicken droppings (1 part of droppings to 20 parts of water) and mineral fertilizers with a high nitrogen content.

The Kuril tea plant in the generally accepted sense is not tea - it is just ornamental culture long flowering, which makes it very popular when grown on personal plots. But in ancient times, the leaves of some types of Kuril tea were dried, brewed and used as a tonic drink. This plant tolerates pruning well and is easy to care for.

Description of types and varieties of Kuril tea

Here you can find photos and descriptions of the most common varieties of Kuril tea.

Kuril tea (Pentaphylloides) is a plant of the Rosaceae family. Another name is five-leaf plant. The plant is sold commercially under the name Potentilla.

Kuril tea Daurian (P. davurica). Shrub up to 0.6 m high. Shoots are bare. The crown is loose, up to 1 m in diameter. The bark is gray. The leaves consist of five oblong leaflets, shiny, green above, bluish below.

As you can see in the photo, the Kuril tea plant of this type has white flowers, up to 2.5 cm in diameter, solitary or in small corymbs:

It blooms for a very long time, up to 100 days, from May to mid-September, profusely. Winter-hardy.

Kuril bush tea (P. fruticosa). Grows on rocky slopes, screes, and rocks. The description of this type of Kuril tea speaks for itself - it is a deciduous shrub, about 1 m tall, with outstretched branches. The crown is spherical, dense, up to 1.5 m in diameter. The flowers are golden-yellow, up to 3 cm in diameter, solitary or collected in small racemes. Blooms from June to August.

"Abbotswood" (Abbotswood). low bush up to 1 m high and a slightly larger crown diameter, up to 1.3 m. It has a dense cushion-shaped crown. The flowers are pure white, up to 2.5 cm in diameter, solitary or collected in small racemes. Blooms from June to October. One of the best varieties.

"Pretty Poly" ("Pretty Polly"). Height 0.6 m, crown diameter 120 cm. Shrub with thin, wide-spreading shoots, dense crown. This variety of Kuril tea has light pink flowers around the edges, dark pink towards the center, average size(diameter 3.5 cm). Blooms from May to September.

"Princesses" ("Princess"). The height of the bush is 0.8 m, the diameter of the crown is 120 cm. The crown is dense, cushion-shaped. The flowers are pink, 3-3.5 cm in diameter. Blooms from May to October.

"Goldteppich" ("Goldteppich"). A low, dense shrub with strong creeping shoots, its height is 0.5-0.7 m, crown diameter is up to 1 m. The flowers are large, golden-yellow, about 4 cm in diameter, bright. Blooms from May to October.

"Goldfinger" ("Goldfinger"). Dense shrub up to 1 m tall. The flowers are dark yellow, up to 5 cm in diameter. Abundantly flowering.

"Darts Golddigger" ("Dart's Golddigger"). Height up to 0.5 m, crown diameter up to 1 m. The crown is dense, cushion-shaped. Decorative primarily due to its abundant and long flowering. Blooms from June to October. The flowers are numerous, golden yellow, up to 5 cm in diameter.

"Elizabeth" ("Elizabeth"). Height up to 0.8 m, crown diameter up to 1.2 m. The crown is dense, cushion-shaped. Blooms from June to October. The flowers are light yellow, up to 4 cm in diameter.

"Red Ace" ("Red Ace"). Dense shrub with delicate creeping shoots, height 0.5-0.65 cm, crown diameter 120 cm. The first spring flowers orange-red, orange-yellow in summer, medium size (3.5 cm). Blooms from June to September, sometimes until October.

In addition to those listed, the following varieties are popular among plant lovers:

  • Primrose Beauty, Kobold
  • "Kobold" "Hopley Orange" and Hopley Orange
  • Pink Queen, Goldstern.

Growing Kuril tea: planting and care

Features of landing. The distance between plants is 60-80 cm. The depth of the planting hole is 50-60 cm. The root system is superficial, but individual roots penetrate to a depth of 80 cm. The root collar is at ground level. For successful care It is recommended to plant Kuril tea in open sunny areas. It stops blooming in the shade. Does not tolerate soil compaction and is demanding on soil fertility.

Feeding. In spring and during planting, apply Kemira Universal from Calculation 2 matchbox. When growing Kuril tea, before flowering, the crop is fed with superphosphate and potassium nitrate, 1 tablespoon per plant.

Trimming. You can trim the shoots once every 3-4 years in the second half of April by 8-10 cm to make the bush compact.

