Detailed diagram of pear pruning in spring. How to prune a pear correctly in summer - the basic principles of summer pruning It is better to prune a pear in autumn or spring

The pear is a wonderful tree that grows in almost every area in regions with mild climatic conditions. Her delicate taste and honey aroma combined with beautiful dietary properties fruits, and many biologically active compounds help prevent malfunctions digestive system. In order for a tree to bear fruit regularly, it requires careful care: watering, fertilizing and annual pruning.

Pruning goals

The main condition when choosing a place to plant a pear tree is a lot sunlight. Based on this, the main purpose of pruning a pear is to thin out the branches and form the crown. Growing young shoots takes a lot of energy from a tree; if unnecessary shoots are removed, all the juices will be given to the fruits of the tree. This is a guarantee of the quality of the harvest and its large quantity.

stages of branch thinning and crown formation

The pear tree is one of the crops that gives enough good harvests. If tree branches are constantly shortened, upward growth will be stopped. A properly formed crown will allow other trees in the garden to receive sufficient quantity light and warmth. Harvesting with thinned branches will not cause any inconvenience.

Methods of carrying out the procedure

Pruning a pear tree is done using one of two methods:

  1. Shortening. The upper parts of the branches are cut off along with annual growths. When pruning using this method, the tree’s upward growth stops and horizontal branching develops. The fruits may become slightly smaller, but their size will increase and the quality will improve.
  2. Thinning. The method is based on the complete removal of growth branches in a circle at the very base. Pruning can be done both around the trunk and around the mother branch. The result is light entering the crown, and this, in turn, guarantees healthy leaf growth and an increase in harvest volume. Growth of remaining branches this method does not stimulate.

These two main pruning methods are used, combining them with some additional techniques: tilting, tying, kerbovka, bending shoots.

The purpose of pruning dictates the choice of type of procedure:

  1. Crown formation. Used in the first years of life young tree and represents the cutting of the minimum number of branches before fruiting begins.
  2. Tree support. Used to regulate the number of branches producing fruit. This is necessary to control the balance of vitamins and minerals. Applicable to mature trees that consistently produce crops.
  3. Tree rejuvenation. The main purpose of such pruning is to extend the fruiting period and activate the process of fruit formation. They are used for relatively old trees and those that have lived more than half their life.

Explanation: 1 – pyramidal shape, 2 – oval, 3 – spherical, 4 – reverse pyramidal, 5 – irregular, 6 – flat-round.

With a competent approach to pruning a pear tree, caring for it will become simple and clear, and the harvest will delight you with abundance and abundance throughout the entire fruiting period. high quality fruits

Trimming periods

Pear pruning can be done at any time of the year. The choice of season occurs in accordance with the purpose of the procedure, the age of the tree and the condition of its crown. If pruning was carried out in a timely manner, fruiting will be of better quality, dry and broken branches will not make harvesting difficult, and a strong and strong trunk will be able to withstand a large weight of fruit.

In order for the results of pruning to satisfy the gardener, it is necessary to take into account the variety of pear that must be subjected to this manipulation. Spring pruning is most popular among gardeners, because the frosts have already passed and the growing season has not yet begun, and the process of branch growth can be influenced. Spring is the best time to prune pear trees.

The need for spring pruning of pear trees

For a bountiful harvest, pruning a pear tree is best done in the spring. Every gardener understands the importance of this procedure. The cutting scheme is as follows:

  1. Crown thinning. If the task is performed correctly, sunlight will easily penetrate inside and heat the fruiting branches. Both old diseased branches and all thin ones that raise doubts about the ability to hold fruits until they ripen are subject to removal. Branches growing downward must be removed without fail, since they are the least productive.
  2. Preparing to form a cup-shaped crown. To stop the growth of the trunk, the top must be cut by about one quarter.
  3. Treatment of the resulting sections with a special agent.

It is correct to start pruning a pear tree from the first year of the tree’s life. In the second year, the height of the plant should not be more than 0.5 m. This is necessary so that the plant has the opportunity to grow new branches from the buds located below, which will ensure the correct formation of the crown.

Pruning pears in spring is done using pruning shears, the blade of which should be very sharp. If the branches are old, thick and strong, then you can use a saw.

Work start time – early spring, when the average daily air temperature is above +5°C and frosts should stop.

It is not recommended to use fertilizers containing nitrogen during the spring pruning period, because it is after winter that the pear pulls out of the ground maximum amount nutrients. If there are nitrogenous components in the soil, the taste of the fruit may be bitter.

Summer work

When carrying out manipulations in the summer, it is correct to use the tweezing method, or, as they also say, pinching. Only young shoots are subject to this treatment. The basic rules for summer pruning are:

  • pear pruning in summer is carried out throughout the entire season, starting from the first ten days of June;
  • pinching can be done without using a special garden tool; many gardeners use nails as “weapons”;
  • you need to remove that part of the branch that has not yet hardened;
  • During the season, the procedure will have to be repeated periodically, since pinching allows you to stop the growth of shoots for about 10 - 12 days;
  • if the crown is damaged by hail or strong wind, you can remove the damaged shoots by simply pinching them;
  • Proper summer pruning will lead to the transformation of leaf buds into fruit buds.

