Project of a wooden house with a flat roof. Houses with a flat roof - design features, best projects and ideas (75 photos)

Buildings with flat roof they look original and are practical, especially in the cold season. All the pros and cons this option. One-story, two-story, wooden houses in high-tech and minimalist style. We'll look at everything in more detail later in the article.

Advantages and disadvantages

The main advantages of this design are the following factors:

  • efficiencytriangular roof the area is much larger; its construction requires more materials;
  • time– the construction of a flat roof requires less time, which is very valuable when building houses, especially if they are built from scratch;
  • safety for construction workers– it is difficult to fall from a flat surface, they will not have to provide themselves with insurance, build protective structures, requiring time, money;
  • ease of use– if you find a hole or need a routine inspection or repair, it will be easy for you to climb in for inspection;
  • practicality– many exploit the entire flat surface, make it into a flower greenhouse, a greenhouse, and use it for installing equipment.

Designers classify such designs as minimalism, which are still in fashion, so your living space will be in trend.

Among the disadvantages are:

  • impossibility of rolling snow in winter;
  • the creation of special gutters and their regular cleaning are required;
  • To prevent water from stagnating, you will have to install humidity control systems.

Those who were not afraid of the design flaws tried to install it for themselves and were not disappointed. Any building requires care and maintenance, so the need to remove water and snow is not terrible.

How to make a flat roof on a square house?

When planning the construction of a structure for a square building, you need to immediately decide what type it will be. The complexity of the work done will depend on this. Choose one of the options:

  • not in use;
  • exploited.

It is easier to make a flat roof that is not in use, if you want to reduce costs, it is better to choose this option. To do this you will need to install beams on the walls. frame house so that the distance between them is from 50 cm to 1 m. Construction pins are used to fix them.

After fixing the beams, sheathing of boards is performed. Typically, those with a width of at least 3 cm are used. They need to be laid tightly so that holes do not form; defects at the beginning of work will make the entire structure fragile.

Install on the finished sheathing waterproofing membrane, fixing the material with either construction tape or glue. Then thermal insulation and waterproofing are formed. This short description technology that allows you to make a flat roof of a square structure.

The main difference in the construction of a roof structure that is not in use and one that is in use is that in the first, the waterproofing is located above the thermal insulation, and in the second, vice versa.


After determining what the structure will be, whether non-operational or exploitable, a plan or project is drawn up. The main goal of this stage is to calculate the loads that will be exerted on the building. On the basis obtained, you can calculate the amount of materials required.

If you do not have experience in constructing roofs, it is better not to create the project yourself. This task should fall on the shoulders of professionals who can take into account all the nuances. Many construction companies offer developed programs that allow you to select a project to suit your needs. ready house or completely new, when built from scratch.

The given diagram of how a flat roof is made is difficult to implement for a person who does not have the skills, so it is recommended to contact one of the available companies. Their work on creating the project will include:

  • drawing up a sketch of the entire building;
  • calculation of load-bearing structures - specialists calculate the number of beams, the distance between them, and other special sheathing structures;
  • creating a plan-scheme.

The final plan is an important part of the design. When creating it, all the nuances and additional elements of the roof are taken into account. Consider the location and quality of the following parts:

  • junction nodes;
  • cornice (to protect walls from flowing water);
  • funnels for collecting water;
  • aerators – for removing water vapor;
  • lightning outlet;
  • drainage

Single storey

This option is suitable for big family. The one-story building looks compact, there is no extra rooms, most of them relate to minimalism. A flat roof that also goes with this style would be suitable.

A triangular roof gives a one-story building volume and visually enlarges it, which often looks ridiculous. Flat - on the contrary, it emphasizes the neatness of the building. Among the large number of one-story building projects offered by many companies, country house options are also in demand.

If country cottage area small, you have to save space without cluttering it with unnecessary building elements. Many people decide to use the option with a usable roof for their dacha, placing a terrace, flowers, even a greenhouse on it. Because of small size one-story house the roof can be strengthened so much that furniture can easily be installed on it: tables, chairs, sofas, cabinets.


