Features and components of the handle, how to remove, disassemble and repair it on an interior door. Installation of various types of door handles with your own hands Installation of an interior door door handle instructions

The presence of a handle on an interior door makes its operation much more convenient and safe, so installing the handle in interior door must be carried out when installing a new canvas or when old fittings break down. In general, this event is not difficult, however, it requires certain equipment and some carpentry skills.

Types of door handles and features of their installation

There are several types of door handles, each of them has its own design and installation features.

Type door handle

Device Features

Application area


Not included in the design lock system. To open the door you need to pull the right side or open the lock with a key

Summer cottages, utility rooms, storage rooms


It has a halyard tongue in its design, which is driven by pressing the lever-handle

Used in interior and entrance doors

Rotary and round knob handle

The lock tongue is driven by turning the handle clockwise

Used for interior doors

When choosing the type of handle, you should take into account the functionality of the room, the frequency of use of the fittings and the age of the population that will most often use it.

How to install a handle on an interior door yourself

Before installing the fittings yourself, you should determine at what height it will need to be located. This indicator is regulated by a standard that describes the installation of the handle on the door relative to the floor line. On average, this figure is 800 - 900 mm. This indicator was derived as a statistical average and can be called conditional. If the height of the majority of users of a particular door differs significantly from the average, then it is possible to adapt the height indicator to a comfortable value.

Important! Work must be carried out on a stationary surface. It is most convenient to carry out manipulations on a door that has been removed from its hinges. If this is not possible, then fix the canvas motionless.

Installation of a stationary handle

This type of fittings is characterized by its simplicity of design and the absence of installation difficulties. Correct insertion stationary handle accessible even to a novice master without special equipment. Most often, they are simply fixed to the door leaf using self-tapping screws. Alternative way fastenings - fixation threaded rod, for the arrangement of which it is necessary to do through hole at the door. It must be drilled at a height of approximately 800 - 900 mm from the finished floor level or at another comfortable distance. Then a pin is threaded into the hole, which serves connecting element for two handles that screw on both sides. Fastening the fittings should be done carefully. Scrolling or movement of the handle may indicate either an installation error or a manufacturing defect.

Installing a Latch Handle

Installation of this type of fittings is somewhat different from that described above and requires certain carpentry skills and hardware. Step by step guide consists of several stages.

Marking the place where the handle will be inserted

Before installation, you should take measurements and apply markings:

  • At the selected height that is comfortable for users, a mark is placed on the side of the door leaf and at the end.
  • At the end of the canvas, the central point is measured on a drawn line along the height. At the intersection of the two lines you will receive a point that will serve as an indicator of where to drill the recess to install the halyard latch.
  • There is also a cross on the side of the canvas for installing a handle. To do this, measure the distance between the edge of the latch to the middle of the hole, which is intended for inserting the handle square. The resulting size must be transferred to the door leaf.

When all the markings are applied, you get two points for drilling.

Drilling holes

To do this you will need a drill and a pen drill in two diameters:

22 mm - for drilling an end hole;

25 mm - in order to do side hole.

The drilling process is carried out in the following steps:

  • The first step is to drill a hole in the side. To preserve the aesthetics of the finishing layer of the canvas, it is recommended to drill on both sides. Start on one side, and when the tip of the drill appears on the opposite side, change position and drill from the other side.
  • When the hole is ready, install the drill larger diameter and start drilling holes from the end.

Marking and arrangement of the hole for the decorative part of the latch

Install the latch into the hole at the end and trace the outline of the bar using a well-sharpened pencil. Remove the latch. Using a milling machine, hammer or chisel, make a shallow groove to create a decorative strip for the latch.

Assembling the handle and installing the response latch

Mechanism parts are assembled into the resulting holes in the door leaf.

  • After blowing, you can insert the latch into the hole made in the end and secure it with a pair of self-tapping screws.
  • Installation of a square. This element must be inserted through a hole drilled in the side into a specially prepared square recess.
  • Hanging handles on a square. Sequentially put on one door handle, then the other, screwing them with three self-tapping screws to the door leaf. It is important not to confuse the right and left handles included in the accessories.
  • Checking the build quality. After attaching both handles, check the mechanism for functionality. Normally, when you press the handle, the latch should engage.
  • Screwing on decorative caps. These elements hide the attachment points for the handles. At the bottom of the caps, under the handle, a hidden fastening element is screwed with a hex key.

