At what angle to cut the ceiling plinth. How to properly make a corner of a ceiling plinth using a miter box and available tools

Finishing the ceiling with skirting boards allows you to hide uneven walls and crooked edges of the wallpaper, but you can also install skirting boards in such a way that they will spoil the entire appearance of the walls. This is especially true for corners. They can be cut and joined unevenly. In this article we will look at how to make a corner on a ceiling plinth.

Depending on the cutting method, you may need:

  • Miter box. This carpentry tool, which is used for cutting various products at an angle of 45° and 90°.
  • Knife or hacksaw.
  • Pencil and ruler.
  • Square.

Preparing for work

Before you start cutting, you should decide what your baseboards are made of. Various materials require a certain approach. Somewhere you need to use force, and somewhere, on the contrary, extreme accuracy.

Polyurethane fillets. Possess high strength, are resistant to moisture and elastic, but are susceptible to exposure to high or low temperatures. It is not recommended to install them next to tiles. When cutting, you must act carefully, otherwise there is a risk of bending the material.

Polystyrene. Very fragile material. Cheap. But due to their fragility, they do not tolerate strong impact. You need to cut it with a knife or hacksaw very carefully.

PVC fillets. They are not durable; when working with them, you should avoid pressing hard, as dents may remain on the material. Making a corner will not be so easy. But because of this, manufacturers began to produce ready-made corners, which can make the work much easier.

Wooden. The most durable of all, so much so that sawing off a part is very difficult. You need to cut with a hacksaw with fine teeth, large ones can leave marks. Such skirting boards are attached not with glue, but with nails.

For more accurate cutting, use a power saw. She will cut it as if the baseboards were straight from the store. It will be more economical to simply hand saw or a hacksaw. But there is a possibility that the material will begin to crumble or deform, so be careful. At all economical option, which is not suitable for wood - construction knife or just a sharp knife. You can use these tools, many do, but your hands must be straight. It is very difficult to cut evenly with a knife; usually they only trim uneven edges.

No matter what cutting tool you use, there is common types work required before cutting.

The fillet needs to be marked. There are several ways. One of them is designed for angles of 90°. On the plinth, mark the corner of the wall, on the short edge of the plinth. Then it is cut on a miter box at an angle of 45°.

The second method: a plinth is applied to the junction of the wall and ceiling and the outer edge is marked; a fillet is also applied on the other side and the edge is marked. Where the marks stop is the outer edge. And the corner of the walls is internal. The location of the outer and inner parts is marked on the plinth, and then cut off.

How to cut a corner on a ceiling plinth using a miter box

Corners on the ceiling are divided into internal and external; problems often arise with the latter. How to mark them is already given above. Now it's time for cutting.

To make a plinth for the inner corner, the strip is installed in the miter box, just as it was located on the ceiling. Press the baseboard firmly against the wall of the miter box and, with your free hand, place the hacksaw into the hole at a 45° angle and cut. The other part is installed in exactly the same way, only in a mirror manner. The fillets for the outer corner are made identically, only the markings on the baseboard will be on the other side.

You can make an imitation of a miter box yourself using available materials. Take a piece of plywood or a board and draw a rectangle on it and mark 45° on its sides, connect the opposite lines. Using this template, you can cut the plinths, as indicated above, but you do not need to insert them into special holes, but place them on the lines.

How to cut ceiling plinths in corners without a miter box

If you do not have special cutting tools, you can use a regular corner and a ruler. Measure the angle with a carbon ruler, just place it on the ceiling in the corner, if it is 90°, it means it is smooth without deviations. If not equal, then the installation will be more complicated. Attach a ruler to the baseboard at an angle of 45° and make markings with a pencil.

Cut off the unnecessary part with a hacksaw or a stationery knife. Then apply the cut plinths to the corner; if there is excess, you can remove it with sandpaper; if there is not enough, you will have to cut it again. If the wall angle is not 90°, then divide its degree by two and this will be the degree by which the baseboard is cut using a ruler.

Using decorative corners

This is the simplest method, but is only suitable for fillets made of polystyrene, polyurethane or PVC, because ready-made corners are made only for them. Simply fit corner to corner and attach the baseboards to it. If the corner is large, then it can be trimmed with a regular stationery knife.

Installation of skirting boards in corners

Nowadays, corners in houses can be uneven or, in general, rounded, so joining can be very complex process. Before gluing the baseboards, you should double-check that everything fits together everywhere.

