The total number of Lezgins in the world. Federal Lezgin national-cultural autonomy

A people who honors traditions Let's take a closer look at this nationality. Lezgins have a rather bright and explosive character. This Caucasian people For a long time, he respected the customs of hospitality, kunakism and, of course, blood feud. It is noteworthy that the proper upbringing of children plays a very important role in their culture. Surprisingly, they begin to raise the baby even when he is in the mother’s womb. This is probably what distinguishes Lezgins. Nationality has a lot interesting traditions. Here is one of them. - If women could not have children, that is, they were childless, they were sent to the sacred places of the Caucasus. In case of success, namely the birth of children of different sexes, families who were friends with each other promised each other to marry their children in the future. They sincerely believed in healing power sacred places and took such journeys very seriously. Some argue that such a custom was formed as a result of the desire to strengthen friendly and family ties between certain families.

Ancient rituals and modern life Lezgins - what kind of nation is this? Let's take a closer look below. Despite their small numbers, the Lezgins have quite fundamental moral standards, which are associated with long traditions. Of the wedding customs, one can highlight one of the most striking - bride kidnapping. The most interesting thing is that such a tradition was practiced both with and without the consent of the bride. As it turned out, there was no ransom as such. For the young woman, a certain payment was simply made to her parents. Perhaps today, to some, this resembles some kind of purchase and seems not entirely worthy, but practice shows that the majority of local residents treated this with joy and great enthusiasm. Eastern traditions of hospitality Lezgins have a special attitude towards guests and elderly people. They are shown special respect. Old people are not allowed to do difficult work, and guests are not allowed to do household chores at all, even if they urgently ask for it. Guests are given all the best: they sleep on the most comfortable bed, even if the owners may spend the night on the floor. Sometimes I wish that even today many peoples could better study their culture and learn something useful from there, especially regarding how to treat guests. People today have achieved a lot, but have lost something valuable - an understanding of the true nature of human relationships. Eastern cultures, in principle, differ from others in their special attitudes towards women. In the East they have always been considered minor members of society. The Lezgin culture is no exception, but it is safe to say that, despite this situation, men have always treated Lezgin women with deep respect. It was considered a great shame for a Lezgin family to raise a hand against a woman or to insult her dignity in some other way.

Spiritual heritage or what is the national religion of the Lezgins? What can be said about the spiritual heritage of the ancient Lezgins? Today, the majority of this nation professes Islam. Scientists readily admit that the religious culture of the people has not been thoroughly studied, but its roots, of course, go back to paganism and are largely intertwined with folk mythology. For example, Lezgins still have a rather curious idea of ​​how the planet is located in space. amazing planet Earth. They believe that it rests on the horns of Yaru Yatz (Red Bull), which, in turn, stands on Chiehi Yad (translated as “Big Water”). That's pretty interesting design. Although it is somewhat contrary to scientific evidence, some people believe in it very sincerely. These were the unusual ideas about the world that Lezgins had. A nationality whose religion is Islam is quite distinctive. Folk dance, known all over the world. Some are outraged by the fact that these religious teachings are imbued with mythology and quite often contradict generally accepted concepts of common sense. Modern life This people has largely accepted the principles of modernity. They certainly respect traditions, but they are much less fanatical about them than before. Special attention tourists and travelers are attracted by the national dance of Lezgins. Today there are very few people who have never heard of Lezginka. This original and fascinating dance has been danced by Lezgins for a long time. This nationality is quite distinctive, and the dance is proof of this. How long ago Lezginka arose and how old it is is not known for certain. Some suggest that it originates from ritual Caucasian dances. Lezginka is a very dynamic and movement-rich dance. By the way, it was the Russians who gave it its modern name. The cheerful and cheerful music to which this dance is performed has not left many famous composers indifferent. Some of them even slightly changed or interpreted the old traditional melody in a different way. - Read more on

Every nation wants its history to be remembered, traditions and culture to be respected. There are no two identical states on Earth. Each has its own roots and unique features- zest. It is one of these wonderful peoples that we will discuss further.

The Caucasus is a region of high mountains, excellent wines and hot Caucasian blood. However, many years ago, when this region was still wild and untamed, the amazing Lezgin people (Caucasian nationality) lived here, awakening the modern civilized Caucasus to life. These were people with a rich and ancient history. For many centuries they were better known as “legs” or “leki”. Living in the south, he constantly defended himself from the great ancient conquerors of Persia and Rome.

