Hanging tank in the bathhouse. Tank in the bathhouse: features, varieties and correct installation

It is impossible to imagine a bathhouse without water. And if the question arises cold water is solved by connecting a centralized water supply, then with the production of hot liquid everything is somewhat more complicated. The problem of hot water supply can be solved by using storage tanks.


A water tank is a reservoir designed to organize hot water supply. Regardless of the type and volume, it has an opening for cold water, as well as shut-off and distribution valves for hot water.

Despite the variety of electric and gas heating devices, the water tank does not lose its position. Its use allows you to save electricity and gas consumption. In addition, the tank remains the only device for heating water if there are power outages or the gas in the cylinders runs out.

Hot water in the bathhouse is used mainly for washing after the steam room. In addition, it is necessary for household needs and washing. Finally, hot water in the steam room serves as an additional way to heat the room and get hot steam, which is so beneficial for health.


The following main types of bath tanks are distinguished.


In this case, the water container is installed on the bottom of the stove, and on top it is combined with the firebox. A special feature of the tank is that its bottom is in direct contact with the fire, due to which a high rate of water heating and long-term temperature retention are achieved. Hot liquid is drawn from the top of the container or through the built-in tap.

Direct contact of the tank with fire imposes special requirements on its design. It must be heat-resistant, not subject to deformation, with thick walls. Its size is determined by the dimensions of the heater. The inconvenience is that the efficiency of the latter decreases, since most of the heat is spent on heating the tank.


The remote model is mounted outside the steam room - in the washing room or dressing room. Such tanks are usually installed on a furnace with a heat exchanger and connected to it via brass or copper pipes.

The operating principle of the design is based on the fact that cold water falls down and enters the heat exchanger, and hot water, on the contrary, rises and enters the tank.

The advantage of the design is reliability and long-term preservation of high water temperature. The disadvantage is that the walls of the tank heat up, which can cause burns.

On the pipe

If hot water is needed throughout the day, then a tank on a pipe is optimal. Heating of water, and quite quickly, is carried out using thermal energy. The temperature of the smoke in the chimney is about 500 degrees C, so heating occurs quickly.

The design on the chimney is characterized by dimensions and high heat capacity. Its use prevents the risk of leakage carbon monoxide emitted during operation of the furnace, since surrounding the pipe, the water tank becomes its protection.

The most common is the samovar type model, which is equipped with a single or double fitting. May have different capacity and appearance.

Tanks on a pipe, in turn, can have the following types.

Reservoir built into the pipe

In this design, the chimney pipe is located inside the tank and is non-removable, installed when organizing the chimney. The reservoir has the shape of a rectangle or cylinder. It is important that the lower entrance of the pipe has a high-quality seal. Otherwise, leakage of the tank cannot be avoided. In this design, water flows by gravity directly into the washing or intermediate bowl.


It is a type of removable structure for the chimney column, so it can be attached to an already installed chimney. The tank is placed close to the pipe, securely fixing it. The presence of a gutter on the back wall of the container, repeating the shape and diameter of the chimney, will provide better fixation and a tight fit of the container to the pipe.

The disadvantage is the risk of burns when using this system. In addition, if the tank is small, the water in it begins to boil, which is unacceptable in any type of tank. You can prevent boiling by periodically draining hot water and then adding cold water to the container. It is more convenient to do this if you have a tap for draining hot water.

The tank can be mounted on a pipe at different heights. The simplest method is to install the container directly on the stove. The advantage is simpler installation, no need to purchase special brackets, and an almost unlimited choice of tank volume. However, due to the low location of the device, it cannot be combined with a shower.

For small steam rooms, you can choose a hanging corner option, the use of which does not clutter the room. As a rule, such tanks are horizontal. A horizontal tank is usually oval in shape, resembling a barrel.

Installation on a chimney column requires special fastenings. The volume of the tank is limited, but this design makes it possible to supply hot water to the shower.

For big companies(that is, if you need a large volume of hot water), you should think about installing the tank in the attic. The ceilings will become a reliable base for the container, so the choice of its volume is very wide.

The main thing is to take care of reliable thermal insulation attic space, otherwise the heat loss will be colossal.


There is also an attached tank that does not require pipework. Externally, it looks like a “canister” with a tap, which is simply attached to the wall of the oven. Such a device has not become widespread due to its low efficiency. The water in the “canister” heats up slowly and unevenly: it is hotter at the points of contact with the stove.

If the stove is in the corner of the steam room, then one side of it is the combustion part, the second remains free for an additional container. It turns out that the place where the water comes out of the tap is inconvenient. True, the use of a pump can correct the situation.

Devices of this type are equipped with a removable lid or neck with a diameter of at least 10 cm. The second option is more common. Although the neck makes it difficult to clean the container, this design is more reliable.

The tanks are supplied ready-made and may have various shapes and dimensions. The best option is a stainless steel tank. The available version is galvanized steel analogues, which, however, have a shorter service life.

For baths large area equipped with powerful ovens, we recommend expansion tank. Its feature is the ability to compensate for excess pressure in the heating system, which is always inevitable when the water temperature rises. Essentially this is standard storage tank large volume with the function of maintaining optimal water pressure.

Depending on the method of heating the tank, the following types are distinguished:

  • heating from the stove;
  • use of heating elements.

The choice of a specific option depends on the volume of the tank and the characteristics of the bath procedures being carried out.

If the bathhouse is intended for 1-3 people and, accordingly, the tank is of small volume, you can use containers with a heating element. This will avoid a situation where the bathhouse is already quite warm and comfortable, but the water has not yet warmed up, and therefore you have to waste fuel and wait for the water to heat up.

For large companies, as well as lovers of long bath procedures, containers heated by a stove are usually recommended. While you are steaming, it manages to warm up a large volume of water - just enough for 4-7 people or more (depending on the type of device).


Such characteristics of the tank as reliability and durability, the rate of heating and cooling of water, are largely determined by the material used to make the tank.

Among the most popular are tanks made from the following materials.

Stainless steel

The material is characterized by strength, resistance to mechanical stress and deformation, and high temperatures. Environmental friendliness and anti-corrosion resistance are also advantages of stainless steel tanks.

