Renovating a garage from an old kitchen. Project of a summer kitchen with a bathhouse: options for projects and interior design with photos

The problem of buying a car is directly related to the problem of buying a garage. Parking under open air- Not The best decision question. Comfortable indoor parking lots are not so easy to get to. And what if you are not a resident of a metropolis, and there are no parking lots in your town? Only the right decision in such a situation there will be construction of a garage according to the selected project. And if financial capabilities allow, then with a utility unit.

Garage for a car with a utility block or a workshop in the country

A car garage allows you to hide your car from prying eyes and protect it from the harmful effects of atmospheric factors ( sun rays, temperature changes, precipitation, etc.). They can ruin the surface of the car, its interior upholstery, panels, and even disable the iron horse. It will help extend the life of the car and allow you to carry out repair and maintenance work in comfortable conditions.

You can also read the material about the benefits.

Some car enthusiasts equip garages inspection pits. This will save costs at the service station, because it will give you the opportunity to do the repairs yourself.

A garage can be used not only as a place to store and repair a car. It is customary to drag things here that do not belong in the house. Bicycles, household supplies, garden equipment, and many other necessary and useful things need to be placed somewhere for the winter (summer) season.

He will tell you what to build a garage from.

Ultimately, all this undoubtedly speaks in favor of building a garage with a utility block.

Features of construction from a utility block

Sooner or later, to store things that are unnecessary in the house, the utility block will have to be completed. Therefore, when starting construction, it is better to design two combined structures under one roof. Using such combined premises will be simple and convenient.

Until recently, the main task of a garage was parking, storing cars, spare parts and equipment, but now great attention is paid to its appearance.

Advantages and disadvantages

Speaking about the advantages, I would like to emphasize the aesthetic side of the issue. If you use the same material during construction, it will look stylish and beautiful from the outside.

Often, car owners create a garage with a bathhouse or sauna. It is practical, convenient, and saves space on a summer cottage or ordinary plot of land. More details about projects for garages with a bathhouse under one roof are described.

Such construction also has obvious disadvantages, or rather possible ones. unpleasant consequences. A garage is a room of increased danger for humans, and so is a bathhouse. Therefore, placing them in close proximity can lead to very serious problems. Only after deciding on the purpose of the utility unit can you begin to calculate its size and design.

How to calculate the size according to the plan of an outbuilding

The owner must decide on the size of the garage and utility room before creating the project. When calculating them, you need to take into account:

  • The garage should be spacious. A large room will embarrass the owner, and besides, for possible repairs Helpers may be needed. If it is crowded, it will affect the quality of work.
  • A very large garage will be uncomfortable and uncomfortable . You need to think about heating, this will also require finance. Borders land plot are not infinite, so you need to choose optimal size foundation and walls.
  • The thickness of the walls, as a rule, is directly proportional to the thermal insulation. Therefore, to save heat in winter, there is no need to skimp on wall thickness.
  • When thinking about the size of the utility unit, you need to decide on its purpose and the volume of equipment, spare parts, inventory or food stored in it.

Scheme of a garage for a private house with a utility part and a summer kitchen.

The size of the garage directly depends on the size of the car. You need to plan how many cars will be in it. There may be garages for two or more cars. If you doubt the correctness of your calculations, look for recommendations on the Internet or consult those who have had to do this.

Outbuilding project

Without a project, any construction is impossible, especially a garage with a utility block. It will simplify the process itself and allow you to correctly calculate the necessary materials. The layout is as follows: taking into account the placement of future shelving, whether the project will be two-story, if so, where the stairs will be located, the presence of a working surface and the arrangement of equipment. Such a building cannot be called a barn, so you need to approach the design wisely.

When creating a plan, much attention should be paid to the household unit. Depending on its purpose, it may have different heights, wall thickness, and other characteristics.

You need to consider the presence and size of windows, sockets, heating, lighting, shelving, etc.

Where to get drawings and layout of the utility room

An outbuilding attached to a garage requires more careful consideration, because everything will be stored there. necessary tool and equipment. Therefore, this part of the subsidiary farm must be planned taking into account the organization.