If you have already glued the baseboards and left the corners for later, or, conversely, you have glued the corners and don’t know how to now calculate the length of the baseboards, then everything is simple - always leave 10-15 cm just in case. With this amount of leftover, even if you mess something up, you'll still have plenty of room. BUT the correct order of installation is still the corners first, then everything else.

Glue or liquid nails are applied to the inside of the baseboards and along the edges. Do not apply too much, otherwise the excess will stain the wallpaper. Attach the coated strips to the wall and press lightly. Remove excess glue immediately with a napkin or rag.

A few tips when installing skirting boards:

  1. It's best not to cut by eye. This rarely works. If this is your first time doing this type of work, then buy a miter box, it is not that expensive. Or your neighbors probably have it, it’s an inexpensive tool, and they’ll be willing to borrow it. Its failure is also an unlikely outcome.
  2. Before cutting, try to practice on unnecessary parts. This will significantly increase your chances when cutting the base material.
  3. When making a cut, first check the sharpness of the tool. No need to cut with a knife. Just buy a new one or sharpen it.
  4. Installation of skirting boards occurs only after the finishing of the walls and ceiling in the room is completely completed.
  5. Do not press on the foam, it is easily deformed. When gluing it to the walls, it is better to gently press it several times. different parts than pressing hard once.
  6. When joining the internal corner, the cut on the plinths is made from the front side, and the external corner, on the contrary, from the front side inside planks.
  7. Use sandpaper to remove imperfections on the cut.
  8. Before applying skirting boards, always first check that the skirting boards will fit exactly. Just attach them and then glue them.

You can add sophistication to the room with the help of decorative ceiling plinths. In addition, this product perfectly masks cracks in corners and errors in the connection of the ceiling to the walls. But only if the installation is flawless. And a convenient carpentry device called a miter box will help with this, which is used to evenly trim the baguette at the required angle.

The problem with cutting the cornice does not lie in the laboriousness of the procedure. The fact is that ideal angles of 90° are rarely found in our homes. They are mostly crooked, and in order to avoid having to subsequently seal the formed cracks with a putty mixture or silicone, you should carefully trim the baguette by hand. When cutting, consider the material from which it is made. To cut plastic skirting boards, you will need a hacksaw. The plinth, made of wood, is processed using a wood saw with fine teeth. If you have a foam or polyurethane baguette, then make sure you have a plasterboard or utility knife. In addition, to cut the ceiling plinth you will need a carpentry tool called a miter box. The tool is structurally a tray made of metal or wood. You can even find plastic products on sale. It has grooves for guiding the hacksaw at the desired angle to the axis of the tray. This tool allows you to cut the cornice at different angles, namely 45, 60, 90°. Although an angle of 60 degrees is rarely cut. Corners in a room can be internal or external, and the procedure for cutting them is different.

Cut the inner corners like this:
  1. Place the baseboard against the inside corner so you can determine the cutting line. Remember that the bottom edge needs to be longer for wall mounting.
  2. Place the baguette in the fixture. The edge with which you will attach the plinth to the ceiling should be located at the bottom. The position of the plinth should be similar to its subsequent placement during installation.
  3. Make sure that the baguette fits snugly against the opposite wall of the instrument.
  4. Its end should be set at the angle you require, for example, 45 degrees.
  5. Place a hacksaw in the special hole and cut off the unnecessary part of the cornice. Act carefully, smoothly, without sudden movements. Do not apply unnecessary pressure, otherwise the edge of the cut may be damaged.
  6. When processing an adjacent part, it must be cut off in mirror image.
  7. After cutting, try on 2 skirting boards; they should fit perfectly together.
  8. If there are protrusions at the joints, then adjustments are required. For a wooden cornice, use a file; for baguettes made of soft material- knife.

