Online calculation of wardrobe doors of popular systems. How to calculate wardrobe doors

Independent production of a sliding wardrobe will require not only the installation of a frame from aluminum profiles of the selected configuration, but also the installation of filling fragments - inserts made of MDF, glass (mirror), plastic, plywood. It is these panels or mirrors that will give the door the intended decorative effect.

The inserts must fit perfectly into the door frame structure so that they do not hang out, rattle, or warp. They are often ordered from specialized companies in order to achieve ideal dimensions when cutting using special equipment. But, in principle, if you have a high-quality tool, you can make them yourself. However, in any case, you need to know the exact dimensions of such inserts, literally down to the millimeter. Calculators for calculating the size of filling fragments for wardrobe doors will help with this.

All calculations are carried out for the most popular profiles of the ARISTO system or its exact analogue among masters. Explanations for the calculations are given below.

It is quite possible for a person with practical skills to assemble a wardrobe with their own hands. The main difficulty lies in the manufacture of sliding doors. To avoid mistakes, you must strictly adhere to the rules for calculating the size of canvases: take into account the height, width of the opening, the number and size of doors, type of profile and other fittings. In this article we will tell you how to correctly collect the initial data, what you will need for this, and you can independently calculate the exact parameters using our calculator.

Measuring the opening

The correct determination of the dimensions of door structures depends on the accuracy of the measurements. Measuring an opening consists of 2 main operations:

  1. Measuring the height of the space between the extreme points of the internal surfaces of the top and bottom plates of the cabinet.
  2. The width is determined by the same method between the outer side walls of the compartment.

Accuracy of measurements is the key to quality

Number of doors

The standard filling of a wardrobe opening can consist of 2, 3 or more panels that move relative to each other in a single plane. The vertical edges of adjacent doors overlap each other. This ensures that there are no gaps in the closed cabinet opening.

Influence of the number of sashes on calculations and location options Lп - opening width, Lс - leaf width

Installation of the sliding system can be done in two ways:

  1. They purchase ready-made doors and install the wardrobe body based on their dimensions.
  2. Having installed the cabinet, measure the opening. Calculations are made and, according to the results, doors are made.

In the second case, you will need a diagram for the workshop. You can also make sliding doors with your own hands, following our instructions in another article.


To begin, we need the following data:

  • opening height
  • width of the future cabinet
  • number of door leaves
  • number of overlaps
  • fleece seal thickness
  • frame profile width
  • thickness of both guides

Correct calculation of all the component parts will eliminate mismatches, distortions, and failures during the installation of the panels in the wardrobe.

Determining the height and width of the opening

Before starting measurements, you need to check the level of the horizon of the upper and lower plates, the verticals of the side rails and the rear wall of the cabinet and eliminate deviations if they are detected. Then proceed to determine the width and height of the opening:

Read also: Standard height of lower kitchen cabinets: ready-made and custom-made modules

  1. Measure the distance from the inner surface of the bottom plate to the bottom point of the upper floor of the body.
  2. Measure the distance between the inner surfaces of the outer side walls.
  3. A control measurement of the length of the diagonals between the opposite points of mating adjacent surfaces from the inside of the cabinet is carried out - they must be equal to each other.
  4. If there is a difference in lengths, this will mean a violation of the geometry of the wardrobe body. The distortion is eliminated with pads under the base of the cabinet.

The obtained values ​​are the basic data necessary for calculating wardrobe doors.

Accounting for overlaps

Wardrobe doors move relative to each other along parallel tracks. When the opening is closed, the internal racks overlap by the width of the profile. These intersections are called overlaps. Their number is one less than the number of doors. For example, a three-leaf system has two overlaps, the width of which is taken into account when designing sliding systems.

Calculation method

To clearly understand all the nuances, let’s take as an example the specific dimensions of the opening. Let's say the basic input data is:

  • height H pr = 2400 mm;
  • width L pr = 2700 mm;
  • number of door leaves N = 3 pcs.;
  • buffer tape thickness B = 6 mm;
  • number of overlaps A = 2 pcs.;
  • frame profile width C = 20 mm;
  • thickness of both guides S = 40 mm.

