Crafts from disks - original ideas and secrets of making interesting jewelry (95 photos). Crafts from disks for children How to make something from disks

The popularity of CDs is declining. Today they are being replaced from our lives by miniature flash media. But you shouldn't get rid of old disks. Laser media is a beneficial material for decorating walls, furniture, creating garden miniatures for the dacha, as well as for children's creativity.

When starting work, you should be careful and attentive so as not to get hurt. Cutting tools should be large and sharp.

If it becomes necessary to heat the vinyl during the process, do this outdoors or in a well-ventilated area, and also keep a container of water on hand to extinguish the fire if the materials ignite.

What can be made from CDs

A napkin holder, stands for stationery and hot dishes, a sparkling ball, a candlestick, New Year's toys - this is just a part of what you can make from disks with your own hands. All these things do not require large investments, and the process of making them will not take much time.

Shiny ball

A disco ball is perhaps the most successful example of

Tools and materials:

  • foam ball;
  • unnecessary disks;
  • glue;
  • scissors.

Manufacturing process:

  1. Using scissors, cut the media into pieces of arbitrary shape.
  2. Lubricate the workpiece with glue and cover the surface with sparkling fragments.
  3. When the glue dries, you can hang the disco ball from the ceiling.

An unforgettable atmosphere at the party is guaranteed!

Napkin holder

A napkin holder is not just a serving item, but also a stylish table decoration that you can make yourself.

You will need:

  • carriers - 3 pcs;
  • large beads;
  • glue gun;
  • stationery knife;
  • mock-up rug or piece of laminate.

Since the base will be a whole disk, work should begin by preparing the holders. Using a knife, cut off ¼ of the disks as shown in the photo.

Attach the sides to the base using a gun.

Start decorating. Glue a thread of beads along the joint - this will cover all the flaws in the glue seam. Decorate the napkin holder with beads in random order.

Other decoration options are also possible. For example, using the decoupage technique.

You can use floristry techniques.

Or you can decorate the napkin holder with stickers and miniature figures.

Hot coasters

Continuing the kitchen theme - hot pads.

For work prepare:

  • floppy disks;
  • cardboard;
  • scissors;
  • PVA and Titan glue;
  • alcohol;
  • fine-grained sandpaper;
  • napkins with drawings;
  • putty;
  • acrylic primer and varnish.

How to do

Cut a circle of the appropriate diameter from cardboard.

Coat all components with glue.

Assemble them into a “sandwich”, as shown below.

Pack into files. If several stands are made at once, then they need to be placed separately.

Submit to press. As soon as everything is dry, fill the hole and ends of the “sandwiches”.

Sand the surface thoroughly with sandpaper, degrease with alcohol, and prime.

Dilute PVA with water in a 1:1 ratio. Glue the napkin with this solution. Leave to dry.

After drying, walk along the edge of the stand with sandpaper, removing excess tissue.

Varnish. Since hot dishes are placed on the stand, it is advisable to choose a heat-resistant varnish.

Interesting models are made from felt, inside of which a DVD is sewn - for rigidity.

Laying mosaics on a flower pot

Flower pots decorated with mosaics made from used CDs look luxurious.

In addition to disks, you will need:

  • scissors;
  • glue gun;
  • stained glass paint.

Cut laser plates into pieces.

Glue the mosaic fragments onto the degreased surface of the flowerpot so that the distance between them is minimal. Let the glue dry.

At the end of the work, carefully paint over the seams.

You can cover the entire area of ​​the flowerpot with mosaics.


A great idea is to make a clock from a used CD and keyboard.

For work you will also need:

  • Super glue;
  • clock mechanism with hands.

Take out the function keys, that is, those marked F1, F2 and so on. There are 12 of them in total, which is exactly what you need. Apply a time index scale to the disc. Fix the keys with glue according to the resulting markings.

Install the clock mechanism and hands. Insert battery. And the clock is ticking!

Photo frame

An original decoration of the room will be a photograph framed in a sparkling frame.

To implement the idea you need:

  • cardboard - 2 sheets;
  • PVA glue;
  • disks;
  • scissors;
  • contour on glass;
  • ruler;
  • pencil.

Draw the outlines of the frame on one sheet of cardboard. Cut it out.

Use scissors to turn the discs into rainbow shards.

Generously coat the frame with glue.

Use tweezers to lay out the mosaic pieces.

Leave to dry for 3-4 hours.

Draw a contour along all the joints, not forgetting the edges of the frame.

Let the paint dry. Connect the frame and the backdrop, leaving one side uncovered - this is where the image will be inserted.

All that remains is to place the photo and hang it on the wall.

New Year's toys

It’s better to create New Year’s decorations together with the children. This is an opportunity not only to acquire a number of unique toys, but also to have fun creating together.

It is best to invite your child to make his favorite character from the animated series “Smeshariki”.

All you need for this:

  • colored paper and cardboard;
  • glue;
  • pattern;
  • paints (if necessary);
  • scissors;
  • unnecessary blanks.

How to make

Find your favorite character image on the Internet. From paper, cut out parts of the face, hairstyle, flowers, glasses - everything that a cartoon character needs. Then cut out arms, legs, and ears from cardboard.

Glue all the elements onto the disk. To make facial features more expressive, outline the details with a black felt-tip pen or marker. Glue a loop at the back and you can hang the craft on the Christmas tree.

The principle of making the next toy is similar.


  • a set of New Year's themed paper decor - snowflakes, stars;
  • postcard;
  • scissors;
  • a little glue.

Cut out a circle from your favorite card. Glue the fragment onto the disk and add a frame of snowflakes in a circle.

One row is positioned so as to hide the contours of the cut out element. The second one is closer to the center. A puncture is carefully made with a hot awl, a ribbon is threaded, and tied with a bow. The Christmas tree toy is ready.

Christmas tree decorations made from old disks will look harmonious on a large tree. If the Christmas tree is miniature, then crafts are used to create a festive atmosphere in the interior.

The installation on the wall in the shape of a Christmas tree looks spectacular and unusual.

And if you hang a sparkling owl on the door, it will definitely not go unnoticed!

Ideas for inspiration

When making New Year's crafts, you can use beading or isothread techniques.

Or you can decorate them in an original way using decoupage techniques or photographs from an album.

Curtain tiebacks

Another useful little thing for the home can be made from vinyl circles - a curtain tieback.

For one lift you will need:

  • disk - one piece;
  • bamboo stick for rolls - one piece;
  • a piece of whatman paper;
  • tape 2.5 cm wide - about three meters;
  • rhinestones, half beads - three pieces;
  • hot glue gun;
  • candle or lighter;
  • tweezers;
  • needle and thread;
  • scissors.

Decoration technique

Cut out the inside of the plate to make a donut.

Glue one end of the ribbon to the ring and braid it. The turns are overlapped so that the base does not show through.