External corners are cut in a different direction. At the same time, keep in mind that the longer edge should be the one with which the plinth is attached to ceiling surface. Based on this, a baguette for right side should be cut from right to left. For the left side, cut from left to right. If when pruning internal plinth If a gap forms, it can be easily repaired. In the case of an outer corner, such a defect cannot be corrected, so proceed very carefully. However, there are situations when there is no miter box at hand. In this case, it is not always advisable to buy a tool, especially if the installation of the baguette needs to be carried out only in one room. But you can make a carpentry device for cutting ceiling plinths with your own hands:
  • First you need to decide what size the tool will have. It should be taken into account that the height and width of the miter box depend on the size of the cut baguette; they cannot be smaller than the cornice. The recommended dimensions are: length – at least 50 cm, width – 20 cm, height – 20 cm.
  • To make a miter box you will need a base, which is a wide board. rectangular shape. Its dimensions are similar to those described above, that is, 50 by 20 cm. The thickness is 2.5 cm.
  • Guide boards are needed to guide the hacksaw blade when cutting a baguette. They should be the same length as the base. Thickness does not play a special role. The width is determined taking into account the thickness of the base: 20 cm + 2.5 cm = 22.5 cm. Take guides in the form of rectangles.
  • Then you should screw the guides to the ends of the base using screws.
  • Use a protractor to mark the corners. It is enough to set marks at 45 and 90 degrees.
    Draw lines that should go from these points along the walls of the guides. We use a square for this.
  • Cut along these lines almost to the very bottom to make cuts for the hacksaw. Twist the boards.

Thus, if you cut the corners on the ceiling molding correctly, you can install them without any problems!

May 17, 2016
Specialization: master of internal and exterior decoration(plaster, putty, tiles, drywall, lining, laminate and so on). In addition, plumbing, heating, electrical, conventional cladding and balcony extensions. That is, renovations in an apartment or house were done on a turnkey basis with all necessary types works

The question of how to cut plastic skirting boards can be answered quite concisely and unambiguously, pointing to a hacksaw for metal, but this will still not be entirely accurate information. After all, according to by and large, in this question there is an implication that points to the full action, and not to the tool itself, so without full familiarization with the process, the purpose of a particular tool is difficult to understand. That's why I want to tell you about own experience, developed over years of practice, and in addition you can watch the video in this article.

Cutting corners of floor and ceiling skirting boards

In Russian, plinth means a decorative strip that covers the junction of the wall and the floor (ceiling).
This name comes from the Greek πλίνθος and Latin plintus.

Tools and accessories

Let's start with the fact that cutting plinths at an angle of 45⁰, 90⁰ and others can be done by anyone cutting tool, but here, as elsewhere, there are preferences:

  • the most convenient tool, which leaves behind the highest quality cut, can be called a hacksaw, and this applies not only to plastic fillets, but also to fillets;
  • due to the fact that the blade has fairly fine teeth, the cut is clear and, most importantly, accurate, which is important for joining profiles - the more accurate its processing, the better joint, since there will be no gaps there;

  • Of course, as we have already said, the instructions do not necessarily indicate one or another tool, so for plastic you can also use a construction knife;
  • there are options here, since these knives are similar in that they have a removable blade, but at the same time it can be different thicknesses and length (for wallpaper, as in the top photo or for drywall);
  • but in these cases such a tool is only suitable for thin-walled profiles– Polyurethane, for example, cannot be cut with it.

For precision in fitting joints, a miter box is often used for cutting skirting boards, which can be different:

  • the difference in the design of such a tool lies in the complete or incomplete presence of all grooves for corner cutting;
  • a tool with a full set has grooves at a slope of 45⁰, 60⁰, 67.5⁰ and 90⁰ (its price is not much more), while for a simplified tool everything comes down to 45⁰ and 90⁰;
  • In addition, a full-set miter box, as in the top photo, has grooves for cutting boards, that is, here you can easily cut a profile in the form of a flat strip.

What it looks like in practice - method one

So, cutting the corners of a ceiling plinth (or floor) first of all comes down to the correct direction of the slope, since the joint can be internal or external, depending on the configuration of the corner. Let's figure this out using the image above - there, on the left and right, two opposite options are indicated - the redundant (deleted) parts of the profile are shown in red.

If we are decorating a ceiling, then the option on the left is suitable for the outer corner, and the one on the right is suitable for the inner corner. For floor decoration, everything will be identical, but exactly the opposite - there will be an internal corner on the left, and an external one on the right. The correct position of the processed profile is shown in the middle between the options.

If you use a carpenter's miter box, then cutting corners should be done at the side of the tool closest to you!

Method two

But, as you have seen, the number of grooves for cutting corners is limited even in a miter box with a full set, which makes such a tool in some cases simply useless. The fact is that in houses you often have to deal with the fact that rooms do not have right angles, therefore, a slope of 45⁰ for joining will not suit you, since after such a connection there will be a gap.

