Why does juniper grow poorly? Juniper: planting, care, propagation


When creating a landscape design, planting juniper often allows you to create optimal landscaping of the area. In addition, this plant literally makes the air fresh and healing due to the evaporation of phytoncides.

In winter, this plant stands out against the background of snow because it is an evergreen conifer. But even among other trees and shrubs, it is not difficult to notice juniper; it has very characteristic scaly needles, long or short, depending on the species, and in terms of decorative forms, also on the variety. Today, about 60 species of this plant grow in natural conditions and at least 150 forms have been bred, each of which is divided into a number of varieties and hybrids.

There are different types of juniper, from spreading tree-like and pyramidal ones, to creeping and dwarf ones, there are even separate varieties of bonsai. The color of the needles can be either golden or dark green. In some forms, the needles may not be scaly, but needle-shaped, but otherwise the structure of the branches is very similar in all species. In June, during flowering, you can recognize male and female plants, the former have practically non-opening spherical buds in the form of cones, and the latter have earring-like flowers with up to 4 stamens.

Juniper "Bonsai"

Juniper fruits are more reminiscent of berries, but they are dense, indehiscent cones with a waxy surface. Inside there is a somewhat resinous fragrant pulp, which contains a lot useful substances and among other things essential oils. Under natural conditions, juniper grows in a wide variety of habitats. There are species that prefer the subtropics, many are distributed up to the northern mountainous regions and are even found in latitudes bordering the Arctic. In forests there are most tree and shrub forms. On the plains, taiga and tundra there are both shrubby and creeping species.

Creeping junipers mainly grow in the mountains; they can also be seen on sandy coastal slopes near rivers and lakes, or simply in hilly areas. Ornamental varieties of most species growing in natural conditions have long been planted in gardens, and they do not require special care. Tree-like trees provide good shade and at the same time remain green even in winter, since their needles practically do not fall off.

Shrub forms do not take up much space on the site and become a good background for beautiful flowering crops; in addition, they perfectly purify the air. The low-growing one can be used as a green hedge, which requires constant care in the form of pruning the crown, or, if dwarf varieties are planted, it will become an excellent evergreen border. Creeping species good as independent plantings, in particular for rock gardens or rockeries.

We mentioned earlier that various forms There are a lot of this coniferous plant, but this does not mean that you have to consider each one in order to give preference to several. It is enough to get acquainted with the most popular species and their most common varieties so that you can choose a couple of the most interesting forms for your site.

First of all, of course, you should pay attention to the common juniper or, otherwise, Juniperus communis; planting and caring for it is not associated with great difficulties. It can be either tree-like, up to 10 meters high with a trunk thickness of about 20 centimeters, or shrubby, up to 5 meters with powerful shoots. The first type has a cone-shaped crown, the trunk is almost completely hidden by needles, the second type has an ovoid crown, casting a fairly wide shadow.

Very interesting is the common juniper of the Scandinavian variety Suecica, which on light and even somewhat rocky soil can reach 10 meters in height at high humidity air. Its crown is pyramidal and has a grayish-green color. The only drawback is very slow growth. The Meyer variety is very unpretentious and grows up quite quickly, and it is distinguished by beautiful silver-green needles. The crown is columnar, reaches a height of 5 meters, on poor soils it can only grow up to 3 meters, but it practically does not need care.

Scandinavian juniper variety "Suecica"

The common juniper Hibernica is initially medium-sized and rarely grows to 4 meters, but its winter hardiness and shade tolerance are undoubted advantages. It is better to plant it on light soils in slight shade (the hot sun can cause burns); it may require care in the form of pruning dried shoots.

Another interesting species is the rock juniper, known among experts as Juniperus scopulorum. This plant can be either tree-like or shrub-shaped, the crown is conical, spherical or teardrop-shaped, as a rule, depending on the variety. The tree rarely reaches 8 meters in height, and the shrub - 6 meters. This juniper is very good as group and single plantings; it is also convenient to plant alleys from tall plants. Ideal conditions for him - light and well-moistened soils in open sunny areas. It is characterized by high winter hardiness, so it does not require shelter.

If you need short ones ornamental crops, then the best option would be the Blue Haeven variety with blue needles and a beautiful pin-shaped crown; it rarely exceeds 1.5 meters. This plant is very unpretentious and does not tolerate heavy, viscous soils. The advantage of the Moonglow variety is its rapid growth; in a few years the plant reaches its maximum height of 2.5 meters. The disadvantages include the small shade area, since the crown of this juniper is very narrow, columnar, but it should be noted its aesthetic appearance along with blue needles

If you need a plant for planting in conditions of a short growing season and very cold winters, it is better to choose the Skyrocket variety, which also has a very narrow crown up to 5 meters high, but is also very frost-resistant.

Let's take a closer look at some garden forms of juniper that are most popular among owners of suburban areas. As a rule, the choice depends on the purpose of the plant: if for shade, then preference is given to spreading crowns, if for general landscaping, then to vigorous shrubs. Sometimes low-growing and creeping varieties are planted for zoning the site (as green hedges) or to decorate the landscape design near the fence and paths. A bush with a spherical crown can become the center of a flower bed. Let's find out which individual varieties can be chosen for a particular type of planting.

Let's start with spreading shrubs or trees that are planted to create shade. These include the Cossack juniper Femina; it reaches 2 meters in height and can well serve as a shelter from the sun for a garden bench. The needles of this variety are scaly, grayish-green in color, and, remarkably, in winter they acquire a beautiful bronze tint at the ends. But its cones are very poisonous. Grows on almost any fertilized and drained soil, tolerates winter very well, no care required.