After completing a series of these steps, installation door handle latch can be considered almost complete. There is only one step left - inserting the mating part of the latch into the door frame. To carry out this activity, step-by-step instructions are provided below:

  • Close the door loosely and mark the center of the latch.
  • In the designated place in the middle of the door frame, use a drill to make a hole of small depth, approximately 10 mm.
  • Attach the decorative strip that is included in the latch kit to the top of the finished hole. To do this, it will be enough to secure it with screws. Check latch operation.

A similar algorithm is used to install the door handle, together with which the lock is installed. The difference between the two processes is in drilling a larger end mounting hole and in arranging an additional hole in the side of the door for the keyhole cylinder. The remaining steps are carried out identically to the scheme described above.

Installation door hand- this is a simple undertaking that, if the installer is properly equipped and has basic carpentry skills, will not take much time. If all the actions described in the manual were carried out correctly, then the fittings will be installed correctly and the operation of the door will be comfortable.

It is difficult to imagine an interior door without such an attribute as a handle. It may seem complicated to the average person self installation handles on the interior door, but all doubts are dispelled if you approach the matter correctly and with a positive working attitude.

What types of pens are there?

In nature, there are three types of door handles:

  • stationary mechanism;
  • with a push mechanism;
  • with a turning mechanism.

Stationary handles do not have a locking mechanism. The operating process of the door is carried out through the action of force from itself or on itself.

The push type has a lever-operated shutter that, when pressed, pushes the tongue inward, allowing the door to open. The materials for its manufacture are most often the following: ordinary steel or a stainless steel sample, brass, aluminum or silumin, which combines not only part of the aluminum, but also a zinc alloy. For lovers of comfort, the most acceptable option would be a sample made of brass. Material of this origin perfectly maintains a temperature similar to the surrounding temperature, which does not cause unpleasant and sharp sensations of cold upon contact.

Types of door handles

Representatives of the rotary type are similar to push ones, but do not have a lever. Thanks to their round shape, the lock is released by turning rather than pressing. This is where their name comes from - rotary. There are several examples of this type:

  • models with conventional snap mechanisms;
  • a device that incorporates a latch combined with a latch and a simple-format lock;
  • A model that includes an additional locking latch.

Another sample of rotary handles is being produced, the additional attribute of which is a button designed to block the door. This is a convenient moment for privacy rooms, including the parent’s nest. The only negative nuance can be considered the inability to open the door without free hands, which cannot be said about lever types.

Differences in installation work

The most simple option A stationary sample of handles is considered for installation. This product is attached directly to the door leaf. Screws in the form of a curved bracket are used as fasteners. When choosing a material for fastening, it is necessary to take into account the massiveness of the door, since their ratio is directly proportional to each other.

Installing a handle on an interior door using a push or turn mechanism is a little more complicated, the reason for this is that to attach them it is necessary to immerse the lock part of the product in the door cavity. To do this, it is necessary to violate the overall integrity door design, which leads to an expansion of the list of tools used and the expenditure of a little more time. This is what gave them the name – mortise.

Handle installation

What is needed for the job?

Before you get started, you should definitely make sure that all the tools necessary for the job are available. This will certainly save a lot of time, effort and maintain the created working spirit.

During work you will need the following equipment:

  1. Pencil;
  2. Centimeter or tape measure;
  3. Ruler in the form of a square;
  4. Drill;
  5. A set of drills, including a feather drill;
  6. Chisel;
  7. Screwdriver;
  8. Bit;
  9. Hammer.

You need to make sure everything is working properly electrical appliances, outline the scope of work, adjust the lighting to the proper level.

Place for the handle

You can insert the handle into the door yourself only when the door is completely immobilized. This can be achieved in two cases: by removing it from the hinges, and if this is impossible, you need to substitute a foreign object that can hold it at rest (for example, a stool).

Since overhead handles are very easy to install, there is no point in considering the process itself. In addition, the use of mortise models has become popular. It is from their example that one should learn and gain experience.

Initially, we decide on the location of this unit. This refers to the installation height of the interior door handle. Often, its norm varies within 1 meter from the floor surface - this is the most optimal footage, suitable for both a child and an adult.

It is necessary to take into account the location of handles on adjacent doors, if any. It is also worth paying attention to the texture of the door itself, checking for the presence of fittings on the surface, or other distinctive irregularities and protrusions that may affect the location of the handle.