But there is a way out, and it’s quite simple - you can mark the profiles with your own hands.

Let's look at how to fit a joint in the inner corner without using a miter box and to do this, install the profile close to the adjacent wall, and draw a line along the ceiling, as shown in the top photo. We perform exactly the same operation on the other side, as a result of which we get two crossed control lines, where the intersection will be Starting point for cutting.

The lower point will correspond to the angle at which the two walls meet - the cut line is highlighted in red in the image.

If the corner is external, then the intersection of the marking lines will naturally be further, and for this you will need not to rest the profile against the adjacent wall, but to push it beyond it in order to extend the line. You will need to perform similar markup steps for floor plinth, only all this will look like a mirror image, on the contrary.

When cutting ceiling plinths (floor) without a miter box, manually, the hacksaw should be directed to the center of the corner, that is, its slope will be approximately 45⁰.

Method three

In the same way, with a slope, you need to cut the profile to build it up on straight sections of the ceiling or floor, and if you cut the strip at 90⁰ or even 45⁰ for this, a gap will be visible. Therefore, in such cases, you can use a miter box with grooves of 60⁰ and 67.5⁰, that is, the length of the cut should be at least twice as large as its cross-section.

This method minimizes the appearance of a gap at the connection as much as possible; in any case, it is almost invisible unless you look closely at this place.

But no matter how hard you try when marking and cutting skirting boards, it can always work human factor– we’re not even insured against this the best masters and an error of a fraction of a degree is possible, which will cause a small gap. If you are dealing with plastics, then in such cases this error can be very easily repaired with silicone, and for other materials - with wood putty or plaster, respectively. In some cases, even a coat of paint is enough to seal.


In conclusion, I would like to say that the cutting tool itself will be of paramount importance, but how you do it, that is, how correctly you mark the cut and how accurately you adhere to the approximate lines. But if something remains unclear to you, ask your questions.

May 17, 2016

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Proper ceiling design makes almost any renovation beautiful and neat. The corners of the skirting boards carry a large load in finishing any room and creating the overall impression of the interior.


The first baseboards that people came up with were made of gypsum. In order to make them, gypsum was poured into special molds. They were then attached to the ceiling. Such decorations were called fillets. Currently, they are not popular, are not so easy to manufacture, and are not inexpensive. Nowadays this name hardly comes up.

What to cut with?

To understand which tool to use to cut, you need to understand what the baseboard is made of.

  • PVC ceiling plinth. It is one of the cheapest. There are many disadvantages to such skirting boards, one of them is that these products are quite brittle and can hardly be restored after damage. This is due to the lack of ductility of this structure. PVC products are electrostatic, which means they attract dirt and dust. You can cut such skirting boards with a hacksaw, a construction knife, or a sharp kitchen knife.
  • Ceiling plinth made of polystyrene foam. This option is also considered inexpensive. The downside is its high fragility; if handled incorrectly, it begins to crumble. It is better to cut with a sharpened knife or a hacksaw, but do not put in much effort.

  • Ceiling plinth made of extruded polystyrene foam. It costs more than regular polystyrene foam baseboards. It has a more rigid structure, which allows it to crumble less, on the one hand, but, on the other hand, they are more difficult to cut. Cut this material better with a knife construction type or a hacksaw for wood.
  • Plinth for ceiling made of polyurethane. This type of plinth is considered one of the most expensive at present; they have a large margin of safety, have elastic qualities and are resistant to moisture. The disadvantage of such skirting boards is that they are sensitive to temperature changes. It is better not to place them in places where the temperature changes frequently, otherwise deformation may occur.
  • Wooden plinth. Convenient to use due to its practicality and resistance to external environment. These skirting boards are quite expensive. You can cut them with a saw or hacksaw, since wood is a heavy material.

Internal corner

One of the most simple ways To make an internal corner correctly is to use a miter box.

  • The baseboard blank must be attached to the ceiling and the required length must be measured. It's better to leave some room to spare.
  • The plinth must be installed in the miter box in such a way that it stands in it in the same way as it will later be mounted on the ceiling.
  • The baseboard itself should be carefully leaned against the opposite wall of the device.
  • You need to hold the plinth with your left hand for ease of cutting.
  • To cut smoothly and accordingly correct angle, you need to choose an angle of 45 degrees. The working tool holder should be as close to the left hand as possible.

