Beneficial properties and harm of green beans for the body. What are the benefits of green beans for the body?

06.11.2017 1 950

Green beans, benefits and harm - discover the formula for your health!

Green beans, the benefits and harms of which have been well studied, have a positive effect on the condition of the human body. However, you need to know how to use the product, is it possible for gastritis and pancreatitis, diabetes? What is the calorie content of the vegetable, and are there any contraindications for the medicinal pods? Let's figure out what green beans are good for and what you need to know about this product?


Useful composition and calorie content

For a variety of beans known as green beans or green beans, the benefits and harms have been studied in some detail. This product has been used since the late 18th century. Initially, the plants were used as decoration to camouflage vertical walls, until someone came up with the idea of ​​tasting the long, fleshy pods. Later, when biology and chemistry made great progress, it became fashionable to study the composition of various food products, scientists have found that green bean pods are a storehouse of nutrients. They contain:

1. Vitamins, including essential for the body, not synthesized independently - tocopherol, pyridoxine, thiamine (they belong to the B vitamins), ascorbic, folic, pantothenic acid (powerful antioxidants), as well as riboflavin and PP;

2. Microelements- selenium, iodine, sulfur, zinc, silicon. If they are deficient in the body, the synthesis of hormones and many enzymes is impossible, and metabolism occurs with significant disruptions;

3. Minerals- iron, magnesium, potassium, calcium, phosphorus. These components take part in the construction of tissues, their regeneration, metabolism, and the formation of hormones and enzymes.

Among other things, the product contains many complex organic compounds - amino acids, proteins, carbohydrates and plant fiber.

In terms of nutritional value, the vegetable is comparable to dietary meat, but has less calories, only 30 kcal per 100 g. That is why in many diets it is recommended for weight loss, creating a feeling of fullness. The product normalizes peristalsis, binds and removes waste from the intestines, since most Its weight is made up of fiber and water. 100 grams of culture contain from 2.5 to 5 g of pure protein, up to 3.2 carbohydrates and only 0.25 fat. Most of the dietary fiber is not absorbed without preliminary heat treatment, so steamed pods are considered more useful.

Benefits and harms, effects on health

The culture is recommended for people to eat after a long illness, since the abundance of vitamins, easily digestible proteins and carbohydrates help replenish the body’s need for nutrients Oh. Fiber absorbs metabolites formed during illness, neutralizes them and removes them from the body. For recovering people, the benefit also consists of a tonic effect. If you include it in the menu at least 2 times a week, the body’s recovery will go faster.

The pronounced healing effect is due to the content of biologically active substances. The product is most beneficial for diseases of cardio-vascular system, so due to the high potassium content, the vascular walls are strengthened and their tone is increased. Other components (B vitamins, organic acids) normalize blood pressure and stabilize heart rate. Regular use of the culture for food is beneficial for people at risk for heart attack, stroke, and arterial hypertension.

Traditional medicine recommends using the pods for diabetes. They are first dried, and then decoctions and infusions are prepared. After drying, the valves acquire new properties - the amount of biological compounds in them that regulate the functioning of the endocrine glands increases. In addition, when dried, their content increases. plant fibers, capable of neutralizing carbohydrates harmful to the body of diabetics in the intestines.

Also, bean leaves are used in folk medicine in the presence of inflammatory processes in the body. Good results noted when using this product for prostatitis, urethritis, and other genitourinary pathologies in men. The zinc contained in the culture improves the composition of sperm, normalizes erectile function, and prevents the development of the inflammatory process.

For women, the culture will be useful as a dietary food product. With its help, ideal forms are achieved without harm to health. Losing weight does not cause muscle fiber depletion. In addition, zinc, vitamins, and minerals in bean pods have a positive effect on hair, skin and nails.

Anti-inflammatory, diuretic properties are of great benefit for urolithiasis, cystitis and other diseases.

When you should not use the product - contraindications and harm

Even bean pods prepared in accordance with nutritionist recommendations have well-founded contraindications. So, when they are eaten, peristalsis increases and gas formation increases. Such phenomena are harmful in the following diseases:

  • hyperacid gastritis
  • acute pancreatitis
  • gastric ulcer in the acute stage
  • functional intestinal disorders, including flatulence
  • inflammation of the intestinal mucosa (colitis)
  • inflammation of the gallbladder, ducts (cholecystitis)

It is not recommended to consume the vegetable for gastritis, chronic pancreatitis, even at the stage of remission. This product can cause an exacerbation of the disease. With extreme caution, the product is included in the diet of pregnant women in the last trimester and the elderly.

Green beans are a useful product in all respects, which proper preparation and consumption can prevent negative changes and eliminate many health problems. If, after taking the product, abdominal discomfort occurs, it should be discarded.

Green beans are unripe green beans that have tender leaves; colloquially it is also called asparagus. The common bean plant is a legume and is widely distributed throughout the world.

More than 70% of the world's green bean production comes from China. It is followed by India, Türkiye, Indonesia. European manufacturers are represented by France and the Benelux countries.

When harvesting young pods, it is important not to skip the ripening period, when the beans are still soft and have the most pleasant taste characteristics. When yellow color it becomes hard and dry.

Green beans, the benefits and harms of which are well known to adherents proper nutrition, used for side dishes, soups or as part of salads. Read more about this dietary product below.

Composition and calorie content

Green beans have great nutritional value.

Green beans have great nutritional value and contain many minerals and vitamins. The glycemic index is low and equal to only 15 units. This means that only 15% of carbohydrates are converted into glucose. The chemical composition of this legume is as follows:

  • B vitamins (including folic acid), A, E, C, PP, beta-carotene;
  • minerals – potassium, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, sodium, iron, iodine, copper, sulfur, zinc, selenium, cobalt, fluorine, silicon;
  • starch, water, ash, dietary fiber, organic and saturated fatty acids.

Are green beans predominantly protein, or carbohydrate, or almost pure fiber? What components do green pods contain more of?

The calorie content and amount of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates depend on the type of legume, the degree of maturity, and may vary slightly from batch to batch. On average, green beans contain 3.3 g of carbohydrates, 2.5 g of proteins, and practically no fat, only 0.2 g. The product contains a fairly large amount of fiber (about 10%).

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The calorie content of 100 g of raw product ranges from 18 to 32 kcal. However, eating raw green beans is dangerous; due to the content of certain substances, it can cause poisoning, so heat treatment is required to destroy harmful compounds. When boiled, the dish contains 47 to 128 kcal, when fried - about 178 kcal, when stewed - about 136 kcal. Very often the product is frozen to preserve it for the winter. There are 28 calories in frozen green beans.

