The Complete Guide to Photo Retouching and Frequency Separation in Photoshop. Photo Retouching in Photoshop: The Basics

In this lesson you will learn how to create a fashion retouch of a model in Adobe Photoshop. You will see the process of creating a wonderful natural leather effect without the use of expensive plugins and filters.

Final result

Lesson details:

Program: Adobe Photoshop CS2+
Difficulty: Beginner
Execution time: 10-15 minutes

This photograph of the model was chosen as the work.

Step 1. Open the downloaded model image. Remember that not all images of girls are suitable for retouching. You should choose a high-resolution image, the model's skin should not be too smooth or blurred, and pores should stand out on it. As an example of what the image of the model should be, the author provided the following below.

Create a new layer on top of the model layer, Ctrl+Shift+N, select a tool Spot Healing Brush Tool (J)(Spot Healing Brush Tool) and turn on "Sample All Layers" option(“Sample from all layers”) in the tool options panel. Thanks to this, we will affect only those areas of the image that we need; in extreme cases, everything can be returned back. Set up the tool as shown below.

Click one mouse click on the places where you need to get rid of skin defects. Change the brush size of the tool depending on the size of the spot. Remember that not all defects can be corrected with this tool, so you can also use others, such as Clone Stamp Tool (S)(Stamp Tool), Patch Tool (J)(Tool "Patch") and others for retouching in the future. For a model whose skin has no large quantity defects, like the one the author used, are quite suitable tool Spot Healing Brush Tool (J)(Spot Healing Brush Tool). Don't try to make your skin perfect, just remove a little excess. In the image below you can see the result of the author's work.

Step 2. Press simultaneously Ctrl+Shift+Alt+E, to merge the layers into one, which will appear on top of all layers. Select filter Filter - Sharpen - Smart Sharpen(Filter - Sharpening - Smart Sharpening).

Set the filter as follows: Effect 30% , Radius 1.0 px.


This step is optional and depends on the sharpness of the model image. If it looks very rough, you can soften it before moving on to the next step.

Step 3. Merge all the layers again as you did at the beginning of the second step. Before you start, check all areas of the skin again for defects, otherwise the effect will be terrible after applying the next filter. Select filter Filter - Other - Custom(Filter - Others - Custom)

If your image needs to slightly adjust the brightness, you can do this by filling in the field "Offset"(“Shift”), or leave it empty.


If you are not satisfied with the result, you can reduce the effect using the command Edit - Fade: Custom(Editing - Ease: Custom).

In the Layers Palette, below, click on the command "Add Layer Mask", to create a layer mask. Then, using a black, soft brush, remove excess sharpness in the area of ​​hair, eyes and eyebrows, lips and teeth.

Step 4. Next, we will create adjustment layers. Select the next adjustment layer Layer - New Adjustment Layer - Selective Color(Layer - New Adjustment Layer - Selective Color Adjustment), adjust it according to the example in the image below.

The result of creating an adjustment layer.

Step 5. Create the following adjustment layer: Layer - New Adjustment Layer - Photo Filter(Layer - New Adjustment Layer - Photo Filter).

The result of adding an adjustment layer.

Step 6. Create two adjustment layers Layer - New Adjustment Layer - Color Balance(Layer - New Adjustment Layer - Color Balance), see the settings for each below.

The result of creating two "Color Balance" adjustment layers.

Step 7 If you chose an image of a different model, you can still work with adjustment layers to achieve the desired result. Now we will lighten the dark area of ​​the model's neck a little. Create a new layer on top of all layers, select the tool Brush Tool (B)(Brush Tool), use a soft white brush and paint a little over the area shown in the image below.

Change the blending mode of the new layer, in the Layers Palette, to Soft Light 100%.

Step 8 At this stage we will lighten the face. Create a new layer on top of all, select the tool Brush Tool (B)(Brush Tool), use a white brush, soft, and drag it in the forehead area, with the brush opacity 40% , between the eyebrows, under the left eye and under the lips with opacity 100% , under the right eye with opacity 30% , above the lips with brush opacity 70% .

