Layout of a dressing room 1 sq. m. Layout of a dressing room with dimensions

A dressing room is a space allocated for storing things: underwear, outerwear and clothes, as well as shoes. This is necessary in order to concentrate all the clothes in one place, distribute them on shelves, and not run around the entire apartment looking for underwear or outerwear. Here you can try on clothes, put them on and choose a harmonious combination. This is especially important when you plan to go on a visit or to any celebration.

Setting up a dressing room does not require a large living space. To organize it, it is enough to allocate 1.5-2.0 square meters of living space. But you can always easily and quickly find the clothes you need, since they are in one place and lie at certain points in the closet.

Unfortunately, we have to admit the fact that our citizens live in small apartments, where every square centimeter counts. In this regard, it should be noted that the size of the dressing room is directly proportional to the size of the apartment. As a rule, its dimensions are within 1.5x1 m, no more, or even less. The most optimal solution is a corner dressing room: although it is smaller in area, it is more spacious. What a paradox!

Small dressing rooms with dimensions: 1.5x2.5 m and 2x2 m.

A mini-wardrobe in the form of a rectangle, when things are located on one side, should have a width of at least 1.2 meters, and when stored on both sides, at least 1.5 meters. In addition, there should still be room for a person who does not just look at the closets, but gets dressed or undressed. Therefore, dressing rooms are radically different from sliding wardrobes. Plus, there should be enough space in the dressing room so that you can install any doors.

If a closed space appears, then air will certainly stagnate in it, after which, over time, bad smell stagnant air. If something is also stored in this room, then heavy air appears, absorbing the aromas of those things or objects that are in it. In this regard, we can immediately say that ventilation is necessary, and effective ventilation, which must be organized even before things are placed in the room for storage.

The principle of operation of ventilation is quite simple: in the upper part of the room, closer to the ceiling, there is an exhaust hole where a fan can be installed, and in the lower part there are holes where Fresh air to the dressing room. The exhaust opening can be connected to a common ventilation system or have an independent exit. It is better if it is an exit to the street, and as a last resort, it is an exit to an apartment. Thanks to air circulation, foreign odors will not be felt, and things will be stored in appropriate conditions. At the same time, it should be remembered that the lower to the floor and higher to the ceiling the openings are located, the more efficient the exhaust ventilation will work.

Options for organizing ventilation in dressing rooms, through the bathroom.

When choosing a fan (if it is a forced system), you should pay attention to its noise level. The fact is that space for a dressing room can be allocated in the bedroom or next to it. Therefore, there is absolutely no need for unnecessary noise. The fan turns on either automatically or using a regular power switch.

As for lighting, it should be bright. Firstly, you need to quickly find the things you need, and secondly, the color of things should be real. If there is little light, then the color of things is also hazy and not natural, after which you can confuse some things that have a similar pattern and color. In addition, when putting on underwear or clothes, you should really evaluate their harmonious combination. At the same time, the light should spread evenly throughout the dressing room. The mirror can be located on the door or the doors themselves can be mirrored.

One of the ways to install lamps.

Which lamps to use is at the owner’s discretion, but the approach should be as follows: more light, combined with daylight. This will always allow you to choose the right clothes, depending on the conditions for wearing them. The lamps can also be turned on by a motion sensor. Then there is no need to install other switches. Usually, in such rooms people often forget to turn off the lights, but the motion sensor will do this automatically.

Where to find a place for a dressing room?

In small apartments it is very difficult to allocate space for a dressing room. Despite this, there are still options, since the layout of the apartments is carried out with the presence of various small niches, designated storage rooms, etc. If this is not possible, then you can carry out a partial redevelopment of the apartment, especially since most layouts, especially since Soviet times, are not distinguished by their practicality. During the renovation process, many owners do just this: they partially move the partitions, removing unnecessary things and optimizing the living space to suit their needs.

How to make a dressing room from a closet.

If the apartment is corner, then there is much more options for arranging a dressing room. Alternatively, you can select one of the suitable corners. In addition, the location of windows and doors allows for so-called dead zones. In this case, perfect option– this is the arrangement of the dressing room area.

Dressing room located in the corner.

If the area does not allow, then you will have to artificially increase it somewhat, making the walls not even, but with the middle extended inward. The area of ​​the room will not suffer from this, but in this place you can really fit a huge variety of useful things.

How to slightly increase usable space.

There is another, but quite useful option - placing a dressing room on a balcony or loggia. But before this, you should make sure that it is warm on the balcony or loggia, and this is only possible as a result of insulation. In addition, it is desirable that this place be heated.

The location of the dressing room is on the side of the balcony or loggia.

If there is a wide loggia, then shelves or racks can be placed along the wall.

Option to use a wide balcony.

If the layout allows, then in the hallway you can also allocate space for a dressing room. Although, it all depends on the wishes of the apartment owners.

And yet, most appropriate place, for placing a dressing room - this is a bedroom. It is convenient to both undress and dress here, therefore, most apartment owners opt for this option and do not spare part of the area for placing a dressing room. To organize such a useful space, it is enough to mount a partition, for example, from plasterboard, which will not take much time. In addition, the technology is so simple that even without proper experience this work can be done with your own hands. This may take a maximum of a week, without any special construction waste.