Benefits of legumes

The beneficial properties of green beans are expressed in their tonic and general strengthening effect on the human body. Thanks to its unique composition, it helps to cope with negative external influences and the harmful effects of stress.
Green beans happen various colors, but this does not deprive it of its useful qualities

Also, the benefits of green vegetables are as follows:

  • unsurpassed cleansing abilities, due to which you can effectively free the intestines from harmful substances;
  • stabilization of the digestion process, acceleration of metabolism;
  • anti-inflammatory and antiviral effect, helping to support the immune system and cope with dysbiosis, inflammation of the lungs, intestines and other infectious, respiratory and viral diseases;
  • prevention of diseases of the cardiovascular system, in particular stroke, heart attack;
  • stabilization of the genitourinary system in men and reproductive organs in women;
  • positive impact on the condition of hair and skin;
  • normalization of carbohydrate metabolism and reduction of blood sugar levels in diabetes;
  • anti-inflammatory and diuretic effect helps in the fight against cystitis, edema, and urolithiasis.
  • assistance in cleansing plaque and stones, eliminating unpleasant odor from mouth.

Schisandra chinensis helps well with diabetes by normalizing blood glucose levels.

In stores, you most often find frozen green beans, which are stored for a long period. Its benefits remain virtually unchanged, with the exception of a slight loss of a certain amount of vitamins. Canned green beans are also common, in which about 80% of the mineral and vitamin complex of the fresh product is retained.

For women and children

The product has a positive effect on women's health. Its use normalizes hormonal background, eliminates discomfort during menopause. When consuming dietary vegetables, the performance of the nervous system improves, and, therefore, it becomes easier to cope with stressful situations, experiences, nervous tension and the consequences of hormonal changes.

Is it possible to eat green beans while breastfeeding and during pregnancy? It is worth noting that for pregnant women this is one of the important sources of vegetable protein necessary for the formation of the fetus. Fiber in moderation helps solve common bowel problems. The diuretic effect of the vegetable is indispensable in the prevention of edema. In addition, the product helps cope with insomnia and stress. A nursing mother needs green beans as a remedy rich in vitamins and minerals. In addition, it is indicated for anemia, which often develops in young mothers during breastfeeding.

Green beans - allergenic or not? At what age can it be given to children? This legume is very healthy, rich in substances necessary for life, so it must be present in children’s diets. It is not an allergenic product, but it can cause increased gas formation. Therefore, it can be given to a child in small quantities, for example, as part of a soup, from 10 months.


In nutrition

Green beans are widely used in cooking, especially in PP. It can be boiled, fried, stewed, used as a side dish, and used to make salads. In any case, heat treatment is important. You can also soak the green beans in cold water before cooking. These manipulations help remove harmful toxins. Green beans are combined with meat and fish, eggs, and a variety of vegetables.

The benefits of green beans for weight loss stand out. It helps you quickly lose extra pounds and gain a beautiful figure. When losing weight, the product is valued not only for its rich mineral and vitamin composition and low calorie content, but also for its high fiber content. The dietary vegetable effectively satisfies hunger and maintains a feeling of fullness for a long time. Therefore, eating green beans on a diet is not only possible, but also necessary.

How does fresh pineapple help you lose weight and get a beautiful figure? right now!

How to properly cook green beans, watch the following video:

In folk medicine

This legume plant is used not only for cooking; its use is also widespread in the form of preparing medicinal infusions and decoctions, for example, these.

  • For the treatment of rheumatism. Fresh pods are dried and crushed. For cooking you need 1 tbsp. Pour a spoonful of the resulting raw material into two glasses of boiling water. Next, the mixture is infused for 3-5 hours. You should drink 3-4 times a day.
  • For diabetes mellitus. To prepare the decoction you will need two parts each of green beans, leaves, straw and part. Everything needs to be crushed, pour three glasses of boiling water over 3 tablespoons of raw materials and cook for 20 minutes in a water bath. Drink 3 tbsp three times a day for a month. spoons.
  • To boost immunity. You need to pour a liter of boiling water over 20 g of crushed leaves and boil for 2-3 hours in a water bath. You should drink 150 ml three times a day.

In cosmetology

Green bean masks are good for the skin, they nourish it and enrich it with vitamins. In addition, they stimulate the production of collagen, increase tone and elasticity, eliminate rashes and enlarged pores. The following recipes are often used.

  • Anti-rash mask. It is necessary to grind the bean pod into a puree, add 3-4 drops and 1 tsp. juice, mix and apply to face for 15 minutes.
  • Rejuvenating mask. Grind one bean and pulp into a puree, add 4-5 drops or. Mix the ingredients and apply for 15 minutes.
  • Nourishing mask. Grind 40 g of beans, add 15 g of oil and juice, mix and apply for 20 minutes.

Harm from green beans

The product has many beneficial properties, however, there are cases when it can cause harm to the body. Eating green beans is not recommended in the following cases:

  • with gastritis with high acidity;
  • with cholecystitis;
  • with pancreatitis;
  • in case of intestinal dysfunction or inflammation;
  • with colitis;
  • in the presence of an internal ulcer.

A large amount of green beans eaten often leads to increased gas formation, flatulence, and unpleasant sensations, so you definitely need to know the norm. It must also be remembered that it weakens, which means that if you are prone to disorders, it should be excluded from the diet.

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It is important to remember: the product is prohibited from being consumed raw due to the presence of a toxic substance in the composition that affects the intestinal mucosa and can lead to poisoning. To avoid this, it is necessary to boil the pods for 4-5 minutes, during which time the toxic ingredients will be destroyed and the vitamins will be preserved in maximum quantities.


Green beans are very beneficial for the body, the main thing is not to overuse them in order to avoid gas formation and flatulence.

Watch the video about the benefits of green beans:

When choosing a fresh product, you should pay attention to elasticity and length; the pods should be flexible and make a click when broken. You can store your purchase for no more than a week. Green beans are also often found in canned and frozen form. In the latter case, you need to carefully check the quality of storage: there should be no snow in the package, and the beans should not lie stuck together.

Similar materials

Green bean pods are immature fruits with soft young leaves. Many athletes and supporters know about the benefits and harms of green beans. healthy eating and active lifestyle. Escapes legume help control the condition of the figure, maintain immunity and contribute to the entry of a number of useful components into the body.