Having marked the height point on the door leaf, draw a horizontal line using a pencil and a charcoal ruler. We retreat 60 mm from the edge of the door, revealing the location of the central hole. Duplicate the data to the opposite area of ​​the canvas.

Next, you need to set the location for the tongue from the lock. To do this, you need to move the horizontal line to the end of the door and find the center point. After which the locking plate is applied and outlined at this point.

Making holes for the latch and handles

After carefully installed markings, it's time to use the drill. With its help, the necessary holes will be made without much difficulty. When drilling, you should use exactly feather drill. It will allow you to more accurately and clearly make holes for connecting handles in the form of a square.

Important to remember! You need to buy equipment for such work after purchasing pens. This is justified by the fact that the parameters of each product are different and may not correspond to the available drills.

To work in the end part, a drill of a feather model is also used. The recess is made similar to the length of the snap mechanism.

Holes in the door for the handle

Then, having deliberately measured the thickness of the lining, we remove the excess with our own hands, using a chisel. We clean everything until the strip can fit tightly and completely into the door leaf.

Place the latch in the hole

Once the latch location is ready, you need to place the occupant there correctly. Difficulties will not arise if you adhere to a clear sequence.

The first thing to do is to place the locking latch in the groove that was originally cut. Next, we screw it in with two screws that are included with the product. This must be done from the end area.

After strengthening work has been carried out on the lock, the core part is immersed in it, which is secured thanks to the long screw part. A screw is placed in the decorative area belonging to the lock escutcheon.

There is a little trick to remember. For easy and smooth, and most importantly correct insertion of the core, you need to place a key in it, and the tongue must be directed to the bottom, to the closed position, and only then tighten the screw.

Installation work of handles

Handle technology general design, perhaps one of the most simple tasks, done during the entire installation period. In the resulting hole for the handle, you need to insert a rod with square shape. The next step is to fix the handle on one of the sides of the door. A couple of methods can be used for strengthening work. The first is characterized by a method of fixation using self-tapping screws. The second one welcomes the method by which screwing is carried out in the presence of ties.

Installing door handles

When the first handle has been successfully installed, you need to do the same with the second. In this way, we will establish communication between both components.

Introduction of a sheer dog plate into the design

To properly install the dog plumb plate, you need to find and mark the middle of the hole on the frame box. At home, it is customary to use toothpaste, but another similar ingredient is also possible.

With one hand we press the handle and hold it in this state. Meanwhile, with the other hand, apply the paste to the tip of the dog along the entire vertical edge. Then you should close the door and release the handle. At this moment the dog will come into contact with the box part.

Press the door handle again and bring it to the open position. Opening it, we find that the paste has left traces. This area will be the mark for embedding the plumb plate. This method is the most reliable and error-free. Even experts use it.

We outline the resulting imprint from the protruding part of the latch with a contour. Using a drill and a pen, we need to drill a hole for the dog. It is also necessary to make openings for self-tapping screws that act as a fastening system.

Finishing preparatory work, we screw the lining in the area where the screws are located. To ensure a tight and soft fit of the door leaf in the opening, the plate located on the opposite side of the latch is subjected to a pressing process.

From the above material, the following instructions emerge:

  1. We determine the attachment point of the handle with the lock;
  2. We measure the locking units and mark them on both sides of the door;
  3. We make recesses to place the locking apparatus and the handles themselves;
  4. We first install the core, and then the handles themselves;
  5. We identify the location of the vertical plate and make a recess;
  6. on self-tapping screws.

After similar work You will no longer have questions about how to install a handle on an interior door. Having done this once, you can easily repeat all subsequent installations with the same success.

One more point should be taken into account. Handles with an embedded lock should only be installed on doors whose material will subsequently be exposed to painting work. Good luck in your work process!

You bought, say, a new interior door and decided to assemble the door frame yourself and install this very door, without any experience. Well, it happens that you have to do some things for the first time. The most important thing here is to take your time and be attentive to what you are doing.

When I had to install interior doors in one of the apartments for the first time, I must admit, while sawing the first frame, I made a mistake. As a result, I had to buy a new box set. Since then, I have been very attentive and careful when performing work on assembling and installing doors.

