Rules for granting annual paid leave. Teaching staff may go on long leave

1.1. This Regulation establishes the procedure and conditions for granting long leave for a period of up to one year to teaching staff in accordance with clause 5 of Art. 55, paragraph 5 of Art. 47 Federal Law "On education in Russian Federation" dated December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ.

1.2. Action of this Regulation applies to employees of [name educational institution].

1.3. Teaching staff educational institutions have the right to long leave for a period of up to one year (hereinafter referred to as long leave) at least every 10 years of continuous teaching work.

1.4. The experience of continuous teaching work, which gives the right to a long vacation, includes the time spent working in state, municipal educational institutions and non-state educational institutions that have state accreditation, in positions and on the conditions provided for in the annex to the Regulations on the procedure and conditions for granting long-term leave to teaching staff of educational institutions for a period of up to one year, approved. by order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation of December 7, 2000 N 3570.

2. Experience giving the right to long leave

2.1. The length of continuous teaching work that gives the right to long leave includes:

Actual time worked;

The time when a teacher did not actually work, but he retained his place of work (position) and wage in whole or in part (including the time of paid forced absence in case of improper dismissal or transfer to another job and subsequent reinstatement);

The time when the teacher passed industrial practice in paid teaching positions during the period of study in educational institutions of secondary and higher education vocational education, postgraduate and doctoral studies;

The time when the teaching worker did not actually work, but he retained his place of work (position), and he received state social insurance benefits, with the exception of the time when the teaching worker was on partially paid leave and received child care benefits until he reaches age one and a half years.

3. Procedure and conditions for granting long vacations

3.1. The basis for granting a long leave is a written application from the employee, which he submits to the administration of the educational institution no less than [period] before the start of the leave.

In the application, the employee indicates the duration, start date and end date of the required leave.

The administration of the educational institution is obliged to consider the received application and make a decision on granting leave within [period] from the date of receipt of the employee’s application.

By agreement of the parties, the time of going on vacation can be changed.

Long-term leave for the rector, director, head of an educational institution, head of an educational institution is formalized by order of the Ministry of Education of Russia.

3.2. The provision of long-term leave is formalized by order of the head of the educational institution.

3.3. While a teaching worker is on long-term leave, the head of the institution has the right to hire another specialist in his place by concluding a fixed-term employment contract with him.

3.4. When granting long leave, the following circumstances are taken into account:

The employee's health status;

Personal and family circumstances of the employee;

Opportunities of the educational institution;

The need to carry out the educational process.

3.5. If several applications for long-term leave are received, the educational institution draws up a schedule for granting long-term leaves. At the same time, no more than [number] of teaching staff of an educational institution may be on long-term leave. In the presence of labor resources The educational institution may determine a different quantitative composition.

3.6. The schedule of long-term vacations is agreed upon with the founder of the educational institution no later than [period] before its start.

3.7. The duration of leave, the procedure for recall from leave and termination of leave at will in each specific case is determined by agreement between the employee and the administration of the educational institution. If a worker wishes to interrupt a long vacation, he/she shall notify the administration of the educational institution by application no less than [period].

If his position is replaced by another employee hired on a temporary basis employment contract, the issue of terminating an employee’s long-term leave is resolved with the consent of the temporary employee to early dissolution fixed-term employment contract.

3.8. For a teaching worker who falls ill while on long-term leave, the long-term leave is subject to extension by the number of days of incapacity for work certified by a sick leave certificate, or, in agreement with the administration of the educational institution, is postponed to another period.

3.9. Long leave is not extended or postponed if the teaching employee was caring for a sick family member during the specified period of time.

4. Long-term vacation pay

4.1. Long leaves are provided without pay from the budgetary wage fund of the educational institution.

4.2. Long-term vacations are paid for from extra-budgetary funds of the educational institution, if available.

4.3. The decision to pay for vacation at the expense of extra-budgetary funds of the educational institution is made by [name of the governing body in accordance with the Charter of the institution], and in relation to the head of the educational institution - additionally in agreement with the founder.

