The concept of literary language corresponds to a definition. Literary language and its varieties

The most amazing and wise thing that humanity has created is language.

Literary language is the main means of communication between people of the same nationality. It is characterized by two main properties: processing and normalization.

The refinement of a literary language arises as a result of a purposeful selection of all the best that is in the language. This selection is carried out in the process of using the language, as a result of special research by philologists and public figures.

Standardization is the use of linguistic means regulated by a single universally binding norm. A norm as a set of rules of word usage is necessary to preserve the integrity and general intelligibility of the national language, to transmit information from one generation to another. If there were no single language norm, then changes could occur in the language in which people living in different parts of Russia would cease to understand each other.

The main requirements that a literary language must meet are its unity and general intelligibility.

The modern Russian literary language is multifunctional and is used in various spheres of human activity.

The main ones are: politics, science, culture, verbal art, education, everyday communication, interethnic communication, print, radio, television.

If we compare the varieties of the national language (vernacular, territorial and social dialects, jargons), the literary language plays a leading role. It includes the best ways to designate concepts and objects, express thoughts and emotions. There is constant interaction between the literary language and non-literary varieties of the Russian language. This is most clearly revealed in the sphere of spoken language.

In scientific linguistic literature, the main features of a literary language are highlighted:

1) processing;

2) sustainability;

3) mandatory (for all native speakers);

4) normalization;

5) the presence of functional styles.

The Russian literary language exists in two forms - oral and written. Each form of speech has its own specifics.

The Russian language in its broadest concept is the totality of all words, grammatical forms, pronunciation features of all Russian people, that is, all who speak Russian as their native language. The more correct and precise the speech, the more accessible it is to understanding, the more beautiful and expressive it is, the stronger its impact on the listener or reader. To speak correctly and beautifully, you need to observe the laws of logic (consistency, evidence) and the norms of literary language, maintain the unity of style, avoid repetition, and take care of the euphony of speech.

The main features of Russian literary pronunciation were formed precisely on the basis of the phonetics of Central Russian dialects. Nowadays, dialects are being destroyed under the pressure of the literary language.

  • Concept And signs literary language. The most amazing and wise thing that humanity has created is language. Literary language- This is the main means of communication between people of the same nationality.

  • Concept And signs literary language.
    Origin of Russian literary language language as general language

  • Concept And signs literary language.
    Origin of Russian literary language. Until the 14th century. there was an old Russian language as general language ancestors of Ukrainians, Belarusians and Russians.

  • Concept And signs literary language.
    Origin of Russian literary language. Until the 14th century. there was an old Russian language as general language ancestors of Ukrainians, Belarusians and Russians.

  • Concept And signs literary language.
    Origin of Russian literary language. Until the 14th century. there was an old Russian language as general language ancestors of Ukrainians, Belarusians and Russians.

  • Literary language is the highest form of national language, sign national identity, culture of speech.
    Secondly, this concept related to the choice of funds language– phonetic, lexical, grammatical – in a certain context.

  • The most important sign literary language its normativity is considered, which manifests itself in written and oral form.
    For example, in the 1930-1940s. the words “graduate” and “diplomat” were used to express the same thing concepts: “a student performing...

Literary language is the main form of existence of the national language. It differs from other literary systems in its processing, normativity and general use among the people.

Literary language is always the result of collective creative activity. The idea of ​​the “fixedness” of the norms of a literary language has a certain relativity (despite the importance and stability of the norm, it is mobile over time). It is impossible to imagine a developed and rich culture of a people without a developed and rich literary language. This is the great social significance of the problem of the literary language itself. Literary language cannot be identified with the language of fiction. These are different, although correlative concepts.

The language of fiction (the language of writers), although usually guided by the same norms, contains much that is individual and not generally accepted. In different historical eras and among different peoples, the degree of similarity between the literary language and the language of fiction turned out to be unequal.