If you want to install a pool on a one-story building, you need to discuss this in advance, when you start designing. In such cases, particularly powerful reinforcement and a special waterproofing system are required.

Double decker

Such options are suitable for large families, so that everyone feels comfortable, it is important for them to have their own space. It is better to build a two-story one than a long one-story one. This saves materials, money, and costs.

As a rule, in a large family there are great needs; everyone requires their own conditions for comfort. Some people want to enjoy relaxing in the pool, some want to plant their favorite plants, and some want to have breakfast and dinner while enjoying the view of the sunset. A two-story building with a flat roof will provide the opportunity to implement any ideas.

If the weight allows, the foundation and wall structure are strong, you can organize an entire beach on the roof. To make it comfortable in the heat, canopies are made around the pool to create shade. You can also use plants for this purpose; many prefer decorative ones.

Another popular option for using a large roof of a two-story structure is arranging a sports ground. Not every sport is suitable for playing at altitude, but for most it is possible. Many people install a tennis court, but it needs a sufficient area, otherwise you will have to run far for the ball.

Roof-mounted exercise equipment is especially in demand. Treadmills, orbitreks, other fitness devices that are under open airgood opportunity play sports on outdoors. However, given that they run on electricity, a cover must be installed to protect them during rain.

If you plan to use the roof for active rest, you need to take care of safety by installing sides.

High tech

The high-tech style has been relevant for several years now. Its connoisseurs prefer to adhere to the desired design not only when decorating rooms inside, but exterior finishing building. The main features of the style are smooth surfaces and textured finishes.

High-tech elements are not suitable for creating a cozy, homely, modest environment; if you prefer old-fashioned home design options, it is better to avoid this. Initially, the style was used only for offices and was classified as official. Decades after its invention, it began to be used for residential premises, and there were immediately many fans of such rigor and minimalism.

High-tech is focused on demonstrating existing equipment, so modern exercise equipment and other equipment on the roof will look appropriate. This is not a modest style, so it is more often used for large two-story houses. If it is used to decorate a one-story building, it should look large.

Another high-tech feature is a lot of artificial lighting. Both small decorative lanterns and large main light sources can be installed on the roof. In order to strictly follow the rules of style, lamps must have a characteristic geometric shape.

The walls and roof are usually plain, but the colors should be bright and harmoniously combined with each other. Suitable shades are beige, light gray, and metallic. Suitable for harmony with them dark colors. If they have walls, then the roof should be dark blue, gray, burgundy, emerald, and other bright colors.

This will be interesting to you:

Habitual hip roofs forming an attic or attic, to a certain extent limit the spatial possibilities country house. Initially they tried to solve this problem using attic floors, and over time, waterproofing technologies made it possible for houses with a flat roof to appear, and most developers now have a catalog of projects for such structures. Of course, they are somewhat unusual for our traditions, but interesting from an architectural and practical point of view.

Carefully thought out flat roof design

Advantages and disadvantages of a flat roof

It is clear that a well-equipped flat area at the top of the building can be used as a recreation area, Gym, an original living room - its purpose completely depends on the imagination and interests of the owners. But first of all, the roof of the house is the guarantor of the reliability, waterproofness and durability of the entire building. Therefore, a roof without slopes, like everything new, raises many questions, the main one among them: what is good about such a design and what may be wrong with it.

Arguments for horizontal roofing

  • The flat roof attracts with its simplicity and time of installation. Roofing layers are applied to concrete plates, based on Wall panels. There is no need to create a sheathing, use timber, boards, or other lumber; the surface is installed in one plane, without scaffolding or insurance. This saves time, finances, and resources.
  • The horizontal plane design is reliable, durable, and does not require annual maintenance. Subject to technology and consistency construction work, proper arrangement of drainage of melt and rainwater, a long service life is guaranteed.
  • High thermal insulation capacity of all roofing options.

A well-made roof allows you to even build a lawn on it.