Preparing for winter. In harsh winters, the ends of annual shoots freeze. They are cut off. Plants do not lose their decorative value, since flowers are formed on the shoots of the current year. Adult plants overwinter under the snow without shelter. Varieties with red and orange flowers less frost-resistant.

If you want to grow unusual medicinal plant, which. besides, they will decorate your yard, then shrubby cinquefoil is easy perfect option. This plant comes from Asia, China, Japan, Siberia, and Mongolia. Folk healers in these countries have long used cinquefoil, or Kuril tea, in medicinal recipes. List positive properties Kuril tea can last for a very long time. Thus, once you plant this plant on your plot, you will not only provide yourself and your entire family with natural raw materials for many traditional medicine recipes, but also decorate even the most inconspicuous flower garden or garden plot. In this article we will look at ways to grow Kuril tea yourself, the secrets of caring for it, and also get acquainted with its healing properties and methods of application.

Kuril tea has been known since ancient times. The modern name “Kuril tea” refers to fruticose cinquefoil or bush cinquefoil. He is also mentioned in literary works, and in legends. For example, Ilya Muromets, in order to gain courage before the fight with the Nightingale the Robber, inhaled the aroma of Kuril tea. Another hero, according to legend, was revived by water from a pond around which Kuril tea grew. Popular names for Kuril tea include “moguchka”, “cinquefoil”, “whispering grass”. If you describe appearance of this plant, we can highlight its following features:

  • Kuril tea is an erect, highly branched shrub that belongs to the Rosaceae family;
  • can reach 1.5 meters in height;
  • Kuril tea has compound leaves with 5-7 elongated hairy leaves. Thanks to this shape of the leaves, the plant received the name “cinquefoil”;
  • the flowers are bright yellow. There are more than 30 stamens in the middle of the flower, which gives it a lush appearance;
  • the fruit of Kuril tea is a small nut;
  • Kuril tea blooms from July to August.

Beneficial properties of Kuril tea

Medicinal properties of Kuril tea

Kuril tea has a very rich composition. The taste is not much different from regular black tea. That is why, since ancient times, it has been used as a tonic drink. What is so rich in Kuril tea?

  • flavonoids;
  • tannin;
  • catechin;
  • calcium;
  • magnesium;
  • potassium;
  • iron;
  • copper;
  • manganese;
  • cobalt;
  • saponins;
  • resins;
  • essential oils;
  • carotenoids;
  • vitamins C and P, etc.

As you can see. The list of beneficial substances in Kuril tea is truly impressive. This plant can become a real lifesaver for you if you suffer from diseases such as:

  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (dysentery, food poisoning, dysbacteriosis);
  • Kuril tea is very often used for diseases of the female genital organs, to stop uterine bleeding;
  • Kuril tea will help to establish fat metabolism in the body; it is useful for people suffering from diabetes;
  • Kuril tea is known as an excellent sedative. It will help normalize sleep and will be useful for depression, neuroses, and neurotic conditions;
  • Kuril tea is also recommended by dentists. Its decoction is useful for various diseases oral cavity, for example - stomatitis;
  • The immunostimulating effect of Kuril tea is also known. Its decoction is useful to take for ARVI, gargle for a sore throat, or take simply for prevention;
  • Kuril tea is wonderful natural remedy in order to normalize daily bowel movements, relieve constipation and improve digestive processes.

Methods of using Kuril tea

Kuril tea is widely used in folk medicine in the form of decoctions, infusions, fresh. Here are the most popular and proven recipes from traditional healers:

  • fresh leaves can be used as a hemostatic, anti-inflammatory, and wound-healing agent. The leaves can be either crushed or whole;
  • to prepare a healing infusion you need to take 2 tbsp. crushed leaves and 500 ml of water. Boil the resulting mixture for 10 minutes, and then let it brew for 2 hours. This infusion will become good remedy for diarrhea, cystitis. Take 1/3 cup up to 3 times a day before meals. It also acts as a choleretic agent and a medicine for pneumonia;
  • 1 tbsp. Combine crushed roots of Kuril tea with 250 ml of water, stir, boil for 10 minutes and let brew for 2 hours. Take 2 tbsp. 3 times a day as a remedy for the treatment of blood diseases, anemia;
  • 1 tsp Kuril tea leaves per 250 ml of water, and you will get an excellent replacement for your usual black tea. This drink quenches thirst and tones well.