Functions of literary language:

1) Primary:

Communicative - to be the most important means of communication between people, to ensure mutual understanding; cognitive Cognitive - to be a direct expression of the activity of consciousness, to form thoughts, to embody in speech the image of the real and imaginary worlds;

emotionally expressive - to be one of the means of expressing feelings and emotions; Metalinguistic - to be a means of studying and describing language in terms, by means of the language itself; 2) Derivatives: contact-establishing (phatic); conative (assimilation); voluntary (impact); storage and transmission of cultural traditions, national identity.

Signs of a literary language:

1) normativity:

linguistic norm is a system of rules for the use of linguistic means. The norm covers everything

levels of the language system.

2) mandatory for all native speakers

The language must be generally accepted, and therefore generally understandable - this is the main property

literary language, which in essence makes it literary.

3) codification

codification is a scientific description of norms, enshrined in grammars, reference books,


4) relative stability of the rules, that is, historical stability,


5) availability of oral and written forms

6) the presence of functional styles in the language as part of modern Russian

There are six styles of literary language:

1) scientific style;

2) official business;

3) artistic;

4) journalistic;

5) religious;

6) conversational.

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The concept of "literary language". Signs and functions of literary language.

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    The term "modern Russian literary language". The Russian language is the language of the Russian nation. Russian language as a means of interethnic communication among the peoples of the CIS. The place of the Russian language among other languages ​​of the world. Russian

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Literary language is a non-dialectal form of existence (subsystem) characterized by certain features. These include codification, normativity, stylistic differentiation, multifunctionality, as well as high prestige in society, among its bearers.

In this article we will look at the signs of a literary language, its functions, as well as this concept itself, its properties and definition.

Literary language is the main means that serves communicative needs in the social environment. It is contrasted with other, uncodified subsystems - dialects, urban vernacular (in other words, urban koine), as well as social and professional jargons.

Two ways to define a concept

Literary language as a concept can be defined by the linguistic properties that are inherent in this subsystem of a particular national language, as well as by delimiting the entire population of people who are the bearers of this subsystem, separating it from the general mass of speakers of this language. The first is a linguistic method of definition, and the second is a sociological one.

Literary language from the point of view of V. V. Vinogradov

From the point of view, a literary language is a common language in which there is a written language of a certain people or several of them. That is, it includes the language of all cultural manifestations, most often expressed in written form, but sometimes also in oral form, as well as fiction, journalism, science, written and everyday communication, school teaching, and official business documents. Therefore, it differs in such forms as oral-conversational and written-book.

Various terms associated with this concept

This term is associated in origin with such a concept as “literature”, and in the etymological sense it means that it is based on “literature”, that is, on a letter. Accordingly, it is a written language. Indeed, if we consider the language of the Middle Ages, we will only talk about the written language, a set of texts that have a literary purpose. Other features of literary language follow from this definition using the term, and therefore seem understandable and logical.

The diverse terms layered on a given subject are, strictly speaking, only an attempt to get out of the dead end; conceptual features are revered as belonging to a non-existent object, and the object itself is defined through them. The features of a literary language will be discussed below.

Literary language as a function of national

Of the many definitions, the most acceptable is to define it as a function of the national language. That is, literary is only a type of use of the Russian language, and not a separate, independent language. This understanding is in line with the scientific tradition; it is determined by the historical approach to the analysis of literary language. At the same time, this interpretation explains the existence and development of various spheres of “cultural speaking”, since the existence of a literary language as a term is justified. In fact, the latter is only a form of existence of the national (folk) language, and not just speech in the narrow sense of the word. Over time, colloquial forms were replaced by increasingly developing “cultural” ones; the selection of linguistic forms as the structure of the language developed constitutes the main content of this historical process.

We will consider the main features of a literary language below. Let's now say a few words about language functions.