  • You need to cut the bar without extra effort so as not to damage it.
  • Then you need to carry out the same manipulations with the other bar.
  • The bar should be as close to your right hand as possible.
  • The bar itself should be in contact with the far wall of the device.
  • The plinth needs to be trimmed without much pressure, after which the two parts need to be connected. If they do not fit perfectly together, then it is easy to finish the defects with the help of a knife.
  • The corner is tried on the wall without glue and if everything looks good, then it is attached to the mortar.

If small errors remain, they can be easily repaired using a special solution.

Outer corner

Often in rooms, in addition to the internal corner, there is also an external corner, which is also subject to special treatment.

In order not to miss the size determination, you first need to prepare the inner corner, and only then start working on the outer one.

  • The ceiling strip is pressed against the ceiling, and the dimensions of the cut are outlined.
  • The bar is placed in the device and pressed against the nearest wall.
  • The workpiece is cut without strong pressure, the main thing is to leave extra space.

  • The other plank is processed in exactly the same way.
  • In this case, the bar should be placed closer to the right hand.
  • It must be in contact with the wall of the device, which is located further.
  • The plinth is cut without much pressure, after which the two parts need to be connected. They need to fit together perfectly; if this is not the case, you can adjust the strips with a knife.
  • If everything is fine when trying on without glue, you can attach it with glue or mortar,
  • Small defects can be easily repaired with a special solution.

You can cut the baseboard using a miter box only if the angle is 90 degrees; if it is larger or smaller, then the cutting will have to be done manually.

Circumcision methods

There are other options for cutting skirting boards without using a miter box.

If it is not possible to make a miter box manually, you can use the method of marking it in place, and the corner plinth will look perfect.

  • The first thing to do is to trim the workpieces correctly.
  • First you need to attach one plank to the wall with the opposite side, then make a mark on the surface. To do this, outline the entire baseboard.

  • Where the lines intersect will be the junction of the planks.
  • In the future, you need to transfer the sign to the baseboard.
  • You need to draw a line from the point to the end of the baseboard.
  • Cutting takes place strictly along the intended lines. There is no need to apply much pressure during this procedure. After this, without using glue, it is worth comparing the planks so that they fit perfectly together.

How to make a miter box with your own hands?

To make a miter box yourself, you will need two boards. The blanks must be connected to each other in the shape of the letter P. In the future, markings are made on it, along which slots will eventually be made into which the baseboards will be inserted for cutting. The markings themselves are made at the angle at which the plinth will be cut. It is important to understand that the slots themselves should be small, because the main thing you need from a miter box is to secure the board.

Another way to make a miter box is to combine a miter box and a miter box template. In order to cut the plinth conveniently, you need to make a workpiece that is easy to use and does not require work by weight. You can make a corner out of two unnecessary boards. Take a sheet of paper and draw a 45 degree angle on it. The plinth must be applied to the corner, applying it with the side that is to be sawn. The markings made on paper must be moved to the cutting site, and the piece needed to be sawed off along it.

How to trim using a template?

If it is not possible to make a full-fledged miter box, then you can use a template made on paper.

To do this, you need to draw and then cut small holes on cardboard or thick paper. First, the angles at which the plinth should be cut are drawn on paper. After this, the dots are connected. Then holes are made in place of the points. Paper with slots is applied to the baseboard and the markings are transferred to it. The baseboard needs to be cut according to the markings. In the event that it was not possible to cut the perfect plinth, it is easy to adjust it with a knife.

There may be a situation when you need to make repairs very quickly, but, unfortunately, there is not much time. In such a situation, you can use the method of orientation on the ground, but it must also be competent so that the junction is perfect.

Take a protractor and measure the angles in the room. A good situation if it turns out that the angle is 90 degrees or 45. Unfortunately, this does not always happen. If the angle is correct, then a miter box is used. If not, then the markings are in place. When marking in place, it often happens that even after processing with a knife, the corner does not fit perfectly.

In such a situation, you need to cut off a piece from the first plinth that can fill the gap that has formed; you need to cut it so that the angle is ideal. This strip is inserted into the gap and carefully closes it. And this method will also help to round the corner of the baseboard, which is often required during repairs.

Installation of skirting boards

The trimming of the plinth is finished, and the time for installation has finally arrived. This process is no less important than simply trimming the baseboards. In order to glue the baseboard to the ceiling, you should use glue or sealant.