Soft Light(Soft Light), Opacity 60% .

Step 9 Create a new layer using the tool Brush Tool (B)(Brush tool), soft brush, color #c6828d, color our model's cheeks. Then, change the layer blend mode to Soft Light(Soft Light), Opacity 100% .

Step 10 Let's add shadows to the face. Create a new layer. Choose a light gray color #c7bdb9 and move the tool Brush Tool (B)(Brush Tool) along the edges of the model's face, as shown in the image below.

Change the layer blend mode to Multiply(Multiply), Opacity 30% .

Step 11 To highlight beautiful lips, create a new layer, select a color #b45f6d, sweep the brush over your lips as shown in the image below.

Change the layer blend mode to Soft Light(Soft Light), Opacity 50% .

Step 12 To lighten your teeth, old scheme Create a new layer and brush over the teeth with a soft white brush.

Change the layer blending mode to Soft Light(Soft Light), Layer Opacity 30% .

Step 13 Create a new layer. Again use a soft brush, color #b37c76. Apply the brush to the eyelid area as shown in the image below.

Change the layer blend mode to Linear Burn(Linear Burn), Opacity 30% .

Step 14 On final stage create a new layer, click Ctrl+Shift+N, Mode select "Overlap", Opacity 100% , select the option "Fill with a neutral Overlay color (50% gray").

Using the following tools Burn Tool (O)(Dimmer Tool) and Dodge Tool (O)(Dodge Tool), with the following settings, Range Midtones, Exposition 40-50% , we will highlight the model’s facial features. Selecting a tool Dodge Tool (O)(Highlight Tool) Brush to brighten the following areas of the face: bridge of the nose, chin, forehead, skin above and below the eyes, area under the nose, white of the eyes (if there is significant redness).

Tool Burn Tool (O)(The "Darken" tool) is used to darken certain areas, such as: the sides of the nose, the iris of the eyes, eyelids, eyelashes, especially their tips. Keep in mind that all darkening and lightening depends on the original image of the model, on how the light and shadow falls on the face. You can see the result obtained by the author in the image below.

Final result

When increasing individual areas


We hope you enjoyed the tutorial on how to create natural facial skin. If you have something to say, ask a question, do not hesitate - write to us in the comments! We are also waiting for your work.

You can get rid of not only wrinkles, but also birthmarks, scars and other skin imperfections that may be visible in portrait photographs. You can also remove any scratches, scuff marks or unwanted objects from your digitized old photos. To do this, simply follow the steps below.

To correct facial imperfections and hide skin defects, go to the tab Retouch and select a tool Elimination of defects. Adjust the size of the stamp to the size of the defect you want to erase and click on it with the mouse. Repeat for all unwanted items and click Apply, when the result suits you. Tools to help make your skin matte and smooth Skin smoothing And Eliminating shine. Using tools Red eye correction And Teeth whitening You can also correct problems that often occur in portrait photos. Plus, you can add makeup or even change your eye and hair color.

If you need to eliminate defects in an old photo (remove cracks, creases, stains, etc.), use the tools on the tab Deleting objects. Select Brush and highlight the items you want to eliminate. Using the slider Brush size you can adjust the corresponding parameter. Make sure unwanted objects are marked in red and click Erase. The program will remove all selected defects and auto-retouch the original photo. You can also use the tool Magic wand to quickly select adjacent objects of the same color. Lasso will help you select unwanted objects by highlighting them along the outline. Use Eraser to deselect certain areas of the image if necessary, or click Reset selection to start the selection from the beginning.

You can also retouch imperfections manually by copying part of the image and covering the defect with that part using a tool Stamp. While holding down the key Alt, left-click on the area you want to copy, then release the key Alt and click on the element you want to replace with the copied area.

