Wallpaper in a marine style for a child's room. Wallpaper in a marine style Wallpaper for walls in a marine style

Wallpaper in nautical style

Young sailors, fearless explorers of lands and clever pirates need the appropriate surroundings. Wallpaper in a marine style for a child's room from the Empire Decor online store will create an atmosphere of aquatic adventures.

Wallpaper colors

The room of a boy who is a fan of marine themes should be thematically consistent. To do this, select one or two wallpaper color options:

    Ships, corals, and water surfaces are suitable for the youngest “seafarers”;

    Maps, anchors, sea patterns will surely appeal to teenagers;

    The stripe will set off bright prints without disturbing the nautical concept.

More information about the range

The site presents wallpaper in a marine style for children's rooms from different manufacturers: Belgian company Khroma, Dutch Eijffinger, English Sanderson and others. All products comply with environmental standards, because this is required by their purpose - wall decoration in a children's room.

You can purchase not only wallpaper, but also borders, frescoes, panels in different shades and with different prints. The texture also differs; it can be smooth and embossed. But the most main parameter, which affects the quality and cost of wallpaper, is its material.

You can choose breathable and inexpensive paper wallpaper or give preference to practical and durable vinyl. For easy pasting, we recommend non-woven fabric, on back side which already has a layer of glue applied, so you just need to moisten the canvas with water.

If the task is to create exclusive interior, excellent choice will become a fresco from natural materials with a stunningly beautiful seascape.

To buy marine-themed wallpaper, contact our managers by phone or place an order through the “Cart” on the website.

Often the walls in the nursery are covered with wallpaper depicting the sea, ships, and fish. The drawing is chosen depending on the gender of the child and his age.

For kids, sea wallpapers with cartoon images of fish and the sea from the Family Places, Resort, Just 4 kids collection are suitable. They are made of paper - the material does not cause allergies and prevents mold. Bright drawings will be interesting to both boys and girls.

For older kids, realistic drawings of ships and maps from the Handsome, Fregate, Cape Cod collection are suitable. They are made primarily of vinyl and non-woven fabric, are easy to stick to the wall, and are resistant to mechanical damage. The drawings do not fade in the sun. One of the walls in the girl’s room can be covered with wall coverings with realistic images of an aquarium from the Totally for Kids collection. It can be combined with matching wallpaper.

To order children's sea wallpaper, visit one of our showrooms in Moscow or order the product on the website and add it to your cart. You can pay for your purchase in cash, by bank transfer, electronic money or card. We will deliver in Moscow and Moscow Region within 3 days, to other cities of Russia - up to 7 days.

The spirit of adventure, new discoveries, freedom and limitless space - that's what you will feel when looking at the wallpaper with ships in the photo in the interior. Expressive thematic prints directly related to the marine theme are suitable as decoration for:

  • the office of an avid traveler;
  • teenager's rooms;
  • a magnificent spacious living room;
  • superb bathroom.

You should buy wallpaper with ships if you are always fascinated by the sea and the sails unfolding in the wind, if the waves evoke delight in your soul, and sailboats are associated with the conquest of distant countries and incredible adventures.

What can you combine with wallpaper with ships?

Looking through the catalog of wallpapers with ships, you will see here the most amazing creations interior designers. This is a raging sea with a light boat under sail, a pirate ship loaded with treasures, and a romantic quiet harbor with scarlet sails. Among the proposals there are original children's drawings, unobtrusive and stylish, and large, detailed images of ship's rigging, creating the complete illusion of being on deck.

By the way, wallpaper with ships is quite reasonably priced and goes perfectly with monochrome blue canvases or blue-red-white striped wallpaper. With the help of such combinations you will create a unique, colorful interior.

A marine theme is one of the traditional solutions for decorating a children's bedroom. But, if earlier everything was simple: striped wallpaper, a dummy ship, fishing nets instead of curtains, today the marine style has been divided into several directions.

Now a nautical bedroom is suitable not only for a boy; there are many ideas for decorating a girl’s room using nautical paraphernalia.

What are the secrets correct design children's bedroom in a marine style, which wallpaper is most suitable for this design and what is the catch with a marine theme - you can learn about everything from this article.

Who would suit a marine-style bedroom?

Parents are responsible for repairs in nurseries. When choosing a style for your baby’s room, you need to think, first of all, about the hobbies and passions of the child himself. If a mother likes the sea, this does not mean that the baby loves it just as much.

In fact, there are not so many children who love the sea. Most kids love cartoons about fish, movies about pirates, and maybe even football. Therefore, before you start renovating, you need to take an interest in the tastes of the child’s inhabitant and find out what the child would like to see in his bedroom.

Attention! Scientists claim that blue and cyan colors, which are basic in the marine theme, contribute to the inhibition of the child’s psyche.

