Features of the nursing profession. What are the functional responsibilities of a nurse, junior nurse?

Nursing is a specialty whose importance cannot be overestimated. Essentially, no doctor will be able to cope with his duties if he does not have such an assistant. Taking this into account, we can safely say that a nurse is indispensable in any clinic or hospital.

However, how much do we know about the duties that this employee performs? What kind of difficulties do they sometimes have to face? And what prospects await a girl who has chosen the path of a nurse?

General information about the profession

The nurse is first and foremost right hand doctor Her main task is to follow the instructions of the doctor to whom she is assigned. This could be collecting tests, installing an IV, providing bed linen to the patient, and so on. That is, according to by and large, the role of the nurse is auxiliary.

But despite this, she is an important member of the staff of any medical institution. After all, the nurse takes upon herself the lion's share work, thereby relieving doctors. And they, in turn, will be able to devote more time to more important tasks: diagnosing diseases, prescribing a course of treatment, therapy, and so on.

How to become a nurse?

The duties of a nurse require appropriate education. You can get it at medical college or school. The training takes from 3 to 4 years, depending on the chosen institution.

During this time, students will learn all the skills necessary to work in this specialty. In particular, they will study Latin (which is indispensable when writing recipes), methods of first aid, the basics of therapy, rules for using medicinal drugs, and so on.

Statutory classification of nurses

When discussing this profession, one cannot ignore the fact that there is a classification of nurses. And, despite the fact that the education required is the same, the range of responsibilities is different for everyone.

So, what types of nurses are there?

  • Chief nurse is the only position that requires higher education. Its main task is control. It is this employee who makes adjustments to the work of middle and junior medical staff.
  • Senior nurse is a position assigned to each head of the department. Main function- maintaining order in the territory entrusted to her by managing her own subordinates.
  • A guard nurse is a specialist who makes sure that patients strictly follow all the doctor’s instructions: take medications, follow bed rest or diet.
  • Procedural nurse. She is the one responsible for the injections and IVs prescribed by the doctor. In addition, she collects samples and takes them to the laboratory.
  • The operating room nurse is the surgeon's right hand. She prepares the operating room before the operation, checks that everything is in place, and brings all the necessary instruments. In the future, she follows all the instructions that the surgeon gives her: give a scalpel, a clamp or, say, a tampon.
  • A community nurse is a specialist assigned to a specific doctor. Most often, this position involves paperwork: filling out cards, working with documents, keeping records, and so on.
  • The junior nurse is the lowest level of the hierarchy. Her responsibilities include caring for the sick and following orders from senior colleagues.

Required qualities

So, the duties of a nurse cannot be called too complex, especially when compared with the work of doctors. However, you should not underestimate them, because the health of another person is at stake.

Therefore, the future specialist must have the following personal qualities:

  • good memory in order to remember many terms and names of medications;
  • responsibility, because, as mentioned earlier, any mistake can cost a person his life;
  • speed of reaction in order to make the right decision at a critical moment;
  • compassion, because without it she will not be able to provide the sick with the care they need;
  • strong nerves and psyche, since in medicine you will have to deal with many things, including unpleasant ones.

What will you have to do at work?

Each medical institution has its own instructions (job description) for nurses. This document contains full list all duties of this employee, and upon taking up the position, he is obliged to familiarize himself with it. It is simply not possible to describe all possible requirements listed in this document, as they may vary depending on institutional policies.

However, here are a few examples:

  1. First of all, the nurse monitors the condition of the patients. He takes tests, inquires about their well-being and takes them to treatment procedures.
  2. Any nurse follows the instructions of doctors, especially if they relate to working with patients.
  3. This employee is also responsible for a number of procedures related to the treatment of the patient. So, nurses administer intravenous drips, give injections, conduct physical therapy, and give dosages of medications.
  4. In addition, nurses often work with hospital documentation. For example, they fill out patient cards, keep records of hospital equipment, submit documents for discharge, and so on.

Advantages and disadvantages of the profession

If we talk about the advantages, then first of all we need to note the high demand in the labor market. Almost every specialist can count on a free place in their city.

However, there are also disadvantages. In particular, low wages and lack of career growth. Even with all your desire, you simply won’t be able to rise above the position of head nurse.

The nurse must have an understanding of human anatomy and physiology and be able to provide emergency first aid, perform the necessary medical procedures.

Nurse(nurse) - a specialist in the field of nursing, a professional assistant to the attending physician. Male version of the profession - nurse. The profession is suitable for those who are interested in biology (see choosing a profession based on interest in school subjects).

