What do large brow ridges mean? Forehead

oblong elevations of the frontal bone above the orbits. U modern man separated by small depressions from the supraorbital triangles and do not form a single supraorbital ridge (See Supraorbital ridge). The degree of development of N.D. varies among different modern racial groups. In men they are more pronounced than in women, and serve as one of the signs for determining gender based on the skull.

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  • - island in the Adriatic Sea; territory of Croatia. Serbian-Croatian outflow “island”, arc “long”...

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  • - see Gills...

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  • - paired arcuate cartilaginous plates of the gill skeleton of lower vertebrates and embryos of higher vertebrates...

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  • - see Vertebrates and...

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  • - aortic arch, blood vessels, which are formed in vertebrate embryos in the form of 6-7 paired lateral trunks extending from the abdominal aorta...
  • - an island in the Adriatic Sea, off the coast of Yugoslavia. The length is about 45 km, the area is 124 km2, the height is up to 338 m. It is composed mainly of limestone. Grapes, olive and fig trees. Fishing...

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  • - a system of skeletal elements of the pharynx in cyclostomes and fish. Each gland covers the pharynx in a semicircle. Most modern fish have 5 fluid lengths; in cyclostomes and some sharks - up to 7...

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  • - oblong elevations in the supraorbital region of the human frontal bone...

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  • - Outdated. Iron. Very low, bent over. Fedoseich pulled open the door and, bending in three arcs, let His Excellency pass by...

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  • - Simple. Very low. F 1, 173; F 2, 146...
  • - Volg., Sib. Disapproved To disobey, to cease to obey someone. Glukhov 1988, 19; FSS, 38...

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  • - whom. Volg. To obtain from smb. complete submission, submission. Glukhov 1988, 24...

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  • - Sib. Joking-iron. To freeze, to feel chilly. SPS, 68; FSS, 44...

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  • - adj., number of synonyms: 15 bridled, bent into a ram's horn, bent into an arc, bent into a hook, bent into three deaths, tied in a knot, tied in a knot, clutched into a fist...

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"Brow ridges" in books

Arterial arches

From the book Big Soviet Encyclopedia(AR) of the author TSB

Temporal arches

From the book Great Soviet Encyclopedia (VI) by the author TSB

Dugi Otok

From the book Great Soviet Encyclopedia (DU) by the author TSB

Brow ridges

From the book Great Soviet Encyclopedia (NA) by the author TSB

Gill arches

From the book Great Soviet Encyclopedia (ZHA) by the author TSB

Island arcs

From the book Great Soviet Encyclopedia (OS) by the author TSB

Zygomatic arches

From the book Great Soviet Encyclopedia (SK) by the author TSB


From the book HTML 5, CSS 3 and Web 2.0. Development of modern Web sites author Dronov Vladimir

<контекст рисования>.arc(<горизонтальная координата>,<вертикальная координата>, <радиус>, <начальный угол>, <конечный угол>


From the book HTML 5, CSS 3 and Web 2.0. Development of modern Web sites. author Dronov Vladimir

Arcs Arcs are also quite simple to draw. To do this, use the arc method:<контекст рисования>.arc(<горизонтальная координата>,<вертикальная координата>, <радиус>, <начальный угол>, <конечный угол>,true|false)The first two parameters specify the horizontal and

Arc length

From the book AutoCAD 2009 for students. Self-instruction manual author Sokolova Tatyana Yurievna

Arc Length The DIMARC command creates an arc length dimension that specifies the distance along an arc or arc segment of a polyline (Figure 11.14). To distinguish these dimensions from linear and angular dimensions, arc length dimensions display an arc symbol by default. The command is called

Arc length

From the book AutoCAD 2008 for students: a popular tutorial author Sokolova Tatyana Yurievna

Arc Length The DIMARC command creates an arc length dimension that specifies the distance along an arc or arc segment of a polyline (Figure 11.14). To distinguish these dimensions from linear and angular dimensions, arc length dimensions display an arc symbol by default. Team

Arc length

From the book AutoCAD 2009. Training course author Sokolova Tatyana Yurievna

Arc Length The DIMARC command creates an arc length dimension that specifies the distance along an arc or arc segment of a polyline (Figure 11.19). To distinguish these dimensions from linear and angular dimensions, arc length dimensions display an arc symbol by default. Team

Arc length

From the book AutoCAD 2009. Let's get started! author Sokolova Tatyana Yurievna

Arc Length The DIMARC command creates an arc length dimension that specifies the distance along an arc or arc segment of a polyline (Figure 10.10). To differentiate these dimensions from linear and angular dimensions, arc length dimensions show an arc symbol by default. The command is called from

191. Two arcs

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191. Two arcs In Fig. 193 shows two arcs with short strokes. Which arc is more curved: the upper or the lower? Rice. 193. What

"People of the Arc"

From the book 5 of our senses for a healthy and long life. Practical guide author Kibardin Gennady Mikhailovich

“People of the arc” If you carefully examined the skin patterns on all the fingers of your hands and found only arcs on each finger of the right and left hand, know that there are few such “people of the arc”, there are less than 10% of them in Russia total number population. You are said to

According to Western scientists, this structural feature of the cranium in representatives of the stronger half of humanity indicates certain character traits and other behavioral characteristics of men.

