Basic elements of a wooden door. What types of doors are there - let's look at the offers

Door block It is a door frame with a leaf hung on it. Installed in the opening stone walls or partitions such a block protect from rotting, in addition, it is fixed, like window blocks, to wooden liners embedded in the slopes of the opening. The threshold of most external doors, including balcony doors, is slightly raised. Door block in the partition opening installed in the same plane (flush) with one of the surfaces of the fence. Then it is attached to the bars framing the opening, or to wooden inserts. The gaps between the frame and the partition are sealed, and the joint is covered with platband.

Doorway filling elements include: U-shaped door frame with quarters around the strapping office; door leaf hung on the frame.

The individual parts and details of the doors have the following names:

– the opening part of the door is called the door leaf;

– frame installed in doorway, on which door panels are hung, is called a door frame;

– to decorate the opening and cover the gap between the frame and the partition or wall, platbands are installed around the perimeter of the frame;

– the transition from platbands to baseboards and floors can be decorated with bedside tables;

– to improve the thermal insulation, sound insulation and fire resistance of the door, install a door threshold, which is a special block in the floor, at the bottom of the doorway;

– to protect the lower part of the door leaf from contamination and damage, a plinth can be used (mainly on external doors);

– door trims are bars with a shaped profile, designed to cover the narthex of double-leaf doors;

– door slabs are bars with a shaped profile designed to divide the glazed part of the door and strengthen the glass;

– the frames of the door leaf, with a frame (paneled) door solution, are called the main bars, the middle bars are the bars that divide the door leaf into parts and serve as a connection between the frames;

– panels are individual panels that fill the space between the frames and mullions;

– door leaves are attached to the frame (hung) on ​​hinges;

– door devices are attached to the leaves: locks, handles, bolts (latches), safety chains, etc.;

– to increase the sound and heat-insulating properties of doors, special seals are used.

1 - door leaf; 2 - door frame;

3 - platbands; 4 - door slabs;

5 - harness; 6 - middle;

7 - panel;

8 - door devices; 9 - seal;

Figure 8.2 – Door components

For ease of evacuation, most doors in civilian buildings open outward, with the exception of interior doors and entrance doors to apartments.

Door leaves:

-panel, which is a wood slab, lined on the outside with wood-fiber boards, plastic or veneer from valuable species wood Such door leaves are economical in wood consumption, decorative and widely used in modern construction;

- strapping, made in the form of a plank frame with glazed filling. Cloths of this design are intended for internal doors;

- lattice, glazed at the top with longitudinal strips and protected by vertical bars. Such fabrics are used for entrance doors residential buildings;

- paneled, consisting of a contour frame, reinforced with a middle, and panels (filling) made of plywood and board panels. This design of canvases is labor-intensive to manufacture and requires quality wood and therefore in modern construction it is used only for front doors public buildings;

-carpentry, made in the form of a board panel on planks or dowels. Doors of this design are suitable for basements;

-from tempered glass with a polished or patterned surface. Such canvases with a thickness of 10-15 mm are intended for entrance doors of public buildings.

People who are not professionally versed in carpentry are accustomed to the fact that a door is something monolithic, a complete product, and yet many centuries have passed since doors began to be made from several elements, the quality of each of which is very important for quality wooden door generally. We will tell you about these components of the door.

Components of an interior door

Usually the door leaf, in fact, is called the door, but in fact, this is far from the only part general design. This is the part of the door that covers the doorway. Made canvas maybe from solid wood and MDF, if we are really talking about doors, of course high level. The door leaf can be either solid or with various kinds inserts made of glass, wooden gratings, etc.

Methods for decorating the door leaf can be different - these include wood carving, veneer finishing of various types of wood, plastic or metal elements etc. In external design there can be a huge variety of options.

The door leaf itself consists either of a frame made of solid wood beams, or of elements called pillars, ligaments and a paneled part (that is, solid wood panels, paneled doors). The vertical side elements are pillars (racks) - the hinges are attached to them and the lock is embedded. Transverse (horizontal) elements are ligaments. Everything that is inside this so-called frame is called a panel (paneled part). The paneled part can be either made of solid wood or MDF, or replaced with glass. There may be two or more paneled parts.

2. Box

Hinged to attach to box- that is, to two racks and a crossbar, which in turn are attached to the wall opening. Sometimes an additional crossbar is placed below - a “threshold”.

The box must be massive and resistant to changes in temperature and humidity. This is important for secure fastening door design in the doorway.
It is advisable to insert seals into the racks and crossbars, as in plastic windows. This will reduce the sounds of closing the door, as well as all sounds, and will prevent odors and drafts from spreading throughout the apartment.