  • You can do the project yourself. This will not require much effort and time, and besides, it will save the developer’s finances. No need to look for professionals, wait for... your turn will come before your order, pay them a considerable amount for the work. The developer himself can create simple drawings, but first he needs to decide on the walls of the structure, their size and thickness.
  • If you can afford to turn to competent specialists to draw up a project, then rest assured, they will not lead you on! There is no need to doubt their calculations; everything will be accurate, down to the smallest detail! This means that the structure will be built efficiently and reliably.

Selection of materials and designs

For any type of building, including a garage, modern market building materials offers a wide range of products. Garages and outbuildings are most often built using brick, wood, concrete or frame structures. Take your time with the choice, get acquainted with the opinions of those who have left construction behind. Let's look at these building materials in more detail:

  • Brick. Such a structure will be durable, reliable, and have a beautiful appearance. Construction will be slow and expensive, and masons highly value their work.
  • Tree. Wooden garage with a utility unit it will look advantageous against the background wooden house. Materials that are safe for human health are becoming increasingly popular. Such a garage will look stylish and modern, and will perfectly demonstrate the refined taste of the owner. The tree has quite affordable price. In this case, you don’t have to make a foundation. In the garage and utility room all year round it will be dry and warm in winter period For this purpose, short-term operation of the average heater will be sufficient.

Along with the advantages, this material also has disadvantages. The most important and significant one is fire hazard. Flammable compounds are stored in the garage, and if they are surrounded by dry wood, a fire can break out for any reason.

  • Concrete. The simplest, cheapest and most accessible building material. Despite their not entirely attractive appearance, such structures are quite popular. A foundation is required for its construction.
  • Frame construction. With the help of specialists, it is simple and easy to assemble. The garage will look modern and elegant, but for areas with unfavorable weather conditions this option is unacceptable, for example, the design of polycarbonate visas.
  • Combination of materials(wooden boards with metal frame, etc.) is also considered an economical option.

Garages made of metal structures, laminated veneer lumber, panel elements and others are popular today modern materials. Modular designs are economical and quick to assemble.

Description of projects warm houses By Finnish technology from double timber you will find.

When choosing material for construction, you need to take into account the size of the garage, the size of the land plot, as well as climatic features your area. Having thought through these questions, we begin construction.

DIY construction stages

Construction of a garage consists of the same stages as any other structure:

  1. You need to start by drawing up a project.
  2. Make markings at the construction site. To do this, drive in pegs and pull the unbreakable thread.
  3. Excavation work, preparing the site for the foundation.
  4. Securing the foundation.
  5. Construction of foam block walls.
  6. Roof construction.
  7. Insulation of walls.
  8. Work on equipping additional premises.

How to arrange a garage

In order for the garage to be reliable and work in it to be a pleasure, its construction must be approached seriously and thoughtfully. Only by thinking through all the details down to the smallest detail can the construction of a multifunctional building be ensured with quality, reliability and a guarantee of long-term operation. As soon as the construction of this necessary and useful creation is completed, your site will become beautiful and complete.

The mere presence country house being away from the bustle of the city is a great happiness. And if the site has a summer kitchen with a bathhouse, then a wonderful summer vacation is guaranteed to all members friendly family, their friends and guests. After all, how nice it is to enjoy nature, breathe fresh air, taste delicious kebab, and even take a steam bath. If for now there is only a plot with a house, it is necessary to take care of the construction of such a pleasant structure for the soul and body as a bathhouse with a summer kitchen.

By combining a bathhouse with a summer kitchen, you will get a kind of relaxation complex where you will combine healthy bath procedures with a pleasant tea party