Zoom in or out using the mouse wheel or the magnifying glass slider at the bottom of the program. Compare the retouched picture with the original: hold down the button with the eye icon in the upper right corner of the program window or click Before after to display both images simultaneously.

This is one of the unique capabilities that the Adobe Photoshop graphics editor allows. A professional photographer, despite his ability to take high-quality photographs, still resorts to using Photoshop, because he knows how to retouch a face in Photoshop so as to hide all the imperfections, increasing the aesthetics of the image.

If you apply professional retouching, even the most inconspicuous photo can turn into a skillful image that can be considered a masterpiece.

Retouching photos in Adobe Photoshop will rid your skin of blemishes

Just a few years ago, many people refused to be photographed if unwanted pimples appeared on their facial skin. In some cases, they even tried to reschedule the photograph. Of course, at that time there were masters who could perform high-quality retouching. But to carry out such a process, it was necessary to create and maintain certain conditions, as well as the presence sufficient quantity free time.

Currently, thanks to the graphic editor, photo retouching is possible for everyone who has become familiar with the capabilities of the program, studied detailed instructions experienced designers or photographers and consolidated the acquired knowledge in practice. Moreover, such a process will not take too much time, especially for those who have already improved their practical skills.

The process of eliminating defects on the skin

First of all, the user must open the photo to be corrected in a graphic editor. In order to save the original image, you should duplicate the layer, creating an exact copy. Direct retouching of the face will be carried out on the received copy. Firstly, this will allow you to save the original photo in case of unsuccessful retouching, and secondly, upon completion of the process, it will be possible to compare both photos by placing them side by side.

The image that is planned to be retouched is enlarged to 100%, so that it is convenient to identify defects and eliminate them all as efficiently as possible.

The most common facial defects are pimples, wrinkles, and scars. To eliminate them in Photoshop there are several successful tools, one of which is the Spot Healing Brush. Using this tool is easy, just select it, then point it at the problem area and click. After this simple action, pimples disappear, and the face becomes clean.

Unfortunately, you cannot retouch a photo using a spot healing brush if the defects are in contact with individual parts of the face (eyebrows, lips, hair). Otherwise, retouched skin fragments may take on a less than aesthetically pleasing appearance. They can look quite dirty because they take over neighboring pixels.

Figuring out how to retouch a face in Photoshop, if the defects are located on the border of adjacent parts of the face, is also not difficult. Only to perform this task you will need another tool, in particular, the “Stamp”. By selecting it, the user must set the hardness parameter to 75%.

The principle of working with the Stamp tool is no different from the principle of working with the spot healing brush. Initially, you should set the tool on the image point accompanied by the ideal state, and then press the “Alt” key, thereby confirming the selection of the sample. Then all that remains is to move to the area where the defect is located and simply click.

Despite the fact that photo retouching is not the most complex process, since anyone can master the technique of doing it if they have the desire and perseverance, there are still many certain secrets and subtleties that are also very important to master in order to ensure an effective result.

In particular, if aesthetic flaws are identified on the forehead, the area of ​​​​skin that will act as a sample should be taken only from the right or left side of the defect itself. It is not allowed to move down or up, since the texture of the skin of the forehead changes significantly in the direction from top to bottom. But for other areas of the face such a strict rule may not apply.

The easiest way to remove facial scars is to use the Patch tool.

Enhancing Aesthetics

A beautiful photo requires the participation of a real professional who will be able to eliminate aesthetic flaws, make all the necessary adjustments, but at the same time create a natural appearance, avoiding the effect of artificial (plastic) skin.

Indeed, in order for a photo of a face to be accompanied by naturalness, it is important to know how to retouch a photo in Photoshop, how to create a natural texture, since after working with a healing brush, not only aesthetic flaws disappear, but also the pores of the skin itself.

Eliminating the plastic skin effect

Many novice designers make the mistake of completing the retouching process immediately after eliminating facial skin defects. Such a photograph looks fake, so anyone who views it immediately understands that it has been adjusted.