The parameters of the upper and lower guides of the cabinet body must be taken into account in the calculation. The upper support bar in the section represents an inverted letter “W”.

Buffer tape can be of different widths. The minimum pile thickness is 6 mm, and the maximum value is 10 mm. This factor is taken into account when calculating sliding systems. In our case, the calculated thickness of the tape is 6 mm.

The profile of the handles determines the width of the vertical posts framing the door leaf. The aluminum racks are made with grooves for fixing the blade and have a bend on the outside for easy grip by hand. The thickness of the horizontal and vertical frame slats is the same and is 20 mm.

Read also: At what height can kitchen cabinets be hung: distance from the countertop, how to calculate correctly

The calculations are made in the following order:

  • door height H in = H in – S = 2400 - 40 = 2360 mm;
  • width taking into account 2 overlaps L dv = (L r - AC - AB) / N = (2700 - 40 - 12)/3 = 2648/3 = 883

The size of each of the three canvases is 2360 x 883 mm.

If the number of doors is different, then calculations can be made using the formulas:
leaf height H in = H in – S;
width L dv = (L pr - AC – N bf B), where N bf is the number of buffer tapes;
filling height Hnp = H dv – 2C – 2D, where D is the depth of the groove in the frame;
width L np = L dv – 2C – 2D.

Calculation of infills

The filling parameters are determined by subtracting two values ​​from the door dimensions - the width of the horizontal strips and vertical posts (handles), as well as two thicknesses of the buffer tape.

The size of the standard door frame filling (mirror, LSDP or MDF) will be:

  • height 2360 – 40 = 2320 mm;
  • width 883 – 40 – 12 = 831mm.

To the obtained indicators you need to add the depth of the grooves in the profile (3 mm) to install the filling. The final size of the canvas will be (2320 + 6) x (831 + 6) = 2326 x 837 mm.

When combining inserts, it is necessary to take into account the wall thickness of the aluminum I-profile T (2 mm), which is attached to the frame posts. Fragments of filling made from different materials (mirror, chipboard or MDF) are inserted into its grooves.
The height of the combined filling inserts Hvs (the width remains the same) is calculated as follows:
H sun = (H np - (N – 1)T)/N, where N is the number of inserts.
For example, the filling consists of 4 equal fragments with a frame opening height of 2320 mm, the thickness of 3 connecting profiles is 2 x 3 = 6 mm, then the height of each insert will be:
(2320 – 6)/4 = 578.5 mm.

Calculation of sliding doors is the determination of the dimensions of the wooden panel, mirror, length of profiles, upper and lower guides. You can do all this yourself, following the instructions and rules, or you can use online calculators.

Calculating sliding doors online will take no more than 5 minutes. And upon completion, you can print or save all the data. The link provides a convenient service for calculating sliding doors online for any system. First you need to select a manufacturer by clicking on the desired logo, for example, Aristo, Aluma-Decor, Braun, Absolut, City Line, etc. There are about 40 manufacturers on the site.

Next, the appearance of the doors is selected (the number of sections, horizontal divisions or inserts). And then all the data is sequentially indicated: the width and height of the opening where the doors will be installed, the profile of the vertical handle (symmetrical or asymmetrical), the type of intersection profile and the filling for the doors - in which part there will be wood and in which part there will be a mirror. After entering all the data, the site will provide the necessary information to order doors.

You can print the calculation data and drawing directly from the site. Or save by clicking on “print” and in the place where the printer is indicated, select Adobe PDF and click “print”. Next, a window will pop up where you need to specify the save folder.

Calculation through the program

Excel from Microsoft

Using this table, you can calculate all the sizes of components for sliding doors and their cost. Initially, several tabs are given, in each of which you need to enter data in turn. In the “parameters” the initial dimensions are entered. Next come “laminate” and “components”. As a result, the result is displayed in the “parameters” and “estimate” windows.

