Unusual decoration of the room. Walls in an apartment - finishing materials, modern ideas and options (90 photos)

Creating a full-fledged interior is not only a choice of suitable materials and furniture, not only a layout of the placement of elements relative to each other, but also more subtle work, which is realized in the manifestation of the creative potential of the owner of the room. In order to create more than just a pleasant and functional home, you need to bring something original to your apartment that you probably won’t find in any other home. This is most easily realized at the level of wall decoration.

Today there are many ways to decorate walls, but each of them seems familiar and ordinary. Of course, you can cover the surface of the wall with clapboard or polyvinyl chloride panels, you can paste wallpaper or photo wallpaper, you can apply paint of any color, but this is not enough to make the room unique.

Modern designers offer a lot of simple ways to decorate walls, each of which is distinguished by its ease of achieving results, extreme efficiency, and, most importantly, originality. In addition, each of these options can be taken not literally, but taken as a diagram, a simplified algorithm, on the basis of which a new solution is created.

For creating original design rooms, it is not necessary to purchase expensive materials. You can arm yourself with things that have already served their purpose, for example, old tulle.

The technology for such wall decoration is extremely simple and requires only accuracy and patience from the owners of the premises.

  1. Remove old paint, apply finishing paste to vinyl based to hide all defects and irregularities.
  2. We prepare the wall surface and paint it in the chosen color.
  3. We attach the tulle.

  4. We apply textured plaster on top.

  5. We remove the tulle while the plaster has not yet dried.

  6. We wait for the drawing to dry completely.

  7. We tint the image using pearlescent paint.

The end result is a very interesting wall design that can easily become the envy of your friends.

Interior designers insist that virtually any item, if used correctly, can become a decoration for a room. You can arm yourself with hangers with metal clips and place your favorite images or your own photographs printed on thick cardboard on them.

Usually, an entire wall, and sometimes several walls, are allocated for these purposes, since in single copies the concept looks inferior.

It is important that the paper with pictures is as thick as possible. Otherwise, the images will curl, wrinkle, lose their shape and give the impression of extremely unreliable decorations.

Before placing photo hangers on the wall, the surface must be prepared. It is best to choose a single theme and color scheme for the pictures, this will allow you to find the right shade of paint for the wall. This option is suitable for a slightly frivolous interior, but not for classic options.

A non-standard solution is to decorate the surface of the walls using silhouette drawings. There is an opinion that the most stylish solution is a combination of a snow-white background and a black image. At the same time, the methods of applying a picture can be very different - from ordinary brushes and stencils to ready-made stickers that are sold in construction stores.

Today, a large number of designers are working in this direction, which provides a variety of options. Teen room, which, by the way, is becoming the most popular place for experimenting with silhouette drawings, can be decorated with spectacular images of motorcycles and racing cars. The room for the young fashionista is decorated using sophisticated silhouettes, dressed in elegant dresses.

Flocking walls

Flock is a special coating that consists of fairly large acrylic particles that have a variety of shapes: from circles and stars to petals. This is a kind of warm, rough material, which comes in an endless variety of colors.

Among the advantages, it should be noted resistance to mechanical stress, temperature fluctuations, humidity, as well as the ability to hide all kinds of wall defects.

The most affordable option today is a two-component flock. It is very easy to apply to the wall.

Step 1. Prepare the wall. Before applying flock, you must make sure that the surface is completely dry, clean, and non-porous, that is, it will not absorb liquid.

Step 2. Take masking tape and use it to protect the surface of the ceiling and floor.

Step 3. We arm ourselves with a roller with stiff bristles.

Step 4. Dip the roller into the container where the base is located, move it along the grid and begin to cover the wall.

Step 5. We make a second layer of base, which ensures uniformity of the coating.

Step 6. Gently stir the varnish by hand.

Step 7. Use a roller with medium-length bristles, run it along the mesh and begin to roll along the surface of the wall. This should be done in different directions, which will avoid joints of movements and evenly distribute decorative elements.

Step 8. Remove accumulations of elements using a damp sponge.

Step 9. For hard-to-reach places we use a special flute brush.

Step 10. Wait for the walls to dry.

In this simple way you can get an unusual and fashionable room.

Another modern way wall decoration involves the use of glass wallpaper. Glass wallpaper or fiberglass wallpaper- This is a specific decorative coating that is made from natural raw materials.

It is believed that this perfect option for owners of premises with uneven walls, since the texture of the material allows you to mask any errors and defects.

There are two main types of glass wallpaper:

  • smooth or “web”;
  • embossed.

For final finishing On wall surfaces, the second option is usually used, since textured wallpaper has greater density and is less susceptible to deformation. They are more difficult to tear or damage.

