Description of the day in English. Daily routine in English or briefly about daily worries

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1). My every day activities are quite routine. 2). On weekdays the alarm clock wakes me up and my working day begins. 3). I usually get up at 7 o"clock. 4). If it is spring or summer I jump out of bed, run to the window and open it wide to let the fresh morning air in. 5). I do my physical jerks, wash, clean my teeth and comb my hair. 6). Then I have breakfast. 7). For breakfast I usually have toasted bread, bacon and eggs, tea or coffee and some jam. 8). While I am having breakfast, I switch on the radio and listen to the news.

9). It takes me 10 minutes to get to school. 10). School starts at 8 sharp and I have lessons till half past 12. 11). I usually have six or seven lessons a day. 12). I return home at 2 o"clock and take a short rest and I have lunch at 3.

13). After doing my homework I go for a walk with my friends. 14). I often play chess with them. 15). I am a member of a chess club. 16). Sometimes we go to the pictures or the theater but not very often. 17). In summer I like to get out more, so in the evenings I go to the tennis court for a few sets of tennis, or take out my bike for a run in the country.

18). My parents usually return home at 19 o"clock. 19). We have dinner at 19.30. 20). As usual dinner consists of soup, fish or roast chicken, potatoes, vegetables and dessert. 21). After dinner we go to the sitting room. 22).There we read books, newspapers and magazines, watch TV, chat with the friends on the phone.

23). On Monday, Wednesday and Friday I attend preparatory courses at the University. 24). I leave home at 4.30 afternoon and come back at 8.30.

25). At 10 o"clock I take a shower, brush my teeth and go to bed. 26). I fall asleep fast and have no dreams.

Text translation: My Daily Program - My daily routine

1). My daily routine is normal. 2). On weekdays, I wake up to the alarm and my work day begins. 3). I usually get up at 7 o'clock. 4). In spring and summer, I get up, run to the window, open it wide to breathe in the fresh morning air. 5). I do morning exercises, I wash my face, brush my teeth and comb my hair. 6). Then I have breakfast. 7). For breakfast I usually eat ham and eggs, toast, tea or coffee and jam. 8). I turn on the radio, listen to the news and have breakfast.

9). It takes me 10 minutes to get to school. 10). Classes start promptly at 8, lessons last until 12.30. eleven). I usually have 6, 7 lessons a day. 12). I return home at 14-00, rest a little and eat.

13). After preparing my homework, I go out with my friends. 14). I often play chess with them. 15). I am a member of the chess club. 16). Sometimes we go to the cinema or theater, but not very often. 17). In the summer I like to be outdoors more often, so in the evenings I play tennis on the tennis court or take my bike and go for a ride outside the city.

18). My parents usually come home at 19:00. 19). We all have dinner together at 19.30. 20). We usually have soup, fish or fried chicken, potatoes, vegetables and dessert for dinner. 21). After dinner we gather in the living room. 22). We read books, newspapers, magazines, watch TV, talk on the phone with friends.

23). On Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays I attend preparatory courses at the university. 24). I leave home at 4.30 in the afternoon and return at 8.30.

25). At 10 pm I take a shower, brush my teeth and go to bed. 26). I fall asleep quickly and never dream.

1. 100 topics of English oral (Kaverina V., Boyko V., Zhidkikh N.) 2002
2. English for schoolchildren and those entering universities. Oral exam. Topics. Texts for reading. Exam questions. (Tsvetkova I.V., Klepalchenko I.A., Myltseva N.A.)
3. English, 120 Topics. English language, 120 conversation topics. (Sergeev S.P.)

Essay in English “My daily routine”

Honestly speaking, I don’t like to get up very early. But I have to wake up at 7.00 in the morning or even earlier. I have a great number of morning duties: first of all I put on my sweatsuit and do some exercises. I like sport, so I need to be always in a good form. If it is good weather, I go jogging outside. If the weather is rainy or too windy, or really cold, I stay at home and do warmup.Then I usually take a chilling shower or a warm shower if it is breezy. I eat just nutrient-enriched food. For that reason I always have fresh salad, porrige and tea with lemon. Sometimes I fry eggs with bacon (but not too often, as I have not too much time in the morning). For me it is a big problem to choose what to wear. I have a huge wardrobe full of clothes. The choice of clothes depends on my mood. Sometimes I can wear one dress for 4 days, sometimes I need something special. Girls need a lot of time in the morning, so we want to look excellent all the time.

When I’m ready, I go to university (college, school). Classes start at 9.00 (10.00). I can’t say that I’m a very good student, but I try to do my best. Study takes a great part of my day now. I have excellent tutors which have a great impact on the formation of my personality. Here I have a lot of friends with whom we can chat, sometimes even during lectures (sorry, tutors) 🙂 We are chatter-boxes. We have interesting excursions. I like traveling, so for me it is a really wonderful waste of time. At university (college, school) I have to go to a canteen. Homemade food is better, but here it is also not bad. If I’m hungry, it is even VERY tasty 🙂

After studies I like to go for a walk with my friends or my boyfriend. I like nature, so we usually go to parks, eat ice-cream or other sweets and talk about different events in our life. We like to make photos of ourselves and nature. Photography is my cup of tea. At home I have a great deal of various photos. Sometimes we visit coffee-houses to drink some coffee.

