An initial system of play activities with dyenesha blocks for children of primary preschool age. Summary of direct educational activities using logical blocks by Dienesh “A Magical Journey to the Land of Logic”

MADOU"Kindergarten No. 418"

Abstract of GCD

in mathematics with logical blocks Dienesha in middle group

"Journey to the city of geometric shapes"

Prepared and conducted by S.K. Sazykina

Perm 2014

Program content.

  1. Learn to name geometric shapes and describe their properties.
  2. To develop in children the ability to classify and generalize figures according to three properties (color, shape and size), to develop perception and attention.
  3. Practice recognizing numbers from 1 to 5.
  4. Develop attention, imagination, logic.

Progress of the lesson:

Children play on the carpet. The teacher's assistant brings in the parcel.

  • Package

Educator: Guys, he sent us a parcel, and there is a letter in it! Let's read it: “Guys, the geometric shapes are lost. Help them get back to the land of geometric shapes. Your magic carpet will help you travel.”

What should guys do? (Help the figures)

“You need to sit on the magic carpet, grab it, say the spell:

Our magic carpet! Take flight!" (Music sounds - let's fly.)

We fly over the city, we fly over the fields. We hold the carpet tightly. We might fall if we let him go.

Here we are in a magical land. Let's look around, what do we see?

  • Lock

Oh! There is a lock on the door. Magic. Probably, to open it, you also need to say a spell. But the letter says nothing about him.

Let's think about how to open it?

*children's suggestions.

Let's try to open it by typing some code. (The teacher names the code, the children show the named number on their cards.)

Let's take a closer look at the lock. What is drawn here? Can you name it in one word? (Shapes)

Let's think, perhaps you need to click on some figure to open the lock? Which one?

How are these figures different? What figure is missing here? Not like everyone else? (An extra small figure! All the figures are large, but this figure is small.)

How else is it different? (All figures have angles, but she doesn’t.)

Press, Katya, quickly!

Now the door has opened!

  • Map

Enter a magical land! And here is a map of the country of geometric shapes!

Square: Hello guys! What a great fellow you are for being able to open the door to a magical land! You guessed it! You will probably be wizards.

Square: Here is a plan of a city of geometric shapes. Look at our city. Why do you think this city is called that? (Geometric shapes live here.)

Look, this the main road in this country. (Points with a pointer) And to the right and left are the regions. What kind of figures do you think this area (on the right) is in?

Small or big? (shows symbol: right - small, left - large)

We are now in the area of ​​small figures. Like any city there are streets.

The streets have names. There are even signs here:

What street is this? Color? (Blue, yellow and red.)

Let's go to the area now large figures. Where is the red street? Blue? Yellow?

There are houses on every street and each house has an address. What figure is this? All houses for different geometric shapes. If they stand in the area of ​​large figures, what size are they all? (large)

What figures live on Red Street? (red). And on yellow? Blue? (pointing with a pointer)

Square: Guys, you took the figures with you that got lost. Help them find their houses. (Children arrange the figures into houses.)

Square: Well done, you helped the figures return home. For this I will show you our trains and a magical clearing. We went to the station by car. We start the car: brrrrrr; take the steering wheel and let's go.

Invites children to the tables; on the tables there are Dienesh blocks and trains for each child.

  • Train

Square: Each of you will now build a train, but be careful, I will name and describe each carriage.

Place the train on the left. The first car is blue and round, the second is red and triangular, the third is yellow and square, the fourth is blue and rectangular, the fifth is yellow and round. (The teacher lays out the trailers on the board.)

Count how many cars you have on the train. (Five)

Well done! You can work as train drivers. Since you have completed such a difficult task. I'll show you another magical clearing.

  • Magic Glade(Voskobovich squares lie on the carpet)

Magic squares live here and can turn into anything. Now you will all become wizards and turn them into delicious candies. (teacher demonstration, children repeat, bending two opposite corners of the square.)

Candies turn into beautiful boats. (Children turn candy into a boat by bending the candy in half.)

Well, goodbye guys, they're waiting for me in another group. Did you like the city of geometric shapes? I will give you magic squares. They will help you return back to the group. Goodbye, guys. (The square leaves.)

Let's go back on the boats.

The soundtrack of the river flows.

Fast river, strong current. Rocks our boat.

Leaned right, left!

Here we are.

Did you enjoy the trip? What do you remember most? (Listen to the children's answers.)