Proper pinching of a pear tree is a guarantee of its successful wintering and ease of pruning in spring period.

Pruning a pear in the fall

Autumn pruning of pears lasts from late August to mid-September. During these three weeks, the gardener will have to pay attention to the condition of each branch. Because the most important thing when pruning during this period is not to remove excess. Otherwise, not yet ready for " hibernation“The plant will use all its strength to restore lost shoots, and will endure the winter extremely poorly.

Pear pruning in the fall proceeds according to the following scheme:

  1. Removing old or dried branches that can break off in winter and damage healthy growth.
  2. Cutting down branches growing at an angle of 90 degrees relative to the mother branch.
  3. Elimination of shoots that will subsequently interfere with the development of fruiting branches.
  4. Shortening branches that need to be removed. Their complete elimination will only become possible in the spring, so that the plant can devote all its energy to new shoots during the beginning of the growing season.
  5. Removing stumps. They should not remain if the branch has been completely deleted.

Branches that have been felled or cut in autumn period, must be removed from the site or burned. Otherwise, the pathogenic bacteria living on them can infect healthy plants. Autumn pruning of pears is carried out at an air temperature of at least 0°C.

Is winter pruning necessary?

At this time of year, pruning pear branches is not recommended, because the pear may suffer from low temperatures. Sections of removed branches will freeze before they have time to heal. However, if the procedure is still necessary, you should adhere to some rules:

  • pruning tool – pruning shears or hacksaw;
  • pruning period - from November to early March;
  • crossed, weak and rubbing branches are removed first;
  • It is better to prune old trees in winter, as young ones may die;
  • It is necessary to treat the wound with garden varnish for faster healing.

To properly trim a pear, it is necessary to use a sterilely clean instrument, since the tree has the strength to independently fight bacteria in winter period No.

Some gardeners do not see the difference between pruning an old and a young tree. Mistakes made during this procedure can cause irreparable damage to the tree. Proper pruning of a young pear after planting will help the tree spend energy on restoring roots, rather than unnecessary shoots.

A pear tree that is over one year old should be pruned twice a year: in spring or autumn. If the tree is very old, then the pruning method should be rejuvenating. This is a condition for good thinning and ventilation of the overgrown crown. Pruning a columnar pear should take into account the nuances of its formation.

A great time to prune an old pear tree is late winter or early spring.

On bountiful harvest After such pruning, you should not have hopes, because the plant’s energy will be used to restore itself after radical pruning.

In general, if all the rules are correctly followed, every gardener will be able to prune a pear, and the work will certainly be rewarded with the health and beauty of the tree and, as a result, an abundant and high-quality harvest.

Pear is one of the popular fruit trees. It has sweet, juicy fruits, from which compotes are boiled, preparations are made, and dried fruits are obtained. In order for it to produce a bountiful harvest every year, it needs to be properly looked after: watered, fertilized, monitored for health and pruned. This is a light-loving crop, so it is necessary to prevent the crown from thickening. By removing excess shoots, fruiting increases, the skeleton becomes stronger, and the tree develops better. But pruning must be done correctly; mistakes can lead to the death of the plant.

Why do you need to form a crown?

Pear grows on almost every garden plot. Some owners forget that it needs not only feeding and watering, but also thinning of the crown. Thanks to this procedure, more shoots appear, the skeleton is strengthened, capable of supporting the weight of the fruit, and the yield increases.

If you do not form a crown, it will thicken, as the tree constantly grows new growth. This takes all the energy, so it is formed less fruit, every year they become smaller. Pear trees grow tall, making harvesting difficult. Pruning makes it possible to stop growth in height. A thickened plant is inconvenient to spray and makes it harder to pick pears.

How to prune a pear correctly?

Apply different methods and types of crown formation depending on the goals:

  • Shortening. If the branches grow upward, they are cut off, and annual shoots are also shortened. The procedure promotes horizontal branching, preventing the growth of upper shoots. The amount of fruit formation is reduced, but their quality improves.
  • Thinning. The shoots are removed completely, cutting off at the very base of the mother branch or trunk. After the procedure, more sunlight enters, this stimulates leaf growth, productivity increases, immunity improves, trees get sick less. Redistributed nutrients, which promotes the formation of fruitful branches.
  • Formation. Creating a crown of a certain shape, stimulating the growth of fruiting shoots. They begin to carry out the procedure from the first year of the pear, removing the minimum number of shoots before the fruiting period.
  • Support. Allows you to regulate the number of fruits for uniform distribution of nutrients and obtain a stable harvest. Apply to mature pears that have begun to bear fruit.
  • Rejuvenation. Makes it possible to extend the fruiting period and increase the life of the tree. Thanks to rejuvenating pruning, the growth processes of new shoots are resumed or activated, and the quality of the harvest is improved. Used for old trees whose age has exceeded half of their life cycle.

In addition to these methods, other techniques are used to form the crown: bending shoots, gartering, kerbovka, tilting, etc.