The texture of fiberglass wallpaper depends on the manufacturing method. Among the most common variants of geometric patterns, it should be noted: Christmas trees, diamonds, etc. This is provided that the material is produced on a conventional machine (when using jacquard machines, the images are much more complex).

Fiberglass wallpaper is glued to walls in the same way as classic wallpaper.

  1. We prepare the wall: we clean it, smooth out unevenness and other defects using a primer.
  2. We wait for the surface to dry completely.
  3. Apply glue to the canvas.
  4. Apply glue to the wall.
  5. Glue the canvas to the wall. And so on around the entire perimeter.

Subsequently, the glass wallpaper can be painted, thereby dramatically transforming the room.

Painting walls using a textured roller

In cases where regular wall painting seems like a boring solution, you can modify this option and present it in a new light. To do this, not an ordinary roller, but a textured roller is used as the main tool, due to which interesting patterns are created on the surface.

In its design, it resembles a standard roller, but all sorts of images are applied to the moving part of the tool, which are transferred to the surface of the wall.

At the bottom there is an additional device - a foam roller, the main purpose of which is to absorb excess paint. With its help it is easy to avoid streaks, stains and smudges on the wall.

This device allows you to apply drawings not only on the wall, but even on fabric. In addition, appliqué rollers are used as an alternative.

Sgraffito is a type of decorative plaster, the peculiarity of which is that it is a multi-layer coating with a scratched image.

In order to prepare the plaster used for this technique, you will need:

  • quartz sand;
  • cement;
  • marble (or granite) chips;
  • ocher or colored cement (to add color).

Today, there are two main methods of applying prepared plaster.

1. Method of sample solution

Its key feature is that in the process of finishing the walls for graphite you will need a stencil.

Step 1. Take an awl or sewing needle.

Step 2. Make holes in a sheet of cardboard.

Step 3. Wet the surface of the wall with water.

Step 4. Apply primer to the wall, cut it and wait for a while.

Step 5. Moisten the soil and apply layers of plaster.

Step 6. Smooth and compact all layers (it is better if there are at least five of them).

Step 7. We wait about four hours.

Step 8. Place a stencil on the wall, tap it using a gauze swab and chalk.

Step 9. We take a knife, scalpel, cutters and, without waiting for the plaster to dry completely, we begin to cut out designs on the multilayer coating.

Step 10. Sweep the surface with a brush.

2. Method of printing a pattern

Its uniqueness lies in its image application technology.

Stage 1. We make a stencil for each individual element of the drawing.

Stage 2. Level the top layer of plaster.

Stage 3. Apply the stencil.

Stage 4. Take a brush and apply a solution of a certain color using the end method.

Stage 5. Wait for the layer to dry completely.

Stage 6. Stuff the next element.

Stage 7. Remove excess plaster.

Stage 8. Correct the unpainted parts of the image using a thin brush.

Stage 9. Wait for it to dry completely.

As we have already seen, there are a large number of different ways to make your home cozy and unique. Any of the selected options will help you create an interior that will be the envy of your guests. The main thing is to find suitable materials and comply the right technology finishing.

Video - Original DIY wall decoration, flocking

Video – DIY wall painting

Video - Fashionable ways to decorate walls

Any decoration is the final and most enjoyable stage of any renovation. If we talk about the decor of walls in the rooms of a home, then this process has a beneficial effect not only on the image of the interior, but also on the creative abilities of the owners. The easiest way to make your design dreams come true is with the help of decorative elements. Even a small change in the design of the walls of a room leads to a colossal change in the image of the interior. But for this you often need very little. If you have some skills in the field of handemade, free time and a great desire to transform the design of a particular room in your apartment, then this selection of original, practical, creative and easy-to-implement ideas is for you.

If your goal is a unique design

Since ancient times, people have been decorating the walls of their homes. If you can call the walls of the cave in which the first cave paintings were found. Nowadays, it is not necessary to have high artistic qualities or handicraft skills in order to decorate your home in an original, stylish and aesthetic way. At our service are not only various materials and devices that simplify the production of decorative elements, but also the experience of generations, accumulated over many years of the very concept of decorating your home.

Of course, any handmade item increases the level of uniqueness of the interior. This is the easiest way to create something that is not just creative, but unique design one or another room. But wall decor can perform not only the functions of interior decoration. By using various colors s and textured solutions for decorating walls can hide any imperfections in the finishing and even design features, you can divert attention from unsuccessful design functional area and highlight the main segment of the room.

With the help of wall decor, it is easy to delay the completion of repairs - cosmetic or global. Not to mention the fact that refreshing the decor of a room, giving it a new touch of character, creating a color or texture accent - all this can be easily done with the help of wall decor, which will not require you to spend a lot of money. And if you perform any decorative works together with household members, then in addition to a beautiful interior, you can get an excellent opportunity for bonding and spending time together between parents and children.

Paintings, posters and more

One of the oldest and at the same time effective ways decorating walls - using paintings, various panels, framed posters and more. Modern designers invite even those who are far from fine or decorative arts to try themselves in the field of decorating their own homes. Use ready-made picture or photo frames that are sold in the store (or make your own version if you have carpentry skills) in combination with available materials - twigs, twigs, paper or material blanks. The easiest way to give a composition the desired color scheme is to use acrylic paints.

Cutlery and various kitchen accessories, which are no longer used in workflows, can be used to compose original compositions. You can decorate your kitchen, dining room, veranda with transformed household items country house and even a living room decorated in country or shabby chic style.

A favorite aphorism, your family slogan or just a beautiful saying that helps motivate, set you up for action and accomplishment, or vice versa - relaxing and soothing can become an interior decoration. To do this, simply place the printed slogan in a beautiful or original frame that fits harmoniously into the interior.

Compositions, wall panels made up of decorative elements of the same shape and having the same execution style, different in color or the presence (absence) of a print, look very impressive. Such panels can be made of various materials - from plain paper to velvet fabrics.

What about ready-made gypsum decorative elements that imitate stucco, which you use not on the ceiling for their intended purpose, but on the walls? Painting several elements in different shades of the same color will create a harmonious, but at the same time original composition. Another way to use available materials is to create compositions from what is literally lying under your feet - twigs, driftwood, stump cuts of original shape, pine cones and other gifts of nature.

Even the simplest garlands made of paper, fabric or other available materials can become original decoration interior In the bedroom, the wall behind the head of the bed is most often decorated, and in the living room – above the sofa or a pair of armchairs, creating a soft relaxation area.

If you have artistic abilities, then it would be a crime not to take advantage of this wonderful gift. A unique design that does not require large financial investments (but, of course, requires a lot of time) is guaranteed to you. Even drawings made using stencils can become the highlight of the interior, distinguishing it from many similar design projects.

Wall decor can be incredibly practical. For example, a regular frame with a mesh stretched over it can make an excellent storage system for jewelry. Earrings and brooches are very convenient to place on such wall storage. For beads, necklaces, chains and bracelets, you can use strips with hooks attached to them.

A similar idea can be used to make a key holder. All your keys will always be in their place, thanks to this simple device.

Frames can also be used to decorate switches, meters, temperature control units or home alarms.

Design options for a collection of family photos

An equally popular and ancient way of preserving history, at least the history of one house, is the use of family portraits. If our ancestors needed to turn to professionals for help and use the services of portrait painters, then all we need to do is print good photos and insert them into the frame. But even in the usual arrangement of ready-made photos in frames, you can be creative, using not only a variety of shapes and sizes of wall decor, but also additional elements.

Photos in frames look original, the fastenings of which are not hidden behind the products themselves, but are deliberately displayed. It can be a simple twine, or beautiful thin chains - the weight depends on the design concept of the entire interior.

Recently, various wall decorative elements carved from wood have become popular. This can be a whole inscription (family name, for example) or just one letter. But executed in one color palette With photo frames, such decorative elements become a wonderful decoration for both the wall composition and the room.

Photos without frames can look no less impressive in a composition if you place them on special stretchers that are not visible to the naked eye.

And if you add a garland with light bulbs or strip lighting to the photo, then in addition to excellent wall decor and preserving pleasant moments in your memory, you can also get a festive mood.

But luminous garlands can also act as an independent attribute of wall decor. It is not difficult to attach a wire with light bulbs in a certain shape, and the result of the created effect can exceed all expectations.

Mirrors in a modern interior

By itself, a large mirror in a beautiful or creative frame can not only perform its main functions, but also decorate the interior of the room. If you use several small mirrors of the same shape, but in different frames(most often executed in a single stylistic solution), then you can get a whole decorative composition.

Mirror elements can be used without frames to create an original composition. It will take much more time and effort to compose such panels, but the result compensates for all the costs - the wall decor turns out to be original, stylish and modern.

Flowers and indoor plants as interior decor

Indoor plants help us not only decorate the interior with lush greenery and beautiful flowering, but also to create a special cozy atmosphere, purify the air in our homes and bring the warmth of home comfort. The simplest flower pots will sparkle with new colors if they are placed in neat cells or special holders on the wall. Placing it on a windowsill is not always possible, and not all plants need so much light.

Today, thanks to the development of chemistry and the emergence of various new materials from plastics to polymers, the design of the walls of your home has become much more diverse.

Interior walls - materials and options

The range of textures and colors has expanded significantly, and wall coverings have become much better quality. They do not fade, retaining their original appearance for a long time, are quite easy to clean and are wear-resistant. Another advantage synthetic materials is that they are able to imitate natural materials such as leather, stone, wood, cork, ceramics, fabric, stone mosaic, etc.

Wall coverings are divided into several types:

  • Decorative paints
  • Decorative plaster
  • Wall cladding with wood
  • Venetian plaster
  • Ceramic tile
  • Brick or masonry using natural brick or stone or their imitation

Wood paneling is in a great way hide the unevenness that exists on the wall. In addition, such cladding is thermal and sound insulating. Wooden wall cladding also looks very beautiful and is used mainly in country houses and is widely used in ethno-style interiors. In the countries of northern Europe and Scandinavia you can often find wood as a material for interior decoration Houses. In this case, the wood is covered with a very thin layer of paint. For example, to give a silver tint, the walls are coated with aluminum-colored paint.

Thanks to the variety of colors, as well as the texture of stones, you can easily create a memorable and spectacular interior. For this, when wall cladding, Most often used: granite, marble, volcanic tuff, limestone. Looks great and decorative brickwork, made of special finishing material.

In the decoration of fireplaces, when cladding fragments of the walls of kitchens and hallways in retro style, as well as as decor in the minimalist style, “raw” materials are often used: stone and brick. Marble cladding is mainly used in the interior of bathrooms.

Most relatively inexpensive type wall decoration - plaster. With its help, the surface of the walls can be made smooth or embossed, matte, multi-colored, textured, etc. To obtain a relief pattern, various stamps are used, which are applied to a not yet hardened plastered surface.

To obtain a mosaic surface, small pieces of glass, stone, shell, and brick fragments are pressed into soft plaster. To give the interior originality, you can use the “sgraffito” technique, which means scratched and involves scraping off a thin layer from walls with colored plaster. The drawing will be more voluminous if you apply several layers of multi-colored plaster, a little reminiscent of frescoes.

Wall interior - design ideas (photo)

Due to their increased moisture resistance and durability, ceramic tiles have found widespread use in interior design of kitchens and bathrooms. Modern technologies offer a huge selection of textures and colors variety of ceramic tiles.

Today wallpaper has become in a universal way in wall decoration. A wide variety of patterns and textures allow you to use wallpaper for almost any room, be it bedrooms, living rooms, children's rooms, kitchens, hallways, as well as decorate walls in any style.

One of the ways to decorate walls is decorative plaster, which is considered the most elegant, durable, durable and practical. Each decorative plaster pattern is unique and cannot be repeated again. An important advantage of such plaster is that it is a natural material with antibacterial, vapor-permeable and reflective properties, which can imitate natural stone, marble, fabric, paper, etc.

Decorative paints for walls n a decent way to replace paper wallpaper. Paint allows you to give walls an elegant design and looks very natural and natural, thanks to the large selection and variety. The main advantage of decorative wall paint is that it is odorless and made from natural materials, therefore it is not harmful to health at all. In addition, decorative paint does not fade, remaining in its original form for a long time.

Also, artistic paintings and paintings are often used to decorate walls. Artistic painting can cover part of the wall or the entire wall in the form of an ornament. Thanks to its originality and originality, wall painting can decorate a room, giving special style in the interior.

Finishing the walls in an apartment is one of the important stages that allows you to obtain a beautiful and reliable surface. The fact is that it is the walls that occupy the main part of the room and have the greatest impact on the interior. Currently, there are many finishing options that are used in a specific situation. Each method has features depending on the materials used.

Please note that the following general criteria must be met:

  1. Environmental friendliness. This is one of the most important factors to pay attention to. The fact is that working with surfaces involves using different materials, differing in their composition. But all of them should not pose a threat to human health. Particular care must be taken when one of the residents is predisposed to allergic reactions.
  2. Ease of installation. This criterion is valid in cases where it is planned self-execution works Every finishing material requires a special approach, which is often accompanied by the need to use special tool. That is why you should think through all the activities in advance and calculate the budget. It is possible that the most a good decision specialists will be involved.
  3. Compliance for different rooms. We must not forget that everyone has a number of final characteristics that depend on the selected product. Among them, resistance to various influences, durability, wear resistance. Therefore, it is advisable to select the most suitable method for different rooms.
  4. Decorative qualities. Undoubtedly, the visual effect has a significant impact on the final choice, so it is recommended to think through the design of the rooms in advance, taking into account the overall combination.
  5. Price. Currently, there are both budget and quite expensive types of wall cladding.

Thus, when deciding what surfaces can be finished with, you should be guided by these factors.


The finishing of the walls has significant differences. It must be taken into account that within the same category there may be inexpensive and expensive types of materials.


Wallpaper is rightfully considered the most popular option for wall covering. It is safe to say that among all existing solutions this is the most inexpensive, provided that paper products are used. Many people mistakenly believe that this type of wall decoration is not capable of bringing the necessary zest to the interior. This belief was formed due to the fact that for a long time There was no diversity in the construction market, but now everything has changed radically.

Therefore, before finishing the walls in the apartment, you need to know that the following types of products exist:

  • Paper. Most cheap material, which can be single-layer or multi-layer. It is safe and easy to use. But there are significant disadvantages, which include instability to various influences and the possibility of shrinkage.
  • Vinyl. A modern material that is distinguished by its relief. It has a good decorative component, but does not allow the walls to breathe, which reduces the area of ​​use.
  • Non-woven. The fully non-woven variety is unique material, which has almost all the necessary properties.
  • Fiberglass. They have a variety of textures and are great for repeated coloring. Their installation requires special glue.
  • Natural varieties - textile and cork. They are environmentally friendly and high cost.
  • The material is completely different from all previous options in its structure. It is a dry base of different fractions, which is made from cellulose, cotton and silk fibers, as well as special components. The application technology is similar to working with plaster and putty.

This method of finishing walls in an apartment is quite popular due to its reasonable cost. Although there are other features:

  1. Possibility of completing the process in a short time. Indeed, thanks to the width from 53 to 106 cm, pasting occurs quite quickly.
  2. Simple cladding technology: the surface is treated with an adhesive composition using a brush or roller, after which the prepared strips are glued. Some difficulties may arise only with the adjustment of drawings.
  3. Wide decorative range. Products are available in various color scheme with a huge selection of textures and textures.

On a note! 3D wallpapers are now being produced that can create an immersive effect.

It should be borne in mind that almost all varieties require careful preparation of the base. Some types allow slight deviations, but it is recommended not to abuse this.


When it comes to talking about what to cover the walls with, the second most popular solution is painting. This option seems simple, but to get a really high-quality result, you need to put in a lot of effort.

Much attention should be paid to the choice of composition. The most common varieties are:

  • Oily. They are made on the basis of drying oils. They have a long drying time and a persistent odor.
  • Enamel. Produced on the basis of varnishes. More modern group, which is selected depending on the situation.
  • Water-dispersed. They are considered the best solution, because they make it possible to obtain high-quality coverage in a short time.

It is painting that requires comprehensive surface preparation. Any differences and defects will immediately be evident.

This option looks best in combination with other products. For example, a wall or part of it is finished with wallpaper, and the remaining areas are painted.

On a note! There are special textured paints that need to be worked with only if you have the skills.


How are the walls in the apartment decorated with other than traditional options? In reality, the choice is quite large. An original solution the use of decorative plaster is considered. This material allows you to obtain a coating that imitates various natural stone surfaces. A textured option is also common.

Distinctive features of this type:

  1. Possibility of use in different rooms. Such products are suitable even for rooms with high humidity, subject to pre-treatment.
  2. There is no need to carefully level the walls. It is enough to choose a textured type of material that will hide defects.
  3. Environmental friendliness and durability. The coating does not pose a threat to human health, and its service life, if all technological nuances are observed, is tens of years.

Plastering technology:

  • The base is being prepared. Even taking into account the fact that the composition can be laid on Not smooth walls, the surface must be treated and coated with a primer.
  • To obtain texture, the mixture is applied using standard technology, then tools and devices are used to create the relief.
  • To achieve the effect of marble or other natural surfaces, multiple layers should be laid, each of which is leveled to obtain the desired texture.

Method for creating relief on plaster

This is probably the most unusual, because the result is completely individual.

Tile and stone cladding

To cover a surface with tiles, you will need to put in a lot of effort. The fact is that even minor distortions during installation will completely ruin the visual perception.

This material is used primarily for finishing rooms with high humidity, and tiles are considered one of the best solutions for kitchen zoning. When working with this product, you should consider some nuances:

  1. All elements must have clear proportions. Any deviations indicate low quality of the product.
  2. Each type of tile has its own type of adhesive.
  3. The walls may not be level enough, but any defects are considered unacceptable.
  4. The surface is covered in stages. Work starts from the bottom, the first row is laid using markings and a level.
  5. It is necessary to form a seam. Even with seamless technology, a small gap of a few millimeters will avoid deformation.

A similar installation method is used when working with decorative stone, which can be natural or artificial. It is with its help that one can obtain original finish walls, characterized by sophistication and naturalness.

Wall panels are modern material, which can be made from natural or artificial raw materials. The most respectable are products made of wood or veneer, the cost of which can vary significantly. But the most popular are MDF and PVC panels, which allow you to quickly get smooth walls. They are laid on a previously erected frame, which completely hides all surface irregularities.

Rough finish

In addition to finishing cladding, there are rough finishing methods that are used to level walls. The following methods are distinguished:

  1. Installation of fiberboards and plasterboard. Allows for short time level out big differences heights, but “eats up” part of the space.
  2. Applying plaster. The mixture is used to hide significant unevenness.
  3. Putty. Used to smooth out small imperfections.