When the entire surface is braided, cut off the excess tape, securing it on the wrong side.

Go to floral elements. Cut the ribbon into pieces about 8 cm in length. Singe the ends of each so as not to crumble.

Fold the petal as shown in the pictures.

This is what the front side looks like. There should be 15 such petals in total.

Using a thread and a needle, collect three flowers, each with five petals.

Decorate the middle with rhinestones or half beads.

Collect everything into a single composition.

Using the kanzashi technique, you can create a wide variety of curtain holders - just master the basic techniques.

If you replace the ribbon with jute twine or fabric with sequins, you will get completely different models.


There is something mystical and bewitching in the flame of a candle; you just can’t take your eyes off the flickering light! And the corresponding candlestick will only emphasize the romantic and mysterious atmosphere.

Add to the already known toolkit:

  • candle tablet;
  • drinks can;
  • decorations (cones, shells, pebbles, large beads, artificial flowers and others).

Cut off the bottom of the jar, place a candlestick in the center of it on the plate. Arrange the decor in a circle: pine cones, beads. Lubricate the cones with glue and sprinkle with artificial snow. You can paint the ends with gold or silver paint, and lay a “rain” around the perimeter of the circle.

By changing the decorations, you can make a candlestick for any theme: maritime, for the holiday of March 8, in oriental style, or just for a romantic dinner.

Country ideas

The cottage should be beautiful. This is a place where soul and body relax from the bustle of the city. As a rule, all the trash that has accumulated in the apartment moves here, and vinyl roundels are no exception. Crafts made from them can be used in dacha farming.

You can make a kitchen apron using mosaic techniques.

In the same way, it is possible to transform a coffee table.

Rainbow circles make an interesting scarecrow for the garden or curtain holders in the bathroom.

You can make a window curtain.

And if you have talent and patience, then these are real landscape miniatures.

If you happen to have 3.5-inch floppy disks lying around in the closet, you can use them too. Just to get started, you need to prepare it in a certain way: lower the protective cap and pierce holes in the corners of the floppy with a hot awl.

You will get a blank with holes through which the floppy disks will be connected to each other. Wire, clamps, and metal rings are used as connecting elements; For greater strength of the seams, it is advisable to apply super glue.

You can, for example, make a stand for stationery.

A larger number of three-inch pieces will make a box or chest for small items.

By changing the assembly configuration, you can get a stylish lampshade.

All this is just a part of the DIY CD crafts. The main thing is not to limit your imagination.

Mini sharpener made from an old hard drive

Don't throw away any spilled hard disk (hard drive). It can be given a second life as a sharpener for knives and scissors.

For this, in addition to the hard drive, you will need:

  • power supply from a PC (personal computer);
  • connector where the power will be connected;
  • sandpaper;
  • screwdriver for disassembling the hard drive;
  • wires;
  • soldering iron

Remove all stickers from the hard drive, unscrew all the bolts, remove the pancakes. Remove all unnecessary components, leaving only the motor, spindle and logic board.

Place one pancake on the sandpaper, trace it with a pencil, and cut along the contour. Coat the circle with glue and glue it on. Place the pancake on the spindle and secure it. Supply power from the computer PSU (power supply).

The mini sharpener is ready for use.

Products from old car wheels

Every car owner eventually develops outdated rims. As a rule, they gather dust in the garage. But from them you can make a good-quality barbecue with removable supports for a country house.

Required tools and materials:

  • car disk;
  • metal rods with threads at the ends;
  • nuts;
  • a piece of square mesh - 400 x 400 mm;
  • metal sheet 5 mm thick - 250 x 250 mm;
  • welding machine.

Weld a sheet onto the bottom of the disk. This is necessary so that hot coals do not spill through its large holes.

Place the nuts on the legs (do not tighten them all the way, so as not to accidentally weld the posts, and they could be removable). Weld to their locations on the structure.

Turn the grill over. Place the grid on the disc and trace it with a marker. Trim off all excess with a grinder.

Place the mesh in its intended place.


In the video you can see how to make a barbecue oven from old rims.

The following video shows 35 examples of DIY crafts made from old DVDs - from simple miniatures to garden sculptures.

Another video review of crafts made from old laser plates: 40 simple but original ideas.

The digital era is developing at a crazy pace! Once upon a time, CDs were considered the best storage media, but now they gather dust somewhere in the garage or in boxes on the mezzanine. But some unknown force still does not allow us to get rid of them. This is probably all due to their attractive, shiny surface. If you just can't say goodbye to this beauty, we'll share 9 really worthwhile craft ideas from old CDs for the garden and cottage, which you can do with your own hands.

1. Hot pads

Let's start our master class with a description of the simplest craft, namely, a stand for hot cups or a kettle. This is a necessary thing in the household, especially considering how quickly a polyethylene tablecloth melts under the influence of heat. But for many, it is precisely this that protects the surface. Options making stands some. Depending on the amount of free time and the availability of materials, everyone will find an option to their liking.

  • The simplest stands They just look like painted wheels. Some people will want to paint the plate on both sides, others will leave the shiny side untouched - the choice is yours. They are most suitable for these purposes. You can apply a thick layer of paint to the surface, and then use a toothpick to “scratch” any pattern. The excess paint will be easily removed, leaving you with beautiful shiny lines. You can immediately apply the ornament with paints by hand or use a stencil. After complete drying, you can safely place hot dishes on the stand. You can protect the paint layer with two balls of acrylic varnish.
  • The stand will be more dense and heat-resistant if you stick small sea pebbles, glass beads or decorative stones on it. An interesting way to decorate - solid coffee beans. Such cute and beautiful items will make tea drinking more enjoyable. You can attach the decor with superglue or using a heat gun. It is recommended to open the surface with varnish.
  • A more painstaking way - braiding multi-colored disks threads. To do this, the base is first woven. A thread is pulled through the central hole and a small number of turns are made, about 5-7. Thus, the surface is divided into equal sectors. Now choose the color you want and thread the thread in a circle. One step under the main thread, the other above it, and so on in turn. Reminiscent of basket weaving technology. Your “web” should fill completely. You can change the colors of the threads by tying their ends. For a more uniform pattern, you need to pull the threads tightly and adjust them so that they form even circles. At the end of the work, the edges of the threads are attached with glue and hidden. If you don't want to weave in a circle, just thread the thread through the center until you cover the entire surface.
  • A method for real needlewomen - we sheathe beautiful old scratched wheels cloth. To do this, you will need not only pieces of interesting material, but also thick cardboard or padding polyester. From any of these materials you need to cut two disk-sized circles for each stand. After cutting, spread glue on both sides of the disk and secure the resulting circles. This will help the fabric not slip during subsequent work and make the stand thicker. Now you need to cut out two larger pieces from the material chosen for decoration with an allowance of about 0.5 cm on the seam. Apply the fabric, carefully check that the edges extend beyond the diameter of the disc evenly. Using several pins, pin the workpiece. Now you need to sew the edges by hand. If you know how to crochet, you can braid the circle around the perimeter with a thin thread and add a little lace. If not, don’t worry, the seam will help hide the decorative edging. After finishing the work, you just need to carefully glue it to the end of the stand with hot glue. You can make a small buttonhole. Use it to hang coasters on the wall near the kitchen table.

These are the kind of useful and cute little things you can get if you show a little imagination and perseverance.

2. Scarecrow for birds

All gardeners and summer residents know how annoying birds can be, always trying to ruin the harvest. Previously, to scare them away, a large scarecrow with flying clothes and a bucket or pumpkin instead of a head was installed in the middle of the garden. Agree, such a character can seriously frighten small children or neighbors. We suggest you make a more modern model of a scarecrow that will fascinate with its beauty and scare away birds with its bright reflections. You can determine the shape, height and other parameters based on your own needs. Principle of operation consists of tying about a dozen disks onto a base, for example, on an old shovel holder or an unusable rake.

3. Hanging seed organizer

Where do you store the seeds purchased for the planting season? Probably in some box, tied with an elastic band. Not the most convenient option. And after the seeds are sown, where do you put the packaging? Many people put it on a stick and insert it into the ground at the beginning of the bed, so that in case of successful germination and a rich harvest, they remember the plant variety and buy the same one next year. The option is not bad, but the scorching sun and rain quickly make the bright packaging unrecognizable. So that you can remember exactly what grows and where, we suggest you make an organizer. For this we required:

  • Large piece of fabric;
  • Lots of small patches;
  • Lots of disks;
  • Hot melt adhesive;
  • Thick paper.

Idea is to create a diagram of your garden with pockets, which will indicate the planting area for a particular vegetable, and seed packaging will be placed in them. In this way, you can remember not only the variety, but also record the planting date. This basic technology can be supplemented or simplified as desired, the main thing is to understand principle:

Your organizer is ready. You can simplify the design and connect the pockets together with fabric ribbons, and then hang them on a wooden plank.

4. Disco ball

Who said that a summer cottage was created only for grueling planting and harvesting work? Sometimes you need to relax and create a cheerful mood for yourself. Evening gatherings can develop into a small party, which will become more colorful with a disco ball. It's very easy to make. There are several options:

Now all that remains to worry about is a light source and rousing music.

5. Decorate flower pots

Many garden areas are decorated with large flower pots and hanging flowerpots. Why not make them more colorful and unusual. For this you required:

  • A large number of CDs;
  • Sharp scissors;
  • Super glue;
  • Paint gun;

The essence The method consists of covering the surface of the pot with pieces of disks. If you approach the issue more creatively, you can first paint the surface of the disk with multi-colored felt-tip pens, let them dry and get a translucent colored material for creativity. After giving the discs the desired colors, you need to cut them into fragments. You can maintain proportions and choose the correct geometric shapes, or you can cut them into arbitrary pieces. Both options will end up looking beautiful. It’s just that selecting suitable “puzzles” for random cutting will take a little more time. Surface of the flowerpot must be clean, dry and grease-free.

  • Apply glue to a small area and begin placing the pieces. You can even arrange them in a certain sequence and end up with a characteristic pattern.
  • When the work is finished you need to let the glue dry.
  • You will be left with noticeable gaps that need to be covered with paint. The most convenient way to do this is with a pistol.

6. Decorative curtain

This does not mean window tulle, but a curtain that can serve as zoning both inside a country house and outside.
Just imagine how much more comfortable the area where the dacha is located will become if you fence it off from several sides with an unusual curtain. To work for us required:

  • A lot of CDs;
  • Packaging of paper clips;
  • Drill;
  • Thin drill;
  • Wooden plank.

First you need to decide on size future curtains. After this you should think about pattern. This can be done most quickly by laying the discs directly on the floor. You can place them one under the other with regular stripes; a more beautiful way is to place them offset, in a checkerboard pattern. Based on the layout method, mark the locations for the mounting holes. It is enough to do this on disks from the first and second lanes. Knowing their number, you can quickly navigate your next steps.

In this simple way, you can erect entire partitions, make them motionless, additionally securing the lower edge, and arrange entire recreation areas. And if you weave thin garlands into the gaps between the disks, you will get something unimaginable!

7. Coffee table made from CDs

What craftsmen don’t make countertops from! And we suggest not only decorating the table, but also trying do full-fledged frame from old disks and remnants of chipboard or other wood materials. To bring the tabletop decor option to life, we will need the same tools as for decorating flowerpots. And the technology will be identical. Fragments of disks or blanks as a whole are glued onto the prepared surface, as you like, and then the gaps are filled and varnished.
More the hard way Let's take a closer look. To work for us you will need:

  • A large number of disks;
  • Something that can serve as a tabletop - wooden boards, durable plastic, remnants of chipboard, etc.
  • Round wooden rods – 4 pcs.
  • Hacksaw.

The last point is necessary for the legs of the future table, so it is better that the pieces of wood are smooth and tall, and their diameter does not exaggerate the diameter of the central hole of the disks. Let's start with the legs. Remember, there was a children's toy in the form of a pyramid of multi-colored plastic bagels of different colors and diameters, which were put on a stick on a stand? This is the kind of stand that needs to be built.

For greater functionality you can do additional shelf at some distance under the tabletop. Then half of the disks are strung on the rod, then the shelf, then the remaining half. The diameter of the hole in the shelf should correspond as closely as possible to the diameter of the rod so that it does not “walk” or move. This design will also be more rigid and spacious. Decorate table top can be created in a variety of ways. You can lay out a mosaic as we suggested above, or you can cut out a part in the middle, fasten plywood or transparent plexiglass from below, place a couple of beautiful disks in a niche and cover everything with plexiglass on top.

8. We restore old chairs

There is nothing surprising in the fact that it usually ends up after it has lost its attractive appearance and there is no longer a place for it in the apartment, but one does not dare to throw it away. Our incredibly simple but effective tool will help you breathe new life into old chairs. restoration method. The resulting result will surprise not only you and your guests, but will also help complement the unusual table from the point above. So we you will need:

  • Old scary chair - unlimited quantity;
  • Lots of CDs;
  • Sharp scissors;
  • Beautiful paper napkins with patterns or a glossy magazine;
  • PVA glue;
  • Grout for joints;
  • Sandpaper;

It will take about 50 discs to restore one standard size chair. We'll step away from the mirror surface and try to create something that looks like the old one. To do this we need to get rid of the mirror coating.