In order for the retouching to be of high quality, the appearance of the plastic skin effect that appears during the process of working with photos should be eliminated.

Initially, you should create a copy of the layer on which the retouching was carried out. After this, you should go to the “Parameter” item, then successively to the “Blur”, “Gaussian Blur” sub-items.

In the window that opens, you should set the blur parameter to 20 pixels, and it is important to lower the opacity parameter to half (50%). Selecting these options will reduce the blur effect.

In the “Layers” panel there is an “Add Layer Mask” icon, which you should click on while holding down the “Alt” key. The resulting black layer mask allows you to hide all changes made.

Next, you should take a brush located in the “Layers” panel, giving preference to a medium size and white color. After this, using a brush, paint over all areas of the face, excluding the area of ​​the lips and eyes. It is very important that all areas are carefully painted over. In Photoshop, it is possible to control the quality of such painting. To do this, just hold down the “Alt” key and click on the mask thumbnail. After such actions, you can visually observe how well the skin areas were treated.

On next stage the user must return to the layer that needs to be retouched, after which a new transparent layer must be immediately created.

You should click the “Ctrl” key, and then immediately on the mask icon. After the selected area appears, it must be immediately filled with gray and set the opacity to 50%.

Next, the user must add noise by going to the Filter option. In the filter window that opens, it is important to make changes to some parameters. In particular, in the “Effect” parameter, an indicator is selected that is in the range from 2.5% to 3%. In the “Distribution” parameter there is a “Gaussian” item, next to which it is important to check the box, just as the checkbox is checked next to the “Monochrome” item. All you have to do is agree to the changes made by clicking “Ok”.

Finally, it is very important to switch to a new layer blend mode, favoring the Soft Light mode when the designer wants to create a subtle, almost invisible texture. And by switching to the “Overlay” mode, it is possible to create skin texture, accompanied by greater expressiveness.

Hair retouching

When all the aesthetic flaws have been removed from the face, you can certainly call it a day, but to enhance the overall aesthetics of the photo, it is best to do additional hair retouching in Photoshop, especially when it is excessively tousled.

In this case, of course, you cannot do without knowledge of how to retouch hair in Photoshop. It’s quite easy to remove strands that have strayed from your hair by using the Healing Brush tool again. However, when carrying out such actions, everything should be done so that the main background does not undergo serious changes in these places. Otherwise, this may immediately “signal” that the image is unnatural.

To solve this problem, you should select as a sample the area that is as identical as possible to the one where the strand is knocked out in the photo, after which, using the “Healing Brush,” the background sample is transferred to the desired places. The process of removing strands is simple, but painstaking and requires perseverance and increased attention.

It is also very important to adjust the border between the hair part and the main background. You can make it even by using the “Finger” tool, with which you can easily lift and, conversely, lower hair irregularities. Satisfied with the result, Graphic Designer must save the finished photo.

So, in Photoshop there is an incredible number of possibilities that allow you to increase the aesthetic level of any photo. Even a photo taken not by a professional photographer, but a simple amateur, can become a real masterpiece of photography if it is retouched by a real professional.

This article is the first in the Photo section, which will deal with photo processing directly in Photoshop. I would like to post lessons on the website with examples of working in this photo editor, but I look at the dominance of illiterate or simply commercial courses on the Internet and I’m afraid my material may simply get lost in the competition with them. But I don’t want to fold my hands and will try to convey my share of information about photo processing to my readers, because they think they are mediocrities professional photographers and there are a lot of Photoshop gurus out there. Due to the specific nature of my work, I come across such works that I just want to cry rather than admire these “creations”. For now, I’ll start only with theory; I think this will be useful to many in future or present work. I don’t claim to be a genius, I just want to put everything into perspective. After all, many designers, layout designers and color correctors have a mess in their heads full of various ingredients.