Features of the profession

A doctor or paramedic examines the patient and prescribes treatment, someone must carry out these appointments: give injections, put in IVs, bandage a wound, give medicine, check the temperature, etc. All this is done by a nurse (or nurse) - a specialist from among the paramedical personnel. Often, a nurse communicates with patients even more than a doctor. And the success of treatment depends on her skills.

The specific set of responsibilities of a nurse depends on the place of work. For example, in a clinic, a nurse can help a doctor see patients. This district nurse. She monitors the delivery of patient outpatient records from the registry (they keep medical histories); receives test results and conclusions in the laboratory and X-ray room; makes sure that the doctor always has sterile instruments and necessary medications at hand.

They work in anti-tuberculosis, dermatovenerological, psychoneurological dispensaries, as well as in antenatal and children's clinics visiting nurses. Patronage (from the French patronage - patronage, guardianship) means that medical procedures are carried out at home. Visiting nurses go to patients’ homes and give them injections, bandages, measure blood pressure, etc.

Nursein the physiotherapy room carries out medical procedures using special devices: UHF, ultrasound, electrophoresis, etc.

Procedural nurse gives injections (including intravenous), takes blood from a vein, puts in IVs. All these are very difficult procedures - they require high qualifications and impeccable skills. Especially if procedure nurse works in a hospital where there may be seriously ill patients.

Charge nurse- distributes medicines, puts compresses, cups, enemas, gives injections. She also measures temperature, pressure and reports to the attending physician about the well-being of each patient. And if necessary, the nurse provides emergency care (for example, in case of fainting or bleeding).

The health of each patient depends on the work of the ward nurse. Especially if this is a seriously ill patient. In good hospitals, ward nurses (with the help of junior nurses and caregivers) care for weak patients: they feed, wash, change linen, and make sure there are no bedsores.

The ward nurse has no right against negligence or forgetfulness. Unfortunately, the work of a ward nurse involves night shifts. This is bad for your health.

Operating room nurse assists the surgeon and is responsible for ensuring that the operating room is always ready for work. This is perhaps the most responsible nursing position. And the most favorite among those who have worked at least a little in operations. The sister is preparing everything for the future operation necessary tools, dressings and suture materials, ensures their sterility, checks the serviceability of the equipment. And during the operation he assists the doctor, provides instruments and materials. The success of the operation depends on the coordination of the actions of the doctor and the nurse. This work requires not only good knowledge and skills, but also reaction speed and strong nervous system. And good health: Like a surgeon, a nurse has to stand on her feet throughout the operation. If the patient needs dressings after surgery, they are also done by the operating nurse.

For sterilization, instruments are taken to sterilization department. The nurse working there operates special equipment: steam, ultraviolet chambers, autoclaves, etc.

Head nurse supervises the work of all nurses in a department of a hospital or clinic. She draws up duty schedules, monitors the sanitary condition of the premises, is responsible for economic and medical supplies, for the maintenance and safety of medical instruments and devices. In addition to their actual medical duties, nurses have to keep records, and the head nurse also monitors this. She also supervises the work of junior medical personnel (orderlies, nurses, nurses, etc.). To do this efficiently, the head nurse must know the specifics of the department's work down to the smallest detail.

Junior nurse takes care of the sick: changes linen, feeds, helps move bedridden patients inside the hospital. Her duties are similar to those of a nurse, and her medical education is limited to short-term courses.

This is far from full list nurse work options. Each has its own specificity. What they have in common is that, although a nurse is considered a physician's assistant, the main objective The work of a nurse is helping sick people. Such work brings moral satisfaction, especially if it is work in a hospital. But it is also very hard work, even if you love it very much. There is no time for smoke breaks and thoughtfulness in the middle of the working day. The most difficult departments are those in which operations are performed and where emergency patients are admitted. These are surgery, traumatology, otolaryngology.


There are several career options for a nurse. You can, while remaining in the same position, improve your qualifications and receive a corresponding salary increase. Another option is administrative: you can become the head nurse of a department or even a hospital. The third option is to continue your education and become a doctor.

But why "sister"?

The fact is that the first nurses appeared under the auspices of the church. And the word “sister” meant not a blood relationship, but a spiritual one.

In the 11th century, communities of women and girls appeared in the Netherlands, Germany and other countries to care for the sick. In the 13th century, Countess Elizabeth of Thuringia, later canonized, built a hospital at her own expense, and also organized an orphanage for foundlings and orphans, and she herself worked in it. The Elizabethan Catholic community was founded in her honor. In peacetime, nun sisters cared only for sick women, and in wartime, they also cared for wounded soldiers. They also cared for those suffering from leprosy.