Cossack juniper "Femina"

Mas, which belongs to the same species, is similar in its spreading nature, as well as its undemanding nature to the soil, but its needles are needle-shaped and deep green in color. The cold tolerance of this plant is also very high. U Chinese juniper there is a variety called Plumosa Aurea, about 2 meters high and up to 3 meters wide. This spreading ornamental shrub has golden-green needles in summer, and with cold weather it turns yellow with a bronze tint. He gains only 8 centimeters in height per year. The only thing this variety cannot tolerate is excess moisture, so the soil should only be slightly moistened with regular watering, otherwise the soil can be anything. It is preferable to plant in well-lit areas. Plumos Aurea tolerates winters very well; the main care is pruning dried branches.

For single plantings and placement in the center of a flower bed, varieties with columnar or conical crowns are best suited. We talked about these earlier, but for a wider selection we will list a few more. In particular, among the forms of the Cossack species there is Erecta; beautiful pyramidal bushes rise to a height of up to 2 meters, attracting attention with lush green scaly needles. These coniferous shrubs are not picky about soil, can withstand quite strong air pollution, and require minimal care.

In the same group there is also a columnar variety Fastigiata that grows 6 meters, the same dark green, which makes it look great as a single planting of tapeworm. A very light-loving plant, it has good frost resistance and can be planted on any soil.

Almost all ornamental species can be purchased at nurseries, where seedlings of many varieties are grown in special plots. In this case, the plant will have an already formed root system, and for transportation it is dug up with a lump of earth and also placed in the ground. This increases the survival rate of juniper in a new place. For planting in spring, the place is selected based on the characteristics of the selected variety, since there are both light-loving forms and those that prefer partial shade.

In any case, it is preferable to plant where the plant will not experience strong winds and cold winter drafts breaking through between buildings, and also in a place where it is convenient to provide care. When transporting or storing before planting, be sure to ensure that the earthen ball around the roots does not dry out; it is better if the seedling is grown in a container, it is easier to transport. The distance between juniper bushes or trees is selected based on the purpose of planting. If it is a tapeworm, then for several meters around there should be no large plants at all, only lawn grass or creeping varieties up to 20–30 centimeters high.

Planting a juniper seedling

Group plantings of spreading shrubs should be spaced at intervals of 1.5 meters. If the crowns of the plants are spherical or columnar in shape, they can be rooted at intervals of about a meter, especially when forming a green hedge. It is important to take into account the diameter that the juniper reaches as it grows, so that eventually the bushes close together into an impenetrable wall and at the same time do not interfere with each other. For a seedling that must be at least three years old, you should prepare a hole about 60 centimeters deep and up to 80 wide, depending on the size of the earthen clod covering the roots. The hole may be smaller; for example, for dwarf and creeping varieties, a diameter of up to 45 centimeters and a depth of up to half a meter are sufficient.

A drainage layer of sand is placed at the bottom, then the top fertile layer is poured, which must initially be folded back separately when digging a hole. Place the root ball in the center of the hole. The bottom layer of soil is mixed with sand and peat, and then poured on the sides of the underground part of the seedling. In this case, there is no need to completely fill the hole; the earthen ball around the roots should rise slightly above the ground, and a small groove will remain around, which after abundant watering is covered with mulch.

When planting in the ground, it is advisable to add nitrophoska (about 300 grams), as well as preparations to activate the accelerated growth of the plant, this will allow it to quickly adapt to a new place. The most popular growth stimulants are Epin and Heteorauxin. From organic fertilizers, you can use 0.5 kilos of compost, as well as peat mulch. Planting of juniper seedlings is carried out in the spring, but for the winter young plant You definitely need to cover it with spruce branches or install a greenhouse over it. In the first year, care consists of fairly frequent watering until root system will not develop, but you should not over-wet the soil. It is better to add crown sprinkling to a small amount of water under the bush.

Like many other crops, this plant reproduces well by rooting green cuttings, and some varieties also by layering. We could call the third method - seeds, but it is known that when sowing fruits ornamental plant it loses most of the properties of the variety, and in the next generation it becomes indistinguishable from wild ones. Therefore, we will consider it as the main method.

Conifer propagation by cuttings

Young shoots that have already begun to grow woody are suitable as planting material. We cut them off with a small part of the base so that a piece of bark with a cambium separates from the trunk, this is where the roots will appear on the new seedling. Next, you need to prepare the soil in a container or box, for which we mix sand and compost 1:1, and pour coarse river sand on top, in a layer of about 3 centimeters. It is in this layer that the bark shield cut from the donor tree will be located, that is, the cutting is planted to a depth of only 2 centimeters. In this regard, it is advisable to install something like a small trellis in a box or container, or simply stick 3 sticks into the ground at the edges, inclined inward and connected by a hut.

Cuttings should be tied to them so that they do not tilt or fall, and on top we stretch the greenhouse film or place plastic bottle with the top cut off. Now all that remains is to make sure that the sand is constantly wet, but you should not oversaturate it with water. A rooted cutting can be replanted only after 2 years, and until then it is necessary to keep the future seedling in a warm room and regularly water it, slightly loosening the soil surface. As for propagation by layering, it is possible at any time of the warm season, and directly at the place of growth of the creeping variety of any type of juniper.

To do this, it is enough to clear the young shoot of needles, then press it to the ground with a metal or plastic clamp, after loosening, moistening and fertilizing the soil. After a short time, the layering will produce small roots, and then above-ground shoots will appear. Now you can carefully cut off the shoot from mother plant and together with a lump of earth, trying not to damage the thin roots, move it to a new place and plant it in the prepared hole. The hole should be such that the earthen ball fits perfectly into it; you can put a thin layer of compost under the roots and add a large number of mineral fertilizers.