3. Platbands

Platbands are wooden planks, which cover the junction of the frame and the wall (seam), forming a common doorway. They come in different shapes:

- semicircular and figured (that is, radius).

Platbands They are attached to the box using special nails so that the caps are not visible.

Platbands are made of wood or MDF.

4. Extras

If the walls are wide enough, then between the frame and the platband there remains an unclosed space in the alignment of the wall opening.

Extensions are used to close this opening. They look like wide rectangular frames.

5. Accessories

Accessories are hinges, door handles, locks, chains, bolts, in general, all the remaining parts of the door structure.

Classical door furniture most often made of brass. Of course, the fittings must match overall design door, because it largely reflects the belonging of a wooden door to a particular style.

There are all kinds of doors according to their purpose and type: front, false, single, three-leaf, enfilade, lattice.

Door, doors:

1) Doorway, hole in the wall. 2) Door filling. 3) Doorway with framing, filling, trim and hardware.

External doors separate interior spaces from exterior spaces. They differ:

Input- those that communicate with the surface of the earth.

Exit doors They connect the internal space of the building with open isolated areas: balconies, open galleries, terraces, belvederes.

Double are called doors, the panels of which are located at a distance of no more than the thickness of the wall (Fig. 1063a). Double doors act as cold networks, i.e. they are an intermediate link between the interior and the exterior. If there is an internal vestibule, i.e. in the case when the distance between the doors exceeds the thickness of the wall, external door called external(Fig. 948.1), and the inner one is vestibule(Fig. 948.2). Portal: main entrance, main external door buildings, architecturally designed.

Internal doors separate separate rooms.

1. Doors of the front rooms.

2. Residential doors.

3. Utility doors: kitchens, pantries, retreats, pantries, attics, firewalls.

Enfilade doors- in the enfilade.

Enfilade- a series of adjacent communicating rooms, the doorways between which are located on the same axis (Fig. 1064). The enfilade can be formed by doors, arched openings, or both at the same time. The minimum number of rooms in a suite is three. There can be two, three, four enfilades in a house.

Side enfilade— along the side facade.

Residential suite- suite of living rooms.

City suite— along the city facade.

Front suite- a suite of front rooms.

Park enfilade— along the park facade.

Doors can be deaf or with a blind transom, glazed or with light transom.

Door components:

1) Doorway(hole) with frame;

2) Filling.

Rice. 1063a. Double doors

Rice. 1064. Enfilade

Rice. 1065. Desudeporte over a double door

Rice. 1066. Support over double doors

Rice. 1067. Single doors, one, single leaf, single leaf, single

Rice. 1068. One-and-a-half doors, one-and-a-half doors

Rice. 1069. Three-leaf doors

Rice. 1070. Four-leaf doors

Pur.1071. Doors with a blind transom

Fig. 1072. Doors with a light, light transom:
1 - riser, vertical beam, vertical beam, side trim; 2 — upper panel; 3 — lower panel

Rice. 1073. Elements of a double door:
1 - loop riser; 2 - feigned riser; 3 — lock riser; 4 — shingle riser; 5 - top beam, top trim, top beam; 6 - upper near-castle mullion; 7 - lower peri-lock mullion; 8 — crowning mullion; 9 — upper panel; 10 - middle panel; 11 — lower panel; 12 — crowning panel

Rice. 1074. Elements of a single leaf door:
1 - loop riser; 2 — lock riser; 3 - top beam, top trim, top beam; 4 - bottom beam, bottom beam, bottom trim; 5 - upper middle; 6 — lower middle; 7 — upper panel; 8 - middle panel; 9 — lower panel

The doors are hung on hinges.

Doors false, false- are not functional, they perform decorative functions, giving the interiors compositional balance and continuity of forms. Half-false doors only partially use the opening space.

Imitation doors, camouflage- real openings, the filling of which is disguised as other interior elements. Can be: mirrors, cabinets, walls, stoves. Wall doors- flat, finished in the same way as the wall.

Desudeportdecorative decoration above the door. May be molded or picturesque (painted, rice. 1065). Scenic in technology "grisaille" can imitate stucco. Painting can take the form of ornamented paintings, or it can be narrative. Instead of a stationary desudeport made directly on the wall, they can be hung above the door. paintings - painting (easel) desudéporte.

Listed Desudeportes are decorative. Meet functional desudéportes, for example, above the doors of the deep (alcove) wall, in the bedroom of the Kuskovsky Palace, through which the internal staircase (desudeport-transom, desudeport-grille).

Sandrik- can be used both above windows and above doors, mainly external ones.