Multifunctionality of the Russian language

The concept and characteristics of a literary language arise from its functions. Any sufficiently developed language has two main varieties according to the purpose of use: living spoken language and literary language. We master spoken language from childhood. The development of the second variety occurs continuously, throughout the life and development of a person, right up to his very old age.

The Russian language today is multifunctional, that is, it is used in many different areas of human activity. The means of literary language (grammatical structures, vocabulary) are also functionally differentiated. The use of language directly depends on the type of communication. In the literary language (you will find the signs of the Russian literary language below) there are two main functional varieties: bookish and colloquial. Accordingly, book and spoken language are distinguished. In spoken language there are three styles of pronunciation: colloquial, neutral and full.

The main property that characterizes a book language is the ability to preserve text and therefore serve as a means of communication between different generations.

Its functions are numerous, as are its signs; they become increasingly more complex with the development of society.

The leading role of the literary language

Among other varieties that are observed in the national language (social and vernacular, jargons), it is the literary language that invariably plays the main role. It contains the best ways to name objects and concepts, express emotions and thoughts. There is a continuous interaction between it and other varieties of language, non-literary. This is most evident in colloquial speech.

Thus, the literary language represents the basis of the culture of our speech, as well as the highest form of existence of the national language. It is used in the media, education, literature, culture. Serves various spheres of human activity: science, politics, official business communication, legislation, international, everyday communication, television, print, radio.

Signs of a literary language

We have dealt with the term itself. Let us now note the main features of a literary language. This is stability (that is, stability), processing (since it is a language that has been processed by various word masters: scientists, poets, writers, public figures), obligatory for all people who are native speakers of the language, the presence of certain functional styles, as well as normalization. These are the most important features of a literary language.


Normalization means a fairly specific way of expression, which reflects the historically specific patterns of development of a given literary language. This feature is based on the language system itself and is reinforced by the best examples of works of literature. The educated part of the population prefers the standardized method of expression. As a set of certain rules for the use of words, a norm is necessary to preserve the general intelligibility and integrity of the national language, in order to transmit information from generation to generation. If it did not exist, such changes could occur in the language, as a result of which people living in different parts of our country would cease to understand each other.

Processed and codified

Signs of a literary language are also processing and codification. Refinement appears as a result of selection, and purposeful selection, of all the best that is in it. This selection is carried out in the process of using the national language, as a result of research conducted by public figures and philologists.

Codification means the consolidation of its norms in scientific literature. This is expressed in the availability of appropriate grammar dictionaries, as well as other books that contain rules on how to use the language.

These features of a literary language also seem to be very important.

Other signs

The sign of stylistic diversity implies the presence of many functional styles.

Literary language is also characterized by its common use and prevalence, compliance with the customs, use and capabilities of a given language system.

We examined the main features of the Russian literary language. One of the main tasks is to protect it, as well as its norms, because the literary language unites the entire people linguistically. The main role in its creation invariably belongs to the advanced part of the population.

What should the literary language be like?

The literary language must be universally understandable, since any members of society must be able to perceive it. It should be so developed as to be able to serve the main areas of human activity. It is important to observe lexical, grammatical, accentological and language rules in speech. Therefore, a very serious task facing linguists is to consider any new thing that appears in the literary language from the position of compliance with its general trends in language development, as well as optimal functional conditions.

The more accurate and correct the speech, the more accessible it becomes for understanding, the more expressive and beautiful it is, the stronger the impact on the reader or listener. In order to express yourself beautifully and correctly, you need to observe certain logical laws (evidence, consistency), as well as the norms of our literary language, unity of style, take care of euphony, and avoid repetition.

The main features of the literary pronunciation of the Russian language were formed on the basis of Central Russian dialects and their phonetics. Today, under the pressure of normalized, literary dialects, they are being destroyed.