Despite this, there are certain nuances. If the partition is made using technology, you will have to sheathe the frame on both sides, which takes up extra centimeters of usable space. As an option, the frame is sheathed only with outside, A inner part remains unsewn. And here it is very important to position the profiles so that they can serve as a support for drawers or other hanging elements.

Plasterboard partition under dressing room.

There are also simpler and more technologically advanced options, without the use of putty. This can be a partition made of ordinary chipboard, from OSB boards or MDF paneling. In this case, it is possible to choose the color that best suits the overall interior of the room. If you use non-laminated Decoration Materials, then they can then be covered with the same wallpaper that is intended for the room. In this case, it will be possible to somehow disguise the dressing room.

In fact, there are quite a lot of options and approaches, so choosing the right option is not a problem.

Choosing doors for a dressing room

When you create a dressing room with your own hands, there are several options for installing doors: these can be “compartment” type doors, “accordion” type doors, hinged doors on rollers or regular ones swing doors. Alternatively, you can abandon doors altogether if the place for storing clothes is located in the bedroom: no one else will come in anyway. But this does not mean that you should not maintain order in your dressing room. That's why it's a dressing room, so that things are stored in a certain order, otherwise it will be very difficult to find anything. As a last resort, you can install something like a Japanese curtain.

Sliding doors – compartments in the dressing room design.

There are also several options here: they can be installed over the entire width of the opening or in parts. Parts that do not take part in the operation of the doors should also be used, because there is not enough space anyway.

Dressing room in the attic, where its side part is used.
Full width sliding doors for easy access to things.

Doors can be customized upon request. They can be made bright, eye-catching, or made to match the tone of the room so that they fit into the overall interior.

Arrangement: use of storage systems

For small spaces, it makes no sense to make or order wardrobe furniture from chipboard, MDF or wood, since it takes up quite a lot of free space. In addition, after installing it, it is already impossible to change anything.

Classic furniture takes up significant space.

In this case, they resort to more modern approaches, using light metal systems storage These are modular structures that are mounted on special racks. They can be attached in different ways, depending on the conditions of their use: either to the ceiling and floor, or to walls. Various manufacturers release various systems, which may differ in methods of fastening. After installing the racks, everything that is needed for storage is hung on them.

The racks have a special design that allows you to install any element at any height. These are the most modern, mobile structures for storing things. They can be easily modified depending on the available space by simply moving the elements.

Modern, convenient modular system.

The racks can be rectangular section, in which grooves are formed on both sides. Using special clamps, various components are fastened in these grooves.

A different type of rack and a different mounting option.

At the same time, you should pay attention to the fact that shelves and drawers of different designs are used here. They may differ both in the method of fastening, in the method of functioning, and in the method of location. For example, they can simply be installed on top of each other.

As a rule, such storage systems are quite expensive, as they are widespread mainly in European countries. Therefore, you shouldn’t really count on purchasing such systems. The best option is self-production a similar storage system made of a round chrome-plated pipe, using various fasteners. In fact, the result is the same furniture system, although not as functional, but much cheaper. As we say, why pay more?

Construction of a dressing room from a round furniture pipe.

Clothes storage equipment

Along with classic shelf drawers, there are other storage methods. These include skirts or trousers. These are specially designed structural elements, sometimes equipped with clips. They allow you to store skirts or trousers long time without storage consequences. As a rule, if trousers or skirts are stored under normal conditions, they must be ironed afterwards. Innovative approach allows you to store skirts or trousers for a long time without additional operations to bring them into condition.

If such a hanger also extends, then this is another plus that allows you to visual inspection everything that is available.

Brackets for skirts or trousers are one of the options for using storage elements.

Despite this, there is another, more affordable option, which costs much less, but the result is no worse. In this case, hangers with crossbars located one above the other are used. It may not be so convenient, but the result is almost the same.

One of the cheapest options for storing skirts and trousers.

To store ties, there is also a special design that extends in length. Although, there is another system that is focused on storage in drawer cells.

Tie storage design.

Hangers can be placed in different ways. One of simple ways- These are retractable brackets, similar to the principle of storing ties.

Pull-out brackets for storing clothes.

One more, but very interesting design- This is a pantograph. It allows you to use useful space right up to the ceiling without affecting functionality. Moreover, the device can be attached both to the side walls and to the ceiling itself. A special rod is installed in the center of the pipe, the movement of which lowers objects to a horizontal position. As a rule, the load capacity of such devices does not exceed 18 kg, which corresponds to light-weight clothing.

Pantograph for storing clothes (light).

Ways to store shoes

As a rule, in each family the number of pairs of shoes is dozens, therefore, the problem of storing them is obvious. As far as is known, there are classic options storage that everyone is used to and has been using for decades. At the same time, such methods are not functional enough, especially when there is a lack of usable space. In this regard, it makes sense to pay attention to more modern approaches in storing shoes that can save vital space.

For example, you might be really interested in a retractable system where pins attached to a movable base are used to store shoes. It is convenient and compact, which is suitable for our conditions.

Retractable shoe frame with pins.