Contraindications for the use of Kuril tea

No matter how powerful the healing effects of Kuril tea on the human body are, you should always be especially careful when using such traditional medicine recipes. Partial or even complete contraindications for taking this plant as part of decoctions, teas, and infusions may include:

  • childhood. Most doctors agree that the use of various herbal remedies and traditional medicine recipes for the treatment of any disease is undesirable. And even if it seems to you that the recipe is absolutely harmless, you cannot 100% predict the consequences for the child’s body. Children under 5 years of age remain at high risk of allergic reactions;
  • Kuril tea should be taken with extreme caution by people suffering from kidney disease, because this plant increases the load on this organ;
  • Kuril tea is not recommended for people suffering from low blood pressure, because can reduce it to a critical level;
  • A complete contraindication for drinking tea, decoction, or infusion of Kuril tea is individual intolerance. You will learn about this feature of your body if, after taking a product based on this plant, you start vomiting and nausea.

Kuril tea: photo

Kuril tea: types and varieties

Currently, there is a huge variety of not only varieties, but also types of Kuril tea, or cinquefoil. Depending on the shape of the plant, some species are suitable for decorating alpine slides, others - for borders or hedges. For example, Kuril bush tea looks great among lawn grass, and against the backdrop of rocky terrain. Among the most popular types Kuril tea can be called:

  • Stemless cinquefoil. This is one of the most popular types of Kuril tea for creating alpine slides. This ground cover plant has a height of only 1 to 6 cm. Looks impressive on rocky, crushed stone, moist and well-drained soils.
  • Shiny cinquefoil. The species is known for its unusual combination of small pinkish flowers and green-silver foliage. Grows well in dry, sunny places and rocky soils.
  • Altai cinquefoil. Stunted look Kuril tea, which can look great in rock gardens. It has flowers of rich yellow color.
  • Nepalese cinquefoil. This hybrid species may well become the pearl of your garden. It blooms for a long time - about 2 months. The flowers combine pink and red shades.
  • Dark red-bloody cinquefoil. One of the most spectacular types of Kuril tea. Blooms in mid-summer with large bright red flowers.
  • Hybrid cinquefoil. View derived from different types Kuril tea. It features an incredible number of colors and shades. The diameter of flowers can reach 4 cm.
  • Shrub cinquefoil. There is absolutely no difficulty with bush planting of Kuril tea. It takes root well and looks great on rocky terrain, alpine slide. For the cinquefoil bush, or Kuril bush tea, care is also not at all difficult.

ABOUT decorative characteristics Kuril tea has only the most positive reviews. Gardeners often prefer varieties such as Abbotswood, Pretty Poly, Princes, Goldteppich, Gold Finger, Darts Golddigger, Elizabeth, Red Ace, Sommer-Flor, Jacqueman, Kobold, Farrery and many others.

Kuril tea: planting

Of course, there is no single planting technology for absolutely all varieties of Kuril tea. Some prefer south exposure, for example, while others require sandy or rocky soil in the shade. Therefore, if you have already decided on the variety of Kuril tea, then study the recommendations for planting specifically for this variety. But highlight the most general scheme agrotechnical actions when growing this plant different ways It's still possible. Most often, Kuril tea is grown by seed or using cuttings. This plant prefers:

  • well-lit places;
  • fertile and light soil;
  • landing in the morning or evening;
  • To prepare your own mixture of earthen mixture you will need leaf soil, humus, sand in a ratio of 2:2:1;
  • the dimensions of the landing pit must exceed the dimensions of the earthen clod;
  • the distance between plants is determined by the nature of the plantings or the variety of Kuril tea.

Propagation of Kuril tea by seeds

  • It is quite possible to prepare Kuril tea seeds yourself if you already have this plant growing on your property. The seeds are very small, covered with small hairs. Seeds are collected in August-September as they ripen. Store in clean paper bags. Shelf life if kept cool temperature regime can reach several years.
  • For planting, you will need sifted leaf soil, which will need to be moistened before planting.
  • Seeds in open ground do not sow immediately. You will need boxes or mini-greenhouses on the surface.
  • There is no need to bury the seeds, just sprinkle them lightly with soil.
  • Seedlings respond well to organic and mineral fertilizing.
  • If you planted the seeds in early spring, then as soon as warm weather sets in, you can begin hardening off the seedlings that have already been picked, and then permanently stay outdoors.
  • Seedlings must be shaded from the bright sun.
  • Young seedlings are very fragile, and therefore you need to carefully water and fertilize them so as not to damage them.
  • In 3-4 years, Kuril tea will reach the height and maturity that will allow it to be planted in permanent growth areas.