  • Saving materials, working time, and money costs by reducing area.
  • Ease of installation and service various equipment(air conditioners, ventilation, antennas, solar panels);
  • Attractive design facade of a house with a flat roof, clarity and completeness of lines.
  • The ability to use the additionally created area at your own discretion - recreation, sports, hobbies, entertainment.
In general, the design of a house with a flat roof fits well into the surrounding nature, and practical attitude to the additional space created on the roof, improves the quality of living and leisure activities.

Cons of a flat roof

Main and significant drawback horizontal design there is a danger of leakage. The snow that has accumulated over the winter melts and seeps through the smallest cracks, gradually expanding them, moistening the walls of the house. This is a common occurrence with roofs that are installed incorrectly. This drawback will not appear if all the work was carried out using technology, but whether this will be possible will not be known immediately.

The second most important disadvantage of a flat roof is the guaranteed accumulation of snow on it, which will have to be cleaned manually if you plan to go “out into the open sky” in winter.

Video description

What you should think about before creating a flat roof - in the video:

As a result, you can only trust the construction of a house with a flat roof to a developer who provides a guarantee for the work performed, plus, you must be prepared for snow removal work.

Main types of flat roofs

The unusual configuration of a flat roof is not only functional and beautiful, but also diverse. Without going into details, initially they are divided into two large groups- exploited and unexploited. Each of them, in turn, is structurally performed using traditional (classical) or inversion technologies.

Separation by method of use

Exploited. They are used by the owners of the house as additional space in the house. To do this, it is important that the surface is strong, even and smooth. A slight slope of up to 5°, necessary for water drainage, does not interfere with free movement and is practically not felt. In most cases, a house with a serviceable roof is preferable due to its additional features.

Part of the flat roof can be transparent

Unexploited. Structurally simpler, since there is no need for a rigid base for waterproofing and rigid insulation. To maintain the roof, ladders and walkways are placed on it so as not to create an uneven load. This type of flat roof is cheaper to construct, but because of this, the estimated service life is shorter than a more complex flat roof in use.

Design differences

Any flat roof is a kind of “pie” in which hydro-, thermal- and vapor barriers alternate. In some versions, layers are also added to increase the overall strength of the coating.

Classic (traditional) flat roofing is also known as “soft”. Its peculiarity is the location of the waterproofing layer, which is placed outside. The softness of this coating is due to the bitumen-containing component of the waterproofing.

The disadvantage of this solution is that upper layer constantly exposed to solar UV rays and temperature changes.

Their influence is especially destructive with the onset of frost, when at night the temperature may already be below zero, but during the day the air still warms up well. As a result, waterproofing deteriorates over time and moisture from rain and melting snow gets onto concrete base and through the cracks in the joints of the slabs into the building.

Pie classic flat roof

The roof is inverted or lightweight, designed taking into account sad experience use of classical. It has a significantly longer service life due to the inversion (turning over) of the arrangement of the “pie” layers, which eliminates rapid failure waterproofing coating. Here, the concrete base is initially waterproofed, then there is a layer of durable hydrophobic (not wetted by water) insulation, on which there is already a “working” coating on which you can walk. Gravel, crushed stone or paving stones are often used as the latter. The quality of the inversion roof insulation allows you to even build on it grass lawn or lay paving slabs.

Inversion roof pie

The beginning of everything is a project

Having decided to build a house with a flat roof, first of all you need to decide on the purpose of the roof - whether you need it to be used or not. There will be a serious difference in cost between them, because the first option provides for a reinforced foundation and load-bearing walls taking into account weight reinforced concrete floors(especially for two-story house).

The main purpose of drawing up a project is precisely to plan all the loads that the building will experience in order to determine the amount of materials that will be used for its construction. In addition, design helps to draw up a clear and understandable plan for the proposed work. Specialized programs are used to draw up the project, so it is strongly not recommended to take on this work yourself without having the necessary skills.

Moreover, you should not rely on your own strength if you want to get a house with a complex shape.

The main design stages are as follows:

  • Drawing up a general sketch of the building. When the developer knows the linear parameters of the object being built and what materials it is planned to be built from, designers can already calculate the weight of the building, and therefore calculate the load on the foundation. In addition, the known shape of the structure makes it possible to calculate wind and snow loads, which are added to the weight of the house.
  • Calculation of load-bearing structures. Here the number of beams to create the sheathing, their cross-section and length are calculated.
  • Creation of a plan diagram. On it, in addition to the main walls, all additional elements of the future structure are drawn and their location is indicated.