There is another approach - these are mini chests of drawers that are mounted on the walls and that take up virtually no space. As an option, a system of hanging organizers, which are used in conjunction with a horizontal pipe, is suitable.

Options for storing shoes in the dressing room.
Using mini chests of drawers located on the wall.

These are not all ideas, as there are a huge number of them. They allow you to store shoes compactly, practically without taking up much space. You can see them in the photo below.

There are other, cheaper storage methods. They can really be used for storing seasonal shoes. The shoes that are used can be stored on special nets equipped with adjustable hooks. Something similar can be seen in shoe stores. As a rule, it is a metal mesh or a perforated chipboard panel with hooks and shelves attached. The hooks are mobile, so they can (just like the shelves) be adjusted to fit any shoe size.

A mesh with hooks and shelves is one of the cheap options for storing shoes.

Installing such a grid at home is not difficult. Moreover, it can be mounted on the wall, on the side of the cabinet or even on the door. Shelves and hooks cling to horizontal crossbars. This approach saves not only space in the apartment, but also cash. This idea is so simple that it can be implemented at very little cost using your skill. In other words, you can actually make it yourself, just make or find a panel with holes where such hooks will be inserted. By the way, you can do everything yourself: both panels and shelves with hooks.

Option: a board with holes and hooks for placing shoes.

If your budget is limited, then it is better to purchase and look for such systems not in furniture stores, but on the Internet. Firstly, it can be much cheaper, and secondly, the sites may have a wider range of devices that may be of interest to anyone potential client. There are many devices here that are designed to save space. Take, for example, the same stores that are interested in displaying the maximum amount of goods when there is a lack of usable space. In fact, you might be interested in special racks for placing shoes.

Metal shoe racks.

If you add wheels to such racks, you get a unique retractable system for storing shoes. The most important thing is that such a system will cost several times less than the one sold in the store.

Dressing room design stage

First of all, you should decide on the size of the dressing room in order to subsequently purchase storage systems that would correspond to the dimensions of the room. In any case, the layout should be approximately the same as in the photo below.

Approximate organization of the location of places for storing various things (indicating all sizes).

For ease of use of space, it is advisable to maintain the following dimensions:

  • shortest distance from shelf to shelf:
  • when things are stored - 30 cm;
  • when shoes are stored - 20 cm;
  • jackets, jackets, shirts – 120 cm;
  • trousers:
  • folded in half - 100 cm;
  • length – 140 cm;
  • space for outerwear – 160-180 cm.
  • space for dresses – 150-180 cm.

In the upper part there is space for clothes from a different season or for things that are rarely worn. Sometimes at the very bottom there is a place for a vacuum cleaner, and in one of the cabinets there is a place for an ironing board (a very necessary thing).

If you want to make a dressing room yourself, you can get acquainted with several schemes.

Shoe rack with all sizes.
Methods for making shoe holders.
Application plastic pipes for storing shoes.

Separate rooms for dressing rooms are only available in new buildings, and even then their area leaves much to be desired. There is no need to talk about old apartments at all. So the first step is to find empty or underutilized space.

Most often this is a niche in the wall or a storage room. In this case, it will be enough to equip a storage system inside and close the opening with a door or at least a curtain.

If there are no such places in the apartment or their area is too small, you will have to “bite off” part of the living room. There are several options here:

  • a place along one of the blank walls - the space is demarcated by a screen or curtain;
  • the corner at the junction of two walls - the dressing room is separated by a plasterboard partition;
  • the space behind the bed - a false wall made of the same gypsum board is erected at the head of the bed.

Ideally, the entrance to the dressing room should be from the bedroom. If the living space is very modest, the storage space can be equipped in the hallway, corridor or even on the loggia, provided that it is combined with the room and.

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The next step is to clean and prepare all surfaces for further work. Completely free up the selected space: take things out, remove shelves, hangers and hooks.

If the walls are in poor condition, clean them old plaster and wallpaper, and then . Also remove the old floor and tidy up the base. Don't rush into the finishing coat yet; you'll need it later.

3. Decide on the shape

For rational use available space, it is important to choose the right configuration. Depending on the number and location of storage areas, there are several types of dressing rooms.

Which one is best will depend on the space available. In this case, the more important parameter is the width of the room; the length can be any.

One-sided dressing room

The most modest option. The shelves are located along one of the side walls. You need at least 1.35 m width: 60 cm for storage area, 70 cm for doorway and 10 cm for the door casing. If you trim it, you can fit 1.2 m.

A special case of a one-sided configuration is an L-shaped dressing room. If the length is sufficient, it is easy to expand the shelves by adding additional shelves opposite the door.

Double-sided dressing room

To install shelving along both side walls, you need at least 1.5 m. In this case, 60 cm will be occupied by the main storage area, 30 cm by the auxiliary area with shallow shelves, and another 60 cm will be left for the passage. With a width of 1.75 m, you can already fit two full racks 60 cm deep with a minimum passage of 55 cm between them.

If there is a 2 m width, then in addition to two side storage zones of 60 cm each, another one is added - a central one, of 80 cm. For easy access to clothes, hanger bars are installed in the corners and placed overlapping from right to left so that they can be moved put nearby things aside and get to the hidden ones.