This program will be convenient for both professional furniture makers and ordinary users who want to calculate the details themselves.

Components for calculating compartment doors

Overlapping location

This is the place where two doors seem to be “layered” on top of each other. One of them rides along one path, and the second - along a parallel one. For example, if there are two compartment doors, then there will be one overlap area. And if there are four doors, then there can be 2 or 3 places of overlap. But there are cases when it is necessary for two doors to be “joint to joint” on the same path.


This word means a long narrow ribbon with pile. It is glued to the door profile, which will be in contact with the wall of the cabinet. This is done so that the metal profile does not hit it. The Schlegel is also glued to the back wall of the profile, which covers the adjacent door, so that dust does not get into the cabinet in this place.


This is a metal door frame. The vertical profile is called a handle profile or simply a handle. It can be steel or aluminum, symmetrical or asymmetrical.

Lower and upper - connects two vertical profiles of the compartment door, and there are rollers inside it.


Used if the cabinet doors are glass.


This part is needed to prevent the door from opening on its own.

Manual calculation of sliding door sizes


The dimensions of the wardrobe doors are calculated based on the opening data.

Typically, the height of compartment doors is equal to the height of the opening minus 4 cm. If the height of the opening is 270 centimeters, then the height of the door will be 266 centimeters.

When closed, one door will slightly overlap the other. This overlap is equal to the profile width - 26 mm. Therefore, the width of the cabinet door is calculated as follows: add 26 mm to the opening width and divide by two - for a cabinet with two doors. For a cabinet with three doors, add two times 26 mm to the width of the opening (because there will be two overlaps) and divide by 3. If schlegel is glued to the doors, then at the very beginning of the calculation, two thicknesses of schlegel must be subtracted from the width of the opening.

If the handle profile is symmetrical, in the calculations 26 mm needs to be changed to 32 mm.

Length of the upper and lower guide

The length of the guides is equal to the width of the opening.

Length of horizontal and vertical profile

The length is obtained if the width of the handle profile is subtracted from the width of the door, multiplied by 2 - for a symmetrical handle. For asymmetrical - subtract 52 mm from the door width (profile width multiplied by 2).

Chipboard door filling

Canvas height:

From the height of the door you need to subtract 47 mm (height of the lower profile and depth of the groove) and 12 mm (height of the upper profile and groove).

Instructions for independently measuring a doorway can be represented by the following algorithm:

1) Measure the height of the opening (H opening) into which the compartment doors will be installed. Dimensions should be taken in several places in increments of approximately 700 mm. A height difference of up to 15 mm is allowed, and the height of the opening is taken equal to the minimum measured value. It is important to make sure that the floor does not have a slope - otherwise the compartment doors will roll down after installation.

2) Measurement of the opening width (L opening). Width is also measured in several places. A difference of up to 20 mm is allowed, while the width of the opening is taken to be equal to the maximum measured (this technique is correct for sliding doors that move perpendicular to the side walls).

3) Measuring the depth of the opening. The width of the guides for coupe systems should be taken into account. So, on average (depending on the aluminum profile system of the sliding wardrobe) the two-runner guide has a size of about 82 mm, respectively, the minimum depth of the opening under the sliding door is 82 mm, however, in practice, it is customary to leave a depth of 100 mm for door movement - for adjustment possibilities.

How to calculate the size of sliding doors

It is not at all necessary to calculate the dimensions of compartment doors yourself. Contact us now and we will make all the necessary calculations for you.

Length of guides (L e.g.) for cabinets:

L for example = L of the opening - 2 mm.

Reducing the length by 2 mm is done to simplify installation.

Length of guides (L ex) for built-in cabinets:

L for example = L of opening + 40 mm.

An increase in length by 40 mm is done in order to be able to adjust the size to the installation site, since, as a rule, the size of the upper and lower guides will be different. This method for calculating the width of compartment doors is correct only for straight cabinets. In the case of corner structures, it is necessary either to use special programs or to model the product.

Compartment door height (H door) calculated by the formula:

N dv = N opening - 40 mm.