Nationality "Lezgins": history

A long time ago, several original mountain tribes united in order to create their own state, unlike anyone else, with its own spiritual culture and deep traditions. It was the beginning of the 13th century. Well, they succeeded very well, because today the Lezgins (nationality) live in the southernmost territories of Russia and the Republic of Azerbaijan. For a long time they inhabited the Dagestan region, which continually passed into the possession of new invaders. The inhabitants of that area at that time were called “emirs of Lezgistan.” Over time, the state split into many small khanates that fought for their independence.

People who honor traditions

Let's take a closer look at this nationality. Lezgins have a rather bright and explosive character. For a long time, these Caucasian people have honored the customs of hospitality, kunakism and, of course, blood feud. It is noteworthy that the proper upbringing of children plays a very important role in their culture. Surprisingly, they begin to raise the baby even when he is in the mother’s womb. This is probably what distinguishes Lezgins. The nationality has many interesting traditions. Here is one of them.

If women could not have children, that is, they were childless, they were sent to the sacred places of the Caucasus. In case of success, namely the birth of children of different sexes, families who were friends with each other promised each other to marry their children in the future. They sincerely believed in the healing power of sacred places and took such trips very seriously. Some argue that such a custom was formed as a result of the desire to strengthen friendly and family ties between certain families.

Ancient rituals and modern life

Lezgin - what kind of nation is this? Let's take a closer look below. Despite their small numbers, the Lezgins have fairly fundamental moral standards that are associated with long-standing traditions.

Of the wedding customs, one can highlight one of the most striking - bride kidnapping. The most interesting thing is that such a tradition was practiced both with and without the consent of the bride. As it turned out, there was no ransom as such. For the young woman, a certain payment was simply made to her parents. Perhaps today, to some, this resembles some kind of purchase and seems not entirely worthy, but practice shows that the majority of local residents treated this with joy and great enthusiasm.

Eastern traditions of hospitality

Lezgins have a special attitude towards guests and elderly people. They are shown special respect. Old people are not allowed to do difficult work, and guests are not allowed to do household chores at all, even if they urgently ask for it. Guests are given all the best: they sleep on the most comfortable bed, even if the owners may spend the night on the floor. Sometimes I wish that even today many peoples could better study their culture and learn something useful from there, especially regarding how to treat guests. People today have achieved a lot, but have lost something valuable - an understanding of the true nature of human relationships.

Eastern cultures, in principle, differ from others in their special attitudes towards women. In the East they have always been considered minor members of society. The Lezgin culture is no exception, but it is safe to say that, despite this situation, men have always treated Lezgin women with deep respect. It was considered a great shame for a Lezgin family to raise a hand against a woman or to insult her dignity in some other way.

Spiritual heritage or what is the national religion of the Lezgins?

What can be said about the spiritual heritage of the ancient Lezgins? Today the majority professes Islam. Scientists readily admit that the religious culture of the people has not been thoroughly studied, but its roots, of course, go back to paganism and are largely intertwined with folk mythology. For example, Lezgins still have a rather curious idea of ​​how the amazing planet Earth is located in space. They believe that it rests on the horns of Yaru Yatz (Red Bull), which, in turn, stands on Chiehi Yad (translated as “Big Water”). This is a rather interesting design. Although it is somewhat contrary to scientific evidence, some people believe in it very sincerely. These were the unusual ideas about the world that Lezgins had. A nationality whose religion is Islam is quite distinctive.

famous all over the world

Some are outraged by the fact that these religious teachings are filled with mythology and quite often contradict generally accepted concepts of common sense. The modern life of this people has largely adopted the principles of modernity. They certainly respect traditions, but they are much less fanatical about them than before. The national dance of Lezgins attracts special attention from tourists and travelers. Today there are very few people who have never heard of Lezginka.

This original and fascinating dance has been danced by Lezgins for a long time. This nationality is quite distinctive, and the dance is proof of this. How long ago Lezginka arose and how old it is is not known for certain. Some suggest that it originates from ritual Caucasian dances.

Lezginka is a very dynamic and movement-filled dance. By the way, it was the Russians who gave it its modern name. The cheerful and cheerful music to which this dance is performed has not left many famous composers indifferent. Some of them even slightly changed or interpreted the old traditional melody in a different way.