  • Using fine-grained sandpaper, you need to wipe off the foil and rinse the transparent plastic under water.
  • Choose the picture you like from the pages of a magazine or other sources; you can use regular colored paper. Use what you like and what suits you.
  • Spread a decent layer of PVA glue on the surface of the disk and glue it to the selected page. This must be done with all disks, so you will also need a lot of images.
  • When the glue is dry, trim off the excess paper;
  • Cut the disk into small squares 1.5 x 1.5 cm. Why such a small size? Everything is very simple. The seats of old chairs are often warped and have a dent in the middle. If you make the parts larger, they simply will not be able to fit tightly to the curved surface and accurately follow its contour. Thus, after some time, the squares will simply disappear, since there will be emptiness underneath them.
  • For the convenience of further work, you can arrange the squares by color or image style into disposable cups. This will make it much easier to follow the order and lay out the drawing.
  • Before pasting, the surface of the chair must be sanded, remove any remaining dust and degrease.
  • Start gluing the squares on PVA or any other glue, moving from the outer contour in a circle.
  • To make the chair look more harmonious, cover the back with mosaics;
  • Leave the chair until the glue has completely dried;
  • It's time to fill the voids between the tiles. Regular construction putty is suitable for this. Choose the color at your discretion.
  • Apply putty to the mosaic and spread it with a rubber spatula, carefully filling the joints;
  • Without waiting for it to dry completely, remove excess with a damp cloth. It is very important to do this right away, otherwise difficulties may arise later;
  • After the grout has completely dried, hide the back and seat with acrylic varnish. It is better to apply two layers. This will extend the life of the decorative surface.

Our new unusual chair is ready. Don't forget that you don't have to limit yourself to these recommendations. You can paint the chair legs in the same way, or just paint them.

9. Protection from rain and sun - CD roof

And finally, the most practical way using old CDs - roof renovation! Of course, no one is talking about the roof of the house, although... with due effort, anything is possible. Let's consider a smaller scale application area- for example, arranging a roof, a garden swing, a small one, for a car or outbuilding. According to our calculations, it will take about 120 CDs to cover 1 square meter of surface. Thanks to the special method of their installation, which is reminiscent of laying technology, each subsequent disk will half overlap the previous one.
Thus, the surface that will be located under the disks will be completely protected from hit by rain or melt water. Let's get started for preparatory and installation work:

  • In each disk you need to drill a hole, the size of which will ensure the free passage of the nail or self-tapping screw into it. This must be done in the place indicated in the picture.
  • You can try to drill several disks at once. This will significantly speed up the work process; most importantly, do not forget to securely fix the entire stack;
  • Now we need to decide which side you will stack the discs. If you place the blanks with the shiny side up, they will reflect the sun's rays, which will extend the life of such a coating and help make the room under the roof cooler. But on the other hand, endless sunbeams can irritate not only you, but also your neighbors, which will lead to trouble. By placing the discs with the shiny side down, you can lay out various patterns of images on the front part, which also looks very attractive;
  • Have you decided? Then it will start fasten discs to the roof. Use what you are most comfortable working with. Of course, application will significantly speed up the work.
  • Before starting installation, you should draw horizontal lines that will serve as a guide and will not allow you to deviate from straightness;
  • Get started with bottom edge, after all, each subsequent one will come on top of the previous one.
  • Be sure to make sure that the central holes of the disks also overlap, otherwise there is no point in installing a roof that has many holes.
  • Thus, it is necessary to move upward until the entire surface is completely covered.

We can confidently say that such a roof will be able to withstand the rays of the scorching sun and heavy rainfall.

The article gives several ideas on how to make many useful things from CDs: a box, a candlestick, a photo frame or a roof covering.

Many people have accumulated old CDs that become obsolete or become unusable. Of course, you can throw them away, but it’s better to store them and at some point use them for a global project, for example, to cover a roof. And from small quantities you can make interesting crafts.

Original disc roof covering

If you have accumulated a lot of such material, then you can make a roof covering from old disks. It will literally look brilliant, and will also not let moisture into the room due to the correct arrangement of the elements.

First, the discs need to be attached to a wooden base, for example, to plywood, and then to the roof. To lay one square meter you will need 120 pieces. They need to be fixed using this technology.

Place the discs end to end in the first row so that there are no gaps. In the second one, place it in a checkerboard pattern relative to this one so as to block the holes of the first one. The third row will also be located relative to the second in a checkerboard pattern, with the holes overlapping. This is how a scaly roof is made from old discs.

Those who have accumulated a lot of unnecessary vinyl records can also implement a similar technology, but using them.

However, let's return to the idea of ​​​​what can be made from old disks. When laying them, make small holes. Secure parts using small nails or screws.

Come up with a pattern, following which you will lay such an improvised tile roof. You can place the discs either matte or glossy side up.

If you don’t have enough disks or records, then you can put them not on the roof of the house, but on the canopy.

See how English artist Bruce Monroe came up with the idea of ​​using old disks. According to him, he wanted to enhance the natural beauty of the garden in this way. It took him 65,000 discs to make water lilies.

You're unlikely to have that much on hand, so you can make small water lilies or home decor items.

DIY rigid curtains made from discs

You won't need to wash them, just brush off the dust occasionally. Such curtains will decorate the room and add positive notes to it.

The manufacturing process is extremely simple. For it you will need:
  • CD disks;
  • paper clips;
  • drill.
Using the latter, make holes in two disks, placing them closer to the outer edge. Now combine these 2 disks using paper clips, attach the third to the second in the same way, and so on. You can make the curtain rectangular or the way it is made in the photograph. For each of the top three rows, 6 disks were used, for the fourth - 5, for the fifth - 4, for the sixth it took 3, for the seventh 2, and the last eighth consists of only one disk. In total, to make 2 similar curtains with your own hands, you will need 66 disks, 33 will be enough for one.

Such curtains can be easily fixed to the cornice; to do this, you need to use a sharp stationery knife to go through the markings of the larger inner circle, and then squeeze it out with your fingers to enlarge the hole. You can also use a drill for this purpose. Bathroom curtain holders are made using the same technique from old discs.

You can also make curtain ties using the same material.

Place a smaller round object on the disk. While holding it, trace it with a knife, then cut along the markings with scissors.

The resulting ring is decorated with a satin ribbon, which just needs to be wrapped around it.

You can decorate curtain tiebacks with satin flowers made using the kanzashi technique, and attach rings to curtains using sushi sticks. They can be painted or also rewound with satin ribbon, gluing it.

Beautiful crafts from CDs

Even from very old disks you can make a New Year's toy using fragments untouched by time. Cut out pieces from this material, which then glue to the Christmas ball like a mosaic. Wipe off excess glue with a cloth.

Using the same technique, you can decorate the collar of a blouse. For this purpose, discs are also cut into fragments. Then they need to be glued to the fabric.