How to retouch photos correctly

The amount of retouching work and the need for it depends on what kind of image you are working on and what you want to get as a result. Often the desired effect can be achieved with a few clicks in an Adobe application Camera Raw, which is installed along with the program. Otherwise, you can start the retouching process by adjusting the white balance in Camera Raw, and then use more complex ways retouching in Photoshop, such as applying filters to selected areas of the image or using , each of which allows you to achieve maximum effect.

Sequential photo retouching process

Before I begin to describe the sequence of operations when processing photos, I would like to remind you that retouching is not only “covering up” moles and pimples to achieve facial expression like Fantômas or the heroes Mass Effect from Electronic Arts. As a rule, photo retouching consists of performing the following steps, which are essentially basic and integral:

  • duplicating the original image (I recommend always working with a copy of the image file so that, if necessary, you can restore the original);
  • checking that the image resolution matches your goals (when you “mess up” it will be too late for circulation);
  • crop the image to the desired size;
  • Correcting defects in a scanned image or damaged photograph (for example, removing ripples, dust, scratches and other defects);
  • adjusting the tonal range and contrast of the image (color correction according to the profile for further use of printing equipment);
  • removal of any color shades;
  • adjusting the tonal and color range of a specific part of the image to remove highlights, midtones, shadows and desaturated colors;
  • adjusting the sharpness of image contours.

Typically these processes are performed in the order I have listed. Of course, you can follow your own algorithms, but there will often be a situation when The results of one photo editing process can cause irreversible changes to the image, and you will have to redo some of the work all over again.

Photo processing as a process

The retouching and processing techniques applied to an image depend in part on how you intend to use the image in your future work. Absolutely everything - from the resolution of the source (scanned or stock photo) to the tonal range and color correction - is determined by what the image is intended for:

  • for black and white printing on newsprint
  • to publish a full-color version on the World Wide Web
  • for printing on an offset printing machine

Photoshop's photo editor uses CMYK (or color space) mode to prepare images for printing using composite colors, as well as RGB and other color modes to prepare images for publication on websites and for viewing on mobile devices. Further in my articles I will repeatedly return to color spaces and will post on the website a lesson with techniques for retouching and correcting photographs intended for four-color printing.

Image resolution and size

Many people have problems with the concept of image resolution and size. Despite the fact that most people think that they know everything about these terms, with simple leading questions they swim with a clear answer. I hope that after reading this part of the article to the end, users will stop talking about the quality of a photo based on its physical size. Before you begin retouching, color correction, and photo processing in Photoshop, you need to make sure that the image has the correct resolution. Resolution is the number of small squares - pixels - that make up the image and make up its smallest details. Resolution is determined in photography by the size of the pixels, or the number of pixels in the height and width of the image.

Types of Image Resolution in Computer Graphics

  • Number of pixels per unit image length - image resolution, and is usually measured in pixels per inch (ppi). A high-resolution image has more pixels (which increases the file size) than a lower-resolution image of the same size. Image resolution in Photoshop ranges from high (300 ppi and above) to low (72 ppi or 96 ppi).
  • Number of pixels per unit screen length - monitor resolution, and is usually also measured in pixels per inch (ppi). Image pixels are directly converted into screen pixels. If the image resolution in Photoshop is higher than the resolution of your monitor, the image will appear larger on the screen. large size, than will be printed. For example, if you display a 1x1 inch image at 144 ppi on a 72 ppi monitor, the image will occupy an area of ​​2x2 inches on the screen.
  • The number of dots of ink per inch (dpi) that a copier or laser printer puts on paper - printer resolution(or output resolution). Of course, having a high-resolution printer and a high-resolution image will usually produce the best quality. The appropriate resolution for a printed image is determined by the printer resolution and screen frequency (lines per inch, lpi). Halftone screens are usually used to reproduce images.

Remember! The higher the image resolution, the larger size file and the more time it takes to download the image from/to the Internet. This is especially true for those who subsequently prepare images for the web.