The Lezgin people are one of the oldest aboriginal peoples who played a large role in political structure Transcaucasia and North Caucasus, in its economic, spiritual and cultural development. The ancestors of modern Lezgins were peoples who lived in the east of the Caucasus, in the state of Caucasian Albania, close to each other, both in language and culture. During its history, the Albanian state was repeatedly subjected to various aggressive invasions of the Romans and Persians. Until the 7th century. AD Caucasian Albania managed to maintain its integrity, despite all the attempts of the invaders. By the 7th century refers to the conquest of Caucasian Albania by the Arabs and the spread of Islam among the Lezgin-speaking peoples. After Arab conquest Albania was divided into several administrative units, including the kingdom of Lax, whose population consisted of Lezgins and other Lezgin-speaking peoples displaced from the lowland regions. XIII-XIV centuries marked by campaigns of the Khazars, Kipchaks, and Mongols against the Lezgins. After the Tatar-Mongol invasion in the period XIV-XVIII centuries. The Caucasus was captured more than once by the Turks and Persians. So, as a result of the rise of the national liberation struggle of the Lezgin peoples, led by the great commander Haji-Daud of Mushkyur, Iranian expansion was stopped and the Persian invaders led by the Iranian ruler Nadir Shah were defeated. In the middle of the 18th century. In the territory of settlement of Lezgin-speaking peoples, independent khanates and free societies began to form. By the end of the 18th century. almost all feudal rulers realized that Russia, compared to Iran and Turkey, is stronger and reliable support, and therefore tried to strengthen relations with her. From 1802 to 1804, many khanates, including the Lezgin ones, accepted Russian citizenship.

In the 60s of the XIX century. There have been some administrative changes. The Samur district and the Kyura Khanate became part of the Dagestan region, and the Kuba province became part of the Baku province. The khanates were liquidated, the Lezgins, by the will of the tsarist officials, were divided between two provinces, and then states. This division continues to this day.

Two tragic moments for Russian statehood (1917 and 1991) in a terrible way affected the fate of the Lezgin people.

In the era of socialism, with the birth of new states, the Lezgins were first divided by administrative boundaries within the single political space of the USSR. With the collapse of the USSR, the Lezgins, not of their own free will, found themselves part of different states. Between the southern and northern Lezgins a rigid state border. After the collapse of the USSR, the Lezghin people came under strong pressure from the newly emerged sovereign states on the one hand, and from the power-economic clans on the other. Unfortunately, the Lezgin people were not ready for the changed political system, could not unite as a single ethnic group.

To the management Russian Federation, the Republic of Dagestan and the Azerbaijan Republic should not be indifferent to the fate of the Lezgins, because the relationship between our republics and peoples as a whole largely depends on their well-being. The leadership of the Republic of Dagestan and the Russian Federation needs to be more consistent and principled in implementing their resolutions and decisions on the problems of the divided Lezgin people and the entire Southern Dagestan

The Lezgins were and remain the largest ethnic group in the Caucasus. The number of Lezgins, according to incomplete data, is more than one million people. According to the 2002 population census, 411.5 thousand Lezgins live in Russia. The total number of Lezgin peoples in Russia is 615.7 thousand people. In Azerbaijan, Lezgins are the second largest people; according to the 1999 census, 178 thousand were recorded. According to experts, about 700 thousand Lezgins live in the Republic of Azerbaijan. Lezgins also live in Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan and others former republics THE USSR.

Currently, the Lezgin people consist of 11 closely related nationalities. In addition to the Lezgins, it also includes the Lezgin-speaking Tabasarans, Rutulians, Agulians, Tsakhurs, Udins, Kryzys, Budukhians, Archins, Khinalugs and Khaputs.

Lezgins and Lezgin-speaking peoples live compactly in ten administrative regions of Dagestan: Agulsky, Akhtynsky, Derbentsky, Dokuzparinsky, Kurakhsky, Magaramkentsky, Rutulsky, Suleiman-Stalsky, Tabasaransky, Khivsky, as well as the cities of Makhachkala, Kaspiysk, Derbent and Dagestan Lights.

History of Lezgins

Since ancient times, Lezgins have lived in the southeast of Dagestan and in the northern part of Azerbaijan. Back in the 5th–4th centuries BC. e. here, as well as in a significant part of present-day Dagestan, Caucasian Albania was formed. It was a vast state with its own written language, spiritual and material culture, with its own economy and coins own production, schools where Albanian children studied. Ancient Greek and Roman historians named more than thirty cities and other settlements of Caucasian Albania. Ancient authors noted beauty, tall stature, blond hair and gray eyes in Albanians. They were a proud and freedom-loving people.

The history of Caucasian Albania is a history of endless wars for its independence.

Back in the 1st century BC. e. Clashes with the Romans began. Many historical books point to the unparalleled heroism of our ancestors in the fight against foreign invaders. By the way, some historians believe that the Amazons, these courageous mountain warriors, were also Albanians!