Each of the options allows you to create a coating that is completely ready for cladding with decorative materials.

07.05.2018 Read in 16 minutes.

In our new review we will present the most fashion ideas wall design using the example of projects from the portfolio of the Fundament Group of Companies, whose specialists are engaged in interior design and turnkey renovation of apartments and houses. Here you will see wall designs in classical, neoclassical, modern, as well as minimalist and loft styles and get acquainted with the latest design techniques for wall decoration.

Modern wall design in the kitchen

In the photo: Stone-effect tiles on an accent wall

Finishing an accent wall with stone-effect tiles is another popular option for decorating a living room. Our experts will help you choose from different rocks: slate, limestone, marble, granite and others.

“Doubling the area” of the dining area with a mirror wall

On the picture: Mirror wall in the interior of the dining room

If you prefer an interior design with mirror finishes in an expanded format, look at the visualization of the kitchen-dining room interior in the illustration above. Here the mirror wall enhances the illumination of the room and visually increases its area by almost 2 times. The remaining area of ​​the wall, as the geometry of functionalism dictates to us, is used from floor to ceiling and represents continuous facades of the built-in kitchen set. This technique allows you to completely hide the furniture cabinets and achieve the effect of being recessed into the wall.

Wall decoration with decorative panels

In the photo: Living room design with wall decoration with decorative panels

When choosing walls with decorative panels, it is important to know that they can be made of different materials: chipboard, fiberboard, MDF, PVC, iron, various types of plastic and polyurethane (PU or PU), linkcrust, as well as wood of different species or wooden rack The latter are often called stacked slatted panels. In functional terms, the panels allow you to decorate any wiring without dusty and noisy gating, lay communications behind them, and easily level walls. And in the aesthetic sense - to create extraordinary comfort and the atmosphere of the luxury interior.

Luxury Silver 3D Art Deco Wall Panels

In the photo: Living room design with Art Deco panels

The design of wall panels includes wooden, glossy, ornamented and plain, multi-colored, gilded, antique-style and many other interesting effects. There are also panels that, after installation on the wall, can be painted in any color you are interested in.

Futuristic 3D backlit panel for accent wall

In the photo: Interior design of a living room in light colors

Today, decorative 3D panels for walls with lighting are especially fashionable. Usually they become the focal point of the interior, so it is best to install them in the hallway or on the wall opposite the TV.

Delicate colors and walls with decorative layouts

In the photo: Design of a small kitchen-dining room in an apartment of 43 sq. m

In the photo: Interior design of an office with wall decoration with wooden panels

Wooden panels there are classic type, as in the cabinet design in the photo above, and modern ones, for example, in a minimalist style or with an interesting geometric pattern with a futuristic twist. Such panels can also have a 3D effect - a three-dimensional structure, protruding parts and parts. Wooden panels in English, classical and neoclassical styles are especially often used, in the design of living rooms and offices in particular.

Wooden panels and marble in the living room walls

In the photo: Living room design with marble finish fireplace portal

Wall decoration with marble or marble-like porcelain stoneware is becoming more and more popular in the premium segment. In this case, you have a very wide choice of shades, or rather, types of marble that can be used to decorate your wall. Marble is often used in the design of stairs, floors, walls in the living room and kitchen.

Different breeds marble is mined in completely different corners world - for example, Red Verona comes from the Italian town of Veneto, Emperador Light is mined in Turkey, Custonaci is mined on the island of Sicily (Italy), ice-like Cristal Ice was found in Brazil, snow-white Volokas marble is from Greece, and most types of green marble (like Verde Ming) from Italy.

Minimalistic corridor interior with glossy panels

In the photo: Wall design with glossy panels

Glossy panels in wall design are very often used in modern interiors. They can be made of glass, veneer or MDF, as well as other materials. You will see glossy panels in the design of the corridor or hallway, as well as accent walls in the living room.

Design with white walls. Strict geometry of the apartment interior in a modern style

In the photo: Kitchen-living room with white paneled walls

In the interior of this open-plan kitchen-living room, the design of the kitchen unit in white (pictured on the left) plays into the design of the white walls on the right. This technique creates the unity of the interior, the ideal image of a modern kitchen-living room.

Wall panels, interior doors and furniture facades produced by the Fundament Group of Companies

In the photo: Stand of the Fundament Group of Companies at the Batimat Russia exhibition

At Batimat Russia 2017 and 2018 we presented samples of interior doors, wall panels and furniture facades of our own production. In design projects for our clients, we complement exquisite classic and modern interiors with high-quality finishing, which we control ourselves! This is why our clients can be confident in the 100% quality of their new renovation!

