Sowing leeks for seedlings and in open ground: terms and rules of cultivation. How to get a high-quality onion harvest - find out when to plant leeks for seedlings Sowing leeks according to the lunar calendar

Onions have been cultivated since ancient times. And today in the mountain meadows of the Mediterranean you can find wild plant species. Initially, due to their pungent odor, onions were used to prepare medicinal elixirs and as protective amulets against diseases and evil spirits. Vegetable crops were most developed in Spain. It is there that famous varieties of the onion family were bred.

Onions are considered the first vegetable to appear in early spring. It is useful for the presence of a large number of useful vitamins, which, in turn, fight spring ailments. In our climate, feather onions are best cultivated, so gardeners grow mainly onions and do not pay due attention to other varieties of this plant.

  • Characteristics of the variety
  • When to plant leeks for seedlings
  • Basics of leek agricultural technology

Characteristics of the variety

Leeks are a biennial crop. In the first year of growth, it puts out a stem, which, together with young leaves, is edible and grows a powerful rhizome. It blooms in the second year with white-pink flowers collected in spherical umbrella-shaped inflorescences. The leek does not form a large bulb, and the main edible part of the crop is a thickened “leg” from snow-white to delicate light green.

Leek leaves are linear-lanceolate, reminiscent of garlic, and can grow up to 1 meter in length. As fresh greens, they are used for food only in the spring, while they are tender and juicy, as they subsequently become coarser. Onions do not have a dormant period; new leaves grow until late autumn without stopping their growth.

Leek is much more productive than onion leek, not as spicy, practically odorless, contains more vitamin C and B, as well as potassium salts, and is indispensable for maintaining the immune system. It has a lot of useful properties, has excellent nutritional value, and is considered a dietary product. The use of this tender and sweetish onion brings undeniable benefits. They are used as an independent dish or as a side dish, raw or stewed, as additives in cooking, and are also suitable for freezing and drying.

It is well stored in the basement in boxes with damp sand at a temperature of 0+1C. During storage, the root vegetable is bleached, and the amount of vitamin C doubles.

According to the timing of ripening, there are early, mid-ripening and late varieties. Early ripening varieties reach technical maturity 3.5-4 months after seed germination. Medium-ripening varieties are ready for harvest in 150-170 days. The growing season of late varieties reaches 6 months.

To obtain seeds at home, cut off the seed umbels in the fall and hang them in a dry place until they are fully ripe.

When to plant leeks for seedlings

Onions are grown in two ways: without seedlings and seedlings. The first method is suitable for the southern regions. The second is optimal for any area and allows you to grow the best harvest.

Planting dates differ both from the growing area and from the time of ripening. In different areas they are directly determined by climatic conditions. Therefore, there cannot be a specific date suitable for all latitudes. For example, in the southern regions, several crops of leeks can be grown for greenery in open fields during the season. Cultivation in these regions can be done from the third ten days of March until the end of November under favorable weather conditions.

In the Urals and Siberia, it is recommended to cultivate exclusively early-ripening and frost-resistant onion varieties due to the too harsh climate. Leeks are planted in open areas only at the end of May, at a soil temperature of 9-10 C, and seedlings in June, after the air and soil have warmed up. If planted earlier, the greenery will rush into the arrow. And if you postpone planting to a later date, then there is a possibility of obtaining a poor-quality harvest. The most famous high-yielding varieties are Buran and Boterus.

In the central regions of Russia, seeds for seedlings are sown from mid-February, seedlings are planted in greenhouses by mid-April, and in open ground - at the end of May. In the middle zone, conditions are more comfortable. The best varieties: Panther, Rubin, Casimir.

Favorable days for planting leeks

The main mistake when cultivating onions is the incorrect timing of sowing seed material. Timing is an essential point in growing any vegetable plant. Since ancient times, farmers have become convinced that the growing season of plants is greatly influenced by the cycle of the moon, especially on the timing of planting. Now many people resort to the advice of the lunar calendar. It is up to everyone to believe or not in the influence of this factor. Through trial and error and comparing the results obtained, gardeners came to the conclusion that by adhering to the advice of astrologers, they can get the best harvests in the end.

2018 promises to be generous and fertile if you follow the lunar cycles. You need to sow onions for feathers and turnips at different times. This is dictated by the location of the zodiac constellations and the influence of the moon on growth processes underground and on the surface. It is better to sow onions for nutritious greens on days when the moon is under the influence of the element of Water. Therefore, it is preferable to plant turnip seeds during the period of active influence of the Earth signs.