This is good and useful for hyperactive kids who will calm down and relax in the blue sea bedroom. But calm children can suffer from such an environment - Blue colour suppresses their activity too much. The blue-blue palette of a marine bedroom is also harmful to sick children and children with congenital mental disorders.

So, when choosing wallpaper for a child’s bedroom, it is important to take into account not only the child’s age and hobbies, but also his state of health and vital activity.

Marine style directions

Traditionally, a marine theme in a children's bedroom involves:

The most common colors in nautical bedrooms are blue, white and light blue. Bedrooms decorated in this spirit are indeed reminiscent of the sea, but the main drawback of marine design is its excessive cloying. Dividing the marine theme into several various styles allows you to “dilute” the richness and make the bedroom more versatile.

Depending on the shades, attributes, decorative items and furniture used, the traditional marine style is divided into several directions:

  1. Family travel.
  2. Deep sea.
  3. Captain's cabin.
  4. Pirate ship.
  5. House on the seashore.
  6. Cartoon sea heroes.

Each direction has its own individual characteristics, suitable color palette, requirements for ceilings, floors and furniture. Most of the offered sea styles will suit Not only boys, girls will feel no worse in such sea bedrooms.

Family travel

The bedroom in this marine style is the most “family” of all. The direction is suitable for both boys and girls, and even adult parents. This version of the marine bedroom design will suit families in which it is customary to travel a lot, spend time together, enjoy nature and the sea.

The main features of a marine bedroom in the “family travel” style are:

Advice! So that the “good” does not disappear, you can assemble a curtain from sea shells or make something like blinds for the windows. You can also involve your child in this process. And for work you only need thread or strong fishing line.

Bright but not flashy shades will help to dilute the beige and blue tones of a children's nautical bedroom. For example, cherry, green, yellow.

Deep sea

This direction is designed to imitate the seabed and transport the child to the underwater kingdom.

Attention! Parents of overly impressionable children need to be careful when decorating a bedroom in a nautical style - a self-created “aquarium” will limit the space, which can increase anxiety and children’s fear.

For this maritime direction, the standard colors are blue, cyan and some shades of green, that is, all shades reminiscent of the color sea ​​water. The main wallpaper can be any of these shades; it is better to prefer plain textured coatings.

Liquid wallpaper interspersed with shells or pebbles, small decorative corals, and starfish look great.

One of the walls is made of photo wallpaper or paintings with three-dimensional images. A bright sea drawing can depict a school of multi-colored fish, a shark's mouth, a sunken ship, corals and reefs - everything that a child loves, that arouses his interest.

Important! 3D images look so realistic that they can disturb a child's sleep. Therefore, it is better not to place the photo on the wall next to the bed; let it be the part of the bedroom located behind the head of the bed.

For older and more daring children, you can come up with spectacular lighting for 3-D sea paintings to make them look even more realistic at night. This decor will definitely appeal to the teenager’s friends and will become a source of pride for the bedroom occupant.

The best decoration for a bedroom in the “bottom of the sea” style will be a real aquarium with live fish. Let these be the most ordinary fish that the child will take care of on his own. The size of the aquarium depends only on the available funds and free space in the bedroom. For a small bedroom, you can buy a simple aquarium-jar with a couple of fish.

Advice! For the bedroom, you need to choose aquariums with silent units and not too bright lighting.

A bed, sofa or armchair is decorated with pillows with appliques in the form of fish, octopuses, starfish and corals.

Additional shades to the main blue-green palette:

  • yellow;
  • orange;
  • red;
  • brown;
  • violet.

It is better to curtain the windows with thick curtains or make them round in the form of portholes. It is better to place such a bedroom on the south side of the apartment or house, since the tones here are quite saturated and gloomy.

Captain's cabin

After films about pirates, not only boys dream of becoming ship captains, but many girls would not refuse such a position. Where would a captain be without a cabin?

The bedroom for this direction should not be too spacious - this is just great option for small bedrooms or rooms for two children.

It is better to choose wallpaper for cabin walls in light colors- this is the best background for dark furniture"captain's" bedroom. White, cream, beige, blue or greenish shades are suitable.

The central figure in such a bedroom is the bed. It’s great if you can buy or order a bed that imitates the bow of a ship, a wooden boat or a yacht. For the bedroom of two children, a bunk bed is suitable, then the captain’s cabin is transformed into a crew quarters for sailors, because there are bunk beds there.

The decoration of such a room will be maps, a logbook, binoculars or a telescope. It’s great if you have the opportunity to have a talking parrot - an indispensable companion for all captains. A cage with a bird will become the central decor of the bedroom.

Advice! Small steering wheel Lifebuoy, various marine instruments (barometer, depth gauge), bell - the optimal decoration for a bedroom in a marine style.

Pirate ship

Who among the kids does not dream about lost treasures, sunken ships and world travels! The theme of pirates is considered the most relevant among all maritime themes.