In 1617 in France, priest Vincent Paul organized the first community of sisters of mercy. He first proposed this name - “sister of mercy”, “elder sister”. The community consisted of widows and virgins who were not nuns and did not take any permanent vows. The community was led by Louise de Marillac, who organized special school for training nurses and nurses.

Similar communities began to be created in France, the Netherlands, Poland and other countries. TO mid-19th century in Western Europe there were already about 16 thousand sisters of mercy.

In Russia, the profession of a nurse appeared in 1863. Then the Minister of War issued an order to introduce, by agreement with the Holy Cross community, permanent nursing care for patients in military hospitals.


Nurses work in hospitals, clinics, maternity hospitals, private clinics, children's institutions, military units and hospitals, sanatoriums and rest homes.

Important qualities

The former name of this profession is “sister of mercy.” Mercy and sympathy for the pain of others is one of the most important qualities of a nurse. This is necessarily accompanied by attentiveness, accuracy and responsibility. Good coordination of movements is also important (this is especially important for operating rooms, procedural, and ward nurses), good memory, and the desire for professional growth. Good health and endurance. Allergies to certain drugs can be an obstacle to work. For example, an operating room nurse cannot assist in an operation if fumes from disinfectants cause her to cough. But the nursing profession has such a wide field of activity that you can simply move to another job.

Knowledge and skills

The nurse must have an understanding of human anatomy and physiology, be able to provide emergency first aid, perform the necessary medical procedures, ensure infection safety, and maintain records.

(district nurse)

Workplace: local doctor’s office, local area of ​​the clinic.

Activity goals:
- assistance to the doctor in providing PRIMARY health care to the population of the service area;
- assisting the doctor when seeing a patient in a clinic (outpatient appointment), dispensary, medical unit, etc.;
- assisting the doctor in monitoring patients being treated at home;
- carrying out medical prescriptions and health education work among patients.

Honey. sister should know:

Organization and structure of the clinic (medical unit, dispensary);
- structure of the serviced area, both TERRITORIAL and by INCIDENCE;
- principles of ORGANIZATION and CONDUCT of clinical examination;
One of the main methods of treatment and preventive work includes ACTIVE IDENTIFICATION of patients in need of medical supervision in order to establish initial forms diseases, keeping records and systematic or periodic monitoring of the health status of CERTAIN population groups and patients; timely implementation of therapeutic and preventive measures to PREVENT diseases and their complications, etc.;
- principles of PREVENTIVE work among the population;
- volume and methods of sanitary educational work among the population;
- basic medications used to treat the most common diseases;
- rules for RECEIVING, RECEIVING and STORING medications;
- documentation of the institution;
- RULES for carrying out CURRENT and FINAL disinfection at the source of infection (pay close attention to especially dangerous infections);

Ways to prepare patients for various types research:
a) radiological: fluoroscopy or graphy of the chest organs, CHOLECYSTOGRAPHY - examination of the gallbladder. IRRIGOSCOPY - examination of the large intestine: EUNOSCOPY - examination of the small intestine, examination of the stomach and duodenum), BRONCHOGRAPHY - examination of the bronchi:
b) instrumental (ENDOSCOPIC, that is, studying the condition of the mucous membrane of HOLLOW organs):
- ESOPHAGOGASTRODUODENOSCOPY (EGDS) - examination of the mucous membrane of the ESOPHAGUS, STOMACH, DUODEN;
- COLONOSCOPY - examination of the mucous membrane of the COLON;
- SIGMOSCOPE - examination of the mucous membrane of the SIGMOVID colon;
- SIGTOROMANOSCOPY - examination of the RECTAL mucosa;
c) ultrasound examination of organs (ultrasound);
d) laboratory tests of the patient’s biological fluids:
- blood,
- urine,
- sputum,
- contents of the stomach and duodenum;
- methods of transporting biological fluids to the laboratory;
- rules for packing the bags of a DISTRICT DOCTOR and a DISTRICT NURSE;
- rules for carrying out PREVENTIVE vaccinations;
- rules for performing various manipulations at home and in a clinic.

The nurse must be able to:

1. Organize and monitor the implementation of current and final disinfection at the source of infection.
2. If necessary, familiarize patients with the organization of work and structure of the clinic.
3. Keep records of DISPENSARY patients, invite them to a regular examination with a doctor or visit them at home with a doctor.
4. Conduct sanitary education work in your territorial area.
5. Write prescriptions for medicines as prescribed by a doctor, except for narcotic drugs.

6. Prescribe, receive and store medicines for:
- doctor's bags and honey. sisters,
- treatment and dressing rooms, etc.
7. Maintain documentation provided for clinics (patient’s outpatient card - title page, statistical coupon - title page, coupons for doctor's appointments, dispensary patient records, etc.).
8. Prepare the patient or his relatives for various types of studies (see above).
9. Carry out manipulations prescribed by a doctor in a clinic and at home.
10. Carry out PATRONAGE at home.
11. Conduct:
- examining patients for pediculosis!
- blood pressure measurement;
- measurement of G, as well as measurement of the volume of the chest, abdomen, limbs, body length;
- counting pulse, number of breathing movements.
12. Explain to the patient and his relatives the features of caring for a seriously ill patient.
13. Provide pre-medical care to the patient if the need arises.
14. Use scales to weigh the patient.
15. Use a stadiometer to measure the patient’s height.
16. When calling an ambulance to a patient’s home, it is correct to report to the doctor about the patient’s condition.
17. In the event of extreme situations, reassure the patient and his relatives and be their support.
18. Carry out home visits for patients who were discharged from the hospital and were unable to visit the clinic for health reasons.
19. Organize activists in your territorial area, train them in the elements of caring for seriously ill patients, thus providing the opportunity to help patients (especially lonely ones) more often.
20. In the clinic, regulate the admission of patients, taking into account their condition.

The words “doctor” and “humanist” are not synonymous, but are inextricably linked. Medical professions oblige us to be humanists, to love people and help them in any, even the most unfavorable conditions. For people with health problems, it is clearly associated with assistance, support and understanding.

A little about the profession

The profession of “medical worker” requires a certain courage and dedication from its owner. This is due to the fact that people trust health workers as specialists who know their job well.

That is why, when choosing medical professions as a lifelong endeavor, a person is obliged to study even after graduating from university, because diseases are constantly changing, as is their treatment. Among medical educational institutions there are institutes and academies.

List of medical specialties

The list of medical professions includes such specialties as:

The listed medical professions (the list is far from complete) are the main profiles in this specialty. Each of them has more specialized specialists responsible for treating specific parts of the human body.

Specialty nurse

Secondary specialized medical education makes it possible to train specialists from the category of medical personnel. The profession of nurse is included in this category.

A nurse is an assistant or assistant to a doctor in a medical institution. The main task of mid-level medical staff is to carry out the treatment prescribed by the doctor to the patient and provide care for sick people.

The profession of a nurse is included in the category of nursing staff of a medical institution and has slightly more narrow directions. Although many specialties are included in the concept of "medical professions", the list of mid-level specialists is headed by the position of chief nurse.

Chief and head nurse

At the head of the nursing staff is the chief nurse - this is a specialist with the highest medical education(Faculty of Nursing). The responsibilities of the chief nurse include organizing and monitoring the work of nursing and junior medical staff, as well as improving their professionalism.

The concept of organizing the work process includes drawing up work schedules for lower-level medical personnel and monitoring their implementation. Her responsibilities also include:

  • Control the receipt, storage, distribution and accounting of dressings and medications, including those containing toxic or narcotic substances.
  • Monitor the performance of duties by middle and junior staff, as well as improve their qualifications and professional level.
  • Monitor the quality of disinfection of the medical facility, timely change of bed linen and monitor the transportation of patients within the hospital.

The head nurse is an assistant to the head of the department. Her responsibilities include monitoring the work of ward nurses and junior medical staff.

Middle and junior level health workers

Nurses organize the work of junior medical staff: nurses, assistant nurses and housekeepers.

Medical checkup

People exercising labor activity, work associated with risk or hazardous to health, work with children and many others are required to undergo a medical examination. It can be held once a year or every two years.

There is a list indicating who should undergo a medical examination. The professions that it includes are categories of professions associated with hazardous production or production risk, for example, with high-altitude work, harmful substances, noise, dust and others.

Also, food industry workers, teachers and preschool workers undergo a mandatory medical examination. educational institutions, drivers, sailors, medical staff and representatives of other professions.

Choice of profession

Medical professions are in demand in modern society Therefore, every year secondary specialized and higher medical institutions graduate new specialists. This is primarily due to the fact that an unhealthy environment, constant stress, unhealthy diets increase the number of people with pathologies or chronic diseases every year.