New in fixed assets since the year. Instructions: how to keep records of fixed assets of a budget organization

In tax and accounting, the limit on the value of fixed assets differs. From this article you will learn what the minimum cost of fixed assets is in 2017-2018 in accounting and tax accounting.

In accordance with the current book. By law, fixed assets are recognized as objects whose cost is at least 40 thousand rubles. Also, they must meet the following requirements:

  • The main purpose of the object is to bring economic benefit;
  • The property was not purchased for subsequent resale;
  • It is intended for the production of products or provision of services.

It is expected that in 2018 the limit on the value of fixed assets will reach 100 thousand rubles. Thus, it will be equal to tax accounting.

Cost limit in tax accounting

In 2016, changes occurred in tax legislation, according to which in order to recognize an object as a fixed asset, its primary price must be at least 100 thousand rubles.

There are no plans to change this limit in the near future. This means that objects costing less than one hundred thousand rubles must be written off immediately, and those that are more expensive must be depreciated. The main thing is not to get confused about how to write off low-value property.

For a simpler understanding, you can use the following table:

It is important to understand that the Tax Code does not allow this limit to be regulated by accounting policies.

Consequences of introducing a limit

  1. In tax accounting, you can now write off cheap objects as expenses much faster. Thanks to this, organizations receive quite significant tax savings. Also, this allows companies to update their OS fleet a little faster.
  2. Due to differences in fixed asset value limits, accounting has become somewhat more complicated.
  3. For companies that have a small tax profit, an increase in the limit on the value of fixed assets in taxation led to tax losses. The tax service took this negatively. At the same time, the legislation did not provide organizations with the opportunity to regulate tax costs using accounting policies.

Applying an OS cost limit in simplified and general modes

The limit on the value of fixed assets for tax and accounting purposes for organizations under the simplified and general tax regime is the same.

For companies that are on the general regime, the question of using the limit does not arise. It applies to all objects that were put into use after 2016.

However, for those companies that are on a simplified basis, the question of using the limit is not so clear-cut. This is due to the fact that write-off:

  • OS is carried out in equal parts;
  • Material costs are incurred in their full amount immediately after payment.

At the same time, the rules for accounting for fixed assets are the same for companies in the simplified regime and for companies in the general regime. The new limit applies to all objects that were put into use in 2016.

Main conclusions

From a tax savings perspective, increasing the asset value limit has provided some benefits to companies. However, record keeping was greatly complicated.

Fixed assets are accounted for differently in accounting and tax accounting in 2019. We have made detailed instructions on property accounting. This is a complete guide with all the changes included!

What is the difference between accounting for fixed assets in tax and accounting?

The introduction of Chapter 25 into the tax code at one time led to the emergence of differences between accounting standards and accounting for income and expenses for the purpose of profit taxation.

With regard to fixed assets, there are especially many differences in the tax code and accounting standards. These differences and simplifications apply. But if you approach the issue of drawing up accounting policies correctly, then some inconsistencies can be minimized.

Criteria and characteristics of a fixed asset

The differences in the norms of tax and accounting legislation are in three points:

  • minimum cost per OS unit;
  • costs that are included in the initial cost;
  • method of calculating depreciation.

The remaining criteria for fixed assets that are used to register an object are the same. What is recognized by the OS can be judged by the fulfillment of the following conditions:

  • the object is used in activities and cannot be classified as goods based on any of the characteristics;
  • its useful life exceeds a calendar year;
  • the object directly or indirectly affects the receipt of economic benefits or the achievement of the main mission of the enterprise.

Changes in fixed asset accounting in 2019

The main changes in the accounting of fixed assets affected enterprises that have the right to conduct simplified accounting. For them, clauses were introduced granting the following rights:

  • The cost of purchased fixed assets can be calculated at the price paid to the supplier and installation organization (if installation was not included in the supply contract), and the cost of independently manufactured fixed assets – at the price paid to contractors and similar organizations. The remaining costs can be immediately attributed to expenses for ordinary activities.
  • Accrue depreciation as a lump sum transaction dated December 31st.
  • Accrue depreciation of production and household equipment immediately upon commissioning in the amount of the entire initial cost of the object.

These innovations will reduce the property tax of enterprises on OSNO. And simplifiers will be allowed in some cases to comply with the cost limit, allowing them to remain on the simplified tax system.

Small changes were also made regarding objects that were purchased for a currency other than the Russian ruble - for them, paragraph 16 and the last paragraph of paragraph 8 were excluded from the PBU.

As for tax accounting, in 2019 changes affected depreciation charges due to the introduction of the new OKOF classifier, in which some types of fixed assets fell into depreciation groups with maximum useful lives that differed from the old classifier.

What is considered the main means in 2019

A fixed asset is property that:

  • used in an activity or rented out for a fee
  • will bring income in the future
  • not intended for resale
  • has a useful life of over 12 months
  • costs more than 100,000 rubles for tax accounting and more than 40,000 rubles for accounting

As you can see, the main difference between property for accounting and tax accounting is its initial cost.

If the property partially meets the criteria, then it cannot be classified as fixed assets. For example, a company resells goods whose useful life exceeds 12 months.

In accordance with clause 3 of PBU 6/01, the following cannot be classified as fixed assets:

  • products of manufacturing companies
  • cap. and Finnish attachments
  • items being installed (to be installed) or in transit

List of fixed assets: equipment, buildings, household. inventory, tools, measuring instruments, working machines, cap. investments in leased fixed assets, land plots and more.

What documents should I use to document the receipt of fixed assets?

Fixed assets can be received by the organization on the following grounds:

  1. under a purchase and sale agreement;
  2. free of charge;
  3. as a contribution to the authorized capital;
  4. by barter (under an exchange agreement);
  5. as a result of construction (manufacturing) by contract and economic methods;
  6. in the form of surpluses identified during inventory.

Fixed assets entering the organization are accepted by a specially created commission. It defines:

  1. whether the fixed asset meets the technical specifications and whether it can be put into operation;
  2. whether it is necessary to bring (rework) the fixed asset to a state suitable for use.

If the organization has only a director on its staff, he alone performs the functions of the commission.

After examining the received property, the commission gives an opinion on the possibility of its use. This conclusion is reflected in the transfer and acceptance certificate, which is drawn up in the form:

The act confirms the inclusion of objects in fixed assets for accounting purposes. The act also reflects information about the commissioning of objects, which is important for tax accounting purposes.

The procedure for drawing up the transfer and acceptance certificate depends on how the received property was accounted for by the transferring party - as goods or as part of fixed assets.

If the received object was accounted for by the transferring party as a fixed asset, the act must be completed by both parties to the transaction, executed in two copies. One copy of the act remains with the transferring party and serves as the basis for reflecting the disposed property in accounting. In this case, the section “Information about the fixed asset as of the date of acceptance for accounting” is not filled out by the transferring party in its copy. The second completed copy is transferred to the recipient organization. Based on this document, it reflects the receipt of fixed assets. The section “Information about the object of fixed assets as of the date of acceptance for accounting” is filled out by her independently. Both the first and second copies of the act must be signed by both parties.

If the received item was accounted for by the transferring party as a product (for example, at a wholesale store), only the recipient should draw up the act. The basis for filling out the act in this case will be shipping documents and technical documentation attached to the fixed asset. In this case, the details of the donating organization, which are provided at the beginning of the act, as well as the sections “Information on the condition of the fixed asset object on the date of transfer” and “Passed” are not filled in.