In the 3rd century. Caucasian Albania was attacked by Iran. He, like other conquerors, was attracted by the location of this state. Its territory was a kind of bridge connecting north and south, west and east. The Derbent fortress was still built then (remember, we went there on an excursion?).

Albania was attacked by both Khazars and Arabs. The Alans, the nomads of the northeastern steppes, carried out raids.

Numerous wars weakened Caucasian Albania. Like many ancient states, over time it, having existed since the 1st century. BC e. to the 10th century n. e., disintegrated, leaving us, descendants, a memory of ourselves in history.

But even after this, enemy invasions into the territory of present-day Dagestan did not stop.

In the 13th century The Tatar-Mongols attacked the Caucasus with huge forces. They also failed to conquer the mountaineers of Dagestan. The traveler Guillaume de Rubruk wrote: “... between the sea and the mountains live certain Saracens, called Lezgi, mountaineers who have not been conquered by the Tatars.”

In the 17th century, the Lezgins, together with the Avars, Dargins, Laks and other peoples, waged a fierce struggle against Iranian and Turkish rule. This struggle was led by Haji-Davud, who liberated the cities of Shabran and Shamakhi from the Iranians and became the ruler of Shirvan.

The Persian army led by Nadir Shah brought a lot of grief to the Dagestan people, but they also received a rebuff from the courageous highlanders.

Muhammad Yaragsky

In the 18th century, the Transcaucasian and Dagestan khanates became part of Russia. But not all mountain communities wanted to recognize the power of the Russian Tsar over themselves. IN early XIX century, the Caucasian War began, which lasted more than 30 years! The ideologist of the resistance was Sheikh Muhammad Yaragsky, the teacher of Imam Shamil.

But already in the second half of the 19th century, Dagestan completely became part of Russia.

In 1917, the Tsar was overthrown in Russia, a revolution took place, as a result of which the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) was created. And in 1992, the USSR collapsed into 15 states. Part of the lands where the Lezgins lived remained in Russia, and the other part in Azerbaijan. The border between Russia and Azerbaijan partially runs along the Samur River.

Assault on Akhta. 1848. Babaev P.

The Lezgins made a significant contribution to the formation and development of the Republic of Dagestan as part of Russia. A whole galaxy of revolutionaries and prominent politicians given by our people. Lezgins participated in the Great Patriotic War 1941–1945 against Nazi Germany. Many of them died on the battlefields. Later I will tell you about those who, with their heroism, talent and outstanding achievements, glorified and continue to glorify our people.

Story - tarikh.

Epoch - devir.

World - dunya.

Earth - chill.

Homeland - Vatan.

A country - ullkwe.

State - gyukumat.

People - hulk.

People - insanar.

Nation - millet.

Enemy - dushman.

Fortress - kjele.


In Dagestan, Lezgins inhabit the Akhtynsky, Dokuzparinsky, Kurakhsky, Magaramkentsky, Suleiman-Stalsky districts, partly the Derbentsky, Khivsky, Rutulsky and Khasavyurtsky districts, and also live in the cities of Derbent, Dagestan Lights, Makhachkala, Kaspiysk. In Azerbaijan, Lezgins live compactly in the Kusar, Kuba, Khachmas, Kabala, Ismayilli, Oguz, Sheki and Kakh regions, in the cities of Baku and Sumgait.

Lezgins also live in other countries - Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkey.

The number of Lezgins in Russia in 2002 was 412 thousand, in Azerbaijan - more than 170 thousand.

From Lezgina's book. History, culture, traditions author Gadzhieva Madlena Narimanovna

Lezgin settlements Lezgins chose places for settlements on the southern sides of the mountains, southeast, southwest. Villages were built up so that houses on natural fortified places served as fortresses. It was possible to enter the village along one or two paths, which were closed at night

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Lezgins are an indigenous people of the Caucasus, living in the territory of Dagestan and Northern Azerbaijan. They proclaim themselves Lezgiars. The quantitative composition of the nationality is approximate - from 600 to 800 thousand people. They speak their native Lezgin language.

Lezgin people


The bulk of the population lives in the Russian Federation (476 thousand):

  • Dagestan (388 thousand);
  • Tyumen (16 thousand);
  • Moscow (9.5 thousand);
  • Stavropol (8 thousand);
  • Saratov (5.2 thousand);
  • Astrakhan (4.2 thousand);
  • Krasnodar (4.1 thousand);
  • Rostov-on-Don (4 thousand);
  • St. Petersburg and Krasnoyarsk (2.8 thousand each);
  • Volgograd (2.1 thousand);
  • Komi Republic (1.4 thousand);
  • Sverdlovsk, Chechnya and Samara (1.2 thousand each);
  • Tver (1 thousand).