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Literary language, its main features

Completed by: Smirnova Anna

Moscow 2011

literary language colloquial speech


2. Oral form of the language

3. Written form of language




It is generally accepted that the Russian literary language took shape in the theoretical heritage of the great Russian scientist M.V. Lomonosov and was formed in the artistic work of writers of the 18th-19th centuries, where the main role belonged to A.S. Pushkin. The modern Russian language has been recognized as fully established since the end of the 19th century. Thus, the period of its formation lasts almost two centuries. This is not surprising, because language is one of the stable phenomena, changes in it occur gradually and the concept of modernity is defined over decades. The Russian language in its modern state represents a rich, almost boundless structure. In its modern state, the Russian language includes general elements of colloquial speech, territorial (dialects), social (colloquial, professional) and functional (jargon). The basis of the modern Russian language is the literary language, which has a system of norms and rules for its use.

1. The concept of literary language

Literary language is a processed form of the national language, which has more or less written norms; the language of all manifestations of culture expressed in verbal form.

Literary language is the main means of serving the communicative needs of society; it is contrasted with the uncodified subsystems of the national language - territorial dialects, urban koine (urban vernacular), professional and social jargons.

The concept of a literary language can be defined both on the basis of the linguistic properties inherent in a given subsystem of the national language, and by delimiting the totality of speakers of this subsystem, isolating it from the general composition of people speaking a given language.

It is difficult to point out another linguistic phenomenon that would be understood as differently as literary language.

Some are convinced that the literary language is the same national language, only “polished” by masters of the language, i.e. writers, word artists; Proponents of this view, first of all, have in mind the literary language of modern times and, moreover, among peoples with a rich literary literature.

Others believe that literary language is a written language, a bookish language, opposed to living speech, spoken language. The basis of this understanding is literary languages ​​with ancient writing.

Still others believe that a literary language is a language that is generally significant for a given people, in contrast to dialect and jargon, which do not have signs of such universal significance. Supporters of this view sometimes argue that a literary language can exist in the preliterate period as the language of folk verbal and poetic creativity or customary law.

The term “literary language” in its origin turns out to be related to the concept of “literature”, and in its etymological understanding - “based on letters”, that is, on a letter, in fact, a written language. Indeed, the medieval literary language is only a written language, a collection of texts for literary purposes. All other features of a literary language follow from this abstract definition through the term and therefore seem logical and understandable. Literary language constitutes the highest form of the national language. It is the language of culture, literature, education, and the media. It serves various spheres of human activity: politics, science, legislation, official business communication, everyday communication, international communication, print, radio, television.

Among the varieties of the national language (vernacular, territorial and social dialects, jargons), the literary language plays a leading role.

Main features of a literary language:

Processing (literary language is a language processed by masters of words: writers, poets, scientists, public figures);

Resilience (stability);

Mandatory for all native speakers;

Normalization is a fairly stable way of expression that expresses historically established patterns of development of the Russian literary language. Normalization is based on the language system and is enshrined in the best examples of literary works. This method of expression is preferred by the educated part of society;

Stylistic diversity, i.e. the variety of functional styles of the literary language;

Availability of writing;

Codification, i.e. fixed in scientific literature; this is expressed in the availability of grammatical dictionaries and other books containing rules for using the language;


Common usage;

Compliance with the usage, customs and capabilities of the language system.

Literary language is the common written language of one or another people, and sometimes several peoples - the language of official business documents, school teaching, written and everyday communication, science, journalism, fiction, all manifestations of culture expressed in verbal form, often written, but sometimes verbally. That is why there are differences between written-book and oral-spoken forms of literary language, the emergence, correlation and interaction of which are subject to certain historical patterns.

2. Oral form of the language

The purpose of oral speech is the speed of transmission and perception of certain content. It is addressed directly to the interlocutor and is designed for auditory perception.

Oral speech uses colloquial, vernacular, and sometimes dialect vocabulary and phraseology. Its syntax is characterized by the frequent use of simple and incomplete sentences; The word order is not always normal. Among complex sentences, complex sentences are used more often than complex sentences; Participial and adverbial phrases are rarely used in oral speech.