Video description

Review of the project of a house with a flat roof from the architect on video:

Houses with a flat roof can be designed in almost any style, but the most functional and appropriate design is the high-tech style. This could be a small cubic house designed for a married couple or a large modern cottage with terraces on the ground and on the roof.

In addition to the adapted architectural and construction project, it is advisable to order a working plan, taking into account the characteristics of the house, in relation to the construction volumes. Thus, the total cost of the future home is determined.

The roof plan indicates the slopes and location additional elements

What the plan should consider

Despite its apparent simplicity, a flat roof consists of a fairly large number of different elements and each of them has certain nuances in selection and installation.

  • Junction nodes. These are all the intersections of horizontal and vertical planes– external sides, chimney walls, ventilation terminals and so on. The design of the junction units must ensure complete tightness of the connection, therefore it is carried out strictly according to the technology prescribed for the materials used.

Sealing of junction points

  • Cornice. It is needed to protect the walls and blind areas of the building from water leakage from the roof, and simply gives the building an architecturally finished look. Depending on the climatic features region, the width of the cornice can be 0.5-1 meter.

The eaves extend to the required distance

  • Drainage funnels. They are installed to remove water that collects from the entire surface of the roof in its lowest areas. Approximate quantity funnels - one piece for every 0.75 m² of roof surface area.

Funnels for collecting water

  • Aerators and weather vanes. The purpose of these elements is to remove water vapor that forms inside the coating cake.

Wind vane on a flat roof

  • Lightning rod. It is made in the form of a horizontal mesh or vertical lightning rods.

Horizontal and vertical lightning rod on a flat roof

  • Drainage Regulates the flow of water from the roof. It can be external or internal - the first option is cheaper and easier to operate.

It is best to drain drainage through drainage system

We must always remember that the coordinated interaction of all components ensures only the use of suitable materials and strict adherence to construction technology.

Examples of projects

When choosing a project for a future house, it is useful to pay attention not only to its architecture and dimensions, but also to the nature of the roof, the material of the floors, the structure of the roof and the possibility of using it as an addition to the total area of ​​the house.

Video description

Some examples of projects in the video:

Two-story house in Hi-Tech style

High-tech modern house project with flat roof With warm walls from aerated concrete and ceramic blocks. Two-story, medium size (up to 150 m²), designed for arranging a used flat roof.

The stepped configuration made it possible to divide the upper space, where one part of the roof is used to house process equipment.

The design of the facade is interesting, combining smooth walls and textured finishes.

Project appearance

Layout of rooms on the first and second floor


A small family with an average income can comfortably accommodate in a modern one-story compact house, the roof of which serves as an addition to the total area. Panoramic windows, big kitchen, the orientation of living quarters to the south, southwest maintains the warmth and comfort of the house.

The slight slope of the roof ensures the drainage of rain and melt water and does not interfere with safe movement on the roof. The estimated area of ​​86 m² is increased due to the exploitable roof. Monolithic flooring and PVC roof membrane guarantee a long service life of the house. The flat roof emphasizes the volume of the room and gives the entire structure a modern look.

Photo of the project of a modern house with a flat roof

Room layout

A house for a large family corresponds to the ideas of modern construction. Good thermal and waterproofing of the roof allows you to equip extra seats for relaxation or training. Walls made of aerated concrete and monolithic floors keep rooms warm.

Despite the large area of ​​the building (more than 300 m²), thanks to the flat roof it looks light and neat

On our website you can get acquainted with the most popular projects two-story houses from construction companies, presented at the exhibition of Low-Rise Country houses.

Cubic house

A square house with a flat roof in the cubist style for a family with two children looks stylish due to the absence of a high hip roof.

A neat, voluminous, two-story house with corner glazing stands firmly on the site, attracting attention. The house is interesting from all sides, while the roof serves as its continuation, emphasizing the cubic architectural style. It is proposed to build such a house from sandwich panels, which provide sufficient thermal insulation and structural strength.