To make a photo frame with your own hands, prepare:
  • thick cardboard;
  • PVA glue;
  • CD disks;
  • scissors;
  • black paint in a tube with a fine tip.
Make 2 identical rectangles from cardboard. For the first one, draw a circle or a 4-gon inside and cut it out. Glue this cardboard with an internal hole onto the second - solid one. Glue together only 3 of their sides, leaving the top ones free. Through the resulting gap you will put a photo or painting into the frame.

Use scissors to cut the disks into individual elements. Apply PVA to the photo frame - a small area of ​​it, attach the resulting pieces here.

Let your artwork dry, then fill in the gaps between the pieces with tube paint. When it dries, then you can use the frame for its intended purpose.

And from just one disk you can make a candlestick. For it you will need:
  • glass balls;
  • 1 disk;
  • super glue or another one designed for working with these materials;
  • candle.
The photograph shows stages of work that clearly show how to make candlesticks with your own hands.

Cover the outer contour of the circle with balls. Glue the second row on top of these, arranging its elements in a checkerboard pattern. This way create 4 chains. All that remains is to attach the candle using hot wax and you can plunge into the romantic atmosphere.

Homemade jewelry box

It is made of the same material. Here's what it took to create this necessary thing:
  • 3 disks;
  • textile;
  • padding polyester;
  • needle with thread;
  • scissors.
Take a sheet of paper and a compass. Draw 2 circles. The inner one will be equal to the diameter of the disk with a small margin - 12 cm, and the outer one - 20 cm. At the same time, the height of the box is 8 cm, you can change this value at your discretion.

Divide both circles into 16 equal sectors. To make your task easier, first divide in half, then into 4 parts, then into 8 and 16.

Transfer the pattern to the fabric or immediately draw on it. You need to make 2 such blanks from canvas. Now sew along the markings, making 16 stitches from the outer to the inner edge. Place padding polyester in the resulting pockets. Sew up the top of the disc box.

If you want to make handles, then weave a braid from three strips of fabric.

To make a lid for a box with your own hands, fold two pieces of fabric in a pile, place on a disk, outline with chalk, cut out with a seam allowance of 7 mm on all sides. Cover the disc on top and bottom with these fabrics. If you want the lid to be soft, then cut out two circles of padding polyester and cover the disk first with them and then with fabrics. Sew along the edges with a blind stitch.

Here's how to make a box.

How to make an owl from old CDs?

Try making this funny owl from this material. It will become a room decoration or an original gift.

To get started you will need this:
  • several disks (10–12 pcs.);
  • a simple pencil;
  • scissors with soft finger rings to avoid rubbing calluses;
  • scotch;
  • foil;
  • strong glue;
  • yellow and black cardboard;
  • ball pen.
Take two light discs and cut a fringe along their edges with scissors.

Cut out 2 circles from yellow cardboard; they should be larger in size than the holes in the disks. Cut out 2 smaller black circles from thick black paper and glue these bird pupils onto the yellow ones as shown in the photo.

From the dark areas of the disk, cut out the beak, 2 eyebrows and 2 paws of the owl.

Do not throw away the remaining pieces. You need to draw leaves on them and also cut them out. These elements will be useful for decoration.

Glue an eye to the center of each disc. Glue these two disks together and attach the beak to them. Take another light disk and cut fringe on it only on one side and the opposite side. This is the head of an owl. Glue the blank eyes and beak onto it, based on the photo hint.

To make the owl further, take 5 light disks.

To save energy, do not completely decorate their edges with fringe; do it only where necessary. The photo shows this moment.

Start gluing them together as follows.

Cut out two wings from a dark disk, decorate them with fringe and glue them, eyebrows, and paws of the bird into place.

Place the pencil on the foil and wrap it in this shiny sheet.

Glue pre-cut leaves from disks to the perch. You have such a wonderful owl that will certainly bring good luck to your home.

Coasters for cups made from CDs

These kitchen utensils will prevent the tablecloth from getting dirty with drops of tea and will decorate the table. They are made extremely simply.


  • disks;
  • textile;
  • ballpoint pen;
  • padding polyester;
  • needle and thread.
For one stand, cut two blanks from fabric and one from padding polyester. Don't forget to leave allowances for the hems.

Now place the padding polyester on the wrong side of the fabric and sew the two layers together using a basting stitch. Place the padding polyester on the SD, tighten the thread, tie two knots. Place another circle of padding polyester and fabric on top of the disk, sew the blanks together as shown in the photo. You can put a loop on the side to hang your DIY cup stand from.

Interesting country ideas from old CDs

You can read how to make such a peacock from a tire in the corresponding article, and its tail is made from the material that this review is devoted to. For it, you will need to cut a metal mesh in the shape of a large fan, attach disks to it with wire in rows or lay out a pattern for the tail from them.

Here are other summer cottage ideas. To create one of these brilliant fish, you will only need two CDs, as well as colored cardboard. If these figures will not hang under a canopy, then it is better to use rubber or other synthetic sheets instead. From these you will cut out the fin, tail and mouth of the fish.

Place these parts between two disks and glue them together. Don’t forget to first put a fishing line or thin cord inside to hang the craft.

It’s also not difficult to create a funny caterpillar by first painting 5 disks, attaching legs to four, and gluing eyes, mouth, nose and hair from threads to the fifth. You can easily attach the caterpillar itself to a chain-link mesh or to a picket fence using wire.

You can also make a windmill or street lamps from disks for your dacha.

Choose your favorite idea and bring it to life. If you want to see how to make these and other things from old disks, we suggest watching the videos:

The sun has been winking through the window like a brilliant disk for an hour now. Irina Ivaskiv is with you. Disk? Disc! Eureka! Where is that dusty box with a bunch of old CDs lying around? Shouldn't we make some brilliant useful things out of them - crafts from disks?

Due to the fact that the discs mirror everything around, crafts made from discs look fantastically beautiful, creating a unique atmosphere shimmering with all the colors of the rainbow. When planning to make crafts from disks, follow a few simple rules:

  • cut discs with safety glasses
  • carefully trim sharp edges
  • Leave a little space between the disc pieces so that you can fill them with paint later.

Crafts from disks: 100 ideas for creativity

Shiny collar. Cut the disk into small triangles and glue the pieces onto the collar closer to the outer edge. You can also treat cuffs and pockets, handbags and shoes.

Napkin holder

Cup coasters. Cover the old discs with ordinary pebbles. Or paint your rims using stencils. Or cover the rims with fabric.

Shining candlestick. You will need one disk. Cover it in a circle with decorative glass balls or pebbles and place a candle inside.

Christmas decorations. We glue pieces cut from disks onto transparent Christmas tree balls; you can put scraps of shiny fabric inside the balls.

Snowflakes for winter decoration of rooms and creation of winter wall compositions. Such snowflakes will look good hanging from chandeliers.