Support- interior sandrik, desudéporte, shaped like a cornice (Fig. 1066).

Sash, mortar, filling, canvas, vestibule, panel, sash, casement half, towel, panel- filling fixed in the doorway.

Single-leaf, identical, single-leaf, single-leaf, single- filling with one leaf (Fig. 1067).

The width of such doors is less than 106 cm.

Casement, casement, double-leaf, with doors, double-leaf, double-leaf- filling with two sashes of equal width (Fig. 1065, 1066). D. can be double-leafed if their width exceeds 106 cm (1.5 arshins).

Casement half: walking door, walking half, key door; standing sash, standing half, latch sash.

One-and-a-half, one-and-a-half doors(Fig. 1068).

Tricuspid(Fig. 1069), four-leaf doors(Fig. 1070).

Single-facade panel panels- those whose facades are the same.

Double-facade paneled- those that have differences in facades.

Double-facade panels:

1. floating, when on one side there is a floating panel, and on the other there is a regular, flat or figurine panel;

2. at the end of the 18th century. Double-fronted front doors were common, with detailed differences on different facades. Such doors may have various platbands. Differences on the panels may be in the linings, in the design of the panels and mullions:

3. wall, furniture, mirror;

4. false doors;

5. when the baseboard is on one side only.

Door panels, depending on the material used, can be:

1) wooden, 2) iron, 3) mixed, i.e. wooden, covered with sheet iron and 4) glazed.

Wooden panels according to their design are divided into three large groups: 1) paneled; 2) panel boards; 3) lattice.

Meet mixed, intermediate types of structures in external, vestibule, wall doors, which on one facade can be paneled, on the other - panel. Glazed doors: instead of the upper panel there is glazing.

Doors are divided into carpentry and joinery. Paneled doors - carpentry, panel and lattice - carpentry

Transom the doors have an upper fixed leaf.

Blind transoms: V high doors when it is necessary to maintain the proportions of the opening, and to make the opening movable doors light by reducing their height (Fig. 1071).

Light, illuminated transoms. When a door leads into a dark room not illuminated by windows, to illuminate it during the day. Most often used in hallways, hallways, corridors, stairs, etc. interior spaces(Fig. 1072).

Paneled panels consist of a frame filled with panels.

Harness, frame, knitting, binding: a device in the form of a frame frame connected from individual elements in which the filling (panel, glass) is attached.

Door trim elements:

riser, vertical beam, vertical beam, side trim(Fig. 1072.1). On single-leaf doors, vertical trims: loop riser(Fig. 1074.1), lock riser(Fig. 1074.2), on double doors: loop riser

(Fig. 1073.1), fake boner(Fig. 1073.2), lock riser(Fig. 1073.3), latch riser(Fig. 1073.4).

Top bar, top trim, top bar(Fig. 1073.5, 1074.3).

Bottom bar, bottom bar, bottom trim(Fig. 1073.6, 1074.4).

Middleman. More often horizontal mullions, less often vertical. There can be one, two, three or more horizontal mullions. Panels are called accordingly single-medium, double-medium, triple-medium...

Near-castle mullions maybe two: upper(Fig. 1073.6, 1074.5) and lower(Fig. 1073.7, 1074.6). With overhead locks, the top one is called key, castle. If the door height is more than 2.5 m, a crowning mullion(Fig. 1073.8).

Parts of the strapping bar for a paneled sash design:

1) outer edge (false)(Fig. 1075.1);

2) inner edge (moulded) with or without moulding(Fig. 1075.2);

3) panel groove between molding edges (sponges)(Fig. 1075.3);

4) outer face (from the opening side)(Fig. 1075.4);

5) internal, false face from the stop side(Fig. 1075.5).

For horizontal mullions - top edge(Fig. 1076.1) and lower(Fig. 1076.2). External hem The rack-mount elements of the strapping can be loop-type (loops are attached to it) or lock-type, depending on the name of the rack.

Converging edges of the sashes double door are called porch (pretend knot). Fake edge- the outer, outer edge of the false trim. Types appearance porch: without flashing(Fig. 1077, 1078), with cover plate(Fig. 1079), with camouflage selection(Fig. 1080).

Types of false edges: smooth(Fig. 1079), usually with a flashing, quarter - equilateral(with external devices, Fig. 1077) and unequal(for mortise devices, Fig. 1078).

The rail covering the slit of the vestibule is called strip, strip, glazing bead. Designed to prevent blowing (Fig. 1079). Kalevka cover plate.

Panel, panel, shield(Fig. 1081 - 1093): a panel made of boards, plywood or other material, which is the filling in the framing frame.