The easiest way is to use the lunar calendar of main seasonal work, compiled for your region. This makes planning much easier, since there is no need to calculate the phases of the moon.

Leeks should be planted for seedlings in 2018 on the following days of the month:

February: 7,8,9.10,14,23,24.

March: 2,3,7,9.

April: 18,20,23,28.

May: 3,5,15,20.

Planting on favorable days increases plant growth activity. If it is not possible to sow the crop on the allotted days, then you can use any days suitable for the weather, taking into account only the phases of the waxing and waning moon.

Important! During the new moon and full moon, all processes in nature seem to “freeze”, so you should not do any work on sowing, cultivating or picking plants during this period.

Preparing soil and leek seeds

When breeding leeks, the seeds should be properly prepared. To achieve 100% germination and subsequently a high-quality harvest, seeds for planting are selected that are even, uniform and dense. To disinfect, keep them in a warm manganese solution for about 30 minutes, then the same amount in ice water for stratification. To germinate, the seeds are left for several days in a damp cloth. Then they are sown in heated nutrient soil fertilized with peat and compost.

The onion sprouts unevenly. After 8-10 days, the first shoots will appear; after 14-16 days, the remaining ones will ripen. It is advisable to have a supply of seed materials so that in case of low germination, you can replant the seeds in a free place. The containers are placed in a bright place so that the sprouts do not stretch out. Regularly ventilate the premises in which the plant is grown. If you sow too early, the onions will grow quickly and will have to be trimmed. If onion seedlings are thickened, they need to be thinned out periodically to ensure the growth of optimal stem thickness.

Basics of leek agricultural technology

Good seedlings speed up the harvest and improve its quality. During the germination of leek seeds, it is necessary to create comfortable conditions for the culture:

The optimal temperature during the day should be 18-20 C, and at night - not lower than 13 C. Seedlings are afraid of night frosts. An adult plant is quite resistant to short-term drops in temperature, but for young shoots this can be detrimental.

Once every 10-14 days, small pruning of the emerged sprouts is necessary to strengthen the root system and thicken the stem of the vegetable crop.

Watering should be carried out as the soil dries out. You should not flood the soil so as not to rot the seeds. After watering, shallow but regular loosening of the soil is required.

After about 55-60 days, it is time to transfer to the main place. At the time of transfer to open ground, seedlings must have 3 leaves and be hardened. Before planting, the roots and leaves of seedlings are shortened by 30%.

Favorable soil is loam.

It should be taken into account that crop rotation should not be disrupted. Ideal predecessors for onion beds are planting cabbage, legumes, cucumbers, potatoes and tomatoes. The beds must be kept clean from weeds.

After the crop enters the ripening phase, watering is first reduced and then completely stopped to prevent rotting of the crop during storage.

By adhering to all the requirements for sowing and timely care, the work spent on growing leeks will be rewarded.

If a summer resident prefers to grow leeks on his own, he needs to find out in advance when to plant seeds for seedlings in 2018 according to the lunar calendar. The culture is very useful, however, not all gardeners decide to plant it on their plot. Once you become familiar with the growing technology, you can easily get a good harvest.

Not all summer residents know when to plant leeks for seedlings in 2018. Using the lunar calendar, you can easily choose a good time. Not many people listen to the recommendations of astrologers, and it is completely in vain. Knowing the location of the moon, you can control the yield of many crops.

The lunar calendar is considered an excellent assistant for gardeners. The moon influences living organisms. Therefore, many summer residents listen to the advice of astrologers and strictly follow their recommendations. If all activities are carried out on time, you can easily reap an excellent harvest.

In 2018 there will be enough favorable days to visit your summer cottage. The lunar calendar will help you decide on the dates.

Favorable days:

  • in February: 7-10, 14, 23, 24;
  • in March: 2, 3, 7, 9;
  • in April: 18, 20, 23, 28;
  • in May: 3, 5, 15, 20.

In addition to the advice of astrologers, when planting a crop, it is necessary to take into account weather conditions, follow agricultural techniques, and take into account the growing region.

When sowing seeds in February, seedlings will appear in 10 days. After a month, you can plan to plant the plants in the ground. Crops are able to tolerate temperature drops of up to 2 degrees Celsius. As for frost, seedlings should be protected. Otherwise, she will die.