Instrumentation and technology

To carry out gardening work you need to prepare the following tools:

  • pruner;
  • saw;
  • lopper;
  • garden scissors;
  • garden var;
  • paint on natural drying oil.

All instruments are properly sharpened and disinfected with any alcohol-containing solution to prevent infection. The cuts are made smooth, without torn or crushed fibers.

The formation of a pear crown begins with the first pruning. On the trunk, a starting bud is selected, which is conventionally considered the reporting point. The next three are removed from the first so that the branches grow at the desired angle. The fifth is left for the development of the second shoot. It is located on the opposite side of the trunk in the plane of the row relative to the first. Starting from the 6th to the 8th they cut off. Above the 9th, the annual shoot is removed.

In a two-year-old tree, the conductor must prevail over the other shoots by at least 0.2 m. In order for the skeleton to form, the shoots are bent, tilted, and made shorter. At the age of 4-5 years, the main trunk is shortened to the uppermost skeletal branch. Further central part The crowns are kept open, preventing thickening.

Remove shoots that grow towards the center of the crown or at an acute angle. Branches that grow parallel to the trunk and are top-shaped (non-fruit-bearing) are cut off. Young shoots are shortened by a third of their length. The fruit buds are left behind.

Formation nuances:

  • if subject to pruning big square, then it is better to divide the procedure into several stages and carry out it in different seasons;
  • can be used instead of tools alternative method– the shoot is pulled at the base with a not very thin, flexible wire, the wood will grow and after a while the tie will cut off the branch;
  • when using pruners, you need to make sure that the thin blade is facing the process being cut;
  • for faster healing, the shoots are cut to the base, into a ring, leaving no stumps, but also no recesses;
  • To prevent the bark from lifting up, the shoot begins to be cut first from below, and then from above;
  • large branches are removed in parts;
  • wounds are treated with garden varnish or drying oil-based paint;
  • After thinning, the tree does not need to be fed, since it has sufficient reserves of its own nutrients.

It is important to remember that excessive pruning in one procedure is not only very stressful for the plant, but also contributes to the intensive growth of tops.

The best time to make a beautiful crown

Formative pruning is carried out throughout the year, even in winter. Each season has specific goals.

In summer they are performed only when absolutely necessary. For example, during the spring procedure, shoots were missed, which began to develop quickly and shade heavily adjacent branches and ripening fruits. In this case, they must be removed.

A day after the procedure, the cut is treated with garden pitch or special putty from a gardening store. In the summer season, young shoots are pinched. It is better to remove them before they become woody. The procedure helps transform leaf buds into fruit buds.

Winter pruning has its advantages. At this time, all plants and trees are in a state of dormancy; they can more easily tolerate wounds. The flow of sap is stopped; in the absence of sap, the wood becomes more pliable. Cuts heal faster. Best month to be held in February. The air temperature should not exceed -15 degrees.

Spring procedure

Pruning in spring is very important for pears, as it guarantees a high yield. At this time, fruits are born, which require sunlight. When the crown thickens flower buds are not formed, and accordingly, fruits do not appear. To prevent such a situation, pear trees begin to be pruned after reaching one year of age, when they grow to a height of 50-60 cm.

The top is cut to a quarter of its length so that the lower branches grow more actively and a regular crown is formed. Neighboring shoots are removed into a ring - clearly following the growth, which is located at the base. If you cut flush with the trunk, the wound will take a long time to heal. If you leave a large stump, rotting will begin. Four shoots are left as a skeletal base.

As the tree ages, less new growth grows on it. To stimulate its growth and quantity on an older specimen, it is necessary to rejuvenate the pear by regular pruning. During this procedure, diseased, old and weak branches are removed. The sections are smeared with varnish or painted over.

In the spring, the procedure is recommended to be carried out when the weather is warm, without night frosts, and the daytime temperature is consistently above zero. The procedure must be completed before the juice begins to flow. After pruning, you should not fertilize the pear with nitrogen-containing fertilizers, this can spoil the taste of the fruit. After winter rest, the tree independently actively draws nutrients from the soil.

How to properly perform autumn pruning?

Pear pruning in autumn is carried out from late August to mid-September. It should be gentle. In autumn, tree sap does not stop moving, but only stops. Therefore, the tree will try to heal the wounds that appear and waste the substances that it stored for wintering.

The pruning procedure at this time includes:

  1. 1. Elimination of dried and diseased branches; they can break off due to frost and cause damage to healthy branches.
  2. 2. Getting rid of branches that grow almost at right angles.
  3. 3. Partial pruning of the remaining abnormally growing branches. You should choose those that will further interfere with the development of fruitful branches. The remaining branches are shortened.

If the shoots are cut down completely, then stumps should not be left. The reference point is a kind of ring at the base.

Cut branches are burned to destroy pathogenic bacteria that might remain on them.

Many new gardeners do not know that pruning patterns for old and young trees are very different. When planting seedlings, they are exposed to stress and are often damaged root system, so they develop worse. The young tree spends energy on forming the crown and restoring the rhizomes. Trimming the branches after planting will help the pear grow roots faster. They will make it possible to get more from the soil useful substances, necessary for the growth of fruit-bearing branches and fruit growth.

