Furniture for a young girl. Bedroom design for a girl - design options for a youth room

The young girl is complex and unpredictable. It is difficult to create a space in which she will feel at ease and comfortable. But this is a mistaken opinion. In fact, everything is much simpler.

You just need to allow her to participate in the arrangement of her little world in which comfort and harmony will reign.

The meaning of a girl's bedroom

For a girl, a bedroom is her personal space, a place where she not only sleeps, but also spends her time. free time, does what he loves, keeps his little secrets.

That is why the interior of a girl’s bedroom should not only be conducive to sleep, but also contribute to the development of her personality, be consistent with her hobbies, and correspond to her character.

Bedroom for a teenage girl

A bedroom for a teenage girl is most often created from a children's room. In this case, it is important to get rid of all childish elements of the interior, giving the girl the right to develop according to her age.

If possible, it is not easy to do better redecorating, but a complete redevelopment of the room in accordance with the needs of a growing child.

Decorating a girl's bedroom can be a daunting task. If there is no understanding of her preferences, and her wishes are very unusual.

A young lady, due to her changeable nature, does not always realize what she wants to get in the end. Given this, the result is sometimes quite unusual.

Stylistic decision

You need to take a very responsible approach to choosing a bedroom style for a girl. Firstly, we must take into account her character, hobbies, and fashion trends.

Usually a girl's bedroom is presented in a romantic style.

Indeed, the most delicate marshmallow colors are very consonant with a girl’s nature: pink, lilac, milky, peach. An abundance of lace and cute trinkets. Soft furniture silhouettes, airy textiles. In such a room, the dreams and dreams of a young charmer will find outlet in creativity.

Art Nouveau style will be a wonderful manifestation modern bedroom for girls. It is important here not to overdo it with the combination various colors and materials so that you don’t end up with a cold, uncomfortable room where you don’t want to spend time. Convenience and fashion trends come to the fore in this style.

A competent combination of shades and modern accessories will add coziness to the room. Best choice will become bright hues with a slight inclusion of dynamic contrasting elements into the interior.

A good solution for a small bedroom for a girl would be a minimalist style with a Japanese Zen twist.

Laconic interior, natural materials, warm shades combined with soft light will allow you to relax, escape from the bustle of the outside world, and immerse yourself in your thoughts.

Various photos of a girl’s bedroom will help you choose an acceptable option. stylistic decision rooms.

Space decoration

A beautiful bedroom for a girl should first of all be bright. This will help the young lady balance her emotional mood, add optimism, and will not allow her to concentrate on gloomy thoughts.

To achieve the effect of light, it is necessary to provide large quantity natural light, but do not forget about artificial light sources.

Since this is a bedroom, a division into day and night lighting is necessary. In addition, it is advisable to provide the opportunity, if necessary, to isolate yourself from the outside world using curtains or blinds.

It is better to make the floor from wood and create a cozy island in the form of a fluffy rug, or completely cover it with carpet. Decorate the walls in a single color; you can add photo wallpaper or a fresco, depending on the overall theme of the room.

It is very important not to forget to create a beauty corner: a dressing table or a large mirror with many drawers and shelves. Here the girl can practice makeup and hairstyles.

Zoning of space is of no small importance. After all, a girl’s bedroom is not only a place to relax, but also to spend free time, study, and receive guests.

It’s a good idea to think about how to correctly arrange screens, shelves, arrange comfortable chairs, and create a work area. Various ideas bedrooms for a girl will help determine the delimitation of the total area.

Girls most often strive to show their individuality, to reveal their personality, so template solutions when decorating her personal space are not suitable.

It is necessary to determine together with her her preferences, inclination towards one or another option, and only then create.

Photo of a bedroom for a girl

A children's room, even the most stylish, sweet and cozy one, will not suit a young girl. After all, her territory does not represent fluffy teddy bears, but awakening femininity. Here they have pajama parties with friends, dress up for a first date, try different styles in makeup.

A girl’s room should be a comfortable place to relax, dream, and consult with friends, but you shouldn’t forget about the need to study or work. What should this room be like?