The same procedure applies when the fixed asset is manufactured (built) by contract or on its own. In this case, the report is drawn up on the basis of primary accounting documents confirming the expenses incurred, as well as technical documentation. The act is drawn up in one copy and in relation to surplus fixed assets taken into account based on the results of the inventory.

For any of the above options, the transfer and acceptance certificate must indicate:

  1. full name of the fixed asset according to the technical documentation;
  2. name of the manufacturer;
  3. place of acceptance of the fixed asset;
  4. factory and assigned inventory numbers of the fixed asset;
  5. depreciation group number and useful life of the fixed asset;
  6. information about the content of precious metals and stones;
  7. other characteristics of the fixed asset.

In addition, the act must contain the conclusion of the acceptance committee (for example, the entry “Can be used”). The executed act is approved by the head of the organization.

Simultaneously with drawing up the acceptance and transfer act for each fixed asset, fill out the inventory card in form No. OS-6.

If an organization uses not only its own, but also leased fixed assets, then it is recommended to open inventory cards for such property.

If an organization receives equipment that requires installation, an act in form No. OS-1 (OS-1b) is not drawn up immediately. After examining the received property, the commission's conclusion is reflected in the act. It is drawn up on the basis of shipping documents. When filling out the act, indicate:

  1. details of the organization and equipment supplier;
  2. number and date of drawing up the act;
  3. name of the manufacturer and carrier of the equipment;
  4. information about the place and time of equipment acceptance;
  5. full name of the equipment according to the technical documentation;
  6. equipment serial number;
  7. other equipment characteristics.

In addition, the act must contain the conclusion of the acceptance committee (for example, the entry “Can be transferred to installation”). The executed act is approved by the head of the organization.

When transferring equipment for installation, a certificate is drawn up according to form No. OS-15 download. It is drawn up in one copy based on the act according to form No. OS-14 download and shipping documents. The act of handing over equipment for installation specifies:

  1. organization details;
  2. number and date of compilation;
  3. who will do the installation and where;
  4. information about the installed equipment.

If the equipment is installed by a contractor, he must sign a document stating that he received the equipment for installation. A copy of the act is given to the contractor.

After the equipment has been installed and all work to bring the facility to a state suitable for use has been completed, a report is drawn up according to form No. OS-1. It is filled out on the basis of the act according to form No. OS-15 and other documents confirming the costs of installation and bringing the object to a condition suitable for use. For example, if the installation of equipment was carried out by a contractor, the basis for completion will be an act in form No. KS-2 and a certificate in form No. KS-3, submitted by the contractor.

The details of the donating organization, which are provided at the beginning of the act, as well as the sections “Information on the condition of the fixed asset as of the date of transfer” and “Passed” are not filled in.

Limit on fixed assets in 2019

The most common question is from what amount property is considered fixed assets. It depends on the accounting where you use the property.

The limit on fixed assets is:

  • 100,000 rubles in tax accounting (minimum cost)
  • 40,000 rubles in accounting (minimum cost)

This follows from the Federal Law of 06/08/2015% 150-FZ.

Accountingfixed assets in 2019 in tax accounting

In the tax code, in order to include property as depreciable, its value must be more than 100,000 rubles.

The initial cost, unlike accounting, includes a limited list of expenses, namely:

  • the amount of expenses for acquisition, construction or production;
  • the amount of delivery costs;
  • the amount of expenses to bring the OS object to working condition.

This means, for example, that if a fixed asset was purchased using borrowed funds, then in accounting it is possible (not necessarily, but possible) to include the amount of interest accrued before putting it into operation in the initial cost. And in tax accounting, such expenses will be written off at a time.

It makes sense to avoid discrepancies in the formation of the initial cost, since the increased initial cost of fixed assets in accounting does not bring any economic benefits. The only justification for additional inconvenience for an accountant due to differences in accounting is the need to increase assets in order to make the financial statements more attractive to credit institutions or investors, for example.

As for the different minimum costs in accounting and tax accounting, this difference in accounting can also be eliminated by using the method of writing off material expenses from subparagraph. 3 p. 1 art. 254 Tax Code of the Russian Federation. The provisions of this paragraph allow taxpayers to write off the cost of property not included in depreciable property over several reporting periods. Unfortunately, in this way expenses can only be written off for income tax purposes. In the simplified version, material expenses are written off at a time.

A feature of fixed asset accounting when simplified is the absence of depreciation charges. The initial cost is written off in the tax period in which payment was made for the commissioned object (or in the period in which the previously paid object was put into operation).

In this case, the cost may be included in expenses under the simplified tax system for several reporting periods. Clause 3 of Art. 346.16 provides for the attribution of the cost of fixed assets to expenses in equal shares in each reporting period until the end of the tax period.

Tax accounting of fixed assets under the simplified tax system

If an organization operates on the simplified tax system with an income object, the cost of acquired (created) fixed assets is not written off as expenses (clause 1 of article 346.18 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). If the object of taxation is income minus expenses, the value of such property reduces the tax base. But this requires the simultaneous fulfillment of a number of conditions. You can find out what these conditions are in our article.

1. The fixed asset must be put into operation (subclause 1, clause 3, article 346.16 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

2. The costs of the fixed asset must be paid (subclause 4, clause 2, article 346.17 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

3. If rights to property are subject to state registration (this applies to real estate (Article 130 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation), it is necessary to document the fact of submitting documents for registration (paragraph 12, paragraph 3, Article 346.16 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). Such confirmation will be a receipt from the territorial body Federal Service for State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography (Rosreestr). The receipt certifies the receipt of documents for registration indicating the date of their submission (Clause 6, Article 16 of the Federal Law of July 21, 1997 No. 122-FZ “On state registration of rights to real estate and transactions with him").

4. Expenses must comply with the requirements of paragraph 1 of Article 252 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation (clause 2 of Article 346.16 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). That is, to be documented. And the property must actually be used in economic activities aimed at generating income (clause 1 of Article 256, clause 4 of Article 346.16, subclause 4 of clause 2 of Article 346.17 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

The procedure for writing off costs depends on when the object was purchased - during the period of application of the simplified tax system or before the transition to the simplified tax system (clause 3 of article 346.16 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

Costs for fixed assets acquired during the period of application of the simplified tax system are taken into account from the moment these fixed assets are put into operation. In this case, the cost of the object is written off as expenses during the year in equal shares for the reporting periods in the amount of paid amounts. The useful life of an object does not affect the accounting procedure. Including if a used fixed asset was purchased. The cost of the operating system must be divided into as many equal parts as there are quarters left until the end of the year from the quarter of commissioning. The quarter when the OS is put into operation is taken into account.

An example of writing off as expenses fixed assets acquired during the period of application of the simplified tax system

In January 2019, the organization acquired a fixed asset worth RUB 150,000. The property was registered in February and paid for in May of the same year. This means the amount is 150,000 rubles. need to be divided by 3: after all, there are three quarters left until the end of the year, taking into account the quarter when the OS is put into operation.

In 2019, the organization completely wrote off the cost of fixed assets. When calculating the tax base, the organization took this amount into account in equal shares of 50,000 rubles. (RUB 150,000: 3) on June 30, September 30 and December 31.

The procedure for writing off fixed assets under the simplified tax system (table)

Useful life of fixed assets

The period during which the residual value of objects will be included in expenses under the simplified tax system (subclause 3, clause 3, article 346.16 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation)

The procedure for attributing the cost of objects to expenses during the tax period (subclause 4, clause 2, article 346.17 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation)

Up to three years (inclusive)

During the first calendar year of application of the simplified tax system

On the last day of each reporting period, in equal shares in the amount of amounts paid (paid value)

During the first calendar year - 50% of the cost of the object

From three to fifteen years (inclusive)

During the second calendar year – 30% of the cost of the object

During the third calendar year – 20% of the cost of the object

From fifteen years and above

During the first ten years of application of the simplified tax system

OS when switching to simplified tax system

The cost of fixed assets acquired before the transition to the simplified tax system is included in expenses in the following order:

  • in relation to fixed assets with a useful life of up to 3 years inclusive - during the first calendar year of application of the simplified tax system;
  • in relation to fixed assets with a useful life from 3 to 15 years inclusive: during the first calendar year of application of the simplified tax system - 50% of the cost, the second calendar year - 30% of the cost and the third calendar year - 20% of the cost;
  • in relation to fixed assets with a useful life of over 15 years - during the first 10 years of application of the simplified tax system in equal shares of the cost of fixed assets.

In all cases, the annual cost is expensed on the last day of each reporting period in equal shares in the amount of amounts paid (cost paid).

Please note: we are talking about the service life, which is established when the object is put into operation. And not about the one that remains to be “finalized.”

Entries about fixed assets in Section 2 of the Income and Expense Book are made only after they have been paid for and put into operation. In section 1 - as the cost of fixed assets is written off for the last number of reporting (tax) periods.

Please note that expenses do not include the cost of fixed assets received as a contribution to the authorized capital (contribution to property), as well as free of charge (subclause 1, clause 1, article 346.16, subclause 2, clause 1, article 346.16 of the Tax Code RF, letters of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated 02/03/2010 No. 03-11-06/2/14, dated 01/29/2010 No. 03-11-06/2/09). This is due to the fact that when calculating the single tax, the “simplified” tax can only take into account expenses actually incurred, that is, paid or repaid in another way (Clause 2 of Article 346.17 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). When receiving property free of charge or as a contribution to the authorized capital (contribution to property), the organization does not incur costs to pay their cost. Therefore, it cannot be taken into account as expenses.

How to take into account fixed assets purchased in installments under the simplified tax system

Write off the cost of property purchased in installments as expenses under the simplified tax system as it is paid for (subclause 4, clause 2, article 346.17 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation and letter of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated 02/06/2012 No. ED-4-3/1818). However, do not take into account the amount paid immediately in the current quarter, but distribute it over the quarters remaining until the end of the year. That is, do it as if you were accounting for the entire asset received. At the same time, assign the price to expenses on the last day of each reporting (tax) period. This opinion is also shared by specialists from the financial department in their letter dated May 17, 2011 No. 03-11-06/2/78.

For example, if you made the first payment for property in the first quarter (for example, in January), then include it in expenses under the simplified tax system every quarter: March 31, June 30, September 30 and December 31. When the amount is given in the second quarter, distribute it over three quarters (June, September, December). Accordingly, if the payment was made in the fourth quarter, then its entire amount should be attributed to expenses on December 31.

If you do not pay off the debt on the project by the end of the year (this is possible when the installment plan is given for several years), then transfer the unpaid portions to the next year. And continue to consider them in the same order. That is, after payment, it is distributed across quarters.

An example of writing off expenses for fixed assets purchased in installments

In December 2016, Zvezda LLC acquired and commissioned production equipment worth RUB 5,300,900. The debt to the supplier was paid in two parts. The first 2,000,000 rubles. were paid on February 24, 2017, the remaining RUB 3,300,900. - April 2, 2019. The equipment was put into operation in 2016.

Since the payment was made in parts, the first paid part was RUB 2,000,000. - an entry should have been made in section 2 of the Income and Expense Accounting Book on February 24, 2017. In section 1, it was supposed to be written off in four stages in equal shares of 500,000 rubles. (RUB 2,000,000: 4 quarters) March 31, June 30, September 30 and December 31, 2017.

The second paid part of the cost of the object should have been entered into section 2 of the Book of Income and Expenses on April 2, 2019. Already from the second quarter of 2019, expenses reduce the tax base in three stages. In Section 1 of the Book for 2019, they should have been shown in three equal parts - 1,100,300 rubles each. (RUB 3,300,900: 3 quarters) June 30, September 30 and December 31.

How to reflect the acquisition of a fixed asset in the Income and Expense Accounting Book

Record expenses for the purchase of fixed assets in Section II of the Accounting Book - separately for each object. Moreover, make entries for the last day of the reporting (tax) period in the amount of amounts actually paid (subclause 4, clause 2, article 346.17 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). Transfer the final data from section II to section I of the Accounting Book. Namely, in column 5 “Expenses taken into account when calculating the tax base.”

Is it necessary to record “input” VAT on the cost of fixed assets as a separate line in the Accounting Book? No. In the Accounting Book, reflect the price of objects along with VAT. Do not record the tax as a separate line, as it is taken into account in the value of the property (clause 3 of Article 346.16 and subclause 3 of clause 2 of Article 170 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, clause 8 of PBU 6/01).

Accountingfixed assets in 2019 in accounting

For accounting purposes, when recording transactions related to fixed assets, PBU 6/01 is used. The main difference from the requirements of the tax code is the absence of a cost criterion for classifying an object as 01 account.

The Ministry of Finance in this PBU only provides for the possibility of classifying objects that meet the criteria of fixed assets, but costing less than 40,000 rubles. to inventory accounts. It should be noted that this is a right, not an obligation of the organization. The only strict criterion is objects worth 40,000 rubles. and it can no longer be attributed to the MPZ.

In the accounting policy, you can prescribe any cost minimum (within 40,000 rubles) for an asset, extending it both to all fixed assets and to a separate group. Or you can exclude the cost criterion altogether.

Those costs that form the initial cost of an asset are specified in clause 8 of PBU 6/01. The list of such expenses is open, i.e. In addition to the specific costs listed, there is a sub-item that includes other costs associated with the acquisition of the OS, its construction, etc.

What is an inventory object

An inventory object is a unit of accounting for fixed assets, which can include either one item or several (complex).

Objects are separated into a complex only if individually they cannot perform their functions.

For example, a personal computer. All computer devices and accessories are included in a single object (Letter of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated June 2, 2010 No. 03-03-06/2/110).

However, it is also worth noting that if one object contains parts that have different useful lives, then each such part will be accounted for as an independent inventory item (clause 6 of PBU 6/01 “Accounting for fixed assets”, clause 10 of the Guidelines for accounting of fixed assets, approved by Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated October 13, 2003 No. 91n).

The company keeps records of fixed assets for inventory items according to the classifier (OKOF). If the facility was put into operation after January 1, 2017, then the taxpayer needs to use new OKOF (OK 013-2014) .

Each inventory item has its own number and card (form OS-6), which reflects:

  • information about property as of the date of its transfer and acceptance for accounting
  • revaluation data
  • information about movements within the company
  • operations that led to a change in the initial cost (completion, modernization, etc.)
  • brief description of the object

What does the initial cost consist of?

Fixed assets are taken into account at their original cost, which consists of the costs of acquiring this property:

  • fare
  • services for bringing into a condition suitable for use
  • expenses under construction contracts
  • agent (intermediary) remuneration
  • customs duties and fees paid at the border (on import)
  • consulting and information services
  • non-refundable taxes

Thus, taxpayers using the simplified tax system take into account VAT in the initial cost of all their fixed assets.

Please note that in accounting, in order to recognize an object as a fixed asset, the initial cost must be more than 40,000 rubles.