4.4. The administration of an educational institution is given the right, if it has its own or borrowed funds, to provide teaching staff financial assistance when going on vacation.

5. Guarantees for teaching staff when on long-term leave

5.1. For a teaching worker who is on long-term leave, in in the prescribed manner the place of work (position) is retained.

5.2. A teaching worker on long-term leave retains his teaching load in accordance with the established procedure, provided that during this time the number of hours in the curriculum and programs or the number of educational groups (classes) has not decreased.

5.3. During a long vacation, the transfer of a teaching employee to another job, as well as his dismissal at the initiative of the administration, is not allowed, with the exception of the complete liquidation of the educational institution.

6. Final provisions

6.1. All disputes related to the procedure and conditions for granting long leave to teaching staff are considered in accordance with these Regulations in the labor dispute commission of the educational institution, as well as in court.

Commentary on Article 335

1. The procedure and conditions for granting long leave for a period of up to one year to teaching staff of educational institutions, the founder of which is the Ministry of Education of Russia or in respect of which the Ministry of Education of Russia exercises the powers of the founder, are determined by the Regulations “On the procedure and conditions for granting teaching staff of educational institutions long leave for a period of up to one year ", approved by Order of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated December 7, 2000 N 3570.

The provision of long-term leave to teaching staff of other educational institutions is determined by the decision of the founder of the educational institution and the charter of the institution.

2. Long leave is granted to a teaching employee upon his application and is formalized by order. Long-term leave for the rector, director, head of an educational institution, head of an educational institution is formalized by order of the Ministry of Education of Russia.

3. Long leave may be granted to a teaching staff at any time, provided that this does not adversely affect the activities of the educational institution.

4. The order and timing of long-term leave, its duration, addition to annual paid leave, the possibility of payment from extra-budgetary funds and other issues not provided for by the said Regulations are determined by the charter of the educational institution.

5. Long leave for a period of up to 1 year is provided subject to occupying a teaching position in the relevant educational institution and having continuous teaching experience. Within the meaning of Art. 335 of the Labor Code, the right to a long vacation is not related to the mandatory 10 years of continuous teaching experience. The law provides for the frequency of granting long leave, determining it no more than after 10 years of continuous teaching work. For the first time, such leave can be granted to an employee who does not have 10 years of continuous teaching experience. However, the Regulations approved by the Order of the Ministry of Education of Russia clearly focus on the presence of 10 years of experience as a prerequisite for the provision of such leave.

6. The experience of continuous teaching work, which gives the right to a long vacation, includes the time spent working in state, municipal educational institutions and non-state educational institutions that have state accreditation, in positions and under the conditions provided for in the List attached to the said Regulations. The list consists of two groups of positions.

The first group includes positions in which work is counted towards the length of continuous teaching activity, regardless of the volume of teaching work: professor, associate professor, senior teacher, teacher, assistant, teacher, teacher-defectologist, teacher-speech therapist, teacher-organizer (basics of life safety, pre-conscription training), teacher additional education, head of physical education, master of industrial training, senior trainer-teacher, trainer-teacher, accompanist, music director, educator.

The second group of positions, the time of work in which is counted towards the length of continuous teaching activity, provided that the teaching staff performs teaching work in each academic year in the positions indicated above (both with and without teaching full-time position) in the following volume: at least 150 hours - in institutions of higher professional education and corresponding additional professional education (advanced training) of specialists; at least 240 hours - in institutions of primary and secondary vocational education and relevant additional education; at least 6 hours a week - in general education and other educational institutions. The second group includes the following positions:

Rector, director, head of an educational institution, head of an educational institution;

Vice-rector, deputy director, deputy head of an educational institution, deputy head of an educational institution, whose activities are related to the educational process;

Director, head of a branch of an educational institution;

Head of a branch of an educational institution;

Head master;

Educational facility manager;

Dean, Deputy Dean of the Faculty;

Head, deputy head of the department, doctoral studies, postgraduate studies, department, sector;

Head, deputy head of an office, laboratory, department, educational and consulting center, speech therapy center, boarding school at a general education institution;

Scientific secretary of the academic council;

Head (manager) of production practice;



Senior methodologist;

Senior teacher;

Cool teacher;

Social teacher:

Educational psychologist;

Teacher-organizer, senior counselor;

Labor instructor;

Physical education instructor.