And also in Azerbaijan - from 180 thousand to 350 thousand people. The largest number is in the Kusar district, about 80 thousand people. In other countries, Lezgins are found:

  • Turkmenistan (18 thousand);
  • Kazakhstan (5.4 thousand);
  • Ukraine (4 thousand);
  • Uzbekistan (3.8 thousand);
  • Türkiye (3.2 thousand);
  • Kyrgyzstan (2.6 thousand);
  • Georgia (2.5 thousand);
  • Belarus (400 people);
  • Latvia (195 people);
  • Estonia (100 people).

Language group

Lezgins speak the Lezgin language, which is part of the Nakh-Dagestan group, the Lezgin subgroup and the North Caucasian language family. Some Lezgins speak Azerbaijani or Russian. There are 2 types of adverbs with their own dialects and dialects:

  • Kyurinsky (Yarkinsky, Guneysky, Kurakhsky);
  • Samur (Akhtynsky, Dokuzparinsky).

There are also independent dialects:

  • Giliyarskiy;
  • Kurush;
  • Gelkhensky;
  • Fian.

The first attempts to create their own writing were unsuccessful. Therefore, they began to use the Latin alphabet, and then the Cyrillic alphabet. Literary speech based on the Güney dialect of the Kyurin dialect.


IN ancient times the tribe was called legi and they entered into a large Albanian family. But in reality, the Lezgins have very rich story and many different versions about the origin. Many researchers of ancient times called the Lezgins completely different nationalities. But anthropologists admit that the Lezgins were formed as a result of the merger of the Caucasian type of the local population with the Caspian type of the southern peoples. Therefore, Lezgins come directly from Caucasian Albanians. They also have similarities with the following communities:

  • Archinians;
  • crises
  • budukhi;
  • Aguls;
  • tabasarans;
  • Tsakhur;
  • Rutulians;
  • Khinagul people;
  • Udin.

Description of the people

Lezgins belong to the Caucasian race. They can be either white or dark. Lezgi always keep their word and are also very cheerful. There is also pride.


The nation is characterized by Sunni Islam. Most of The entire population supports the Shafi'i madhhab, the rest - the Hanafia. The Jafarite madhhab is adopted in Dagestan (Miskindzha settlement).


Lezgins eat quite a variety of food, like their own traditional dishes, and from general Caucasian cuisine. National dishes include:

  • tach (cereal jelly);
  • isita (grain halva);
  • Birgand (lamb meat on the fire);
  • tsken ( meat pie with potato);
  • dushpare (dumplings);
  • ash (pilaf);
  • rasuka (lamb stomach with meat);
  • kambar (cocktail made from sour milk and herbs);
  • afarar (something like flatbread and pita bread with herbs).


Mostly built stone houses with terraces on several floors. The first floor is obligatory for livestock, that is, a barn. The remaining floors are residential. The house is always spacious, with landing. Carpets are a must-have decor for a living space. Housing was built both in the mountains and on the plains. Settlements have always been divided into quarters.


Men traditionally wear trousers and a shirt, a Circassian coat and a hat, as well as a beshmet. With the arrival of cold weather, they put on a hood and a fur coat. Women wear dresses, a silver belt, jewelry and a headscarf. They can also wear beshmet, shirts, trousers and chukhta. Special socks with ornaments were sewn on the feet. Unfortunately, these traditions have not survived to this day.

Life, culture and traditions

The Lezgins were hardworking, so they mastered various crafts: they knew how to weave carpets, sew clothes, make jewelry, made weapons, etc. During the season, men could go to work part-time in Azerbaijan for oil production.

They love to have fun, so they pay a lot of attention to songs and dances. A fairly well-known dance is Lezginka.

The Lezgins have sacrifices, but they never sacrifice goats.

If someone is sick, people sprinkle salt on the sick person’s head. A special prayer is read. This ritual helps to get rid of damage or the evil eye.

Women friends who did not give birth to children could agree among themselves that if the children were of different sexes, they would get married in the future and become related.

Bride kidnapping is still common today.

When a young wife enters the kitchen for the first time, a handful of flour is poured onto her, it’s like initiation into a new housewife.

A woman always takes care of children and housework. And if anyone laughs at a woman or offends her, he will disgrace the entire community.