The basis of the benefit that the product brings to the body is the presence of bioactive substances in the composition.

Green beans contain vitamins and minerals, in particular:

  • ascorbic and folic acids;
  • methylated phenols;
  • nicotinamide;
  • lactoflavin;
  • macro- and microelements (sodium, calcium, silicon, phosphorus, iodine, iron).

The combination of different components allows you to eat bean pods not only to get rid of hunger, but also to improve your health. In the absence of medical contraindications, you can include dishes with the addition of legumes in your daily diet.

100 g of product contains 24-32 kcal. Of these, the amount of fat is 0.3 g, protein – 2.5 g, carbohydrates – 3.1 g. The priority share of the product mass is fiber and moisture.

What are the benefits of green beans?

The main benefit of bean sprouts is its ability to repel harmful toxins and impurities from the atmosphere when grown.

The substances in the product have a positive and comprehensive effect on the human body and are important for the health of any person.

It is worth noting the following beneficial properties of the pods:

  1. The presence of iron microparticles helps improve the functioning of the respiratory system.
  2. Green beans are beneficial for women because they balance hormonal levels.
  3. Regular consumption activates the healing process for various infectious diseases intestines.
  4. For men, the main beneficial properties are to improve potency.
  5. Soluble fiber is indispensable in the fight against excess weight and diabetes.
  6. The product helps with feelings of weakness, chronic fatigue, for stress and migraine.
  7. Carbohydrates supplied with legumes fill the body with energy, help increase efficiency and active life.

By correlating the benefits and harms of the product, we can make an unambiguous conclusion that with moderate consumption it is possible to have an extremely positive effect on your body.

Benefits after treatment

The calorie content of green beans does not depend significantly on the variety and degree of maturity, but can increase significantly as a result of further processing. Since the product can be eaten only after heat treatment, which is necessary to neutralize indigestible particles, it is important to take care of its safety useful characteristics. When frying the pods, 100 g of product will contain 175 kcal, and when stewing - 136.

Considering that in addition to the main ingredient, the dishes include a number of others, the total calorie content and benefits for the human body may vary.


To extend the shelf life of the product, you can freeze bean pods. To do this, they are thoroughly washed, cut into small pieces, dried and placed in containers for freezing. The storage period increases to six months. The freezing method has no effect on medicinal properties legumes, and the benefits of consumption remain the same. In addition, cold processing destroys bacteria and dangerous toxins from the surface of the fruit.


The benefits of consuming canned green beans are due to the preservation of a key portion of the vitamin and mineral complex. The nutritional value canned product is only 16 kcal per 100 g. After processing, the product has a positive effect on the circulatory system due to the formation of red blood cells. Periodically eating canned beans also helps reduce the amount of sugar in the body.


Short-term boiling of green shoots preserves up to 80% of all bioactive components. At the same time, due to the change in the properties of carbohydrates, the number of calories almost doubles. The main advantage of boiled beans is that even a short stay of the product in boiled water kills all microbes and cleans the surface of the beans. Boiling the shoots is the most common processing method. During the boiling process, toxic substances are eliminated, which allows the product to be safely consumed.

Features of use

If you want to add green beans to your diet, you need to take into account several features of using the product. This is necessary to obtain maximum benefit and prevent negative impact on the body. When thinking about adding pods to the diet, it is important to take into account the individual specifics of the body, the presence of diseases and susceptibility to a given crop.

For children

Green beans are extremely beneficial for any growing organism. The product is necessary for children, but only if there are no problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Compared to ordinary beans, the pods are more actively digested by the body and do not provoke an increased release of gases.

You can add the product to your diet from the age of 10 months.

For children, it is recommended to thoroughly boil and grind legumes so that the beans are better digested. You can simply consume the pods in grated form, or add them to baby vegetable purees or make soup based on them.

Nursing mothers

Legumes are often excluded from the list of permitted vegetable crops during breastfeeding, as they can lead to bloating and colic in the baby. But green beans have the ability to increase the amount breast milk without creating a danger to the baby. By adding a product to the diet, you can add variety to the daily nutrition of a nursing mother and saturate the milk with a complex of healthy vitamins.


Since green shoots contain a lot of nutritional components and are not considered heavy food, they are recommended to be added to the diet of pregnant women. In addition, beans improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys and liver, which is most important when preparing for the birth of a child. At the same time, it is worth using the product in limited quantities, avoiding abuse.

Harm and contraindications

Like any member of the legume family, green beans have a number of contraindications for consumption.

Dishes containing pods may cause pain and side effects in people with the following diseases:

  • gastritis with high acidity;
  • pancreatitis in the acute stage;
  • internal inflammation and unstable bowel function;
  • development of stomach ulcers.

It is important to be careful when consuming the product not only during the chronic course of the above diseases, but also during the remission stage, since legumes can lead to severe gas formation and stimulation of the digestive process.

If you experience pain or discomfort after eating beans, you should temporarily abandon the product and consult a doctor.

The main harm from eating beans is their improper preparation. Freshly picked green pods should not be eaten, as the raw product contains dangerous substance Pheasin. Only heat treatment helps eliminate all toxic substances and preserve beneficial characteristics.

Application in cosmetology

In home cosmetology, the product has not received much demand, since the structure of the beans requires pre-treatment to create care products. At the same time, the fruits, softened to a homogeneous mass, have an indispensable effect on dehydrated and flaking skin. Masks made from pods help fill the skin with nutrients and tighten the face.

Decoctions of green pods are often used for hair care. Natural decoctions for hair make it healthy, soft, silky, and also prevent the formation of dandruff and promote active growth.

Application in dietetics

Many nutritionists recommend including beans in your diet for effective fight overweight. In addition to the fact that it is a low-calorie product, as a result of its consumption, the body activates the process of inhibiting the absorption of a number of carbohydrates and blocking starchy foods. Different kinds beans for weight loss can reduce appetite by activating the production of the hormone cholecystokinin, which is involved in metabolism.

Green beans should be added to the diet, as they contain greatest number mineral and vitamin components. The product helps to carry out painless and active cleansing of the body from harmful substances and accumulations. Systematic adherence to a diet using green fruits helps to constantly stay in good shape and control body weight.