Additional information about image resolution and size

It is important for a designer, color corrector or retoucher to understand what the expression “view at 100% scale” on a monitor screen means. This is the value at which 1 pixel in the image is equal to 1 pixel on the monitor. If the image and monitor resolutions are different, the size of the image (in inches, for example) on the screen may be larger or smaller than the image that appears in print.

Regarding printing, to set the photo resolution you must follow empirical method computer graphics for color or black and white images (it is used when printing on printing presses): scan with a resolution 1.5-2 times higher than the screen frequency. If the printing publication in which the image will be printed is to be typeset on a screen with a frequency of 133 lpi, then the image must be scanned with a resolution of 200 ppi (133 × 1.5).

All applications

  • Price is negotiable

    I'm looking for a photo retoucher. I'll choose based on test work. In the future, it is possible to work on a permanent basis...

    Yuri K.

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    You need to remove unwanted hair from the photo.

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  • Price is negotiable

    In photo 5 you need to replace the head with mine)) You can write to me on WhatsApp

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  • Price is negotiable

    Work for a photo editor with payment per project. I look forward to long-term cooperation. Corporate events...

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  • RUB 3,500

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  • 300 rub

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  • 450 rub.

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  • 500 rub

    Process about a hundred photos of the same type in raw, you need a little color correction and export to jpeg.

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  • Price is negotiable

    I am looking for a retoucher to process photographs in different directions. Photos need to be processed for stock photos...

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  • 375 RUR

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  • 4,000 rub.

    Two accounts: Dentistry, cosmetology. We need a neat, unnoticeable retouching: remove bruises, pimples...

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  • 300 rub

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  • 500 rub

    Promptly process 3 photos. Specifics in a personal message.

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  • 419 RUR

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    I will process any of your photos, retouching, color correction, and help you create a unified style on Instagram.

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    For 200r - urgently needed

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  • 550 rub.

    Remove the black color so I can see the content dialog.


  • 450 rub.

    You need to process 30 photos with mobile phone Just color correction, an hour's work maximum. I'll show you...

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  • Price is negotiable

    Photo of simple equipment. I am attaching an example photo, it is marked there what needs to be removed. It's better to start today...

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  • 999 RUR

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    Process one photo. The photograph is b/w or even sepia, old, practically without flaws. Colorize...

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  • Price is negotiable

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  • 2,000 rub.

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  • 500 rub

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  • Price is negotiable

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  • 500 rub

    We need to prepare one photo for printing in large format by 11:00 today. Height 240 cm, width...

    Svetlana M.

  • Price is negotiable

    Cut out silhouette young man and improve photo quality. Photo designer needed


  • Price is negotiable

    Overlay a picture on a picture, add colors, in psd, png format


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  • 419 RUR

    It is necessary to process 3 photos, remove the background and replace it with White (R: 255, G: 255, B: 255), add contrast...

    Alexander K. Moscow, Russia

  • 200 rub

    Edit photo. Make color correction

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  • Price is negotiable

    Change the background photographs. There are 10 cribs with 5-6 photos per crib. Need to change...


  • 700 rub

    Retouch 21 photos according to the comments on the photo. I will attach the comments and examples of photos...

    Alina I.

  • 400 rub

    Process 4 photos (face, body, background). Specifics in a personal message.

    Evgeniy S. Moscow, Russia

  • 2,000 rub.

    A full wedding day must be selected and processed. Interested in color and light correction of photographs...

    Nikita Z.

  • 450 rub.

    There are photos with statistics in numbers, you need to change the numbers

    Anya M.

  • 374 RUR

    Elvira B.

  • Price is negotiable

    About 700 photos, just change the size from 1000*1500 to 900*1200 according to the following technical requirements...

    Arthur A.

  • 1,000 rub.

    It is necessary to place photo art logos on the building! Urgently within 20 minutes!

    Agapova Yu.

  • 500 rub

    Process 10 photos. Add clarity, brightness.?

    Elena P.