Bright interior design of a girl's room

The main nuances of arranging a girl's bedroom

The first thing you should choose is general style interior Not all girls will like bows and ruffles, but not everyone will feel comfortable in the rich glam rock style. Therefore, we focus on the preferences of the owner - if dreamy and romantic beauties like Provence, then pop art or modern style will suit the more temperamental and active ones.

Decorating a room with a hint of Provence

But there are parameters that are important regardless of what style is chosen:

Nuances of zoning and choice of style

A young girl’s room is not a bedroom in the classical sense, but a living room, a place to sleep, a dressing room and a study (read). Each zone must be carefully planned and isolated, which can be difficult to do, especially considering the small dimensions of the room.

Option to separate the working and sleeping areas

You can zone the space using spectacular finishing materials, or you can highlight areas with color - the main thing is to arrange the furniture practically.

Suitable decoration for a girl's bedroom

There are three materials that are ideal for a young girl’s room:

  1. Wallpaper- best of all, resembling crumpled fabric or decorative plaster.
  2. Dye. It can be used to paint non-woven wallpaper, choosing the tone that best conveys the owner’s mood, or it can also be used to decorate the ceiling. A classic technique is to create a white surface reminiscent of suede.
  3. Laminate how beautiful. It captures the texture amazingly. natural wood and is immune to mechanical damage - even to point loads from women's heels.

Important. As for styles, for girls who value luxury, Baroque and Empire styles are suitable, allowing the active use of gilding and rich fabrics. For feminine connoisseurs natural beauty Provence or country will appeal, and fans of minimalism and exoticism will like East style. If the owner of the room is a determined girl, then she can even use original and contrasting decoration in the spirit of glam fusion or pop art.

What kind of furniture should be in a girl's room?

The central element of a girl's room will always be a closet. It is better to immediately choose a wardrobe as a more practical, spacious and at the same time compact option. It is divided into two zones: the first - actually, and the second - all kinds of racks and shelves where you can store films, books, magazines and cosmetics.

The sliding wardrobe is convenient to use

It’s good if one of the doors of the wardrobe is a mirror in full height. This design will allow you to turn a standard piece of furniture into a full-fledged dressing room, where a girl can lay out all her outfits and experiment in front of the mirror with creating new images as much as she pleases.

Workplace for classes

You will definitely need a table - preferably a small one, but one that can accommodate both writing utensils and a computer. A practical extension with shelves can also be provided. Directional bright lighting is also required here. No less important is the dressing table (if necessary, it can be replaced with one), which is complemented by a soft ottoman.

Cape on the chair and fur rug on the floor

Bookshelves, shelving and an armchair - all this is appropriate in a girl’s room, if it does not clutter up the space. You can also find space for an easel or synthesizer, lots of pillows on the floor, or hanging cocoon chair, embroidery machine - it all depends on the preferences and hobbies of the owner.

Important. The girl's room combines the functions of a living room and a bedroom, and therefore a spacious bed is inappropriate here in most cases. It's better to use . If space allows, then a full bed is installed - and then the recreation area is fenced off from the rest of the room with screens, string curtains or a canopy.

Option with two beds for sisters

Nuances of choosing colors

While almost all schoolgirls are delighted with shades of raspberry, fuchsia, lilac and pink marshmallow, girls may find these shades sickly sweet. Especially if their nursery was decorated in these colors. But even if black suddenly becomes the young beauty’s favorite color, then you shouldn’t turn the room into the chambers of a Gothic castle. As always, you will have to look for a compromise, trying to choose the right color scheme, combining the main color with companions.

Advice. For a girl’s room, the ideal combination would be bright shades with muted ones, pure watercolor tones with pastel and deep ones.

A win-win option for the main color is any muted tone. It is chosen so that it refreshes the room and makes it more spacious. In addition, the shades of the walls and furniture facades must be in harmony with each other. It is not recommended to use more than three basic tones at the same time, and one of the selected colors should still dominate.