To properly form the crown, the main trunk is shortened every year, which saves time on pruning, because only dried, damaged and old branches can be removed. The procedure for trees older than a year is done twice a year. Experts recommend making a pyramidal crown for the pear.

The optimal time for shaping a pear is spring and autumn. When it reaches four years of age, it is advisable to begin the formation of the second tier of skeletal branches. After crossing the five-year mark, fewer and fewer young shoots grow every year, so pruning is carried out selectively. Special attention should be directed to fruit-bearing branches so as not to remove it by mistake.

For perennial trees, rejuvenation is carried out. It consists of eliminating old branches and branches that no longer bear fruit. Thanks to the procedure, the crown is not only thinned out, which improves ventilation, but also the growth of new branches is stimulated. True, you shouldn’t hope for a bountiful harvest after it; there will still be small amounts of fruit.

Anti-aging pruning is performed at the end of winter or early spring. It is important that it is carried out before the juice begins to flow. Old specimens are less sensitive to frost than young ones. But it is still recommended to perform the operation at a temperature of about zero degrees.

Growing a pear is a simple undertaking consisting of irrigation, fertilization and pruning, which is carried out in spring and autumn. If you adjust the crown annually by removing excess growth, the pear tree will bear a lot of sweet fruits and delight you with health. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the features of this important part of tree care.

Methods and types of pruning

Pears are pruned using two methods:

  • shortening - cutting off the crown of a branch;
  • thinning - complete cutting off of a shoot into a ring.

Adjusting the height of the tree and the density of the crown makes it easier to harvest and control pests and diseases. In columnar pears, pruning is aimed at thinning out growth and giving a decorative appearance.

According to their intended purpose, they are distinguished the following types trimmings.

  • Formative. It is used for young individuals before they enter the fruiting season. Provides for the creation of a strong skeleton of a certain shape.
  • Supportive. Needed for specimens that have entered the fruiting season. By adjusting the number of fruiting branches, the tree manages to properly distribute nutrients, which has a positive effect on the quantity and quality of the harvest.
  • Rejuvenating. Applicable to mature specimens that have passed half their lifespan. Based on the removal of non-fruit-bearing wood. Stimulates the growth of new fruit formations, prolongs fruiting and the life of the crop.

Through proper annual pruning, it is possible to obtain sweet, juicy fruits, because sugars accumulate in them only under the influence of solar radiation.

When to prune pear trees?

Pear trees are pruned throughout the growing season. For beginners, it is important to know that most of the activities are carried out during the plant’s dormant period.

Spring and summer work

Every spring, to maintain the balance of the branches, the crown is formed, old shoots are cut out, and excess growth that thickens the crown is removed. Among the disadvantages of spring pruning, unstable weather and tight deadlines are noted.

Therefore, it is important to adhere to the following rules.

  • Choose a date for the event in accordance with the weather conditions of the region.
  • Proceed with adjustments after establishing a stable above-zero temperature.
  • Check the weather forecast to rule out return frosts.
  • In the spring, you need to prune the pear strictly before the juice begins to flow, while the plant is dormant.

In summer, the plant is not subjected to global intervention. Only branches that are sick or have broken under the weight of fruit are cut off.

Autumn pruning of pear

The optimal time for corrective work is considered to be autumn. IN Middle lane Russia and harsher climates should begin pruning pear trees at the very beginning of autumn. In the south of Russia, a later haircut is acceptable, which is carried out in October.

Autumn work involves cutting off damaged and diseased branches, shortening annual growth by a third, and adjusting the silhouette.

If it is subject to removal a large number of branches, it is better not to risk the health of the tree and leave some of the work until spring.

You should not prune the tree too much for the winter; the cuts are subject to severe freezing.

Carrying out work in winter

Benefits of winter pruning:

  • you can clearly see the crown due to the lack of leaf cover;
  • the pear is at rest, cuttings will not cause any significant damage to it;
  • infection of the wound by fungi is excluded;
  • the absence of juice in the wound surface allows the cut to heal faster.

It should be remembered that in winter it is permissible to form a crown only in adult specimens that have entered the period of fruiting. The event should be held after the cessation of severe frosts, as soon as the temperature stops dropping below -15⁰C.

Required Tools

To prune fruit crops, you will have to acquire a whole set of tools.

You will need:

  • pruner;
  • garden saw;
  • lopper;
  • garden shears and knife;
  • garden pitch or other composition for treating wounds.

All can be purchased at garden center. Be sure to maintain a sharp edge and disinfect the tool before and after trimming.

To disinfect instruments, you can use a strong solution of potassium permanganate, copper sulfate, alcohol, bleach.

Pear pruning rules

Correcting the pear crown in the fall is aimed at achieving a high and high-quality harvest next year.

You can get the desired result only if you follow the rules listed below.