Living room wall design

In the photo: Living room interior design with wall decoration with moldings

Speaking about the design of walls, first of all it is worth talking about the possibility of finishing them in classical and neoclassical styles. They use gypsum decorative details: moldings, rosettes, medallions and other elements that can add charm and aristocratic grace to the atmosphere of the room.

Tapestry panels in classicism style

In the photo: Living room design with tapestry panel

This luxurious living room is inspired by a tapestry depicting an early morning on the Mediterranean. By selecting fabric inserts with a classic pattern and borrowing delicate pastel colors from the central element of the decor, the designer made the interior is light and airy.

Painting an accent wall. Fresco in Mediterranean Provence style

In the photo: The idea of ​​decorating a wall in the living room with a picturesque fresco depicting Venice

In the photo: A combination of Art Deco and Neoclassicism in the decoration of the walls in the living room

This luxurious living room in champagne shades is made in a combination of neoclassical and art deco styles. The walls are decorated with white moldings, decorative inserts from designer wallpaper, as well as wide white baseboards for the ceiling and floor. Moldings allow you to visually zone the walls and implement the idea of ​​combined finishing in a neoclassical spirit, and the baseboards are in harmony with the door frames.

Classic stucco patterns

On the picture: Decorative stucco for interior decoration

Classic stucco with ornate patterns allows you to make the renovation of an apartment in a classic style simply inimitable. It could be like exclusive options, in the manner of French chateaus and Parisian mansions, and typical, but no less skillful.

Living room design with brick wall

In the photo: Accent wall with brick finish in a modern living room

Decorative panels, tile or brick-look plaster can be the perfect solution for an accent wall design in a living room. They look very modern, but do not attract too much attention (for example, they do not interfere with watching TV at all!).

Bedroom wall design

Moldings, stucco and tapestry panels

Elegant stucco decoration made of plaster or polyurethane

In the photo: Decorative stucco molding can be made of plaster or polyurethane

Plaster or polyurethane stucco is the most important element decor of classic interiors. There is especially a lot of it in Baroque and Rococo. The stucco finish can be coated with gold, silver and other plating. Whereas in neoclassicism we most often see traditional options with snow-white stucco.

Fashionable textile panels in Art Deco style

In the photo: Wall decoration with textile panels in the bedroom

In this luxurious bedroom, textile panels form both the design of the wall itself and the headboard of the bed. IN modern interior the headboard often extends far beyond the actually used area and becomes a stylish art object.

In the photo: Bedroom interior design in white

Designer wallpaper in mint shade

In the interior of this cute little bedroom, our designers used not only charming wallpaper to decorate the walls, but also moldings and baseboards under the ceiling, as well as decorative painting in a truffle shade to create the illusion of a very wide baseboard and, accordingly, a higher ceiling.

Wall panels with futuristic lighting and wall design with window

In the photo: Fashionable illuminated panels in the decoration of the bedside headboard in the bedroom

This luxury bedroom decorated in a modern style and complemented by unusual lighting, which is part of the accent wall design. The glow streaming from under the bed creates some futurism.

Bedroom design with brick wall

On the picture: Decorative brick and concrete-like plaster on the walls in the loft bedroom

The loft style is now a very trendy solution for interior design of living space. Especially if we are talking about an open plan or apartment for a single man, as well as a room for a teenager or student. Without brick walls You simply cannot do without a loft-style interior!

Photo wallpaper with a seascape for decorating walls in the bedroom

Photorealistic panels are suitable for a bedroom interior in a modern style. Typically, landscape photographs with the sea, forest, and mountains are used for decoration. The trend includes images of the beach, various flowers and plants; magical sketches and frames from cartoons are suitable for children's rooms.

Bathroom wall design. Modern ideas 2018

In the photo: Gray loft-style bathroom finished with relief concrete wall panels

In bathrooms, finishing is most often done with ceramic tiles, marble, porcelain stoneware, natural stone or ceramic parquet. This applies to the design of both floors and walls, as well as various niches.

Mediterranean mosaic in the bathroom interior

In the photo: Bathroom interior in warm colors

This bathroom's wall design features Arabic/Mediterranean mosaic tiles. Today it is the most important trend option in interior design!

Luxurious bathroom interior in marble

In the photo: Design of a modern bathroom

Marble is suitable material for finishing wet areas in an apartment or house - in the kitchen, in the bathroom, in the relaxation room in front of the sauna and pool. In modern interiors, the most common are white and black marble, but there are other variations, for example, pink, green, red, orange and many others.

Reflections of white marble in a bright bathroom

In the photo: Bathroom design in marble

Light colors in the interior help achieve the effect of spaciousness and exceptional luxury. Combining different shades in the bathroom in the photo above (cream, light beige and ivory), our designers achieved an amazing result!