Details play a big role in the design of such a room. Wallpaper for the walls of a sea bedroom can be anything: with small anchors or yachts, sea creatures, chests and coins, maps and pirate routes. It is better to choose not very bright and contrasting wallpaper for the walls - let it be only a background for the entire interior.

One of the bedroom walls can be made brighter by placing photo wallpaper on it with the stern of a ship, an image of a sailboat or a pirate flag.

There must certainly be a chest in the middle of the room - rattan or wooden. This will remind you of treasures, pirate gold and mythical treasures.

In the decor you can use textiles with the image of the “Jolly Roger”, flags of various countries, souvenir coins, various ropes, ropes, nets.

House by the sea

A significant part of all bedrooms in a marine style is the “house by the sea” trend. The fact is that this design is suitable not only for children's rooms, it fits perfectly into living rooms, adult bedrooms, and baths.

The style is reminiscent of rustic Provence or simple country, designed in white and blue shades with hints of greenish and aquamarine tones. This solution is perfect for a young princess or a romantic teenager.

The main requirement for the direction is rigor. Here it is important not to cross the unsteady line and not to lose style. The decor should not include “vanilla” items, ruffles on textiles, or neon splashes. But the bedroom should not resemble the dull decoration of the cabin either.

The color for the walls is white. The furniture is also light: white, blue, greenish. Artificially aged wood, peeling paint, and slightly rough boards look great.

Textiles play an important role in the bedroom. Pillowcases, sheets, bedspreads and curtains should be light and a little airy. Natural fabrics (linen, cotton) are very appropriate here. Coloring - stripe or check, small ornament in a marine theme (with ships, anchors, seagulls).

The wallpaper can also have a small print in the form of shells or sailboats. Plain painted walls and a simple white ceiling look good.

The bedroom decor includes wicker floorboards, pillows in rich natural shades (wine, coral, pink), large sea shells, and sailboats in bottles.

Cartoon bedroom

Every kid has their favorite cartoon characters, and many of them “live” in the sea. Basically, this direction is used to decorate the bedrooms of very young children who still watch cartoons and believe in fairy tales.

It is better to choose plain wallpaper for such a bedroom - children grow quickly, their tastes change. Such walls will become the basis for any style, sea ​​room It can easily be transformed into a completely different room.

You can use silicone stickers with your favorite characters on one of the walls, doors and cabinet doors. The child’s own toys, stickers and posters will help decorate the bedroom.

Advice! When your baby has other favorite characters, the stickers can be easily removed and replaced. To avoid problems with this, you need to choose quality materials for decorating walls and furniture, which do not leave stains or marks after dismantling.

Floor and ceiling in a children's bedroom

The marine theme allows you to experiment with materials and textures. If for walls the best option If plain or striped wallpaper and paint are considered, then it is better to make the ceiling in a marine bedroom white.

Of course, for a children's room this may seem like a too boring solution. In this case, you can decorate the ceiling with weightless clouds, stars, and interesting spotlights.

Look organic wooden beams, chandeliers in the form of a steering wheel.

Floors in modern apartments most often made from laminate. This material is quite suitable for a marine nursery, but it is better to choose coarser textures in which the grain of the wood is clearly visible.

An excellent, but very expensive solution is self-leveling floors with various patterns that match the theme.

Important! Natural wood or veneer - the most best material for making floors and furniture in a child’s bedroom.

Wallpaper in a marine style can be found in any hardware store today. But even without special prints and patterns, it’s quite possible to create a seascape in an ordinary children’s bedroom.

Enough to cover the walls textured wallpaper with imitation sand or waves and paint them with acrylic or latex light paint. The rest of the work will be done by the decor: bedspreads, pillows, curtains, lamps and a chandelier. Create a sea in own apartment not difficult at all!

The marine theme is always relevant in the interior. This is reflected in the design of the collections. They may depict sea ​​waves, coral reefs, ocean beaches, inhabitants depths of the sea. And, of course, for real dreamers, wallpapers for walls with ships are produced.

Photo wallpaper for fans of marine themes

Such canvases can bring a special atmosphere to the interior. If we are talking about wallpaper with ships, then, first of all, it is cloudless calm and harmony. Photo wallpaper “sailboat” reminds of great discoveries, rapid movement forward, and symbolizes the spirit of adventure and adventurism. They are appropriate in design country house, in the kitchen, living room and bedroom.

Wallpaper with ships for children's rooms from "SDVK-Wallpaper"

However, most often wallpaper with ships is chosen for a children's room. As children, we are all romantics, dreaming of great achievements and traveling around the world. In the online store you can buy wallpaper with small ships for kids and photo wallpaper from leading European manufacturers. Space-expanding realistic Rasch-Textil panels and photographic canvases with your favorite movie characters from the Komar brand. To purchase high-quality products with spectacular images, just place an order, which is easy to do right now!