Note: Seedlings grow very quickly and there are usually no problems when growing them. However, care must be taken to ensure that the plants do not overgrow. Therefore, it is impossible to delay planting seedlings in the ground.

Preparing for landing

Before you start sowing seeds, you need to carry out a number of preparatory measures. First of all, you should pay attention to the following points:

  1. Preparing the container. Since leeks have a negative attitude towards replanting, you should be careful when choosing a container. The container must be at least 12 cm high.
  2. Soil preparation. Leeks prefer to grow in nutritious soil. Soil can be found in a specialty store.
  3. Many summer residents prepare the soil mixture themselves. To do this, you need to mix peat, garden soil, and humus. Immediately before sowing, the soil needs to be watered with a solution of potassium permanganate.
  4. Preparation of planting material. As soon as it is clarified when you can plant leeks for seedlings in 2018 according to the lunar calendar, you should begin preparing the seeds. In order for the crops to sprout together, it is necessary to carry out a number of measures.

First of all, the seeds should be immersed in a manganese solution; 30 minutes will be enough. Then the seed must be immersed in cold water for half an hour.

In addition, the seeds need to be germinated. To do this, they should be placed in a damp cloth.

Sowing seeds for seedlings

You can sow seeds in different ways. Each summer resident chooses the best option for himself and uses it in practice.

Sowing in a separate container. When using this growing method, you need to prepare the cups. 3 seeds should be sown in each container. In the future, this will allow you to select the strongest specimens.

Planting seeds:

  • fill containers with soil;
  • water;
  • make grooves no more than 1.5 cm deep;
  • lay out the seeds, the distance between them should be no more than 5 cm;
  • lightly sprinkle with soil;
  • cover the surface with sand and water;
  • Cover the crops with film and place in a warm place.

Please note that for sowing it is necessary to create a temperature regime within 21-25 degrees.

Ventilation and watering should be carried out regularly. To do this, the film must be removed.

Simple method. The growing method is considered the simplest and most accessible. To begin with, fill the container with soil and divide the entire area into squares. Place 3 seeds in each square.
Sowing into a snail. First of all, it is worth preparing a substrate for linoleum, its width is 15 cm, length - no more than a meter. Next, you should take toilet paper, moisten it with Epin, and place it on the prepared substrate. You need to fill the top with soil and lay out the seeds. Then everything needs to be rolled up, put in a bag, and put in a warm place. Crops should remain in this position for 7 days.

Care measures

After germination, it is advisable to provide appropriate care for the crops.

  1. Temperature conditions. During the daytime, the temperature should be no more than 17 degrees, at night - up to 12 degrees. After a week, the indicators need to be increased. In this case, the daytime temperature should correspond to 20 degrees, the night temperature – 14 degrees.
  2. Watering. Since leeks respond positively to soil moisture, watering must be timely and of high quality. However, caution must be exercised. If the soil is over-moistened, the root system may rot.
  3. Feeding. Leeks not only love moisture, the culture responds well to fertilization. Feeding should be done at least 2 times.
  4. Leaf trimming. This procedure allows you to strengthen the root part and makes the stem denser. After pruning, the leaves should be no more than 10 cm long.
  5. Hardening of seedlings. Plants can be planted in open ground only after hardening. To carry out the procedure, the seedlings must be taken outside. This will allow her to get used to outdoor conditions. Hardening should be carried out within 6 weeks. The time spent outside should be gradually increased, and the amount of watering should be reduced.
  6. In addition, the readiness of seedlings for planting in the ground can be determined by external characteristics. Plants must have a thick stem and at least 3 leaves.

Planting plants in the ground

Finding out when to plant leeks for seedlings in 2018 according to the lunar calendar is not enough. It is also advisable to coordinate other work with specialists. Only in this case will it be possible to get a good result and carry out all activities efficiently.

As soon as the seedlings are ready to be planted in the garden, it is necessary to prepare the area. The culture prefers to grow on loamy soils with weak acidity. The best option is lowland terrain. As for clay soils, they should be avoided.

It is necessary to prepare the area for leeks in the fall. To do this, it is worth adding compost. With the arrival of spring, humus needs to be added.

Important: There is no need to dig up the soil in the spring.

We must not forget about our predecessors. Leeks are best planted after the following crops: tomatoes, potatoes, cabbage, legumes, cucumbers. You should start sowing seedlings no earlier than May.