Most often, oral speech is dialogical. But it is also used in lectures, reports, speeches, and in these cases it is monological in nature, and in vocabulary and syntax it is close to written speech.

In addition to lexical and grammatical means, oral speech also has auxiliary means of conveying thoughts: facial expressions, gestures, intonation, pauses, and the possibility of repetition.

3. Written form of language

Book language is an achievement and heritage of culture. He is the main keeper and transmitter of cultural information. All types of indirect communication are carried out by means of book language. Scientific works, fiction and educational literature, diplomatic and business correspondence, newspaper and magazine products and much more cannot be imagined without the bookish literary language. Its functions are enormous and become even more complex with the development of civilization. The modern Russian book and literary language is a powerful tool of communication. It contains all the means necessary for a variety of communication purposes, and, above all, for the expression of abstract concepts and relationships. The complex connections traced by scientists and writers in the material and spiritual world are described in scientific language.

It is impossible to transmit from mouth to mouth syntactically cumbersome texts, saturated with special terminology and complex in semantic terms. The property of book-written speech to preserve the text and thereby strengthen the ability of the literary language to be a connection between generations is one of the main properties of the book language. Written speech differs from oral speech, first of all, by a complex system of graphics and spelling, through which this or that content is transmitted. In lexical and grammatical terms, it is characterized by strict adherence to the literary norms of the language - a special selection of vocabulary and phraseology, processed syntax. Book vocabulary is widely used in written speech: official business, scientific, social and journalistic. The syntax of written speech is characterized by complex and complicated sentences. In it, the order of words, strict sequence, and harmony in the presentation of thoughts are of great importance. The written form of speech is distinguished by preliminary consideration of statements and editorial processing of the text, which can be performed by the author himself. This determines the accuracy and correctness of the written form of speech.

4. Interaction between oral and written forms of language

If you ask which form arose first, oral or written, then everyone will answer: oral. For the emergence of written form, it was necessary to create graphic signs that would convey the elements of spoken speech. For languages ​​that do not have a written language, the oral form is the only form of their existence. Written speech is usually addressed to the absent. The writer does not see his reader, but can only mentally imagine him. Written language is not affected by the reactions of those who read it. On the contrary, oral speech presupposes the presence of an interlocutor, a listener. The speaker and the listener not only hear, but also see each other. Therefore, spoken language often depends on how it is perceived. The reaction of approval or disapproval, the listeners' remarks, their smiles and laughter - all this can affect the nature of the speech, change it depending on this reaction, or even stop. Differences between oral and written speech have developed historically. Until the 18th century in linguistic practice there was only Russian colloquial speech. The written language in Rus' was Old Church Slavonic, but this introduced significant problems in the communication of people, incl. and in public administration. V.M. was the first to discover this contradiction and note it in his works. Lomonosov.

Having made a theoretical justification, he began to create stylistic norms of the language. He noticed the existence of a norm, a grammatical structure in the spoken language itself: “Although it (the norm) comes from general usage, it nevertheless shows the way to the usage itself with rules.”

A brilliant galaxy of Russian writers-followers continued the work of the scientist. It is believed that the literary language, as standardized in its written form, emerged in the works of A.S. Pushkin.

In the second half of the 20th century. There have also been significant changes in the language, due to which the literary language began to be defined as “modern” in the second half of the 20th century.


In conclusion, I would like to note that many outstanding scientists emphasize the importance of the literary language, both for an individual and for an entire people and nation.

The modern Russian literary language is the highest form of the Russian language. Literary language is the language of culture; works of art and scientific works are created in Russian literary language; it is the language of the theater, school, newspapers and magazines. At the same time, it is used at home, at work, etc.

The main feature of a literary language is normalization. A norm arises in a tradition, developing over a long period of time. Subsequently, the norm is codified and enshrined in a set of rules and grammar.