Propagation of Kuril tea by cuttings

Experienced gardeners especially often use the cutting method to propagate Kuril tea. This method does not require any tricky techniques or skills and is excellent for mass propagation of Kuril tea. In practice, reproduction is carried out green cuttings and lignified cuttings. Let's look at these 2 methods in more detail:

  • propagation of Kuril tea by green cuttings. Green cuttings are harvested very quickly so that they do not wither or dry out. The time interval between cutting cuttings and planting them should not exceed 48 hours. The length of the green cutting is 9-12 cm, on both sides of which there should be leaf nodes. Lower leaves removed, and the upper ones are shortened by 1/2 or 1/3. A feature of green cuttings is the absence of root buds, and that is why the use of root formation stimulants is mandatory. The cuttings are tied in bunches so that their lower part is at the same level. Then they are placed in a solution of any synthetic growth stimulant. For greater efficiency, glucose or sucrose is also added. Optimal conditions for rooting green cuttings of Kuril tea will be: air temperature 22-30 degrees, planting under film cover, under glass. in a greenhouse, air humidity - 80%, very good drainage to avoid waterlogging of the soil;
  • propagation by lignified cuttings. This method has more simple technology than when propagated by green cuttings. The percentage of successfully rooted plants remains quite high. Lignified cuttings are fairly mature leafless shoots. They are harvested during the period of relative dormancy of the mother bush - in autumn, winter or spring. The advantage is given to spring. Lignified cuttings are perfectly stored and can be transported over long distances without problems. The length of the cutting should be from 5 to 12 cm. Lignified cuttings are rooted in approximately the same conditions as green ones. You only need to exclude high humidity air, and leave only sufficient soil moisture.

Propagation of Kuril tea by layering

Kuril tea can be propagated by horizontal and vertical layering. For both methods, the shoots are pulled soft wire at the base and make small cuts for good rooting. The shoot is bent to the ground, sprinkled and secured, or one part of the bush is spudned with vertical rooting. As a rule, the shoots take root over the summer and are quite ready for separation from the mother bush in the fall.

Propagation of Kuril tea by rhizome suckers

The root system of Kuril tea is capable of producing offspring. This method of propagation is quite fast and effective, although it produces a small number of new plants. In autumn or spring, such root shoots are carefully dug up along with the roots and transplanted either to permanent place growth, or for growing.

Propagation of Kuril tea by dividing the bush

Dividing a bush is another fairly simple and quick way breeding Kuril tea. True, this method can only be implemented on a 4-6 year old plant. The number of new plants will also be small - from 2 to 6 pieces.

Kuril tea: care

Growing Kuril tea will definitely appeal to novice gardeners. This plant is absolutely unpretentious in care. Among the most minimal actions to ensure the full growth of smoking tea, the following can be noted:

  • Kuril tea responds well to feeding. If the plant is planted from a container, then the first fertilizing is carried out at the time of planting, adding 15 grams to the trunk circle mineral fertilizer. Plants that have not yet taken root are not fed. Only late spring or at the beginning of summer you can apply 5-10 grams of mineral fertilizer per plant. During the period of active growth and the beginning of flowering, mineral fertilizers with a predominance of phosphorus and potassium are also applied. Autumn feeding should exclude the application of nitrogen fertilizers;
  • Kuril tea needs increased watering during dry times. You will need from 5 to 10 liters of water per bush. In order for Kuril tea to retain moisture for longer long time, mulch the top layer of soil;
  • If you want Kuril tea to have a decorative function on your site, then you cannot do without formative and hygienic pruning. Pruning is carried out on cloudy days or in the evening. Using a sharp pruning shears, shorten the shoots by 8-12 cm, remove dry or damaged shoots. For curvy and beautiful view Kuril tea, pruning of this kind can be carried out throughout the summer;
  • Kuril tea is practically not susceptible to diseases and pests. But, if the plant is affected by rust, for example, then it will do foliar feeding microelements or 2% sulfur solution;
  • Kuril tea in the fall does not require any special actions. Plants of the first year of life require covering the roots with a layer of mulch for the winter.