The water in them heats up quickly, but due to its high thermal conductivity it cools down faster. Such designs are made in the shape of a cylinder or rectangle.

The basis of such a tank is sheet steel. If it is chrome-plated or stainless steel, then it is characterized by low light absorption. Such a tank will reflect light, thereby increasing the degree of illumination in the steam room.

Cast iron

Cast iron products are characterized by increased strength and an impressive (at least 40-50 years) service life. The material is characterized by low thermal conductivity, so heated water remains hot for a long time.

Cast iron tanks warm up a little slower than their stainless steel counterparts. However, they are able to maintain high water temperatures almost all day. Another advantage is the absence of deformation and rust.

The disadvantages are the heavy weight of the structure and the associated installation difficulties.

Other types of metal

Steel tanks are characterized by much lower performance compared to the options described above. They are prone to deformation, corrosion, and are not durable. Even with proper care of the tank, it is difficult to avoid corrosion, which affects the purity of the water and the durability of the tank. You can reduce the likelihood of its occurrence by draining the tank after use and wiping it dry.

Galvanized steel tanks have better corrosion resistance compared to metal ones, but they also fail quite quickly.

Enameled tanks can also be used for baths, but you should not rely on their durability. Enough common problem The enamel becomes chipped, causing unprotected parts of the tank to corrode. Such designs have a much lower cost. However, they cannot be painted with heat-resistant paints, since the heating process begins to release toxins. If there are chips and cracks, it is better to avoid using an enameled metal tank altogether.

An inexpensive option for a homemade tank would be a container welded from several sheets of aluminum. If you have galvanized sheets, you will be able to obtain a product protected from corrosion.

Plastic and wood

On sale today you can find plastic tanks that imitate wooden barrels. Naturally, they are not intended for heating water. These bowls are used for cold water or mixing hot and cold water. In this case, do not forget that hot water is poured into cold water, and not vice versa.

A good option for storing cold water is an oak barrel, which is environmentally friendly, durable and attractive in appearance.

Sizes and shapes: optimal volume

You can choose the optimal tank volume based on the number of users. On average, one person requires 18-26 liters of water. About 10-12 liters are required for bath procedures, another 5-7 liters for showering or ablution after a bath. In addition, it is always necessary to make provisions for unforeseen situations.

On sale you can find many models of structures of different volumes, as a rule, it ranges from 20 to 200 liters. The range of volumes of electric analogues is slightly smaller - from 30 to 100 liters.

When choosing the volume of the tank, remember that the thickness of the walls depends on it. The larger the volume of liquid the tank holds, the thicker the walls it should have. For tanks of 50 liters, the optimal thickness is about 1 mm; for tanks with a volume of about 50 liters, the wall thickness is 1.5 mm. As the wall thickness increases, the weight of the product increases accordingly.

The dimensions of the tank per pipe depend not only on the needs of users for a certain volume of water, but also on the diameter of the pipe itself. In this case, you can determine the required volume of the tank by squaring the radius of the base of the pipe, and then multiplying the number “pi” equal to 3.14 by a constant mathematical constant. After this, multiply the resulting number by the expected height of the cylinder (or, if we are talking about installing the tank from the stove to the ceiling, by this distance).

The shape of the tank can be round, cylindrical or rectangular. When choosing a shape, it is important to focus not only on your own aesthetic preferences, but also on the location of the tank.

If the tank is mounted in a furnace, preference should be given to round devices. The walls of such a tank can withstand pressure well, so it will be more durable.

Installation and connection

The installation and connection diagrams of the tank depend on its location and the characteristics of the bathhouse.

If you are at the stage of building a bathhouse, it is recommended to take care now of increasing the comfort of the building. To do this, separate the steam room and washing area and install a remote-type tank in the latter. In this case, the water is supplied under voltage, so you cannot do without a closed water supply system.

A homemade system can be organized using a furnace equipped with an internal coil and connected to the tank. Another option is to hang the bowl above the stove. For such a scheme, a simple tank of 50-120 liters is sufficient, which you can weld with your own hands, which will significantly reduce costs. For a small family, a standard 80 liter tank is sufficient, which is not difficult to purchase in a store.

If everything is installed and connected correctly, then the water, being heated in the register, rises to the top. Gradually cooling down, it is lowered back into the register. In other words, the principle of natural circulation is implemented.

In this case, installation is carried out in several stages:

  • the tank is mounted under the ceiling and connected by pipes to the coil;
  • Ensuring proper water circulation will be possible by connecting the upper outlet of the tank with the upper outlet of the coil, the lower outlet with the bottom (that is, after connection, the hot water outlet will be at the top, cold water will be at the bottom);
  • so-called “explosives” should be installed at the entry point of the cold water supply - safety valve, a check valve is also installed here;
  • is set to the maximum permissible pressure, at which the safety valve is activated (the setting is made in accordance with the instructions for the heating tank).

It is important that the length of the circuits is no more than 2.5 m. The advantage of the system is that when the water reaches the desired temperature, its movement through the pipes can be stopped.

If you install the tank directly on the stove, then lay an 8-10 mm asbestos sheet between them. This will prevent the water from boiling. But this method is only suitable for stoves whose heater is located on the side. The preferred shape of a water container is rectangular.

To learn how to install a water tank in a bathhouse, see the following video.

  • If you decide to install the tank in the firebox yourself, choose a device that is resistant to heat and temperature changes and a wall thickness of at least 1 mm. The best option is a stainless steel bowl. The basis of such a design can be food grade stainless steel AISI 304, which is characterized by high cost. The price can be reduced by about one and a half times by using the AISI 430 grade. The latter is not inferior in its technical properties to its food analogue.
  • Cast iron tanks above the heater must be securely fastened to the ceiling with a metal frame and hooks. When using a remote tank, do not forget to drain the remaining water in the tank during the cold season. This will prevent the water in the pipes from freezing.

  • To increase the heating rate and ensure its uniformity in the tank on the pipe, its location from the stove to the ceiling will allow it. This will ensure maximum use heating element and, accordingly, will speed up the heating process.
  • If you need to heat large volumes of water (up to 200 liters or more), it is better to opt for products with a heat exchanger. If you are installing a large tank on a pipe, make sure that its weight falls on load-bearing elements(walls), and not on the stove and chimney.
  • The tank itself can be made of enameled or stainless steel. The second option is, of course, preferable.