At 17.00 I usually go home. I need to make my assignment (homework). I like to teach English. Sometimes it is difficult to learn all unknown words, but I try to remember them. I usually do assignment (homework) with music. I can’t imagine my life without music, so I listen to it everywhere.

2 times a week I go to the swimming pool. Water helps to relax. My grandad taught me to swim when I was in the village. I was at that time maybe 6 or 7 years old. So swimmimg gives me strength to go ahead, to achieve something in life.

In the evening I like to watch a marvelous film or read a book. Also I like to cook, so I make different delicious dishes. But I eat in the evening not much, I eat just an apple and some vegetables with chicken.

I usually go to bed at 00.00. This is my daily routine.

Translation into Russian “My daily routine”

To tell the truth, I don't like waking up early. But I have to get up at 7 or even earlier. In the morning I have a lot to do: first of all, I put on a tracksuit and do exercises. I love sports, so I always need to be in great shape. If the weather is good, then I run outside. If the weather is rainy or too windy or cold, then I warm up at home. Then I take a cool shower or a warm one if it’s frosty outside. I eat only healthy food. For this reason, in the morning I eat fresh salad, porridge and drink tea with lemon. Sometimes I fry eggs and bacon (but not often, because I don't have enough time in the morning). The big problem is choosing what to wear. I have a huge closet full of clothes. The choice of clothes depends on my mood. Sometimes I can wear the same dress for 4 days, and sometimes I need something special. Girls need a lot of time in the morning to get ready and look great.

When I'm ready, I go to university (college, school). Classes start at 09.00 (10.00). I won't say that I'm an exemplary student, but I try. Classes take most my day. I have excellent teachers who have a positive influence on the formation of my personality. I have many friends with whom we like to chat, sometimes even in class (sorry, teachers). We are talkers :) We have many interesting excursions. I love traveling, so this is a great pastime for me. At a university (college, school) you have to go to the canteen. homemade food better. but the food here is good too. When I'm hungry, the food is even VERY tasty :)

After classes (lessons) I go for a walk with my friends or boyfriend. I love nature, so we go to the park, eat ice cream or other treats and chat about different events in our lives. We love taking pictures of ourselves or nature. Photography is my hobby. I have a lot of different pictures at home. Sometimes we go to a coffee shop and drink coffee.

At 17.00 I usually go home. I need to prepare my homework. I love learning English. Sometimes it's difficult to learn unfamiliar words, but I try to remember them. I usually do my homework with music. I can't imagine my life without music, I listen to it everywhere.

2 times a week I go to the pool. Water helps you relax. My grandfather taught me to swim when I was in the village. At that time I was 6 or 7 years old. Swimming gives me the strength to move forward and achieve something in life.

In the evening I like to watch a good movie or read a book. I also love to cook, so I often make some delicious dishes. But I myself eat little in the evening, I only eat an apple or vegetables with chicken.

I usually go to bed at midnight. This is my daily routine.

Daily routine for English language is one of the most popular topics for essays and compositions not only at school, but also in almost any language learning course. Talking about the workday routine, weekends, vacations and holidays enriches the English language learner's vocabulary and knowledge of stable constructions.

How to talk about your daily routine

In order to talk about the routine of any of your days, you can adhere to a special plan. Any essay about a weekend, weekday or holiday must contain several mandatory points. We have prepared a list of 3 such items for you.

  1. Introduction 1-2 sentences long;
  2. Main part (information about the daily schedule);
  3. Conclusion.

The entire narration about the daily routine is conducted in Present Simple time.

Useful phrases for the first part with translation

In order to start a story about your daily routine and your schedule, you can use pre-prepared phrases. We have selected 5 useful ones for you English phrases for introduction with translation.

Useful phrases for the main part with translation

The whole essence of the story about the daily routine is contained in the content of its main part. We have prepared a list of 10 for you useful phrases, which can be used for the main part with translation.

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Phrase in English Translation into Russian
My day begins with a workout. My day starts with exercise.
I wake up at 6am every morning. I wake up at 6 o'clock every morning.
I get up and get dressed. I wake up and get dressed.
For breakfast, I usually have an omelette, tea or coffee. For breakfast I usually have an omelette, tea or coffee.
I leave home at a half past nine. I leave the house at half past ten.
I get to office at a half past nine. I arrive at the office at half past nine.
My work starts at ten. My work starts at ten.
Usually, my work is over at six o’clock. Usually my work finishes at six o'clock.
I come back home, have dinner and play video games. I come home, have dinner and play video games.
I read books in the evening. In the evening I read books.

Useful phrases for conclusion with translation

You need to be able to finish any story correctly. In order to complete the story about the daily routine, many useful phrases have been invented. We have prepared for you a list of 5 phrases for the conclusion with translation.

An example of a story about yourself in English with translation

I love it new topic, while learning a foreign language, it is most convenient to memorize with the help of examples. We have prepared for you a short example text about the daily routine with translation into Russian.