Before planting, plants need to be prepared. First of all, you should cut off the roots and leaves by 1/3. You also need to prepare a nutrient mixture consisting of mullein and clay and treat the root system with it.

There are several ways to sow onions in the garden. Each of them allows you to make maximum use of the site area and reap a good harvest:

  1. The first method is to plant onions in 2 rows. The distance between plants should be 20 cm, between rows - 30 cm.
  2. The second method is called multi-row sowing. The crop is planted in several rows, the distance between plants is 10 cm, between rows - 20 cm.

Leeks are a popular crop that many summer residents grow on their own plots. Despite the beneficial properties of the crop and the simple cultivation technique, not all gardeners want to plant onions.

In order for all activities to be completed on time and with maximum efficiency, it is necessary to take into account the advice of the lunar calendar. Astrologers specifically develop recommendations for summer residents that can help in their work. Therefore, it is worth familiarizing yourself with them in advance and planning events at your summer cottage.

This will allow you not only to reap a good harvest, but also to enjoy your stay at the dacha. As a result, there will always be fresh vegetables on the table.

Not all gardeners decide to grow, but in vain. This vegetable crop is healthy, tasty, and is expensive in stores. Growing leeks yourself is not difficult, but it is recommended to do it in seedlings. Leek seedlings are grown by early sowing at home, on the windowsill, then you will receive a harvest of valuable and vitamin-rich greens in early autumn. This onion should be sown for seedlings at the end of February, preferably immediately in separate cups.

If the seedlings are planned to be grown in a greenhouse, sowing is carried out in the first ten days of April. It should be noted that seeds can be sown in a ridge when the soil warms up to 2-5°C, otherwise sprouts will not appear. Leek seedlings do not tolerate frost and die.

When to plant leeks for seedlings?

When determining the time for sowing leeks, you need to take into account some nuances, as well as information from the lunar calendar for 2019.

  1. Germination. This is an important factor, since when sowing with dry, untreated seeds, the germination process increases. If the seeds are fresh, pre-soaked, the first sprouts appear after 7-10 days. In garden beds, germination sometimes takes up to a month, especially when the weather is cold.
  1. A variety of leek. According to the time of ripening, leek varieties are early, middle and late. Early varieties ripen 3-4 months after seed germination, so they are sown in April. These varieties are: Vesta, Kilima, Gulliver, Goliath, Columbus. Mid-season varieties of leeks are ready in 145-175 days. They are distinguished by higher stem quality and good keeping quality, but are less productive compared to early ripening varieties. These are Bastion, Elephant, Karatansky, Giraffe, Alligator, Kamus, Winner. These varieties are recommended to be sown from mid-March to early April. Late varieties - Autumn giant, Winter giant, Mercury, Akreok. The growing season of such leeks is about 6 months, so they need to be planted for seedlings from February in warm greenhouses or at the end of March in a ridge.

  1. Timing for transplanting seedlings. When determining the timing of sowing leeks, it is taken into account that early varieties are replanted when 55-60 days have passed from the moment the sprouts appear.
  2. Climatic features. In the southern regions, the weather allows for growing leek seedlings in greenhouses, and the warmth comes much earlier. Sowing work here begins in February.
  3. Moon calendar. It is most convenient to use the lunar calendar for 2019, which is oriented to your area. This greatly simplifies the task, since there is no need to calculate the phases of the moon. In February, sowing is carried out on the 17th-18th, 21st, 25th-26th. In March, leeks are sown for seedlings on the 5th-8th; also favorable days for sowing will be the period from the 18th to the 22nd and from the 24th to the 26th. In April, it is recommended to sow leek seeds 2-9, 11-15. If early varieties of leek are not intended to be stored in winter, you can sow seeds for seedlings on April 24-27.

Not many gardeners take on the task of growing a crop such as leeks. But there is no need to fear. This vegetable is not only tasty, but also very healthy, and it’s not cheap. And growing it is not as difficult as it seems at first glance.

Leeks are a biennial plant. During the first year, leaves and a long false bulb called the white stipe grow. It is this that is the most delicious and valuable part of the plant. Its taste is delicate and slightly spicy. Some varieties form a stem up to 50 centimeters in length and 8 centimeters in thickness. When planted in the second year, the plant blooms and produces seeds.

Leeks have a powerful root system. It is much more developed compared to onions, so it penetrates much deeper into the soil. In addition, the root is highly branched, which allows it to receive more nutrients and moisture from deeper layers of the soil.

The leaves of the plant grow from 80 to 90 centimeters. The base of the leaves turns into a bulbous stem from 10 to 50 centimeters long. They grow as long as the plant grows in the garden bed. The more leaves are formed, the thicker the stem will be, and therefore the higher the yield.

Favorable days for planting leeks

To get a good leek harvest It's better to grow it through seedlings. In order to decide how and when to plant leeks for seedlings in 2018 according to the lunar calendar, you first need to know what zodiac sign the moon is in, what phase it is in, and whether the day is favorable for sowing or replanting plants.

Taking into account all these subtleties, we can say with confidence that it is better to sow leeks for seedlings according to the lunar calendar in 2018:

On a note!

Very often, the opinions of gardeners about whether it is worth adhering to the lunar calendar are contradictory. Therefore, when planting, you need to take into account not only the phases of the moon, but also weather conditions, especially if sowing is carried out in open ground.

Growing methods

When growing leeks, there are two methods: seedlings and non-seedlings. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, the gardener himself decides which growing method is preferable for him.

Seedling method

The seedling method has many adherents, since along with the labor-intensive process of growing, there are undeniable advantages, namely:

  • saving seed material;
  • a significant advance in time, which means receiving products at an earlier date;
  • increase in productivity;
  • the ability to calculate the number of future adult plants;
  • the ability to grow varieties that, when sown in open ground (without seedlings) in a given climatic zone, do not ripen.

The disadvantages of this growing method include:

  • additional costs for growing seedlings;
  • the need to adhere to temperature and light conditions;
  • sowing of seeds is carried out immediately in separate cups or cells, since in most cases leeks are grown without picking, and this takes up additional area of ​​greenhouses or window sills;
  • less developed root system (compared to the seedless method).

Seedless method

Some gardeners prefer to grow onion fields using the seedless method. However, with this method It is not always possible to obtain a large, fully formed plant. Due to the slow development at the beginning of growth, the plant is not able to fully gain weight by the time it is dug out of the soil in the fall. An alternative is to sow plants at the end of August-September. Then the young seedlings will overwinter in the garden bed and continue to grow in the spring. In this case, a good harvest of leeks in open ground is guaranteed.

The advantages of growing leeks using the seedless method include:

  • less time and physical costs;
  • a more powerful root system capable of providing the plant with increased nutrition and moisture;
  • plants are more stress-resistant;
  • in regions with a warm climate, it allows it to fully develop and get a good harvest.

The disadvantages of this method include:

  • high dependence on weather conditions;
  • high consumption of seed material;
  • low yields in central Russia.

Growing and care

Soil preparation

The future planting site for leeks has been prepared since the fall. First of all, the bed is cleared of plant residues, rotted manure or compost, as well as mineral fertilizers are added. Then it is dug up to a depth of 25-30 cm.

Onions are very picky about soil. In heavy and alkalized areas, the plant will either die or produce a very meager harvest. Leeks prefer loose, light and moist soil with a neutral reaction. It is good if humus from acacia leaves or fruit trees is used in the soil. But it is better not to use oak and poplar leaves. In addition, fresh manure should not be used.

Growing seedlings

When growing leeks through seedlings, sowing is carried out from February to April, depending on the variety and location of cultivation. If it is a windowsill or a heated greenhouse, then sowing is carried out in February-March. If the shelter is temporary, then not earlier than April.

It should also be noted that leeks need at least 10 hours of daylight. Consequently, the earlier the planting is done, the longer it will take to add light to the young plants.

Leeks are sowed with pre-prepared seeds. They are planted in light, moist soil to a depth of 1.5 cm. It is better if planting is done in cells or cups. Then, when planted in the ground, the root system will remain as intact as possible and the plant will quickly take root.

After sowing the seeds, the temperature is maintained at 22-23 degrees. When the first shoots begin to appear, the temperature is reduced to 15 degrees during the day and 10 degrees at night for 7 days. After which the temperature is increased by 4-5 degrees and maintained until the seedlings are planted in a permanent place. At the same time, plants begin to receive additional light, providing them with 10-12 hours of daylight.

Maintaining temperature is a very important factor when growing leeks. After all, if the temperature is too high, the plants will form flower shoots and bloom in the first year of life, which means they will not produce a harvest.

During seedling growth, it is fed every 2 weeks until the time of planting in the garden.