  • Do not remove more than 25% of the total wood mass at one time. In order not to cause the plant severe stress, spread the event over several seasons.
  • The pruner should be directed with a small blade towards the shoot to be removed.
  • Make cuts onto the ring, avoiding the formation of nicks or stumps.
  • Skeletal shoots big size cut out in stages - first the cut is made from below, then from above. This approach will avoid lifting the bark.
  • The wounds are lubricated with garden varnish or a special composition based on natural paint (drying oil).

If drastic pruning was done in the spring, exclude fertilizing. The tree will redistribute soil resources between the remaining shoots.

How to properly prune different types of pears?

The pruning technology depends not only on the time of year, but also on the variety of pear and its age.

The primary formation of seedlings is carried out only in the spring of next year, since the risk of young growth freezing is high. The seedling will be sick for the first time after planting due to damage to the roots. Pruning some of the shoots will help speed up the adaptation process.

In the first 4-5 years, a young pear needs to form a proper skeleton that can support the weight of the fruit. This quality is favored by a sparsely tiered pyramidal crown.

To form, use the following diagram.

  1. Shorten the height of the seedling trunk by a quarter.
  2. Select 2-4 branches to create the bottom tier.
  3. Balance the length of the branches and the conductor by cutting the branches so that the stem is 20 cm longer.
  4. Cut off the remaining growth.
  5. If the branches grow at the wrong angle (more than 60⁰), immediately begin bending them. To do this, tie them to a peg, first tilting them horizontally.
  6. After 1-2 years, you can begin to form the second tier of the skeleton. The procedure remains the same.
  7. When the plant is 5-6 years old, cut off the conductor at the height of the upper branch of the skeleton. This will limit the tree's upward growth.

Further autumn pruning is supportive in nature. Every year, a third of the annual growth is removed, old and diseased branches and tops are cut off. Thin out the crown, directing the branches to the outside.

Correction of the crown of a ripe pear

Old pear trees require rejuvenating pruning to increase yield. The event boils down to removing branches that have stopped bearing fruit. Best way to prune a tree in early spring. Mature specimens are pruned in stages, trying not to cause serious damage to the tree. For 3-4 years, you need to leave on the trunk two tiers of powerful skeletal branches (5-7 pieces), located in increments of 1 meter. In addition to rejuvenation, be sure to maintain the correct density and balance of the branches.

You should not expect a large harvest from a rejuvenated pear. Over time, the tree will distribute resources and resume fruiting.

Formation of columnar trees

Columnar pear is a low tree up to two meters tall. This crop does not have intensive lateral growth. There are short fruit branches on the trunk. Pruning is carried out to thin out and maintain compactness of the crop. To increase yield, in the fall some of the branches are completely removed, providing good ventilation and light for fruit development. The remaining shoots are cut off at the level of the second or third bud. The crown of a columnar pear is never trimmed.

Knowing how to properly prune a pear, you can achieve maximum crop productivity and avoid possible problems with fungal diseases. The event will help maintain the required dimensions of the crop and facilitate the care process.

Pear is very tasty and healthy garden culture, which children and adults like.

Pear is grown on summer cottages, large rural farms and in large gardens. The fruits of this tree are very sweet, juicy and soft.

They are used in fresh, also for processing (making marmalade, juice and jam). In gardening, pruning fruit trees plays a very important role important role, on which the yield and quality of fruits depends. This culture loves sunlight very much, which has a good effect on its fertility.

If you are wondering at what time of the year to prune a pear, we will try to tell you about all the features of pruning in each period.

We prune pear trees at different times of the year: we talk about the features and timing of each period

Exists several periods of pruning fruit trees: spring, autumn, summer and winter. The purpose of pruning is to improve the quality of fruits, regulate fruiting and plant growth, improve crown lighting, and remove dry, broken and diseased branches.

Pruning makes it possible to grow a tree of the required height with a good, strong trunk that in the future will be able to withstand a large weight of the crop, as well as preserve the productivity and fouling of wood for a long time, begin bearing fruit in a timely manner and obtain high-quality fruits.

To ensure that the results of the pruning process do not disappoint the gardener, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of each pear variety.

Most often, spring pruning is carried out when the frosts have passed and the growing season has not yet begun. But other deadlines are also important. Let's talk about each of them separately.

A complete description of the pear pruning process in spring

As we have already said, spring pruning is carried out at a time when severe frosts have passed, but the growing season has not yet begun to take effect.

We list the basic rules for spring pruning in order not to cause damage to the fruit tree.

For pruning we use special device called pruning shears with a very sharp blade, for large trees we use a hacksaw. After removing tree branches, all devices must be disinfected with alcohol-containing substances.

The pruning process begins with thinning the tree's crown, this is done in order to ensure good access to air and light.

It is necessary to shorten the central trunk by about one-fourth. Which in the future will allow the formation of a cup-shaped tree.

This tree care process must be carried out at an air temperature of no lower than 5°C.

After cutting the branches, the cut areas must be lubricated. The following substances are suitable for this: drying oil, Oil paint, garden var and "Rannet" product. The latter is also suitable for impregnating damaged areas of the pear.