Literary language has two forms: oral and written. The difference between the oral form of a literary language and the written form is not only that the latter is written down. Written speech uses other structural forms and means of expression that are different from oral ones. Modern linguistic phenomena do not bring anything unexpected or destructive. There is a convergence of spoken and book speech - this is the main trend in the development of many languages ​​in our time. The only problem is to timely understand the new norms of colloquial speech that are emerging today in order to determine the need for their interpretation into literary speech.

This requires practical knowledge of the traditionally established norms of the modern literary language in order to organically include new elements into this system.


1. L.Ya. Lachimova, T.I. Guseva, E.V. Begaeva, A.A. Yansyukevich Modern Russian language Practical guide, 2009.

2. Vinogradov V.V. Selected works. History of the Russian literary language. - M., 1978.

3. I.B. Golub Russian language and culture of speech. Moscow "Logos", 2003.

4. A.A. Dantsev, N.V. Nefyodova. Russian language and speech culture for technical universities. Rostov n/a: “Phoenix”, 2002.

5. Cheshko L.A. Russian language/L.A. Czech.- M.: Higher. school, 1981.

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Any common language exists in 4 main forms, one of which is normative, the rest are non-normative. The main form of the national language is the literary language. A literary language is an exemplary, standardized and codified form of the national language, which has a rich lexical fund and a developed system of styles.

Signs of a literary language:

Normalization is a relatively stable way of expression, reflecting the historical patterns of language development, based on the language system, enshrined in the best examples of literature and preferred by the educated part of society. Literary language allows for the phenomenon of norm variation (though in different eras of the development of a literary language, the amplitude of variations in variations varies).

codification (fixation of normative units in dictionaries, reference books, grammars),

rich vocabulary,

the presence of functional styles, each of which has special features,

compulsory for all native speakers to learn and use,

widespread use for communication in all spheres of public life (education and science, politics, office work, media, culture, etc.),

the presence of rich fiction in this language,

relative stability of vocabulary,

consumption throughout all territories of the nation.

The main task of the literary language is to unite the nation and preserve its cultural heritage.

Functions of literary language

The modern Russian literary language is multifunctional, i.e. it performs the functions of the everyday language of literate people, the language of science, journalism, public administration, the language of culture, literature, education, the media, etc. However, in certain situations the functions of the literary language may be limited (for example, it may function mainly in written speech, while territorial dialects are used in oral speech). Literary language is used in various spheres of social and individual human activity. Literary language differs from the language of fiction, but at the same time it seems to be formed from it. The main feature of the language of fiction is that it performs a great aesthetic function, which is capable of influencing the reader with the help of figurative content specially organized according to language. This also includes the function of communication, which is implemented in dialogues and polylogues actively created on the pages of works. The highest norm of the language of fiction is its aesthetic motivation, i.e. When using language in an aesthetic function, the form of the message acts not only as a sign of one meaning or another, but also turns out to be significant in itself, represents a system of linguistic means for expressing figurative content, and ultimately the ideological and artistic concept, namely, it becomes aesthetically motivated . The language of fiction contains not only literary standardized speech, but also the individual style of the author and the speech of the characters created by the author. Stylized literary texts and the speech of characters imply a departure from the norm, the creation of an individual style and expressive text.

Artistic speech is characterized by the use of all linguistic means. Linguistic means include not only words and expressions of the literary language, but also elements of vernacular, jargon, and territorial dialects. The language of fiction is closely related to the system of images of works of art; it widely uses epithets, metaphors, personification, animation of inanimate objects, etc. Many means of literary language acquire a special function: antonyms and synonyms are used to more colorfully describe characters, their characters, habits, habits, etc.

The usual concept of a linguistic norm is not applicable to the language of fiction. In the language of fiction, everything that serves to accurately express the author’s thoughts is correct. This is the main difference between the language of fiction and literary language.