Juniper is perennial with beautiful pine needles. It is valued by designers and summer residents for its decorative effect, variety of varieties and types, and ease of care. Juniper needles release essential oils that make the air around you cleaner.

It is a good sign to plant these shrubs near your house. According to her, a person will be protected from troubles and will attract happiness. It is better to plant this conifer in front of the house, and not behind it.

They belong to the same cypress family.

Description of the similarities and differences between thuja and juniper:

  • The similarities are in the identical scale-like shape of the needles.
  • The differences lie in the shape of the cones.
  • The juniper has a spherical cone. It looks very original.
  • Thuja has oval, elongated cones.

Juniper looks great on any site. The main thing is to choose the right variety for the size of the plot. Next, you need to follow a number of recommendations on how to plant it on the site.

When is the best time to plant?

Planted in open ground in spring, autumn and even summer. You just need to follow certain rules how to plant juniper.

  1. Spring planting. Early spring (March, April) — optimal time to purchase seedlings and plant them on your site. The main thing is not to wait for strong warming and an increase in air temperature. It is better to address this issue immediately after the snow melts. During this period, there is the greatest chance that the plant will take root well and take root.
  2. Autumn planting. You can plant juniper in a permanent place in the fall. As soon as the heat subsides and the rainy season arrives, it will be a favorable time to plant juniper on your site. The disadvantage of autumn planting is that the plant may not have time to take root and take root before the onset of cold weather and soil frosts.
  3. Summer landing. IN summer period plants that are already rooted are planted in the area. Such seedlings are purchased in pots or in burlap.

Thus, you can plant juniper almost all year round. It is allowed to purchase planting material already with berries, which are formed in the second year of the juniper’s life. In addition, it is frost-resistant, withstands frosts down to -30.

Thanks to this property, shrubs are used in landscape design in any climatic region of Russia: the middle zone, the Moscow region, Siberia and the Urals.

Choosing a landing site

How to plant juniper in the country?

You need to choose the right place for the seedling:

  • Sun. An open space well lit by the sun is the best place for planting juniper in the ground. In such a site, this conifer will delight you with a lush, dense crown, good growth and bright color of the needles.
  • Penumbra. It is also permissible to plant juniper in the light partial shade provided by other trees in the garden plot. There are many varieties that will do well in these conditions. These are varieties such as: Green Carpet, Sentinel Cold, Cone Columnaris.
  • Shadow. This shrub should not be placed in complete shade. In such a place, the crown of the juniper will become loose and translucent. It will lose its decorative appearance. In addition, varieties with bluish, gray, combined colors (Old Gold, Icee Blue, Donai Blue, Golden Carpet) will eventually change the color of the needles to the usual green color.

So, by choosing the right place on the site where to plant juniper, you will create optimal conditions for good development of the bush, growth and maintenance of needle color.

How to grow more crops?

Any gardener and summer resident is pleased to receive a large harvest from large fruits. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to obtain the desired result.

Plants often lack nutrition and useful minerals

It has the following properties:

  • Allows increase productivity by 50% in just a few weeks of use.
  • You can get a good one harvest even on low-fertility soils and in unfavorable climatic conditions
  • Absolutely safe

Soil preparation

To transfer juniper to a permanent place, prepare a special soil mixture:

  • Acidic soil mixture. They take equal proportions of high-moor peat, compost from rotted fallen leaves and mown grass, and river sand. All components are purchased in specialized stores. The soil mixture will be acidic, with a pH of 4.5 - 5.5. This environment is necessary for most coniferous plants.
  • Alkaline soil mixture. For good growth, an alkaline soil mixture is needed. To do this, add to the soil slaked lime or dolomite flour, observing the application rates. Cossack and Central Asian varieties of juniper are lovers of alkaline soil.

As you can see, there is nothing difficult in preparing the required soil mixture.

How to choose planting material?

Saplings in pots

This best option planting material:

  1. It is better to purchase plants in small pots, up to 5 liters in volume.
  2. They are easier to remove from containers without damaging the juniper root system.
  3. In addition, such bushes take root faster and require less time for acclimatization.

Branch or cutting

For this method of propagation in spring choose last year's shoot 10-15 cm long. Next, the needles are removed from it. After this, the cuttings are planted in a prepared peat pot.

At the first watering, a root formation stimulator is added to the water. Use Kornevin, heteroauxin, clonex gel. The substrate should not dry out completely. After 15-2 months, the branch is planted in a permanent place.

It is best to buy and use ready-made juniper seedlings with a closed root system. This type of planting material is easier to plant in open ground.

Stories from our readers!
“I am a summer resident with many years of experience, and I started using this fertilizer only last year. I tested it on the most capricious vegetable in my garden - tomatoes. The bushes grew and bloomed together, they yielded more than usual. And they did not suffer from late blight, this is the main thing.

Fertilizer really gives more intensive growth garden plants, and they bear fruit much better. Nowadays you can’t grow a normal harvest without fertilizer, and this fertilizing increases the amount of vegetables, so I’m very pleased with the result.”