Isothread on disks. Discs decorated with isothread turn into original handmade souvenirs, and the mirror base will give them multi-layeredness.

Christmas wreath. Place pine branches, red ribbon bows between the disks, glue small cones, rowan berries, bells, etc.

Garlands of disks for birthdays, New Years, parties. If you hang an electric one in parallel with such a garland, the disks will “multiply” the lights, creating a unique play of light in the room.

Earrings, pendants, beads, bracelets made from pieces of disks with your own hands - here you have stylish extravagant jewelry that no one else will have!

Earring storage device. Make many holes in the disk in a circle. Hang the disc on a mirror or attach it to a disc stand.

Organizers. Useful crafts from disks for things that should be at hand. Organizers will bring order to the workshops of creative people.

Stationery stands. You can model such crafts from disks of different shapes, sizes, capacity and appearance.

Pincushion in the form of a hat. You will need one disc and a small plastic box with foam inside. We cover everything with fabric and decorate it.

Decorating boxes for storing various small things - you get real magic boxes and caskets!

Photo album. An original family album can be made from ordinary CDs. With the help of such albums you can tell a family story.

Notepads from disks. In this case, the discs will serve as a hard cover.

Souvenirs on disks. For mom on March 8, for the New Year, for her birthday, handmade corporate gifts - there are a lot of ideas here!

Decorating dishes. Vases, dishes, trays, flower pots and other household items can be decorated with pieces of disks. You can admire such products for hours!

Frame for a picture or photograph. We cover the frame with pieces of disks. Or we create a wall composition from several frames for a photo collage.

Fridge magnets. It’s good to attach tear-off stickers to them for notes and a ribbon holder for a small pencil. Or congratulations.

Decorating a mirror. Cover the edges of the mirror with large pieces of discs.

Flower pot on a bicycle. The wheels are rims, and the pot is any plastic box. You will also need popsicle sticks. Don't forget to paint the structure!

Mandalas. Make mandalas (beautiful, intricate geometric designs for home decoration) out of CDs. They look amazing both in a group and individually!

Musical pendants. And if the mandalas are equipped with bells and placed in groups above the door, you will get magical dream catchers.

Curtains for windows and doors made of discs. You will need a large number of discs, but these curtains look very chic! They can be fastened with decorative paper clips.

Screens made of discs. Ask guests to autograph these discs or write down short wishes along with the date of their visit.

Door. An old door (or table) can be restored with pieces of discs, and it will shine like new! You can also lay out various mosaic patterns on it.

Unique lamp. Just glue the discs together in a not too tight stack. Place a long thin lamp in the middle. The lamp is ready!

Chandeliers made from CDs They look gorgeous too! There are many options for such chandeliers online. From old disks you can make disco ball.

Wall Clock. Looks cool!

Composition from discs or panel on the wall. Discs in compositions will look good on their own, with photographs, inscriptions, and decoupage.

Mosaic. Glue a mosaic of any shape from pieces of CDs. Such crafts made from disks will decorate any room and give it its own zest.

Crafts from disks for the garden. Here you can really let your imagination run wild! What folk craftsmen and needlewomen can’t come up with!

“Scarecrows” from disks. At the dacha - an irreplaceable thing. Just hang the discs around the garden - the bright mirror reflections will scare away birds and protect plants.

Original roof. The discs do not allow moisture to pass through and look brilliant. The main thing is the correct location. To begin with, the discs are attached to the base, and then to the roof. We arrange the disks in three rows. We lay out the first row without gaps, joint to joint. The second and third - in a checkerboard pattern, closing the gaps. The discs are secured to each other with screws and small nails.

Disc scraper. Cleaning an icy windshield with an old disc is very convenient.

Yula. There is nothing to say here - great fun for children! Glue the disk onto the ball and secure it with a lid on top. Decorate the spinning top in a spiral.

Owl from disks. Cut and glue the pieces into the correct shape! For eyes use. You can make other animals in the same way.

Smeshariki from disks. Characters for storytelling on CDs (toys can stand on the table thanks to clothespins-legs). Puppet theater on discs(characters are attached to popsicle sticks).

Volumetric toys. From the disks you can collect cute shining toys or sculptures that can be viewed from all sides. They can hang on a fishing line or be mounted on a disk stand.

Decoupage on disks.Pictures from plasticine A on disks. A panel of shells on disks covered with burlap.


In a word, crafts made from disks are such a bottomless sphere for creativity! Have you accumulated a lot of old computer disks? Make them into medals, curtain ties, floating candles for a country pond, boomerangs and... whatever you want. You can paste discs over walls, tables, cabinets, flower pots, ceilings, and your home. The discs can serve as reflective plates for bathroom light bulbs. Just fantasize, and the world around you will become even more colorful! And if you simply don’t have time to create, then don’t throw away your old discs! Give them to school, to a handicraft club, to Sunday school, to those who organize children's camps - they will definitely be used there! And they will be grateful to you for such wealth! Did you like the article? Share it!

Art constantly requires new forms. Today, paintings in classic frames may seem too old-fashioned for modern interior solutions. Use pop art techniques, finding beauty in the familiar. Make a three-dimensional composition from CD boxes.

The emergence of new storage media has negated the benefits of CDs. Today, music can be listened to online or recorded on devices that take up much less space. Therefore, discs are often sent to scrap. Plastic boxes from them too. But you can use them by making wall decorations.

Take out the CD cover. Usually it is a piece of glossy paper or a small book. This sheet will be used as a sample.

Print an image that will fit the size of several covers stacked together.

Mark squares on the back of the picture to fit the size of the cover.

It is convenient to use a long ruler.

Cut the image into squares. Use a sharp cutter, or very sharp tailor's scissors with straight blades.

Place each piece in a CD case.

Attach Velcro or pieces of double-sided tape to the second part.

Using a large ruler, mark the section of the wall where the painting will be attached. Construct two perpendicular axes.

Start gluing the image elements.

Between rows, leave a distance equal to the space on the side of the disk.

You can use part of one of the boxes as a stencil.

Collect the entire image. Any photo will look more impressive in this design.

What can be made from disks? Crafts from CD (photo)

Surely every home has already accumulated a fair amount old CDs. All sorts of outdated programs, uninteresting films and simply unreadable discs (scratched, unformatted and out of order). But at the same time, they are so shiny, of a regular round shape, that it’s simply a pity to throw them away. So what is possible make from CDs?

Pavel Polyakov offers a simple option that everyone can do, regardless of age and financial situation. This is about cup stand from coffee beans. It will protect your furniture from thermal overheating and fill your home with the pleasant smell of coffee beans.

For this craft we will need a beautiful and clean CD or DVD disc, any glue for plastic or leather, about 50 grams of coffee beans and a little patience.

So, about all the steps in turn.