Also one of the agronomic techniques is cutting the leaves of young seedlings to a level of 10 cm. This contributes to better development of the root system and thickening of the stem.

Before planting, the plants are hardened off for 1-2 weeks.

After 8 weeks from the time of germination, the seedlings are ready for planting in a permanent place.

Transplantation into the ground

Plants are planted on prepared ridges, one seedling per hole to a depth of 5-8 cm. Then the seedlings are sprinkled halfway and watered with warm water. The planting pattern is chosen to be two-row or multi-row.

With a two-row plant, 18-20 centimeters are maintained in a row, the distance between rows is 32-35 centimeters.

With multi-row - 10-15 centimeters are kept in a row, the distance between rows is 20-30 centimeters.

It is better to plant leeks on narrow ridges. If the row spacing is wide, then a good option would be to plant carrot or strawberry plants between the onions. They are excellent “neighbors” and help each other cope with pests.

Much lighter than leek. However, it is worth knowing that the gastronomic qualities and rich vitamin composition of leeks are significantly superior in their subtlety of taste (not spicy, but even slightly sweet) to their onion counterpart. However, even a novice summer resident can plant and grow leeks on his own plot, as you will definitely see after reading this material to the end.

How to plant leeks for seedlings: timing, preparatory measures and phased planting

In the south, due to the earlier warming of the earth and the long summer, leeks are planted with seeds directly into the ground; a seedless planting method is used, which is in no way suitable for the Middle Zone (the same Moscow region) due to the fact that in these latitudes return frosts are not uncommon and relatively late onset of consistently warm weather. Therefore, due to the fact that the growing season of leeks is very long (about 6 months), in this region it is better to grow leeks through seedlings.

Sowing time

As for the timing of planting, as a rule, leek seedlings begin to be planted around mid-February and until the first half of March. However, some varieties are best planted for seedlings at the end of March, for example, Carentan leek.

According to the lunar calendar

This can help you choose the optimal date for sowing leeks for seedlings or open ground. Moon calendar.

So favorable days for sowing leeks in 2019 according to the Lunar calendar are:

  • in January - 27-29;
  • in February – 6-8, 11-17, 23-26, 28;
  • in March – 10-12, 15-17, 23-25, 27-30;
  • in April – 2-9, 11-15, 24-27, 29, 30;
  • in May - 1-4, 12-14, 21-23;
  • in June - 9-11, 18-20;
  • in July - 25-31.

Unfavorable days according to the lunar calendar for 2019 The dates for sowing leeks for seedlings or open ground are as follows:

  • in January - 5, 6, 21;
  • in February - 4, 5, 19;
  • in March - 6, 7, 21;
  • in April - 5, 19;
  • in May - 5, 19;
  • in June - 3, 4, 17;
  • in July - 2, 3, 17.

According to the lunar calendar from the magazine “1000 tips for a summer resident.”

Required planting containers and soil

The choice of containers for sowing leeks for seedlings is not limited to purchased options; you can always make the planting containers yourself.

By the way! An excellent option would be to plant and grow leeks in peat tablets without picking.

In order for the leek to germinate successfully and quickly grow, it needs light and nutritious soil. Heavy (dense) or excessively clayey soil is not suitable for it.

You can buy ready-made soil for seedlings at a garden store, but ready-made soil mixtures for eggplants, peppers and cucumbers are great for this.

Recipe for making your own soil mixture for growing leek seedlings:

  • 1/4 peat;
  • 1/4 garden (vegetable) land;
  • 2/4 humus.

Before sowing, it is advisable to disinfect the prepared soil by spilling it with a warm solution of potassium permanganate, or even better.

Preparation and treatment of seeds before sowing

Before planting leek seeds, they must be processed for better germination, and it does not matter whether you plant the onions first as seedlings or directly in the ground.

Remember! The optimal shelf life and, as a result, germination of leek seeds is 3 years, after which the chances of successful germination of crops are significantly reduced.

There are different ways to prepare leek seeds before planting.

For example, you can simply soak the seeds in lukewarm water, let them sit for 24 hours, and then dry them.

Another treatment option would be to keep the planting material in a thermos at a water temperature of about 40 degrees for 3-5 hours. After which the seeds must be rinsed in cold water and dried.

You can pickle leek seeds in a special solution, for example.

Planting seeds for seedlings

Sowing leek seeds occurs in different ways depending on the size of the planting container: if it is a separate container, for example, cups, then it is better to place 1 seed in each (although, for better further selection, you can sow 3-4 to later leave only the strongest seedling).