Combination of yellow and lilac

A room for a young girl will look sunny and bright if you use warm pastel colors for its decoration - peach, yellow, orange, orange. They are combined with contrasting shades. In general, one of the important design rules states that a bright tone must be balanced with a contrasting calm one so that the room does not look aggressive.

Predominance of purple tones

You need to use bright shades in doses - although they go well with a girl’s explosive, active temperament, they can bring chaos to the harmonious interior. But bleached, watercolor tones are “responsible” for a rich imagination. They are in most cases used in a small room when you need to visually enlarge the space.

Unsaturated shades are suitable for calm and romantic natures, but you should not make everything light without exception - walls, furniture, and textiles.

Combination of bright colors with light gray shades

It’s interesting that fans of modern glamor are in no hurry to give up pink—they just need to use a different, non-childish shade in their room. The impressiveness and chic of this tone can be made even deeper if you combine it with blue flowers- light sky or turquoise.

Combinations of blue and brown are also possible

If a girl does not tolerate glamor, but prefers sharpness, then a contrasting black and white design option or pop art style, with red, yellow, and blue color spots, will suit her well.

Bright pink dilutes a monochromatic interior

IN girl's bedroom A combination of styles is also appropriate, but such mixing is performed only on large areas. When it comes to a small room, they choose the principle of zoning - for example, the work area is emphasized by wallpaper of a different, more dynamic color.

White combined with gray-brown tones

And don’t forget about textiles - curtains and bedspreads should always be present in a girl’s bedroom, even if the room is decorated in the style of strict minimalism. , for romantic styles with lace and ruffles, for modern ones - with metallic coating or even leather inserts. But in any case, do not forget about practicality - keep it clean girl's room should be easy, and this applies to both textiles and flooring, and furniture facades.

In the next article we will tell you how to arrange it.

The bedroom is a place where you can not only sleep, but also take a break from the hustle and bustle and problems. For a girl, the bedroom design is created with coziness and comfort, this will help you relax your body and put your thoughts in order.

At first glance it may seem difficult choice room design, but if you know all the advantages of what a girl wants, then it will not be difficult; on the contrary, it may seem like a rather simple and fun activity.

In order for the room to suit the young lady’s taste, it is also necessary to emphasize her individuality and the harmony of her entire character.

How to choose a bedroom for a girl

Every young girl from an early age dreams of her own bedroom. Everyone wants to make it cozy, comfortable and for her bedroom to be a place where her personality and character are revealed.

Inclining to this belief, it is important to wisely choose the interior of a girl’s bedroom.

In order to reveal the individuality of her character there, to give the interior all the charm. It's like creating your own little corner where you will feel comfort and warmth.

Photos of a girl's bedroom

When a girl grows up, it often turns out that her room has to be changed.

Old unnecessary things are usually thrown away, and things that are very dear to the owner of the room are left for further storage, as a memory of a happy childhood. The interior of the bedroom itself, of course, needs to be replaced, as it has already matured.

What style to choose a photo

At the beginning of creation perfect bedroom, you need to decide what the bedroom itself will be like. Many people invent a bedroom in the style of creating romance, and partly this is correct.

After all, many girls are ready to choose exactly that same style for a reason. More modest, sweet and shy girls prefer gentle and warmer colors in their room.

Romantic style for a girl's bedroom

In the West, a bedroom for a girl in a romantic style is considered more classic. Most often, when creating such an interior, light tones are chosen, such as a soft pink tint, bluish, sand, or sea green.

If the bedroom has these colors, then the room usually also contains accessories made of openwork or lace, irreplaceable thing with such a color scheme of the interior.

It is preferable to choose furniture that is not very rough, without sharp corners. Also, a large bed with small patterns in the head area can be suitable for the interior of this bedroom.

But on the contrary, it is better to choose bedding for such a bed in large patterns and also better in light colors.

Let's talk about choosing a dressing table for a girl's room

The table plays an important role. It should be small. This is a very indispensable part in a modern girl's bedroom.

Basically, it is for any little things; as a rule, young ladies have a lot of all sorts of similar things, which are usually scattered anywhere.