Landing technology

Quick step by step guide:

  1. Prepare a planting hole for the plant. The size of the hole should be 2 times larger than the earthen ball with the roots of the seedling.
  2. Pour drainage into the bottom of the hole. Burnt clay (expanded clay) is suitable for this, a layer of at least 20 cm.
  3. Transfer the juniper into the planting hole. Gently straighten the roots without damaging them. The root collar of the seedling should be at ground level. Do not bury the plant more than required.
  4. Fill in the voids around the seedling. To do this, use a mixture of high-moor peat, sand, and compost prepared in advance. Then lightly compact the soil.
  5. Water the soil around the planted plant. It would be useful to use fertilizer for better rooting of the seedling. For example, use once every two weeks for two to three months.
  6. Mulch the soil. After planting the juniper, the soil around it is covered with pine bark or wood chips. The mulch layer must be at least 10 cm thick. This technique will reduce the frequency of watering in the summer, additionally acidify the plant, and protect the roots of the seedling from freezing in the cold season. Additional protection is the key to good development of juniper next year.

Conifers on a trunk can also be used as planting material. How to plant such junipers? They are planted in the same way as ordinary plants. The nuance is that when planting in the ground, the location of the scion near the root stem is located on the south side.

These are the main stages of planting juniper in open ground. By following these simple recommendations, you can plant the purchased shrub on your site yourself.

Features of planting forest juniper

Often forest, wild juniper (or, as it is also called, cypress from the forest) is used for landscaping the area. It is easy to care for and requires minimal attention.

There are a few important points how to plant forest juniper:

  1. To plant wild juniper, choose a sunny or partial shade location. It grows poorly in full shade.
  2. It is necessary to mark with a ribbon the branch that was on the sunny side. When transshipping the plant, try to place the juniper in the planting hole with the same orientation to the cardinal points.

Schemes for planting juniper on the site

There are many schemes for how to beautifully plant junipers of different varieties and types. Let's look at the basic planting schemes and figure out which plants are best to group conifers with:

When using any juniper planting design, try to plant some distance apart, not too close together. As they grow, many varieties increase in size tens of times. The root system also develops.

Thickened planting of junipers will contribute to the development of fungal diseases and the appearance of harmful insects.

Care after planting in the garden

It often happens that juniper turns yellow after planting. This phenomenon means that the bush has not yet taken root and is difficult to tolerate planting in open ground. In this case, in addition to watering, it is used for the root system.

It is also advisable to spray the needles with growth stimulants, which will help relieve stress after transplantation and restore the needles to a healthy appearance. It could be drugs Zircon, Epin, Stimul, Radifarm.

Watering and fertilizing

Juniper is a drought-resistant conifer that requires minimal attention and care.

But like any living plant, it needs watering and fertilizers:

  • in hot summers, it is necessary to provide watering at the root at least once every two weeks;
  • Feeding junipers is done once every 1-1.5 months;
  • use a complex fertilizer for conifers containing nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus and microelements;
  • the amount of fertilizer applied is calculated according to the instructions.


If the juniper needs to be transplanted to another place on the site, then it is best to do this in early spring. Without waiting for the soil to completely defrost, they begin work on replanting the plant.

How to plant:

  1. prepare a new planting hole;
  2. carefully dig up the juniper with a lump of earth without damaging the roots;
  3. move the seedling to its place;
  4. fill the remaining empty space with the prepared peat mixture. You can water and fertilize the juniper a little later, when the air temperature is above zero.

Adults and large ones are recommended to be planted in a new place only if absolutely necessary. Since there is a high probability of damaging long roots when digging. In addition, it is difficult for such trees and shrubs to take root; they often get sick and lose their decorative appearance.


Juniper is one of those plants that do not need regular pruning. But at the same time, he tolerates the haircut well. Therefore, you can, if desired, independently shape the shape of the crown.

Below are a few basic considerations when pruning shrubs:


Like any plant, juniper can be susceptible to fungal diseases.

The main causes of diseases:

  1. Excess or lack of moisture. If watering is improper, the needles first turn yellow and then die. In this case, you just need to adjust the watering.
  2. Accumulation of salts in the soil. This happens when pets (dogs, cats) go to the toilet under the seedling. The needles become dirty orange and dry out. This action must be stopped, otherwise the bush may die. For support, the seedling is treated with Epin or Zircon on the needles.
  3. Attack of various fungi. They may appear on your site from neighbors or along with a new plant. Fungal spores are easily spread by wind.

Common pathogens of coniferous diseases:

Name of the disease Description


Brown growths appear on the branches, the needles also turn brown and fall off

Schutte brown

The needles become dirty yellow, but do not fall off for a long time.

Alternaria blight

A black coating appears on the branches, the needles darken and fall off


The root system rots

If any is detected, begin treatment immediately. For each fungus, there are fungicides to which these spores are susceptible.

The drugs Fundazol, Topsin, Tilt, Rovral will help cope with fungal diseases. These fungicides are sprayed on the needles in dry, windless weather in the morning or evening. The treatment must be repeated after ten days.


There are many insects that harm juniper.

Let's look at the main ones:

Pest name Description
These are wingless, red-colored insects that are easily visible to the naked eye. sucks the juice from the seedling. It significantly damages the appearance of the plant, the needles turn brown, young shoots become bent and die over time.
It looks like small brown growths on branches and needles. She, like aphids, feeds on tree sap. If there is a massive attack by scale insects, the tree dies.
It is not visible to the naked eye. The presence of this pest can be recognized by the thin cobwebs on the branches. The needles of a mite-infested plant turn brown and fall off.

For prevention purposes, you can spray the needles with water, as it appears on dry soils in dry weather.

Shoot moth

It has a grayish wing color, and the caterpillar is green with a brown head. The danger is represented by its caterpillar, which eats the insides of the shoots.
The damage is caused by its larvae (false caterpillars). They feed on the internal tissues of branches.