Exist two cutting methods: cutting on the ring and shortening the branches. The first method is as follows: the cut is made under the ring, i.e. at the base of the branch. To avoid lifting of the bark, a cut is made at the bottom first, and then the main top cut is made. When the branches are shortened, the growth of side shoots accelerates, and the buds located below the cuts begin to awaken.

It is necessary to take into account the fact that pear branches grow not only vertically, but also horizontally. It follows from this that it is necessary to support shoots growing horizontally, and shoots growing vertically must be disposed of. Downward branches must be cut off, as they are less productive.

When pruning in the spring, it is prohibited to add nitrogen fertilizers, since the crop takes all nutrients from the soil at this time.

At correct pruning tree, on next year all cut areas will be neatly overgrown, the crop will be healthy and will begin to produce a rich harvest.

Summer pruning of pears: what is this process?

Summer pruning of trees involves pinching (pinching), that is, removing growing shoots on the tops of trees. Pinching is done with fingernails, and in some cases, when most of the shoot is removed, with pruning shears.

As a result of pinching, there is a huge impact on the tree. A large period of time is allotted for this process. But this pruning process allows for very economical use of the nutrients that enter the plant. This happens due to the fact that when pinching, the required length of the shoot is achieved by stopping its growth, while the annual shoot is shortened next spring, a significant part of it is removed, for the formation of which nutrients have already been used.

Reaction fruit crop for pinching depends on the period of its implementation:

If pinching is carried out during a period of intensive growth (the month of June), the growth of fast-growing shoots is delayed. This promotes the new formation of pinched shoots from axillary buds, premature summer shoots, as well as increased growth of weakened shoots located not far from the shoots that were tweezed, and the transformation of leaf buds into fruit buds occurs. It is important to remember that pinching does not have a very good effect on the growing season of the tree, which subsequently affects the wintering of the plant.

Tweezing is also carried out at the end of the attenuation of shoot growth. As a result, shoot ripening improves and axillary buds develop better.

Autumn pruning: what is its essence and main aspects

In autumn, pruning is carried out from late August to mid-September. It is carried out only for average or early varieties pears, which tend to be long-lived. If you carry out this process on time and correctly, then next year you will get very big harvest.

Basic rules for pruning pears in autumn

Under no circumstances should you prune a tree too much right away. due to the fact that it will throw all its forces at very fast recovery and will send out many vertical shoots, which will outgrow their previous height in one or two years. The best option It would be possible to divide this procedure into several periods, for example, trim one part this fall, and the second next.

Pruning in autumn should be carried out to a temperature of 0°C.

First you need to remove shoots growing at an angle of 90° from the trunk. Only after this are those that grow parallel or vertical to the trunk removed.

It is also important to know that when removing branches, do not cut off excess and do not leave stumps. The guideline for this is the annular influx of bark, which is clearly visible at the base of growing branches. It is in this place that there are tissues that heal and restore the tree especially quickly. If a stump is left or branches are cut too much, the tree will take a very long time to heal.

Cutting branches more than 3 cm thick must be carried out as follows: first, cut from below, and only after that can you cut from above. If this is not taken into account, the bark under the trimmed branch may be damaged, due to the fact that the uncut part may break under the weight of its weight.

As with spring pruning, the cut area must be treated with garden pitch or other special substances. If this is not done, the tree will begin to cry, which will attract various insects that will have a bad effect on the tree.

After pruning, you should not feed the plant, since nutritional components the tree will take from its roots.

Winter pruning: is it worth it or not to carry it out during this period, and how does it affect the trees?

Pruning pear trees during this period is not recommended at all. Since they are low winter temperatures can have a very negative impact on the plant. Branches that are cut will not only not have time to heal, but may also die from frost. Winter pruning is carried out from early November to early March, when the tree is dormant.

Features of winter pruning

As with all pruning periods, it must be done with pruners, loppers or a saw.

It is necessary to begin pruning by removing crossed, dead, weak and rubbing, diseased and damaged branches.

The middle of the tree needs to be open to remove large branches. If you need to remove several large branches, then this procedure must be divided into several winter periods.

IN winter time You can remove branches that are too spread out and reduce the height of the tree.

Usually pruning is carried out in February at -15°C.

This process begins with old pears, since their buds awaken earlier than those of young ones.

To ensure that the wound heals faster and does not freeze in winter, it is important to use a clean and sterile instrument, and after pruning, treat the wounds with garden varnish.

The process of pruning old and young pears, what is their difference. Scheme for pruning pears, and what tools are used for this process

Pruning of pears is carried out to improve the yield of the crop and to obtain more sunlight. Agricultural technicians claim that pruned trees are less subject to technical shaping. Pruning is carried out on both old and young pears, detailed description You will read below for each of the processes, as well as what tools are needed for this, and what cutting pattern is used.

All the nuances of pruning an old pear or how to extend the life of a tree

Poor pruning of old pear trees can sometimes be disastrous for old, fruitful trees. But often, in order to restore the plant to health, shape and fruiting, it is necessary to carry out rejuvenating measures, which is pruning pears. Sometimes a garden passes from one owner to another, and the first one never took care of the trees, which is why they grew tall, but did not bear much fruit. To do this, activities are carried out to trim old pears.