With a dressing table you can easily solve this problem, and it will also look great in the bedroom. The color can also be more delicate and not very complex.

Bedroom accessories

It is better to choose curtains for a girl’s bedroom with larger patterns, and pillows in the form of decorations are needed in any size and preferably openwork.

A soft bedspread, openwork capes or plaid will create an atmosphere of romance. The main thing in this style is the presence of various trinkets.

Unusual style for a modern bedroom

This style is suitable for a modern girl's bedroom.

But in order not to spoil the room and make it seem cold, you need to be creative.

Art Nouveau furniture for the bedroom

To create an interior with a modern style in the room, lace and openwork will be superfluous here.

This style consists of modern design room and the right combination of colors. Also, the room cannot do without modern fashion accessories. It is preferable to give colors to bright and dark shades.

Japanese style bedroom design

Anyone who loves relaxation and tranquility will suit a style like Zen. For this, warm and one-ton colors are used, as well as softer light. This style is calmer, not flashy.

Minimal decor, low-rise furniture and materials in soothing colors are ideal for this style. This Zen-style room suits peace of mind.

Difficult choice of design and interior of your bedroom for a girl

Every young girl is unique. For a young and independent person, you want to choose your own room style, it is chosen according to characteristic features girls, as well as her taste criteria.

For more romantic girls, a romantic interior is suitable, with a secluded corner, and will also give a lot of tenderness from its owner and fairy-tale love.

Photo of bedroom design for a girl

  • Try to maintain a balance between aesthetic beauty and practicality.

Sometimes girls focus on the external attractiveness of pieces of furniture, forgetting about functionality. As a result, the interior of a girl’s room can become, although very beautiful, uncomfortable for permanent residence.

  • Listen to your own wishes and preferences, and a professional designer, if necessary, will adjust them and help turn them into reality.
  • Decide what type of layout you prefer: open or closed.

Some girls prefer closed floor plans for comfort and privacy. This type of layout will allow you to relax and use beauty secrets (do cosmetic procedures) without prying eyes.

  • An apartment for a girl, the interior of which is created taking into account her preferences, should be divided into functional areas. We will talk about them in more detail below.
  • The interior for a girl, or at least one of the rooms, can personify her interests and hobbies.


Select your desired lighting level. Practice shows that most girls like well-lit rooms. This can be achieved by making large or panoramic windows, second light and well thought out artificial lighting.

If the girl’s interior design is made in elegant style(for example, shabby chic, classic, English style, Art Deco), use crystal chandeliers, lampshades, candelabra. For interiors such as hi-tech, avant-garde, etc., use LEDs. Spot lighting and slitted lighting will help highlight the desired accents and areas in the interior of a modern girl.

Color spectrum

The color palette largely influences not only the perception of the interior, but also emotional condition. Despite common stereotypes that girls should choose “feminine” colors, and men should choose “masculine” colors, it is best to give preference to the colors that you like best, and take into account the style features.


  • For lovers of Mediterranean and marine theme The following colors are suitable: olive, turquoise, blue, light blue, azure, white.
  • Girls who prefer the avant-garde should use bright and rich colors and bold contrasts: lemon, red, black, yellow, coral, orange.
  • The romance of Provence will be radiated by lavender, lilac, green, white, and beige colors.
  • Shabby chic will be emphasized by pale pink, white, light lilac, green, peach, and pastel colors.
  • The Scandinavian style will be personified by the following colors: white, blue, blue, silver.
    Most often white predominates. The interior of a white room for a girl will make the room airy and easy to perceive.


Since there are quite a lot of zoning options and it largely depends on the type of layout, we will only list important nuances zoning.