If you are planning this, be sure to calculate required dimensions so that everything fits.

5. Choose a storage system

Shelves, holders and other dressing room contents may have different design. Basically, there are three varieties: case, modular and tubular. Each has its own characteristics.


In this system, shelves, side racks, drawers and everything except hanging rods are made from laminated chipboards. The parts are connected to each other with confirmations and can either be hung on the wall or simply stand on the floor. Durable, reliable, quite affordable. You can actually assemble it yourself if you calculate the dimensions and order a cutting service in the store.


A more modern and expensive option. It is created from individual modules that are suspended from a wall rail on hooks. If desired, mesh shelves and baskets can be rearranged at any time, arranged to suit changing needs. The design is very easy to assemble, can be scaled and has an attractive, “airy” appearance.


The simplest and budget system of all. It is constructed from thin-walled furniture pipes, which can be attached to walls, ceilings and floors and connected to each other using special fittings. The shelves are made of chipboard or plywood. The system is easy to assemble yourself with a minimum set of tools.

Even the smallest dressing room cannot do without a light source. Ideally, there should be even two of them: ceiling option and lighting above the shelves.

For installation on top, it is better to choose built-in Spotlights so as not to steal the height of the room and not touch the chandelier with your hands when changing clothes. For shelves it is most convenient to use LED strips. If desired, you can install lamps with a sensor that will turn on when you move or when the doors are opened.

Most likely, you will also need . At a minimum for a router or as needed if you plan to place other devices and equipment.

In a room without windows with a large accumulation of clothes, the air will stagnate and things may develop a musty smell. To avoid this, ventilation must be installed in the dressing room.

The easiest way is to install louvered doors through which air exchange will occur. More complex and correct is the installation of an exhaust fan, which is connected to the central one. It starts on a timer or when the lighting is turned on. The air flow is carried out through the same blinds in the door or the grille in its lower part.

If it is not possible to do either one or the other, simply leave the door at least a little open to allow air to enter.

If the dressing room is not installed in a specially designated room, but in the living room, to divide the space it is necessary to create partitions that will serve as walls.

The easiest way to make them is from plasterboard. To do this, a frame is assembled from metal profiles, which is then sheathed with sheets of plasterboard. If you plan to attach the storage system to the walls, then during the installation stage you should strengthen the frame with mortgages from wooden beam in the right places.

After assembly, the walls are leveled thin layer putty, and then painted or. The design, as a rule, is chosen to be monochromatic light colors so that things are clearly visible against the background of the walls.

In principle, even the walls of the dressing room are not visible from the room, let alone the ceiling. Therefore, if everything suits you, you can leave it as is or simply paint it. If you do everything wisely, then you need to equip a hanging one.

In addition to a more aesthetic appearance, this will allow you to install compact spotlights and hide unsightly ventilation ducts.

The floor of the dressing room can be the same as in the room, or different. Laminate is suitable as a covering. When the ceiling, walls and floor are ready, you can begin to form shelves, racks and other fillings for the dressing room. The previously purchased and cut parts need to be laid out in the next room, and then gradually assembled on site according to the instructions or a previously created drawing.

By by and large, you can do without a door to the dressing room, but it’s better to still close the opening - it will be more aesthetically pleasing and will protect things from dust.

The simplest option is a curtain made of thick fabric or screen. More complex and correct is installing an interior door. It should be the same as in other rooms so as not to stand out from the overall design. The only exception is special louvered doors for dressing rooms.

The canvas can open both inward and outward. In a one-sided dressing room with one free wall it will be more convenient to go inside, in all others - outside. But if the locker room goes into narrow corridor, it is better to sacrifice convenience for safety and open inward.

Other popular options are budget accordion doors made of PVC and more expensive but convenient sliding doors, like in sliding wardrobes. The latter are also good because they can be mirrored and used during fitting.

Design project for a dressing room? Easily! Get inspired by our photos and create!

In one of the best films about love and fashion, “Sex in big city» the idea was expressed that a small dressing room is enough good reason to get a divorce.

It was not typical for residents of the Soviet Union to dedicate an entire room as a dressing room, because previously people were happy to have a separate corner behind a screen in a communal apartment and each square meter was on the bill. But today the situation with living space in the post-Soviet space is not so dire, and therefore apartments and houses are beginning to incorporate the convenient and useful achievements of the Western world. In particular, the tradition of arranging a separate dressing room.

A dressing room is a room for storing clothes and shoes. Its main advantages are as follows:

  • Things are always in order.
  • Lots of space to store them.
  • All things are in plain sight (you don’t have to rummage through the closet looking for something).
  • Clothes and shoes are hidden from prying eyes.
  • Takes up little space (compared to a closed dressing room).
  • For organization, you can use unused space (for example, in a house under the stairs).
  • All imperfections of the walls (unevenness, roughness, unsightly protrusions) are perfectly masked.

The dressing room is a real paradise not only for women, but also for men.

Types of dressing rooms

There are two main types of dressing rooms:

  • Open
  • Closed

Let's look at each type in more detail.

Open dressing room

An open dressing room suggests that the storage space is not separated by partitions or doors, but is a continuation of the interior.