Sliding door width (L in), as a rule, is calculated by the formula:

a) For two doors:
L dv = (L opening + 20 mm)/2, where 20 mm is the size of the 1st door overlap.

b) For three doors:
L dv = (L opening + 40 mm)/3, where 40 mm is the size of 2 door overlaps.

c) For four doors:
L dv = (L opening + 40 mm)/4, where 40 mm is the size of 2 door overlaps

The four compartment doors can be arranged in various ways - either with 2 overlaps (this is the most popular option shown in the photographs) or with 3 overlaps.

When are swing doors used and how to calculate them?

Hinged doors made of aluminum profiles for compartment systems are used in cases where the use of compartment doors is not possible. For example, opening width less than 900 mm, corner cabinet design, etc.

The depth of these doors is about 60 mm. The design differs from coupe systems by the use of swing mechanisms instead of rollers and special swing tracks. As a result, the door height (N dv) is calculated using the formula:

N dv = N opening - 26 mm.

The width of the 1st swing door (L door) in straight cabinets is calculated by the formula:

L dv = L opening - 12 mm.

If 2 doors are installed in the opening, then the width of each is equal to

4321 0 0

Calculation of wardrobe doors: how to take correct measurements manually and with a calculator

If you are planning to assemble a sliding wardrobe with your own hands, this means that you will have to independently calculate the dimensions of the sliding doors. It is not difficult to carry out calculations of facades, but you need to understand that the comfort of using the furniture and its service life depend on how correctly you do this. In the article you will find everything you need to know for the correct calculation of sliding facades.

Design of compartment facades

The diagram shows the structure of the door, namely, a set of profiles fixed around the perimeter of the filling. This design provides sufficient rigidity and strength when the door moves along the guides. Let's take a closer look at what the sliding door is made of.

Illustrations Structural elements and their description

Filling. This is the main material that forms the door leaf.

The filling can be solid or stacked. In the first case, a solid slab of chipboard, MDF or other dense material is used as filling. The separate filling is assembled from several separate panels connected to each other by a horizontal strip - a divider.

Top profile. At the initial stage of facade assembly, an upper U-shaped profile is attached to the upper part of the filling. Fastening is carried out with preliminary installation of a silicone seal.

Handle profile. After the top profile is installed, handle profiles are attached to the sides. If the filling is glass, a silicone sealant is glued under the profile; if the filling is made of chipboard or MDF, a sealant is not needed.

Lower connecting profile for compartment door. After the handles are attached to both sides of the filling, a U-shaped profile is installed in the lower part, on which the roller system will subsequently be attached.

Horizontal divider for making a combined compartment door. If the filling is carried out not in one, but in several pieces, these fragments are joined into a single whole with a metal profile with an N-shaped cross section.

Correct joining of filling fragments in a metal profile allows you to assemble doors that are no less rigid than doors with a solid filling.

How to calculate compartment doors yourself

Doors, or compartment facades as they are also called, are technically complex structures that slide relative to each other, opening access to the interior space.

This design feature, on the one hand, provides a number of obvious advantages, including excellent design and rational use of indoor space. On the other hand, due to the sliding opening, compartment facades are more difficult to independently calculate and manufacture compared to conventional swing doors.

Facade calculations depend on a number of parameters, including the dimensions of the opening into which the structure will be built, the type of materials used to make the facade, etc. To perform the calculations correctly, you can use an online calculator, or you can spend a little time and perform the necessary calculations yourself.

Parameters affecting the calculation of the dimensions of the sliding wardrobe

Width and height. The height and width of the cabinet depends on the width and height of the opening where the installation will be performed. When taking measurements of the opening, we take into account that the junctions between the ceiling and walls, especially in old apartments and houses, may not be perfectly smooth. Therefore, we measure the width and height at several points at once.

We measure the width at the bottom and top of the opening. We measure the height at the extreme points on the right and left of the wall. We also measure the height along the adjacent walls with an indentation equal to the depth of the cabinet.