How to collect Kuril tea

An incredibly tasty and healthy aromatic drink is prepared from Kuril tea, which can have a healing effect on the human body. To preserve all the beneficial properties and microelements of this plant, Kuril tea must be properly collected and stored. Follow the following recommendations for collecting Kuril tea:

  • for the preparation of medicinal raw materials, tops 15 cm long are used;
  • The collection of raw materials is carried out at the time of the most active flowering. It is simply impossible to miss and not notice this moment;
  • the approximate size of the apical shoots for cutting is 15 cm;
  • shoots should not be plucked, but carefully trimmed with pruning shears;
  • Collection of Kuril tea should be carried out in dry weather, preferably in the evening;
  • Kuril tea should be dried not in the sun, but in the shade, in a well-ventilated place. The branches can be either laid out on any surface or hung;
  • The dried plant is stored in ventilated fabric bags. You can prepare Kuril tea in fairly large quantities and enjoy it aromatic drink all autumn and winter.

The Kuril tea plant can not only add decorative value to your garden, but can also provide you with incredibly useful supplies of raw materials for preparing many traditional medicine recipes to combat viral diseases during the cold season, with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, nervous system and many others. Planting technology and further cultivation Kuril tea is not difficult even for novice gardeners. Bring your soul into what you do in your garden, and the result will exceed even your wildest expectations. Good luck in growing Kuril tea!

What's closest to your heart? A compact and abundantly flowering bush of Kuril tea in a mixborder or modest clumps of crow's feet on an alpine hill? Don't torture yourself. Plant both plants on the site; incredibly beautiful and very useful cinquefoils will decorate any garden.

Cinquefoil from Latin means powerful, strong. This plant is associated with various legends. According to one, Ilya Muromets, before fighting the robber nightingale, went to a swamp where the whispering grass grew (this is the popular name for one type of cinquefoil). The hero fell on native land, began to inhale the aroma of plants, when suddenly “he sensed incredible strength, boundless courage within himself,” he drove out all the evil spirits from his native land. There is another legend that tells about the living water that was used to revive Ruslana. And the water was taken from a spring, along the perimeter of which cinquefoil grew.

The most common type of shrubby cinquefoil is Kuril tea, also known as cinquefoil. The plant is 20 - 150 cm high, grows in width up to 1 - 1.5 meters, forming chic, dense crowns. Young shoots that have not yet reached one year of age are silky, pubescent, then become reddish-brown; in older shoots, the bark becomes gray in color and also peels off.

The leaves of Kuril tea are tender or deep green, feathery, usually covered with soft but thick hair. The flowers are large, up to 3 cm or more in size, with bright yellow petals, located singly or collected in small brushes.

There are varieties of Kuril tea in pink, white, and red shades. Flowering is long-lasting, multi-flowered, and continuous from the beginning of summer to the second decade of autumn (any variety blooms for at least 2 months). The fruits of Kuril tea are pubescent achenes that ripen in August - September. The shrub bears fruit annually, starting from the age of two.


In nature, Kuril tea grows along the banks of rivers, lakes, in sparse coniferous forests, among bushes in the territory Western Europe, Siberia, North America, as well as Japan, Tibet, the Urals, and the Caucasus. It is often found in alpine and subalpine meadows, rocky and gravelly slopes, sometimes adapting to harsh conditions at an altitude of 2 - 3 thousand m above sea level.

Withstands temperatures down to -40 degrees, does not suffer from thaws, and is not damaged by frost. In some severe winters, Kuril tea can freeze above the snow cover level. However, this has almost no effect on the decorativeness of the plants, since flowers are formed on the tops of the current year’s shoots. The lifespan of Kuril tea is 20..30 years.

Care Kuril tea: choosing a place to plant cinquefoil

Cinquefoil is a light-loving species; it grows shoots in partial shade, but blooms weaker and for less duration. Strong shading suppresses the growth and development of Kuril tea. Therefore, in the garden, choose a well-lit, sunny place for planting (with slight shading on a hot afternoon), protected from cold winds.

Kuril tea with white and yellow flowers is more photophilous, grows and blooms better in bright sun, is more drought-resistant, and less demanding on soil fertility than varieties with red and pink flowers. In addition, yellow-flowered varieties of Kuril tea are, as a rule, more frost-resistant and freeze less.

Pink and red flowering plants require a little shelter for the winter. They are less resistant to getting wet and need more feeding. Kuril tea with red and pink flowers can fade in the sun, but at the same time they bloom poorly in low light conditions, so it is better to plant them in light partial shade.

The color of Kuril tea flowers to some extent depends on the growing season, weather, and soil conditions. Typically, varieties with pink and red flowers bloom later than white and yellow-flowered ones. If the weather is dry, the red color of the flowers may also not appear.