Title: Lesson summary on FEMP using Dienesh logic blocks in the middle group
Nomination: Kindergarten, Lesson notes, GCD, mathematics, secondary

Position: teacher 1 qualification categories
Place of work: KGKP nursery garden No. 8 “Teremok”
Location: Ekibastuz city, Pavlodar region, Republic of Kazakhstan

Summary of a lesson on FEMP using Dienesh logic blocks in the middle group.


1. Form elementary mathematical representations.

  • Teach children to compare objects and geometric shapes based on two or more properties (shape, color, size);
  • Develop the ability to identify a given geometric figure using 3

characteristics (shape, size, color);

  • Practice ordinal and quantitative counting within 5;
  • To consolidate the concept of “near-far”; about temporary representations;
  • Teach children to navigate in space (middle, top right, top left, bottom right, bottom left).

2. Develop primary techniques logical thinking(to form the ability to observe, compare, generalize, classify); develop speech as a means and form of mental activity.

3. To cultivate curiosity and interest in travel as a form of learning about the world around us.

Material:“Dyenesha” blocks, cards with encoding of “Dyenesha” blocks

Progress of the lesson:

Circle of Joy

How long is the year?

What time of year is it now?

How many months are there in winter?

Name the winter months.

What month is it now?

Name the signs of winter.

Surprise moment.

Children, have you heard that someone is knocking?

I'll go see who's there.

Look, children, the postman brought us a letter. I wonder who you think the letter is from?

Do you want to know who wrote us a letter?

Then let's open the letter and read it.

"Hello children! I need your help. An evil sorcerer bewitched the animals and locked them in a chest. We need to free them and feed them. Greetings, grandfather Lesovik"

Well, children, let's help the animals?

We need to divide into two groups.

Group 1 goes to make treats for the animals

Group 2 goes to save the animals.

It's time for us to hit the road, but the forest is far away. How do we get there, do you think?

Let's go by bus.

But to travel by bus, what do you need to buy?

The task is performed with Dienesh blocks. Children are given cards with the encoding of the figures.

Attention! Checking tickets.

What color is your ticket?

What shape?

Show blue tickets only.

And now the red and yellow tickets. etc.

Well done! You have all found your seats correctly, you can go.

(Stop. Arrive at the forest)

Children, we have arrived in the forest, but where should we go, who will help us?

Look how beautiful the Christmas tree is, maybe it will help us?

The Christmas tree told me that in order to help the little ones, we need to correctly complete all the tasks that the snowflakes have prepared for us.

Takes snowflake No. 1 and reads the task.

1 – task: logic problems: "How many?"

Snowflake No. 2

Task 2: count forward and backward within 5.

Now treat the bunnies with carrots, how many bunnies? How many carrots? Did everyone have enough carrots? Why?

D/game “Find your place.”

Snowflake No. 3

Task 3: “Make a picture”

And this snowflake wants us to make a picture where the bunny is in the middle, the house is at the bottom right, the tree is at the bottom left, the sun is at the top right, the cloud is at the top left.

Now paint your own picture.

Well done! You all did a good job.

Snowflake No. 4

4-task: “Physical minute”

This snowflake asks to dance with her.

Snowflake No. 5

Task 5: “What has changed?”

(On the left is a house, and on the right are 2 toys. They are at different distances from the house)

This snowflake wants to test how attentive you are.

Tell me who is closer to the house and who is farther from the house?

Now everyone close your eyes.

(rearranging toys)

Now open your eyes and tell me what has changed? (exercise repeated 2-3 times)

Well done! You completed all the tasks correctly. Now let's go find the chest and save the animals.

Here is the chest, but it is locked. Children, there is a note here that says that the key is hidden under geometric shapes, you must guess

right where the key is hidden.

Well done! You guessed right, here is the key.

Children, it's time for us to return to kindergarten, we’re taking some animals with us. Get on the bus, let’s go.

Where we were?

Why did we go to the forest?

What did we do to save the animals?

What were the tasks?

Lesson summary on FEMP in the middle group

using Dienesh Blocks.

Subject:"Journey to the Land of Geometric Shapes"

Target: consolidate children's knowledge of geometric shapes and the ability to work with Dienesh blocks.


Learn to name geometric shapes, describe their properties according to 3 characteristics (color, shape, size);

Practice forward and backward counting within 5, and quantitative counting;

Accustom to use words in speech that characterize quantitative and spatial relationships;

Develop attention, the ability to analyze and compare objects according to independently identified properties, and generalize;

Continue learning to act according to the teacher’s verbal instructions;

increase the cognitive activity of children due to the attractiveness of the learning process, its emotional motivation, and plot content;

To foster friendly relationships, a sense of responsiveness, and a desire to help the cartoon character.