Advantages of a bathhouse with a summer kitchen

  1. Price. The design of a bathhouse with a summer kitchen is relatively cheap, because... this combined option does not imply the presence of frost-resistant materials and insulating elements. Availability of a huge range of products in construction markets and stores, Additional materials, remaining from the previous construction of buildings, will help to use all the remains and significantly save money.
  2. Fast construction. A bathhouse with a kitchen and a garage under one roof will be built much faster than all these structures separately. A well-thought-out interior will help to combine several zones in one room for a pleasant pastime in the shortest possible time, because... this will not require several plans, and building materials will not be required large quantity waste after pruning. All work can be done in one go.
  3. Space saving. Bathhouse designs with a summer kitchen have a significant advantage in terms of space saving, because... one building requires much less space than several separate ones. Therefore, such a structure can be installed even geographically small area. After all, a garage and a bathhouse equipped with a summer kitchen require a separate entrance or approach, but the combined option allows you to limit yourself to one common one.
  4. Availability of free space. A kitchen in a bathhouse, a gazebo and a garage coexist perfectly in one room, so the advantage is obvious. Owners can choose the size at their own discretion, based on the size of the site, functional purpose structures and their material capabilities. This construction is as democratic as possible, therefore it involves the combination of various combinations. A bathhouse with a summer kitchen and a terrace can be combined with a living room for relaxation and organizing sleeping places in the warm season. You can also add a garage, swimming pool, billiard room, etc. to this project.
  5. Functionality. The interior of the combined areas of the bathhouse, kitchen and garage allows you to create from such a structure a whole range of services for a pleasant pastime. A properly thought-out plan will help arrange the functional sections as conveniently as possible. For example, a Russian stove can be placed in the wall between the kitchen and the bathhouse so that you can cook food on it and heat the steam room. This will double the consumption of firewood, coal or other raw materials for heating the bath.

Space zoning

Interior of a combined room for summer recreation in country house or at the dacha provides for the presence of full-fledged areas, such as a kitchen, recreation room, bathhouse, garage, swimming pool and others functional extensions at the discretion of the owner. Photos of all possible options can be viewed on the website.


The interior of the kitchen area assumes the presence of full sections in the form of necessary communications, equipment household appliances, stove, etc. It is recommended to consider the most convenient placement of these blocks when preparing a variety of dishes and preserving supplies for the winter. The building is intended for summer holidays, so it is worth providing the hostess with conditions for easy, relaxed cooking, which is radically different from working in the kitchen in an apartment. Let the cooking on fresh air will be real relaxation, and not torture with dragging heavy buckets and freezing hands from icy water.

Dining room

The design of the relaxation room offers many options for a wonderful time with family and friends. The dining room can be furnished with a variety of furniture, ranging from lightweight options for relaxing in an open area, to solid, massive models for closed layouts, designed for leisure on cold winter evenings. It would be very appropriate to place a fireplace in the dining area; it creates incredible comfort for relaxation in cool weather, you just need to take care of the constant availability of firewood.

It is mandatory to install a grill for kebabs and barbecues. We can’t imagine a holiday in a country house with a bathhouse without these specific smoky-smelling delicacies. Where and how to place the grill, and what it should be like, is a matter of taste for the owners. You can build it yourself, or you can buy it finished model in a specialty store. In the rest room it would be very appropriate to place a pool table. If space allows, its presence will make it possible to spend time even more attractive for those who master the art of this game and for beginners trying to learn.


The interior of the bathhouse should be as comfortable and safe as possible for your stay. The most popular option for a bathhouse is to install a heater stove, because... a brick oven involves the construction complex design, sometimes even with laying the foundation. In addition, its cost is quite high, and construction requires special skills, so installing it yourself will be problematic. In addition to the stove, the steam room of the bathhouse must be equipped with several lying and sitting convenient places, finishing materials should be treated with special fire-resistant components. It is also recommended to stock up on dry firewood to quickly light the stove.

The layout of the bathhouse must necessarily include a dressing room for changing clothes and a washing area for taking a shower. Water for this procedure can be placed on the roof in storage tank, which will save energy for heating it. It is advisable to build the steam room itself in the bathhouse on the south side, because This will allow the sun to additionally heat the room. Accordingly, it is recommended to place the recreation area on the north side, because it will be appropriate for comfortable rest in the shade. The option of a bathhouse with a small pool will be very convenient. But even a modest-sized bathhouse requires full construction with all necessary requirements and compliance with standards.


A summer kitchen equipped with a bathhouse must be provided with a bathroom. This will allow you to fully relax without constantly running to a separate toilet after the steam room, and save money on building an additional room. The layout of the bathroom should be thought out especially carefully, because... care must be taken to ensure access to water and cesspool for disposal of used. During operation, you need to monitor the filling of the pit and clean it in time.


For construction summer kitchen With the presence of a bathhouse, you can use all kinds of materials that are presented in the assortment of construction stores and markets. Summer option so unpretentious that it allows you to make this room both luxurious and quite modest.

  • Stone. The most popular material for this construction is brick. This reliable, affordable raw material retains heat in cool weather and protects from heat in the summer heat. Is solid foundation and beautiful finishing. Shell rock, concrete, marble and granite are also used in construction. Along with natural stones, which are expensive, can be used to build a kitchen artificial stones, which have proven themselves in operation, but are much cheaper in cost. These materials look great as decoration for walls, stoves, floors, fireplaces, etc.
  • Tree. Beautiful, natural, affordable material is in great demand among builders of country houses. This includes expensive timber, more affordable lumber such as lining, and other types of plywood. Such summer kitchens look great and smell great of fresh wood, especially after rain. The following materials are used both for the main frame and for finishing works for the design of floors, walls, ceilings, etc.
  • Modern materials. All materials that are used to renovate a city apartment are used here. These are laminate and linoleum, MDF, fiberboard, chipboard, all kinds facing tiles, various glasses and films.

A country house, which has a summer kitchen with a garage, a bathhouse, a stove and a barbecue, will replace its inhabitants with a vacation in exotic countries. What's the point in going far away if you have a cozy place to relax with family and friends in a wonderful atmosphere of love and friendship?

Video: project of a guest house with a bathhouse, kitchen and garage under one roof.

It so happened that due to the steadily and rapidly rising prices for London real estate, the owners of their own apartments switched not to searching design ideas, and to find additional square meters, or rather architectural ways to add them legally.

At the moment, I know of 4 such methods on the English market:

1. Attaching the attic and breaking through skylights in the roof

2. Connection of a public staircase hall and a second light due to a glass wall

3. Deepening housing in basement and cutting light sources on the front lawn

4. Converting the garage into a kitchen-living room with the addition of a terrace-conservatory

Over the course of 5 years of working in the London market, I have collected an impressive archive of my own works and examples of projects by eminent English architects specializing specifically in additional areas. I will describe each of the above methods in subsequent posts, and today I’ll tell you in more detail about the most popular step 4

If you plan to make the garage bright, in the form of an open-space studio, then you cannot do without a spectacular kitchen. I cooperate with the Myers Touch company - very high quality, and at the same time not too expensive manufacturers.

The Myers Touch, a company specializing in kitchen design for the last 10 years, is a partner of German kitchen manufacturers SieMatic and leading global brands such as Gaggenau, Wolf, Sub-Zero, Miele and Siemens. Website

Sliding doors and accordion doors in my projects were handled by this company

View of the London garages built into the house:

And sometimes, stable buildings are also converted into housing:

Please note that if the entrance to the former garage is buried, then the semi-basement can be used more efficiently:



And my 4-year practice of converting garage spaces into living rooms began with an order to convert a Georgian-era house into a mini-hotel with modern interior. The customer worked in the film industry, and her husband was a freelance artist. The guys needed an additional source of income to feed themselves and a couple of children. Demand and prices for real estate in London were growing, and renting out housing was a good addition to the irregular earnings of the artistic family.(Hugo Rd, Islington, Tufnell park) They now rent out their home through a hotel website.

This is such a modest entrance to a luxurious basement apartment





More garage conversions - several options:


Project of a garage, summer kitchen with recreation room G-031. The total area of ​​the outbuilding is 88.36 m², of which the garage occupies 47.68 m², this area can easily accommodate two passenger car. Also, the garage project has a small basement.

Household plan block Paladin G-031 includes

Total area - 88.36 m2,
garage, summer kitchen, recreation room, basement.

The size of the building is 7 x 15 m.

Payment and delivery are the two most important factors interaction between the customer and the company providing the services. For our part, we have adapted the process of ordering services through our website for each user with his preferences for payment method and courier delivery.

We have provided the possibility of prepayment and postpayment of the order. Delivery of the project or other documentation is carried out by courier service and can be either paid or free of charge.

The main catalog with ready-made projects of houses and outbuildings is in the READY PROJECTS section

Terms of payment and delivery of projects

1. Ready project.

– By paying for the project 100% in advance, we guarantee the customer free delivery to the point of delivery.

– When choosing the “cash on delivery” payment method, the customer first pays for courier delivery in the amount of 1,900 rubles, and the project itself upon receipt.

2. Individual design or adjustments.

– The customer pays 50% of the full cost, the rest - in the final part, when the main sections are agreed upon and all that remains is the design of the project.