Please note that pipe water heaters must be coated with factory-made heat-resistant enamel. Galvanized and painted analogs do not have the required heat resistance.

  • It is important that the chimney column has good thermal conductivity, and therefore tanks are not installed on brick and asbestos pipes. A metal pipe, preferably stainless steel, is the best option. However, it is better to avoid using iron - it burns out too quickly. A ceramic chimney is considered the most durable, but not everyone can afford it due to its high cost.
  • If you make a metal tank with your own hands, then anti-corrosion treatment is required. To do this, it should be painted inside and outside with special compounds. The latter are used only on a thoroughly cleaned and degreased surface.

  • If the bathhouse has several shower heads or a shower panel with hydromassage options and numerous water spray modes, a pump must be installed. Its task is to provide the necessary water pressure. It is important that its operation be silent. The best way This is demonstrated by plastic pipes and fittings.

It is important that the plastic pipes used are heat-resistant. When choosing metal pipes, ½ or ¼ inch steel products are sufficient. The pump itself is located outside the bathhouse, for example, in a utility room or plumbing hatch.

  • When choosing the type of tank installation, you should take into account the area of ​​the steam room, the thermal efficiency of the stove and the volume of the tank. If the stove is small, like the steam room itself, it is better not to reduce the productivity of the first and not to clutter up the space of the second, but to move the tank outside the steam room.
  • Inconveniences can also arise with a high efficiency stove located in a small steam room. In this case, the water in the tank will quickly heat up and then boil away. The atmosphere in the steam room will become tense and uncomfortable. The room will fill with excessively hot moist air. Users are simply forced to open the door to the dressing room to let off steam. And this is a direct path to drafts and colds. In this case, it is better to choose a small tank. If this is not possible, install a system with a heat exchanger and remove the tank to a washing room.

  • It is important that the container has a convenient water intake for hot water. When using a samovar or remote device, it is better that they have taps. It is unsafe to draw water from above them.

how to make a stainless steel bucket with your own hands production of buckets in India

DIY fuel tank, made of stainless steel.

How to make a barrel with your own hands!

How to make a barrel with your own hands

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Sauna stoves with a water tank. Which ones are better?

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A water barrel is an indispensable and obligatory attribute of any bathhouse. In the bathhouse there is a barrel with cool or warm water, and a tank for heating water is mounted to the stove. Previously, in the baths for cool or warm water Large tubs and tubs made of wood were used, and now they have been replaced by plastic containers. The PlastPlant company offers plastic barrels for baths of its own production.

These containers are extremely practical and easy to use in conditions of high temperature and humidity.

Why is it worth buying a plastic barrel for a bath?

Low thermal conductivity plastic walls makes them pleasant to the touch, because experienced bath lovers know very well how unpleasant it is to accidentally touch metal surface, which becomes either scalding hot or sharply cold.

A container purchased for very little money is guaranteed to serve you for many years.

Note. Plastic containers are intended for cold or warm water, the temperature of which does not exceed +95 degrees.

Advantages of plastic barrels for baths

  • Lightness and strength.
  • Low thermal conductivity of the material.
  • Bright decorative colors.
  • Ease of use.
  • Convenient shape.
  • Resistant to high humidity.
  • Plastic is not damaged by fungi and does not rust.
  • Extremely affordable price.
  • Variety different shapes and sizes.

We invite you to buy a plastic barrel for a bath!

Our main advantage is that we are a manufacturing company, not a reseller.

Prices and features of installing a bath tank on a pipe

That is why we have a wide range of products and the primary (low) price of any products. When manufacturing plastic barrels and sauna tanks, we took into account all the above requirements and even took care of the appearance.

The most colorful color option is for cooper's utensils, but you can also purchase a tank of any other color - as long as it does not stand out from the general color range steam room The assortment includes different shapes of bath water containers; if you don’t want to buy a classic barrel or tub, you can buy a rectangular plastic bath tank.

We invite you to look at our range of barrels and sauna tanks and choose the best option for yourself!

Advantages of metal stoves
Options for homemade stoves
Oven with hanging tank
With a samovar-type tank
With remote tank
Oven for a small room
Stove-heater in a metal casing
Making a stove from an iron barrel
Oven without bricks
Small heating stove
Installation rules

In order for the bathhouse to bring maximum benefits, the room must have the correct temperature of the wet steam - approximately +80 C.

An important role in this is played by a sauna stove with a water tank, which you can make yourself.

The variety of models makes you think about the choice suitable option, therefore, having decided to make a stove for a bath with a boiler for water, you need to provide for all the details. The main thing you need is to determine the dimensions.

Basically, metal units are used for steam rooms, which have their own characteristics; first you need to consider their advantages and disadvantages.

Advantages of metal stoves

Among positive qualities highlight:

  • Ability to quickly warm up a room.
  • The small size allows you to save space in the bath room.
  • Easy to manufacture and assemble.
  • There is no need to install a foundation due to the lightness of the structure.
  • The firebox does not interfere with bath procedures.
  • A variety of metal products helps you choose the most convenient shape.
  • Installation does not take much time.


Negative properties include:

  • Relatively small volume of room heating.
  • The metal product cools quickly, so it needs to maintain an optimal temperature.
  • To avoid fire, when installing such stoves, it is necessary to create additional protection for the ceiling and walls of the bathhouse.

Options for homemade stoves

Self-made sauna stoves with a water tank differ from store-bought products in size, type of heater, shape, material and location of the tank, if any.

To assemble the stove, you need to prepare in advance:

  • Sheet steel 5 mm thick for the frame.
  • Pipes for supplying water and heat exchanger.
  • Grate.
  • A mesh for the heater and firebox, as well as a door.
  • Connecting taps and couplings.
  • Chimney, corner.
  • Bulgarian.
  • Welding machine and electrodes.

Oven with hanging tank

This option for placing the container is simple and consists in the fact that a flat hinged tank for sauna stove tightly attached to the outside.

In this case, the water is heated thanks to the metal walls of the entire structure.

With this installation method, the water does not heat up so quickly; it may not even boil. As for volume, there are no restrictions here.