For our ancestors it was a symbol of aggression

A study by a team of scientists from New York University who worked with the skull of an ancient human, a descendant of Pithecanthropus, led to the conclusion that the shape of the skull of our ancestors, changing over thousands of years in the process of evolution, contributed to the improvement of communication abilities between hominids.
According to the lead author of this study, professor of anatomy Paul O'Higgins, the typical signs of masculinity in men - a square jaw with protruding brow ridges, which have become stereotypes - are precisely the heritage of their ancestors. According to scientists, the initial role of such a skull structure in terms of external perception was reduced to demonstrating aggressiveness and leadership among their own kind.
Paul O'Higgins makes a comparison with the structure of the skull of mandrills, in which dominant males have brightly colored bulges on the head, and their appearance is directly related to the increased level of testosterone in these individuals in comparison with other representatives of the male part of this genus of monkeys. Thus, this “atavism” inherited modern men from their distant ancestors, is designed to emphasize the leadership abilities and masculinity of representatives of the stronger half of humanity.

Testosterone bulging

According to the famous American anthropologist and researcher of human behavior, the author of a number of techniques used in the Western business community, Helen Fisher, some facial features of men are simply “built” by testosterone. Special attention Fisher pays attention to the brow ridges, from which, the anthropologist believes, one can easily “read” how masculine a particular man is.
According to Helen Fisher, a man with pronounced brow ridges and a heavy jaw is a fighter in life, a strong and domineering nature, accustomed to subjugate others.
“The ability to assess physical strength based on the structural features of the skull is a person’s habit of focusing attention primarily on the face,” confirms Fisher. – Even if women see a man’s figure as a whole, they first of all pay attention to his face, which is extremely rich in social information. In this case, the assessment of physical strength is a huge advantage, since the angry and strong man poses a much greater threat than someone who is evil but weak.
Fisher adds that when applied to women, this mechanism helps to intuitively identify male defenders: individuals with prominent brow ridges are presented to them as more experienced in forceful confrontation with their own kind.

Why do they seem more militant?

Helen Fisher explains the phenomenon of “chosenness” of men with strongly pronounced brow ridges by the fact that in the human brain there is a mechanism that allows people (especially women) to determine with incredible accuracy the degree of masculinity of the men around them - precisely by analyzing the upper part of their skulls. Moreover, this assessment can be made even when everything except the man's face is hidden from view.
“The thing is that a woman’s brain intuitively registers these impulses, and the ability to analyze and critically perceive such information, apparently, was inherited from our distant ancestors,” says the anthropologist. “Then the protruding brow ridges of the ancestors of modern man served as a sign of strength and aggression.
Fisher confirms that men with a similar brow ridge structure have high level testosterone in the body, which in turn indicates a strong human immune system. Studies by Western scientists indicate that such men, for example, rarely catch colds and have better immune responses to vaccines.


Surgery to make the face more feminine. Face - important element appearance, so patients who have undergone sex reassignment surgery strive to look as feminine as possible. Plastic surgery this kind helps to avoid a lot of psychological trauma and problems, they help a person adapt to society.

Differences in female and male facial types

It is known that the skeletal structure of women and men differs in size and shape. This applies to the structure of the head, body and limbs. The cranial bones that form the face vary in length, thickness and size, so in men the temporal arches, jaw bones and bones in the cheekbones are much more pronounced than in women.

The differences between the face of a man and a woman are especially noticeable in its upper part. For example, a woman's forehead is more sloping and her brow ridges are smaller than those of men. Women's eyebrows are located higher, they are slightly raised and peculiarly curved.

Specialists in the field of aesthetic plastic surgery identify the following: differences between the faces of women and men:

    Brow ridges men hang over their eyes, making the forehead appear heavy.

    If you draw a line from the point of hair growth to the brow ridges, then in men it will be much flatter in shape than in women.

    The distance from the hairline to the brow ridge is greater in men than in women.