My Daily Routine

My name is Dorothy. I'm nine years old. I wake up at 8 o’clock every day except weekend. I get up and get dressed. I wash my face and clean my teeth. Then I have a nutritious breakfast. In the mornings I like to eat scrambled eggs, cheese sandwiches, and tea. My school lessons begin at 9:30. I have to get to school six stops by tram and not to be late I leave home at 8:45. At 3 o’clock the lessons are over. Then I have dinner. After it, I like to play video games. I go in for сapoeira three times a week. My training begins at 4 o’clock and lasts for 2 hours. Then I do my homework. My mom and dad go home after their work at half past six and we have supper at about seven o’clock. I go for a walk with my little dog in the evening. We go to the park. I go to bed at 11 o’clock.

My schedule

My name is Dorothy. I am nine years old. I wake up at 8 am every day except weekends. I get up and get dressed. I wash up and brush my teeth. Then I eat a nutritious breakfast. In the morning I like to eat scrambled eggs, cheese sandwiches and tea. My lessons start at 9:30. I have to go six stops by tram to school, and in order not to be late, I leave the house at 8:45. At 3 o'clock in the afternoon classes end. I have dinner. After lunch I play video games. Three times a week I go to capoeira. My training starts at 4 o'clock and lasts 2 hours. Then I do my homework. My mom and dad come home from work at half past six and we have dinner at seven o'clock. In the evening I walk with my little dog. We go to the park. I go to bed at 11.

Video about the daily routine in English:

Want to quickly expand your vocabulary on this topic? Good news: you don't have to re-read the list of daily routine words in English with translation. Forget about cramming and boring repetition of monotonous phrases. Everything is much simpler.

Imagine your normal day

Let it be a weekday filled with your daily activities. Imagine opening your eyes in the morning and getting out of bed (“wake up”). This moment can be described by the word "wakening" or "awakening". Maybe you've already created your daily routine (usually called a "daily routine") and are determined to stick to it from the moment you wake up. Or maybe in the first minutes of the morning you desperately resist the schedule, not wanting to even think about self-discipline.

In any case, you get out of bed and go to clean yourself up. You go to the bathroom and brush your teeth (“brush teeth”), wash your face (“wash up”), and take a shower (“take a shower”). If you care about your health, you will probably do “do morning exercises” in the morning. And, of course, you will have breakfast (“have breakfast”).

At home, of course, it’s cozy and good, but sooner or later you will have to get ready for work (study) - “get prepared to go to the job (institute/school).” If we are talking about the beginning of lessons in English, we can say using the phrase “my lessons start at 8 am/9 am/etc”. For those who work, the phrase “my working day” is suitable, which translates as “working day”.

After you leave work or school, you enjoy thinking about how to spend the evening. Most likely, you already have specific plans. For example, go shopping (“go shopping”), meet friends (“meet friends”). In general, you will probably give yourself a little rest ("rest"). And, of course, sooner or later you will come home (“go/come back home”). But of course, the day doesn’t end there.

You can relax and watch TV (“watch TV”), listen to music (“listen to the music”). It will be great if you have the opportunity to spend time with family (“spend time with family”). Or maybe you will do household chores (“do household chores”): tidy up the apartment (“tidy up a flat”), do laundry (“do laundry”), prepare something for dinner/lunch (“cook something for dinner"). Students prepare for the next school day and do their homework (“do homework”).

At the end of the day, you can take a bath or shower (“have a bath / a shower”). And finally, it’s time to go to bed.

Remind yourself words throughout the day

So, you have imagined your day, spoken the key points of the daily routine in English. To better remember words and phrases, reproduce them in your memory when you do this or that action during the day. For example, when opening your eyes in the morning and fighting sleep, tell yourself: “Come on, wake up!” When taking a shower, remind yourself that in English it would be "take a shower", and so on. You can even put stickers around your apartment with phrases and words that you want to learn. Then, when you approach the refrigerator, you will immediately see the phrase “have breakfast”, and it will remain in your memory.

Tell us about your day

There are other ways. For example, you can take a piece of paper or your diary and describe your daily routine in English: “I wake up at 7 o’clock every day. Then I go to the bathroom...”. You can also describe how your day went, taking a few minutes to do this before going to bed. And, of course, it would be useful to describe your tomorrow. Speak or write down in English your plans for tomorrow - what time you are going to get up, where to go, who to meet, and so on. This will not only motivate you to stick to your planned routine, but will also expand your vocabulary - because you will have to find many new words to express your thoughts. You can place the sheet with your notes in a visible place so that the next day you will have it in front of your eyes.

Find out about other people's daily routines

By the way, you can easily remember words on this topic with the help of various videos about daily routine in English. Many vloggers love to discuss this topic. At the same time, they talk about their day in a very interesting way and can inspire you to create a similar “schedule” for yourself.

Read articles about daily routine famous people in English. Agree, it would be interesting to know how your favorite actor or athlete usually spends his day? Stories about the daily routine of successful people, for example, Benjamin Franklin, will be very inspiring.

As you can see, the daily routine in English is very simple and interesting topic. So don't worry about not being able to handle it. Get started right now!