With a samovar-type tank

These are containers that are placed on or around the chimney.

Due to combustion products, the pipe walls are heated to a high temperature - several hundred degrees. The advantage of this design is that the water in the bath is heated quickly from the stove and the water remains hot for a long time.

The tank can have any shape: cylinder, rectangle, oval.

It can be made full length chimney up to the ceiling or make a tank that covers only a small part.

There is a minor drawback of this system - possible overcooling of a certain section of the pipe. Due to the formation of a cold plug, soot will be deposited in that area.

With remote tank

This is the most convenient way location. If the container is separated from the stove, it can be moved to any place.

Bath stove with a water heat exchanger: connecting the tank to the stove

With this installation, excess damp steam is not generated, since sauna stoves with a remote water tank do not warm up the room earlier than necessary. Read also: “Correct and practical location of the stove in the sauna - possible options.”

In addition, this design allows you to simultaneously heat water and heat other rooms in the bathhouse, such as the washing room.

If you want to equip a sauna with hot dry air, a sauna stove with a remote tank is the most suitable solution.

Stages of work:

  • Prepare the potbelly stove.
  • Make an open niche for stones above the firebox.
  • The tank and register for heating water are best made of stainless steel.
  • A water container hung on the wall should be positioned so that its edge is half a meter above the register level.
  • Now you need to connect the remote tank to the sauna stove.

    To do this, use clamps and a rubber hose that should hang down. It is preferable to use pipes instead of a hose, it will be safer.

Oven for a small room

It is not difficult to make such a model, adhering to standard sizes– 160x70x70 cm. Parts made of 5 mm sheet metal are connected using a welding machine. It turns out to be a compact stove for a small bath with minimal heat capacity, which is enough for such a room. Read also: “What types of stainless steel bath tanks are there and how to install them.”

In the center of the stove there is a heater and a tank, which is filled with water through the provided side hole. The firebox is located at the bottom, and the bricks for its manufacture are laid on edge, just like for a heater.

Stove-heater in a metal casing

Sheet steel is used for the body of such a product.

The inside of the stove is lined with bricks, and the firebox is usually lined with half a brick.

Kamenka – suitable design for independent production. Such a stove for a bath with heated water requires a minimum amount of fuel. Water enters the tank through a hole made on the side. Read also: “How a sauna stove with a water circuit for heating works.”

Making a stove from an iron barrel

To create this unpretentious product, first cut out the bottom and get rid of the top, leaving a cylinder.

Then you need to install a grate on the bricks. The inside of the barrel is lined with bricks, which are placed edgewise. The remaining 2/3 of the area is laid with stones. At the final stage, a chimney is made.

For safety, the structure is closed with a lid. Although this is correct, it is not very convenient, because the lid will have to be removed from time to time when more steam is needed.

Oven without bricks

This type uses thick sheet metal, so there is no need for bricks. After welding work After assembling the frame, an ash pit and a ash pit are equipped.

The firebox is made higher, and for the stove to work well, it is better to cover it with a grate with stones. For a metal product without brickwork, the chimney is installed on the side.

A simple product allows you to quickly carry out the work, but, unfortunately, this model has a short service life.

Small heating stove

If there is a need, then in the bathhouse, along with the main stove, a small one is additionally installed. This significantly increases the flow of hot air and heating of the bath room.

Stages of work:

  1. A metal water container in the shape of a cylinder - 75x45 cm - is mounted on the side of the stove.
  2. The interior walls are lined with bricks.
  3. Pipes are connected for supplying cold water, as well as for discharging hot water.

    A faucet is installed (read: “What types of bath faucets are there - a reliable water supply device”).

Installation rules

After assembling a metal stove, it is important to install it correctly:

  • For convenience, the firebox door is made so that it opens from the side of the steam room.
  • The area for the stove should be 70x70 cm, height – 20 cm.
  • It is necessary to step back correctly from the wall so that the distance to the stove is 20 cm.
  • When constructing a foundation, the height is important; it should be 30 cm.
  • A double row of brickwork is provided, which is secured with clay mortar.
  • At the point where the chimney exits, the brickwork is made about 12 cm thicker.
  • The section of pipe connecting the ceiling and roof must be plastered and whitewashed.

If the bathhouse structure is made of wood, then when installing a metal stove, the pipe is lined with bricks 120 cm high.

It must be remembered that the main thing when installing and further operating a sauna stove with a water tank is compliance with all the rules. A metal stove is reliable and robust design, since it is made from thick sheet iron.

Making a bath unit yourself is much cheaper and more profitable than buying one.

Although such ovens are simple and do not require special care, but, like any product, they also need to be looked after.

When manufacturing and installing a homemade structure, you must follow safety precautions.

Without neglecting the basic principles of using the stove, you can enjoy its operation in the bathhouse for a long time.

Boiler for bath drawings hot water tank or storage tank

Boiler for a bathhouse drawings hot water tank or storage tank with a volume of one hundred liters, homemade design, and not difficult to manufacture.

It is good to use in small sauna, where the steam room is combined with a sink.

Let's consider the hot water preparation scheme.

Radiator. Standard, cast iron, assembled from four sections (the distance between the axes of the inlet and outlet pipes is 500mm). It is mounted in the heating stove at the level of the grate on the right or left side of the furnace compartment of the stove relative to the heating door.

Expansion tank (storage tank). Serves as a vibration damping device for the hot water tank during its release from the radiator.
The container size is 200x200x140mm. It is welded from stainless steel sheets 2…3 mm thick. To give additional rigidity to the body, stiffening ribs are welded inside it, which dampen the energy of the release of heated water and at the same time serve as additional passage channels.

The heated product enters and exits through inch pipes.

What types of stainless steel bath tanks are there and how to install them

Boiler for a bath. The boiler size is 706x706x210mm. It is welded from stainless steel sheets 3…4 mm thick. Inch flows are provided for water inlet and outlet. For structural rigidity, twenty-five millimeter wide plates are welded on top along the perimeter.

We connect the three presented units with one-inch galvanized pipes or heat-resistant rubber hoses. Moreover, the outlet from the tank and the inlet to the radiator, the pipeline must be positioned horizontally or at an angle towards the radiator.