A change in the original cost can only be caused by the completion, retrofitting, modernization, reconstruction, revaluation or partial liquidation of the object.

Accounting for fixed assets

Acceptance of fixed assets for accounting is carried out using forms OS-1 “Act of acceptance and transfer of fixed assets” and OS-6 “Inventory card”. All expenses that form the initial cost are accumulated on account 08 “Investments in non-current assets”, and then transferred to account 01.

Let's consider how to take into account the receipt of fixed assets.

Basic equipment has been purchased.

The fixed asset was received as a contribution to the authorized capital.

The main product was received free of charge.

How to determine useful life

The useful life (USI) of a fixed asset is calculated in months. As a rule, data is taken from the Classification of Fixed Assets (approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated January 1, 2002 No. 1), taking into account changes dated July 7, 2016.

In order to understand which fixed assets are included in the group specified in the Classification, use OKOF.

If the SPI of your fixed asset is not indicated in the Classification and OKOF, then keep records based on the period specified in the technical specifications. documentation or recommendations given by its manufacturer.

SPI must be indicated in the inventory card of the fixed asset.

Please note that the SPI may be increased due to its modernization, reconstruction, technical. rearmament. The new period cannot be greater than the maximum established for the depreciation group to which your fixed asset belongs.

How to calculate depreciation

For accounting purposes, depreciation is calculated using the formula:

In the accounting accounts, depreciation is reflected in the form of the entry: Dt 44 Kt 02 (for a trading company).

Depreciation should be stopped in the following cases:

  • the original cost is “0” (i.e. written off completely)
  • main product in conservation (more than 3 months)
  • fixed asset retired
  • fixed asset for modernization/reconstruction (more than 12 months)

How often can fixed assets be revalued?

In accordance with clause 15 of PBU 6/01, the company has the right to revaluate fixed assets no more than once a year (at the end of the reporting period).

When determining the “new” value, you can rely on:

  • expert opinion
  • information about the price level published in the media and special. literature
  • technical bureau assessment inventory
  • information on the government price level. statistics
  • data from manufacturing companies for similar fixed assets

How to record expenses for repairs of fixed assets

The accounting entries will depend on the method in which it is carried out: contract or business.

If the company has a repair service, then accounting for repair costs will be carried out through account 23 “Auxiliary production”.

Expenses for modernization and reconstruction, which entailed a change in the joint venture capital, capacity and other indicators of fixed assets, must be reflected in account 08 “Investments in non-current assets”. As soon as the repair work has come to an end, the costs must be transferred to account 01 “Fixed assets”. Thus, the initial cost of the object will be increased.

Do not forget that the events that led to a change in the initial cost of the fixed asset must be recorded in its inventory card.

How to write off a fixed asset

Documentation of the disposal of a fixed asset depends on the reason for which the object is written off.

For example it could be:

  • sale
  • liquidation
  • emergency circumstances

Thus, in the event of liquidation of a fixed asset, OS-4 “Act on the write-off of a fixed asset object (except for motor vehicles) is drawn up.” When writing off several objects at the same time - OS-4b. For motor vehicles - OC-4a.

The transfer of fixed assets under contracts of sale, exchange, and donation is formalized by OS-1, OS-1a, OS-1b.

In accounting, the disposal of a fixed asset in connection with its sale is reflected as follows:

Upon liquidation:

Costs of fixed assets in accounting

Costs for fixed assets are collected on the debit of account 08 - investments in non-current assets. And the credit will be the cost accounts - 60, 76 depending on the costs.

In general, the initial cost of fixed assets is the sum of the organization's actual costs for acquisition, construction and production, excluding VAT and other refundable taxes. But for the “simplified” people, VAT is a non-refundable tax. Therefore, VAT under the simplified tax system also goes into the costs of fixed assets.

When putting fixed assets into operation, the object is transferred to account 01. Posting: Debit 01 Credit 08.

If the fixed asset requires state registration (real estate, land), then these objects are also accounted for in account 01, but you can enter a subaccount “Real estate objects, the ownership of which is not registered.”

Cost of fixed assets in accounting

The cost of fixed assets is repaid through depreciation.

Objects of fixed assets whose consumer properties do not change over time are not subject to depreciation (land plots; environmental management facilities; objects classified as museum objects and museum collections, etc.).

Depreciation is the gradual transfer of the cost of a fixed asset to the cost of products, works, and services.

Depreciation is calculated monthly for each object. Depreciation is accrued from the first day of the month following the month in which the object is recorded in accounting. Depreciation ends on the first day of the month following the month in which the cost of the object is fully repaid or the object is written off from accounting. The service life is in the classifier of fixed assets (Government Decree No. 1 of 01.01.2002).


Below are the entries for fixed assets. See all postings in our service "".

Purchase of fixed assets

Account correspondence




The acquired fixed asset was capitalized

Document from the supplier for the shipment of the object

If property is purchased through an accountable person in a retail trade organization, then instead of account 60 “Settlements with suppliers and contractors”, account 71 “Settlements with accountable persons” is used.

Accounting information

On account 08, the operation is reflected in the subaccount “Purchase of fixed assets”

The services (work) of third-party organizations acquired in connection with the purchase are reflected (if such expenses were incurred in the process of forming the initial cost of the object)

On account 08, the operation is reflected in the subaccount “Purchase of fixed assets”

Acquired fixed assets that are not intended to be rented out are included in fixed assets.

On account 08, the operation is reflected in the subaccount “Purchase of fixed assets”

Fixed assets purchased specifically for rental are taken into account

Certificate of acceptance and transfer of fixed assets

On account 08, the operation is reflected in the subaccount “Purchase of fixed assets”

Accounting information

Reflects the services (work) of third-party organizations purchased in connection with the purchase (if such expenses were incurred after the initial cost of the object was formed)

Acceptance certificate for work performed (services provided)

On account 91, transactions are reflected in the subaccount “Other expenses”

Construction of fixed assets

Account correspondence

The primary document on the basis of which this transaction is reflected in accounting




Salaries paid to employees involved in construction

Payroll or payslip

Insurance premiums are calculated from the salaries of employees involved in construction

Accounting information

If construction is carried out by auxiliary production, then the costs are preliminarily reflected in account 23 and upon completion of construction are written off to the debit of account 08

Depreciation was calculated on fixed assets used in construction

Accounting information

On account 08, the operation is reflected in the subaccount “Construction of fixed assets”. If construction is carried out by auxiliary production, then the costs are preliminarily reflected in account 23 and upon completion of construction are written off to the debit of account 08

The cost of materials used in construction, including during installation of equipment, is reflected

Report on materials consumed

On account 08, the operation is reflected in the subaccount “Construction of fixed assets”. If construction is carried out by auxiliary production, then the costs are preliminarily reflected in account 23 and upon completion of construction are written off to the debit of account 08

Reflects the purchase of equipment that requires installation and is intended for installation in a facility under construction

Document from the supplier for the shipment of equipment; equipment acceptance certificate

If property is purchased through an accountable person in a retail trade organization, then instead of account 60 “Settlements with suppliers and contractors”, account 71 “Settlements with accountable persons” is used.

Reflects the transfer of equipment (or its part) for installation

Certificate of acceptance and transfer of equipment for installation

On account 08, the operation is reflected in the subaccount “Construction of fixed assets”. If construction is carried out by auxiliary production, then the costs are preliminarily reflected in account 23 and upon completion of construction are written off to the debit of account 08

Reflects the services (work) of third-party organizations purchased for construction, including work on installation of equipment (if such expenses were incurred in the process of forming the initial cost of the facility)

Acceptance certificate for work performed (services provided)

On account 08, the operation is reflected in the subaccount “Construction of fixed assets”. If construction is carried out by auxiliary production, then the costs are preliminarily reflected in account 23 and upon completion of construction are written off to the debit of account 08

Included in the initial cost of the object is the state duty for state registration of ownership of the object (if such expenses are incurred in the process of forming the initial cost of the object)

Accounting information

On account 08, the operation is reflected in the subaccount “Construction of fixed assets”

A completed construction project, which is not intended to be rented out, was accepted for accounting as part of fixed assets.

Certificate of acceptance and transfer of fixed assets

On account 08, the operation is reflected in the subaccount “Construction of fixed assets”

A completed construction project intended specifically for rental has been accepted for accounting

Certificate of acceptance and transfer of fixed assets

On account 08, the operation is reflected in the subaccount “Construction of fixed assets”

The state duty for state registration of ownership of an object is reflected as part of other expenses (if such expenses are incurred after the initial cost of the object was formed)

Accounting information

On account 91, transactions are reflected in the subaccount “Other expenses”

Services (work) of third-party organizations purchased in connection with construction are reflected (if such expenses were incurred after the initial cost of the object was formed)

Acceptance certificate for work performed (services provided)

On account 91, transactions are reflected in the subaccount “Other expenses”

Recorded write-off of an unfinished capital construction project (during liquidation)

Accounting certificate, write-off order

On account 91, transactions are reflected in the subaccount “Other expenses”. On account 08, the operation is reflected in the subaccount “Construction of fixed assets”

Basic entries for accounting for fixed assets

Let's consider the main entries for accounting of fixed assets for taxpayers of the simplified tax system. The difference from OSNO in this case will be the acceptance of the object for accounting along with VAT. So here are the basic wiring:

  • acquisition of fixed assets – Dt 08 Kt 60;
  • construction of the facility on your own - Dt 08 Kt 60, 69, 70, 10;
  • putting the operating system into operation - Dt 01 Kt 08;
  • depreciation calculation - Dt of the cost account that is used to reflect expenses for the activities in which the property is used Kt 02;
  • sale of an asset - Dt 62 Kt 91 for accrual of revenue, Dt 02 Kt 01 for writing off depreciation accrued during the period of use, Dt 91 Kt 01 for writing off the residual value of the property.

How to eliminate discrepancies in accounting and tax accounting of low-value fixed assets

Some ways to eliminate discrepancies in tax and accounting accounting have already been listed above. In this section we systematize the information:

  • Depreciation. It is recommended that the accounting policy specify the use of the linear depreciation method for both tax and accounting purposes.
  • Initial cost. In accounting policies for accounting purposes, it is recommended to use the rules for the formation of initial cost similar to those used in tax accounting.
  • Minimum cost. This discrepancy can be eliminated only if the enterprise applies OSNO. In this case, it is possible in the accounting policy for tax accounting to provide for the write-off of individual groups of material expenses over several reporting periods. Simplificationists will not be able to eliminate this discrepancy.

Accounting for fixed assets worth up to 100,000 under the simplified tax system

That property that, according to all criteria, can be classified as fixed assets, but costs less than 100,000 rubles, is written off at a time as material expenses (subclause 5, clause 1, article 346.16 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

According to sub. 1 item 2 art. 346.17 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, such expenses reduce the tax base at the time of repayment of accounts payable that arose during the acquisition of property.

All of the above concerns only the simplification with the object of income minus expenses.

Depreciation of fixed assets in accounting and tax accounting

There are different methods for calculating depreciation in accounting and tax accounting.

Tax depreciation can be calculated:

  • linear method;
  • nonlinear method.

The method of calculating depreciation is the same for all objects, with the exception of certain cases provided for by law. You can change the depreciation method once every five years.

Accounting provides more ways to calculate depreciation:

  • linear;
  • reducing balance method;
  • method of writing off value by the sum of the numbers of years of useful life;
  • method of writing off cost in proportion to the volume of products (works).

Unlike tax accounting, in accounting, the choice of depreciation method is tied to a group of identical fixed assets, and not to all objects at once. But it is also impossible to change the method of writing off the value of a fixed asset through depreciation throughout the entire life of the property.

It should be borne in mind that if a taxpayer switches to the simplified tax system with OSNO, and the object of taxation was income minus expenses, then for further write-off as expenses for the profit of the OS object, the tax residual value of the object is taken (that is, the original cost and accrued depreciation must be calculated according to the norms of Chapter 25 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

If the transition is carried out with UTII, then the accounting value of the fixed asset is taken.

To transition from the simplified tax regime to the general taxation regime for the purposes of calculating income tax, the residual value is taken equal to the part of the initial cost of the fixed asset that was not written off as expenses for the simplified tax system.

Cost of fixed assets for individual entrepreneurs

It should be noted that Chapter 25 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation and PBU 6/01 apply only to organizations. This is stated in paragraph 1 of Art. 246 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation and clause 1 of PBU 6/01.

Entrepreneurs are guided by another document - order of the Ministry of Finance No. 86n and the Ministry of Taxes of Russia No. BG-3-04/430 dated August 13, 2002 “On approval of the Procedure for accounting for income and expenses and business transactions for individual entrepreneurs.” In particular, the rules for accepting fixed assets for accounting are prescribed in Section VI of the document.

There are no significant differences when considering organizations. But the lower cost limit is also set for accounting - 100,000 rubles.

Since 2002, only one method of calculating depreciation has been provided for individual entrepreneurs - linear

Since 2018, quite serious changes in the field of accounting and tax accounting have begun to take effect for individual entrepreneurs and organizations. Officials developed and approved a number of bills that affected almost all major taxes, tax reporting and accounting provisions. What changes in work await accountants in 2018?

Starting from January 1, 2018, 5 new accounting standards, adopted by the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation on December 31, 2016, come into force in the Russian Federation:

  • No. 256n “Conceptual basis of accounting and reporting for public sector organizations” - establishes the concepts and terms that are used in accounting and reporting.
  • No. 257n “Fixed Assets” (Fixed Assets) - a new classification and grouping of fixed assets, new boundaries for the cost of fixed assets and the procedure for calculating depreciation are determined.
  • No. 258n “Lease” – a division of lease into operating and financial (non-operating) is introduced.
  • No. 259n “Depreciation of assets - uniform signs of impairment of assets, their recognition in accounting and the procedure for reporting are determined.
  • No. 260n “Provision of accounting (financial) statements - establishes requirements for the composition, deadlines, rules for submitting reports and determines the data required for public provision.

Important! From 2018, only part of the changes in accounting will come into force. In total, 24 more standards are planned to be approved during 2019-2020.

The procedure for developing new accounting rules is established by order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation No. 170n dated October 31, 2017. Upcoming changes will concern the rules for developing accounting policies, principles for generating cash flow reports, algorithms for reporting contingent assets, contingent liabilities, etc.

Innovations in tax accounting

As of today, amendments to tax legislation have already been approved, which accountants will need to take into account in 2018. The innovations affected the following tax payments:

  • : the list of income that is allowed not to be taken into account in the process of calculating this tax has been expanded, the procedure for accounting for expenses for personnel training and R&D has been changed, the list of organizations that are allowed to use a 0% rate has been expanded.
  • Organizational property tax: the procedure for applying benefits has been changed and the rules for applying cadastral value have been determined.
  • VAT: the list of transactions that are exempt from VAT or taxed at a rate of 0% has been added, a tax free system will appear, the rights to deduct VAT and the list of non-taxable transactions have been limited.