When sawing door frame elements there is no room for error, you need to remember this. As they say, measure twice - cut once!
So, the door was delivered and has been standing in the corridor, perhaps for the second week. There’s nowhere else to put it off and it’s time to get down to business. A reasonable question arises. Where to start?

Marking the door leaf for insertion

You should start by marking the place on the door leaf where it will be built-in handle with latch. The door leaf is, in fact, the door itself without additional elements, boxes, additions and platbands.

First, decide in which direction the door will open; the position of the bevel of the latch tongue will depend on this. Now you need to determine the height at which the door handle will be located. As a rule, the handle is embedded at a height of 90-100 cm from the floor or threshold. There are, of course, no thresholds in the rooms. But in the bathroom or toilet, they are very possible.

In box with door handle, you will almost certainly find instructions with the dimensions by which you need to mark. Often the dimensions are indicated on the box itself. Ordinary handles are almost always installed in the same pattern. In shops construction tools We sell special kits for inserting handles into interior doors. The set consists of a feather drill with a diameter of 23 mm. and wood crowns with a diameter of 50-54 mm.

So, mark a distance of 95 cm at the end of the door leaf. Using a square, draw a clear line perpendicular to the end of the door leaf. Mark the middle on it and mark it. You can use any sharp object, an awl, a nail or a self-tapping screw. At this point you will need to drill a hole for the latch. But don't rush, it's not time yet!

Need to continue markings for pen, or speaking professionally, for knoba. To do this, you need to extend the line at the end further onto the canvas itself on both sides. This must be done strictly perpendicularly door leaf using a square. It would be useful to remind you that the pencil must be sharpened.

Here you should pay attention to one detail. The handle can be positioned at a distance of 60 or 70 mm. from the edge. Allows you to do this adjustable design latch length. Decide which distance suits you best and mark the desired distance on both sides of the canvas on the lines drawn earlier.

Please note that on a blank canvas, that is, one that does not have decorative elements in the form of slats, glass, etc., the distance from the edge where the handle will be embedded is not critical. After all, the canvas is absolutely even and smooth. But the presence of decorative inserts can limit the position of the handle. And if you decide to embed the handle at a distance of 70 mm. from the edge of the door leaf, be sure to make sure that the handle does not overlap the decorative elements. Otherwise, make a mark of 60mm. from the edge.

Drilling a hole for the handle

Drills first hole for pen, then for latches. It is more comfortable. Firstly, when you start drilling the end, you will know exactly when to stop, and secondly, all the chips when drilling the end will simply fall down, and you will not need to sweep or blow them out with a vacuum cleaner, which is very inconvenient.

So, take a drill, attach a wood bit (50-54 mm) to the chuck and start drilling from one side, having previously marked the marked point. Do not try to drill through the entire canvas “in one go.” Firstly, the depth of the crown itself will not be enough, and secondly, the teeth of the crown will become clogged with sawdust, the crown will get very hot and burn the wood, and the deeper, the stronger. All we needed was a fire!

Having drilled 4-6 mm, without turning off the drill, pull it towards you, removing the crown from drilled hole. There is no need to turn on the reverse and generally make sudden movements. Everything should happen smoothly but confidently.

Clean the teeth of the crown from sawdust. Be careful, it can be very hot! It all depends on the material of the door leaf and the degree of its humidity. The denser the material and the moister, the more the crown heats up. But the crown with blunt, ground teeth heats up the most. Never use this! Buy a new one is my advice.

Having cleaned the teeth of the bit, and allowed it to cool if necessary, immerse it in the same place where it was removed some time ago, and continue this important mechanical operation to obtain the hole we need so much. As I already mentioned, the crown, due to its limited depth, will not allow the canvas to pass through. Having drilled halfway, you should go to the other side and repeat the entire operation again. You need to be careful here. When approaching the middle of the canvas, do not press too hard, let yourself enjoy the last seconds of this exciting process! Otherwise, you risk the bit going through and hitting the door leaf hard with the drill. But we don’t want to scratch it or leave a dent, right?

Drilling a hole for the latch

Let's move on to next stage. We remove the bit from the drill chuck, not forgetting about it elevated temperature. We clamp a feather drill with a diameter of 23 mm into the chuck. Pay attention to the photo. It shows that the drill is stamped with a size of 25 mm. But rest assured, no deception! I just didn't have a drill required diameter, and I used a 25 mm “perk”, having previously ground off its edges with a “grinder” to the desired diameter. Here's a little trick, take note.