Sometimes there is a need to shorten the pear tree if the tree has grown too tall. And if there is a pear tree and its height corresponds to the normal height for harvesting, then the gardener begins the process of rejuvenating the tree by thinning the crown. This activity should begin at the end of winter or early spring, before leaves and buds begin to form.

First, diseased, broken, frozen and non-fruiting dry branches are pruned. This will allow sun rays It is better to illuminate the crown of the tree, and you will also see the remaining amount of work that needs to be done. Then remove excess shoots, shoots growing at an acute angle or parallel to the tree crown, as well as competing shoots. Some remaining shoots can be shortened, and then fresh wounds can be treated with a decoction.

If you properly rejuvenate an old pear tree, it can save the tree from being cut down. It is possible that after rejuvenation, an old pear may not produce a large harvest at first or even produce less fruit, but do not be upset, this is not forever.

Pruning a young pear, what factors you need to know when carrying out this activity

The first and most important pruning of a young pear is carried out immediately after the seedling and immediately performs two tasks:

When planting a plant, its root system is damaged, and nutrition can be improved by shortening the branches.

The first tab of the pear cutting diagram, shortening the conductor.

In the autumn, the year of planting pear seedlings, pruning is not carried out; there is no need for this. If you do everything correctly in the first year of pruning a pear, then in the future the young tree will grow well and fold its crown, requiring only pruning of old shoots. When pruning a young pear tree, the guide should be higher than the cut shoots, which will affect the pyramidal growth of the tree.

Pruning of pears older than one year is carried out 2 times a year, which has a very good effect on increasing branching and the formation of semi-skeletal branches on which fruit branches grow. To do this, they are shortened by 25% of the total length. Next, gardeners need to pay attention to tops. They form frequently, especially after the winter period.

Tops can quickly grow into large branches, which significantly thickens the tree crown, so in the spring they are converted into overgrown and semi-skeletal branches, and some of them should be completely cut out. If there were severe frosts in winter, and the wood located above the tops was frozen and the leaves on the tree did not grow well, then the shoots on the skeletal branches would not develop well. Then it is necessary to cut off everything above the tops with part of them.

And from the second half branches are formed, which helps restore the crown of the tree. In the fourth year of life of young pears, a second tier is laid. And after the fifth year, the annual growth will decrease, because of this, the branches will need to be shortened more moderately.

Scheme for pruning pears or how it happens

For a young seedling that is one year old, the trunk is cut off by 25% of the total length; this is done to branch the tree crown. Side shoots They also shorten it, but only to the first bud. After another year of life, the top of the main trunk is cut off by 25-30 cm, and the branches by 6-8 cm. To properly form the shape of the tree, it is necessary to leave the lower branches longer than the upper ones. For good fruiting, the shape of the tree should be in the form of a pyramid.

After completing these processes, pruning is carried out in two stages:

The first sanitary stage is carried out in March. Its essence is the removal of dry and diseased branches.

The second stage is formative, carried out approximately two weeks after the first. As the pear matures, the rate at which shoots appear decreases. Then formative or main pruning is carried out once every three years.

Tools used for pruning pears

The main tool for this process for every gardener is pruner They are used to remove branches about 2 cm thick in diameter, and for thicker ones, a lopper is used. The only difference between a lopper and a pruner is that the former has longer handles.

Some gardeners prune knife- It is very difficult. The main thing is that it has a good, sharp blade. There are also special garden knives designed for small pruning, which are used instead of pruning shears.

Also used for pruning saws. It is used for cutting larger branches. But they use a special garden saw for this, and not a simple one. Their difference is that the garden one is designed for trimming living branches. Every garden tool must be sharp and sterile.

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Pruning a pear in the spring is a set of activities that is mandatory for every skilled summer resident. It's hard to find a person who doesn't like pear fruits. Juicy and sweet, they are consumed both in their natural form and are widely used in home cooking. In order for a tree to bear fruit regularly, it needs to be looked after. Therefore, it is necessary not only to water and fertilize, but also to trim the pear. You will learn how to do this correctly and the timing of the procedure from this article.


Pear, as mentioned above, is characterized by slow growth. The first harvest can only be in the 12th year from the date of planting the pear. Is it possible to achieve earlier fruiting of a pear tree by pruning it?

The first thing to do is to prune the pear tree every year with the onset of spring. With proper thinning of the pear tree, the tree will receive sufficient air and light flow. New shoots delay fruiting of the pear. In order for the pear to develop well, you need to pinch the growth points on the young shoots, which will help speed up the fruiting time of the pear.

Time to prune pears in spring

Best time for pruning - early spring (March - April). The temperature outside should be above zero. But you shouldn’t wait until the buds swell and the period of juice movement begins. The pear loves light very much, so during the pruning process you need to ensure that the sun's rays and heat are evenly distributed over all areas of the tree.

Basic activities for pruning pears in spring

The main activities for pear pruning should be carried out in stages:

  • formative pruning - is carried out to form the correct crown, both in young trees and in trees that have been bearing fruit for several years;
  • sanitary pruning – to remove dry branches and those infected with various diseases;
  • maintenance pruning – used to shorten thicker branches, which saves the tree from being overloaded during fruit ripening.

