You can have coffee with milk while breastfeeding. Is it possible to drink coffee while breastfeeding? Is it worth the risk at all? Can I drink while breastfeeding?

Many people love to drink coffee. An invigorating drink that banishes drowsiness, for coffee lovers it is one of the best ways to wake up. It gives strength that new mothers need, especially in the first month after the birth of the baby.

When a young mother breastfeeds her baby, many dietary restrictions are imposed on her in order to avoid harm to the baby. Let's figure out whether it is possible to drink coffee while breastfeeding.

Composition and effect on humans

Coffee beans have a varied composition. Places of growth influence the variety and amount of substances in the composition. In addition, after heat treatment of grains, their composition and quality change. In total, coffee beans contain more than a thousand different elements that affect the taste, aroma and benefits of the drink.

Anyone who has ever consumed this drink will confirm the body’s noticeable reaction to the drink. Caffeine invigorates. It increases blood pressure, which helps with severe migraines.

Can I drink while breastfeeding?

A large amount of coffee consumed by the mother can disrupt the newborn's sleep. This will cause sleep disturbances in the entire family. Children react differently to caffeine. For some, their routine is severely disrupted and their digestion is disrupted even from one cup drunk by a young mother.

If the baby has a good and restful sleep, then you should consult your doctor about the possibility of drinking coffee while breastfeeding, since in addition to sleep and digestion disturbances, the baby may develop allergies. It is important to monitor your baby’s reaction in the first few hours after drinking the drink.

Experts have different opinions about whether a nursing mother can drink coffee: some consider concerns about drinking this drink to be exaggerated, while others advise abstaining from caffeine for the entire period of lactation. One way or another, you should carefully monitor the child’s reaction and the presence of symptoms of an allergy to coffee in the infant.

The effect of the drink on lactation and infants

All components of the coffee drink come to the baby from the mother's breast milk. Since infants have a poorly developed digestive system, there is a risk that the baby will not be able to cope with such a load on the gastrointestinal tract.

Impact on the child

Like any alkaloid, caffeine is not absorbed when it enters the baby’s body. The child becomes agitated, may become more whiny, sleep poorly and eat little. As with adults, caffeine has a diuretic effect, which leads to dehydration.

Caffeine is an allergen. In addition, it contains components that flush calcium from the body, and it is an important element for the successful development of the baby’s bones and teeth.

The excretory system finally develops only at two years of age. During infancy, there may be problems eliminating caffeine from the body.

Caffeine is eliminated from the body of an adult within 10 hours, and from the body of an infant - 7 days.

When to stop using

In some cases, when breastfeeding, it is worth not just limiting coffee consumption, but eliminating it completely, especially when:

  • The child is weak;
  • The child developed anemia;
  • The child exhibits allergy symptoms;
  • The child has changed his behavior.

The coffee drink can be consumed during lactation, but only subject to certain rules:

  • Do not consume caffeine frequently or in large quantities;
  • If a child exhibits any reactions to caffeine, avoid use.

How to choose coffee for a nursing mother

The first and most important rule of drinking coffee during breastfeeding is to use a natural product. You need to grind and cook it yourself. In this form, the finished drink contains less caffeine and more nutrients needed by the body.

As you know, different varieties have different percentages of caffeine content: Arabica - 1.3%, Liberica - 1.7%, Robusta - 2.9%. This is why young mothers are advised to choose Arabica.


Experts do not recommend drinking instant coffee while breastfeeding, since such coffee is made from low-grade beans. In addition, it is subjected to chemical treatment. All these facts can negatively affect the baby's health.

Cafein free

When looking for an alternative, young mothers are considering decaffeinated coffee. In fact, such a product is not a worthy substitute. Despite the small amount of caffeine, it will be quite enough to harm the child. In addition, the grains are subjected to harsh chemical treatment. This increases the allergenicity of the product.

With milk

Few people know whether a nursing mother can drink coffee with milk. There is an opinion that coffee with milk is healthier during breastfeeding, since the presence of milk reduces its negative impact on the body. And so it is. If you add milk, the coffee drink itself will be much smaller. And the caffeine content will also decrease. In addition, milk contains calcium, which is necessary for the normal growth of the child.

Freshly ground

If a young mother still cannot resist the desire to drink a cup of strong, good coffee, then freshly ground coffee will be the best option. Freshly brewed whole bean coffee contains less caffeine than instant coffee. In addition, it is healthier and does not have such a negative effect on the human body.

Green coffee

This product is now especially popular among healthy eating enthusiasts. It differs from other types in the way it is processed, which retains more beneficial properties in the drink. That is why green coffee is an excellent substitute for a natural drink for nursing mothers.

Is there an alternative

If a nursing mother cannot be content with occasional cups of coffee, but wants to drink coffee drinks all the time, then she needs to find a good alternative.


Is an excellent alternative. The taste is very similar to coffee, but has the opposite effect on the body: it soothes and cleanses. It should be introduced into the diet as carefully as any product.

Barley drink

It is a completely natural product. The taste of the barley drink is as similar as possible to coffee. It is much cheaper than many types of coffee and has many useful properties: improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and heart, stabilizes the hormonal system, etc.

Acorn coffee

Acorn coffee is called ersatz. To prepare it, large greenish acorns with a hard base are used. They are first dried and then ground into powder.

Doctor Komarovsky's opinion

Children's doctor Komarovsky is an authoritative person in the field of medicine and in particular on the topic of breastfeeding. He has his own opinion about the advisability of nursing mothers drinking coffee, as well as the permissible amount and frequency of drinking the drink. It is worth noting that Dr. Komarovsky is very loyal to young mothers and their babies. In his opinion, the baby should be allowed to freely explore the world around him, and the mother should be allowed to enjoy motherhood.

When asked about the possibility of drinking coffee while breastfeeding, pediatrician Komarovsky answers this way: if nothing changes in the child’s behavior, symptoms of allergies, restless behavior, sleep disorders or appetite do not appear, then a young mother can drink a couple of cups a day.

If problems arise in the baby's behavior or he exhibits symptoms of allergic reactions, the young mother will have to pay attention to the correctness of her diet and refuse to drink any type of coffee drink.

Negative reactions may include:

  • Unstable sleep;
  • Unstable functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Excessive excitability;
  • Restless behavior.

Considering the amount of time required to remove caffeine from the human body, you can find out whether the cause of allergic reactions is the coffee the mother drank. Sometimes, it is not caffeine at all that leads to the manifestation of such symptoms, but an incorrect dosage of drugs similar in structure to caffeine. For example, theophylline and aminophylline.

Such medications are prescribed to children whose breathing is impaired. In addition, Dr. Komarovsky says that an increased amount of caffeine in the body of a nursing mother can reduce the amount of iron in milk, which will lead to the development of anemia in the child. When deciding to drink coffee, a young mother should control the frequency of its intake.

Dr. Komarovsky advises drinking no more than two cups per day during breastfeeding. It is advisable to add a little milk to the cup. To reduce harm to the body, you can alternate natural coffee with a decaffeinated drink.

Unfortunately for young mothers, during breastfeeding you have to limit yourself in many ways. We have to reduce our consumption of natural coffee. But nursing mothers should not completely exclude this product from their diet. It is enough to follow all the above rules, carefully monitor the baby, and control the quantity and quality of foods consumed. In this case, no problems will arise, and the woman will have the opportunity to pamper herself with aromatic and tasty coffee while breastfeeding.

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For many people, a morning cup of coffee is a life-giving elixir for the whole day. The caffeine contained in the drink invigorates, improves tone and lifts your mood. It has a completely different effect on the child’s body. When taken with milk, it negatively affects the nervous system and provokes sleep disturbances. Can a nursing mother have coffee or should she temporarily give up the drink?

Many people cannot imagine a morning without coffee. A nursing mother is no exception

Side effects from drinking too much coffee

Mommy can solve the dilemma for herself by observing the baby’s condition. Give up your habit if you notice signs in your baby:

  1. Dehydration. The strong diuretic effect of the drink leads to the removal of a large amount of fluid from the body, along with which substances necessary for the full and proper development of the child are released.
  2. Allergies. After drinking coffee, monitor your baby in the first hours after drinking the drink. Check the nasal mucosa for inflammation, and see if there is a rash on the skin.
  3. Constipation. By removing excess fluid, coffee hardens stool, leading to constipation.
  4. Overexcitation of the nervous system. Excessive caffeine causes nervousness in children, they sleep poorly, and are capricious a lot.
  5. Incompatibility with other drugs. In the treatment of respiratory organs and cough, drugs that already contain caffeine are used. Drinking coffee can cause an overdose of the substance.

Consider the fact that medical studies have shown a decrease in the amount of iron in breast milk in mothers who often drink an invigorating drink - a fairly convincing answer to the question of whether a woman who has recently given birth can drink coffee (see also:). It is unlikely that you wish bad things for your baby, but without iron the little person’s immunity suffers, brain functions deteriorate, and the cardiovascular system suffers.

Do not forget that caffeine is a strong tonic that can cause changes in the functioning of the nervous system. For the normal development of the baby, on the contrary, he needs more rest, while excess nervousness and activity is undesirable

Myths about harmless types of coffee

Thinking about types of coffee while breastfeeding that can be consumed without harming the baby, a woman is “led” by advertising. A few years ago, there was no talk of allowing a nursing mother any caffeine products. The doctors' answer was always negative. The emergence of new types of drinks and their active advertising, claiming that this type of coffee will not cause negative reactions during breastfeeding, misleads mothers. Here are a number of erroneous statements:

  1. Instant drink does not contain much caffeine. Few people know that this type is produced from cheap robusta, a type of coffee characterized by a high content of this particular element. In addition, produced in granules or freeze-dried, it is replete with various impurities. This type of coffee should not be consumed by a nursing mother.
  2. Decaffeinated coffee. One of the most popular myths. Indeed, it contains very little caffeine, but during its production chemical reactions occur that carry much more harmful substances into the woman’s body. The drink can cause allergies or stomach upset in the newborn.
  3. Green coffee. A species that is on a wave of popularity. Manufacturers claim that it promotes fat burning and helps you lose weight. At its core, this product is a semi-finished product. Green beans must be roasted to create the unusual aroma of the drink. There are also a number of prohibitions regarding losing weight while breastfeeding. By giving up a full diet and replacing it with green coffee, you risk aggravating hormonal changes, causing health problems for both yourself and your baby.
  4. Replacing coffee with green tea will not bring the desired effect. By getting rid of caffeine, you will get theine, an element no less active in its action, which can excite the nervous system even more strongly than caffeine.

What is really possible?

If parting with your favorite drink is difficult, give preference to its popular version of cappuccino. Prepare it yourself. Take Arabica beans, grind them, pour boiling water over them and wait a few minutes, letting it brew. Add cream to it in a ratio of 1:2. This way you will get a wonderful drink with the taste of coffee, still invigorating, but with a softened effect on the body, which you can drink during lactation.

Is it allowed to drink cocoa?

If we’re already talking about caffeine-containing drinks, let’s also find out whether a nursing mother can have cocoa, and in what quantities. Caffeine, the main element that affects the condition of a newborn, is only 0.1-0.2% in cocoa, however, the drink contains theobromine, which acts in the same manner on the nervous and cardiovascular system of the baby, but it is 10 times lighter than caffeine. once. Cocoa also has a hidden threat: the drink is considered a highly allergenic product, and this is dangerous for the baby. Moms, in order not to harm your treasure, treat yourself to a drink no more than 2 times a week. Drink in the morning or before lunch, when you finish breastfeeding. Dilute with low-fat milk and do not add sugar.

There is no direct ban on drinking cocoa during breastfeeding, but it still has some effect on the baby. It’s better for mom to drink cocoa no more than twice a week, and make the drink itself not too strong

Rules for drinking coffee and cocoa while breastfeeding

If refusing the drinks in question is beyond your strength, allow yourself to have them, but follow certain rules:

  1. The first, most important month after childbirth - not a single cup of coffee. Adaptation of a newborn’s body lasts 3 months. A product with caffeine will become an unnecessary irritant.
  2. The maximum amount of the stimulating element (caffeine) in breast milk accumulates by the 2nd hour after feeding. To prevent your habit from harming your baby, drink coffee when you have just breastfed him.
  3. It is advisable to drink no more than one cup per day, but it is better if you limit yourself to a cup every 3-4 days. Remember the baby.
  4. Choose the tiniest coffee cups. This way you will pamper yourself, and there will be no harm to the child.
  5. Drink plenty of water with coffee (a large mug of water after each cup) to prevent dehydration in your newborn.
  6. To reduce calcium loss, include dairy and fermented milk products in your diet. Kefir, cream, milk, cottage cheese will help replenish the loss of the most important element for the child (see also:).
  7. Avoid combining products containing caffeine. Chocolate is not allowed with coffee (see also:). Coffee and cocoa on the same day are not allowed.

After drinking a cup of your favorite drink, watch your baby’s reaction. If you notice that your child has an allergic rash after feeding, he is capricious for no reason, does not want to sleep, goes to the toilet with “liquid” stool - forget about coffee for a while. You can try again after 1-2 weeks - perhaps the baby has already adapted to the new conditions and can more easily tolerate the caffeine content in milk.

What does Dr. Komarovsky think about coffee and breastfeeding?

Raising the topic of drinking coffee while breastfeeding, Dr. Komarovsky advises refraining from the tonic drink. A respected pediatrician voices three reasons for limiting coffee intake for breastfeeding mothers. He includes:

  • frequent allergic reactions;
  • bowel dysfunction;
  • restless sleep and nervous agitation;
  • possible overdose of caffeine in the treatment of lung diseases in a newborn.

Most mothers trust the opinion of such an authoritative and experienced doctor. Believe me too. If your baby has at least one of the listed problems, you shouldn’t tempt yourself; it’s better to deny yourself morning coffee until the baby gets stronger. The child calmly tolerates your addiction and does not react negatively to a cup of drink - you can continue to drink, but not in immeasurable quantities. Other experts also talk about the inadmissibility of regular coffee consumption.

After the birth of a child, a woman’s life changes radically. This applies to both lifestyle and culinary preferences - many foods are strictly prohibited during lactation. Is it okay to drink coffee while breastfeeding? This question concerns mothers who could not imagine their life before pregnancy without a cup of aromatic drink.

Truth and myths

If you take a moment to look into the past, you may be faced with a categorical ban on drinking coffee during breastfeeding. Grandmothers and great-grandmothers of children will probably dissuade the young mother from drinking coffee, frightening her with dire consequences. Here are some tenacious myths that women have believed for years.

  • Coffee during breastfeeding can only be drunk without caffeine. It is better to give preference to tea. This theory is completely meaningless, because the drink somehow contains caffeine, just in smaller quantities. For a long time, tea was considered much more harmless than coffee. However, the same green tea contains an analogue of caffeine - theine, which does not always have a positive effect on the female body. Frequent consumption of strong, highly infused tea can be harmful.
  • Instant coffee is less harmful than ground or grain coffee. Many people think this way because the instant drink does not contain natural ingredients. Therefore, there is no harm from it. This hypothesis is wrong - instant coffee contains a large amount of caffeine. In addition, this drink is made from low quality beans. Which is not useful.
  • You can drink and eat absolutely everything, starting from the first days of the baby’s birth. Some grandmothers may persistently offer this option to a young mother. This is usually motivated by the fact that in this way the child quickly adapts to normal foods. But modern nutritionists and pediatricians recommend refraining from excesses in food and drink for the first two to three months of a baby’s life. In the future, you can gradually expand the maternal diet. Among other things, you can try coffee.

How long does it take for coffee to be excreted from breast milk?

On average, caffeine is eliminated from the body of an adult within 5 hours. We are talking about both blood and breast milk. As a rule, during this period, the mother has time to breastfeed her baby and, therefore, give him a certain dose of caffeine. The highest concentration of caffeine in milk is 15-60 minutes after the mother drinks a cup. Then coffee is gradually eliminated from breast milk.

Why you shouldn't drink liters of it

So is it possible to drink coffee while breastfeeding? Yes, but with reservations. When introducing any new product, you need to closely monitor how the baby reacts to it: with his behavior, quality of stool, regurgitation (or lack thereof), and skin condition. Dr. Komarovsky, popular among modern mothers, also expressed his opinion on this issue. He recommends monitoring the baby. If the baby behaves as usual, the skin and stool are fine, you can drink coffee. But of course, little by little, not in liters.

Despite the fact that it is not forbidden to drink coffee while breastfeeding, mothers should be extremely careful. As with other products, the drink will be harmful if you drink a lot of it.

  1. "Accumulation effect." The child’s body will learn to effectively remove this substance on its own only after 2 years. Thus, the mother's constant consumption of coffee can lead to the accumulation of caffeine in the baby's body. In some cases, even caffeine addiction was observed in infants.
  2. Excessive consumption of the invigorating drink can cause childhood constipation.
  3. Abuse can cause an allergic reaction on the part of a child who is not accustomed to this product.
  4. Coffee provokes the removal of calcium from the body. That is why a young mother experiencing acute calcium deficiency should completely give up coffee for a while.
  5. Possible effect on the child's nervous system. And although it has been proven that such effects are minimal, some babies may react to a drink drunk by their mother with excitement and anxiety. The body of each person, including small ones, is individual. That is why a nursing mother should carefully monitor the behavior of her baby after drinking coffee.

Attention! Caffeine is not only found in coffee. A considerable concentration of this substance is found in black and green tea, cocoa, chocolate, and Coca-Cola. Therefore, these foods should also be consumed very carefully.

Safety regulations

If a nursing woman really wants a certain product or drink, she shouldn’t refuse it. Otherwise, a young mother may develop stress and nervous disorders due to constant gastronomic prohibitions. Or he will refuse breastfeeding altogether.

You can drink coffee, but you should adhere to certain rules of choice and consumption.

It is better to give preference to grain coffee. The grains must be of the best quality, then the ground and hand-brewed drink will be much more useful than its store-bought counterpart.

It is best not to boil the drink, but to brew it by pouring boiling water over the ground grains. This approach allows you to reduce the amount of caffeine.

The optimal amount for a nursing woman is one cup during the day (best in the early morning hours).

It is better to drink coffee immediately after feeding your baby. The concentration of caffeine in milk will decrease significantly by the start of the next feeding.

If a nursing mother likes to drink coffee, you need to limit the consumption of other caffeine-containing products.

Mom should introduce more foods containing calcium into her diet (sesame seeds, cheese, cottage cheese, etc.). Breastfeeding mothers almost always experience calcium deficiency in their bodies, and caffeine makes the situation worse.

Caffeine contributes to dehydration of the body, which negatively affects lactation. Nursing mothers need to carefully monitor the amount of water they drink per day (at least 2 liters). This approach will allow the mother to maintain normal fluid balance in the body.

Some mothers like to add a little milk to the cup. However, for some babies, cow's milk is prohibited: it is a strong allergen. A nursing mother can drink coffee with milk after she is convinced that her baby has no allergic reactions to this drink. You just have to follow the norm and not consume more than 30-50 ml of milk per cup.

If a nursing mother, on her own or under pressure from circumstances, decides to stop drinking coffee, it can be replaced with other drinks. In this case, you should pounce on strong black and green tea - its excess can cause the accumulation of caffeine in the body of mother and baby.

Chicory would be an ideal option for coffee. This drink is very similar in taste to coffee and at the same time does not contain caffeine. The likelihood of allergic reactions in a child after chicory is very small compared to coffee or tea. Another undoubted advantage for a young mother who saves her time is the ease of preparing a drink from chicory. It is enough to pour one tablespoon of powder into a glass of boiling water and enjoy a tasty and aromatic drink.

True, there is one thing. If a woman develops hemorrhoids after childbirth, it is better to avoid chicory: this unpleasant disease progresses under the influence of chicory.

Weak, weak tea is also acceptable in a mother’s diet.

Thus, coffee is not a prohibited product when breastfeeding. A young mother should only take into account simple recommendations and carefully approach the choice of drink. At the slightest suspicion of a negative impact on the baby, consumption of Arabica should be postponed for some time. Nursing coffee lovers should not be upset, because the baby will grow up and many gastronomic prohibitions will be lifted. And communication with your baby will help you easily endure some temporary food restrictions.

After a sleepless night spent in the company of a baby, any mother will want to cheer up with a cup of her favorite drink.

However, coffee during breastfeeding should be consumed thoughtfully and with knowledge of all restrictions.

Why is coffee harmful?

2. In addition, the invigorating drink is highly allergenic. Even if a woman drinking it does not experience any symptoms, this does not mean that the child’s body will also be favorable to caffeine.

3. In addition to allergic reactions, coffee in breast milk can also be addictive. After all, you yourself have a hard time giving it up in the morning, and now you can pass this addiction on by inheritance.

Don't forget: caffeine is found in other drinks: Coca-Cola, energy drinks, black tea, cocoa and natural chocolate.

Consumption of all these products together can lead to an overdose of the substance and excessive nervousness and excitability. While both mother and her child should, on the contrary, relax and calm down.

Western doctors are not so categorical: they do not consider pregnancy a disease, and do not try to force the woman who gave birth to give up everything in the world.

Therefore, local pediatricians allow their patients to drink 1-2 cups of coffee per day (not forgetting, however, about other sources of caffeine, including painkillers).

If you have already eaten a bar of chocolate, washed it down with tea, and allowed yourself a glass of cola for your afternoon snack, then you should give up a cup of coffee today.

In any case, you need to monitor the baby’s reaction.

If after drinking the drink you see a rash on your child or it seems to you that he has become more nervous, noisy, or excited, then it is better to avoid drinking coffee while breastfeeding.

Most likely, it is he who is the reason for the changes in the toddler’s behavior.

You should absolutely not drink coffee while feeding a baby who is not even a month old. Such a tiny body will not be able to digest and eliminate caffeine, which means it will accumulate inside.

It is better to avoid the instant drink altogether - it contains more caffeine, and it is made from beans of the lowest grade, undergoing chemical processing.

If you decide to drink coffee, then only natural and 100% coffee, the quality of which you have no doubt about. It would be best to cook it yourself in a Turkish pot, or even better, brew it “in Polish”: with boiling water and cover.

After drinking a cup of aromatic coffee, be sure to wash it down with clean water. Everyone knows that in addition to vigor, the drink also brings dehydration. And maintaining fluid balance in the body is one of the most important tasks of a nursing mother.

How to replace coffee while breastfeeding

In many ways it resembles coffee - in taste, color and energy effect. It has quite a beneficial effect on the body of a nursing mother. You can not only drink it, it is even recommended by doctors.

And here You shouldn’t rely on so-called “decaffeinated coffee”.

Firstly, it still contains caffeine, albeit in smaller quantities.

Secondly, such a drink is subject to harmful chemical treatment and is not suitable for a nursing mother.

Many women cannot imagine their life without a cup of fresh aromatic coffee. But what to do if a girl becomes a mother and is breastfeeding? Is it possible to drink coffee while breastfeeding? Will your favorite drink harm your baby?

Myths about drinking coffee while breastfeeding?

There were many myths around this drink and its effect on newborns with breastfeeding, which were successfully debunked by modern medicine. The most common myths:

  • Caffeine is harmful to the baby's nervous system. The baby becomes more excited, restless, and cries a lot. Modern research has shown that the effect of caffeine on a child’s nervous system is minimal, but there is a danger that the baby’s body does not yet know how to remove this substance and it gradually accumulates.
  • It is better to replace harmful coffee with healthy green tea. In fact, green tea contains even more caffeine than classic coffee. Therefore, such a replacement does not make sense and will not bring the expected result.
  • Decaffeinated coffee is safe for breastfeeding. This is not entirely true. The drink still contains caffeine, albeit in small quantities. Yes, small doses of the substance will not have an effect on the mother, but their content will be noticeable for the baby. In addition, the “decaffeinated” drink increases blood cholesterol levels.
  • When breastfeeding, you need to eat and drink everything, including coffee, in order to “accustom” the baby to the tastes of “adult food.” This statement is completely false! The baby’s digestive and enzyme systems are not yet fully formed and do not function like those of an adult. A young mother needs to carefully monitor her diet and select only healthy, hypoallergenic foods.
  • Instant coffee has nothing in common with the real drink, so it is safe. This is wrong! The instant product is made from cheap varieties of coffee beans, chemicals are added, and the caffeine content in such a drink is maximum. This drink option is definitely not recommended for a nursing mother!

The adult body eliminates caffeine within 10 hours. A child's body under two years of age cannot remove this substance at all, and it gradually accumulates and causes many negative reactions (allergies, developmental delays, agitation, hyperactivity)!

Why is it better for a nursing mother to give up coffee for a while?

A few years ago, doctors categorically forbade drinking coffee while breastfeeding. Now the attitude towards this drink is becoming more and more loyal, but some experts still insist that it is better to give it up during breastfeeding. There are several reasons for this:

  • Caffeine is not excreted from the child's body. This ability will not appear until the age of two.
  • Excessive coffee consumption while breastfeeding can cause constipation in the baby.
  • Coffee is a strong allergen! There is a high probability that the baby will develop an allergy if mommy abuses the aromatic drink.
  • Coffee helps remove calcium from the body. For a young mother already experiencing a calcium deficiency after pregnancy and childbirth, it is better to avoid this drink.
  • Although the effect of caffeine on the baby’s nervous system is minimal, there is still a risk that an individual child will be more susceptible to this substance. If mommy decides to drink coffee during breastfeeding, then you need to carefully monitor the baby’s reaction. Everything is individual!

It's not just coffee you should be wary of when breastfeeding. Caffeine is also found in chocolate, Coca-Cola, green and black tea, and cocoa. Of course, you shouldn’t completely give up these foods, but you need to use them carefully and gradually introduce them into your diet in small doses.

If you really want to, then you can! Rules for drinking coffee during breastfeeding

Any stress and prohibitions negatively affect the mood of a nursing woman. This may help reduce the volume of lactation. To prevent this from happening, you should not sharply and categorically limit yourself in food and drinks. Coffee is not alcohol, so the ban on it is not so categorical. When and how should a nursing mother drink coffee so that it does not harm the baby:

  • You need to choose only a quality product. It is better to prepare the drink yourself, and grind whole beans before doing so, rather than using store-bought ground coffee.
  • The drink should not be boiled, but brewed by pouring boiling water over the ground grains. This method significantly reduces the caffeine content in the cup.
  • Drink the drink in moderate doses. Optimal - 1 cup per day.
  • It is better to drink coffee immediately after feeding so that the concentration of caffeine in breast milk is as low as possible for the baby's next meal.
  • If mom drinks coffee, then you need to pay attention to ensuring that the dose of other caffeine-containing products in the diet is minimal.
  • With regular use of this invigorating drink, you should add more calcium-containing foods (cheeses, sesame seeds, cottage cheese) to your diet.
  • Caffeine dehydrates the body, which negatively affects lactation, so you need to monitor the amount of fluid you drink (at least 2 liters per day).
  • It is better to postpone the consumption of coffee and products containing caffeine until the baby is at least a month old. Until this time, it is better not to take risks and give the baby the opportunity to adapt to a new environment and new food.

Can a nursing mother have coffee with milk?

Milk is strictly contraindicated for infants, since their enzyme system has not yet matured and the body does not absorb it. But many mothers cannot imagine their life without a cup of coffee with milk. What to do in this situation?

If the baby is allergic to milk protein, then any presence of milk in the mother’s diet is contraindicated. If the baby is not prone to allergies, is healthy, and develops well, then a small amount of milk in the mother’s menu (30-50 ml per cup) will not harm him at all.

In any case, you should introduce natural milk into your diet if the baby is breastfeeding no earlier than the third month of the child’s life. This should be done gradually and in small doses, then it will be safe and will not harm the baby

Selection of coffee on GW

If mommy decides to drink coffee during breastfeeding, then you need to select the product carefully. A cheap instant drink option is not suitable! Instant varieties often use low-quality grains. In addition, they are subject to chemical treatment. Such a drink is most likely to cause allergies in the baby.

It is better to choose premium varieties in beans. You can also ground it, but only if you have firm confidence in the quality of the product.

Decaffeinated coffee is not liked by true connoisseurs, but for a nursing mother it is a good option. Yes, it loses somewhat in taste, but due to the reduced caffeine content it becomes more preferable for breastfeeding.

It should be noted that “decaf” varieties also undergo chemical treatment, like soluble ones. Therefore, when choosing this option, you need to carefully monitor the baby’s reaction.

What to replace coffee with?

If the mother herself decided to give up coffee during breastfeeding or the baby has an allergy, then you should think about replacing the drink with something more suitable. Don't overdose on black or green tea. Even if the baby is not allergic to it, these drinks contain plenty of caffeine, and it is this substance that tends to accumulate in the child’s body.

An ideal substitute for an invigorating drink would be chicory. The drink is very similar in taste to natural coffee and contains absolutely no caffeine. Chicory is much less likely to cause allergic reactions in an infant.

Preparing the drink is very simple: you just need to pour boiling water over the powder (a teaspoon of the product per glass of water). This is a definite plus, since a young mother often does not have time for complex preparation of food and drinks.

Chicory is contraindicated for young mothers who suffer from varicose veins or hemorrhoids after pregnancy

It is also better to refrain from using it for those who have problems with the gastrointestinal tract (gastritis, ulcers). If these ailments do not exist, then you can safely introduce the drink into your diet.

Of course, it is necessary to observe moderation and not overuse chicory, since the base contains a natural component, and the baby still has a small risk of allergies. A couple of cups of this drink, drunk by the mother, will definitely not harm the child. It is better to consult your pediatrician about large doses.

To drink or not to drink coffee, every mother decides for herself. You need to approach the matter wisely and weigh all possible risks. If the dose of the drink is small and the baby feels well, then mom’s weakness in the form of a cup of espresso is quite forgivable.