Brow ridges and bumps on the forehead

The facial cranial part consists of a pair of zygomatic and maxillary bones, as well as the lower jaw bone. A considerable area is occupied by the forehead bone, especially its most powerful part. On both sides of this part there are protrusions, or bumps on the forehead, under which the eyebrows are located. Under the eyebrows, the bone ends with the orbital edges; between the eyebrows there is a depression above the bridge of the nose.

In general, the eyebrows and bumps on the forehead of men stand out more clearly than those of women. This is due to the greater production of testosterone by the male body during puberty. The size of the eyebrows also depends on the width of the air sinuses of the forehead.

To give the appearance of more femininity to people who have changed their gender, surgery is required to change the parameters of the bumps on the forehead and eyebrows. The bumps are ground down using special medical cutters. This makes a significant difference appearance eyebrows and forehead, the eyebrows are raised and the gaze opens, due to which the facial features soften and become feminine.

Sometimes it is enough just to change the parameters of the eyebrows and forehead to make the face quite feminine.

Frontal shape correction

An operation to change the shape of the forehead, correct the bumps on the forehead and brow ridges is called frontoplasty. It is performed in two ways. First option– reduction of the frontal bone by grinding it down and moving it forward. Second option– enlargement of cavities with the help of implants. Basically, when changing gender, the first version of the operation is used.

In some situations, the formation of eyebrow contours is performed through an incision in the eyelid area, this makes it possible to combine eyebrow modification with blepharoplasty. This is suitable for patients with a not very prominent forehead and not very pronounced eyebrows.

The bone is shifted back without affecting the area inside the skull.

The posterior and anterior walls of the frontal sinus consist of bony substance, but a thick inner wall separates the sinus from the cranial cavity. The natural purpose of the frontal sinus is to humidify and warm the air at the moment of inhalation, relieve the skull and resonate speech sounds.

Air cavities are found in many human bones, which lighten the skeletal system and reduce stress on the spine. The skeleton of men is more powerful and heavier than that of women, therefore the volume of the air sinuses in the bones of men is larger than that of women.

Frontoplasty can change the forehead, brow ridges and forehead bumps by 3-7 millimeters.

Surgery via coronary access

The operation takes place using coronary access. The surgeon makes an incision in the scalp from the right to the left ear. Next, the doctor exfoliates soft fabrics with the fascia to expose the bones of the forehead. Next, surgical osteotomy of the sinus is performed and implants are installed. At the end of the operation, the transfer fragment is fixed special glue or plates on micro-screws.

Stages of frontoplasty

    To access the forehead bone, a longitudinal incision is made in the shape of a zigzag in the area of ​​hair growth.

    The skin flap and periosteum are elevated to access the bones and sinuses of the forehead. The edges of the flap are limited by medical clips to prevent blood loss.

    The frontal sinus is opened, the surgeon is able to see the mucous membrane and bone bridges. The bony edges must be smoothed and the bridges removed.

    The protrusions of the frontal bone are leveled with medical burrs. If necessary, the supraorbital nerve is released from the bone canal.

    The bone fragment is placed in a new position, and the nerve connections are checked. They are fixed with special glue.

    The flap of tissue returns to its place, but it needs to be pulled a little tighter than before the intervention. Due to the reduction in frontal volume, excess tissue is excised and sutures are placed on the wound surface.

Before and after frontoplasty

Post-operative care

The operation to change the bumps on the forehead, forehead and eyebrows lasts from 2 to 4 hours, it depends on the degree of complexity of the operation.

    After frontoplasty, there is swelling on the face for 1.5-2 weeks. Hematomas may appear and resolve on their own within a week.

    To quickly relieve swelling and bruises, rest on high pillows to avoid a rush of blood to the head.

    In the first two days you should not wet your hair. On the third day, you can gently rinse your hair, but be careful not to damage the seams. Use shampoo for children

    If headaches bother you, you can use painkillers as prescribed by your doctor. In addition, the doctor prescribes antibiotics

    Sutures are removed after 10-12 days. Use the comb carefully and wash your hair as gently as possible. Even if the scar area is itchy, you should not scratch it.

Possible complications



    Swelling of scars

    Skin redness

    Edema and hematomas

    Wound infection

To avoid thrombosis, you need to drink as much still water as possible and move. Do not sit or lie for long periods of time, take regular walks or engage in recreational walking.

Special complications

    Impaired muscle activity and numbness of the surgical area. It goes away as the wound heals, or it indicates that the doctor has touched a nerve.

    Psychological problems. A course of psychotherapy, rest and massage may be required if the patient has difficulty recognizing himself in the mirror.

    Disappointment after surgery. Immediately after the operation you will not be able to enjoy your beautiful appearance, since the tissues need to recover. Don't rush things.