Pest control measures:

  1. Manual collection of nests and larvae when the number of insects is small.
  2. Spraying plants with insecticides and acaricides in case of mass lesions in summer. These are the drugs Enzhio, Calypso, Confidor, Decis, Iskra. Preventative treatment against juniper pests is recommended in spring and autumn.
  3. Digging of tree trunk circles in autumn and spring, as a result of which insect pupae are destroyed.

Juniper care in autumn

Rules for caring for juniper in the fall:

  • Autumn complex treatment junipers from pests and diseases. Insect preparations such as Calypso, Confidor, Envidor, Enzhio, Aktara are used. Fundazol, Topsin, Thanos, Skor can be used as a fungicide. When processing shrubs, wear a protective mask.
  • Fertilizing with complex autumn fertilizer with minimal nitrogen (N) content for conifers. There are granular fertilizers for dry application and water-soluble ones.
  • Abundant watering around the trunk to saturate the roots with moisture before winter.

Preparing for winter

  • Insulation with agrofibre. Before winter, it is recommended to cover young and recently transplanted conifers with a special covering material with a density of at least 50 microns. This will protect the seedlings from frost and spring sunburn.
  • Bandaging of branches. Mature junipers with a spreading crown do not need to be insulated. It is advisable to tie them with jute twine, connecting several large branches together. This way, you will prevent branches from breaking under the weight of snow.

Such simple actions will help the plant survive the winter well. And in the spring there will be good growth.

Warming juniper for the winter

Juniper propagation

Having an adult juniper bush available, it can be propagated. There are several basic ways to do this. It must be said that bush and tree forms reproduce by seeds and green cuttings, and creeping junipers by layering.


This is the most common method of dividing all conifers. Best time The year for cuttings is spring.

Let's consider the main stages of cuttings:

Growing from seeds

The most difficult and painstaking method.

You will have to act in several stages:

  1. First, the seed is subjected to cold treatment.
  2. In addition, the seeds of some varieties are very dense and will have difficulty germinating. Therefore, it is advisable to scarify them, that is, damage their shell.
  3. After this, the seeds are planted in the prepared substrate. Caring for seedlings is simple: water the soil as it dries, and cover young seedlings from the sun's rays.
  4. After a couple of years, the seedlings are transplanted into open ground along with a lump of earth.

Reproduction by layering

The method is possible for creeping varieties of junipers. It consists in the fact that the branches are not cut off from the seedling, but are bent to the soil. This procedure is carried out during any growing season (spring, summer and early autumn).

Let's look at how to proceed:

  1. Select the youngest branches on the bush. Last year's shoots will not work; they will take a very long time to take root.
  2. Prepare the soil around the plant. Dig it up and loosen it. It would be useful to add high-moor peat and sand.
  3. From selected branches you need to remove the needles 10 -20 cm from the beginning of the shoot.
  4. Bend the sprouts with the prepared side to the ground and secure with pegs or pins.
  5. Water and loosen the soil around the cuttings as needed.

So, choosing any of the reproduction methods, you will need to make an effort. The main thing in this matter is not to lose sight of the main points (remember about watering and ventilation). As a result, you will get a new, independent tree or shrub, grown with your own hands.

Features of planting and care at home

If desired, you can plant junipers in the apartment. In this case Conifers are grown in bonsai style. Using this style, one acquires miniature trees and shrubs, exact copies of large garden species. The most suitable varieties of junipers for bonsai are Daursky, Kazatsky, Virginsky.

Choose the brightest window sill or balcony. By the way, you can take the plant to a balcony or other cool place for the winter. The temperature for winter keeping is no higher than +10. In winter, it is necessary to reduce watering to once a month.

Caring for indoor juniper is no different from caring for garden species. You also need watering as the earthen clod dries out, regular inspection for the absence of pests and diseases, and the application of complex fertilizers for conifers. In addition, it is advisable to spray the crown with a spray bottle.

What varieties of juniper should I plant in my dacha?

Exists great amount types and varieties of junipers. Which one to plant on your site, you decide for yourself or seek advice from landscape designer. In this matter, the main thing is to correctly correlate the size of the plot and the juniper in a few years. After all, small seedlings are sold, which over time can increase in size tens of times.

Photo gallery: varieties of juniper





Cossack Blue Chip




A modern way to green an area and give it a noble, well-groomed appearance is to plant juniper. It is a close relative of the cypress, but grows in harsher conditions. Different types and varieties (about 15 names: dwarf, giant, erect, spreading) will help the designer create a real masterpiece on the site. Juniper, the planting and care of which will be described in the article, has various shades of green and bluish. Depending on the period of the season, the crown of the needles changes color to a bronze color.

When to plant juniper

Planting time can be chosen in spring and autumn. Juniper will feel good in open ground in April, May, October, but the place for it should be chosen without completely darkening the plant, only partially possible. Hydrogen levels in the soil should be within 4.5-7 units. taking into account the variety.

On a note! Designers love juniper for its unpretentiousness to soil and climate. It can grow even on heavy loams and sandy soils, except in wetlands. In winter, it does not need shelter, unless we are talking about young cuttings.

The question of how to properly plant juniper in the spring should also include soil testing to prevent the death of the plant.

Where to plant the plant

Juniper loves straight sunlight, therefore they plant it in principle in open areas. Otherwise, the shadow will lead to the loss of the bright, rich color of the needles and the degenerative formation of the crown. Only one variety can tolerate only a slight lack of sun - the common juniper.

A feature of all species is the development of a long, voluminous root system, so the planting site can even be slopes or unstable soils that need strengthening.

Important! Juniper does not like long-term soaking, so planting in lowlands and swampy areas is not recommended.

If the question is: what to plant next to juniper, then you should avoid proximity to rowan, hawthorn and apple trees, which can be carriers of fungi that affect the crowns of plants.