  • It is advisable that the home include a wardrobe or a spacious closet.
    Girls tend to buy a lot of things for different seasons, and they need to be stored in an orderly manner and in a convenient access area.
  • Regardless of the interior design of a girl’s bedroom, it is advisable to create a dressing room there.
    It's convenient and practical solution, allowing you to choose the desired look without leaving the bedroom.
  • When arranging your dressing room, don’t forget about the mirror so you can see yourself in full height.
    There should also be good lighting in the dressing room area.
  • Set up a work area.
    A girl of school or college age will need to do her homework regularly, and those who are already working will need to perform work tasks if necessary. Such an area should have enough light, a work desk, space for books, electronics (laptop or computer), and a table lamp.
  • To create a working mood, complement the environment with decor that gives inspiration to work.
    This could be a painting with a favorite scene, a photograph or some motivating accessory.
  • The interior of a small room for a girl is also zoned.
    Main areas: rest, wardrobe and work. They stand out with thematic items as well as lighting.

When space allows, partitions are made, most often from plasterboard. They can be in the form of shelves, sliding doors, or with glass or mirror inserts.


  • When choosing furniture, give preference to items with graceful and beautiful shapes similar to the female figure.
  • Avoid massive and high-quality furniture that evokes a feeling of nostalgia for a bygone era.

Then the interior of an apartment for a young girl will emphasize her youth, femininity and desire to move forward.

  • As mentioned at the beginning of the article, furniture should not only be beautiful, but also functional.

For example, in the interior of a girl’s bedroom you can place a bed with drawers for things located below the bed. Instead of small bedside tables, you can use cabinets.

  • For the interior of a teenage girl, choose stylish and youthful furniture.

There are many interesting hull designs. They may consist of working area below and bedroom - above, from a sofa or bed and cabinets, and spacious shelves.

Quick navigation through the article

A teenage girl’s room is such a multifunctional space that it can be called a mini-apartment. After all, there should be:

  • Place to sleep;
  • Relaxation/reading/get-together area with friends;
  • Study corner with library and storage space for school items. It is desirable that it be adapted for creative activities: sewing, drawing, etc.;
  • Spacious wardrobe with mirror;
  • If possible, a dressing table;
  • Upon request and subject to availability of space, a sports complex for exercises, gymnastics, etc.

With all this, a teenage girl’s room should not only be comfortable and beautiful, but also personalized and... able to easily adapt to the changing mood of the owner. In this material you will find step by step guide, a selection of 60 photo ideas and tips that will help you create the perfect interior for a girl from 13 to 17 years old.

Step 1. Compose the interior color scheme

The first step is to decide on the color scheme of the future interior, decide what color the walls, curtains, textiles, furniture and accessories will be. In this matter it is advisable to take into account:

  • The taste and personal preferences of the girl - you can give complete freedom of choice or find a general solution, the main thing is that it is thoughtful and balanced. The best way to decide on colors and their combinations is to look at a large number of photos of interiors.

– On the one hand, when, if not in adolescence, decide on bold experiments? On the other hand, the tastes of young girls are often fickle, so the desire of parents to come to a compromise is quite justified. If the primary color chosen by your daughter seems very risky to you, then use it as an accent, for example, by painting only one wall with it, as shown in the right photo.

  • Desired interior style. IN classic interiors neutral and pastel shades are used, while modern ones can use bright accents and contrasts.
  • Room illumination level. If there is little light in the room, then the interior should be decorated mainly in light and warm shades (white, beige, cream, coral, lilac). In a bedroom with windows facing south and southwest, cool shades will look more harmonious: blue, turquoise, blue, green.

  • Room dimensions. In a small bedroom, the walls should be decorated light shade, and best of all - white.

An example of a bedroom interior for a girl 16-17 years old

Do you want the interior to be able to easily change according to your mood and not get boring for a long time? Decorate the walls with a white, beige or light gray shade, choose mainly white furniture, and select everything else (textiles and decor) in the desired colors. Thus, to change the room, you only need to change the curtains, pillows, bed linen, rug, posters, lamp shades and other small things.

Step 2. Choose a style

Here is a list of styles that, in our opinion, can be great in the design of a teenage girl’s room:

  • Classic - it’s pleasant to relax, study, and receive guests. A properly designed interior will not get boring for a long time; it will always be cozy and beautiful.

  • Parisian style is sophisticated and casual, traditional and modern at the same time. Style involves contrasts, bright accents and an abundance of art objects (paintings, posters, figurines, etc.).