    The appearance of rough scars and scars at the site of the sutures. Happens due to individual characteristics the patient's body. Surgical correction may be required.

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On a man's face, the brow ridges (Figure 1) are always more noticeable than on a woman's face, as this is related to overall testosterone levels. This facial trait indicates your need to lead, dominate, and be in control. The more pronounced the brow ridges, the stronger this desire.

If this facial feature immediately catches the eye, it means that we are dealing with a person (no matter whether it is a man or a woman) who takes any order with hostility. Anyone who has known such a person knows that he tends to perceive the slightest request as an order.

You can politely ask: Could you pass the salt?

But such a person will almost certainly hear: Do what you are told and live!

All this can greatly complicate your relationship, so it is important not to forget about this quality of Wood and the problems that it can give rise to.

  • Rice. 1. Brow ridges are an indicator of your tendency to keep everything under control.

At the same time, although prominent brow ridges do not bode well for personal relationships, they also have a positive aspect. In particular, such a person can make an excellent leader.

The area between the eyes, in the center of the brow ridges, in Chinese physiognomy is called the place of the seal and the father's blessing (Fig. 2). In old China, officials did not sign documents, but put stamps, each with their own. The higher a person was in the service hierarchy, the greater his seal.

  • Rice. 2. The place of the seal is located on the forehead between the eyes.

Since the brow ridges are a symbol of power on the face, their central part was used to determine how predisposed a person is to power and success. The extensive space in this part of the face corresponded to a large seal. Accordingly, the larger your print space, the greater the likelihood that power and might will not bypass you.

Now about the second name for this part of the face, father's blessing. It suggests that the person who holds the most weight for you confirms your unconditional value as an independent person. As a rule, this role is played by the father (or the person serving as the head of the family). It was thanks to his love and support that you felt strong and talented as a child. If you have not received such recognition, then the feeling self-importance This is most likely a sore point for you. This must certainly leave its mark in the place of the seal.

Ideally, this part of the face should be smooth, wide and slightly prominent, without wrinkles or other marks. This is a sign that the Wood energy is in harmony; accordingly, you are not inclined to get irritated and perceive everything as an attack on your own personality. However, in Western society, this element is generally in a state of disharmony, which is why many people have marks at the place of the seal. Most often we are talking about two small vertical lines (Fig. 3). Such wrinkles usually indicate a tendency to anger and irritation (at least to intolerance and irascibility). Try to make an angry face, probably at this moment your eyebrows will move towards the bridge of your nose and two tiny lines will run between them. If such an emotion is repeated often enough, then over time clear wrinkles will form here.

However, these wrinkles are not always the result of negative emotions. Sometimes it all comes down to such an aspect of the Tree as internal tension. Anyone who concentrates too intensely on work often frowns, and this habit also creates similar lines. All people of this element have a tendency to form such marks, and it is from them that you can easily determine whether the Tree is part of the personality of a particular person.

  • Rice. 3. Two vertical lines between the eyebrows indicate the emotions and tension inherent in Wood.

It may very well be that these lines only temporarily appeared on your face, at a time when you were experiencing certain life difficulties or were too immersed in their work. Once this period is left behind, the wrinkles will fade or disappear, provided that such emotions do not become a habit.

At almost every seminar or class we have, the question of plastic surgery comes up. Students ask us about Botox injections and other means to change the face. It seems logical that a person, having removed two vertical wrinkles from his forehead, will have the opportunity to get rid of anger, irritability and excessive stress that has accumulated in his system. But the point is that these emotions are still in his body, so he will still try to express them in one way or another. And as soon as the Botox wears off, the wrinkles will return. It is no secret that long-term results are possible only with internal changes.

Any plastic surgery of wrinkles formed by the habit of a certain emotion, provides an opportunity to work on the cause of these emotions. As a rule, this period takes from three to five years. If during this time you do not have time to change internally, the wrinkles will definitely return. Just recently we spoke with a woman who had a full facelift a year and a half ago, and wrinkles were already visible on her face again.

When cosmetics queen Estee Lauder died, a long obituary appeared in the newspaper. There she was quoted as saying that a woman is truly beautiful only once in her life, on her wedding day, when she does her makeup with special care. These words simply shocked us. A woman on her wedding day is beautiful not because of her makeup, but because she is in love! The goal of our work is to help you discover this inner radiance in yourself and others. Anyone who radiates love looks beautiful in the eyes of others, even if he has wrinkles or a big nose. And for this it is not at all necessary to cut your face.