How to plant a plant at home correctly? The basic rule is to maintain certain parameters:

  • from 1.5 to 2 m from each other;
  • The dimensions of the hole for a small seedling are 50×50×50 cm, for a large one from 70×70×70 cm.

The preparation of the pit begins 2 weeks in advance, forming a pillow from the following layers:

  • drainage (finely broken brick + sand) up to 20 cm thick;
  • nutrient soil with fertilizing - 1 part turf-clay soil + 1 part sand + 2 parts + 250 g of nitroammophos.

The peculiarities of each type of juniper should be taken into account. Growing a Virginia specimen will not be successful unless 5 kg of compost and 5 kg of clay are added to the base mixture (in poor, sandy soil). In the case of Cossack juniper, up to 300 g of dolomite flour is mixed into the soil.

After 2 weeks, when the soil shrinks, you should start planting the seedling. It is placed in a prepared hole and covered with the same soil composition as in the hole, excluding fertilizing.

Important! Before planting juniper in your dacha or other area, you should remember correct location root collar in the hole. For small seedlings, location at ground level is allowed, for large ones - up to 10 cm above ground level.

After planting, the plant is watered abundantly, and after the soil shrinks, mulch with a small (up to 8 cm) layer of a mixture of sawdust and peat.

Planting seedlings

The main conditions for the speedy establishment of seedlings are:

  • 3-4 years of age;
  • container where the plant grew (up to 5 l);
  • absence of signs of any disease;
  • maintaining the integrity of the earthen ball on the roots to prevent damage to the root system;
  • reputable garden center.

Planting of seedlings is carried out at any time during the growing season, except for very hot days. First immerse the root system in water for 2 hours, you can add a little potassium permanganate. If the young plant has open roots, then planting in spring or late summer is recommended, and the soil should be moist. To develop healthy roots, a root formation stimulator is used.

If you follow all the points when choosing, the seedling will quickly settle into the soil, and you will not need to use additional auxiliary means for replanting.

Planting with seeds - difficult process, requiring certain experience. A feature of coniferous plants is low germination. You may be lucky and the plant will germinate, but it will be difficult to preserve.

With patience and some botanical knowledge, it is possible. Planting is carried out in the fall, in a pot, which is taken out in the winter open area for 4 months (not paying attention to the weather).

The dead seeds are thrown away, and the surviving ones are planted again in a pot in May, still leaving them outside. Germination can only be expected next year.

Important! Regardless of the type, juniper grows very slowly, and to speed up the germination process, fertilizers are added and a favorable regime is provided - sun, soil moisture.

How to grow juniper from cuttings

The question arose, how to plant cuttings? The best option there will be a small pot with an earthen mixture (1 part peat + 1 part sand + 0.25 parts turf soil).

WITH coniferous tree, whose age has reached 10 years, cut an annual cutting about 12 cm long along with the wood. A mixture is diluted in a jar of water to stimulate growth and the branch is lowered into it to a depth of 3 cm. If the cutting was cut without wood, then you need to watch the top so as not to put this particular side in the water.

Important! Before propagating juniper from a branch, you should consider its type. A creeping plant is lowered into a jar with a growth solution at a 60° angle, while a columnar plant is placed vertically.

Common juniper can be propagated through cuttings much better (90%) than other species. If the root system is actively developing, then you can transplant the plant into a separate pot. The only condition is transplantation into open ground no less than after 2 years.

How to fertilize and feed seedlings and young plants

The soil for juniper should consist of a mixture of nutrients and fertilizers; only if this condition is met will growth be active and the plant will be resistant to pathogens of various diseases.

Important! When choosing a seedling, you should pay attention to its ability to grow. The needles should not be dry, have no damage or signs of disease (mold, fungus), and there should be an earthen lump on the roots.

How to feed correctly? In spring, mineral fertilizers are applied: superphosphate or nitroammophos. If juniper was propagated by cuttings or young planting material from a nursery was planted in the ground, then soil properties are improved every spring and summer (when obvious signs poor growth and lack of minerals).

By the state of the shoots, you can determine the excess or deficiency of a microelement:

  • yellowing of the needles indicates magnesium deficiency;
  • crown deformation, death - large amounts of nitrogen. It is available in organic fertilizers(manure).

Growing young planting material is impossible without fertilizer. You should also consider what kind of soil the juniper likes. By following these recommendations, you can grow a lush, healthy plant with succulent needles.

Feeding an adult plant

It is possible to grow an adult tree without fertilizers, but for rich color and fullness of the crown, use foliar feeding. During dry summers and before predicted frosts in autumn, juniper is watered abundantly, which is necessary to accumulate moisture.

Replanting juniper from the forest

How to transplant juniper from the forest to the plot? The best period for moving is early spring, when the snow has not yet completely melted. The following recommendations should be followed:

  1. Before transplanting into the garden, while still in the forest, you need to bandage it with ribbon. sunny side plants and plant in the same orientation.
  2. Dig only with the “mother” earthen lump on the root system. If it is too heavy to lift, then you can scrape it vertically with a shovel, reducing the depth.
  3. Place the earthen ball with the tree on polyethylene and wrap it for transportation. This will retain moisture.
  4. Planting should be done individually or in trenches, avoiding placement near buildings (sliding snow in winter can damage the crowns).
  5. The size of the pit should be slightly larger than a clod of earth (provide for placing soil mixture from peat, compost, sand), shallow so that the root collar does not end up below ground level.
  6. The roots are straightened in the hole and covered with earth and pine litter (sawdust).
  7. Form a bowl for watering and pour out 2 buckets of water to compact the soil.