Cubic two-story house

Wooden two-story house

Not everyone prefers to use exclusively modern materials, preferring time-tested classics. A wooden house with a flat roof is not easy correct solution From the point of view of environmental friendliness of the building, it is also simply a very beautiful design.

Extraordinarily beautiful wooden house with modern layout

Any housewife will be happy with such a kitchen.

As a result, when should you choose a house with a flat roof?

All projects of houses with a flat roof are examples of beauty, conciseness and effective use spaces of modern buildings. If these aspects are important first, then such houses will be the right choice. The main thing during their construction is to choose a developer who will strictly adhere to the technology prescribed by the project.

The flat roof is used today in the construction of a modern house. Most often, this option is chosen by wealthy people who always keep up with the times. Exists a large number of original projects houses with a flat roof that are multifunctional and comfortable to live in.

Wooden house projects

Project No1

The area of ​​this structure will be 113 m2. Its dimensions are 14x10 m. This cottage, which has 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms. Aerated concrete was used in the construction of the walls. The base can be strip or prefabricated reinforced concrete. PVC membrane is used for roofing. But this will help you understand what the foundation for a one-story house made of expanded clay concrete blocks looks like, and how its construction takes place.

Project wooden house with flat roof 113 m2

Project No2

The area of ​​this house is 69 m2. It will be an excellent solution for a family of 4 people. You can live in it year-round or seasonally. The first level contains a guest room with a fireplace. The entrance area is designed in the form of a small covered terrace.

With flat roof 69 m2

On the ground floor there is also a kitchen-dining room and one bedroom. And on the second floor there is only one bedroom. Here's what it looks like and how the foundation for an extension is made wooden house, you can find out from this

Project No3

What types of foundations exist for a private two-story house can be seen in the photo

Brick houses

Project No1

This project involves the construction of a modern, elegant house. Its feature is the guest room, which is concentrated on the front side. The exterior of the building is incredibly luxurious as it attracts attention with its architectural windows. They look harmonious with the overall ensemble. The terraces of the first and second levels are brought to the frontal plane.

Brick house with a flat roof 125 m2

The day area is very bright and spacious. It includes a living room, dining room and kitchen. U interior wall The living room has a built-in fireplace. Thanks to him, the room is filled with warmth and comfort. The first floor also includes a bathroom and a separate bedroom. But on the second floor there are 3 bedrooms. There is a garage that can accommodate one car. The total area of ​​the house is 125 m2, and the living area is 105 m2. For this type of house, a foundation is needed, but the video will help you understand how to calculate the foundation for a house made of timber

Project No2

This project assumes the presence of a modern functional home. Its feature is large area glazing of the living room. Due to the laconic façade with vertical windows From the ground, the house acquires refined lines.

Brick house with a flat roof 113 m2 with glazing

All rooms are designed on the same level. The day and night areas are clearly divided. The guest room is visually combined with the terrace and has a smooth transition to the dining room and partially closed kitchen. The fireplace has corner location, thanks to which the flame from it is visible from any corner of the room. To the left of the entrance there are 3 bedrooms that form the night area.

Project No3

The total area of ​​the brick house is 132 m2, and the living area is 105 m2. There is a garage with an area of ​​26 m2. The building looks dynamic due to the play of contrasts. To decorate the building, dark wood panels were used, which stand out against the background of milky plaster.

Flat roof 132 m2 with garage

The garage is combined with the house, and the space of the latter is clearly divided into day and night zones. Since the roof is flat, it can be used as open terrace. It is perfect for barbecue.

The guest room, dining room and kitchen form one room, which is visually separated thanks to the terrace. The day area is quite spacious, since there is no partition between the kitchen and dining room. The fireplace located near the inner wall also adds to the cozy atmosphere. There is a spacious utility room near the garage. On the second floor there are 3 bedrooms and a shared bathroom.