1. Take the disk and apply glue to it, about one third of the disk. This is no longer necessary, since the glue dries quickly, and we must tamp the grains into the glue very well. The glue must be applied in a fairly thick layer.
2. Wait about a minute and rub the glue on the surface of the disk.

3. Pour out the grains and quickly begin to glue them to the disk, leveling them and creating a composition of grains.
4. We repeat these procedures on the surface of the entire disk, I remind you that you should not rush - pour glue onto no more than a third of the disk, wait about a minute and press the grains firmly.

As a result, we get such a disc, quite beautiful and smelling nice.

And together with a cup of coffee it looks like this.

From operational problems, it became clear that the grains in the center of the disk must be placed very evenly, otherwise the cup will wobble and there is a risk of it turning over. So I immediately removed the beans from the center of the disk, under this particular cup. And the cup immediately acquired increased stability, and the product acquired a finished look!

This is such a beauty!
As an addition, along the edge of the disk you can lay out a edging of dried rose hips or beautiful shells. You just need to be smart.

Another video tutorial about similar stands, but decorated with plastic flowers:

There are many different solutions on the Internet that can be made from disks; as a rule, they are divided into two groups:

- The discs are simply decorated(pasted, sheathed, tied) sometimes to such an extent that it is not even clear why a CD is needed at the base, that is, it is the same ordinary element as a flat round part made of any other material.

In crafts it is done emphasis on the mirror surface of the disc, then the effect is more interesting.

We also have several interesting master classes on our website:

Doll stand

Victoria Golden. Lamp made from disks “Fairytale Bird”.

Craft from CDs “Teddy Bear“.

Crocodile from disks:

Vase from Yulia Eliseeva's discs:

Clock made from records and CDs:

More works submitted to our contest “Plastic Crafts”:

Christmas tree made of disks:

Works of the competition “Second Life of Things”:

Did you like the product and want to order the same from the author? Write to us here.

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More interesting:

See also:

Tags: Crafts from waste materials

DIY crafts from CDs and DVDs, for home, photo ideas

Almost every person has a couple of unnecessary CDs, DWDs, CDs that are simply scratched, stale and no longer needed. Don’t rush to throw them away because you can use them to make useful crafts for the home, such as: a napkin holder, a photo frame, a candlestick, a hot stand, a pincushion, and even children’s crafts like fish and smeshariki. In this article we will look at how to make crafts for the home from old CDs, DWDs, CDs with your own hands.

Napkin holder made from discs

You will need: three discs, glue gun, scissors, decorative elements (beads, beads, ribbons) ...

Master Class

  1. Take two disks, cut off 25% of each disk in a straight line.
  2. Take a whole disk that will serve as the base of the napkin holder.
  3. Glue the cut disks on both sides to the base so that they act as holders.
  4. Wait until completely dry.
  5. Decorate to your taste.

Photo frame from disk

You will need: disk, photo, threads, glue, decorative elements (beads, seed beads, ribbons) ...

Master Class

  1. Make a decoration from threads or ribbons, folding them several times.
  2. Glue the decoration to the disk.
  3. Cut the photo into a disk shape.
  4. Glue it to the disk.
  5. Decorate to your taste and hang it in the right place.

Let's consider another option for creating a photo frame from disks!

Photo frame made from disk fragments

You will need: 2 discs, glue, black stained glass paint with a fine tip, thick cardboard, scissors.

Master Class

  1. Cut out a cardboard frame of the desired size.
  2. Cut the disks into pieces.
  3. Glue the disc pieces to the frame, leaving small gaps.
  4. Color in the spaces.

Candlestick made of disk and shells

You will need: disk, shells, pebbles, glue gun or glue moment.

Master Class

  1. Take the disc.
  2. Glue shells and pebbles to the shiny side of the disk.
  3. Leave room for a candle in the center.

Disc hot tray

You will need: disk, padding polyester, fabric, scissors, double-sided tape.

Master Class

  1. Cut a circle of padding polyester in the shape of a disk.
  2. Cut a circle of fabric 1.5 times larger than the disc.
  3. Place a circle of padding polyester on the disk.
  4. Attach double-sided tape to the edges of the fabric circle.
  5. Wrap the disc with padding polyester in a circle of fabric, and secure the edges of the fabric on the reverse side.

Hot stand made from a disk using decoupage technique

Decoupage is a method of decorating objects.

You will need: disk, napkin with a pattern, scissors, PVA glue, varnish, sheet of flexi (so that the stand does not slide on the table).

Master Class

Disk pincushion

You will need: disk, glass of yoghurt-fermented baked milk-sour cream, thread with a needle, ribbon, fabric, padding polyester.

Master Class

Disc fish

You will need: disk, colored cardboard, scissors, glue, markers, plasticine.

Master Class

Smeshariki from disks

You will need: discs, colored cardboard, PVA glue or double-sided tape, a simple pencil, scissors, felt-tip pens.

Master Class

  1. Draw ears, eyes, mouth, teeth, nose, legs and arms on colored cardboard.
  2. Trace the outlines of the parts with felt-tip pens.
  3. Cut out the pieces.
  4. Glue it onto the disk.

Crafts made from disks will not only become an original decoration for your home, but will also be practical to use!

What can you make from CD packaging?

In this video, the authors of the TV show will talk about what can be done from unnecessary CD packaging. Many computer users probably already have a lot of unnecessary junk at home, including disc boxes. Each of these boxes can be given a new function. It is proposed to use them to make containers for food and other things.

Using a hacksaw, you first need to cut off the protrusion at the bottom of the case. By the way, you don’t have to use a hacksaw for this, because very little work will be required. Therefore, you can simply use a hacksaw blade.

The hole created after removing the protrusion is perfect for attaching a convenient handle to the resulting food container. This container is ideal for doctor's sausage.
In this way, you can prepare several containers and combine them into one battery. There is an idea to be able to take the entire battery at once with one grip. We'll make a small hole at the bottom. After this, we take the second container, which already has a hole as a result of the alteration. We connect them with a screw, a washer and a nut and do not tighten it tightly.
Now let's see what happened. The bottom of the container made will be the lid of the next container. If you do the same with the next section, you will get a multi-story container for different products, fishing gear and more.

Photo frames from CD boxes

The simplest thing you can make from CD boxes is, of course, photo frames. They can be hung on the wall, or placed on a table or shelf. To prevent them from looking ordinary, you can decorate the contours of the “frames” by making an appliqué or painting them, for example, with stained glass paints.

You can make lamps from such boxes, again I would paint them for beauty.

For gardeners, the boxes can be useful for creating a kind of “greenhouse”.

It is also an excellent material for making various organizers, for sewing, for example, or for stationery items. You can sort and store recipes, notes, and so on using them.

Lamp made from CD packaging

You can make a cute night light or lamp from old and unnecessary plastic boxes from CDs and DVDs:

Or this chandelier:

An original and stylish table lamp or night light, but be sure to use low-current or LED bulbs.