For skirting boards that are made of polyester and similar materials, a special glue is quite suitable. For wooden and semi-synthetic materials it is better to use a sealant.

Having passed the moment when the planks are put in place, their final adjustment begins. It is worth remembering that before gluing the skirting boards, you should first try them on at the junction of the ceiling and the walls.

Last but not least important stage, cosmetic work. Using a special putty, cracks, minor damage and unevenness are sealed. Thanks to putty, you can level and finally adjust the angle.

It is better to use acrylic putty rather than plaster. Acrylic putty, unlike gypsum putty, easily withstands moisture. If you use gypsum, then in the bathroom at some point you will notice that its pieces will begin to crumble directly onto the floor. To apply putty, you first need to sand everything, but such manipulations can damage the baseboard.

Another notable difference is that gypsum putty you need to dilute it yourself; acrylic can be bought ready-made. Some may say that diluting will not be a problem, but this is not entirely true, since in order for the puttying result to be of high quality, the putty must be made in the correct proportions. Otherwise it will start to crumble. Acrylic putty is a little more expensive, but has a number of advantages, so the price is quite justified. The disadvantage of acrylic putty is that in the situation. when the layer should be more than 10 mm, it cannot be used, but in the situation with skirting boards there should not be such problems.

Once the question of which putty is best to use has been decided, you can get to work. The putty must be applied over the entire baseboard and adjacent walls in a thin, even layer. After the first layer has dried, a second one is usually required to consolidate the result. Apply carefully so as not to stain the walls and ceiling.

Installing a ceiling plinth only at first glance seems like a very simple task. In fact, you may encounter small and not so small problems that can not only exhaust you, but also completely discourage you from doing repairs. One of these problems is joining the ceiling plinth in the corners.

Quite a few copies were broken by ordinary apartment residents over the question of how to make the corner of the ceiling plinth, because it cannot simply be cut at an angle of 45°. What to do in this case? Let's turn to professionals for advice.

How to make a corner of a ceiling plinth, how to properly join and cut the plinth

Yes, the main and most insidious nuance in the technology of installing ceiling plinths is how to properly cut the plinth and join it at the internal and external corners. The fact is that, unlike ordinary skirting boards, ceiling molding It is attached to the base at an angle of 38-45°, which makes it difficult to make a classic 45° cut at the joints. On the inside, the cut edges do not meet, leaving gaps.

But these are all complex professional lyrics. How to make a corner of a ceiling plinth at home? The easiest way to work is with foam accessories. First of all, measure the angle between the walls. If it's 90° or so, cut the edges at a 45° angle. Do the same with the second cut. For uneven joints between walls and ceiling, the corner radius is divided by two. Do not confuse the parts with each other: the baguette that will be glued on the left should have a cut on the right side, and the right fillet on the left.

To create an internal corner of the plinth on the ceiling, its lower part should protrude above the upper; for the external corner, the opposite is true. Thanks to their soft and pliable texture, it is not necessary to adjust polystyrene foam fillets to each other, but you will have to tinker with plastic or wooden ones. After making the side cuts, try the planks on the ceiling and, if necessary, cut them in accordance with the direction in which the accessory joins the surfaces.

After rough joining the ceiling skirting boards, screw or glue the fillets to the ceiling and wall, and then seal the seams.

How to cut corners of ceiling plinths, tools for trimming and cutting corners

To cut the corner of the ceiling plinth, you will need certain tools. If you want to make joints no worse than a seasoned repairman, then an electric one will be useful to you. Miter saw or miter box. With the help of these devices it is possible to achieve high cutting accuracy. There is no need to make any effort. You just need to set the necessary parameters and lower the sharp saw blade onto a plastic or wooden surface.

Trim ceiling plinth more is possible economical materials such as a hacksaw or a hand miter box. Simple saw It is very cheap, and it is extremely easy to work with. The only drawback of this device is its roughness. There is always a risk of spoiling the material. If you bought plastic or wood of poor quality, then during operation the product may begin to crumble or delaminate into fibers.

A jigsaw will help you make a corner on the ceiling plinth without burrs. The advantage of this tool, in addition to high accuracy and efficiency, is also ease of operation. The jigsaw can be set to any direction of movement and make the highest quality cuts.