(os frontale), unpaired (in adults), participates in the formation of the vault and base of the skull, the walls of the orbit and the nasal cavity (Fig. 18). It includes unpaired frontal scales and a nasal part, and a paired orbital part.

Frontal scales (squama frontalis)- the most most of frontal bone, formed from 2 halves connected by a frontal suture. By the age of 5, the sweat stitch usually heals. In some cases, the suture does not heal and the frontal bone remains divided into 2 halves. The scales have outer and inner surfaces. Outside surface convex, smooth, paired seams are clearly visible on the sides of the seam frontal tubercle (tuber frontale). Underneath it on each side there is a semi-lunar shaped nalik - brow ridge (arcus superciliaris), individually different in shape and size. A smooth platform is formed between the frontal tubercles and superciliary arches - glabella.

The outer surface of the frontal scales is separated from the orbital part by paired supraorbital margin (margo supraorbitalis), approximately in the middle of which a supraorbital notch (incisura supraorbitalis). Inwardly from it is frontal notch (incisura frontalis), sometimes turning into a hole through which the corresponding vessels and nerve pass.

Laterally, the lower parts of the frontal bone are elongated into zygomatic processes (processus zygomatici), which connect to the frontal processes of the zygomatic bones. It goes up from the zygomatic process temporal line (linea temporalis), delimiting temporal surface (fades temporalis) from the anterior part of the frontal scales.

Inner surface of the frontal scales concave, has arterial grooves, imprints of the cerebral convolutions and in the middle frontal crest (crista frontalis), turning into groove of the superior sagittal sinus. At the beginning of the ridge below there is blind hole (foramen caecum). On the sides of this furrow there are dimples of arachnoid granulations.

Orbital part(pars orbitalis) It is a bone plate of irregular quadrangular shape, in which the orbital (lower) and medullary (upper) surfaces are distinguished. Orbital surface (fades orbitalis) facing the orbit, it is smooth. In its anterolateral part there is fossa of the lacrimal gland (fossa glandulae lacrimalis), and anteriorly and medially - trochlear fossa (fovea trochlearis). Brain surface, facing the cranial cavity, has impressions of the gyri (finger-shaped) (impressions gyrorum) And cerebral eminences (juga cerebralid) between them.

Nasal part (pars nasalis) located between the orbital parts and is represented by a section of bone that borders the front and sides cribriform notch (incisura ethmoidalis). Its posterior and lateral edges are connected to the edge of the cribriform plate of the ethmoid bone, and the anterior part of the nasal part is connected to the nasal bones and the frontal process of the maxilla. Here a sharp thorn extends downwards - nasal spine (spina nasalis), involved in the formation of the nasal septum. The posterior sections of the nasal part contain cells that are in contact with the corresponding cells of the ethmoid bone and form their roof (see Fig. 1).

Between the nasal spine and the edge of the ethmoidal notch on each side there is aperture of the frontal sinus (apertura sinus frontalis), leading to the right and left halves of the frontal sinus. Frontal sinus in adults different sizes, is lined with mucous membrane and opens into the middle meatus.

Ossification: the frontal bone develops from 2 ossification centers that arise at the end of the 2nd month of the intrauterine period near the supraorbital margin. In a newborn, the frontal bone consists of 2 separate bones that unite in the 2nd year of life. The seam between both halves of the bone is usually noticeable until 5 years of age.

Rice. 1.

a — topography of the frontal bone;

b — front view: 1 — frontal scales; 2 - frontal tubercles; 3 - frontal suture; 4 - temporal surface; 5 - temporal line; 6 - zygomatic process; 7 - supraorbital edge; 8 - supraorbital foramen; 9 - frontal notch; 10 - nasal spine; 11 — bow; 12 - brow ridge; 13 - glabella;

c — internal view: 1 — groove of the superior sagittal sinus; 2 - frontal ridge; 3 - blind hole; 4 - orbital part; 5 - zygomatic process; 6 - nasal spine; 7 - depressions of convolutions; 8 - cerebral eminences; 9 - arterial grooves;

d — bottom view: 1 — brow ridge; 2 - glabella; 3 - frontal scales; 4 — bow; 5 - supraorbital foramen; 6 - trochlear fossa; 7 - fossa of the lacrimal gland; 8 - zygomatic process; 9 - temporal surface; 10 - orbital part; 11 — lattice notch; 12 - posterior ethmoid cells; 13 - posterior ethmoidal opening; 14 - middle lattice cells; 15 - anterior ethmoidal opening; 16 - anterior ethmoid cells; 17 - supraorbital edge; 18 - aperture of the frontal sinus

Human anatomy S.S. Mikhailov, A.V. Chukbar, A.G. Tsybulkin