120 photo ideas and master classes from the pros!

Most people have a large amount of unwanted or unusable CDs accumulated in their home.

You can simply throw them away. But it’s better to use them to create various crafts and interesting things. In this article we will tell you what fakes you can make from disks with your own hands.

Roof covering

If you have a lot of CDs, they can be used as an original sparkling roofing covering. To do this, first the disks are attached to plywood sheets, and they, in turn, are attached to the roof. Approximately a hundred discs are needed for 1 m² of coverage.

They need to be attached as follows: 1st row - end-to-end, subsequent ones - in a checkerboard pattern, overlapping the disk holes of the 1st row. Small nails or screws can be used as fasteners.

Come up with a drawing, following which you will begin to make the roof. If you don’t have enough material, then you can only lay out the visor with it.

Fake discs for the garden

British artist B. Monroe, known all over the world for his light installations, decorated his garden area with stylized water lilies from CDs.

It took him 65 thousand CDs to create this work of art. You can take Monroe's idea as a basis and make these miniature lilies to decorate your own garden.

The discs can be used for the tail of a homemade peacock. They are attached to the metal frame of the tail using wire.

The disks can also make cute fish. To make one piece, you only need a couple of disks and multi-colored cardboard or a sheet of plastic.

The latter are used to make fins, tail and fish mouth. The cut out elements should be placed between the discs and carefully glued.

The disc caterpillar looks unusual and interesting. It will require several disks fastened together with screws. The legs can be made of rubber, plastic, plywood, and threads can be used for the mouth, eyes and hair. This craft is attached to the fence with wire.

Another option for using disks is the creation of street lighting fixtures.

Crafts from disks for children

Interesting ideas for children's crafts made from CDs will be useful for educators, primary school teachers, mothers and fathers.

The disk can be used to create a beautiful postcard in the shape of a fish. This craft can be done even by three-year-olds. They can easily cope with it under the supervision of their parents. In addition to the disk, you will need PVA glue, scissors, plasticine, markers and multi-colored cardboard.

Fins, a tail, and a mouth cut out of cardboard must be carefully glued onto a CD, onto which plasticine must then be applied using the indentation technique. The next step is to make the eyes.

For this we use cardboard. After you have attached the eyes to the fish, you can make eyelashes from plasticine. The tail and fins are used to write congratulations.

From damaged CDs, using glue, multi-colored cardboard and colored paper, you can make Smeshariki, the popular heroes of the cartoon of the same name.

For beauty, the contours of figures, eyes, and mouth can be outlined with a marker. Such decorations are easily attached to a wall or cabinet using glue or double-sided adhesive tape.

Interesting gizmos from CDs for the home

From discs you can create original curtains that do not require washing. The following materials are needed: disks, paper clips, drill.

Small holes are drilled into the edges of the disks with a drill, and paper clips are used to connect them to each other. The number of discs, size and shape of the curtain depend on your imagination.

Curtain holders in the bathroom made from unnecessary disks will look great.

The discs can also be used to create unusual and interesting kanzashi-shaped curtain ties. And you can secure them with Chinese chopsticks.

To make a pick-up, you need to cut a circle of smaller diameter from the disk. Wrap the resulting ring with satin or silk ribbons. You can use flowers made from ribbons as decoration; below are photos of crafts made from discs.

Disks can be used to make candlesticks, boxes, stands, needle cases and much more. Therefore, you should not rush to get rid of outdated CDs. With their help, you can sometimes create truly unique things.

Photos of crafts made from disks

Bookshelf made from DVD boxes by Andrey Volkov

You will need: boxes from DVD, bolts and nuts, paint,
board, drill.

1. The first step is to connect 5 DVD boxes
bolts with nuts. Let's drill through the entire block in the corners with a drill.

Please pay Attention: the discs must be folded in such a way that
The bottoms of the boxes with DVD mounts turned out to be free at the top and bottom! These
No need to drill parts!

2. The first block is ready - to make a shelf you will need
another one the same. Discs made of two free elements with fastenings can not be
take out.

Andrey Volkov: « Firstly, it is beautiful. And secondly,
technological progress may fail, and we will again have to use
DVD player."

3. The blocks for the shelf should have two “wings” -
flaps on which it will be attached to the wall. The shelf itself will be from
pine boards. To prevent it from being too boring, it needs to be painted.

4. We fix the painted board using self-tapping screws.

5. The shelf is ready - all that remains is to fix it on the wall.

Crafts from disks: Top 25 original ideas

We looked at crafts made from plastic bottles (and probably used some of them), we were surprised at crafts made from cans and planned to make something of our own on the go, and today we have crafts from disks next in line. Old disks - once they seemed almost magical... To some extent, they remain magical, but in a completely different sense - now you need to apply attention and a little skill to them in order to turn them into various crafts and things - functional and/or funny.

Functional and useful crafts made from disks

Coasters made from old CDs

Just paint old CDs or make a complex heat-insulating structure? It all depends on the destination. By following the link to the source, you can roughly understand what the essence of the technological process is in both cases.


The best New Year and Christmas books for children


Candlestick from an old CD

From an old disk you can make a very avant-garde thing to put a traditional candle - a candlestick in the house or in the country, which is rarely superfluous.


Crafts from CDs: DIY vase

Such a cute vase does not require much effort, but can become a cute decorative element.


Lamps made from disks

With the help of the interior you can say a lot about yourself. It’s unlikely that such a lamp will decorate Barbie’s room, is it?


Mosaic frame made from old disks for a photo or picture

A strong item like a CD cannot be easily broken. Unless there is a worthy goal. 🙂


Mirror from an old CD

In the room of Thumbelina (or another girl), a small mirror may well be useful: for beauty and sunbeams.


Disk jewelry stand

Do you have a lot of earrings and are they all mixed up in the box? Then this idea is for you - each earring can be carefully hung in its place on such a jewelry stand.


Decorative crafts from disks

Holiday CD decorations (New Year, birthday, before the party)

Making such crafts for the holiday can be not only a fun, but also a developing process. With brilliant results!




Clock from an old CD

Even if such a clock does not run, it will always remind you that there is time. Or not?


What can you make from CDs with your children?

Funny and uncomplicated - probably the crafts from disks collected below are united according to these characteristics. The main thing is to start tinkering, and out of nowhere, a lot of ideas will come, and you can play with the results together! And smile while looking at them too.

Various CD creatures








Decorative box made of discs


Photo frame with magnet

This craft is offered as a gift for Mother’s Day, and you can make it together with your child.

Here's an idea for a whole photo album made from old CDs:


Wind chime or reflector

Wind chimes can be hung in a country house or country house. After all, children love to watch the sunbeams, and here you can also hang a bell that will ring in the wind.