But these are all products that help solve the problem of how to join a ceiling plinth made of wood or PVC. To work with polystyrene foam, it makes no sense to use such a complex technique. An ordinary construction knife will do here. The main thing is that it has a well-sharpened blade, then you will be able to make a high-quality cut without tearing or delamination of the material.

Still haven't decided how to cut the ceiling plinth? No problem. In stores you can find fillets already prepared for joining in the corners. In this case, the opposite principle applies. When working with such a plinth, you need to make not oblique, but only straight cuts to connect the parts frontally. True, the cost of such accessories is higher compared to classic ones.

In order to start cutting the corners of the plinth, you need to acquire a tool such as a miter box. This device adjusts the desired angle for cutting with a mounting knife or spatula. Its dimensions depend on the complexity of the work being done. For installation plastic construction It is enough to use miter boxes with low inclinations of up to 90 degrees. The most difficult point here is, perhaps, joining all the elements so that there are no gaps between them. First you need to make a sketch. The plinth is placed directly on the wall. If you don’t have a miter box on hand, you can get by with a regular stencil. The photo shows the process of cutting a small piece of foam with a knife.

How to make a corner on a ceiling plinth

In order to make a corner on the ceiling plinth, you need to get two important elements. This is the material you will use to glue the ceiling, as well as a measuring ruler with which you can measure the corners on the ceiling. If the wall is smooth, then, as a rule, no special problems arise with measurements, but if there are gaps on it, then you cannot do without improvised means. It is better to pre-treat the corners with sealant; sometimes painting may be required. It is important to remember that you first need to decide on the angle of the product, and then carry out the following operations, such as cutting ceiling corner. In the diagram you can see a hint on how to make corners correctly.

Ceiling baguettes

Ceiling baguettes are special decorative strips for the ceiling, which can be decorated in various elements. Such a product can give the surface a beautiful aesthetic appearance. Most often, the baguette acts as a cornice and is used in theaters and other buildings of cultural education. However, now you can buy varieties of it in stores for home use. Most often the product acts as additional element. Its execution may vary, as internal corner baseboard, and the outer corner of the baseboard. Baguettes are recommended to be installed by experienced repairmen.
The figure shows one of the types of ceiling baguettes.

How to cut ceiling skirting boards in corners

In order to cut ceiling skirting boards in corners, you need to have several important building materials with you and follow certain important rules:

  1. Use a pencil to measure the required length of the ceiling in which you are going to lay the plinth.
  2. Using a miter box, you need to measure the length to which you will lay the corner of the plinth and cut the corner.
  3. draw up a rough layout with length measurements and cut directly with a mounting knife.

Miter boxes can be purchased at any hardware store in your city.
In the figure, mark the area whose corner needs to be trimmed.
Watch the video for more details:

Ceiling fillets

Ceiling fillets are now gaining wide popularity due to their ease of installation. To begin installation, you need to measure the perimeter of the room using a regular ruler. We divide the area by approximately 2, depending on the area of ​​the room itself. You need to decide how many fillet strips you need to take. You can glue them in two ways: using glue or putty. In the first option, you will need a flat surface of the wallpaper; for the second, we cut the corners of the PVC baseboard with a stationery knife, and then strengthen the products with putty.

How to cut a ceiling plinth

In order to cut the ceiling plinth, you need to use a miter box. If you resort to professional repairs, then you can buy the simplest option with a narrow range of corner radii, from approximately 45 to 90 degrees. In order not to be mistaken about how to cut the plinth, draw a layout. This can help, for example, when installing a plastic product. It is cut off with the very edge of the miter box; if there are uneven edges, they are sawed off with a mounting knife. For plastic skirting boards, it is advisable to measure out several pieces of stucco molding, and then start separating them. Can be used regular saw for cutting ceiling plinths.

What are corners for ceiling plinths?

Corners for ceiling plinths, or, as they are also called, baguettes, are special pieces of plastic that have a decorative finish. In everyday life you can also come across such a name as ceiling cornices. They were originally used for decoration in buildings of cultural importance, but over time their use expanded to simple finishes at home. For corners, it is also necessary to first measure the length of the ceiling. Corners are most often made of polystyrene and have a dense texture and structure. In order to install such baguettes, concentration and attentiveness are required. Installation is not much different from conventional ceiling finishing.

There are corners for skirting boards various forms. Their main feature is decorativeness and protection of the outer corner.