Advantages of an open dressing room:

  • All things are in sight and at hand
  • Convenient for small apartments
  • The space of the room remains visually spacious

Disadvantages of an open dressing room:

  • All things are in plain sight, including for your guests
  • Items must be stored in perfect order to maintain the aesthetic appearance of the room.

Closed dressing room

A closed dressing room is located in separate room or a niche, which is fenced off with a screen or sliding doors.

Advantages of a closed dressing room:

  • The common space of the apartment is not cluttered with things, clothes, shoes, accessories.
  • If there is no opportunity or time to clean up, none of the guests will notice from behind the doors.
  • In a large and spacious dressing room, you can allocate storage space for absolutely all family members, no matter how huge it is.
  • There is a lot of storage space that can be arranged as ergonomically as possible.
  • You can try on clothes, put them in order, iron them, and get ready at any time of the day, without disturbing your household (which is especially important if there is a small child in the house).

If you install a large mirror or dressing table in the dressing room, the dressing room will serve not only as a place to store things, but as a full-fledged dressing room.

Disadvantages of a closed dressing room:

  • Need a place to put it
  • Additional lighting needed
  • A living room with a closed dressing room becomes visually and functionally smaller

Wardrobe layout

Although the dressing room is a purely personal space and how to organize it is up to you and only you, there are several basic layouts of dressing systems:

  • Corner
  • Linear
  • U-shaped
  • Parallel


Suitable for any type of room, most often it is open. To organize it, it is convenient to use open shelving or open hanging shelves, as well as so-called “honeycomb” baskets (for example, from Ikea), which are suitable for storing medium-sized items (T-shirts, sweaters).

The corner layout of the dressing room is convenient to use if it is arranged not for one, but for two people. In this case, the dressing room can be divided into two parts along the corner, but at the same time it will, firstly, be quite compact, and, secondly, both owners of things will be able to dress without practically interfering with each other.


This is the easiest way to organize wardrobe system. Such a dressing room can be either open or closed (in this case, it will most likely resemble a huge one that covers the entire wall). To organize such a dressing room, it is enough to allocate one wall for it.

The most economical, in terms of space saving, way to organize a linear dressing room is this: allocate the lower part of the wall (about 2/5) to accommodate chests of drawers with drawers and open shelves for shoes, and leave the upper part for hangers.


This type of dressing room layout room will suit for an open dressing room in a niche or a closed dressing room in a separate room. In such a room for storing things, you can use a wide variety of pieces of furniture, including trouser racks, tie racks, etc.

For a U-shaped dressing room, no matter where it is located, additional lighting is necessary, because otherwise you simply will not be able to find anything there in the dark.


Place two wardrobe systems opposite each other - and voila! You already have a dressing room with a linear layout! If the systems completely or almost completely duplicate each other, you will get excellent storage space for two people (for example, children). However, remember that, for your own comfort, cabinets with hinged doors should be located at a distance from each other no less than the width of the door/length of the fully extended drawer, plus another fifty centimeters for you. Otherwise, you will not be able to use the dressing room properly.

If very large room Divide the dressing room in the center with an entrance on both sides, you get three small and cozy rooms, one of which is a dressing room.

Where to arrange a dressing room?

In a private house

In a private house, when creating its design project, you can specifically provide a dressing room. It is best if it is located in close proximity to the owners or, if the family is large, in a place where any family member can easily get into it (and without disturbing others!).

If a special room is not provided, then a dressing room can be placed:

  • Under the stairs
  • In a wide corridor
  • Behind the bed
  • In the attic

In the apartment

The likelihood that your apartment (especially in a Khrushchev-era building) has a separate dressing room is even less than in a private house. Therefore, if the apartment’s square footage is not enough, but you really want a dressing room, you should think about its location:

  • In the pantry
  • In a niche
  • In a fenced off part of the room

In an apartment, the dressing room can be separated from the living part of the room with a screen, curtain or sliding doors.

Finishing the dressing room


The dressing room should be functional. As a rule, modules in wardrobe systems are made of wood. A more budget-friendly option would be to make cabinets and drawers from chipboard or MDF.

Hinged doors can be made of plexiglass. In this case, you will always see what is in a particular box.

It is best to choose honeycomb exhaust baskets from plastic: it is lightweight, easy to maintain and has a nice appearance.

It is better to choose metal holders for hangers; they are reliable and their appearance will not deteriorate from constant scratching by hangers.

It is better to furnish a small dressing room with light-colored furniture.


If your dressing room does not have windows (and, accordingly, natural light), then you will definitely need to install electrics there.

You can limit yourself to the top chandelier, but it would be much better to stop the local lighting above each module of the wardrobe system.

Another option, relevant for open wardrobes, is to install a huge light panel behind the hangers, which will illuminate your clothes as if from the inside (see photo below).

When decorating lighting in the dressing room, do not skimp on lamps: only modern ones LED bulbs will protect your home from clothes catching fire from overheating under the lamp!

General style

If your dressing room open type and is a continuation of the interior of one of the rooms, then, in general, there is no question about choosing a style - the dressing room should be made in the same style as the main room.