How to use it in cooking

The use of young pods in the preparation of many dishes helps to add variety to their taste. Due to their structure, beans are suitable for canning, preparing stews and many soups. You can use shoots as a separate side dish, in combination with meat and fish, or as an ingredient in vegetable salads. To add pods to the composition different dishes It is recommended to freeze and store them in the refrigerator for use at any time.

To eliminate toxins from the product, the cooking time should be at least 1.5 hours. After such processing green culture can be added without risk to any dish.

One of the most popular culinary recipes with the addition of green beans is a salad with garlic.

To prepare you need:

  1. Wash the beans and divide several pods into 3 equal parts. Cook in boiling water for 5 minutes, adding a small pinch of salt. Immediately after cooking, drain the water and pour the ingredient into a colander.
  2. Squeeze a couple of cloves of garlic through a press. Fry the resulting mass together with beans in oil, season with soy sauce and sprinkle with sesame seeds.
  3. Ready dish Serve with meat or fish.

There is also a simple recipe for cooking in a slow cooker; it involves the following sequence of actions:

  1. Cut the pods into small slices. Grate the carrots on a fine grater, cut the onions and tomatoes into large cubes.
  2. Start the multicooker in baking mode, add vegetable oil, add carrots and onions. Cook for 5 minutes, then pour in the tomato paste and mix thoroughly.
  3. Add beans and chopped tomatoes to the resulting mass, add half a glass of clean water to the multicooker and Bay leaf. Start the extinguishing mode for half an hour.

When using the product for culinary purposes, the most important thing is not to consume it raw. The surface of untreated fruits contains a toxin that can cause poisoning or other side effects.

Traditional medicine recipes

Green, fragile fruits have become widespread in folk therapy for the treatment of many diseases. Beans have a beneficial effect on the body in case of pancreatitis, as well as in the fight against rheumatism, dropsy, and diabetes.

In home medicine, it is very easy to prepare tea from green legume leaves. Like many decoctions, tea is a diuretic for edema, kidney inflammation, gout and bladder diseases. Drinking green bean tea also helps with gastritis. To prepare the solution, you need to mix 1 tablespoon of chopped bean leaves with ¼ l cold water. The mixture requires boiling for 3-5 minutes, after which it is enough to strain the tea and drink it 2-3 times daily, regardless of meals.

Tea based on pods, just like oil, can be single-component or with the addition of other medicinal ingredients and plants.

All folk recipes should be used while on a diet or against the background of glucose-lowering therapy. As an independent method of therapy, solutions from the pods are needed exclusively for initial stages development of diabetes mellitus.

Traditional therapy also involves the use of juice squeezed from green beans, which is used to treat diseases of the pancreas and intestines. The juice squeezed from the leaves contains a high content of carotene, B vitamins, folic and ascorbic acid, and plant estrogens. Drinking bean juice in adulthood is especially useful for maintaining normal hormonal balance, eliminating wrinkles, and smoothing the skin.

Green beans are an incredibly healthy vegetable with low calorie content and many beneficial properties.

During the use of the plant, humanity has found many areas of application for it: gardens and gazebos were decorated with flowering bean stalks, crushed fruits were used as a rejuvenating agent, and experienced chefs have been turning the juicy pods themselves into real culinary masterpieces for centuries.

So for what advantages has this vegetable been so highly valued for several centuries? What are the benefits of fresh and frozen green beans, are there any harm to the body and contraindications for consumption? Let's find out!

The main part of the plant, which is widely used in food and medicine, is the young green or yellow pods with small oval-shaped grains.

Compared to other types of beans, green beans cannot boast of a high protein content (it is only 2.5% in 100 grams of vegetables).

But in terms of the amount of nutrients and fiber, it is the thin young pods that can be considered the undisputed champions.

The vegetable contains 11 vitamins (including folic acid, retinol, B complex vitamins) and 14 essential microelements (calcium, zinc, iron, etc.).

The beneficial properties of green beans lie in the fact that these substances are directly involved in the metabolic processes of the human body and the functioning of the hormonal system.

At the same time, the vegetable never absorbs harmful substances from the environment - any dishes prepared from it are guaranteed to be environmentally friendly.

Another huge advantage is the minimal calorie content combined with a high fiber content. lack of cholesterol and monounsaturated fats.

This is what makes the pods delicious and incredibly healthy. perfect choice for nutrition of weight-conscious young ladies.

The unique composition of the product allows the beans to be used, including medicinal purposes. Doctors recommend eating boiled vegetables when:

  • tendency to intestinal infections;
  • disorders of the nervous system.
  • One of the components included in the vegetable, arginine, helps reduce blood sugar. Therefore, young pods must be included in the diet of diabetics.

    For men, eating beans will help eliminate sexual dysfunction, and for women, it will help ensure healthy hair and nails, cope with breast cancer, reduce swelling and increase milk production during lactation.

    Even dentists consider the vegetable extremely useful. since its use reduces the intensity of plaque formation on teeth and the appearance of tartar.

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    When and how best to use

    The most delicious are the young pods of the plant. which must be elastic and crispy, light green or yellowish in color.

    They can be collected as early as mid-summer. Overripe beans are tough and lack juiciness.

    Unlike peas, raw bean pods are not used for food. However, it is important to cook the vegetable not for long (5-6, maximum 10 minutes), after trimming the ends on both sides and removing hard veins.

    There is no point in boiling the pods - the dish will lose most of the nutrients, but will acquire an unpleasant fibrous quality. It is better to add very young pods boiled until half cooked to salads, after drying them after cooking.

    Boiled beans can be fried in butter - in this form the dish is ideal as a side dish for meat or fish, and can also be combined with other vegetables.

    By the way, the cooked pieces can be frozen - then you can get a shock dose of vitamins even on cold winter days.


    We have figured out why green beans are beneficial for the body of men and women, but we should not forget about the harm that they can cause to health.

    All legumes have the ability to cause flatulence. therefore, in the presence of stomach ulcers and gastritis. as well as colitis and problems with the duodenum, it is better to avoid using the product.

    You should not get carried away with beans if you have cholecystitis. gout and unstable stool.

    You cannot eat the pods raw: the product contains harmful substances that are removed from the vegetable when cooked.

    Like other legume dishes, it makes sense to include beans in the diet no more than 3 times a week. when preparing it, adding natural spices that reduce gas formation (in particular, dill).

    Alternative Applications

    The juice squeezed out of the pods is an excellent remedy for combating bursitis (a chronic disease of the skin and joints) and kidney inflammation.

    Plant extract in any form is indicated for diabetics.