So, step-by-step instructions for planting leeks for seedlings:

  1. Fill containers with moistened substrate.
  2. Make small grooves 1-1.5 cm deep.
  3. Sow the seeds at a distance of 4-5 centimeters from each other and lightly cover with soil.
  4. Then additionally sprinkle the entire surface with a 0.5 cm layer of sand and water.
  5. Now you can cover the crops with a lid or plastic wrap, or you can use the most ordinary shoe covers (to create a greenhouse effect) and put them in a warm place where the air temperature stays around + 21-25 degrees throughout the day.

Video: planting leeks for seedlings

You can sow leeks in snail or non-woven napkin. To see how to do this, see the following video:

Caring for leek seedlings after planting

As soon as friendly leek shoots appear, and this takes from 2 to 3 weeks, the planting containers must be moved to a cooler place. There temperature indoors at night it should be at +10-12 degrees, during the day - +15-17 degrees. In such conditions, the plantings should survive for 1 week. Then the temperature must be raised again to +13-15 degrees at night and +18-20 degrees during the day. It is in this mode that the seedlings need to be kept until they are finally transplanted into open ground.

Video: caring for leek seedlings

For normal growth, onion seedlings require 12 hour daylight hours. Therefore, when sowing early, you need to immediately think about how you will illuminate the leeks: it will be more expensive phytolamps or economical LED analogues.

Leeks need frequent and plentiful watering. The soil should not be allowed to dry out; leeks germinate well only in moist soil.

Important! Due to the fact that with The stems of young leek seedlings are very tender; you need to water them very carefully. That is why constant additional adding soil into seedlings, which ensures proper formation of the leek bulb.

After 1 month from the moment of formation of seedlings, they must be started thin out so that the distance between the seedlings is about 3-4 cm.

To successfully grow leek seedlings, it is necessary to ensure the development of its roots, as well as the thickening of the stem by pruning plants every 14 days, while maintaining the height of the onion at 10 cm from the ground.

Video: caring for leek seedlings - pruning (haircut)

For better growth, leek seedlings require fertilizer. So, it is advisable to spend exactly 2 feeding. The first - a couple of weeks after germination and the second - about a week before transplanting to the garden bed. Can be used as ready-made fertilizers (for example, Kemira-universal or Nitroammofoska).

Interesting! Bird droppings are what leeks need as fertilizer. To prepare such fertilizer, you need to dilute 0.5 kg of droppings in 10 liters of water, then water the plantings as carefully as possible, without getting on the seedlings themselves.

A week or a little more before planting leeks in the ground (that is, 7 weeks after the first shoots appear), seedlings require preliminary hardening. Therefore, gradually begin to take the planting containers with seedlings outside (preferably in partial shade), increasing the time they spend outdoors every day.


Note! Picking leek seedlings is not advisable, so plant the seeds immediately in spacious containers.

If you planted the leeks too densely, then the transplantation of young seedlings must be done very, very carefully, in no way damaging the small roots.

Method of planting leek seedlings in open ground: timing, rules and guidelines for further care

The appearance of 3-4 true leaves on leek seedlings is a signal to transplant the seedlings from planting containers into open ground. As a rule, this approximately occurs between 55 and 65 days from the moment of seedling formation, depending on the selected variety.

If you haven’t prepared the soil in the fall, then it’s okay, you can do it in the spring. Mark the bed in advance, dig up the soil and apply fertilizer.

Leeks do not favor and do not grow in acidic soils. Therefore, if you are not sure that you have chosen a soil that is neutral in acidity, then add, for example, ground limestone or dolomite flour to the garden bed.

Advice! Leeks grow very well next to beets, carrots, strawberries and celery, so they can be planted side by side, for example, alternating beds.

According to crop rotation, if you plant a leek in a bed where legumes (peas), as well as potatoes, tomatoes, cabbage or vegetables were previously grown, then it will grow well.

By the way! You should not plant onions in the same place more than once in 3 years.

Lightly (1/3 or 1/4) pinch the roots and tops of the leek seedlings before planting in the ground. Such shortening will have a positive effect on speedy rooting and on the further production of higher quality greens.

By the way! To improve the survival rate of seedlings, it is recommended to dip leek roots in a clay mash with mullein (1 to 1).