If the dressing room is separated from living rooms screen, doors or even is separate space, then there is already room for a flight of fancy.

One of the beauties of a private walk-in closet is that you don't have to show it to anyone. Therefore, you can equip it focusing on practicality and functionality, and not on fashion, pretentiousness and extravagant style to the delight of your guests. That is why experts recommend decorating a dressing room in loft, minimalist or classic styles. Although, of course, if your soul requires decoration in an art deco or shabby chic style, then you hold the cards!

Filling for cabinets and dressing rooms

For placing clothes

It is convenient to store dresses, blouses, jackets on hangers, so the dressing room must have horizontal rods on which all this can be hung. They can be open or in cabinets

Trousers can also be hung on hangers, but it is more convenient to use a special trouser rack for this.

T-shirts, underwear, sweaters, and socks are best stored in drawers.

Open bottom shelves are perfect for shoes and bags.

Scarves, caps, gloves, hats can be conveniently placed in the upper part of the dressing room, on shelves with hinged doors or in honeycomb baskets.

For accessories, special drawers with suitable stands can be equipped. If you are making a chest of drawers for accessories to order, then such drawers should not be high so that all accessories can be placed in one row.


In the dressing room, no matter whether it is closed or open, it is essential to place a large mirror. This will make it easier for you to choose clothes, since otherwise you will have to carry each set for fitting from room to room. And it will be much easier to choose accessories with shoes in front of the mirror.

The dressing room must have a horizontal surface on which you can put something. This can be a table or a low chest of drawers that acts as a table.

For most people, a walk-in closet is no longer a distant dream. Nowadays this is a mandatory attribute comfortable home or apartments. Because it is much more convenient to store clothes, shoes and accessories not in cramped closets or chests of drawers, but in comfortable and multifunctional rooms.

Shelves and cabinets in this room are installed in accordance with the principles of ergonomics. And even if you want to make a dressing room in small room, you can organize the space so that it is convenient to place a large number of of things.

Wardrobe dimensions

The optimal room for a dressing room is a space without protrusions, with no more than four corners. Its area must be at least 3 m², and the length of one wall must be at least 2 m.

Ideal for small apartment is a dressing room 2 by 2 m. Under such conditions, wardrobe systems can be arranged in the letter “P”, where shelves and compartments are placed along the perimeter of 3 walls. In a small room, it is best to install the system with the letter “G”.

If you know the exact number of cabinets, you can easily calculate the area of ​​the room. Before making a dressing room, you first need to count the number of sections along the length and multiply by their width (as a rule, the width of one compartment is 50, 75 or 100 cm). This will be the length of the dressing room. Now you need to estimate the depth of the cabinets, multiply it by 2 (taking into account drawers) and add a passage distance (minimum - 50 cm, optimal - 80-100 cm). This will be the width of the dressing room, in which the cabinets are located along the length of one wall.

The optimal size of a DIY wardrobe system, guaranteeing the greatest comfort, is 3.5-5 m². It must be taken into account that 1.5 m² must be allocated for changing clothes. These dimensions allow you to install not only cabinets, but also hang a mirror or place ottomans for convenience.


An important condition for any dressing room is ventilation. It can be equipped in two ways:

  1. In a closed room without windows, you need to install a hood with a fan, which should go into the general ventilation system. It will reduce the level of humidity and prevent the appearance of odors, especially from shoes and outerwear.
  2. If there are windows, it is enough to periodically ventilate the room. But there may be a problem with sun rays that ruin clothes. To prevent this from happening, you need to hang curtains or blinds on the windows.

You can install special ventilation in closets with outerwear and shoes. And for good ventilation of things, buy mesh baskets and honeycomb shelves.

At the dressing room planning stage, you need to immediately provide room lighting, which will help you easily and quickly choose the right clothes:

Sometimes in the dressing room they use halogen or, in which the light is as close to natural as possible. However, it is not recommended to install them near clothing because they get very hot. It is best to use LED spotlights for lighting.

Wardrobe location

You can equip a comfortable dressing room with your own hands, as in the photo, in the following ways:

  • allocate a separate room;
  • make from plasterboard in the bedroom or hallway;
  • remodel the pantry;
  • place in a niche;
  • establish an open system;
  • use the corner of the room;
  • use a balcony or loggia.

A dressing room can be made using drywall using a built-in storage system. It can be closed with curtains or sliding doors.

The pantry is the most convenient option for equipping a dressing room with your own hands. You don't need to work hard to arrange it. You can simply remove everything unnecessary from it, make small or full repairs. You just need to plan the sections and purchase the components of the dressing room. Then install them and enjoy the results of your work.

A niche can serve as a place for a dressing room. Here the sections are best placed along the wall.

If you don’t have the necessary space, you can equip an open wardrobe system with your own hands, as in the photo, with many hangers, shelves, sections for shoes and drawers. Here you should hang a mirror, place an ottoman or a chair. This is the optimal solution for an apartment with a small area. However, there is one drawback in it - you will have to monitor cleanliness and order all the time.

Using the corner of the room, you can equip a corner dressing room. It is more capacious and has more storage compartments. In the bedroom, a corner is freed up by installing the bed diagonally. It turns out to be a great space saver.