Futurism today. Bathroom with innovative design

In the photo: Bathroom interior design with a beautiful decorative tiles

In the interior of this bathroom, our experts used traditional wood in a warm walnut tone, and such unusual design details as wet concrete tiles and decorative white ceramic tile inserts behind the bathtub. It turned out extremely exclusive!

Finishing an accent wall with a stone look in the interior of a bright bathroom

In the photo: Beautiful bathroom interior

Another example of a bathroom designed by our designers in a modern style. Pay attention to the design of the walls - decorative rock A pleasant shade here fits perfectly with the design of the floor and other walls.

Modern chic in bathroom tiling with mosaics and ceramic parquet

In the photo: Bathroom interior design in dark colors 2018

Ceramic parquet is now a very popular solution for wall design in the bathroom and kitchen. Allowing you to achieve an atmosphere of comfort, it also impresses with its practicality, moisture and wear resistance!

Luxurious bathroom interior in polished marble and granite

In the photo: Bathroom interior design in black and white marble

Bright interior this stylish bathroom inspires at first sight. Black and white marble here they are combined in an exceptionally skillful combination, designed by interior designers from the Fundament Group of Companies. The implementation of the design project, which you see in the photo above, is direct proof of the professionalism of our finishing craftsmen, as well as close control over the quality of work at every stage.

Floral patterns in the bathroom interior with French charm

In the photo: Bathroom design in neoclassical style with decorative finishing moldings

Floral prints are loved not only by women, men also like them. Allowing you to make the interior elegant, refined, and romantic, they look great in the neoclassical style.

Wall decoration in the hallway

Functional mirror inserts and moldings in neoclassical style

In the photo: Hallway interior in light colors

In interior design in the neoclassical style, we see design techniques similar to those used in the classics. But here the decoration is more laconic, restrained and often done in light colors.

Wall decoration with wallpaper. Classic design

In the photo: Wall design in a neoclassical style interior

In the interior of this hall in the neoclassical style, our designers used very high ceiling plinths, which look beautiful in interiors with high ceilings. It is also worth paying attention to the skillfully carved wooden door frames in a classic style.

Mirror panel in a modern interior

In the photo: Stylish hallway interior with mirrors

A mirrored wall in a small hallway is a doubly functional element. It allows you to put yourself in order, as well as increase illumination and visually expand the room.

Floral patterns and mirrors in the interior of a black and white hallway

In the interior small hallway In the photo above you can see a beautiful beveled mirror on the wall on the right. Opposite it is another interesting design element - wallpaper with a beautiful floral ornament. They will become the background when you look in the mirror.

Interior photo printing - a fashionable alternative to photo wallpaper

In the photo: An enfilade moving into perspective, repeated in the mirrors - interior photo print on the walls and doors

In our time, photo wallpaper has been replaced by the technique of interior photo printing, when any image, be it a landscape, a drawing or a portrait, can be applied to a special washable PVC film, which is subsequently used for seamless finishing of walls, ceilings or door panels. This coating is practical and durable, and in the hands of talented professionals it allows you to achieve amazing effects of presence inside the image with imitation of perspective. Particularly fascinating are the mirror-like spaces created when using reflective canvases covering the entire wall in combination with a photo print, as well as invisible seamless doors in the interior.

Modern wall design with photo poster and console table

In the photo: Design of a wall in the corridor with a photo panel

In the interior of a modern hall, Provencal kitchen or glamorous bedroom you can often see such a decorative object as a panel. Panels can be very different - a mosaic composition, a slab of natural onyx with lighting, or a mirror coated with an original design. Panels can also be ceramic, fabric, wood, as well as plaster, mosaic or paper. In modern interior design, photo panels are used very often. This could be an abstraction that sets the tone and mood for the entire interior, a personal photo of the hostess, a family photograph of all family members, an interesting ornament or a landscape painting.

Wall design ideas in other rooms of the apartment

Pink pastel in a children's room for two sisters

In the photo: Children's room in pink tones for two girls

To decorate accent walls, ornaments are often used to create an interesting focal point, deepen the interior, and make it more original. In the interior of this attractive children's room, the accent wall goes well with both the mirrored chest of drawers with ornaments and branded bedding.

Office interior on a bright loggia

In the photo: Design of an accent wall in the office

In the interior of this office, the walls are decorated wooden slats, which are pasted on the area with decorative plaster gray color. Looks very modern!

Painting the walls. Design and photo 2018

Classic finishing of painted walls with moldings, wallpaper inserts and boiserie panels

In the photo: Moldings, cornices, decorative inserts and boiserie panels in wall decoration

Designers of the Fundament Group of Companies use high-quality moldings and stucco elements from third-party manufacturers in wall decoration, as well as Wall panels boiserie and door portals own production.