How to join a ceiling plinth

We will give you some tips on how to properly join ceiling plinths. And it doesn’t matter whether you have a narrow or wide ceiling plinth. In order to start joining each piece, you need to align one piece foam baseboard to the diameter of the wall and draw a line with a pencil to the other corner. This way you can measure the joint between the ceiling plinth and its gusset. Next, you need to place the fillet directly on the corner (not on the mark!), and use a regular stationery knife to cut it. For a successful connection, you should use bars with sandpaper. The corners are assembled directly into monolithic structure and one color.

What is a wooden ceiling plinth

Wooden ceiling plinth - variety decorative finishing for the ceiling, which allows you to hide visible unevenness of the wall and add attractiveness to your room. In addition to standard plastic products, there are also wooden ones. You can get them at the warehouses of logging factories, or at a regular hardware store. You should only choose one that will match the decoration of your home. Be sure to purchase nails or screws to hold wooden cornice ceiling. Installing these elements takes some time, but the installation process itself is not as complicated as it seems.

You need to carefully file down the pieces, cut out the corners, and process the areas of future joints. You will need various tools and accessories to cut wood. The joining technique is practically no different from other types of similar products. The main thing is to carefully read how to calculate and how to adjust all the joints. Then the connection will proceed without problems.

How to join skirting boards

In order to begin the process of joining skirting boards, you need to prepare several tools:

  1. pencil for measurements;
  2. docking stationery knife.

First, measure the length and perimeter of the ceiling and mark it with a pencil. If your surface is flat, you can get a regular miter box. The device is used when laying skirting boards at small angles, approximately 90-120 degrees. One strip of the product is placed under the miter box and cuts are made with the help of a knife in order to form grooves for the arrangement. A docking utility knife is used if the corners of the ceiling are not even.

What is a foam baseboard?

Polystyrene has long established itself as a good construction material, due to its simplicity in installation conditions. Foam skirting boards have found wide use for ceilings. Such products are now readily available and can be bought at absolutely any construction market. Polystyrene foam has good decorative properties. This type of plinth is usually supplied in pieces. To secure it, several objects are used, such as a miter box, a stationery knife. In order to measure the length, you can get by with an ordinary well-sharpened pencil

How to cut a corner for a ceiling plinth

How to cut a corner? In order to begin installing ceiling plinths, you first need to know how to cut the corner of a ceiling plinth. Angles are measured using protractors and a marking pencil, with which we can calculate which side of the corner we need to apply the piece on. If we have a flat surface, we do this with a miter box at small angles, and then, using a stationery knife, we cut out the designated corners. If it is a plastic plinth, you need to draw an approximate diagram in order not to make a mistake in joining the elements. Circumcision must be done carefully

How to cut a baseboard

In order to know how to cut a plinth during installation, you need to have a miter box (for flat surfaces) or a stationery knife, which is used for uneven corners. If you have plastic product, it is best to use a special hacksaw for metal, then trimming will be much easier. It is necessary to trim the baseboards carefully, without pressing hard on the knife or saw, so as not to cut your hand instead of the corner of the baseboard. The miter box is used only for flat surfaces. The product is most often cut at small angles, at a distance of up to about 90 degrees. A stationery knife is a universal solution. When cutting, it is advisable to avoid places with cracks.

What is a miter box for ceiling plinth

A miter box for ceiling plinth is essential tool for processing plinths in the ceiling. It is distinguished by the presence of cutting tips on both sides at different angles from 45 to 90 degrees, which are located, as a rule, on the left and right sides. Using these tips, the plinth is clamped on both sides and sawed off with a cutting tool. In order to attach the parts of the plinth, you need to use a pencil to draw the necessary corners for joining. The marked product is inserted into the miter box so that it stands stably on its surface. The plinth is held with one hand, and with the other, from another angle, you need to cut the material.

How to glue ceiling plinth

In order to know how to glue ceiling plinths, you need to follow several rules:

  1. always start from the corners of the room, they are the easiest, and then you can proceed to the rest of the room (you need to glue the corners so that no gaps form);
  2. at plastic baseboard For stucco moldings, finishing putty is used.

Places for fastening are moistened with soil or plain water. After the putty has dried, it is recommended to seal the cracks on the surface. To seal them, sealants of various contents are used, but it is best to take the substance on acrylic base. For small room One package is enough. Installation with sealant is similar to putty.