The propagation of a tree and its establishment in a new place depends on the degree of care for it. It is especially important to pay attention to the plant in the first six months, until the root system has completely taken root in the soil. To limit growth, it is recommended to prune junipers in early May.

Many gardeners who want to create a green hedge on their site or, on the contrary, decorate the landscape with beautiful, lonely growing coniferous shrubs, have a question about when is the best time to plant juniper. Some advise doing this in the spring, but it has been noted that the most effective planting of juniper is in the fall.

This is easily explained by the characteristics of this plant. Firstly, juniper adapts well to almost any conditions and secondly, this shrub tolerates frost well. Therefore, planting juniper in the fall gives good results, the survival rate of seedlings is very good. This makes the plant even more popular. Of course, we must not forget about the special beauty of this coniferous shrub. The hard leaves - needles - give it a certain exoticism. Their upper side is covered with a coating of different colors. Therefore, it seems that the needles are multi-colored. In autumn, fruits appear on the branches - cone berries; they are used in folk medicine and as aromatic spices.

So, it is preferable because this coniferous shrub will be a decoration not only for summer, but also for winter garden. This plant is perfect for landscaping. Juniper has a number of advantages that make it stand out from the rest. First of all, it is the diversity of its species. They differ from each other in the shape of the crown, the height and color of the needles. Pyramidal shapes are more often used. They can be combined with deciduous shrubs. Well, if you need to decorate, for example, an alpine hill, then dwarf ones are simply irreplaceable

One more important feature This plant is characterized by its unpretentiousness and frost resistance. It is thanks to these qualities that planting juniper in the fall becomes much more effective than in the spring. As for caring for seedlings, there will not be any special problems here either. There is no need to feed the shrub immediately after planting; the fertilizers that were applied in advance during the preparation of the hole will be sufficient for it. But in the spring, after the snow has melted and the ground has warmed up a little, be sure to add 30-40 grams of nitroammophoska to the soil. After planting, juniper must be watered. Approximately 15 liters of water are poured into one hole. During the dry period, the plant requires additional moisture. Water the bush once a week, in the morning or evening. Young plants are also sprayed.

Somehow, quite separately from other evergreens in the garden, juniper is valued, whose very presence cures many diseases. This people-friendly plant is one of our favorite crops, filling the air with life-giving resins and stunning with its sweet beauty, combining perfectly with many green friends. Juniper is a fairly unpretentious coniferous plant. But in order to plant it correctly and care for it, you need to know a few basic rules.

Types (types) and varieties of juniper

Among the junipers we can distinguish the following shapes and sizes:

The most popular types and varieties of juniper are:

  • Common (Depressa Aurea, Meyer, Green Carpet, Horstman, Repanda, Arnold);
  • Virginia or North American (Gray Ole, Skyrocket, Hetz, Glauka);
  • Kozatsky (Variegata , Blue and Gold , Tamariscifolia, Rockery Jam, Glauka, Sabina);
  • Horizontal or prostrate (Lime Glow, Wiltoni, Blue Chip, Prince of Wales);
  • Chinese (Stricta, Curivao Gold, Spartan, Variegata);
  • Rocky (Blue Arrow, Blue Haven, Moonglow);
  • Scaly (Dream Joy, Blue Star, Blue Carpet).

You can find out more about appearance different junipers in the following videos or in the last paragraph “What is better to plant - juniper or thuja?”

Video: types and varieties of junipers

When and how to plant juniper in open ground

Landing dates

Note! If you decide to plant juniper in the summer, then the young seedling should definitely be shaded and watered more often throughout the summer (but not overwatered!).

But still, the optimal time for planting juniper is spring, around April-May, when the earth warms up a little. But it is often planted in the fall in September-October.

How to choose the right seedling

Warning! Never buy seedlings from random people. As a rule, they have a bare root system, and such juniper seedlings actually do not survive.

It is better to purchase cypress seedlings in garden centers. In them, junipers are sold in special containers, in other words, their root system is closed and well developed.

As for the age of the seedling, it is optimal to purchase a 3-4 year old one.

Also, when buying a seedling, you should pay attention Special attention on the tips of the needles. They should be green and elastic (bendable). If upon inspection you notice that the tips are dry and breaking, then you should not buy such a plant. It is quite obvious that it is sick or has been overdried, which means that the likelihood that it will take root well is quite low.

Place in the garden

After you select and buy a seedling, you will need to find right place for planting it in your country garden. Juniper loves sunny and well-lit places. Growing under the sun, it will acquire all its best properties. If you plant it in deep shade, the crown will begin to deform and become loose. However, its varieties, such as Virginia and ordinary, can grow in light partial shade.

Important! Chinese juniper tends to burn heavily at the end of winter or in strong winds, so it is better to plant it in a quiet place or next to taller conifers.

If you want to plant several seedlings nearby, it is advisable to do this at a distance of 50 to 200 centimeters, depending on the size (shape and type) of the juniper seedling.

Planting pit and soil

The diameter of the planting pit for juniper should be about 2-3 times larger than the seedling's earthen ball, and its depth should be about 50-70 centimeters.

Junipers do not tolerate waterlogging, so a drainage layer must be laid at the bottom of the planting hole. For drainage you can use broken bricks, stones, pebbles, crushed stone or gravel. Then you should pour a small layer of sand.

This conifer cannot be called a soil-demanding plant, but it is still recommended to fill the planting hole fertile soil. For example, you can prepare the following soil mixture: 2 parts peat, 1 part turf clay soil and 1 part river sand. Or this: 2 parts turf or leaf soil, 1 part peat and 1 part sand.