Upper panel (Fig. 1073.9, 1074.7), average(Fig. 1073.10, 1074.8), lower(Fig. 1073.11, 1074.9), crowning panel (Fig. 1073.12).

The panels are thinner than the trim:

· figarreic (with bevel)(Fig. 1081, 1082);

· flat(Fig. 1083). Panels as thick as trim:

· floating, decorated with a quarter shaft(Fig. 1085) and chamfer (Fig. 1086);

· panel room(Fig. 1087).

Rice. 1075. Contour strapping:
1 - outer edge, false; 2 — inner edge, molded; 3 - panel groove; 4 - outer surface; 5 - inner face

Rice. 1076. Middle trim:
1 - top edge; 2 - bottom edge

Rice. 1077. Equilateral quarter edge

Rice. 1078. Quarter edge, unequal

Rice. 1079. Smooth false edge With velvet

Rice. 1080. Equilateral quarter edge with camouflage trim

Rice. 1081. Figurine panel, with bevel, with figarrey shelf, figarrey overlay

Vis. 1082. Figurine panel without figarrey shelf

Rice. 1083. Flat panel

Rice. 1084. Flat figurine panel

Rice. 1085. Floating panel, decorated with a quarter shaft

Rice. 1086, Floating panel, decorated with chamfer

Rice. 1087. Panel panel

Rice. 1088. Panels decorated with figurine lining, figurine trim

There are often variants of a flat-figurine panel - on one facade the panel is flat, on the other - figarreic (Fig. 1084). The panels with one center panel are upper (Fig. 1072.2) and lower (Fig. 1072.3). At two near-castle mullions - mullion(Fig. 1073.10, 1074.8) (lock) panel. If the door height is more than 2.5 m, there is a crowning panel (Fig. 1073.12).

Corrugations, spoons, flutes: the surface of wood processed into a series of parallel folds.

Corrugations on door joinery are used in panels and form a wavy line in the longitudinal section.

Corrugated panel May be in the form of an overhead board inserted into a niche formed by strapping and flat paneling (Fig. 1092). Corrugations can be selected in the array of panels (XVIII c.) (Fig. 1093).

Figurine paneling in the first half of the 19th century in most cases had an overlay formed by a shelf at the junction of the beveled and straight planes (figurine float, figarrey shelf(Fig. 1081) ). In the 18th and second half of the 19th century. instead of a shelf, the junction point was profiled figarrey kalevka, figarrey bummer(Fig. 1088). The panel could be tempered double figarrey bummer. Both figarre and flat panels can be decorated with decorative niche(Fig. 1089), or decorative overlay(Fig. 1090). The niche around the perimeter may become calcified decorative niche profile(Fig. 1091).

Plinth, overlay, base, block, foot block, fillet: strip, plank, block, reinforced along the bottom frame of the door (Fig. 1094-1096).

The skirting boards are crowned broken profiling (moulding, edge, crown molding of the plinth). Distinguish side(Fig. 1094.1) and facial(Fig. 1094.2) skirting profiles. IN middle part skirting boards(in height) maybe ledge(Fig. 1095.1), which in some cases is replaced by molding (middle molding of the plinth) (Fig. 1096.1).

Kalevka (selection, tying off). 1) Profile selected on the ribs of the inner edges of the straps (Fig. 1097-1114). 2) A special plane for selecting molds, a selector. To mutilate - to take away the mutilated material.

Live-outcomponent strapping molding, a shelf protruding from the surface plane of the strapping (Fig. 1098, 1100). In the 18th century they used hang-ups with a fillet(Fig. 1105), in the 19th century. they were replaced beveled castings.

In the facade composition of the door panel, the decoration can go around the perimeter along the molding (autonomous survival) or combine all elements into a single frame (continuous recovery).

Simple kalevkav first half of the 19th century The following main types were used:

· heel(Fig. 1097,1098);

· fillet and quarter(Fig. 1099, 1100);

· quarter shaft.

Rice. 1089. Panel with decorative niche

Rice. 1090. Panel with decorative overlay

Rice. 1091. Panel with profiled niche

Rice. 1092. Corrugated panel overhead

Rice. 1093. Corrugated solid figurine panel

Rice. 1094. Simple plinth:
1 - side profile; 2 - facial profile

Rice. 1095. Plinth with a simple ledge:
1 - ledge

Rice. 1096. Skirting board with profiled ledge:
2 - middle molding of the plinth

Rice. 1097. Heel

Rice. 1098. Heel with a hangover

Rice. 1099. Fillet and quarter

Rice. 1100. Fillet with bait

Rice. 1101. Quarter shaft

Rice. 1102. Heel with three-quarter shaft

Rice. 1103. Heel with half shaft

Rice. 1104. Heel with half shaft

Rice. 1105. Heel with quarter shaft

Rice. 1106. Quarter shaft with fillet

Rice. 1107. Heel with half shaft and fillet

Rice. 1108. Triple heel

Rice. 1109. Bezelless edge

Rice. 1110. Casting without scale

Rice. 1111. Quarter with bait

Rice. 1112. Double quarter

Rice. 1113. Heel glazing

Rice. 1114. Quarter shaft glazing molding

Quarter shaft used mainly for lower panels glazed doors, but could also be on ordinary paneled doors (Fig. 1101).

Composite multi-piece strappings.

Double-breaker kalevkas:

1) heel with three-quarter shaft ( rice . 1102);

2) heel with half shaft(Fig. 1103, 1104);

3) quarter shaft heel(rice . 1105);

4) quarter shaft with fillet(Fig. 1106). Three-fragment kalevkas:

1) heel with half shaft and fillet(Fig. 1107);

2) triple heel(Fig. 1108).

Straight moldings:

1) bezelless edge(Fig. 1109);

2) cast-off casting(Fig. 1100).

3) quarter with bait(Fig. 1101);

4) double quarter(Fig. 1102).

Kalevki been there indigenous And salaries. Frames were often used in veneered doors, and then the material of the frame (glazing bead) matches the veneer material.

Relief, slotted moldings salaries are also required.

Glazing moldings: heel(Fig. 1113); quarter shaft(Fig. 1114).

Panel door- a flat panel made of boards or bars of the same thickness.

Three types of panel doors: 1) on dowels; 2) at the tip, with the tip, with the foundation, with the bib; 3) into the frame.

Connecting individual boards in a panel longitudinal edges carried out end-to-end, in a quarter, in a tongue (ridge), in a rail, in a hidden tire.

Panels of the first type can be with parallel(Fig. 1115) and non-parallel dowels(Fig. 1116).

Key- trapezoidal in cross section (frying pan) fastener prevents movement and disconnection of boards connected by it into a shield. Three types of keys: 1) regular or full(Fig. 1117); 2) with floating (floating)(Fig. 1118); 3) hidden, secret, camouflage- flush with the surface of the carpentry (Fig. 1119).

End bevels for a full key, do it at the ends. Distinguish straight(Fig. 1117.1) and arc bevels(Fig. 1117.2). Longitudinal chamfers selected on the facial ribs (Fig. 1117.3).

Rice. 1115. Panel panel with parallel keys

Rice. 1116. Panel panel with non-parallel keys

Rice. 1117. Elements of keys. Regular key, full:
1 - straight end bevel; 2 - arc end bevel; 3 - longitudinal chamfer

Rice. 1118. Key with overlay, overlay key

Rice. 1119. Masking key

Rice. 1120. Rock tongue

Rice. 1121. Door to tip, With tip, with foundation, with bib, external:

Rice. 1122. Door in a tip, with a tip, with a foundation, with an external bib:
1 - tip, foundation, bib

Rice. 1123. Carpenter's door in frame:
I - strapping bars; 2 — horizontal mullion; 3 - filling

Rice. 1124. Lattice doors:
1 - contour strapping bars; 2 - vertical mullion; 3 — horizontal mullion

The frying tongue for the dowel is called with a tongue and groove(Fig. 1120).

Carpenter doors to tip: a ridge is selected at the end edges of the shields, and a groove at the tip, then they are connected (Fig. 1121, 1122).

Tip, foundation, bib- transverse strapping board in the upper and lower parts panel door, a fastener that holds the sash together (Fig. 1121.1, 1122.1).

When the shield consists of bindings and fillings and the entire panel is flat shield, this construction is called into the frame. Such doors may have strapping(Fig. 1123.1), middlemen(Fig. 1123.2), like horizontal, so vertical And filling(Fig. 1123.3).

The panels of the panel structure can be sheathed to prevent freezing planks (rivets) diagonally (into the Christmas tree).

Lattice doors consist of contour strapping bars (Fig. 1124.1), vertical mullions(Fig. 1124.2), horizontal mullions(Fig. 1124.3).

Modern interior doors perform many functions, the main one of which is the delimitation of space different rooms into separate residential areas, for each of which you can create an independent atmosphere, separate various purposes rooms and create absolute various designs interior Also, interior doors allow a person to retire in his own world and space. So, in one room a child can do his homework in complete silence, and in another room there will be a fun and noisy feast for his parents and family friends. If we talk about the aesthetic side, then interior doors can decorate and highlight the interior of a room, highlight some of its elements or visually enlarge the space.

One of the most popular interior doors are doors made of wood. Moreover, wooden interior doors can be either made of solid wood or made of a frame and MDF or chipboard. Next we will look at the main structural elements interior door.

False box
False box is predominantly wooden product, which is installed during the construction stage and greatly facilitates the future installation of an interior door. This product is a box into which the door frame is installed. Modern builders usually do not use false boxes - instead they are used polyurethane foam. Polyurethane foam fixes the doors in the opening, and the fixation process itself is very simple, inexpensive and quick. However, polyurethane foam is short-lived and over time the door becomes loose. If you install a false frame in the opening, this situation will not occur - the doors will be rigidly fixed for a long time.

Door leaf
The door leaf is the movable part of the door that opens and closes the doorway. Door leaves are divided into solid, paneled and glazed. Glazed door leaves are equipped with through openings into which transparent, frosted, colored or embossed glass is installed. Solid doors are distinguished by the absence of panels and glazing.

Paneled doors are distinguished by the presence of flat or convex panels. Panels can be made of solid wood, MDF or chipboard. It should be understood that solid wood panels are used the least often, since when installed in rooms with a high level of humidity, they can change their shape and deform the door leaf or, on the contrary, shrink, which will cause the appearance of unpainted areas on the panels. That is why doors with similar elements require support for certain climate conditions, however, if the panels are made of MDF or chipboard, they are not so sensitive to humidity levels and temperature.

It should be understood that the canvases are made of solid wood or a solid wood frame with a honeycomb filling and MDF or chipboard panels. Doors made from whole piece solid wood, have a large weight, which requires the installation of more durable door hinges which need to be looked after more carefully. Unlike solid wood doors, the leaf frame doors lightweight, which does not place special demands on the quality and strength of door hinges.

Door frame
The door frame (frame) of an interior door is a fixed element, which is made of solid wood or MDF and is a profile to which the door leaf is attached. The door frame is securely installed in the false frame. In case of foaming, the door frame is installed directly in the doorway and attached to the wall. It is necessary to understand that when assembling the dimensions door frame are adjusted directly to the door leaf, and not to the door connector in the wall.

The box consists of two vertical racks and one or two crossbars. Special slots are made in the vertical and transverse racks, which allow the installation of telescopic trims. If similar element not provided - no slots are made.

In terms of stylistic design, the door frame is made to match the color and texture of the door leaf. However, it is not always made from identical coating material. For example, you can find doors from natural veneer with a door frame with artificial coating to match the color and texture of the natural veneer of the door leaf.

Interior door frames
Platbands for interior doors are decorative overlay elements that hide the junction of the door frame and the doorway. The connection of the door frame can be either foamed or with a false frame. Platbands are traditionally made from various materials, among which the most popular are platbands made of solid wood, veneered MDF or plywood. According to the style of execution, platbands are divided into flat, figured and semicircular.

It should be noted that, depending on the installation, there are overhead and telescopic platbands. Overlay trims are simply applied to the door elements and part of the wall and secured using adhesives or fasteners. Telescopic trims differ in a special method of fastening, which is provided at the production stage of the door frame. At the production stage, slots are made in the door frame into which special guide elements of the platbands are inserted. This solution allows you to install the platbands perfectly evenly relative to the door frame and door leaf.

Door access
The door addition is an assembly decorative element interior door, which is used if the width of the door frame does not match the width of the wall. Dobor represents wooden panel, which is installed between the platband and the door frame, which allows you to elegantly hide the excess of the wall, which was formed due to the difference in the width of the door frame and the wall.

The use of extensions made it possible to aesthetically solve the problem by finishing the section of the wall that was not covered by the frame. Previously, this part was covered with wallpaper, putty applied or painted. With the advent of door extensions, this problem decided on its own. There is no need to invent anything, and most importantly, there is no need to draw out and level the corners of the doorway - they are completely formed by platbands and additional trim.

For us, any house or apartment begins with the door. The main characteristic of the quality of comfort and convenience in an apartment directly depends on how the space in the room is divided.

Currently, manufacturers offer a huge selection of all kinds and types of doors, imported and domestic, made of glass, wood, plastic, aluminum. The article presents a detailed classification of door types.

There are various types and classifications of doors.

I. Based on the materials from which the door is made, doors are distinguished:

1. Wooden.

They have undeniable advantages. There is a great variety of patterns and textures of wooden doors, which allows you to make a door important detail interior In this case simple door can radically transform the interior, make it classic or ultra-modern.

The choice of doors is varied, due to the many needs and tastes of customers. Wood is environmentally friendly natural material, therefore doors made from it have strong energy. Natural wood allows us to protect ourselves from the effects of substances undesirable for the body. Another important advantage of wooden doors is durability and strength. In addition, among the variety of wooden doors, you can easily choose one that suits your price.

For example, if we buy a door made of solid oak, we will pay quite a lot (but at the same time we will get a number of advantages), and if we buy a door made of pine, we will spend less. Wood is notable for the fact that there are valuable species and ways of making doors from them, and there are also much cheaper ones. So, pine doors serve wonderfully well, but they also make the door much cheaper and more accessible.

2. Aluminum.

Known for their resistance to aggressive environments, which allows you to extend the life of such a door. In addition, aluminum doors are fire-resistant, noise-resistant and have high thermal insulation properties. Therefore, such doors are very competitive in modern market doors.

Aluminum doors are highly resistant to corrosion and are less massive than iron doors. The characteristics of aluminum are such that doors made from it are quite safe. Aluminum doors are burglar-resistant, thanks to special accessories and elements, such as numerous locking points, which provides the home with the necessary security.

TO negative qualities aluminum doors The energy intensity of their manufacturing process can be attributed to this, which makes such a door 2-3 times more expensive, for example, PVC doors. Another disadvantage of aluminum doors is that any contact of aluminum with other metals (for example, from rainwater) can cause a reaction resulting in complete corrosion of the aluminum.

3. Steel.

This is one of the most reliable types of doors to protect your home. Modern steel doors have significant advantages, as well as a design approach to their manufacture. Many steel doors are treated with anti-corrosion, and high-thickness steel is used in their manufacture. Steel door Excellent sound insulation, protection from cold and foreign odors, if it is a professionally manufactured door. This door doesn't light up.

4. Glass.

They have the ability to visually expand the space of rooms, so they have received a universal calling. When there is a temperature change there will always be good porch(as opposed to a wooden door). Since glass is easy to cut, you can create any original glass pattern that will match the interior of your home. A glass door allows you to make your home brighter and more comfortable. To the disadvantages glass doors their high sound permeability should be attributed.

5. Veneered.

Veneer is a thin cut from wood of various species as thick as thin cardboard. Door panels are covered with veneer. Such animals are much cheaper than wooden ones, but are poorly made.

6. laminated.

They are smooth doors with a laminate glued on them, painted in different colors or decorated to resemble different types of wood.

7. Laminated.

Similar to laminated ones, but they are more cheap option, because This coating is less wear-resistant than laminate.

8. Mesonite.

Made from pressed wood of fine fractions (MDF). These doors are durable and strong. The finishing of the front surface of the door is made of laminate or veneer of valuable wood species.

9. Plastic.

They are finished by stretching several layers of plastic, or painted. Their features and advantages are lightness, unlimited color range and unique design.

10. Combined.

They are produced using various materials, this increases the possibility of giving them the necessary shapes, designs and a variety of technical characteristics.

II. Doors are classified according to the opening method:

1. Swing.

They can open in one direction or both. Both internal and external doors can be hinged. They can be solid and glazed. Swing doors are made from any material, with any design solution. Doors are available with and without thresholds. In this case, the threshold can be automatically lowered, and this increases the heat and sound protection characteristics of the doors. The disadvantages of swing doors include the need to provide space for opening, which is not always convenient if the room is cramped.

2. Sliding.

They allow you to create any interiors, with their help it is easy to redesign the internal space. Such doors are increasingly popular in residential buildings and public spaces (offices, conference rooms, etc.)

Both internal and entrance doors to buildings can be sliding, using modern automation. Sliding doors widely used for wardrobes. Sliding doors go into a cavity inside the wall or move parallel to it. They can be sliding (from one canvas) or sliding (from two). Doors are mounted on the top, bottom or both tracks.

If the door is mounted on the top rail, then due to the lack of a threshold, the floor plane is visually reduced, but when there is a draft, the door “walks.” Doors on the bottom or on two guides are more stable, but there is a minus - a threshold appears (if desired, it can be “recessed” into the floor). Sliding doors are a smart solution for separating adjacent rooms; in this case, they play the role of a kind of “curtain” or screen.

Modern materials are used to decorate doors: veneer, glass, mirrors, laminate and combinations thereof. The perfect solution For modern house- sliding doors from frosted glass, playing the role of a zoning element: glass leaves the feeling that there are other rooms further away due to its transparency.

3. Foldable.

Folding doors combine individual sections that slide along a track in the doorway. They can be made of solid wood, plastic coated natural wood, and from other materials. You can also use glass inserts in the production of such doors. Folding doors can only be internal.