    A decoction of crushed pods is a proven remedy for rheumatism, swelling, kidney diseases, and problems with the pancreas. The seeds and leaves of the plant are also used to treat pancreatitis.

    Powder from the seeds of the plant is used to make mash, which can be drunk to improve lactation, strengthen the uterus and provide a diuretic effect.

    The ability of beans to rejuvenate the skin has been known since the time of Cleoptara. To make an effective anti-wrinkle mask at home, the boiled pods need to be crushed to a paste and mixed with a few drops of lemon juice.

    What is important is that such a mask will never cause allergies. But it will provide a toning and whitening effect, and will also get rid of dark circles under the eyes.

    If you are curious about what Vitamin B17 is in. namely, in which products, read our publication.

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    How to select and save

    Fresh pods should be firm and crispy. rich green or pale yellow. Overripe vegetables are paler and larger - they are not worth taking, they are less tasty and have more fiber.

    Cooked beans can be stored in the freezer for up to six months. reheating as needed. Freezing also helps get rid of pest larvae.

    The “Live Healthy!” program talks about whether green beans are healthy, what properties they have, and how to prepare them:

    Even just boiled for 6-10 minutes and sprinkled with butter. or the pods fried in a frying pan with spices are very tasty.

    And if you wish, you can cook real masterpieces from beans. And quickly and without much effort.

    Nutritious high protein salad

    A pound of beans is peeled, cut and boiled in water for 10 minutes.

    The liquid is decanted, and the vegetable pieces are fried in sunflower oil. At the same time, boil and chop 2 chicken eggs.

    In a salad bowl, mix the pods, eggs and a couple of chopped cloves of garlic. The finished dish is seasoned with mayonnaise.

    With meat stew

    600 grams of beans are washed, cut into pieces and boiled for 5 minutes.

    Separately, finely chop: one onion. carrots and a stalk of celery. 1 clove of garlic, cut in half. Vegetables are stewed until soft in a frying pan with vegetable oil.

    To the vegetables add 400 grams of any minced meat and 100 ml of dry red wine. the alcohol evaporates. Add 250 ml to the stew tomato paste, spices to taste and the entire contents of the pan are simmered over low heat until cooked.

    At the end of cooking, boiled beans are added to the dish, everything is mixed and infused for 20 minutes.

    Legendary green lobio

    Remove the veins from 1 kg of green beans, then wash the vegetable, cut into pieces and boil in boiling water for 10 minutes.

    Strain through a colander, and at this time fry one onion, one bell pepper and one hot green pepper in any vegetable oil.

    Add the pods to the contents of the pan. pour three beaten eggs over the dish, stir and simmer for a couple of minutes.

    Stir the finished lobio, sprinkle with chopped garlic, herbs to taste (cilantro, savory, basil, etc.), salt and pepper.

    The dish is eaten warm or cold. Can serve as an ideal side dish for meat dishes.

    Green beans are an amazing product. which, when skillfully prepared, can be used in salads, first courses, side dishes and even desserts.

    What is important is that such food will bring great benefit the body and will help to obtain the necessary supply of nutrients at any time of the year.


    Beans have been known since ancient times. True, at first it was used only for decorative purposes. This climbing plant, which blooms for a long time, with lush, dark green foliage, actually looks very elegant.

    And only about 400 years ago people thought of trying it as food. The fruits were the first to be appreciated, and only after some time it was the turn of the young pods of this plant. They also liked them, after which special varieties with more tender and juicy pods began to be cultivated.

    Green beans, whose beneficial properties have proven to be numerous, have become widespread throughout the world. But its popularity, if we take into account the valuable qualities of this plant, can be called insufficient. It is unlikely to be one of the three most consumed vegetables on the menu of an ordinary family, and in vain.

    Beneficial features

    Let's look at the benefits of green beans.

    Of course, like other vegetables, it is a source of fiber.

    But, in comparison with beans, it contains less of it, which means it is better and easier to absorb by the body. Indigestible dietary fiber cleanses the intestines of food debris and mucus accumulated in its folds, absorbs toxic substances and, in general, contributes to the improvement of the digestive system.

    Green beans cannot be considered as a source of vegetable protein - they contain too little protein. But this deficiency is more than compensated for by the variety of vitamins and microelements.

    Among the vitamins, folic acid, vitamins B, C, A, E should be noted. Beans also contain elements valuable for human health: potassium, magnesium, calcium, iron, chromium, zinc, sulfur.

    The beneficial properties of green beans are based on this composition:

    • Vitamin E is a natural antioxidant that neutralizes free radicals, strengthens the cell membrane of our body, prevents their degeneration and premature aging.
    • Green beans improve digestive function and have a general strengthening effect.
    • Stimulates the production of red blood cells due to its folic acid content. Eating bean pods is a good prevention of iron deficiency conditions.
    • Contains potassium and magnesium, which protect the heart muscle. Replenishing the content of these substances in the body is the prevention of heart attack and heart disease.
    • Normalizes metabolic processes. Low in carbohydrates, green beans are an excellent remedy satisfying hunger. It has a low glycemic index, which means it can be recommended for patients with diabetes. Arginine, which is part of the pods, acts on the body like insulin (reduces the concentration of glucose in the blood).
    • It has antibacterial properties, gives a good effect on various pulmonary diseases, facilitates their course and promotes speedy recovery for bronchitis, pneumonia and even tuberculosis.
    • Acts as a natural antidepressant, having a mild calming effect.
    • Zinc is a natural immunomodulator that strengthens the immune system as a whole. And in combination with vitamin C, it helps fight viruses and infections, promotes the regulation of metabolism and the synthesis of protein - the main building material of the body.
    • Green beans are recommended for people suffering from hypertension and vascular atherosclerosis to prevent the further development of these conditions.
    • Improves the functioning of the genitourinary system with regular use. The diuretic effect will serve as a prevention of kidney diseases, men will protect themselves from prostate adenoma, and women will improve menstrual cycle, and menstruation itself will become less painful.
    • Green beans are a dietary product, low in calories and easily digestible by the body, accelerating metabolic processes. This is a great product for anyone struggling with excess weight and simply looking after their health.

    It must be said that the benefits of frozen green beans are the same as the fresh product. All essential nutrients are preserved when frozen, so in the winter and spring, when preparing dishes from it, you will receive them in full.