A loggia or balcony may also be suitable for a dressing room. The main thing is your imagination. For small room good option There will be a mini-dressing room where only the essentials will be located.

The design of the dressing room must necessarily match the interior of the room. This condition also applies to the color and texture of furniture.

How to choose doors

When choosing doors, you need to understand that door systems are installed when the dressing room is separate. If part of the room is allocated for it, then it is better to install a partition.

Doors must be in harmony with common interior apartments or rooms, otherwise they will look incongruous and alien.

When choosing doors for a dressing room, you need to be guided not only by the preferences of family members, but also take into account the area of ​​the room, as well as the functionality of the system itself. What options door designs can be mounted:

Arranging a dressing room

When arranging a dressing room, you can imagine endlessly. But you need to consider a few proven tips. After all, a properly equipped interior space will make it truly useful and allow you to keep all things clean and tidy:

  1. It is advisable to divide the space according to gender into female and male.
  2. If necessary, you can allocate individual racks for family members, but this condition is not necessary.
  3. It is better to place shoes below, on open shelves. For this you can use retractable structures.
  4. It would be more practical to arrange a compartment for outerwear next to the shoe section.
  5. Above this compartment it is best to place a shelf for hats.
  6. It is better to place blocks with hangers and shelves separately.
  7. It is more convenient to store clothes and items that are rarely used in the upper part.

You can fill your dressing room according to the color of your items. Place light clothes in one part of the room, and place dark clothes in another.

How to fill it correctly?

Filling a dressing room is a real creative process. At small sizes the room must use all existing space from floor to ceiling and from one corner to another. This tactic will allow you to place all your things, bedding and other accessories in it. In the process you need to turn Special attention on the functionality of the shelving and the accessibility of each item.

Filling a dressing room most often includes:

If possible, the dressing room can be supplemented with an ottoman, a mirror and a dressing table. If each item has its own place, then the dressing room will become a beautiful and practical room.

Convenient storage systems

In addition to the usual shelves and drawers, today stores offer great amount other devices that can help in equipping this room. You can also use your imagination and make an original storage system in your dressing room with your own hands:

  1. Trouser. This life-saving organizer will appeal not only to men, but also to business women who wear trouser suits. On sale there are longitudinal storage systems attached to the wall and retractable trouser drawers equipped with transverse rods. They have separate holders for each pair of pants to prevent them from slipping off.
  2. Pull-out shelves. These shelves are very easy to use. They slide out easily, providing good review and access to things. In addition, they may have internal organizers.
  3. Holders for ties, belts, scarves, scarves. They can be used to save space. These devices can be rectangular or round shape, with a stationary and retractable device.
  4. Compact ironing board. For many people, a compact built-in ironing board will be a valuable find. It takes up very little space and does not interfere with access to the shelves.
  5. Containers. So specific, but very useful systems Ideal for storing clothing that is sensitive to dust. For example, hats or other things that need careful care. These containers are mainly made from transparent plastic and organic glass.
  6. Basket for dirty laundry. As a rule, people dress and undress in the dressing room. Often things need to be sent straight to the wash, but it is not always possible to immediately take them to the bath. For this purpose, special textile bags are used. metal frame, which operate on the principle of drawers. To avoid the appearance of odors, they are equipped with internal system ventilation and the presence of aromatic bags.
  7. Furniture pantograph lift. This is a combination of rods and a lifting device that allows you to store things directly under the ceiling. Therefore, you can significantly save space with it. If necessary, you can lower it, take the desired item and return it back.
  8. Metal baskets. These storage devices are often used alongside traditional shelves and drawers. They have several advantages - the aluminum frame is much lighter wooden elements, and the mesh structure prevents dust accumulation. At the same time, the capacity of metal baskets is no less, and sometimes more, than that of wooden boxes.
  9. Shoe rack. This is usually an open, slightly inclined shelf with shoe holders. This design provides good ventilation, while the shoes are always in sight. Most often, shoe racks are placed in the lower sections, so that the space is used to greater advantage.
  10. Drawers with dividers. Such convenient organizer Helps keep women's bracelets, men's ties, twisted belts and belts, jewelry, and watches in order.

How to make a practical dressing room with your own hands?

The dressing room is a specific room in the apartment, which must meet all the requirements for proper storage clothes. How to make a dressing room with your own hands?

First you need to consider the issues that are associated with planning a dressing room. Most often it is individual, but there are also some standard parameters:

  • the height of the section for heavy outerwear should be no less than 150 cm from the bottom to the bar. And the gap from the rod to the ceiling at the top is at least 10 cm;
  • the height of the section in which light short outerwear will be placed must be at least 100 cm to the bar, plus 10 cm from the bar to the ceiling;
  • the height of the shelves for hats or shoes should be determined in accordance with the tallest item of clothing, another 5-10 cm should be added to this value;
  • The height of the shelves for linen should be about 25-45 cm.

To determine the optimal depth of compartments, the following principle is most often used - you need to measure the widest hanger and add another 10-20 cm to this value.