Experienced gardeners prune trees in two ways: shortening shoots - shortening the upper part of branches and shoots. This helps the side shoots below the cutting level to awaken faster, creating less shadow; thinning - removing an excess branch to the very base, gives more light to the side shoots. When cutting, it is important that no stump remains.

Spring pruning tool

The main requirement when pruning pear branches is not to harm the tree itself, so that the plant does not have to subsequently spend maximum energy on restoration.

You can start spring pruning of adult pears in early spring, after the snow has melted, when the buds have not yet begun to open. Trimming Tools:

  • Secateurs.
  • Saw.
  • Lopper.
  • Garden var.

To disinfect instruments, it is necessary to use alcohol and alcohol-containing solutions.

Proper pruning of pears in spring: diagrams

Spring pruning of pears is aimed at the correct formation of the tree crown. The operation should be performed before the start of sap flow, with the first warming and the beginning of melting of the snow cover. The optimal temperature for starting pear pruning is +5 °C.

Rules for pruning young pears in spring

Young pear seedlings require pruning from the second year of life. Some necessary requirements during formative pruning of young trees:

  1. The central trunk must be shortened by a quarter of the length.
  2. Strong lateral branches of a young pear (no more than 4), which will subsequently form the main skeleton of the crown, are shortened, and the remaining branches are cut out completely. It is important to form a “ring” from the branches remaining on the tree, so they may not be trimmed at the same distance.
  3. A year later, young pears need to be pruned again with the onset of spring. In the second year, shoots of the second order are cut off, interfering with the growth of the main branches, as well as those growing inside the crown and interfering with the penetration of sunlight.

Look at the photo of an overwintered pear - an overgrown crown, unkempt and shaggy. Chaotically growing shoots block access to the sun's rays, which cannot penetrate deep into the crown. It is to provide light and air that pear trees are pruned in spring.

Rules for pruning an adult pear in spring

How to trim correctly:

  1. The first to be removed are the shoots extending from the trunk. The cutting angle should be 90°. After completing this work, you can begin to restore order to the shoots located parallel to the main trunk, which grow upward.
  2. According to the rules of pruning, it is necessary to trim off excess branches so that there are no stumps. But that’s not all - do not grab extra branches, otherwise the deep cut will take a long time to heal.
  3. If the branch exceeds the diameter of 3 cm, then you first need to saw it a little from the bottom, and then saw it from the top. This way, the tree bark will remain intact (if you cut only from the top, the branch will fall under its weight and the bark will be damaged), and you will get the job done faster.
  4. We treat the cut areas with garden varnish. If this is not done, the tree secretes sap, becomes weak, and the sap also attracts insects.
  5. It is impossible to apply fertilizer immediately after pruning the branches, since the tree receives all the necessary nutrients from the powerful root system.
  6. Do not rush to prune too early, wait until the weather is warm to avoid harming the fruit tree.

When forming the crown of an adult tree, it is necessary to remove excess mass annually so that the tree receives enough air and light. When this part of the work is completed, you can begin to trim the young branches growing parallel to the trunk. In general, the principle of pruning a young tree and an adult one is similar. Depending on the number of young shoots, it is necessary to prune them by 1/3 so that the new branch begins to grow and form faster.

The first harvest of pears, depending on the variety, can be obtained in the 3rd year, but there is also a tree variety that begins to bear fruit only in the 12th year of life. Can you imagine how long gardeners have to wait to evaluate the result of their painstaking work?

To bring the fruiting time closer, it is necessary to thin out the crown, then the pear branches will begin to receive more air and reach towards the light source. This way the tree will “switch” to fruiting and will not direct all its energy to the growth of young shoots. To achieve this, you can pinch the growing point on a young shoot, and therefore speed up the formation of new fruits. How to cope with this work and prune a pear in the spring, watch the video:

Rejuvenating pruning of an old pear in spring

A special method of pruning pears is used when it is necessary to rejuvenate fruit plants. This event is very relevant for trees over 15 years old. To effectively restore the fruit-forming ability of an old pear, it is recommended to adhere to the following pruning technology:

  • It is best to carry out anti-aging pruning in several stages, keeping a time interval of a couple of years between activities;
  • at the first stage, shoots located at an acute angle to the stem part should be removed;
  • You should also remove all shoots located in a parallel direction to the trunk of the fruit tree;
  • When pruning branches, you should not leave stumps or deepen the cut, as in this case the healing process will be greatly delayed;
  • competent pruning is carried out using the ring method, which promotes the fastest healing of cuts;
  • if the thickness of the branches is more than 3 cm, you must first make cuts from the bottom and top, which will not allow severe damage to the plant;
  • All cut areas must be treated with a garden varnish.

It is important to note that the annual growth of pear trees, unlike apple trees, is not recommended to be subjected to very heavy pruning. It is considered optimal to shorten it by a quarter of the original length. After the main anti-aging pruning, the crown is thinned and shoots that are directed deep into the crown or intersecting each other are removed.