A project sample is a set of drawings collected in one document and representing a model of an object. In our case, at home or household. the buildings. On this page we have provided a sample finished project Houses.

Compound project documentation depends on the object - its architectural, engineering, design features. Also on the number of floors and options such as garage, basement, basement, terrace. The number of pages in the finished project also depends on the complexity of the object.

Externally printed and formatted according to the standard, the project is a document of 6-12 pages in A3 format. It is endorsed by the seal and signatures of the architect who performed the work and the chief architect.

Main components of the finished project:

  • foundation plan and ground floor;
  • floor plans (including attics);
  • floor plan (if available);
  • incision (1 or 2, as necessary);
  • roof plan and top view;
  • facades with elevation marks;
  • color scheme facades;
  • visualization of an object in perspective.

Any ready-made project from our catalog is similar to the proposed sample and contains the sections listed.

The projects that our company offers, that is, the package of documents that the customer receives in hand, is sufficient for the construction of a house or household. construction set of drawings. This is a package of documents according to which the customer receives a construction permit, begins and successfully completes construction. Both independently and with a contractor.

The finished project, when printed, is an A3 album of 6-12 pages.

If you have any questions, please contact the contacts indicated in the header of the site.

A gift is always a pleasant moment for both the buyer and the seller. We at the architectural bureau “Svoy Dom” have developed a unique reward system - a permanent promotion “Gift with the purchase of a finished project” and are ready to distribute bonuses to all customers without exception.

Thus, each buyer purchases a high-quality project for the construction of a future home, and in addition receives two gifts for free. This is definitely a good deal and pleasant impression from cooperation.

Bonuses from the architectural bureau “Svoy Dom”:

  • household project buildings to choose from (sauna, garage, summer kitchen, gazebo, etc.);
  • additional calculation of materials for the foundation, walls and roof.

For information about what the project is and what its composition is with a photo and an example, see on a separate page, where we described the details. All our services are described with prices.

A summer kitchen and utility block are irreplaceable buildings on the territory of a private house or cottage. Kitchen on outdoors saves you from overheating in a stuffy room, and the utility unit allows you to store things, tools and other household supplies. Very often these two premises are combined, built under one roof, side by side, which is convenient on the one hand and economical on the other. We will review the projects of such kitchens in this article and talk about how to choose a suitable project.

Types of buildings

A summer kitchen is a closed or semi-open space designed for cooking. A summer kitchen is very often erected even before the construction of the main house as a change house, adding other rooms to it, for example,

  • rest room;
  • utility block;
  • bathroom;
  • bath;
  • garage.

The role of the change house during construction is irreplaceable; it will depend on the attached room and its functional purpose. Very often, such a temporary shelter is needed for a construction team to live. After the construction of the house, the cabins with a summer kitchen will be converted into a kitchen with a utility room and a terrace for relaxing in the fresh air.

In addition, cabins with a kitchen are necessary in the countryside, since they can replace the construction of a full-fledged house. Country cabins have no more than one or two rooms, a kitchen, a bathroom and a utility room - this is all the essentials for spending the night in the countryside in the summer.

When a summer kitchen is built after the house has been built, much attention is paid to its design. more attention. They immediately try to attach a garage and a bathhouse to it, and only then change houses and other utility rooms. Therefore, projects for summer kitchens with a utility room can be divided into simple and complex, which will be discussed further.

Selecting a project

The choice of a summer kitchen project combined with a utility room should not be spontaneous, as you need to take into account a lot of nuances:

  • The overall size of the building and its location on the site.
  • Budget for construction.
  • Functional purpose.
  • What extensions need to be made, a garage, a bathhouse or change houses.
  • What style will the summer kitchen be in, and will it fit into the design of the site as a whole?

    Important! The choice will largely depend on the style of construction building material. After all, a kitchen made of timber will clearly not harmonize with brick buildings.

  • When drawing up and choosing a particular summer kitchen project, you need to take into account all construction standards, fire safety and sanitation. This will make it easier for you to register the site and save you from legal disputes.

Review of simple summer kitchens

Under simple project in this context, we mean a summer kitchen with one extension, be it a utility unit, a bathroom or a garage. Such buildings are small in area and are easier to build independently without the involvement of specialists. However, it is better to entrust the preparation of the project and drawing to a professional. IN special program he will not only do 3- D drawing of the future kitchen or change house, but will also calculate the entire required material, taking into account the load and other parameters. And now the projects themselves.