As for the width, it can be determined in the following way:

  • 15-25 cm must be taken into account for each piece of warm outerwear;
  • 10-15 cm is taken for each item of demi-season outerwear;
  • 5-10 cm should be taken for each dress, trousers or shirt;
  • The width of the sections for underwear and hats is selected in accordance with the number of these items, plus a small margin is added.

Before you make a dressing room, you need to choose suitable materials. To decorate the walls, you can use plasterboard, which best suits the storage conditions for outer and light clothing, shoes and hats.

You can also use wood materials. It will absorb excess moisture and gradually release it back in the required quantity.

In the photo below you can see what a do-it-yourself dressing room looks like in a small room:

Having decided on the material, you need to mark and cut the workpieces. And then proceed to install the frame using self-tapping screws and. The finished frame is covered with plasterboard and prepared for finishing.

The simplest method of finishing drywall is wallpapering. However, if desired, you can use decorative panels.

The most durable finishing option is painting the walls, but before that you need to putty and sand the surface well.

Making a high-quality wardrobe system inexpensively with your own hands is extremely simple. The frame is made of profiles fixed to the wall, and the shelves can be built from ordinary dark laminate. A net for storing shoes is fixed on metal struts. Hanger rods can also be attached to metal struts. The laminate for the shelves is cut to size, cut and installed into the system.

For inspiration, we invite you to look at the most interesting options dressing rooms:

Installation of a mesh wardrobe system - video

Every girl dreams of a personal dressing room. Having watched enough films about the lives of rich people, many believe that with an average salary they cannot afford such luxury. But if you are at least a little familiar with repairs, then this will not pose huge difficulties and costs for you.

You can afford a dressing room not only in spacious apartment, but also in the usual one. It is not necessary to make it huge, like a separate room.

For example, a small corner dressing room

DIY dressing room made of plasterboard

See various dressing room finishing options:

DIY shelves and doors


  • You can choose any doors, but the best option would be to use sliding doors or accordion doors. This will save space.

  • This type of door can be installed in both square, rectangular and corner wardrobes. They can be wooden, glass, plastic, fabric, louvered and even mirror, It's all a matter of taste and family budget.


  • Shelves and racks can be do it yourself or order it from a furniture store. The traditional set includes rods with hangers, hooks, laundry baskets, closed drawers, various shelves for clothes and shoes, and racks.

Options for wardrobe shelves

It will be cheaper, of course, to do everything yourself, to do this, make shelves from metal mesh. It is better to use welded fine mesh. It is produced chrome-plated, galvanized, with PVC coating. Such scraps can be purchased very cheaply in the store, since they are no longer suitable for sale, but just right for shelves.

  • IN small dressing room It is best to make more open shelves and several drawers. The most optimal placement of shelves is “letter G” and “letter P”.
  • Racks conditionally divide into zones. For example, lower, middle and upper. It is better to place shoes, knitwear, and linen at the bottom. Place yours in the middle zone casual clothes(pants, skirts, dresses, bags). The top is most convenient for storing items that are rarely used, such as seasonal clothing.

How to arrange a dressing room with your own hands

  • When arranging a dressing room, do not forget that there is no natural light there. The most popular today is LED lightening. Spot lighting and built-in lamps are also widely used.
  • Large chandelier would also be a good solution to the problem.
  • Can be done shelf lighting, which is very convenient on the lower shelves with shoes.
  • To place things conveniently, buy a variety of hangers, brackets and hooks.
  • They are very convenient two-level dressing rooms, as well as structures with turnstiles.
  • If the apartment is very small, then you can use it as a dressing room storage room, niche, balcony. They can be equipped with narrow shelving, racks up to the ceiling, and mobile hangers.

Dressing room from the pantry

  • Can be mounted on walls metal or wooden rods, on which clothes will be hung.
  • Make it from below shelves for storing shoes. It is important to take into account that they do not interfere with free movement around the dressing room.
  • Don't forget about ventilation, since things have a tendency to lie stale, while acquiring not the best pleasant aroma. Periodically air your clothes on the balcony.
  • Hang special ones in the dressing room sachet with your favorite scent.
  • Can hang a mirror it will not only be a convenient part of the interior, but will also visually increase the space of the room. For more comfort You can attach a backlight to it.

Storage system in the dressing room

Everyone chooses their own convenient system storage, but still taking into account the shortcomings of many owners of dressing rooms, I would like to give some advice.

  • Designate a storage area for seasonal clothing. It could even be a separate shelf on top.
  • Hang your pants separately.
  • Use a separate compartment to store shoes.
  • Designate three or more drawers for each family member.
  • Install 2 pipes, hang long things with hangers on one, and short things on the other.
  • Things that do not wrinkle can be laid out on open shelves.
  • Take care of the compartments for accessories - ties, belts, jewelry. You can use small drawers for this.
  • It is better to store bags on hooks or separate shelves.
  • It is very convenient to use a basket for dirty laundry, which will save space in the bathroom.

In conclusion, I would like to note that everything is not as complicated as it seems at first glance. In addition, this is, first of all, a guarantee of reliable and durable storage of things, a guarantee of protection of clothes from fading and moths. A dressing room is a completely realizable and affordable dream.

Video on how to make a dressing room with your own hands: