To open a snack bar and a shawarma shop, the difference is in the documents. Shawarma: business plan with production calculations

A kiosk selling shawarma is planned to open in a medium-sized locality with a population of 200 thousand people. The main factor influencing income is the location of the outlet. In this case, the best option would be to be located near a bus stop. public transport with large passenger traffic, a large shopping center, an educational institution or a large office center. Providing services High Quality, you can gain a large number of regular customers, the number of which will constantly grow. To ensure constant demand and positive customer feedback, you must meet the following requirements:

  • Comply with sanitary standards in full.
  • Have a staff of friendly employees who inspire confidence in clients.
  • Maintain a smart pricing policy.
  • Work with several interchangeable suppliers.

Having decided on the priority tasks that need to be solved in order to take a stable position in the market, let’s consider the difficulties that arise when operating a kiosk for preparing and selling shawarma:

  • Frequent inspections by the SES with large fines for violations.
  • Problem with selecting suitable employees.
  • There is a lot of competition in the fast food market.

To overcome the first risk, it is necessary to monitor the work of employees on a daily basis, provide instructions on compliance with sanitary standards, and introduce a system of fines and motivations for compliance with the above standards. To solve the second problem, it is necessary, first of all, to plan a motivation system for employees and provide a salary not lower than the city average. To level out the third problem, it is necessary to pursue a customer-oriented policy and conduct advertising campaigns.


Form of activity: individual entrepreneur.

The most profitable option when operating a kiosk selling shawarma is: simplified tax rate 15%, since most costs include the purchase of ingredients for preparing shawarma and other sold foods and drinks, wages and rent.

55.30 “Activities of restaurants and cafes” is selected as the main OKVED, additional ones – 52.63 “Other retail outside stores" and 15.81 "Production of bread and flour confectionery products of non-durable storage." A license for these types of activities is not required. It is planned to allocate 10 thousand rubles for registration.

Personnel search

To operate the kiosk, sellers with a health certificate and experience in cooking and trade will be required. Stress-resistant, since you have to combine the functions of a cook and a salesperson and work in a fairly hot room. If located near educational institutions or office buildings, you will have to cope with large peak loads during breaks or lunch breaks for clients, so you need to work quickly. Employees will work on a 2/2 schedule.

If there is a large outflow of customers to competing establishments, an additional employee will be hired for the shift.

Work with suppliers and control over the work of sellers will be carried out by the director. An accountant is hired to work remotely. You will also need a promoter to distribute flyers.

Renting premises

To ensure good demand, it is planned to rent a kiosk in the city center, in a crowded area, close to a public transport stop. An office is not required to operate a shawarma kiosk. 10 sq.m. will be enough. m of space for full-fledged work.

The cost of renting such premises is about 25 thousand rubles per month. It is planned to pay for three months at once.

The premises must meet the following series of requirements:

  • Electricity supply.
  • Possibility of placing your own advertising on the facade.
  • Availability of a toilet.
  • Possibility of access trucks suppliers.

Equipment purchase

To get started, you will need a grill, a cash register, a refrigerator for food, an outdoor refrigerator for drinks, advertising signs and a pillar, and a uniform for employees.

This table shows the required equipment:

In total, at launch you will need 258,000 rubles.

Business promotion

The main direction of promotion rests with the promoter, who distributes leaflets with information and a layout of a kiosk selling shawarma, promotions with tastings and discounts on certain days.

From online promotion it is planned to create groups in in social networks VKontakte, Odnoklassniki, Instagram.

In the first three months, it is planned to spend 75 thousand rubles on advertising; subsequently, it is planned to allocate 10 thousand rubles per month for advertising.

Cost calculation

To launch

This table shows the costs of starting a company:

The launch will be carried out entirely at the expense of the entrepreneur’s own funds.


How much does the business bring?

This table shows the calculation of production during the peak (winter) period:

The tax base is:

272,000 – 237,000 = 35,000 rubles.

Let us subtract the costs of unified social tax from it and get: 35,000 – 27,300 = 7,700 rubles.

7,700 x 0.15 = 1,155 rubles will be the monthly tax.

The profit of the outlet will be:

35,000 – 1,155 = 33,845 rubles per month.

Business profitability is:

(33,845 / 237,000) x 100 = 14.28%.

This result can be considered quite good, considering that starting a business requires a relatively small investment of money. In addition, such profitability is not the limit for a kiosk preparing and selling shawarma. Having earned a good reputation among customers, it is important to maintain a stable position among offers in the fast food market, expanding the range and attracting new customers.

Next, we will calculate the payback period for investments in this business: 525,000 rubles invested at the beginning / 33,845 rubles of monthly profit = 15.51 months will be required for full payback. But given the positive dynamics of increasing revenue as people learn about this outlet, we can safely say that, with a high probability, full payback will come earlier.

Business prospects

Over time, it is possible to expand the assortment by selling hot dogs, hamburgers, French fries and producing various deep-fried baked goods. These actions will increase the number of customers, the average bill and the popularity of the shawarma kiosk. Street fast food is very popular among people who value their time, but at the same time love to eat delicious food. And shawarma (or shawarma, as it is called in some regions) in this case is a very popular product that has been loved by various segments of the population for many years.


The preparation and sale of shawarma is a stable business that does not depend on the season. The popularity of this product in the fast food market in sufficiently helps sell it. The only thing that needs advertising is the shawarma point of sale itself. And most best advertising are reviews and recommendations from grateful customers, which are the key to stable, high demand for manufactured and sold products.

Our business plan for a shawarma stall with calculations shows that high traffic can be ensured by observing the following points:

  • Have a staff of sales chefs providing quality services.
  • Keep the shawarma kiosk clean, observing all sanitary standards.
  • Use only quality products for making shawarma.
  • Monitor the work of sellers through a video surveillance system to prevent theft of products and money.

Despite stiff competition from fast food outlets of foreign brands, shawarma is relatively inexpensive and in a fast way have a tasty snack, thus rightfully enjoying great popularity; With a high degree of probability, this trend will only increase over the years. This means that organizing a shawarma production tent will be profitable.

To sell shawarma, you need to choose the format of the establishment, study the legal requirements, find premises, purchase equipment and products, and hire employees. There are also franchise offers in this niche. A prerequisite is compliance with sanitary standards and regulations.


The idea of ​​selling shawarma is not new or complicated. But even despite all the apparent simplicity, in order to open a shawarma business and start making money, you need to take into account many nuances. How to open a business legally so that it is tasty and healthy for consumers and profitable for the owner? We will consider in the article which format of the institution to choose, what documents and equipment are needed.

The essence of the business of preparing and selling shawarma

The essence of the business is to open a point for the production and sale of shawarma. Shawarma is a flavorful, filling Middle Eastern dish. It is prepared from minced meat wrapped in pita bread. Added as filling fresh vegetables, salad, sauces, spices. Shawarma is eaten with hands (without using cutlery). Alternative names - doner (doner, doner kebab), shawarma.

In Russia, shawarma is strongly associated with street fast food. However, in the capital and other large cities there are restaurant-type establishments where shawarma is classified as haute cuisine.

Establishment formats

The formats of establishments can be different: from a small pavilion to an entire restaurant. Options:

In addition to the location and format of the premises, you need to think through the concept of the business: will this establishment be open around the clock - this is relevant in places where there is nightlife (gas stations, train stations), or on a schedule - from 8 to 20, for example, if it is an office district . Or a seasonal business - a pavilion in a park (this format also needs to be agreed upon with local authorities).

You also need to think about the assortment: you want to open a monofast food outlet selling shawarma various types: in cheese lavash, garlic, regular, with various fillings. Or add auxiliary products: tea, coffee, soft drinks. Investments, necessary equipment, purchased goods and consumables will depend on this.

Relevance and prospects

The relevance and prospects for developing a business for preparing and selling shawarma depends on the format and location of the establishment, that is, on the reach of the target audience. The wider the coverage, the more you will earn. Shawarma lovers:

  • students;
  • drivers;
  • office workers;
  • tourists;
  • workers;
  • passengers waiting for transport (at stations, bus stops).