  • 500 rub

    Photoshop or retouch to suit your theme

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  • Price is negotiable

    Draw art from a photo (or several, we’ll come to a decision together). Example in the photo It doesn't light up...

    Daria Ch.

  • 1 rub

    Consultation on how to process photographs. 1. What is the optimal format for an online store, what should...

    Nikolay F.

  • Price is negotiable

    Required high-quality processing photos (~20 pcs) of jewelry rings for posting on the store website...

    Valery I.

  • 3,000 rub.

    We need someone with experience. Process wedding photos. Not hard photoshop.


  • 1,100 rub.

    Hello. You need to process product photos - remove the existing background and place the bags on a white background. Total...

    Maxim M.

  • 374 RUR

    Carefully hide your tummy, unnoticed. The sweater has stripes. I'll pay and accept it right now

    Bakhtier Yu.

  • 2,000 rub.

    30 photos need to replace interior items, add, replace colors


  • Price is negotiable

    It is necessary to edit photo content and simple video content for Instagram on an ongoing basis...


  • Price is negotiable

    A photo editing assistant is needed on an ongoing basis. Today we need to process the photos...

    Natalya P.

  • 400 rub

    The bride and groom stand in the center. It is necessary to remove the rest of the guests, leaving only the bride and groom...

    Svetlana R.

  • 550 rub.

    Process document

    Anastasia B.

  • 500 rub

    Replacing a face in a photo

    Vladimir V.

  • Price is negotiable

    Remove bruises, cleanse your face, add stubble.

    Yuri S.

  • 450 rub.

    You need to change the background color to a light blue, sky color. Replace logo. On the last page...

    Yuri D.

  • 500 rub

    You need a photo montage of 2 photos, insert a part from one photo into another photo, there will be a total of such photos...


  • 1,000 rub.

    Combine images of people from 2 color photographs. It needs to be done efficiently, with photo quality...

    Boris L.

  • 450 rub.

    The bad photo needs to be corrected. For a girl to have a "normal" smile/facial expression, the girl...

    Cup B.

  • 850 rub.

    Process 40 photos. product on a white background. Must be the same size, from the same angle...

    Elena K.

  • Price is negotiable

    Good afternoon We need to make a good and high-quality virtual 3D tour for a beauty salon. Write, I will send...

    Liliya A. Moscow, Russia

  • 450 rub.

    You need to draw a vector on 12 A5 sheets. The circuit is simple, I attach an example

    Elvira B.

  • Price is negotiable

    Processing of a series of photographs, 10 pieces, I will send the sources in raw format)

    Olga B.

  • 500 rub

    Retouch an old photo


  • 450 rub.

    Instead of a patch, draw adapters into the skin like in a matrix on the neck (looks like something like those things)...


  • 374 RUR

    You need to select realistic backgrounds for 3 photos; they are already in png (or psd), send them in psd too

    Olga U.

  • 400 rub

    Process 1 photo, paint on a white coat


  • 450 rub.

    You need to treat your face and body: remove wrinkles, shadows under the eyes, even out the tone, paint over the whites with purple...


  • Price is negotiable

    It is necessary to redo the finished photos. Change the company name to a new one on finished photos

    Sergey K.

  • 599 RUR

    Photo editing for a clothing website catalog - high-quality image optimization for display in the catalog...

    Stanislav Z.

  • Price is negotiable

    1-2 photos on your resume. In the photographer's studio. Work for 15 minutes.


  • Price is negotiable

    I would like to know, I want to order something like this from you, here is the photo that I attached, I need this person...

    Kirill Sh.

  • RUR 1,008

    Photo correction needed


  • 400 rub

    Create a filter for Photoshop, the goal is to be able to upload any photo and edit it...

    Kirill A.

  • Price is negotiable

    Process 1 photo for Instagram, payment 100₽

    Lyudmila Ya.

  • 200 rub

    1 photo, change the color of the water and remove the person in the background. 200 rub