Clarification! Each juniper variety has slightly different soil requirements. For example, if you are planting Virginia, then put more turfy clay soil, If Siberian - sand, Cossack - add wood ash, dolomite fly or lime(in other words, it is necessary to reduce the acidity level of the soil).

Direct phased disembarkation

Step-by-step instructions for planting juniper in open ground:

Video: planting and caring for juniper

Caring for juniper in open ground

Newly planted seedlings require a fairly large amount of moisture, so they should be watered at least once a week.

Mature and well-established plants watering practically not needed. Unless the summer is hot and dry, it is still worth watering 2-3 times per season, pouring out 1-3 buckets at a time, depending on the size of the bush.

Remember! Juniper does not tolerate dry air very well, so it will respond well to periodic spraying with water, irrigation by sprinkling method.

Juniper not required frequent and abundant feeding, especially since it doesn’t need organic matter. Except that young plants should be fed in the spring- in April-May. Take 30-40 grams of nitroammophoska, potassium nitrate or other complex mineral fertilizer of a similar composition and scatter it around the tree trunk, and then pour it well with water.

As such pruning juniper does not require (another matter is cutting and giving the plant a certain shape), unless in early spring you need to carry out sanitary cleaning, in other words, cut off all dried and broken branches (although some gardeners do this and late autumn).

If you notice that some branch has deviated to the side, but is still alive, then it is not necessary to cut it off, you can simply pull it up with a string. After a certain time, it will return to its original position again.

Important! The essential oil in juniper resin is quite caustic, so before pruning, be sure to wear thick canvas mittens and sleeves. Otherwise, long-term irritation may occur on your hands.

In caring for juniper vital role play it antifungal treatments. They must be performed regularly, and not wait until the fungus appears. It is especially important to spray it with fungicides (for example, the systemic fungicide Topsin - M is excellent) after warm and wet weather, as well as in late autumn.

By the way! At the end of winter and beginning of spring, juniper can get sunburn, in other words, maybe burn out(this often happens in Siberia), so it should be shaded. For example, by throwing burlap over the plant or installing screens. But by no means Not should use agrofibre, because it actually transmits ultraviolet radiation.

Video: proper care behind juniper in open ground

Important! Find all detailed information about preparing juniper for winter (shelter, pruning) you can

What is better to plant - juniper or thuja?

Many gardeners, when they begin to think about which coniferous tree is best to plant on their plot, cannot decide - juniper or thuja. Let's try to understand the differences and advantages of planting each of them.

Both juniper and thuja belong to the same family - Cypressaceae, so they are similar in many ways.

Pay attention! You can read detailed information about planting, growing and caring for thuja

By shape and size

For example, thuja occidentalis Columna is very similar to rock juniper Blue Arrow; they have equally smooth and clear tall silhouettes.

Left - Juniper Blue Arrow, right - Thuja Columna

And the Chinese juniper Stricta, with skillful pruning, can be made completely similar to the conical western thuja Smaragd.

Left - western thuja Smaragd, on the right - Chinese juniper Stricta

If spherical junipers have not yet been bred, then thuja is quite widely represented - these are Globoza, and Woodwardy, and miniature Teddies.

Thuja Teddy

But junipers have a huge assortment of spreading and creeping crowns. These include the following: Cossack, Virgin Hetz, Scaly Blue Carpet.

Scaly Blue Carpet

By color (color)

In addition to the natural (standard) green color, juniper and thuja today can be of virtually any color: green, blue, and yellow.

For example, Thuja Miriyam is a green thuja with yellow tips.

Blue and Gold Juniper is a plant with blue and yellow tops.

For use in landscape design

Junipers, as a rule, are planted either as single plants or in “loose” groups of several bushes.

The use of juniper as a hedge is quite limited: the price is high and it grows very slowly, so thuja varieties such as Columna and Brabant are better suited for this.

If you need to decorate a slope on your garden plot, decorate an alpine hill or rock garden, then the best choice would be creeping or groundcover varieties of juniper.

According to growing and care conditions

Thuja perfectly tolerates the dusty and polluted air of city streets, so it is very often used for landscaping large cities and industrial centers. On the contrary, junipers will suffer and wither from dusty and polluted air, so they are usually planted only in suburban areas.

Juniper is an exceptionally light-loving, frost-resistant, drought-resistant plant that is not demanding on soil conditions. This is explained by the fact that its root system goes several meters into the soil and from there receives all the necessary nutrition.

Thuja is a moisture- and light-loving plant that can grow relatively successfully in the shade, but it is noticeably more demanding of soil. If the land is infertile and poor, then for normal development the plant will need additional regular feeding.

In general, both thuja and juniper are considered quite unpretentious coniferous plants. However, young, recently planted seedlings should be insulated and covered for the winter, especially if you live in a cold climate.

By useful properties

Juniper is more beneficial than thuja. Because the phytoncides secreted by its needles kill almost all pathogenic microbes. ethnoscience I often use juniper cones, which have diuretic and disinfectant properties. It is useful to chew 1 berry per day during a flu epidemic; this will significantly reduce the risk of illness. These berries are also used in cooking: kvass, beer and gin are made from them, they are used for smoking meat (6-8 pieces per 1 kg of meat), and they are also used to make juniper brooms for the bathhouse.

By the way! Junipers can live up to 1000 years, while arborvitae tend to live to a maximum of 100 years.

Video: which is better to plant - juniper or thuja

If you follow all the rules for planting and caring for juniper in the open ground, you will have this on your summer cottage beautiful plant, which will delight you with its appearance and make the atmosphere in your garden healing and beneficial.

Video: secrets of growing and features of caring for juniper

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