You need to drill strictly perpendicular to the end of the door leaf. At first I thought it was very difficult to control. I mean, perpendicularity. But then I realized that it was easy to do, just by observing how smoothly the drill selects the circle. This is especially noticeable at the beginning of drilling, and having gone a little deeper, you can hardly worry that the drill will deviate from the specified course. But this does not mean at all that you can relax and look not at the drill, but at a cat covered in sawdust passing by.

Installing a latch for an interior door

Well then! The drilling of the holes is completed, now you need to recess the latch bar into the end of the door leaf so that it is “flush” with the plane. Professionals do this using manual milling machine, but not everyone has one, so you’ll have to work with a hammer and chisel.

Insert the latch into the hole and trace it with a sharpened pencil. To ensure that the strip stays in place while tracing, I usually immediately drill holes for the fastening screws and lightly tighten them, fixing the strip. Having traced the bar, remove the latch and take a chisel. Need I say that the chisel should not just be sharp, but very sharp?!

The most common type of lock for doors between rooms is the latch handle. Regardless of the design and shape of the product, installation is very easy. Let's consider the procedure for installing such a handle on an interior door with your own hands.

Latch handle design

Models of this plan consist of two main elements: the product itself and the working mechanism. Both handle parts are cut into the door leaf separately.

Latch models are available with or without a latch. The lock is optional swivel mechanism. If it is not there, the door cannot be locked from the inside with a thumbscrew or a key (there is a keyhole on one side and a locking tab on the other, as in the photo).

Door handles vary in type of construction, but this does not affect the installation process in any way.

Height and distance from the edge of the door

The internal element (latch) is uniform, so it is installed the same for different handles with a latching mechanism. The height from the bottom of the door and the distance from the edge are standard.

For latch handles, there are two options for inserting into the canvas: 60 or 70 millimeters from the edge. The rotary latching mechanism can “move” to the right or left by about 1 cm, and this also needs to be taken into account.

  • If the handle has a spherical shape, and the distance from the edge of the door to decorative element the canvas (for example, glazing) exceeds 140 mm, it is better to fix the mechanism 70 mm from the edge. If you install the handle at a distance of 60 mm, when closing the interior door from the inside, you can hit your hand on the door frame.
  • When installing a pressure product, the indentation must definitely be 60 mm.

The standard handle installation height (distance from the floor to the center of the latch) is 900–1100 mm. If the door is usually used by one person, optimal height will be located at the level of his belt.

Installation of the product on an interior door is carried out on the right or left side. For round handle models, you only need to reverse the latch design. The tongue should point towards the closing of the interior door. If the device is asymmetrical, the elements simply need to be swapped, focusing on the opening side.

What do we need?

To make the insertion process as simple as possible, prepare the following:

  • drill (or screwdriver);
  • wood crown (half a centimeter in diameter);
  • drill (about 24 mm);
  • chisel;
  • hammer;
  • pencil.

Installation process

Step-by-step instructions for installing the latch include several steps.


The procedure begins with marking the door leaf.

  • Use a pencil to mark the location for drilling. Diagrams are usually included with the product.
  • If there are no explanations, you can apply the dimensions yourself. To do this, mark with a pencil a distance of 60 mm from the door edge, the height of the location is from 90 to 1100 mm.
  • We mark the central point for drilling on the side edge of the door leaf. Dimensions are drawn along the center line.

Hole preparation

At this stage we do the following:

  • Using a chisel, we hollow out a 3 mm recess under the face plate of the latch, corresponding to its width. It is better to mark the center in advance with an awl so that you do not have to apply the markings again.
  • Using a half-centimeter crown, we drill a through hole. It is better to do this on both sides of the door leaf so as not to damage the door coating at the exit of the crown.
  • Now let's move on to the side edge. Take a wood drill (about 24 mm in diameter). They need to make a hole in the marked center for the latch. You shouldn’t go too deep, otherwise you can make a hole in the canvas all the way to the panel.

Product Installation

At this stage we have two holes ready. Then we proceed in the following order:

  • We install a snap mechanism into the side hole and fasten it with self-tapping screws.
  • Remove the upper part of the handle. There must be a side hole for this.
  • Using the key included in the kit (you can take any other thin flat object), press the tongue inside the hole and lift up the handle itself.
  • We remove decorative overlay, we find the mounting holes under it.
  • Install outer part product, and then the inner half.
  • We tighten both parts with screws that are included in the kit.
  • We put on the decorative trim and the body of the handle-latch. In this case, it is necessary to press on the inner tongue with a key or other suitable object.
  • Now the door needs to be closed in order to circle the place where the latch tongue touches the door frame. Using this marking, we hollow out a recess for the entrance of the lock.
  • We install a decorative plastic pocket covering the wooden groove.
  • We screw a metal plate over the hole under the latch tongue. At this stage, the installation of the handle is completed.

If you don't have a drill, all the holes can be cut with a chisel. However, the process of installing a door handle will require some experience and skill and will take more time.

Video instruction

The following video will help you visualize the process more clearly.

Installing door handles with your own hands is a simple process, but it requires certain knowledge and accuracy when performing the work. In this review, we will look at the three most common types of handles and understand the advantages and disadvantages of each option. We need to choose optimal solution and install it according to the recommendations below.

Currently, there is no shortage of pens; the choice is so large that determining the most suitable option can become a problem.

  1. Stationary;
  2. Push;
  3. Rotary.

Stationary handles

Most old type products that have been used for thousands of years.

First, let's look at their main advantages:

  • Simplicity. There are no elements in the design except the handle itself and fastenings. Thanks to this, installing such options is much easier than any others. The set of door handles includes only handles and fasteners, which is also important, because you don’t have to assemble a sophisticated mechanism and figure out how to properly set it up and install it;

  • Reliability, due to the simplicity of the design and the absence of moving mechanisms in it, there is simply nothing to break in such products. The only problems you may encounter are damage to the coating over time or loosening of the fasteners if the handle is pulled frequently. Such a structure can only be broken if it is made of low-quality material;

  • Classic look. Such handles belong to the classics, therefore they are widely used in arranging appropriate interiors. Very often they are made in a luxurious style and covered with compounds that imitate patina or precious metals.

Forged versions are also often found, they can also be very, very skillful;

  • Easy to install. Fastening a door handle can be done by anyone - you just need to decide on the location of the products, align them relative to them, after which you screw in the screws that come with the kit;

  • Different materials of manufacture. You can purchase products made of steel, brass, bronze, aluminum, plastic and composite materials. Wood stands apart; it produces very authentic and unusual handles; very often valuable wood is used to make them.

Of course, there are also disadvantages, the main ones are:

  • Lack of locking mechanism. To close such a door, you need to install either a spring latch or a bolt, and this is not always convenient. That is why such products are used less often than others and are most often placed in country houses, bathhouses and outbuildings;
  • Small selection. Although the range of this product group is quite large, only a few types of pens are usually found on sale. Most often you have to buy suitable options to order and wait for some time for delivery.

Rotary handles

This type of product is found quite often, and its main feature is that the door opens by turning the outer part.

This is a fairly simple and convenient mechanism, let’s look at its main advantages:

Note! Round form pens have several names - . The difference between them is the presence of a locking mechanism, which is activated by turning the handle itself left or right. The handle-button does not have it, therefore it belongs to the stationary types.

  • Interesting appearance . Most often, handles have a spherical or cylindrical shape and look good on doors. There are many design options, so choosing something to fit your doors is usually not difficult;
  • Availability of original design options . They themselves are a decoration for any interior and can have a wide variety of colors or patterns on the surface - there are even crystal options, their price is high, but their appearance is luxurious;
  • Compactness- this option takes up little space and is well suited for limited space. In addition, the mechanism is also compact, which significantly simplifies its insertion into the door leaf;
  • Safety. If you hit such a handle, the likelihood of injury is low, unlike push-type options. Therefore, such products are often installed by those who have small children.

Now let's look at the disadvantages of rotary knobs:

  • Low reliability of the coating. Due to active use, the decorative layer begins to deteriorate, which worsens the appearance, and fittings for door handles are not sold separately, and you will have to either use peeling products or replace them with new ones;

Advice! As practice shows, products coated with chrome are much more safer than options under gold and bronze. Take this into account when choosing a specific solution.

  • Poor workmanship. Most of products on the market are not very reliable and durable. Repairing door handles is not a pleasant task, and spare parts are not always available, especially if you have some kind of unusual option. To avoid problems, try to choose products from manufacturers that are widely represented on the market; at least there will be no problems with repairs;

  • Inability to install other types of handles. If you decide to install a rotating option, then keep in mind that during installation you will have to cut out in the door leaf big hole. After this, it will not be possible to install a lever or other option; you will have to constantly install the same type of structure.