On infertile sandy soils, plants tend to bloom less abundantly, and the opened flowers are pale and inconspicuous. Kuril tea is not demanding regarding soil fertility, but does not tolerate overcompaction, since it has a superficial root system.

To improve aeration, it is necessary to periodically loosen the soil to a depth of 5 - 10 cm. Kuril tea can grow in calcareous and rocky areas. On clay soils, drainage is required; on sandy soils, its decorative properties are reduced. Light loams with deep groundwater are most suitable for growing Kuril tea.

Kuril tea care: planting time

Best landing time in middle lane- second half of April, but can be planted in autumn. A planting hole for Kuril tea is prepared with a depth of 50 - 60 cm and the same diameter. Since Kuril tea loves calcium, lime gravel is poured as drainage.

Fill in turf soil, humus, sand (2:2:1). You can add 100 - 150 g of lime + 1 tbsp. l. wood ash. Be sure to apply complete mineral fertilizer.

Kuril tea tolerates replanting quite easily, but to avoid overdrying, the earthen ball with the root system must be wrapped in a wet cloth or polyethylene and kept moist until planting. The root collar is not buried, leaving it at soil level. The distance between bushes is usually 60 - 80 cm.

After planting, in the absence of rain, Kuril tea is regularly watered for the first 2 - 3 weeks. Before flowering, the bush is fed with a solution of phosphorus and potassium (30 g of superphosphate + 10 g of potassium sulfate per 10 liters of water) at the root.

Watering and pruning

Kuril tea is not afraid of increased gas contamination. It is drought-resistant, but does not tolerate low air humidity, so when it is hot enough, the shoots must be sprayed (in the evening). Water several times a season, 10 - 12 liters. water under the bush. After which the soil is mulched with humus or peat to avoid drying out the top layer.

Without pruning, Kuril tea branches poorly, becomes bare at the bottom, and accordingly loses its decorative qualities. To ensure that the crown grows thick and compact, and the flowering is abundant, the cinquefoil is pruned every year - shoots that have frozen over the winter, weak ones, and incorrectly located shoots are cut out, and rejuvenating pruning is done once every 4-5 years.

To do this, in early spring, the branches are severely cut off, leaving only stumps 10-15 cm high. After such severe pruning, Kuril tea is fed with an infusion of chicken manure (1:20) or a solution of mineral fertilizer with a predominance of nitrogen.

Kuril tea popular varieties

Currently, there are many varieties of Kuril tea with flowers of different color range, most of which were isolated in Great Britain, the Netherlands, and Ireland. From collectors, landscape designers The following varieties of five-leaf clover are popular among gardening enthusiasts.

The white-flowered variety Snowbird is a bush 0.7 m high, bush diameter 1 meter. The leaves are light green. The flowers are large, 3-4 cm in diameter, slightly creamy in buds. Blooms from mid-summer until September.

The pink-flowered variety Pink Queen is a Kuril tea up to 0.8 meters high, the diameter of the bush is 1.5 meters. It blooms almost all summer - from June to September. The color of Kuril tea flowers is soft - light pink. The plant is drought and frost-resistant. Prefers loose, light soil.

Varieties with yellow flowers Klondike is a meter-long bush with a diameter of 1.3 meters. In spring the leaves are light green, and in summer they darken and become rich green. The flowers are light yellow up to 3 - 4 cm. Flowering period May - August. Does not require shelter for the winter.

Beneficial properties or Siberian health

Raw materials are harvested at the end of July - August: young (annual) flowering shoots are cut and dried in the shade. The shelf life of raw materials is 1 year.

In the Far East and Siberia it is used as a substitute for tea, the drink has pleasant aroma and lemony - yellow. Kuril tea leaves contain a lot of ascorbic acid - about the same as black currant berries. The plant is an excellent honey plant.

Kuril tea has a number of beneficial properties- stops bleeding, has an antimicrobial and expectorant effect, as well as an astringent. Traditional medicine uses the collection for gastrointestinal diseases, tuberculosis, has an antipyretic effect for fever, and a choleretic for liver diseases.

Making Tea

1 tablespoon of leaves and flowers is poured into 250 ml of boiling water. Add honey or sugar to taste and leave for about 30 minutes. The taste is reminiscent of classic tea with an interesting aroma. Kuril tea goes very well with currant, raspberry or lemon balm leaves. This enhances not only the taste of the drink, but also its healing properties.