Vocabulary work: poster, geometric shapes, mysterious, travel.

Bilingual component: bear - ayu, hare - koyan, mouse - tyshkan, cat - mysyk.

Equipment: « rocket », combination lock, diagram of a fairy-tale city, “flower meadow”, red and blue hoop, Dienesh blocks for the game “Settled in the House”, toy crow, trees for the mysterious forest, geometric shapes for the fox and the bear, game “Treasure Hunters”, poster for the fairy tale “Adventures” Pinocchio."

Progress of the lesson:

1. General circle:

Hello my friends! I'm very glad to see you.

Let's stand in a circle and rejoice at this day, the meeting of friends and guests.

Game: "Clap, hello"

Children stand in the middle of the group clap their hands and put their palms to the neighbor’s palms with the words:“Clap, hello!”

2. Main part:

Guys, I want to invite you on an exciting journey. Ready to travel?

How can you get there quickly? (on a rocket)

Take your seats (children have blue and red emblems on their chests)

So, the rocket is ready for launch, count from 1 to 5, and off we go.

(children’s hands above their heads “house”, on exhale ooooh).

It’s interesting to know what country we found ourselves in? In the land of geometric shapes. Oh, what is this, look, what do you think happened? (children's answers)

The phonogram “Tail by Tail” sounds

Children, who is singing this? Why is Leopold the Cat so angry? So who chewed on these figures? (Mice)

We need to do something, let's quickly go to the land of geometric shapes. Oh, look, there’s a big lock at the entrance, how can we open it?

Code lock game

Which figure is extra, why?

(they opened the lock and found themselves in the land of geometric shapes)

Look how interesting and beautiful it is in a fairyland.

(The phone is ringing. The teacher picks up the phone)

“Yes, I’m listening to you. Is this Leopold the cat speaking? Okay, I'll talk to the guys) ( hang up).

Guys, Leopold the cat needs our help; He was invited to the cinema and sent a poster for a fairy tale, and the mischievous little mice cut the poster into pieces and scattered them throughout our group. Can we help you find a fairy tale poster?

Look, this is what remains of the poster. In place of the empty squares there should be parts of the poster, and we will find them after we complete all the tasks of the mice. What task do you think we will start with? (from 1), why?

Search with your eyes in our group number 1.

Task 1. We ended up in the “Fairytale City”

Where does Little Bear live? (ay)

Where does the Hare live? (koyang)

Where does Leopold the cat live? (mysyk)

Where do mice live? (tyshkan)

Well done, you completed the task, let's find part of the poster here and use a magnet to glue it to place (Which?) No. 1.

Number 2 – task No. 2. We got to the "Flower Meadow"

Look, the harmful little mice have done a mischief here too, scattering all the flowers from the colorful flowerbed. Let's put some flowers in the flowerbed.

Blue team - collecting flowers of blue color and places it in a blue hoop;

Red team - collecting flowers round shape and places it in a red hoop.

Where will we place the rest of the flowers? (to the general part). And why? (because they are not red or square).

We found part of the poster and placed it on number 2.

Number No. 3 – task 3 “City of Masters”

Children sit at tables according to the emblems.

Individual work with Dienesh blocks – game "Settled Houses"

Part of the poster No. 3 - in its place

Number 4 – task 4 “Mysterious forest”

So the white-sided magpie has arrived, look, she brought something. (in the beak there is a bag, there is a letter):

I'm a clumsy bear

Cheerful and shaggy,

He lived quietly in the forest,

I was friends with the little fox.

And the evil sorcerer once

He destroyed us all.

You, guys. Help

Collect us from figures!

Here is a photo of a bear and a fox.

I invite girls to collect a fox, and boys to collect a bear. Walk around, look for shapes and match the animals to the pattern.

Well done, you've broken the spell on the animals.

Count how many figures are in the image of the bear, which figures? And the chanterelles? Well done!

Part of the poster No. 4 is in its place.

Number 5 – task No. 5 “Treasure Diggers”.

The last part of the poster was hidden under one of the figures. You must use the diagram to find it.

The entire poster has been restored.

What is the name of the fairy tale to which Leopold the Cat was invited? (The Adventures of Pinocchio). We will take a photo of the poster and send it to Leopold via e-mail. Well, it's time for us to return to kindergarten.

Take your seats in the rocket, count from 5 to 1 - let's fly (oooh).

3. Result, reflection:

Did you enjoy the trip? What was interesting? What was difficult?

4. Palming: you have become kinder, smarter, more friendly.

I know for sure that each of you has a kind, sympathetic heart, and you will always come to the rescue in difficult times. Well, Leopold the cat, for helping him put together the poster, has prepared a treat for you. (candies)

1. Cultivate friendly relations towards your neighbor.

2. Continue to teach children to arrange objects (Cuisenaire rods) in a row, in ascending order, to use the words: longer, shorter.

3. Strengthen counting skills within 5.

4. Strengthen the ability to distinguish and correctly show a circle, square, triangle, recognize these figures, despite differences in color and size.

5. Distinguish geometric shapes, develop spatial imagination, constructive thinking, intelligence, sensory abilities (square).

Handout: Cuisenaire sticks, Dienesh blocks, circles: blue red.

Progress of the lesson.

Organizing time.

1. Educator: Guys, look how many guests we have today. Let's say hello to them.

Educator: Guys, today we will make a fantastic flight. We will fly with you to the planet Mars, and what is the name of our planet? (Children's answers.)

There we will have to make many discoveries, complete difficult tasks, find answers to difficult questions. You are ready? (Children's answers.)

Educator: First of all, you need to build a rocket. You will be design engineers. Take your jobs. Here are sketches of rockets. Carefully examine the sketch and construct a rocket (working with Dienesh blocks). They did an excellent job.

You and I will fly on a ready-made rocket. Take your seats.

2. Flower glade (Dyenesha blocks)

Educator: Guys, look, we are on an alien planet, but there are flower meadows, but the flowers are unusual, and in the form of geometric shapes.

Guys, look, all our flowers are scattered from the colorful flower bed. Let's put some flowers in the flowerbed.

Blue flowers in the shape of a square should be placed in a blue hoop, and red flowers in the shape of a circle should be placed in a red hoop.

Where will we place the rest of the flowers? (to the general part). And why? (because they are not red or blue, not squares or circles).

3. Educator: To maintain your health in space during the flight, we will do a physical exercise session.

Physical education lesson: “Space”.

4. Games with Cuisenaire sticks

Educator: Guys, we are on the planet Mars, look, in front of you magic wands. We need to complete interesting tasks with them.

  1. Take in right hand as many sticks as you can hold, name the color of each stick.
  2. Show a stick that is not red, not yellow, etc.
  3. Select sticks of the same color and build a house for the nesting doll.

5. “Lay out according to the model”

Educator: Guys, look at the picture. What do you see? (Children's answers.) That's right, it's the Sun. The sun is also a planet. What color is it? What geometric figure does the Sun resemble? What else does the sun have? What geometric figure do the rays resemble? (Children's answers.)

Educator: Let's try to lay out our Sun, and our magic wands will help us with this. (Cuisenaire sticks.)

6. Educator: Take your seats in the rocket:

1,2,3,4,5, - we returned from the flight, we landed on the ground! (Children get out of the rocket.)

Educator: Our rocket made a soft landing, thanks to the well-coordinated work of our crew, we completed all the tasks. Guys, did I forget where we were? Why did we fly there? What were we doing there? Was it hard for you? Interesting? Thank you guys for an interesting trip.

Correctional educational tasks:

Form elementary mathematical concepts:

    To consolidate ideas about the properties of geometric figures by introducing a symbolic designation of properties;

    Strengthen ideas about the number series;

    practice quantitative counting within 8;

    consolidate the ability to correlate quantity with the corresponding figure;

    Develop the ability to identify properties in objects (blocks), abstract these properties from others, retain them in memory, follow certain rules when solving practical problems;

    Continue to develop a stable connection between the image of the property and the words that denote it;

    Practice orientation on the plane of the sheet, use spatial terminology (upper right corner, lower right corner, etc.)

Correction and development tasks:

Learn to construct simple statements about the essence of a phenomenon, property, relationship with the question: “what do you think?”, stimulate them to express their thoughts.

Activate words and expressions in speech: color, shape, size, thickness, upper right corner, lower left corner.

Develop primary techniques of logical thinking (form the ability to observe, compare, generalize, classify) develop speech as a means and form of mental activity. Teach symbolization and modeling techniques.

Promote the psychological health of children: create a sense of joy, confidence, optimize children's mood, using the training game “Charge of Vigor” and the element of the ABC of expressing emotions (through expressive movements of surprise, fear, joy).

Develop auditory and visual perception, voluntary attention, memory, general and fine motor skills.

Correctional and educational tasks:

To cultivate curiosity, intelligence, the desire to play with each other, the ability

hear and listen to each other.