Lever handles

This is without a doubt the most popular and widespread option, which is found literally everywhere. It consists of two L-shaped handles connected by a tetrahedron, with the help of which the door latch opens when pressed.

As for the main advantages, they are as follows:

  • Ease of use - opening and closing the doors is very easy, and if the rotary options need to be moved by hand, then the push ones can be opened with the elbow if your hands are busy. Most often, the handles have an ergonomic shape, which is also important, but to appreciate the convenience, it is better to buy products where there are display cases for door handles so that you can hold onto them;

  • A huge range of products, you can find options in all sorts of colors and designs. You can decide for yourself which color of door handles to choose, which significantly expands the possibilities of decorating the room. There are also budget options, And middle segment premium products, everyone will find a suitable solution;

  • Maintainability. Most often, the mechanisms are interchangeable, so repair problems usually do not arise. And in terms of reliability, this option looks preferable to the one described above, since the lever unlocking system is more wear-resistant and durable.

It should be noted that such products come in two types:

  1. Handles on the socket. Mounted on a small base, you can use different locking mechanisms. If a latch or lock is needed, then an additional socket is placed below; it has the same coating as the main element;

  1. Handles on the bar are most often used on entrance structures, but there are also options for interior doors. In them, the base of the handle is a bar, in the lower part of which there is a keyhole or latch.

Among the minuses, we can highlight only more difficult process installation, since the work requires precision, and any errors can lead to damage to the door leaf.

Description of the installation process

Now let's figure out how to install the handles yourself. Two options will be considered - rotary and push structures. There is no point in disassembling stationary ones, everything is simple - you determine the installation location and screw it on.

Installation of rotary handles

To begin with, you should stock up on everything you need.

Naturally, you need a set of door handles; the following tools will also be used:

  • Feather drills;
  • Drills for wood or metal;
  • Hammer;
  • Chisel;
  • Screwdriver;
  • Tape measure, pencil and square;
  • Drill;
  • Wrench;
  • Wood crown.

Instructions for installing rotary door handles look like this:

Illustration Description

The location of the element is determined. European standards for door handles and domestic GOST a height of 1 meter is prescribed; it is considered comfortable for humans. Therefore, first of all, draw lines one hundred centimeters from the floor.

Your lock is taken and markings are made on the door leaf. There is no point in giving specific recommendations - it all depends on the model and size of the pen. Read the instructions and everything will immediately become clear to you. Usually you need to drill two small holes for through fasteners, and one larger one for the mechanism.

Advice! It is better to drill half the thickness of the blade on each side, this is the most accurate way.

After finishing the work, you should end up with something similar - a large hole in the middle and two small ones on the sides.

The main thing is to ensure that the drilling is done on the same line. Otherwise, there will be a displacement, which can make installation very difficult.

If you can purchase a special template for cutting in door handles, the job will be greatly simplified. You will need to set it at the required height, fix it on the canvas and drill holes in the right places.

There are no measurements and no mistakes can be made. But the templates do not fit all pens, so check in advance whether this system can be used in your case.

A hole is also drilled under the core; its diameter is usually 25-27 mm. It is important to find the middle at the end of the door leaf and hold the drill strictly horizontally while working. If anything, you can make certain adjustments, the main thing is not to move the hole too much.

Inset door hinges and handles is impossible without making grooves for the elements; in our case, we need to make a recess for the latch pad. To do this, the mechanism is placed in the hole, and its outer part is outlined around the perimeter.

Then, using a chisel, a layer of wood approximately 3 mm thick is removed. First, punch the material around the perimeter, and then remove layer by layer until you get the desired result.

While making the recess, constantly check how the latch fits. It's better to do it one more time than to overdo it and take off too much. The work is simple, but painstaking, it is important to do everything as carefully as possible, the appearance of the structure depends on this.

After the latch is perfectly in place, it needs to be secured with the self-tapping screws that come with the kit. They should be tightened carefully so as not to turn the fasteners in the material and thereby weaken it.

The handle structure is separated into two parts, one of them will contain mounting bushings, which is what we need in the first place.