The establishment must be located in a place with large crowds of people. In addition, the relevance of the fast food business is due to the increasing pace of life of Russians every year. Not everyone and not always can afford a full three-course meal. Delicious and satisfying shawarma comes to the rescue.

In October 2017, a resident of Novosibirsk was involved in an accident. When determining the causes of the incident, it turned out that he was in a hurry to get shawarma. The example, of course, is not a pleasant one, but it confirms that such food is in demand.

How to open according to the law: conditions for opening a shawarma point

For a business preparing and selling shawarma, individual entrepreneurship is suitable. Taxation system - UTII or patent system.

No licensing is required. Before starting activities, it is necessary to notify Rospotrebnadzor in accordance with Art. 8 294-FZ “On the protection of rights legal entities And individual entrepreneurs in the exercise of state control (supervision) and municipal control.”

A set of documents whose requirements must be followed:

  • Law on Consumer Protection".
  • Federal Law “On the sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population.”
  • Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated November 8, 2001 No. 31 (as amended on June 10, 2016) “On the entry into force sanitary rules(together with SanPiN" ().
  • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 15, 1997 No. 1036 “On approval of the rules for the provision of public catering services.”
  • GOST R 53105-2008. "National standard Russian Federation. Services Catering. Technological documents for public catering products. General requirements for design, construction and content.”
  • GOST R 50762-2007. “National standard of the Russian Federation. Catering services. Classification of public catering establishments."
  • Order of Rospotrebnadzor dated May 20, 2005 N 402 (as amended on June 2, 2016) “On personal medical records and sanitary passports.”

In 2016, the head of the department of trade and services, Alexander Nemeryuk, after checking the capital’s shawarma stalls and discovering non-compliance with basic sanitary standards, promised that all such establishments in the capital would be closed (in February 2016, more than 100 stalls were demolished in Moscow). This measure did not affect stationary points.

So compliance with sanitary standards is one of the main rules of this business. To very briefly summarize the requirements:

  • Refrigeration equipment is required;
  • uninterrupted water delivery (if there is no central water supply);
  • Dishes must be disposable;
  • containers for collecting and removing waste are needed;
  • personnel must observe personal hygiene rules;
  • employees must have medical records;
  • work with products wearing disposable gloves and chef's hats (hats, headscarves);
  • must be carried out sanitization;
  • monitor product expiration dates;
  • do not allow food to spoil;
  • comply with labeling and storage conditions;
  • comply with fire safety requirements.

Important addition: don't post photos famous people or celebrities as advertisements for a shawarma shop without their consent. Thus, in Ryazan, the Antimonopoly Committee opened a case against the owner of the Shawarma stall “Shaurmen” for the fact that the owner of the establishment used a photo of Mikhail Galustyan in the decoration of the premises.

What equipment will you need?

Minimum equipment required:

  • shawarma grill;
  • refrigeration equipment for food;
  • sink, workplace for the seller (chair, counter);
  • shelves and racks Supplies;
  • hood;
  • shawarma knife;
  • containers for vegetables;
  • microwave or additional grill for heating the finished dish.

If you plan to sell additional drinks, then the business plan also needs to include a kettle, coffee maker or coffee machine, and a refrigerator for drinks.

Online stores that sell catering equipment: WHITEGOODS,, “Magazino Restauranto”, “ObschepitServis”, “IKO”, “PromTorgOborudovanie”, “MyUdobnyMagazin.rf”, “Eurolux”, “Agroresurs” and others.

Prices for shawarma grills vary on average from 20 thousand to 100 thousand rubles, depending on the size and technical characteristics. You can conveniently view, compare, and get acquainted with the characteristics of equipment offered by different stores on Yandex.Market.

How much can you earn: using the example of an existing outlet

We will calculate the cost, markup and potential income. Let's take classic shawarma as the basis for the calculation. Ingredients: pita bread, grilled chicken meat, sauce (ketchup, mayonnaise, mustard), cabbage, carrots, tomato, cucumber, onion.

*Average data is provided based on the example of an existing point operating in the region. The final cost of production depends on the ingredients used and their purchase prices.

*Depends on the number of items sold, markup, size wages sellers, electricity and packaging costs are included in the markup. The rent depends on the region, size and format of the establishment and can vary from 5 to 50 thousand rubles.

Initial investments depend on the format of the establishment and the scale of the business: the amount of rent, the number of employees. This results in the required amount of equipment, furniture, volume of ingredients and quantity of products produced.

Is it possible to open a franchise?

On Russian market There are several franchises of the “shawarma” business. If you buy a franchise, you will have to spend more money than if you open it yourself. But on the other hand, this is a ready-made business model in which you won’t have to go through any troubles, and it will take less time, since all the information and support will be provided by the franchisor. Below is an overview of the two franchises.

And finally, watch a video about how a chef from Anapa turns an ordinary street sale of shawarma into a real show

Despite the fact that shawarma is considered an oriental dish, people in Russia love it very much and often buy it for a quick snack right on the street. Shawarma compares favorably with dishes served in fast food restaurants due to its cheapness, availability and excellent taste. That is why shawarma business is considered profitable and highly profitable - you will quickly recoup your investments and be able to open an entire network in your city.

The first step is to research whether there are competitors in your city and what services they offer. In large cities, shawarma is sold on every corner, but in small cities it may not be available at all. If there are already competitors, then find out what exactly they offer, the price level, the quality of customer service and the convenience of the location of the outlet.

A shawarma stall requires very little space.

You should also find out average age population of your city. This kind of fast food is popular among schoolchildren, students and young people; older people rarely buy it.

Try to find the most advantageous places to locate a sales tent. To organize your work you will need 5-8 square meters of territory-you can put a stall almost anywhere. But it is advisable to place it in public places. Optimal options This:

  1. Near the market.
  2. Not far from a university or school.
  3. At the entrance to the shopping center.
  4. Close to office buildings.
  5. At intersections, key metro and public transport stations, and other public places.

Don't limit yourself to selling one type of shawarma - offer customers a choice. You can open a shawarma tent and place a stand with drinks next to it - customers will probably want to buy water from you to wash down their food.

Business organization

Typically, shawarma preparation points are located in ordinary stalls with a transparent facade. This is quite enough for full-fledged work. In the kiosk itself you will need to equip ventilation, a washbasin and, ideally, a toilet. Equipment you will need:

  1. Special vertical electric grill with burner.
  2. Refrigerator for storing food.
  3. Table for preparation.
  4. Knives and various utensils.
  5. Showcase or vertical refrigerator for drinks (if necessary).
  6. Cash machine.

That's basically all you need to get started.

Note:never skimp on products. They must be fresh, with appropriate quality certificates. If your shawarma tastes bad, your sales will drop instantly.

To open you will need an electric grill, a display case and a set of dishes

Having developed, you can start selling other fast food: hamburgers, hot dogs, pancakes, etc., for which you will have to purchase additional equipment.


Typically, such stalls employ 2 people:

  1. Cook.
  2. Cashier is an auxiliary worker.

Before opening, you need to find a good chef who can cook quickly and tasty. There is nothing complicated about it - you can learn it in a couple of weeks. But the chef must be responsible, tidy and stress-resistant, since he works in front of customers. The cashier usually accepts the money, issues the finished order and makes minor work at the stall.

Stall profitability

Let's look at what opening such a business will cost us. Detailed shawarma business plan with calculations you can find it on the Internet, here we will give approximate calculations.

  1. Renting a stall costs about 35 thousand rubles per month.
  2. The salary fund for 2 employees is 50 thousand rubles per month.
  3. Equipment 70,000 rubles.
  4. Advertising campaign - 15,000 (stall design, business cards, flyers).
  5. Utilities - 5,000 rubles per month.
  6. Purchase of products is approximately 3 thousand per day.

Additionally, you can purchase a refrigerated display case (30 thousand) and a coffee machine (up to 100,000).

The main thing is to find a good, responsible chef

That, in fact, is all the expenses. In total, you will need about 170,000 rubles (or 300,000 in the maximum case) to open.

Now the income part. One shawarma costs on average 120 rubles. During a working day, in a good location, a stall sells about 150 units of fast food. Beverages, tea and coffee are also sold along the way. In total, per day, taking into account the purchase of products, you receive at least 15,000 rubles of net profit or 450,000 per month. Subtract the required monthly payments from here and get net profit in the amount of 350 thousand rubles. This means that all the investments you make will pay off in just one month. But in practice, they usually pay for themselves in 2-3: in the first month there may be few clients. Therefore, be sure to invest money in advertising, do high-quality and Tasty food, organize various promotions and offers for regular customers.

How to open up

We have already dealt with the organization and profitability of the business, so let’s look at what documents are needed to open a shawarma in your city.

The first thing you should do is come to local branch tax service and register as an individual entrepreneur. Usually the procedure itself takes approximately 4-5 business days. After this, you sign a contract for renting a stall, install your equipment in it and contact the sanitary and epidemiological station and the fire inspectorate to obtain permits. Usually this process takes 2-3 weeks (in some cases more than a month). In parallel with obtaining permissions, you can run advertising campaign and distribute flyers in your area of ​​interest. Then you hire a cook, buy groceries and open.


In most cases, you will have to face competition, so you should learn marketing techniques and put them into practice before opening. Let's consider how to open a shawarma stall as a business, if you are not alone in the market.

  1. First of all, make your stall beautiful and the cooking process delicious. Passers-by should see how the cook fries and slices the meat - this whets the appetite, makes a person come up and try the delicious food.
  2. Never skimp on products. If they start to deteriorate, recycle them rather than try to sell them. A person will never return to you if at least once he doesn’t like something. In small towns, word of mouth works well - if you sell rotten stuff, there will be no more customers.
  3. Allocate money for advertising. Make yourself a beautiful sign and a noticeable menu indicating all services and prices. Order flyers and business cards and hand them out to clients.
  4. Organize promotions for regular customers by selling them food at a discount or simply giving them portions as gifts.

Shawarma is a delicious and nutritious fast food dish

In short, you need to stand out. Study your competitors, think about what they are doing wrong or what you could improve in their work. Apply this knowledge to yourself and your business will flourish.


Due to low investments and high profitability, this business can develop quickly. Just 3 months after the launch of the first kiosk, you can open a second one, and then another 2 months later - a third one. In just one year the right approach you can open 6-7 stalls - with each new one your expenses will decrease.

Here, in principle, is all the information about how to open a shawarma and what you need for this. The most difficult thing in this process is to obtain permits from the sanitary station and the fire department - your stall must have an exhaust hood, an alarm system, water (cooler) and certificates for products. Don’t save money - all investments will pay off as quickly as possible!

In contact with

Open shawarma the task is not easy, it takes a lot of effort, but no one said it would be easy. The documentation takes up the most:

  1. Permissions.
  2. Documents for trade from the sanitary-epidemiological and fire services.
  3. A document that confirms the assortment.
  4. Product quality certificates.

In order to open a shawarma, purchase a pavilion or other structure, but for this, contact local authorities for appropriate recommendations. Develop a menu concept, then it will be clear what kind of gradients are and how many are needed for normal operation. Buy already pickled raw materials, but keep them for a long time, they will spoil, especially in summer, immediately prepare a dish from them. If you know what the turnover is, then it will be easier to arrange supplies. It is best to purchase and marinate it yourself, but not all at once, in parts, depending on the number of clients. Exist different designs that sell food.

Advantages of stalls in trade:

  • Detached building.
  • Land lease from the administration.
  • The inspection will only take place after a year, or if a complaint has been received against you.
  • If you register a stall on wheels, it is a vehicle.

Decide where you will sell the product. Incorrect choice location will lead to collapse. Before concluding a contract, ask to see the contract with the city government.

The cost of equipment depends on the country of manufacture, foreign equipment is more expensive, ours is an order of magnitude less. Having agreed with suppliers, received all permits, set up a stall - recruit workers. Check the work of the cook, try the dishes, and only then make a discovery and invite customers.

What do you need to open a shawarma

To start selling shawarma, finance is required. In order to understand whether you should take out a loan, and what amount of capital you will need, roughly calculate on paper how much and what you need. No one can answer exactly how much money it will take to open a shawarma shop, because it all depends on the city of sale, competition, where you will place sales and many other factors.

You can get money to open a shawarma stall:

  • Take a loan from a bank. When signing a contract, read it very carefully; if you know a lawyer, call him with you.
  • Investment. Finding an investor who will invest is not easy. Great option business partner.
  • Government assistance.

You, as the owner, must understand what will be placed in the stall or kiosk, how the kitchen will work, how the equipment works, observe the work of the sellers and cook, are they doing everything correctly, are they not violating technological process whether safety precautions are followed. For a novice businessman, it is important to understand what kind of design this will be. It is best to choose a place where there is a lot educational institutions, business centers.

When thinking about opening a shawarma, make it so that you can, for example, place tables in the summer near the stall for convenience in the summer, and if you work in the winter, the room should be prepared for this.

The most important component for any business is new customers. Shawarma is a food that people most often buy for a snack or to enjoy. A good option would be to make a website for your products so that your customers can learn about it and get acquainted with the range. You don't need a lot of staff; a few cooks and an accountant will be enough.

  • For normal operation, purchase the following equipment:
  • A grill on which meat is fried.
  • A refrigerator in which you will store food.
  • Work surface for the seller;
  • Sink with washbasin.
  • Cash register.
  • Microwave.
  • Bedside tables for storing equipment.

Connect your commercial premises to electricity and water supply.

How to open a shawarma

Do you eat shawarma, but you don’t like where it is prepared, under what conditions, and where it is sold? There is only one way out - start cooking shawarma yourself. This way you will be able to control the entire process, monitor the quality of the products, select a team of chefs, and be confident in the products you sell.

Do you want to sell shawarma? This product is tasty if prepared from fresh ingredients on new equipment and in premises that comply with safety regulations. To open a shawarma, draw up a rough plan for the implementation of your project. You have a clear understanding of where you will produce the product and who your customers will be.

To identify your competitors, you can simply walk near metro stations and see how it is prepared. They do this not always well, and in violation of all possible norms. Shawarma or shawarma is a popular product that came to us from the Middle East. Quite inconspicuously, beef with vegetables rolled into a flatbread began to be in demand. The secret to success is delicious, comfortable and possible to eat on the go.

For the dish, choose only fresh pita bread. If it is stale, it is no longer good. It will explode and burst. By the way, in order for it to stay longer, as it turns out, it needs to be frozen! Before cooking, remove from the freezer and place in the refrigerator to thaw. The sauce makes a lot of sense. Naturally, they use mayonnaise or ketchup. But if you have time, make the sauces yourself.

For cooking they use 2 sauces - snow-white garlic and spicy scarlet. Wrap the filling correctly so the shawarma will not fall apart! Spread the lavash sheet and moisten it with a little water and lemon juice. Spread white sauce in the middle and place vegetables on top. Pour the sauce over and add the meat. Sprinkle ketchup on top of everything. To start, overlap the filling with short edges and then roll up like a log. If the shawarma has cooled down, do not reheat it, it will leak and fall apart. Heat in a frying pan without using oil.

To open a shawarma, if you really want to make a business out of it and make a profit, you will have to delve into all the processes. Let's look at how to prepare shawarma. From the very beginning it was called “shawarma”. It was prepared exclusively from calf and lamb meat, but the Turks introduced chicken into the traditional recipe. The main ingredients are meat with spices. It is prepared on special equipment that rotates.

The meat is marinated and overlapped on a needle for frying. Shawarma cooked over coals tastes best. Take the meat from the thigh, sprinkle it with spices, marinate for several hours. The main spice is turmeric and paprika, you can add cardamom, pepper or curry. This is a dish that is popular in our country.

The main dish should be tasty because the profitability of the business depends on it. You can diversify the list of dishes by making it with different flavors, from different types of meat seasoned with different flavors at the request of the client. Buy only fresh meat that will not sit in the refrigerator for a long time, but will go straight to cooking.

Equipment for preparing shawarma:

  • Electric grill.
  • Refrigerator for storing meat.
  • Microwave.
  • Burner for your grill.

Select your staff carefully, preferably with experience working in restaurants. The head chef must cook shawarma quickly and tasty. Read also: How to open a healthy food cafe.

What you need to open a shawarma

Open a shawarma stall at first glance it’s simple, but the most difficult thing is to get permission from the fire, sanitary, and tax services. The most important document for opening is permits from the sanitary and epidemiological service and fire safety. Upon completion of the inspection, begin purchasing equipment and selecting personnel.

First, find a vantage point. The main mistake of most businessmen is to find or pay money to rent space in a business center or other premises. The disadvantages of this approach are the high cost of rent, you will need to obtain permission from the SES and fire service. It is best to install the stall on plot of land, rent it, or buy a mobile structure, it is much more profitable and cheaper.

Next, you will create a product range, a list of raw materials, and plan processes. Make different fillings so you have a lot of variety. There are many options for the filling. You can buy meat and cut and marinate it yourself, which will be much more profitable and cheaper. You need to buy a refrigerator, or refrigerator, grill, kitchen utensils, microwave.

The production of the product should be carried out by a chef who loves to do it, because tasty is the key to good sales.

The cooking technology includes the following steps:

Slice the meat thinly.

Thread overlapping onto skewer.

Cut the meat into small pieces.

Place all ingredients on pita bread.

Fry everything in oil.

Sell ​​the product in branded packages. This will be very convenient for both you and your clients.

How much does it cost to open a shawarma

Opening your own business project requires a capital investment of money. The initial cost of investment depends on where you will open the sale of shawarma, how long it will take to register, whether you will pay for rented land, what equipment you purchase, and many other nuances.


  • Small investment to get started.
  • Find a shawarma chef.
  • Easy registration.


  • Big competition.
  • The products are prepared from perishable products.

Features of opening a shawarma stall

For lovers of oriental cuisine, opening a stall selling shawarma is a real holiday. But they will only buy a product from you if it is made from fresh meat and is very tasty.

A special feature of the development of such a business is the time spent on paperwork. A good location, delicious shawarma and reasonable price are the main components of success.

To succeed in business you need:

  • Selected location
  • Great service.
  • For success:
  • Quality products.
  • Varied assortment.
  • Purity.
  • Integrity.
  • Discounts.
  • Good prices.

The main feature of trade is the success of the business, which depends on the flow of people.

Shawarma business plan

Shawarma business plan– this is a clear understanding of how much money will be used for what. The approximate time to launch such a project is 3 months. To speed up the time, you can hire a lawyer who will deal with obtaining permits from authorities. It will take you 2 months to buy a stall, rent land and invite staff.

This document describes:

  • Goals and objectives.
  • A short summary of the entire document.
  • Analysis of the market for services for the sale of shawarma can be characterized both by city and country.

It is also advisable to highlight your competitors short description their negative aspects in their work, how and with what they attract customers, due to what. To do this, it is advisable to look into some of them, eat, watch how the chef works, evaluate how shawarma is made, look at the menu, and note important dishes for yourself.

It’s very good to ask a question when ordering: what would you recommend to me, or what filling do you have the most delicious shawarma with, how long does it take to prepare it. The most important factor when purchasing is whether the seller has change.

Development strategy:

  • Shawarma price. Calculate the approximate cost of products with different fillings. Make it a little lower than in other places.
  • Product.

Create a menu and add variety to it. In addition to the main thing - shawarma, sell juices, mineral water, soft drinks, so you will have more customers. For example, while the buyer is waiting for an order, give him a questionnaire with a number of questions:

  1. You like our products.
  2. For you to add to the range.
  3. What fillings would you like to try shawarma with?
  4. You are satisfied with the location of our stall.
  5. Where would you like our stall to open again?
  6. Would it be convenient for you if we sat down and launched shawarma delivery?

    By asking such questions, you will be able to identify customer needs and make your business work according to the needs of your customers.

  • Sales. Set working hours and days off, if any. How many people do you need for the job?
  • Advertising. How will you inform existing and potential consumers of your products about your new products, promotions, etc. This is very economical, because when opening such a business, you do not need to do an advertising campaign. The client will make it himself when he comes for shawarma next time. If you want to use advertising methods, here are the main ones:
  1. a) Distribution of flyers.
  2. b) Group on social networks, filling it with information, holding sweepstakes.

    Make financial calculations (cost of rent, equipment, staff salaries, costs of paperwork, as well as an approximate calculation of prices, costs and advertising).

Stages of implementation of the shawarma business plan:

  • Register businesses and obtain permits.
  • Rent a stall.
  • Purchase equipment and furniture.
  • Recruit staff.
  • Open the stall.

Stages of a business plan for opening a shawarma:

  • Registering your business

You need to register as a private entrepreneur and think about which taxation system is best to choose. You can also purge soft drinks and other food items. You will be included in a unified register and registered.

  • Place for sale

To sell shawarma, you can buy a ready-made stall and set it up, or pay for an existing one. The second option is much simpler, because you do not need permission from the local government, the owner already has it.

  • Permissions

The fire department will inspect the premises and issue safety recommendations. Read also: What is a franchise?

  1. Choose the city center.
  2. Near educational institutions.
  3. Near markets and bazaars.
  4. Near parks and entertainment places large quantity peoples


For delicious shawarma you need high-quality equipment.

  1. Grill. A gas grill is more economical, but its use requires permission from the gas service. It is also recommended to use an electric one.
  2. Grill burners
  3. Fridge. It is mandatory, because without it you will not receive permission from the SES.
  • Recruitment

In order to determine what personnel you need, first determine their work schedule. Shawarma sales staff:

  1. Cook.
  2. Seller (1-2).
  3. Accountant.
  4. Cleaning woman.

Issue health certificates for all employees and conduct safety inspections. Friendly service is a guarantee of good work and a positive image.

An important factor is appearance stall or kiosk. They can be very comfortable and functional. The sign should be visible from all sides, but make sure that it does not look too provocative. It will be warm in winter and not hot in summer. The cost of a trade kiosk is significantly less than building your own store.

You can also buy a trade stall, and it will be immediately delivered to the site, or you can develop individual project, then this will take time. The cost is less than what it would cost you to rebuild. Depending on the size of the building, total area and internal filling. By functional purpose it can be mobile or stationary. Type external cladding and metal frame.

Price may vary. A stall is a building that consists mainly of 1 floor, and everything you need is inside: kitchen, restroom, storage room, etc. The cost depends on many factors, mainly the materials used and the internal contents. You can see the approximate cost on the companies' websites. The area, the complexity of the design, all affect the price. Standard size the design does not change and, accordingly, the price from different companies is almost the same.

To sell shawarma, the price of an ordinary stall will be much less than if you order it for work in the winter, because then the cost will depend on whether there is heating installed there, whether it is insulated.

Practicality, durability and versatility of use, comfort, due to this they have a long service life. The production time is at least two weeks, it all depends on the area, number of windows, and design. It can be placed in a small area and still work in it comfortably.

An excellent option is a trade pavilion. You can also sell shawarma there. Setting up premises that have already been purchased in advance is much more profitable than renting square meters in the mall. When developing a model, we can choose the size, wall thickness, color, and insulation. The most important thing in the construction process is to make the conditions for the working personnel comfortable.

When choosing a shawarma stall, pay attention to companies that have their own production facilities. An enterprise that, regardless of its contractors, is reliable. He will never have problems with materials, and the order is made in specified deadlines. The main advantage will be a huge selection and an individual approach to the client.

Stalls come in standard sizes and take anywhere from a few days to a week or two to make. Inside there is thermal insulation, the walls are lined with clapboards, a moisture-resistant floor and electrical wiring. Taking into account all these nuances, you can safely purchase a premises and sell your products every year, regardless of weather conditions, be it frost, wind, or heat.

Business shawarma- this is very popular now. The investment pays off due to the highest demand. High degree Competition at this stage provides the key to generating income. A plan that includes costs for all items.

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