Height measurements must be strictly vertical, and width measurements must be horizontal. Therefore, it is advisable to use a laser level to take measurements.

Having made measurements, we subtract the correction 50 mm from the obtained number, which will be enough to compensate for even a strong blockage of the walls. Technological gaps after assembling the cabinet can be covered with decorative false panels.

Depth calculation. The depth of the cabinet is not particularly important when calculating the size of the doors. However, the depth of the cabinet will be determined by measurements of the height and width of the opening along the reach, which in turn affects the calculation of the dimensions of the cabinet and facades.

Door overlap. Sliding doors overlap each other with their edges when closed. The minimum overlap is 26 mm. It is impossible to do less overlap, as this will negatively affect the strength of the entire structure; it is irrational to do more overlap.

Calculation of the facade for a built-in cabinet

Now that we know how to measure a room correctly, it’s time to determine the dimensions of the facades.

Calculation of housing dimensions. Let's say there is a niche in which you need to build a cabinet with sliding doors. The niche width is 1550 mm and the height is 2500 mm. From the length and width, we subtract the correction for the unevenness of the walls by 25 mm on the right and left and the same on top and get a width of 1500 mm and a height of 2475 mm.

Since the cabinet will be a cabinet, we subtract the thickness of the cabinet from the width and height. Let's say the case is budget and we assemble it from 16 mm thick laminated chipboard. Therefore, we calculate the width inside the case as 1500 – 32 = 1468 mm and calculate the height as 2475 – 32 = 2443 mm.

Calculation of door size according to the height of the wardrobe. To calculate the height of the doors, you need to subtract 40 mm from the internal height of the body. 40 mm are standard gaps that will be occupied by guide profiles, as well as support and guide rollers. We consider 2443 – 40 = 2403 mm. The resulting number is equal to the length to which we will cut the side profile with a handle.

Determining the number of doors. The number of doors is determined by the internal width of the body and the ease of opening.

The minimum sash size is 600 mm. There are examples of manufacturing sashes with a width of 50 cm, and in this case, when moving, the sashes become warped due to the small contact with the guides. A width of 60 cm is enough to prevent distortion of even heavy chipboard doors.

Maximum width 1 meter. It is possible to make a sash a meter or more wide, but it will be difficult to move and its weight will put a significant load on the support rollers and guides.

Horizontal size. How to calculate the width? Since in our case the internal width of the cabinet body is 1468 mm, it will be correct to install two sliding doors. To calculate the width of the sashes, add 26 mm to 1468 mm - the minimum allowable overlap, then divide the resulting amount - 1494 mm - by the number of sashes, that is, by two. As a result, the width of one sash, taking into account the overlap and taking into account the installed profiles, is 747 mm.

The length of the side profile with handle on both the right and left is equal to the previously calculated height of the sash. To calculate the length of the horizontal inserts, subtract 51 mm from the width of the façade of 747 mm. We also calculate the length of the dividing horizontal profiles, if such are provided in the design.

Filling calculation. In order to determine the length of the chipboard sash filling, we subtract 60 mm from the previously calculated door height - a technological standard that takes into account the thickness of the profile in the lower and upper parts of the structure. We calculate the filling height: 1468 – 60 = 1408 mm.

If we calculate the length of the mirror or glass filling from the height of the door, we subtract not 60, but 63 mm. This 3 mm is the thickness of the silicone seal or schlegel glued to both sides of the sash.

We calculate the width of the filling; to do this, subtract 35 mm from the width of the facade 747 mm and get 712 mm for each sash. When calculating the width of glass or mirror, we subtract not 35, but 38 mm, where 3 mm is the thickness of the seal.

When making the filling, we take into account the thickness of the material. The base thickness is 10 mm, but you can use filling with a thickness of 8 mm, although you will have to install spacers from the inside out.

Let's sum it up

Now you know what sliding doors are made of and how to calculate their dimensions for self-assembly. You will find more interesting information on the topic by watching the video in this article, and if you have any questions, ask them in the comments.