Leek seedlings are planted in small V-shaped grooves about 11-13 cm deep at a distance of 15-20 cm from each other and at a distance between rows of 35-45 cm. This planting pattern will be ideal for subsequent hilling of the beds.

You can plant leeks from separate containers and into individual holes.

Important! Before planting onions, do not forget to lightly sprinkle the grooves (furrows) with a mixture of humus and ash (1 bucket of humus per 0.5 liter jar of ash).

Video: planting leek seedlings in open ground

How to care for leeks in the garden after planting

Subsequent care for onions is not very complicated, but in order to get a rich harvest, you will have to strictly follow the basic procedures for growing leeks.

Leek care includes the following agrotechnical measures:

  • hilling;
  • loosening and weeding;
  • watering;
  • lure;
  • treatment against diseases and pests.

After the young seedlings take root and the stems reach a thickness of 0.5-0.7 cm (so to speak, they become like pencils), then you can begin to do light hilling, namely: gradually add earth under the stems. Real hilling can begin only 45-60 days after planting the seedlings.

Note! The most important part of leek care is hilling, because... it is this that leads to the bleaching of the lower parts of its stem.

If you ignore regular hilling(this must be done 4 to 5 times over the entire season), then you will grow a tasteless green “trunk.”

Water Leeks are needed often, about once every 4-6 days. Naturally, if the days are hot and the weather is dry, then it is necessary to increase the amount of watering. You can water with cold water, approximately at the rate of 1 bucket of water per 1 square meter. meter of bed.

Important! It is necessary to monitor soil moisture, because... Constant stagnation of moisture negatively affects the growth and development of onions, and can also contribute to its diseases. However, the same applies to moisture deficiency in plantings.

Leeks respond very well to feeding with chicken manure with the addition of phosphorus and potassium fertilizers. It must be diluted in the following proportion: 1 part litter and 20 parts water.

In addition to hilling, fertilizing and watering, leek care should definitely include regular loosening and weeding weed control plantings.

A non-seedling method for growing leeks

As mentioned earlier, the seedless method of growing leeks is only suitable for the southern regions.

With the onset of April-May, when the earth warms up sufficiently and consistently warm weather sets in, the time for sowing leek seeds in open ground is also approaching. This is explained by the fact that onion seedlings do not tolerate frost, although they are quite resistant to cold.

The main requirements for a bed for planting leek seeds in open ground are the following:

  • priming in no case should it be sour and heavy; leek grows well only on light and neutral soils;
  • place for a garden bed It is better to choose a site that is well lit and retains moisture.

Step-by-step instructions for planting leek seeds in open ground are as follows:

  • Treat the seeds (of course, you can use the same methods as when sowing seedlings)
  • Preparing the garden bed. First, dig up the soil to a depth of 20-25 cm (shovel bayonet), and then add the following fertilizers to it at the rate of 1 square meter. meter - urea or ammonium nitrate (15-20 grams), potassium salt or potassium sulfate (20-30 grams), (30-40 grams) + 4-5 kg ​​of good compost. Then dig again and tamp lightly.
  • Now you need to make grooves and sow seeds in them at a distance of 10 cm and sprinkle with soil.

Further care for leeks is fundamentally no different from caring for onions, which are grown through seedlings.

When to harvest and how to store

The harvest time for leeks is determined by its variety: certain varieties can be harvested already at the end of summer - August, others created for long-term storage - only in mid-autumn, that is, starting from October.

How to harvest leeks for storage? First you need to dig up the plant and then pull it out, holding the stem with both hands. Loose soil makes it easy to pull out the stems without resorting to the use of additional means. Now you need to cut the onion to 20-30 centimeters in length, while shortening the roots to 1.5-2.5 cm. Be careful not to cut off the roots completely, otherwise the leek will simply rot during storage.

The place to store leeks can be a basement or cellar, perhaps even a barn or garage. It is only important that the air temperature is at least 0 degrees.

Pearl onions, if the optimal storage temperature is observed, have every chance and opportunity to remain there until spring and not lose their beneficial properties.

By the way! Leeks have one very distinctive feature: their ascorbic acid levels increase by 150% during storage.

Video: growing, harvesting and storing leeks

As you already understand, growing strong and healthy leek seedlings and properly planting them in open ground is not difficult even for a novice vegetable grower and summer resident. You just need to properly care for the seedlings, and then you will be pleased with a fragrant and juicy harvest.

Video: leeks from A to Z - sowing, picking, planting, harvesting and storing the crop

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