Houses made of foam blocks

Project No1

The total area of ​​the house is 181 m2, and the living area is 139 m2. This house is modern and comfortable. It is equipped with a garage that can accommodate 2 cars. A special feature of the project is the presence of a magnificent terrace on the second level. The house is presented in a cubic shape, so it seems as if it consists of separate blocks. Their independence is highlighted by color design. Despite this, overall design it still looks restrained and harmonious.

House made of foam blocks with a flat roof 181 m2 with a garage

The day zone is concentrated on the first level. All the rooms required for living with access to the terrace are concentrated here. This includes 3 bedrooms, a spacious bathroom and a compact utility room. A feature of the project remains the spacious terrace. It is located above the garage. This will be a great place for the whole family to relax.

Project No2

The total area of ​​this building is 167 m2, and the living area is 119 m2. The project is the construction of an elegant and modern house with a flat roof. The facade has an original façade with vertical panoramic windows and light color scheme. Thus, the house acquires a special lightness.

With panoramic windows

All necessary premises located on the first floor. The house is divided into a sleeping area and a day area. The living room has access to the terrace. But the night room contains 3 bedrooms.

Project No3

The total area of ​​the house is 164 m2, and the living area is 129 m2. It has a modern, sleek design and cozy interior. Done. For exterior finishing White, gray and warm ocher were used at home. Thus, the building acquires an unusual and stylish appearance.

In cubic form

The peculiarity of such a house is that the entrance and exit are decorated with an arcade in the form of a frame. The project also has a swimming pool, which will be an excellent place for swimming and relaxing for the whole family. The spacious living room is divided into a relaxation area and a dining area. It is also equipped with a fireplace. Since the windows go all the way to the floor, the house is filled with daylight. This will save energy costs.

The night area consists of 3 rooms, one of which leads onto the terrace and the proposed pool. The utility room is located behind the garage. The garage can accommodate 2 cars.

Square houses

Project No1

The living area of ​​this house is 31 m2. Its dimensions are 7x7 m. It is quite compact, but at the same time comfortable house. It can be used for both year-round and temporary residence.

House with a flat roof 31 m2 square shape

Cellular concrete was used to build the house. Metal or ceramic tiles are used for roofing.

Project No2

Area of ​​this square house is 35 m2. This is a cozy guest house with a spacious terrace, made in classic style with modern finishing elements. And although the building area is small, it is perfect for permanent residence.

With a square terrace

Thanks to the presence of a covered terrace, you can enjoy nature in any weather. Such a house is very convenient in terms of construction and operation. It contains all the necessary premises for a full-fledged stay. Thanks to wooden elements facade decoration, the design acquires home comfort.

Project No3

This house was built in a traditional style. Its area is 36 m2. There is a garage and utility room. Cellular concrete is used for the construction of walls. To arrange the roof they will use ceramic tiles and metal tiles.

With a square garage

Narrow and rectangular houses

Project No1

The area of ​​such a house is 112 m2. This is a two-story structure that should be erected in a narrow area. Since the house has an elongated shape, there are no windows on one of the side flowers. It can be placed on a site with a width of 12 m. Since the layout is carefully thought out, all rooms are spacious and comfortable, despite the shape of the house. Almost completely absent internal bearing structures, thanks to which you can make additions to the layout.

Narrow rectangular shape

The open type of kitchen allows you to visually increase the space of the living area, although it is possible to separate it using wall partitions. Concentrating all utility rooms nearby allows you to make them practical and versatile. There is the possibility of remodeling to create space for a compact pantry. In the sleeping area, one of the bedrooms has access to a balcony.

Project No2

This is another project of a rectangular house, which can be located in a narrow area. The construction area will be 103 m2. Used to build the house ceramic blocks, and the roof is made of PVC membrane.

Size 103 m2

The project involves the construction of a two-story structure. It has unique design who attracts the attention of others. The façade is finished in 3 colors. For this, wood, gray and white plaster are used. You can add lightness to your home with glass railings.

All zones are clearly divided by floor. The first is a day zone, and the second is a night zone. The presence of large sliding doors in the living room glass doors allows you to saturate it with light. They are the ones that lead to the terrace.