  • Chinoiserie - the style involves an abundance of floral prints, beautiful textiles, furniture, elegant items and a color scheme that is pleasing to the eye. In general, everything that is needed for a girl 13-17 years old.

  • Scandinavian style– this minimalistic but cute style is well suited for small rooms, as well as when you need to decorate the interior on a budget and quickly. After all, you can buy everything you need at Ikea, and you can find something at the dacha. Soviet items furniture (for example, a Viennese chair) will fit in with a bang.

In this modern room living teenage girl 14 years old

  • classic furniture, elegant lamps, geometric prints, contrasts, decorative mirrors and shiny accessories will appeal to most girls.

  • — Classic, but not pretentious furniture, neutral colors, checks, floral and floral prints, natural textiles with ruffles, lace - that’s why this style will fit perfectly into a girl’s bedroom.

  • Shabby chic – shabby classic furniture, roses on wallpaper and textiles, pastel colors, ruffles and lace – is simply created for a young girl’s room.

Step 3. Arranging the sleeping area

Teenage girls not only sleep on the bed, but also lie down watching movies, reading, chatting on the phone, and confiding in secrets with their guest friends. Therefore, the sleeping area in a girl's bedroom should be super-comfortable and super-beautiful. Perhaps this is the part of the room that should be emphasized.

A canopy or canopy will help not only decorate the sleeping area, but also make it more private. It is especially necessary in a room that...

Step 4. Set up the work area

Ideal location desk- at the window, so that it is on the right if the girl is left-handed and on the left if she is right-handed. There should be a lamp and an organizer on the table for stationery, under it there is a cabinet where everything you need will be stored. The cabinet can be replaced wall shelf or a nearby rack. Remember that the main thing in arranging a workplace is its convenience and suitability for growth.

And here are examples of jobs for two teenage girls.

When planning a teenage girl's room, don't forget to allocate space for creativity.

Step 5. Set up a recreation area

It’s good if in a young girl’s room, in addition to the bed, there is also a place for relaxing, reading books and gatherings with friends. An armchair, a compact sofa or just an ottoman will be an excellent choice.

Below is an example of a modern room design for a 16-year-old teenage girl with a recreation area (Designer Daria Ukhlinova).

We present other ideas for decorating and arranging a recreation area in the following selection of photos.

Step 6. Organize your wardrobe

Ideally, you should use both a chest of drawers and a wardrobe to store clothes.

The chest of drawers is convenient not only for storing T-shirts and socks. It can replace bedside table, and dressing table

If the room is small, then furniture should be chosen with a reduced depth (38-45 cm). By the way, it is not only more compact, but also much more convenient.

  • The rods in the closet should be hung at a comfortable height - at eye level.
  • There should be a full-length mirror in the dressing room area.

If there is enough space in the room, place a dressing table next to the wardrobe or by the window.

A clever solution: a table with a folding table top with a mirror on the back can serve as both a work and a toilet

The idea of ​​a compact dressing table for a teenage girl 14-17 years old

Step 7: Adding the finishing touches

Decor is the most important component of comfort. How to decorate a girl's room?

  • Lamps must correspond, first of all, to the style of the interior. Most often, girls like forged chandeliers with flowers, “crystal” candelabra chandeliers with candles and umbrellas, cascades and “pears”.

  • Win-win styles of curtains - and classic ones (from one or two canvases).
  • Woolen or nylon will not only decorate the interior, but will also allow the girl to study different things lying on the floor.

A young girl’s room must be not only elegant, but also personalized. The following ideas will help reflect the tastes, character and interests of the owner of the room:

  • Create an achievement corner where certificates, medals and cups will be stored. And let the trophy count count bad omen, you can and should store them beautifully.
  • Photographs, paintings of classics, posters of your favorite films and simply cute pictures should definitely decorate the walls and shelves.

  • All girls from 12 to 17 years old love to design boards on which they attach everything their heart desires - from lesson schedules to memorable tickets. You can buy such a board, or you can make it yourself from plywood or cork.
  • Decorate the room with interior letters or words, for example, the name of the hostess.