7. The length of continuous teaching experience is established in accordance with the entries in work book or on the basis of other duly executed documents. Issues regarding the calculation of continuous teaching experience are considered by the administration of the educational institution in agreement with the trade union body.

8. The length of continuous teaching work that gives the right to long leave includes:

Actual time worked;

The time when the teacher did not actually work, but he retained his place of work (position) and salary in full or in part (including the time of paid forced absence in the event of improper dismissal or transfer to another job and subsequent reinstatement);

The time when a teaching employee underwent practical training in paid teaching positions during the period of study in educational institutions of secondary and higher vocational education, graduate school and doctoral studies;

The time when the teaching worker did not actually work, but he retained his place of work (position), and he received state social insurance benefits, with the exception of the time when the teaching worker was on partially paid leave and received child care benefits until he reaches age one and a half years.

9. The said Regulations contain special cases of interruption of continuous teaching experience for the purpose of granting long leave.

10. For a teaching worker who falls ill while on long-term leave, the leave is extended by the number of days of incapacity certified by a sick leave certificate, or, by agreement with the administration, is postponed to another period. Long leave is not extended or postponed if the teaching employee was caring for a sick family member during the specified period.

How can an educational worker go on a long-term vacation? Is it possible to go on vacation if the school year has not yet completed? How to draw up and submit an application? All the details are in the material below.

Long leave of teaching staff

According to the Labor Code, employees of the educational sector have by default the right to extended rest. All the nuances of teaching work are highlighted in the law in Article No. 335. Various nuances of the work are taken into account, including the period worked, the period of practice and the replacement of other employees.

Who can count on a long vacation?

Employees of preschool and school institutions, as well as other educational institutions, have the right to paid extended rest for a period of forty-two calendar days.
Employees of primary, secondary and higher educational classes who teach students in workshops and other courses to improve professional skills through training are entitled to a 56-day vacation.

As well as support workers and psychological assistance at a school or other educational institution, and employees in a medical institution directed by her for training.
According to the law, employees, taking into account certain criteria, are entitled to receive leave for a period of up to 365 days, after each ten-year period of work.

Peculiarities of vacation for teaching staff

By definition, employees working in the educational sector have an advantage over other categories of workers. Their basic rest has been increased by 42 to 56 days during the calendar year. The duration is determined by the type of organization and the position held by the employee. This right is given due to the increased psycho-emotional stress that teachers experience during work.


Teachers – separate category employees whose vacations are extended by default, that is, it is longer than 28 calendar days initially. Pedagogical leave has a minimum and maximum duration, determined by Article 335 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Minimum length additional leave for a teacher is forty-two calendar days. Maximum – fifty-six calendar days. Once every ten years, an employee of the educational sector has the right to paid rest for up to one calendar year.

Can a teacher take a vacation during the school year?

The teacher has the right to take a long leave during school year, while this damage factor does not cause damage to the organization, and workplace and the number of hours is retained by the teacher. At the same time, referral to another place of work, position or layoff at the request of management is unacceptable. (exception is the closure of an educational institution).

How to arrange long leave for teaching staff up to 1 year?

To extend the basic vacation by adding an additional day to it, you need to send a request to the head of the institution. Experience is taken into account labor activity, period of downtime and work practice. After this, the manager issues an order assigning the employee time off for a period of up to one year.
Factors such as payment for rest, period, queue, etc. are determined in the labor charter of the organization or by local regulations.

Application for long leave - sample

The application for long-term leave has a sample established by GOST.
The act indicates the full name. head or substitute and full name of the institution. Personal data and position of the employee, based on the request for additional time off, the period, and the right to satisfy the application is ten years of work experience. Below is your full name. and the signature of the originator.