    An important factor is that bean pods do not accumulate harmful substances from the soil or the external environment - this distinguishes them from other vegetables. Therefore, even if the beans grew in an ecologically unfavorable area, you will not have to worry about your health when eating them.

    Harm and contraindications

    Despite the wide range of valuable qualities, some people are not recommended to eat green beans. Benefits and harms are combined in it, as in many other foods.

    First of all, people should avoid this product in their diet:

    • with exacerbation of chronic gastritis
    • for stomach and duodenal ulcers
    • for colitis
    • for cholecystitis
    • with increased acidity of gastric juice

    It should also be recalled that this vegetable is a source of fiber, so when eating it you should drink enough water per day. Otherwise, things will turn into constipation. Elderly people should not use this product often or in large quantities.

    Eating bean dishes causes increased gas formation, so when preparing them it is necessary to combine beans with seasonings (cumin, dill), which will help minimize this unpleasant side effect.

    For pancreatitis, green beans can be consumed only in the remission stage, and only in boiled form without oil and spices.

    Calorie content of the product

    Now let’s ask ourselves: how many calories are in green beans? As already mentioned, this product is low-calorie and dietary. But much in this matter depends on the method of culinary processing.

    The calorie content of fresh bean pods is only 23 kcal. This is negligible, but, unfortunately, in this form the beans are inedible. Frozen green beans are no different in calorie content from fresh ones. Per 100 grams of product there are:

    • proteins – 2.5 g
    • fat – 0.3 g
    • carbohydrates - 3 g

    But with any type of processing, the calorie content of green beans increases. This happens due to the transformation of proteins, fats, carbohydrates into other substances or in the process of enriching the dish with calories from other components. So, by cooking beans with butter, egg, cheese, we increase the final energy value of the dish.

    For example:

    • calorie content of boiled or steamed green beans – from 50 kcal
    • Stewed green beans – about 140 kcal
    • fried – over 170 kcal

    It is clear that if the priority is placed maximum benefit depending on the product, it is better to eat beans boiled or steamed. There are many recipes for dishes with green pods, so it won’t be difficult to choose a few to suit your taste.

    Use in cooking

    For preparing various bean dishes, only young pods are chosen. “With age,” hard fibers form in them, and eating them will be extremely unpleasant.

    This vegetable crop is perfect for canning due to its dense, meaty structure. Even with such long-term processing, the pods will retain up to 80% of their beneficial properties.

    The pods are boiled before adding to the dish. The need for this is due to the content of a toxic substance in fresh green beans - pheazine.

    What are the benefits of green beans for women, men, children?

    Even with short heat treatment it is completely neutralized.

    Boiled pods serve as a healthy and nutritious side dish for meat and fish, and can be used as a component of soups, vegetable and meat stews. They can be added to salads and casseroles and pair well with a variety of other vegetables.

    Frozen beans do not lose their properties and will always come to the rescue if you don’t have fresh pods on hand.

    Unpretentious, high-yielding green beans get along well with others vegetable crops both in the garden and on our table. If in your family the popularity of dishes made from this type of bean is unfairly low, reconsider your attitude towards it. It will enrich your diet not only with new tastes, but also with a large number of healthy substances.

    Beans have been known to man for many thousands of years. This is an interesting and nutritious product, which, in addition to taste, is endowed with many useful substances. Grains and pods are eaten. Both have their fans. We will talk about green beans and reveal the benefits and harms.

    The history of green beans

    Opinions differ about where green beans first appeared. Eat different variants: China, Egypt, South America. But the point is that initially beans were considered exclusively ornamental plant. She decorated parks, squares, and gardens. They admired the beauty of the culture, but no one could imagine that it could be eaten. And only several centuries later they treated beans from a gastronomic point of view. First people began to try the grains, and then the pods. Both options were appreciated.

    IN modern world There are many varieties of the plant, but in general, beans have many beneficial properties.

    Benefits of green beans

    Green beans contain a number of trace elements and minerals that are necessary for humans and are very useful. The product contains magnesium, chromium, sulfur, iron. Beans are also rich in fiber, carbohydrates and sugars.

    Green beans can have a positive effect on different parts of the body.

    Green beans for the digestive system

    Green beans are useful for the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. This is explained by the fact that it contains a lot of fiber, which is famous for its enveloping properties. This is important for the intestines. It also removes accumulated toxins and harmful substances from the stomach and intestines that come with food and other influences.

    The benefits of low calories

    Green beans contain about 30 kcal per 100 grams of product.

    This is a definite plus. Beans are a favorite product among people who watch their figure and adhere to proper nutrition. Nutritionists also approve of the product. Please remember that caloric content may vary depending on the cooking method and added ingredients.

    Carbohydrates as a source of strength

    Green beans contain a lot of carbohydrates. That is why it is considered a nutritious product. Carbohydrates give the body a surge of strength and energy. When there is a shortage of them, people may feel frequently tired for no reason. The body also experiences changes and disruptions in vital processes. Green beans will help avoid all this if they become a frequent “guest” in the diet.

    Arginine and its effects

    Green beans can be a useful product for people suffering from diabetes.

    This is due to the fact that it contains a substance called arginine.

    Its properties are similar to insulin, which controls blood sugar levels. This effect is also useful for healthy people. Normal glucose levels are necessary for everyone, without exception.

    Benefits for men's and women's health

    In addition to the general strengthening effects and known elements, green beans are very the right product for men and women. It will be useful for women during menopause, during pregnancy and for adolescents during puberty. There are no miracles, green beans are rich in folic acid, which is responsible for hormonal levels.

    The benefits and harms of green beans. Medicinal qualities of the vegetable

    He is the one responsible for women's health. Men who regularly consume green beans can avoid unpleasant ailments associated with the prostate. It also has a positive effect on potency in any age category of men. But these properties are cumulative.

    Proteins in green beans

    Everyone knows that proteins are necessary for the body; they are building material for all tissues and cells in the body. Green beans will provide proteins that are similar in composition to proteins of animal origin. Of course, they are inferior to meat, but, nevertheless, they can be an excellent alternative for people who do not eat meat or for those who fast.

    Anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect of green beans

    The product can help strengthen the immune system and activate its protective functions against germs. This same property is useful during colds. Eating beans will help rid the body of inflammatory processes that slow down the healing process. These properties are due to the presence of sulfur in the chemical composition of green beans.

    Benefits for the heart and blood vessels

    And this part of the body is affected by green beans. Thanks to potassium and magnesium, green beans strengthen the heart muscle and blood vessel walls. They gain elasticity, which reduces the risk of stroke. The effect is useful for both young and old people, but especially the latter.