This project involves the construction of a facility with total area 29 sq. m. At the same time most occupies an open summer kitchen, consisting of two zones: cooking and eating. To prepare dishes in such a kitchen, you can install a stove, grill or barbecue, since there is no stove planned in the project.

The second part of the building, the utility block, can be accessed from the opposite side. The extension has two windows, so it can be equipped as a utility room for storage gardening tools, tools and other things, and arrange it summer room recreation.

The premises of the building are under common gable roof, a little more than 3 m high. It is planned to use timber as a material. A similar summer time - great way place workers at a construction site. The non-insulated option for building this kitchen to order will cost approximately 250 thousand rubles.

The second project is a closed summer kitchen with a large economic block, separate toilet, but no garage. It is noteworthy that this project involves the construction of a closed summer kitchen with two relatively small windows. In spring and autumn, it will be comfortable to prepare food in such a kitchen, but in summer it is better to look for another place, since it will be hot there, even if you build the kitchen in the shade of trees.

The utility block is very spacious; if desired, it can accommodate not only a warehouse for all kinds of things, but also a full-fledged home carpentry workshop. The building is being erected and pitched roof covered with corrugated sheet.

Another summer kitchen project without a garage, quite simple, but at the same time stunningly beautiful. The summer kitchen with utility room and toilet in general resembles the previous project (both buildings are two-room), but in appearance the difference is cardinal, since the building was erected and decorated in the Russian style. The summer kitchen area is open and blown by all winds. There is a wood-burning stove in the kitchen. There is nothing furnished except a dining table and two benches - space does not allow it.

Unlike a summer kitchen, the utility block, located under the same roof, is completely closed on all sides. There is a toilet inside the utility unit; if necessary, you can use it without going outside, where bad weather may prevail.

For your information! By making small changes to the project, you can make a rest room instead of a utility room, you will get a summer kitchen with a living room, where you can rest after a hearty meal.


Now let's look at projects for a summer kitchen combined with several extensions. This not only complicates the construction process, but also makes it more expensive. The project presented below is an enclosed space with a usable area of ​​35 square meters. m. plus a terrace of 18.6 sq. m. m.

In this case with spacious kitchen, which has two windows and access to the terrace, borders the dressing room and shower. From the locker room you can access the shower and the adjacent sauna. Behind the sauna there is a utility room, the entrance to which is from the terrace. Everything is well thought out, the room will fulfill the role of a change house one hundred percent. Here you can cook lunch, wash, and relax.

A relaxation area can be organized outdoors on the terrace, as well as in the kitchen by placing a sofa in the opposite corner from the cooking area.

Construction on this project, effective area which is 36 sq. m, includes a summer kitchen, garage and utility room. The kitchen is closed, so bad weather doesn't matter. According to this project, you can build small country houses. After all, there is a place to store garden tools, and there is also a place to shelter the car from the sun or rain. And the kitchen is the room where you can have a snack and make preparations for the winter.

Note that from the kitchen you can get into both the utility room and the garage, which is very convenient.

And this project is an entire home complex designed for work and leisure; all that is missing is a garage and a shed, but there is a barn, a bathhouse, a recreation room with a kitchen and a large terrace. The benefit is that country houses this type can be used even without having country house. Let's say more, many country houses In terms of convenience, they are inferior to this economic building.

Studio or recreation room divided into two functional areas: cooking area and living area. If installed in the living room dinner table, then you will also get a dining room - there is enough space for this. In the summer, the dining table can be easily moved to the terrace, since it is under the roof. In addition, you can put sun loungers or a sofa on the terrace and sleep right in the fresh air. If you feel like it, you can take a steam bath in the bathhouse. Although it is small, it has everything you need: steam room, shower, toilet.

To summarize, we note that country summer kitchens with outbuildings can be conditionally two-room, three-room and multi-room. In addition to the two main premises of the utility block and kitchen, such buildings can combine under one roof a garage, a bathhouse, a shower with toilet, and a rest room. In general, when we talk about projects for two rooms, a kitchen and a utility room, we can mean that the building will be even more functional due to the additional rooms.