High-tech style

Project No1

This project involves the construction of a two-story house with a flat roof, made in high-tech style. His total area reaches 162 m2, and residential – 82 m2. The house has 3 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms.

Two-storey house with a flat roof 162 m2 in high-tech style

When constructing walls, cellular concrete or ceramic blocks are used. Solid type ceiling. PVC membrane is used for roofing. The foundation has the form of a monolithic strip.

Project No2

This modern design in high-tech style. Has two floors and a sauna. Its total area is 313 m2, and its living area is 256 m2. The house has 4 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms. A special feature of the project is the presence of a garage that can accommodate 2 cars.

Flat roof 313 m2 in high-tech style with sauna

Cellular aerated concrete is used for the construction of the house. The roof is made with using PVC membranes. The base is a one-piece strip.

Project No3

It's beautiful and modern cottage, made in high-tech style. Its total area is 223 m2, and its living area is 105 m2. There are 4 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms. The project also provides for a garage that can accommodate one car.

Two-storey house 223 m2 in high-tech style with a garage

The walls were built from cellular concrete, and the roof is made of PVC membrane. The base is presented in the form of a strip monolithic prefabricated structure.

Pros and cons of flat roofs

For flat roofing structure characterized by the following advantages:

  1. It has a smaller area than a pitched one, which makes it possible to save on materials and construction work.
  2. It is much easier and faster to erect a flat roof, which cannot be said about a pitched roof. This is due to the fact that all materials for the structure are located right next to the worker.
  3. The use of a flat roof allows you to obtain auxiliary usable area, which can be used to relax on fresh air, playing sports.

The flat roof structure also has a number of disadvantages:

  • due to heavy snowfalls, a lot of snow accumulates on such a roof, which, when melted, leads to leaks;
  • sometimes it is necessary to use internal drains; there is a risk of clogging or freezing of the drain;
  • Constant snow removal is required.

The video shows the pros and cons of flat roofs:

The type and shape of the roof always depended on the region and the natural and climatic conditions that existed in it. In northern lands with a lot of rain in summer and snow in winter, they were historically used different types pitched roofs. This has a completely rational justification - this way precipitation rolls down faster, and the roof is more likely not to leak.

In some places, a dome acted as an alternative to a pitched roof. As an example, we can name such a traditional type of residential building for some peoples as the yurt.

Dome, like pitched roof, is quite effective in removing snow and water. In addition, it copes well with wind loads - which is a serious threat to the well-known sloping roof with large overhangs.

But the hot southern regions could afford to make a very slight slope for water drainage. For example, in ancient Greece it was common one-story houses with a flat roof that has a slight slope, with an open courtyard and a pool into which the water flowed.

However, this is all about the past. Modern construction technologies allow us to do what was previously considered irrational and even impossible. And flat roofs gradually penetrated into all regions, increasingly displacing other options. Take a look at any Big City. And in Lately and in private houses, flat roofing is gradually replacing the traditional pitched roof.

Advantages of a flat roof

This trend is explained by a number of significant advantages that this particular type of roofing has. Firstly, it is structurally simpler. That is, its construction requires less time and materials. It's easier to insulate it. This leads to a reduction in construction time and significant cost savings. It is not surprising that in conditions market economy It is this type of roof that is most widespread.

And secondly, a flat roof is a potential opportunity to increase the usable area that you can use. After all, such a roof can be made exploitable - which is what we see in numerous projects modern houses with a flat roof.

And this idea is from beautiful projects has long since begun to migrate into reality. This is not an architectural utopia, but something that you can implement in your own if you wish. two-story house with a flat roof.

Disadvantages of a flat roof of a house

Of course, the widespread introduction of this type of roofing also has great amount opponents who claim significant shortcomings of this solution.

For example, it is often said that flat roofs still leak too often.

And the absence of the usual overhangs for a pitched roof makes the facades of the building more vulnerable, which are not protected in any way from the destructive influence of moisture and, as a result, quickly lose their appearance.

They mention an even greater snow load, which leads to the need to manually clean the roofs. But let's look at each of these disadvantages in a little more detail.