Place the storage tank above the boiler. The system must be built in such a way that the radiator is completely filled working environment. This will keep the radiator intersection gaskets intact from overheating. The principle is based steam heating. The water heats up and rises to the top, circulating in a closed circuit. Heating to boiling temperature occurs within two and a half to three hours. This scheme tested in my own bathhouse. Works flawlessly.

Tank with hot water located not far from the floors, it is convenient to throw hot water on the hot stones.

In this design, the chimney is made in the center, inside the container.

The size of the chimney corresponds to the pipe laying of six standard red kiln bricks per row (250x250mm). The chimney in the center increases the rigidity and strength of the product, which can easily withstand considerable weight brick pipe. It is welded from stainless steel sheets five millimeters thick. It provides for the following steps:
- cold product inlet (one second of an inch);
- output of hot product into washing department(three quarters of an inch);
- output of hot product in the steam compartment (one second of an inch);
-technological hole for pressure relief (at your discretion),
they are supplied with the appropriate piping, taking into account the layout of the entire room.

A red brick pipe is installed on top.

A detailed diagram of the pipe order is described in the article “Pipe drawing. Building a red brick pipe. Order scheme."
The fire from the combustion chamber of the furnace passes through the stones and the tank. After 2.5...3 hours, the firebox heats up the stones and water. The heat from the stones keeps the contents of the container hot for a long time.

Materials for installing chimneys
Types of tanks
Advantages and disadvantages of installing a reservoir on a hose

Heating and sauna have their own properties. This is due to several reasons. The first is infrequent use and intense heating. The second is not ordinary, but rather high consumption of hot water.

Materials for installing chimneys

Chimneys must meet the following parameters:

  • Resistant to soot, which can lead to the destruction of finished materials.
  • Compliance with fire safety requirements.

In this regard, modern buildings can only be equipped with structures that fully comply with the requirements.

  • Brick chimneys. Brick is a fire-resistant material with good heat transfer, which helps quickly heat the room and maintain temperature. But this material requires special installation capabilities and regular cleaning.

    These properties prevent the water heater tank from being installed in a hose. In this case, it is recommended to use a remote model.

  • Ceramic building elements can withstand high temperatures and have a long life, but they are quite expensive.
  • Asbestos cannot be used in chimney installations because it does not tolerate sudden changes in temperature.
  • Ferrous metal is not suitable for work in the required conditions, as it burns quickly and weighs a lot.
  • Stainless steel more resistant to temperature changes and has a more affordable price.

    The most popular option is stainless steel chimneys. Due to low thermal conductivity hardware heat up quickly and do not retain heat. This function is used to quickly heat water with minimal costs for fuel.

Types of tanks

The water heating tank for a pipe stove is a special tank for heating water.

Steel, stainless steel or cast iron can be used to manufacture this product.

Each of these materials has its own characteristics:

  • Cast iron products It heats up slowly, which leads to high fuel consumption. However, water in a cast iron container can remain hot for a long time after heating. Castrate is very heavy, so such products can be installed on a wall or on a slab.
  • Steel tanks heat quickly and at the same time cool at the same speed.

    In addition, steel is susceptible to corrosion.

  • Stainless steel has high corrosive properties, quickly heats up and cools down. However, the relatively light weight allows the capabilities to be installed without any major problems. This design can be used to install a bathtub in a stainless steel tube.

The location of the tank on the chimney plays a very important role important role, since it depends on fuel consumption and the degree of complexity of the device.

  • The most expensive way to store a container remotely. When installing such a system, it is necessary to install an additional heat exchanger and the amount of water from the boiler to the heating water of the container (see “How to heat exchanger flue gasescomplex designs and assembly procedures").

    In this case the water is supplied naturally, but with very long pipes only a pump can supply normal work. However, this method has its advantages. This is an opportunity to find anywhere.

  • The most popular is the built-in method.

    This means that the reservoir is located directly in the oven.

    Bath water tank: types and installation options

    Such a system does not depend on the structure of the chimney and stove, and also heats the space and water.

  • Using the hanging method, the container is mounted on the wall of the furnace. The use of dissipative heat slows down the heating process and water can be used to a limited extent. The advantage of this method is the ability to move and remove the container at any time. Also read: How to Make Your Own Bathtub - Step by Step.

Advantages and disadvantages of installing a reservoir on a hose

The popularity of this method is explained by its economics.

Installing the container on the bath allows heating with minimal fuel costs.

The gases emitted by the chimney can reach temperatures of up to 5000 °C. This stimulates rapid warming. The heat used to heat the room is used in parallel to heat water. While the bath is heating, the water temperature does not decrease.

Using the chimney as a heating element allows you to use the entire length, which allows you to significantly increase the volume of the tank.

When calculating the volume of the tank, water consumption per person is at least 10 liters. Therefore, installing a pipe water tank in the bathtub is a very practical option.

No additional pumps, heaters or heat exchangers are required for heating. This greatly simplifies the process of installing water heaters.

And with the help of gas, use centralized water supply, but, nevertheless, the “old-fashioned” method of heating water on the stove has not lost its relevance. Almost any model iron stove can be equipped with a remote, mounted or mounted water tank, and there are also stoves with built-in tanks for heating it.

Currently, almost all manufacturers of sauna stoves have in their assortment.

Our ancestors used cast iron containers to heat water in the bathhouse. They had a rounded bottom and were suspended on chains that were attached to ceiling beams. Such tanks took a long time to warm up, but the water in them remained hot for a long time and the next day after using the steam room, the housewives washed it with this water.

Cast iron does not corrode and the water in it remains clean and does not rust, but it requires a significant amount of heat to heat it. Its main disadvantage is that it is heavy, even without water, and raising and lowering a cast iron water tank is quite difficult. Today, cast iron containers have one more drawback: no one produces them, in any case, we did not find any offers for the sale of cast iron water tanks.

One of the budget options is a water tank for a steel bath. There are homemade or factory-made options of various sizes and configurations. But steel, even High Quality, rusts and becomes unusable over time. However, this option, despite the obvious drawback, is a good solution. But you need to remember that you cannot paint such tanks, even with heat-resistant paints. The paint will begin to melt and burn, poisoning the air and water, and instead of healing and useful procedure you will get poisoned.