Teachers' leave can last up to a year, but the teacher's position remains with him. Read how to apply for a long teaching leave and whether you need to pay vacation pay in this case

Read our article:

Vacation of teaching staff in 2018: latest changes

Article 335 Labor Code The Russian Federation establishes the right for teachers to take long vacations. In 2018, the duration of such leave is 1 year. But to take it, the teacher must work in his specialty for 10 years.

As a personnel officer educational organization to prepare for

The procedure for granting additional leave to teaching staff was updated in 2016. Now it is regulated by Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated May 31, 2016 No. 644.

Additional leave for teaching staff

Personnel officers of educational institutions should pay close attention to the terminology and in no case confuse the concept of “long leave” and the concept of “”. After all, based on the specifics of teachers’ activities, they are entitled to both. But the rules for their provision, duration and frequency of provision are strikingly different.

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Additional leave for teachers is assigned in cases established by the code on a general basis (Article 116 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Annual paid extended leave (Article 334 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation) is provided annually, according to the vacation schedule approved for the current calendar year.

Its duration depends primarily on the position of the teacher and is regulated by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated May 14, 2015 No. 466 “On annual basic extended paid leave.”

The maximum duration of extended leave for teaching staff in 2018 is 56 k.d. For example, kindergarten teachers working with children with disabilities can count on this duration. disabilities. Whereas an ordinary teacher is entitled to only 42 k.d.

Read also:

Sabbatical leave for teachers: procedure for granting

The procedure given in the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated May 31, 2016 No. 644 describes not only the rules, but also the conditions for granting extended leave.

First of all, we note that not all teaching staff can apply for long-term leave, but only those named in section I of the nomenclature of positions (approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 08.08.2013 No. 678).

Read also:

This section includes all specialists directly responsible for the learning process itself. The management staff of an educational institution, as well as their deputies, cannot apply for a long rest.

The period of up to 1 year prescribed by law is the maximum; therefore, by agreement between the parties or by decision of the employee himself, this period can be reduced.

Before booking such a vacation, the employer should check availability.

When calculating, only periods of actual work as a teacher are taken into account. It is possible to add periods of work for different employers. In this case, the break between periods should not exceed 3 months. The length of service also includes periods when the employee did not work, but he retained his job.

Pedagogical experience is taken into account. The activity must be continuous, although periods of work for different employers, including private schools, may be cumulative. But a private educational institution must have state accreditation.

Read also:

How to arrange a long leave for a teacher

The procedure for registering for a long vacation is not much different from the regular one. Depending on the provisions of the collective agreement, such leave can either be reflected in the vacation schedule or provided upon application (this is the most frequently used option, and we will consider it further).

Step 1. Writing an application

First of all, the employee must write a corresponding statement addressed to the manager. It expresses not only the immediate desire to relax, but also the dates of such a vacation. It would not be amiss to provide a link to the article of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, giving him the right to rest.

The date of writing an application for long-term leave is not regulated by law. But since general rule Such a vacation is not paid, and there are no regulated deadlines for writing.

It is still more advisable to do this in advance. After all, the teacher is assigned a teaching load and it is incorrect to abandon students in the middle of the school year.

Step 2. Order for long leave

The order is issued in form T-6 (T-6a). Information about vacation is filled out in section “B”. In the line, we write the reason: “Long-term leave of teaching staff for 10 years of continuous teaching activity.” Section “A” remains blank. And it is filled in only in case of merger with the next one.

The number of days and dates are indicated as indicated in the employee’s application.

The order is signed by the head of the educational institution and the vacationer.

Duration of extended leave for teaching staff in 2018

Article 335 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation defines the maximum duration as 1 year. If the employee wishes, he can take fewer days; this must be stated in the application.

Teachers' vacation in 2018 in terms of the number of days does not differ from that in 2017. The possibility of dividing it into parts must be spelled out in the collective agreement, otherwise the employer is not obliged to comply.