Important! Expected forecasts to increase the VAT rate to 22% did not come true. The reform has been postponed to 2019.

  • Personal income tax: the list of non-taxable payments has been expanded, the procedure for paying fees on winnings from gambling and on certain ruble bonds of Russian organizations has been changed.
  • Insurance premiums: limits have been established for calculating premiums, types of activities have been identified for which it is possible to apply reduced tariffs under a simplified system.
  • Land tax: a procedure has been developed for calculating the amount of collection in the event of a change in the category of land.
  • Transport tax: part of the increasing coefficients used to calculate the amount of tax for expensive cars has been cancelled.

New taxes

Tax accounting news 2018 includes not only standard, well-known payments, but also the introduction of two new fees:

  • An additional income tax is a pilot project that will replace the mineral extraction tax. At the first stage, it will apply to the activities of oil production companies.
  • Resort fee - an additional fee that will be collected from individuals (vacationers) by sanatoriums, holiday homes, hotels in 4 regions of the Russian Federation: Stavropol and Krasnodar territories, Altai and the Republic of Crimea. It will come into effect on May 1, 2018.

Professional standard

Among the news of 2018 for accountants is the emergence of a new professional standard developed by the Institute of Professional Accountants (IPA). It spells out the requirements that will be needed for different positions. Among them:

  • the level of education;
  • experience;
  • professional skills;
  • experience;
  • range of responsibilities and tasks.

In addition to accounting and reporting, accountants are required to:

  • maintaining reports on the activities of companies with divisions;
  • maintaining and submitting consolidated financial statements;
  • provision of services in the field of accounting;
  • proficiency in working with accounting programs;
  • the need for advanced training.

On a note! The easiest option to prove compliance with the standard is to undergo testing at one of the training centers accredited by the IPB.

Fines system

One of the most important changes for accountants in 2018 is the tightening of penalties for errors in accounting and tax reporting. At the same time, the Ministry of Finance has put forward an initiative to differentiate fines for accountants who are registered in commercial companies and budget organizations. The latter are subject to large fines. For example, filing unreliable financial statements will cost the chief accountant of a commercial organization a maximum of 10,000 rubles, while for public sector employees the maximum amount is 50,000 rubles. For tax offenses (for example, non-payment of insurance premiums), it is also planned not only to tighten fines, but also to introduce criminal liability.

Additionally, the Ministry of Finance, in cooperation with the Federal Tax Service, has developed amendments to the Tax Code that will allow individuals and legal entities to pay fines for each other. Until 2018, the ability to pay for third-party organizations (and individuals) was provided only for tax payments and insurance premiums. It is planned that these changes will take effect starting from the second half of the year.

Video about innovations:

Accounting for fixed assets in 2018-2019 in accordance with budget legislation is regulated by a unified chart of accounts and instructions approved by Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated December 1, 2010 No. 157n. It differs from accounting for fixed assets in commercial organizations and has its own specifics, which we will discuss in our article.

Fixed assets in budget accounting - 2018-2019: introductory information and changes

In accordance with paragraph 21 of Order No. 157n, the concept of “budget accounting of fixed assets” applies only to certain government organizations. For example, government institutions, government agencies, extra-budgetary funds. In addition to the unified chart of accounts, a special chart of accounts must be used in budget accounting (Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated December 6, 2010 No. 162n).

The remaining government institutions, maintaining accounting and tax accounting of fixed assets in 2018-2019, in addition to the unified chart of accounts, use charts of accounts approved by order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated December 16, 2010 No. 174n or dated December 23, 2010 No. 183n (depending on the type of organization) and others regulations.

Read about the regulatory documents governing accounting in budgetary structures.

In this article we will refer to orders No. 157n and 162n as the basis for budget accounting. However, this material may also be useful to other budget structures, since it reveals the general principles of OS accounting since 2016, and especially the logic of making transactions.

One of the main criteria for recognition of fixed assets is the service life of the property, namely an interval exceeding 12 months. In addition, the facility must be used to carry out the activities of the institution permanently or repeatedly. Another feature is that the operating systems are not owned by the institution, but are quickly managed.

NOTE! Fixed assets do not include objects classified as inventories in accordance with clause 99 of Order No. 157n. For example, fishing gear, gas-powered saws, etc.

The service life can be determined according to the OS classifier approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated January 1, 2002 No. 1, according to the maximum limit for groups 1-9. And for OS with a service life of more than 30 years, the standards from the Decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR No. 1072 dated October 22, 1990 are applied. The SPI may be revised during modernization.

Each inventory item as a unit of accounting for fixed assets must be assigned a number. And an inventory card is created for each object, with the exception of items costing less than 3,000 rubles and library objects.

To account for fixed assets, a synthetic account 010100000 “Fixed Assets” is provided. The budget accounting account number consists of 26 digits, and only 18-26 digits are used in the accounting of the institution. Depending on the group and type of OS, as well as the essence of their movement, the code in the 22-26th digit changes in the account number.

Below we consider the scheme for generating an accounting account number in a budgetary organization, and also decipher the category codes using an example. A detailed explanation of the categories can also be found in clause 21 of the instructions to the chart of accounts (order No. 157n), in the table of the budget accounting chart of accounts and in clause 2 of the instructions to it (order No. 162n).

Account digit number

Financial support

Accounting object

Accounting object group

Type of accounting object

Type of receipts, disposals of an accounting object

Example: account 110118310 “Increase in the value of other fixed assets - real estate of the institution”

1 - at the expense of the budget

101—fixed assets

1—real estate

8 - other fixed assets

310 - increase in OS cost

Read about creating a working chart of accounts in a budget organization .

Note that for budget accounting of fixed assets, according to Order No. 162n, only 2 types of financial support are possible: at the expense of the budget (code 1) and funds at temporary disposal (code 3).

Thus, government institutions, government agencies and other organizations falling under the jurisdiction of Order No. 162n cannot have their own non-budgetary income.

The main changes in accounting for fixed assets in 2016-2018 are associated with the introduction of the All-Russian Classifier OF (OKOF) OK 013-2014 (SNA 2008) from 01/01/2017.

The latest changes in fixed asset accounting are as follows:

  • Since 2016, film and photographic equipment, due to a reduction in useful life, has been classified in group 3 of fixed assets accounting, and in 2016-2018 its useful life is 3-5 years.
  • In 2016, objects with a new value limit (100,000 rubles) began to be accepted for tax accounting of fixed assets. This limit is valid for OSes put into operation after 2015.
  • In 2017, the provisions reflected in the main documents on the rules for accounting for fixed assets were clarified in relation to objects leased, free use, trust management, and also those that are the subject of concession agreements.

In addition, the texts of orders No. 157n and 162n, related to the accounting of fixed assets, have undergone a number of editorial changes.

Accounting for fixed assets upon admission to budgetary institutions

OS are received by institutions at actual cost, which includes:

  • cost paid to the supplier;
  • the cost of construction work when creating the facility;
  • the cost of all costs required to create the OS;
  • fare;
  • amounts for related services;
  • customs duties;
  • as well as other costs associated with the purchase/creation of the OS.

NOTE! If the fixed asset will be used in budgetary activities, then the amount of input VAT is included in the initial cost.

The receipt of fixed assets is reflected in the synthetic account 0010600000 “Investments in non-financial assets”, which contains 3 grouping accounts:

  • 0010611000 - for real estate;
  • 0010631000 - for movable;
  • 0010641000 - for accounting for financial lease objects.

In the accounting of fixed assets, to reflect receipts, separate analytical accounts are allocated, in 24-26 digits of which code 310 is used for each type of fixed assets (see the chart of accounts approved by Order No. 162n). This code indicates an increase in the cost of the OS.

The main entries for accounting for fixed assets upon receipt are shown in the table below. Other transactions can be found in paragraphs. 7, 31, 33, 34 instructions to the chart of accounts (order No. 162n).


Dt 010600000 “Investments in non-financial assets” (010611310, 010631310, 010641310)

Kt 020800000 “Settlements with accountable persons” (020831660, 020832660), 030200000 “Settlements for accepted obligations” (030231730, 030232730)

Purchasing an OS

Dt 010600000 “Investments in non-financial assets” (010611310, 010631310)

Kt 030200000 “Settlements for accepted obligations”, 020800000 “Settlements with accountable persons”, 010400000 “Depreciation”, 030300000 “Settlements for payments to budgets”, 010500000 “Inventories”

Creating an OS object yourself

Dt 010100000 “Fixed assets” (010111310, 010112310, 010113310)

Kt 010611310 “Increasing investments in fixed assets - real estate of the institution”

Commissioning of the constructed building

Kt 010611310 “Increase in investments in fixed assets - real estate of the institution”, 010631310 “Increase in investments in fixed assets - other movable property of the institution”

Commissioning of purchased, manufactured household goods. OS way

Dt 010100000 “Fixed assets” (010111310-010113310, 010115310, 010118310, 010131310-010138310)

Kt 030404310 “Internal settlements for the acquisition of fixed assets”

The OS object was received from another budget institution that has the same budget resource manager

Dt 010100000 “Fixed assets” (010111310-010113310, 010115310, 010118310, 010131310-010138310)

Kt 040110180 “Other income”

The OS object was received from another budgetary institution that has a different manager of budget resources at the same level, from organizations, individuals.

Dt 010100000 “Fixed assets” (010111310-010113310, 010115310, 010118310, 010131310-010138310)

Kt 040110100 “Income of an economic entity” (040110151, 040110152, 040110153)

Other gratuitous receipts of fixed assets

Dt 010140000 “Fixed assets - leased items” (010141310-010148310)

Kt 010641310 “Increasing investments in fixed assets - leased items”

Acceptance for registration in 2016-2018. OS leased

Depreciation of fixed assets

Government institutions charge depreciation of fixed assets linearly over their service life. There is also a rule of monthly accruals in the amount of 1/12 of the annual amount. Depreciation charges begin to be reflected in the month following the month the facility is put into operation.

Read about the practical application of the linear method in the article “Linear method of calculating depreciation of fixed assets (example, formula)” .

For the following types of fixed assets, depreciation is reflected at 100% when taken into account:

  • real estate not more expensive than 40,000 rubles;
  • library objects no more than 40,000 rubles;
  • other objects of movable property from 3,000 to 40,000 rubles.

For objects of movable property no more than 3,000 rubles. (except for library objects) depreciation is not charged.

Depreciation is reflected in the synthetic account 010400000 “Depreciation”.

To record entries for depreciation charges, analytical accounts ending in 410 are used, which are used in the following transaction: Dt 040120271 “Depreciation costs of fixed assets and intangible assets”, 010900000 “Costs of manufacturing finished products, performing work, services” (010960271, 010970271 , 010980271, 010990271) Kt 010400000 “Depreciation” (010411410-010413410, 010415410, 010418410, 010431410-010438410).

To account for fixed assets leased: Dt 040120271 “Depreciation costs of fixed assets and intangible assets” Kt 010440000 “Depreciation of leased items” (010441410-010448410).

In paragraphs 19, 20 instructions to the chart of accounts (order No. 162n) consider special cases of reflecting depreciation, for example, for fixed assets received free of charge.

Accounting for disposal of fixed assets

To account for fixed assets upon their disposal, separate analytical accounts of the “Fixed Assets” account are also used, ending with 410 and indicating a decrease in the value of the corresponding fixed assets.

The main entries for accounting for fixed assets upon disposal are shown in the table below. Other transactions can be found in clause 10 of the instructions for the chart of accounts (order No. 162n).


Description of posting in fixed asset accounting

Dt 040120271 “Costs for depreciation of fixed assets and intangible assets”, 010634340 “Increase in investments in inventories - other movable property of the institution”, 010900000 “Costs for the manufacture of finished products, performance of work, services” (010960271, 010970271, 010980271, 010 990271)

Kt 010100000 “Fixed assets” (010134410, 010135410, 010136410, 010138410)

Commissioning of an OS costing no more than 3,000 rubles.

Dt 030404310 “Internal settlements for the acquisition of fixed assets”, 040120200 “Expenses of an economic entity” (040120241, 040120242, 040120251, 040120252, 040120253)

Free transfer of an object or transfer to trust management

Dt 010400000 “Depreciation” (010411410-010413410, 010415410, 010418410, 010431410-010438410)

Kt 010100000 “Fixed assets” (010111410-010113410, 010115410, 010118410, 010131410-010138410)

Dt 040110172 “Income from operations with assets”

Kt 010100000 “Fixed assets” (010111410-010113410, 010115410, 010118410, 010131410-010138410)

OS sales


Budgetary accounting of fixed assets has a complex structure of accounts and their coding. However, the instructions listed in the article contain detailed explanations and lists of possible entries that can help the accountant. Maintaining budgetary accounting of fixed assets is strictly regulated. All movements of fixed assets must be documented in primary documents and reflected in accounting by accounting entries.

An organization may use expensive items with a long service life. Special accounting rules are provided for such property. The costs of its acquisition cannot be immediately reflected as expenses. In this article we will tell you how to keep records of fixed assets in accounting in 2019, how to determine the initial cost, choose a depreciation method, and reflect disposal in accounting.

The concept of fixed assets in accounting in 2019

Fixed assets are expensive property that a company uses in its activities. Not all property is included in fixed assets.

The criteria for fixed assets in 2019 are as follows:

  1. Purpose of use
  2. Useful life
  3. Initial cost,
  4. Ability to generate income.

Purpose of use. A fixed asset may be intended for the following purposes (clause 4 of PBU 6/01):

  • Production of products, performance of work, provision of services,
  • Management needs,
  • For rent.

Useful life. It must be the greater of 12 months or the normal operating cycle if it is greater than 12 months.

Initial cost. At the time of acceptance for accounting, the value of the property must exceed a certain limit. In accounting, a fixed asset is considered to be an object worth more than 40,000 rubles. But the company can set its own lower cost limit.

Ability to generate income. The company uses fixed assets to generate income and not for resale. For example, if an organization purchased a car to deliver goods to customers, then the car is taken into account as part of fixed assets. And if a car dealership purchased a car for further resale, then such property is included in the goods on account 41.

There are such types of fixed assets as buildings, structures, transmission devices, machinery and equipment, vehicles, tools, inventory and household supplies, and others.

Cost of fixed assets in 2019 in accounting

An enterprise can acquire property that fits the definition of a fixed asset only according to two criteria: purpose and useful life. But its cost is less than 40,000 rubles. For example, equipment, furniture, office equipment.