Enameled water tanks can partially solve the rust problem. They are a little more expensive than steel options, but as long as the enamel is intact, such containers do not rust. Their disadvantage: you can easily knock off a piece of enamel, which will lead to the appearance of rust in this place, and over time, leaks. The problem can be solved by timely repair of chips. This can be done with heat-resistant protective enamel, but if the tank will be in direct contact with fire, paint cannot be used.

An ordinary large-capacity kitchen pan can be used as an enamel water tank. It is placed on the top of the stove, if the design allows. This is very good option quickly organize hot water in the bathhouse. If your bathhouse is small, 40 liters is enough to wash one person. If you are in the bathhouse more people, you can put two pans, or take the heated water into another container and add cold water to heat it up.

Those bathhouse lovers who often take steam baths when visiting have probably seen aluminum pans.

It should be noted that if we are talking about homemade metal furnaces(), then the water in a container placed on the stove can easily boil, even if the stove is heated by gas. If the steam room and the sink are one room, then washing with water boiling in a container becomes a challenge :)

The most reliable and Lately the most common is a stainless steel sauna tank. Stainless steel - best option for both hot and cold water. The stainless steel tank is not subject to corrosion, is durable and aesthetically pleasing. Since the walls of hot water tanks are thin, total weight capacity is relatively small. This can also be considered a plus: the smaller the weight of the tank, the less the load on heating it.

The disadvantages of a stainless steel tank include its decent price, and the fact that there are many fakes on the market that pass off as stainless steel tanks, and which after a while begin to rust.

How to choose a stainless steel tank for a bathhouse

In order for a stainless steel tank for a bath to serve for a long time and not require repair or replacement, it must be made of steel 8-12X18H10 (304) and 08X17 (430). Brands of lower grades will inevitably leak after some time due to fairly harsh operating conditions.

The tank leaked

Which stainless steel tank is best for a sauna? Homemade or factory made? Factory products have special welding equipment, so the seams on their products look much neater, and, most likely, they are more reliable than hand-welded ones. But factory-made stainless steel tanks have their own drawback: they are made from sheets 0.8-1mm thick. When removing or filling water, when heating/cooling, the walls of the container begin to “play”. If capacity big size, this is especially noticeable, and since this phenomenon occurs regularly, the seams may come apart. In this case, it is difficult to restore the tank: scale forms on the inside, which creates problems when welding thin sheets of metal.

It is advisable to make a custom-made stainless steel tank (some factories provide such a service) from a stainless steel sheet 2 mm thick. Such a tank will be heavier, but even with significant dimensions its walls will not “play”. In addition, you can make a container of any kind, even the most non-standard one.

There is another option: you buy a stainless steel tank at a surprisingly low price. And after two or three months, stains and corrosion stains appear on it, and after some time (about a year) leaks will appear, and not only in the seams.

This suggests that we are dealing with a very low-quality material that can hardly be called stainless steel at all.

You have to pay for quality stainless steel. The fact is that to impart good anti-corrosion properties, chromium and nickel are added to the alloy, and such material is not cheap. This type of stainless steel is also called “food grade” because it is used in the manufacture of dishes and cutlery.

How to identify stainless steel

There is one proven and sufficient reliable way Determine what kind of stainless steel the water tank in the bathhouse is made of: you need to bring a magnet to it.

Food grade stainless steel should not react to magnetic fields or react very weakly. Simply put, the magnet should not “stick” to the wall of the tank.

Typically, a magnet is attracted to food-grade stainless steel at bends or internal tension. To somehow learn to tell the difference, you can experiment with cutlery (they are definitely made of the food grade) and with ferrous metal products. The difference will be obvious.

Other methods are not entirely suitable for purchasing:

  • you can determine the nickel or chromium content using a spectrograph (for research you need 2 cm 2 of steel);
  • you can remove the top layer with natfil and apply the solution on it copper sulfate– food grade stainless steel does not change color, other metals do;
  • use natfil to run across the cut of the metal - if a yellowish color appears, it is brass, which means the steel is stainless;
  • using a microscope, examine whether there are traces of processing on the product: stainless steel has them, other steel does not;
  • determine the specific gravity of the material by immersing the product in water - determine the density of the material from the mass of displaced water;
  • During use on food-grade stainless steel, there is no peeling of the top layer and no scaliness, and they also retain a presentable appearance for a long time.

So, when buying a stainless steel tank, either carefully check the material, or buy it from reputable companies: many of the manufacturers of sauna stoves produce water tanks. There will certainly be steel with the required parameters: using low-quality steel means harming yourself.

You can make a stainless steel tank with your own hands, but it is worth remembering that when welding in air, the alloying metals burn out and the seams begin to rust. To avoid this, you need a special semi-automatic machine with the ability to weld in carbon dioxide (using stainless wire).

Heated water tanks

Many manufacturers produce heated tanks. As a rule, water is heated using a heating element (tubular electric heater). Tanks are usually made of stainless steel.

Storage tank for heated water. Tanks are made of stainless steel with a thickness of 0.8-1 mm. Tank volume from 40 to 200 liters. Manufacturer LLC "Resurs"

According to the price list, these tanks are sold as storage tanks, although they are often called “bulk tanks”.

When choosing a heated tank, do not forget that a bathhouse is a room with an increased risk of electric shock.

If you have money and running water, it makes sense to opt for.

What is a bathhouse without hot water? But to heat it, you don’t need a boiler at all - after all, there is a stove and a fire in the stove. And the water will be heated using a heat exchanger.
But first you need to determine which specific tank for a bathhouse will be better: a pipe, remote or built-in, what material it will be made of - in general, what it should be so that during the operation of the bathhouse it does not have to be changed to another.

You can, of course, find sauna stoves with a tank, but what to do if there is a stove, but no heating containers? Then you can find tanks for a bath to order or make them yourself using a regular one. welding machine- and that’s it.

Remote, built-in or on a pipe?

Tanks for baths can be built-in, remote, or on a pipe - and each has its own pros and cons. Compare and evaluate which one is right for your bath.

Advantages of a tank built into the oven

Once upon a time, water tanks for the bathhouse were only built into the stove - so that the lower part of the boiler was placed in the upper part of the firebox - the hottest one. And the bottom of the tank in this case is in direct contact with the stove fire. Water can be drawn from such a container directly, or it can be discharged through the built-in tap.