4. Swinging.

They swing open in both directions, like in the subway, and pets love them. But they are almost never found on sale, only in specialized stores.

5. Stables.

They are a type of swing. They include two halves, upper and lower, each having hinges and locks.

III. Depending on the number of canvases.

Doors are divided into single-leaf, double-leaf and one-and-a-half (with two leaves of unequal width).

Three- and four-leaf doors are used very rarely.

The number of door leaves is determined by the width of the opening in the wall, which, in turn, depends on fire safety requirements and functional purpose of the room. All double-leaf doors require additional locking elements - bolts.

The exception is swing doors. The door, secured with latches, becomes part of the door frame, but it can be opened at any time by widening the doorway.

IV. Depending on the filling of the door leaf, doors can be glazed or solid.

For example, balcony doors are always glazed, energy-saving.

Interior doors are also often glazed to allow light into the adjacent room or to artificially expand the boundaries of rooms.

Glass can be transparent, frosted, with a relief pattern, various colors. The shape of the glazing can be different: rectangular, arched, round, triangular.

V. According to functional purpose, they are distinguished:

1. Doors for residential buildings;

2. Doors for public buildings;

3. Special doors, divided into:

  • fireproof doors;
  • “protective” (shockproof, bulletproof, burglary-proof) doors;
  • doors with increased sound insulation;
  • energy-saving doors;
  • waterproof doors;
  • other doors (for example, protecting against X-ray radiation).

VI. Based on location, doors are divided into:

  • entrance,
  • interior,
  • living rooms,
  • bellhops,
  • staircases,
  • kitchen,
  • balcony,
  • attics.

VII. According to their general purpose, doors are:

  • demarcating
  • soundproof,
  • hermetically sealed
  • fire protection,
  • secret,
  • emergency,
  • protective,
  • false.

VIII. Based on the internal filling, doors are divided into:

1. From an array.

Made from valuable wood. The price of such doors is significantly high and their weight is large. During the production of doors, they are painted with various wood impregnations or varnishes. This treatment plays decorative role In addition, the door is less susceptible to damage by fungi, mold, insects, and is resistant to fading. Solid wood doors are made smooth or paneled, solid or glazed, left- or right-handed, painted, laminated, veneered, etc.

2. Panel (cellular) with different filling.

The door leaf in such models can be filled with:

  • wooden slats. There are two filling methods: solid and small-hollow (veneer, plywood or hard fiberboard or MDF, spiral shavings, paper honeycomb);
  • polyurethane.

3. Paneled.

The door leaf on both sides is not smooth. Such doors have embedded decorative rectilinear or rounded recesses. Paneled doors, blind and with glass filling, are used. Glass for panels can be transparent, patterned or reinforced with a thickness of 5 mm.

4. Smooth.

In contrast to paneled ones, they have absolutely smooth surface.

IX. Depending on the moisture resistance of the door material, doors are distinguished:

1. Increased moisture resistance.

Manufactured for rooms with air humidity above 60% (external and vestibule doors).

2. Normal moisture resistance.

Manufactured for rooms with air humidity up to 60% (internal doors).

X. Depending on the surface finish of the door, there are:

  • with opaque finish(paints, enamels, decorative plastics or films)
  • with transparent coating(varnishes).

XI. Depending on the method of transformation, doors are:

1. Retractable.

By type of installation they are divided into:

  • partition doors– solid or glazed door leaves that move along guides that are fixed on top or built into the floor. The canvases extend one behind the other by approximately 30 mm when closed and are held in the desired position using a guide that is built into the floor.
  • side doors differ from partition doors by the presence of a guide, which is mounted on the wall, and not in the doorway. When open, such a door is “attached” to the wall next to the opening. The length of the guide is two widths of the doorway being closed. Disadvantages of the door: loss of wall space where the door leaf is attached and the need to disguise the guide to fit it into the interior. The advantage is that there is no requirement to increase the opening in the wall.
  • retractable doors also move along guides, but in the design door block there should be a special pencil case for the door leaf, disguised as a wall.

2. Hinged and folded.

Similar to screens, they require guides located both at the top and at the top and bottom. Such doors are made of wood or plastic. Both solid and glazed doors are available.

3. Roller blinds (blinds).

Their design is similar to roller shutters. Such doors are used for rarely visited rooms (storerooms, utility rooms). The disadvantage is the location of the opening handle at the bottom.

When choosing a door model, you need to remember the basics design rule– doors that are in the field of view at the same time must be in the same style for a harmonious perception of the interior.

This component is also important. When designing a room, it is necessary to take into account that the doors should open from the room, to the outside - along the path of possible evacuation.