    Beans can serve as a natural antidepressant. It increases the level of endurance, both mental and physical. It has a pleasant and bright color that puts you in a positive mood. Green beans are crunchy, and all foods with crunch give a person positive emotions.

    Harm of green beans

    When it comes to the beneficial properties of the product, it seems that it is impeccable and there is no question of harm.

    But everything has harmful properties. In the case of green beans, there is no need to talk much about the harm. Rather, it is worth touching on the topic of allergic reactions or individual intolerance to the product.

    Green beans should not be consumed by those who suffer from complex and chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Beans can also cause bloating, but this can be avoided by draining the first water during cooking.

    Also, people with diseases associated with the retention of salts in the body should avoid beans.

    Incorrectly prepared green beans can cause great harm to the body. And it’s all about time; the product should be cooked for a long time. Because it contains a toxic substance called pheazine. It is destroyed by prolonged heat treatment. Beans are not classified as instant foods precisely because pheazine is present.

    Perhaps this is where the harm of green beans ends. Of course, there are cases of individual intolerance, but this cannot be attributed to harmful properties.

    How to choose green beans?

    When purchasing, you should pay attention to the color and density of the beans. The pods should be a rich green color, and you should also pay attention to the density. It is now popular to buy frozen green beans. It's convenient and practical. But too much dark color, can tell a secret about improper storage and re-freezing. Such a product is unlikely to provide gastronomic pleasure and beneficial effects.

    Green beans are tasty, nutritious and useful product. For a long time they did not want to let her into the usual diet, but when they tried, she immediately gained fans.

    Green beans go well with meat and fish. It can serve as a healthy side dish for heavy foods. Yes, and independent use also has its place. Showing your culinary imagination, you can choose different ways preparing and consuming a tasty and at the same time healthy product with a long history.

    To provide the body with all the necessary substances, a person’s diet must include a variety of foods. One of the valuable sources of these is beans. It should be borne in mind that green beans and ordinary white beans have some differences from each other. The main difference is that green beans are cooked and eaten without separating the beans from the pod.

    This type of plant has another name - green beans. Initially, only asparagus seeds were consumed. After a certain amount of time, Italian chefs appreciated all the advantages of asparagus and introduced the fashion for cooking asparagus beans with pods.

    A little about the plant itself

    Visually, asparagus is quite similar to other varieties of beans. But upon closer inspection, you can see that asparagus has a longer pod and seeds inside. Asparagus pods may have different colors: purple, green, yellow.

    Asparagus with green pods is especially in demand.

    Asparagus is grown in India, China and Indonesia. Active consumption of green beans occurs in Belgium and France.

    In these countries it is used in the preparation of many useful and delicious dishes. In our regions, only recently has the plant begun to gain popularity and be used more and more often in cooking.

    Green beans are not a fancy plant and do not require creation special conditions when growing. Grows well on different types soil. The main thing without which beans will not be able to grow and bear fruit well is the lack of sufficient sunlight. After harvesting, do not pull out the plant. Both the stem and root system serve as an excellent nitrogen fertilizer.

    What are the benefits of green beans?

    The quantitative protein content in asparagus beans is much less than that of ordinary beans. But it can boast of other useful elements.

    For example, such useful vitamins as C, E, A, riboflavin from group B. The content of these substances in other representatives of the legume genus is much lower. Asparagus contains fiber in sufficient quantities. Its presence stimulates the gastrointestinal tract.

    It also contains minerals such as magnesium. potassium, iron. Microelements are perfectly absorbed human body. This is due to the successful combination of minerals and vitamins present.

    Who benefits from eating green beans?

    Eating asparagus is especially beneficial for people suffering from diabetes. It contains arginine, which in some respects is similar to insulin. Constant consumption of green beans will help to significantly reduce blood sugar.

    But hemoglobin and red blood cells, on the contrary, will increase significantly. This will happen due to the iron contained in the beans.

    • have an anti-inflammatory effect,
    • work as antioxidants
    • help fight free radicals,
    • prevent problems in the functioning of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems,
    • treat hypertension, atherosclerosis, bronchitis, arrhythmia.

    This vegetable has a positive effect on the functioning of both the female and male body.

    In men, it prevents the appearance of prostate adenoma and helps restore the genitourinary system, promotes the removal of small stones from the bladder and kidneys. In women, it helps to normalize the menstrual cycle and reduce pain during this process.

    The quantitative water content in beans is approximately 90%. European chefs love and praise it because of its delicate taste and unprecedented juiciness. Beans are absolutely not high-calorie product. Its calorie content per 100 grams of product is 23 kcal.

    Therefore, it can be considered a good and healthy component in the diet menu. People who pay special attention to their figure mostly prepare dishes with beans for dinner. It speeds up metabolism and promotes weight loss.

    Cooking beans in pods does not require much time or special cooking skills. Simply immerse the pods in boiling water for a few minutes.

    It can also be stewed with other vegetables, for example, corn, broccoli, carrots, cabbage. In addition to the successful taste combination of such vegetables, you will get a very healthy, visually attractive dish or side dish.

    Pods prepared for future use by freezing will be no less useful. After defrosting, they will retain all useful microelements, fiber and vitamins. Taste qualities and the beneficial properties of the product will not be affected either. In almost all grocery stores and supermarkets, in refrigerators, it is easy to find frozen pods of green beans; it is advisable to eat them all year round.

    When purchasing such frozen vegetables, special attention should be paid to the absence of secondary freezing. After repeating the freezing-thawing process, the vegetable loses most of its vitamins. The majority of manufacturers pack vegetables in packaging with an indicator, the status of which shows whether the product has been defrosted.

    Green beans: benefits and harms, possible contraindications

    If the indicator is not the correct color, you should refuse to purchase such a product.

    Contraindications for eating green beans

    After doing a lot of research, it became clear that asparagus is an almost harmless plant.

    It is better to refuse, completely or partially, from eating it for people:

    • those suffering from gout. nephritis, colitis,
    • topics who has problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

    It should not be forgotten that the presence of toxic substances has been discovered in the pods. But they do not pose a particular danger to humans, since they have Negative influence on mucous membranes only in the raw product. You can avoid poisoning by simply blanching the asparagus or subjecting it to another type of heat treatment.