First, a part with bushings and a tetrahedron under the latch is installed. It must be carefully positioned and pressed tightly to make sure that everything is in order and the socket fits snugly against the door leaf.

The handle is placed on the other side, the holes on it are aligned with the bushings. Then two are screwed in coupling screws, which will hold the structure.

The work is almost finished, but most likely you still have spare parts for the door handles, namely the counterpart and fasteners for it. Let's figure out what to do with it.

Close the door and mark at what level the latch is located. Then, follow the marks to attach the counter part and mark the place where you need to drill a recess for the tongue. Lastly, the strip is screwed to the door, and the work is completed.

The photo shows what it looks like correctly assembled structure. Everything is neat and reliable. The door can be used.

Installation of lever handles

Now let's look at this option. Naturally, the technology may be different, since the production of door handles is established in many countries and everywhere has its own standards. We will look at the most common option with a latch, which is perfect for interior doors.

Illustration Description

Marking work is being carried out. We said above that standard height The installation distance for door handles is 1 meter, although you can position them however you like, it’s all up to you.

Using a tape measure, a clear mark is placed.

To clearly mark the door on both sides and at the end, the easiest way is to use a construction square. It is pressed tightly against the edge of the canvas, after which the line is drawn. This way you will achieve perfect marking accuracy on both sides of the door leaf.

Now you need to decide where to drill the hole for the tetrahedron of the latch. To do this, the latch is applied to the door so that the drawn line is in the middle of the square hole.

Don't forget that the mounting plate will be recessed into the surface, so position it flush with the end of the door.

Mark the other side of the door in the same way.

This is what your result should look like. There is no need to strive for accurate markings; it is important to determine exactly where the center of our hole will be; anyway, we will make it slightly larger size tetrahedron so that the element can move.

A hole is made using a drill or screwdriver. For the job, a drill with a diameter of 12 mm is used, you can take the 10 mm version, but then you will have to drill out the hole a little so that the tetrahedron fits into it.

The work is done like this: first, on one side you need to go deeper by about half the thickness of the canvas, then the same thing is done on the other side, and then you can go right through. This is the most accurate way; if you go straight through from one side, then there is a high probability of displacement.

This is what the result of the work looks like, everything is clear and smooth. Make sure the square fits and can rotate inside.

Now you need to mark the end for the core. To do this, a tetrahedron is inserted into the hole, the core is put on it and marks are placed at the top and bottom. Next, you need to mark a point strictly in the middle of the canvas; this will be our main guideline at the first stage.

First, a hole is drilled in the middle. Any suitable drill is used for the job, but usually a thicker version is taken, so that later less work to widen the recess with a chisel.

Since the core has a rectangular or square shape, the hole for it is completed using a chisel. Simply knock out a recess to the required size on desired depth. This is perhaps the most labor-intensive and time-consuming stage. It's simple, but it takes a lot of time.

After the hole is made, the latch is inserted and a recess is marked that needs to be made for recessing the mounting plate.

Everything is simple here: align the element so that it is parallel to the door leaf and carefully draw lines around the perimeter.

To avoid removing excess wood when removing wood, you first need to cut through the material around the perimeter to a depth of 3 mm. It's simple: the chisel is placed on the surface, after which you need to hit it 2-3 times with a hammer. And so on around the entire perimeter.

The removal of wood is carried out carefully and little by little - it is easier to correct it a little later than to remove too much. Insert the latch periodically to control where and how much to remove. If necessary, you can cut through the tree again around the perimeter.

Next you need to make holes for the fasteners. They must be through, since the handle is tightened with special fasteners. Measurements are taken and holes are drilled at the required distance. Here everything is done as in the case above: the work is done from both sides to half the depth of the door leaf.

The core is secured with two self-tapping screws, after which you need to check its functionality. Insert the square and turn it, the latch should move with slight resistance.

The handles are aligned along the holes, after which special screws are screwed into them, they fit into the sleeve and securely fix the structure to the canvas.

For reliability, two more screws are screwed into the handles. They are included in the package.

Lastly, decorative covers are placed on the sockets; they cover the fastenings and give the handle a more attractive appearance.

At this point the work is completed, all that remains is to install the response part, this process is described above, there is no point in repeating it.


Now you know everything about the types of door handles and how to install them. As you can see, installing handles is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. You need to follow all the recommendations and do everything very carefully. The video in this article will help you understand the issue even better; watch it if you are going to carry out the work yourself.