Remote tank for a bath: pros and cons

Thanks to the ability to install a heat exchanger in the oven, the tank itself does not need to be tied to a specific place - it can even be installed in a washing room. According to the known laws of physics, cold water will fall into the heat exchanger, and hot water will rise back.

Tank on a pipe - hot water without problems!

But it happens that the bathhouse is used not for two or three hours, but for the whole day - for example, when they wash in it, but the time after the fire has already passed. Then the ideal option is a tank on a pipe in which the water will be constantly heated to the desired temperature. This is on the pipe through which the smoke comes out of the stove - and its temperature can reach 500? C. Such tanks can be quite large - after all, the heating area of ​​the pipe is quite large, and the water will heat up quickly and evenly.

If you need to increase the humidity in the steam room, we recommend that you read the article

There is one more advantage of this design - in such a bathhouse, smoke leakage through a crack in the pipe is impossible, because The tank in this case serves as a kind of fuse.

Cast iron, steel or stainless steel?

Quite a lot depends on the material from which the tank is made - both the rate of heating and cooling of water, and the durability of the tank itself.

Cast iron: hot water all day long

For a long time, the tank in the bathhouse was made of heavy cast iron - the water took a long time to heat up, a lot of firewood was consumed, but it was hot until the evening and the whole family could wash all day. In addition, cast iron is not afraid of either corrosion or high temperatures. But its considerable weight is, of course, an obvious drawback.

Stainless steel sauna tanks: lightweight and durable

But today, a stainless steel sauna tank is becoming increasingly popular - there is no need to isolate moisture from it, it has excellent thermal conductivity, and the deformation coefficient due to sudden temperature fluctuations is negligible and cannot be compared with the properties of ferrous metals.

The best brands for such tanks are 8-12X18H10 (304) and 08X17 (430), which are also used for making dishes. They are resistant to even extreme temperatures, hygienic and do not corrode or deform.

Such bath tanks are made from durable and thin stainless steel sheets, into which special ball valves are installed to enter and supply water. Caring for such tanks is extremely simple.

Enameled tanks - good if handled with care

Enameled tanks will also get rid of unpleasant rust. Their only drawback is possible chips, which will lead to corrosion. But they can be treated with special heat-resistant paint - unless the tank itself is inserted into the oven.

Heating circuit: from a heating element or a stove?

Whether it is more profitable to fire a stove to heat water or whether a heating element is more effective in this regard depends on how many people in the future will simultaneously steam in the bathhouse and how quickly hot water will be needed for washing. For example, for one person a capacity of 50 liters is enough, but for the whole company – at least 70.

The tank’s ability to quickly warm up also depends on its walls - the thicker they are, the longer it will take to warm up and the more it will weigh. For a tank with a volume of up to 50 liters this is 0.8-1 mm, and for a larger tank the walls are never thinner than 1.5 mm.

How to properly install and connect a water tank?

So, how to properly install a tank in a bathhouse? If the washing water will come from the tap, that is, under constant pressure, the so-called closed system water supply For this ideal option there will be a stove with a coil inside, to which the tank itself will be connected. But this method can also be implemented: the tank will be suspended on the stove itself. For this, the simplest design for 50-120 liters is suitable, which is not difficult to weld yourself. The best option is an 80-liter tank made of non-galvanized iron, which can be purchased at any hardware store.

A correctly connected tank in a bathhouse will look like this: water is heated in a register and rises into the tank. In it, it gradually cools down and falls down into the register itself. This is how natural circulation occurs, and in order to improve it, it is more expedient to take water from the return line - although this is not always convenient, because in this case you will have to wait a long time until the tank heats up. But the water itself can already be used as soon as the stove is heated. But it is more efficient and thoughtful if the ability to switch water intake from direct to return is thought out - this is much more convenient. If the entrance and exit to the tank are made from below, then the circulation will occur more slowly.

And the diagram itself will look like this:

1. The hot water tank is installed in the steam room, under the shelves and connected by pipes to the coil of the sauna stove.
2. For proper circulation of the tank, the upper outlet is connected to the same upper outlet of the furnace coil, and the lower outlet is connected to the bottom. So hot water will be drained from above, and cold water from below.
3. A check and safety valve is installed at the cold water inlet - it is also called a blast valve.
4. According to the instructions of the storage tank, the response pressure of the safety valve is set.

And this whole structure will work like this: the filled tank will begin to heat up through the coil and when hot water is consumed, it will automatically begin to be filled through the cold supply. As the water heats up, if it is not used yet, this pressure will increase, and when the critical point is reached, the explosive will go off - it will release this pressure.

If everything is done correctly, then the hot water in the bathhouse will be in the amount needed - and under such a pressure that it will be comfortable to wash under after the steam room.

A sauna tank on a pipe is a kind of stove-stove, familiar from old films. Hot water when taking a bath procedure is a natural attribute, which means that in the absence central water supply it needs to be heated. At the same time, the chimney in the bathhouse is designed to eject hot smoke from the firebox to the outside. Thus, a significant amount of thermal energy. A water tank on a bath pipe allows you to combine these two processes, and the chimney begins to perform useful and necessary work.

A sauna tank on a pipe helps save space in the sauna

Process Features

The chimney pipe is a mandatory element of a sauna stove, through which the combustion products of fuel (smoke) are discharged and the necessary draft is provided to maintain combustion in the firebox. The smoke rising through this pipe heats it to a temperature of more than 450-500 degrees, which forces measures to be taken to isolate the chimney from the elements bath design.

Since ancient times, the question has arisen about how to profitably use the removed heat. When carrying out bath procedures, you need hot water for washing after visiting the steam room. For these purposes, there is always a container (tank), which provides the required volume of water.

Nuance! Using the heat of a chimney is considered an effective and economical way to heat it. Fundamentally, the issue is resolved by placing the tank at the top of the chimney pipe or by heating the coolant using the heat of smoke.

A water tank installed on a pipe effectively saves heat from smoke removal and thereby heats the water.