It is allowed to immediately write off the entire cost of such property. But it is necessary to organize accounting and control of its use. There are two options on how to do this:

  1. Accept low-value property for accounting as part of the inventory. Its cost is immediately written off as expenses, and accounting for the actual movement of low-value items can be organized, for example, on an off-balance sheet account,
  2. Account for property as low-value fixed assets. To do this, you need to lower the limit on the value of fixed assets in accounting. Consider property worth more than 40,000 rubles as a fixed asset, but, for example, 20,000 rubles. This decision needs to be fixed in the accounting policy.

Registration of fixed assets in 2019

Companies account for fixed assets at historical cost, and it depends on the method in which the company acquired the property:

Purchase method

Initial cost

For a fee (purchase)

Amount paid to seller:

  • Less VAT, if the OS will be used in activities subject to VAT,
  • Together with VAT, if the OS will be used in non-VAT taxable activities
  • If the OS will be used in activities subject to and non-taxable with VAT, then input VAT must be distributed

By agreement of exchange (barter)

Market value of property transferred in exchange for fixed assets

Free receipt

Market value of fixed asset

As a contribution to the authorized capital

Monetary valuation agreed upon by the founders, but not more than the market value of the operating system

The market value of the property is confirmed by the conclusion of an independent appraiser. In all cases, the initial cost of a fixed asset includes the costs that the company incurred for:

  • OS delivery,
  • Bringing it into a condition suitable for use,
  • State registration if necessary, etc.

Costs associated with the acquisition of operating systems are collected in account 08 and then transferred to a special account 01:

  • Debit 08 Credit 60 - reflects the amounts paid to the seller for delivery, etc.
  • Debit 08 Credit 20, 70 and other accounts - costs of bringing them to readiness for operation,
  • Debit 19 Credit 60 – input VAT is reflected,
  • Debit 01 Credit 08 – acceptance for accounting and commissioning of the operating system.

Now let's look at the issue of accounting for composite fixed assets. The most common example is purchasing a computer. Paragraph 6 of PBU 6/01 defines OS as a complex of structurally articulated objects that together perform a certain job.

Based on this paragraph of the PBU, Ministry of Finance officials believe that computer devices cannot perform their functions separately from the entire complex. Therefore, if the total cost of a monitor, system unit, mouse, keyboard and other devices exceeds 40,000 rubles, then they must be taken into account as one OS object. This means that it is impossible to immediately take into account their entire cost in expenses (Letter No. 03-03-06/1-639 dated 09/04/2007).

However, there are two cases when individual computer devices can be taken into account as part of the inventory and immediately written off as expenses:

  1. Individual devices are used in different configurations (for example, a monitor is connected to one or another system unit),
  2. The useful life of different devices varies greatly.

Depreciation of fixed assets in accounting in 2019

The cost of fixed assets is included in expenses gradually by calculating depreciation.

Basic rules of depreciation

Let's name the basic rules for calculating depreciation:

  • Depreciation begins to accrue from the month following the month the OS was put into operation. For example, the OS was put into operation on May 5, 2019. Depreciation begins to accrue from June 2019,
  • Depreciation stops accruing from the month following the month of disposal of the fixed assets. For example, the OS was sold on April 15, 2019. For April, depreciation is charged in full, but for May it is no longer charged,
  • Depreciation is suspended if the object is mothballed for a period of more than three months or is under repair or reconstruction for more than a year. However, if the organization continues to use an object that is being modernized or reconstructed, depreciation is not suspended,
  • Depreciation is not charged for the following types of fixed assets:
    • Land,
    • Environmental facilities,
    • Museum objects and collections.

In accounting, depreciation is calculated in one of four ways:

  1. Linear,
  2. Reducing balance method
  3. The method of writing off value by the sum of the numbers of years of useful life;
  4. The method of writing off the cost is proportional to the volume of products (works).

The chosen method must be fixed in the accounting policy. Depreciation is calculated on the credit of account 02. The amount is posted on the debit of one of the accounts, depending on the purpose of the asset. For example, if an object is used in production, then its depreciation is carried out on the debit of account 20.

Useful life

To calculate depreciation, you need to determine the useful life (SPI). The company determines it independently. It can be set according to the classifier of fixed assets in order to bring accounting and tax accounting closer together. SPI can be determined based on the manufacturer’s documents or as the expected period of operation of the OS.

Linear depreciation method

The straight-line depreciation method involves three steps:


The initial cost of the car is 600,000 rubles, and the useful life is 5 years. Depreciation is calculated using the straight-line method:

  1. The annual amount of depreciation is 120,000 rubles. (600000 * 20%),
  2. The monthly amount of depreciation deductions is 10,000 rubles. (120000 / 12).

Reducing balance method

When calculating depreciation in this way, a company can use a multiplying factor, but no more than three:


The initial cost of the car is 600,000 rubles, and the useful life is 5 years. Depreciation is calculated using the reducing balance method with an increasing factor of 2:

In the first year of vehicle operation:

  1. Annual depreciation rate – 20% (1/5 * 100),
  2. The annual amount of depreciation is 240,000 rubles. (20% * 2 * 600000),
  3. The monthly amount of depreciation deductions is 20,000 rubles. (240000 / 12),
  4. Residual value at the end of the first year is 360,000 rubles. (600000 – 240000).

In the second year of operating the OS:

  1. The annual amount of depreciation is 144,000 rubles. (20% * 2 * 360000),
  2. The monthly amount of depreciation deductions is 12,000 rubles. (144000 / 12),
  3. The residual value at the end of the second year is 216,000 rubles. (360000 – 144000).

In subsequent years, depreciation is calculated in the same manner.

Depreciation by sum of numbers of years

Based on the sum of the numbers of years of useful use (USI), the amount of depreciation charges is determined as follows:


The initial cost of the machine is 120,000 rubles, and the useful life is 2 years. The sum of the numbers of years is 3 (1 + 2),

In the first year of operation:

  1. The annual amount of depreciation is 80,000 rubles. (2 / 3 * 120000),
  2. The monthly amount of depreciation charges is 6666.67 rubles. (80000 / 12).

In the second year of operation:

  1. The annual amount of depreciation is 40,000 rubles. (1/3 * 120000),
  2. The monthly amount of depreciation charges is 3333.33 rubles. (40000 / 12).

Depreciation proportional to production volume

The amount of depreciation is determined monthly and does not depend on the depreciation rate:


The initial cost of the machine is 120,000 rubles. It is expected to produce 15,000 units of product on the machine. In April 2019, 750 units were produced. Depreciation in proportion to the volume of production will be 6,000 rubles. (750 * 120000 / 15000).

Sales, write-offs and other disposals of fixed assets in 2019

A fixed asset can be disposed of in one of the following ways: sale, gratuitous transfer, transfer to the authorized capital, liquidation due to physical or moral wear and tear.

When selling fixed assets, open a separate subaccount “disposal of fixed assets” to account 01 “Fixed assets” and make the following entries:

  • Debit 01 “Disposal of fixed assets” Credit 01 – reflects the initial cost of fixed assets,
  • Debit 02 Credit 01 subaccount “Disposal of fixed assets” – accrued depreciation is reflected,
  • Debit 62 Credit 91 – revenue from the sale of fixed assets is reflected,
  • Debit 91 Credit 68 – VAT accrued on the sale of fixed assets,
  • Debit 91 Credit 01 subaccount “Disposal of fixed assets” - the residual value of fixed assets is written off.

If the selling price of an asset is less than its residual value, a loss occurs. In accounting, unlike tax accounting, a loss can be recognized immediately. When an operating system is liquidated due to its physical or moral wear and tear, similar entries are made, but there will be no proceeds from the sale.