Long rest for teachers, summer and winter holidays are one of the advantages of the teaching field. Employees of schools and other educational institutions have the right to issue it during other periods, but so that the teacher’s absence does not affect educational process, most workers choose vacation time for this purpose. A less intense summer schedule (and a different vacation period) allows teachers to go on an annual paid vacation without entrusting students to other specialists.

Labor Code of the Russian Federation Article 335 long leave of teaching staff up to 1 year

Art. 335 regulates a year's rest for teachers in each 10-year period continuous work. The registration procedure is determined by the local executive authority (Ministry of Education), while guaranteeing the employee:

  • safety of the teacher’s workplace after the expiration of the rest period;
  • the presence of the same hourly workload for the teacher (in the absence of innovations at the legislative level);
  • fulfillment of labor obligations in the same territory and in the same institution (transfer of an employee is possible only with his consent or upon liquidation of the company);
  • adding to the annual period the number of days in the presence of sick leave (for being on sick leave), or days of rest are transferred to the nearest future;
  • provision of a year's vacation when caring for a sick family member by an employee (the rest period does not increase or decrease).

How many days of vacation do teachers have?

In 334 art. The Labor Code of the Russian Federation specifies the amount of possible rest for educators and teachers - 42-56 days; the specific number of days is determined at each enterprise individually, depending on many factors (type of educational institution, position). School teachers usually rest for 56 days, educators - 42.

Submission procedure

There are several features of granting long leave to teaching staff that have a legislative basis:

  • A teacher, counselor, teacher, head nurse, director and their deputies of educational institutions and schools, primary and secondary vocational education, teaching staff of universities and some other educational institutions are entitled to a 56-day vacation.
  • Head, deputy, teacher, music director and some other members of the staff of the preschool educational institution and other organizations preschool education- 42 days.
  • If the position contains the words “senior” and “chief”, the employee is also provided with the right to extended vacations.

Minimum volume in one educational institution for a teacher – 150 working hours. If the output is smaller, then the employee pedagogical organization is not entitled to extended vacations and is assigned a 28-day vacation. Full list workers who have the opportunity to apply for long-term leave are regulated by RF resolutions No. 724 and No. 1052.

Regulations on long-term leave of teaching staff

The procedure for calculating vacation days is regulated and establishes the following:

  • Long vacations for up to 12 months are provided to employees of educational institutions controlled by the Ministry of Education.
  • Art. 55 provides for at least one long rest every 10 years of teaching employment (not necessarily at one place of work, including work in other pedagogical state institutions).
  • The length of service of a teacher is determined by analyzing entries in the work book or if other documentation is available.
  • The calculation of teaching experience is carried out by the directorate and the trade union body and includes: the actual period worked; the period when in fact the employee did not work, but he had a position; time for advanced training or training.
  • Long-term leave can be granted at any time by agreement with management. Extrabudgetary payments are made in accordance with the organization's charter.
  • Leave is granted to a teaching employee when correct design documentation for this: application, order. For senior employees (managers), leave is issued by the Ministry of Education.

Sabbatical leave for teachers - procedure for granting

To avoid legal violations, sending an employee on long leave is treated with special care. The registration procedure is as follows:

  1. The basis for granting long leave is.
  2. The organization to which the employee is subordinate draws up an administrative act.
  3. The personnel and accounting department, the trade union fund and, in some cases, the Ministry of Education, calculate and approve a teacher’s 10 years of experience. If he was employed in one place, there should be no problems. If a teaching employee has undergone training over the past 10 years and has changed several jobs, then to document the length of service, you will need several extracts, which may already be in his file at his last place of work.
  4. Accruals to the teaching staff are made on the basis of a collective agreement, at the expense of funds received from the main field of activity of the organization.
  5. The dispatch of a teacher or educator is approved - .


Approval of any pedagogical decisions of each organization is made using an order. The basis for considering the issue of vacation for a teacher, educator or other person is his handwritten application.

The application of a teaching employee is considered in accordance with the regulations of the enterprise and the statutory rules adopted therein. If the institution does not incur significant losses when sending an employee on long leave, then the issue is considered by the head, a specialist in the HR and accounting departments, and a decision is made in the form of an order.