What is the advantage of a tank on a pipe? The following can be distinguished positive sides:

  • heating occurs quickly and does not require additional fuel;
  • heat the tank is automatically maintained during the entire heating time of the furnace;
  • The tank-pipe for sauna stoves can have a significant volume, because it is possible to use the chimney along its entire length.

Tanks-pipes for the chimney can be of various lengths and designs

What designs can be used

You can place the tank in the bathhouse in different options. The main types used are:

  1. Built-in design. In this case, the chimney pipe runs inside the tank. This structure is considered stationary, non-removable and is installed during the manufacture of the chimney. The tank can be made in the form of a pipe (cylindrical version) or have a rectangular cross-section. It is important to securely seal the bottom entrance of the pipe to prevent water from leaking out of the tank. To use water, outlets are made from the tank directly into the shower stall or intermediate tank. Given the elevated location of such a tank, water flows by gravity.

  1. Hanging structure. Such a system is removable, i.e. installed on an existing chimney. The tank is placed close to the chimney pipe and securely attached to the column. Such containers can be purchased or made by yourself. This design is typical when a gutter is formed on the back wall, repeating the shape and diameter of the chimney, which makes it possible to bring the surfaces as close as possible and ensure high-quality heating.

  1. Remote design. In principle, the water container itself can be placed in any convenient location(for example, in the shower). In this case, the energy of the chimney heats the coolant, which is sent to heat the water container. When such a heat exchanger is mounted on a bath pipe, the installation height of the tank must be selected so as to ensure gravity flow of the coolant according to the laws of physics, i.e. the warm flow rushes upward, and the cooled flow – downward. This design provides for additional elements in the form of a heat exchanger, but it allows you to place the tank itself in the right place.

Water circulation diagram with a remote design of the tank and stove in the bathhouse

Depending on the design, the tank can be placed at different height levels. 3 options can be implemented:

  1. At the stove level: the base of the tank is placed on the top of the stove, which means no additional brackets are required. The main disadvantage is that the height does not allow gravity flow of water for showering. In this case, it is scooped by hand.

  1. On the chimney column. This design is located at a certain height, which eliminates the previous drawback. Mounting the tank requires special brackets, and the weight of the structure is limited.
  1. Attic level. Here there is a reliable support for the tank in the form of a ceiling. The problem arises in a cold attic, where you will have to think about external thermal insulation.

Attention! An important parameter that determines the choice of tank is its volume; it must be sufficient for a full washing process.

When calculating the parameter, they usually proceed from the following requirement: 10 liters per person per bath procedure and 5 liters per person when taking a shower. In addition, a reserve should be created for unforeseen circumstances.

There are various forms of water tanks for a bath on a chimney

The dimensions of the container also depend on the design and dimensions of the chimney. The most common type is a sauna tank with a 115 mm pipe. Naturally, the bath tank for a 150 mm pipe is made larger diameter, regardless of need.

The choice of volume of a metal water tank depends on the number of family members

What materials are used

The sauna tank is made of metal, but the specific material is selected taking into account financial capabilities, volume and heating characteristics. The most popular designs are:

  1. Cast iron. Main advantages: high strength, durability, while the water temperature remains for a long time after the furnace has stopped firing. In the same time, cast iron container warms up slowly, and most importantly, has a large mass, which requires reliable support when installing the structure.
  2. Steel. The cheapest and available material, used in economic structures. The water in a steel tank heats up quickly, but also cools quickly after the fire stops. The most important disadvantage is corrosion destruction, which requires protective covers. One of the common options for eliminating this drawback is the use of enamel tanks. However, when choosing of this material It should be taken into account that with local damage to the enamel, accelerated corrosion begins at the source of damage.
  3. Stainless steel. A tank on a pipe for a stainless steel bath is considered the most common design, because... optimally combines cost and durability. The material is more expensive than ordinary steel, but is not subject to corrosion and has a long service life. At the same time, stainless steel can be welded, and you can make a tank from it yourself.

The remote design of the tank is in more gentle conditions. Extreme temperatures (400-500 degrees) only affect the heat exchanger located on the chimney. The walls of the tank itself do not heat up above 70-80 degrees, which means it can be made from different materials. In addition, it is usually placed on the wall, where the risk of damage is reduced. In such conditions, decorated enamel containers become very popular. Supply pipes for a remote tank in a bathhouse can be made of metal, composite material and heat-resistant plastic. It is important to ensure their thermal insulation.

The simplest and affordable way making a tank for a bath is a built-in option when it is hung on the chimney. It’s not for nothing that such a system is called a samovar in everyday life, because it uses the same principle, i.e. heating the water with hot smoke rising through the inner pipe. Such a tank is installed during the construction of the stove or installed by dismantling a section of the chimney.

In the selected location, a pipe is mounted on brackets, so that the gap between the outer diameter of the chimney pipe and the inner body of the tank pipe provides the required volume. The base is welded at the bottom of the tank body, and all gaps are sealed with heat-resistant sealant. To drain water, an outlet with a tap is welded (Fig. 1). The upper part of the tank is closed with a lid.

Figure.1 Installation diagram of a bath tank

In principle, the tank body can be manufactured and rectangular shape required capacity. The wall thickness is selected taking into account the volume. To make a small tank with a volume of about 50-55 liters, you can use a metal sheet with a thickness of 0.9-1.2 mm, and for a container of more than 70-80 liters you will have to use metal with a thickness of at least 1.5 mm.

If there is a water supply to the bathhouse, then a remote system is more suitable. It is shown in Fig. 1. In this case, a coil is mounted on the chimney. The hot water exits towards the remote tank from above, and the coolant returns, respectively, from below. During installation, it is necessary to install the necessary shut-off equipment (valves, taps, valves).

Note! Particular attention is paid to sealing all joints, for which a special heat-resistant sealant should be used.

When installing a tank in a bathhouse on a chimney pipe, you will need the following tools and equipment: a welding machine and electrodes with a diameter of 2.5-3 mm, a grinder, a hacksaw, an electric drill, a hammer drill, a hammer, pliers, a set of keys, a caliper, a tape measure.

The sauna tank on the chimney pipe allows you to have a supply of hot water without unnecessary expense fuel.

Such a system uses the energy of futile smoke, which gives a significant economic effect. system different designs you can make and install it yourself.