    How to properly cook green beans

    Cooking asparagus dishes is interesting because of its simplicity and speed, as well as the variety of variations. For example, a frozen product will cook quite quickly in boiling water. At the same time, there is no need to defrost it in advance.

    A good option for cooking asparagus is together with other crop products in a slow cooker. You can also place the bean pods in the microwave for just 4 - 5 minutes. There will be enough time for it to be fully prepared.

    Asparagus pods complement meat and vegetable dishes well. When preparing this vegetable, the main thing is not to overcook the product.

    Young pods should be cooked for no more than 5 - 7 minutes, and overripe ones for no more than 10. If the product is overcooked, then all its beneficial qualities, vitamins and micronutrients are lost.

    Diet salad with asparagus

    Take 400 grams of green beans. Wash thoroughly and cook until tender. Remove from the water and wait until it cools completely. Then put it on a waffle towel and dry it. Take 2 medium-sized pears, singe them and cut them into thin slices or small pieces.

    Lettuce leaves are placed on the bottom of a suitable salad bowl. There will be whole leaves and pieces, special significance does not have. I place beans and pears on the leaves.

    First, heat the frying pan, add sesame seeds and pieces of nuts. they are crushed in advance. Next, an original dressing is made based on the dried ingredients. It will consist of 2 - 3 tablespoons of vegetable oil, 2 tablespoons of dried ingredients, salt and pepper are added to taste.

    Before adding the dressing to the salad, sprinkle fresh squeezed lemon juice on the vegetables and only then season the salad. Now the salad needs to brew. This will take approximately 30 minutes. This should happen in the refrigerator.

    After this time, the salad can be consumed or served.

    Scrambled eggs with asparagus pods are a great breakfast for those who want to be in good shape.

    For most, scrambled eggs are a common breakfast. It can be made more useful and varied.

    Make scrambled eggs with asparagus as follows. Boil 100 g of asparagus in slightly salted water, cool and dry. Grind 1 yolk. Chop parsley and dill (in small quantities). In a blender, beat 1 egg white until foam forms. Then carefully mix all the ingredients of the dish and add a little salt.

    Each asparagus spear is dipped in the resulting sauce, rolled in flour and fried. It is advisable to serve the resulting dish warm.

    So we learned about what green beans are, what are the benefits and harms of them for humans, and got acquainted with simple but tasty recipes for preparing this dietary product.

    ≫ More information

    Green beans are unripe grains of common beans. The grains are eaten along with the green pods where they are located. This makes it possible to obtain more nutrients found not only in the grains, but also in their shell.

    Green beans are available fresh, frozen and canned. They are added to salads, served as a side dish and used as the main component for vegetable dishes. Green beans can be steamed, boiled and fried.

    Composition and calorie content of green beans

    Green beans are low in carbohydrates and high in protein, they are rich in fiber and. Beans are a source of Omega-3 fats.

    Chemical composition 100 gr. green beans as a percentage of the daily value is presented below.


    • C – 27%;
    • K – 18%;
    • A – 14%;
    • B9 – 9%;
    • B1 – 6%.


    The calorie content of green beans is 30 kcal per 100 g.

    Due to its high nutrient content, the beneficial properties of green beans affect all systems of our body.

    For the bones

    The vitamin K and calcium in green beans are good for bone health. Vitamin K accelerates the absorption of calcium, so beans are useful for preventing osteoporosis and age-related destruction of bone tissue.

    For the heart and blood vessels

    The main cause of heart disease is thrombotic clots in the arteries and veins, leading to stroke and heart attack. Flavonoids, antioxidants that relieve inflammation, help cope with blood clots.

    Green beans not only do not contain cholesterol, but also help reduce its level, thanks to. In addition, green beans lower blood pressure.

    For nerves and brain

    Depression is the result of a lack of the hormones serotonin, dopamine and norepinephrine, which regulate sleep and mood. Their production may decrease as a result of reduced blood and nutrient supply to the brain. The consumption of B vitamins, which are contained in green beans, will help prevent this.

    For eyes

    Green beans contain the carotenoids lutein and zeaxanthin, which prevent degeneration macular spot. It is considered the main cause of vision impairment.

    For the gastrointestinal tract

    The fiber in green beans relieves digestive problems such as constipation, hemorrhoids, ulcers, diverticulosis and acid reflux disease.

    For skin and hair

    Green beans in the pod are a source of vitamin C. This is an antioxidant that helps the body produce collagen. It is responsible for the beauty of hair and skin. By eating green beans, you will protect your skin from oxidation and exposure to ultraviolet rays.

    Green beans contain beneficial silicon. It is important for hair health - it helps form healthy connective tissue, strengthening hair and increasing elasticity.

    For immunity

    The antioxidants in green beans are beneficial for the immune system. They increase the body's ability to fight various diseases, and also prevent relapses of malignant tumors. Antioxidants eliminate free radicals from the body before they damage tissue.

    This type of bean is a natural remedy for the prevention of diabetes. Its use helps normalize and maintain constant blood sugar levels.

    Green beans during pregnancy

    To increase fertility levels in women, iron is needed, sufficient amounts of which are present in green beans. Vitamin C in beans improves iron absorption.

    Green beans for children

    In children, the brain must function correctly, receiving information in large volume. Green beans contain a lot of B vitamins, which are responsible for mood and sleep. Folic acid and carbohydrates in beans nourish the brain, improve memory, concentration and attention.

    When can children be given green beans?

    Green beans can be introduced into a child's diet from the moment the child is ready to eat roughage. This period occurs between 7 and 10 months of age. Start with a small amount of mashed beans. If there is no negative reaction in the form of an allergy, the amount can be gradually increased.

    Harm and contraindications of green beans

    Contraindications for eating green beans:

    The benefits and harms of green beans depend on the amount of consumption. Abuse of the product can lead to nutritional deficiencies in the body.

    How to choose green beans

    Fresh green beans have a bright green color. The pods should be strong, elastic and crispy. It is better to buy fresh green beans than frozen or canned ones. Fresh beans have more nutrients.

    How to store green beans

    If you do not use fresh green beans right away, you can store them in the refrigerator at plastic bag no more than 7 days.

    Beans can be frozen. Shelf life in freezer- 6 months. To preserve as many of the beneficial properties of green beans as possible, it is recommended to place them in boiling water for a few minutes before freezing. Then dry and only then freeze.

    Green beans are a tasty and healthy product that adds variety to the diet, makes dishes more nutritious, and also has a positive effect on the functioning of the body.