Equipment: a set of logic blocks by Dienesh, sets of numbers 1-8 according to the number of children, cards depicting various properties (color, shape, size, thickness), an image of a school with block students, a ball.

Individual work: encourage Kirill to build sentences of 4-5 words, correctly coordinating the words in the sentence. Working with Sasha on the ability to abstract the properties of objects.

Move: Guys, today we have an exciting activity ahead of us. We must show our knowledge, skills and intelligence. But first, let's put our thoughts in order, express our wishes and do self-massage.

Training game “Charge of vivacity”

“I wish my ears could hear everything (stroking the ears)

I wish my eyes could see everything (stroking the eyes)

I wish my mouth to speak correctly and beautifully

I wish my head to think correctly and not make mistakes (stroking the head)

I wish my hands to work confidently (stroking hands)

I wish my body to be healthy.

Well done boys! Now you are ready to see everything, hear everything, and feel everything.

I suggest doing a warm-up " It happens - it doesn’t happen“If this happens, we smile and clap our hands; if it doesn’t happen, we frown and stamp our feet.

There is a circle with corners - There is spring after winter

Sometimes a rooster has 4 legs - Sometimes a dog has 4 legs

It happens after Monday, Saturday - It happens at night after morning

Sometimes a person has 3 eyes - Sometimes the number two is greater than three

Sometimes the grass is green - Sometimes the number five comes after seven

Well done boys! You were very attentive and smart. Sit down at the tables.

In the magical state of Mathematics, stories are always happening. Today, for example, all the numbers quarreled. Each of them wants to prove that she is the most important. Let's make them friends "Numerical warm-up"

Name all the numbers in order (in unison)

Say the numbers in reverse order (in unison)

Olya, count from five to seven

Sasha, count from three to six

Dasha, five, and you count back

Olya, name the neighbors number three

So our numbers became friends. We need all the numbers and they are important; we cannot do without them.

In the magical state of Mathematics, King Unit rules. Today he wants to check

Do children like mathematics, are you friendly with it. He issued a decree and ordered all his tasks to be completed. First task: Guess what kind of building this is? And it will help you mystery.

There is a big and bright house,
Why are there a lot of things in it?
And they write and they think,
They read, create and dream.

That's right, this is a school. What is the number of each class and where is it located?

This is class number 1. Where is it, Olya?

It's on the right top corner.

This is class number 2. Where is the second class?

The second class is in the lower left corner. etc. Similar work until four.

In the magical state of Mathematics, unusual students study. These are familiar to us

Tell me, Dasha, who is in first grade?

In the first grade, students have blue, large, thick circles.

Ruslan, who is in second grade?

In the second grade, red, small, thin, squares are taught.

Well done, everyone coped with the king’s task. Now let's rest. It's break at school.

Gymnastics for the eyes

My funny ringing ball

Still wants to play.

You will follow with your eyes,

Don't turn your head.

Where the ball goes, the eyes go there

We will move slowly.

The ball went up

All eyes are up.

The ball rolled down

And all eyes are down.

Ball - to the right, ball - to the left,

And now diagonally:

From top to bottom diagonally

And one more time.

Everyone ran in a circle

And we returned again.

And the "infinity" figure

Let's draw five!

FizminutkaTo begin with, you and IWe only turn our heads. (Rotate your head.)We also rotate the body.Of course we can do this. (Turns right and left.)And now we squat.We understand perfectly well -We need to strengthen our legsOne two three four five. (Squats.)Finally we reached outUp and to the sides. We caved in. (Stretching up and to the sides.)Flushed from warming upAnd they sat down again. (Children sit down)

The next task of the king of Unity. " Count the blocks and show the correct number."

Count all the circles and show the correct number

Count all the red blocks and show the correct number

Count all the small blocks and show the correct number

Count all the thick blocks and show the correct number.

Well done, you also coped with this task.

And now King Unit invites us to play game "Cryptographers"

The king will place blocks, and we will encrypt them using our symbol cards. A blue, large, thick square will be placed.

Olya, what cards did you take for encryption?

I took the blue spot big house, a fat man and a square.

Did Kirill choose the cards correctly? Check this with everyone.

The game is repeated 2-3 times.

Well done, guys, you completed all the Tsar’s tasks. He is very pleased with you and you have made me happy. Anyone who thinks that he studied well, and the tasks seemed easy to him, stand in the red hoop. And for those who found it difficult today, stand in the green hoop.

Today the King of Mathematics and I made sure that you love her and are friends with her.

Everything is beautiful in the sky,

Beautiful on earth

Everything is wonderful around

Everything about me is wonderful.