Frequent leaks: who is to blame and what to do

Unfortunately, this is a reality - a huge number of modern apartment buildings with a flat roof regularly need repairs. And residents of their upper floors often suffer from water flowing along the walls and ceiling.

However, it is not the type of roofing itself that is to blame. Remember to panel houses after all, other claims are often made. Poor sound insulation, freezing walls in some places... The thing is that during the construction of most of the modern housing stock, they relied not on quality, but on speed and quantity. And it was right - the housing crisis was very acute, it had to be solved somehow.

But yes, as a result, residents of such houses now have problems. Including with leaking roof. But not because this type of roof is, in principle, unable to withstand the destructive effects of moisture. But because its installation requires professionalism, a careful approach and quality materials.

However, for those so common in panel residential buildings There is another reason for problems with leaks. This is a failure to comply with what are called “operating rules.”

There are different types of flat roofing. For example, one on which you can walk, even plant grass there, organize recreation areas, parks, and swimming pools on it.

If you start studying fashionable designs of houses with a flat roof, you will often find all this there. But standard construction involves a different type of construction. One that you basically can’t walk on.

However, it is not always possible to fulfill this condition in practice. The roofs are cleared of snow, communications are installed on them - and so on. And all of these actions potentially lead to future leaks.

Thus, if you entrust the installation of a flat roof to professionals in your private home and comply with all operating conditions, the roof will not disappoint you.

The destructive influence of moisture: how to save facades

So, critics of flat roofs say that the lack of large overhangs characteristic of traditional pitched roof leads to rapid destruction of facades. And, in general, it’s hard to argue - water can even affect mountain slopes, let alone brickwork.

However, do overhangs really protect facades from moisture that well? Imagine slanting streams of rain falling onto the surface of a wall at an angle. The roof overhangs take on some of it, that's true.

But in fact, they really only cover a small strip of the facade from above. The larger the protruding part of the roof, the larger this space will be. But its size cannot be increased indefinitely.

Thus, to protect facades, you need not some special type of roofing, but modern construction technologies. For example, frame house with a flat roof, lined with porcelain tiles or siding, will be extremely resistant to external influences.

Snow loads

This factor can be very significant in some regions. The snow layer has a large weight, which additionally loads the ceiling. And if it fails, the consequences will be very dire.

However, according to the rules, the design features of a flat roof are calculated taking into account the possible snow load. Thus, if no fatal errors were made during design and construction, snow will not affect the house in any way, no matter what kind of roof it has.

Aesthetic options

Sometimes you can hear that rectangular boxes with a flat roof are uninteresting and ugly. Of course, those who say this have never seen modern houses with a flat roof even in the photo, not to mention personal acquaintance.

It is no coincidence that this architectural solution is now at the peak of popularity. Styles such as hi-tech, minimalism, and modernism invariably give preference to roofs with a slight slope. Because this allows you to create a more complex planning structure, embody previously impossible ideas, and create expressive and unusual compositions. Such architecture can look very impressive and original.

Photos of houses with a flat roof

Not as popular as pitched ones.

Most often, their rarity is associated with the climate in middle lane: accumulation of snow on the roof, formation of puddles during rains.

But the simplicity of constructing such structures and ensuring the decorative appearance of the building can serve good help when deciding on the choice of roofing structure.

Moreover, on such a roof it is possible to arrange additional areas, which, especially in the summer, will good place for relaxation and pastime.

Like any constructive solution building elements, straight structures can have positive sides and disadvantages. If there are roof features, it is important to identify those aspects that will influence the decision to design just such a roof.

The advantages of a flat roof are:

  • First of all, such a roof performs quite effectively functions of protecting the building from external influences;
  • does not require much effort or expense(material, physical) for its construction;
  • long service life. The flat system does not require expensive maintenance when correct installation all main and additional roofing elements;
  • possibility of installation on the roof additional amenities, right up to the swimming pool and garden area and sauna;
  • good thermal insulation properties.

Negative factors for arranging a house with a flat roof include:

  • Accumulation of snow or rain puddles on the surface;
  • there is a risk of freezing or clogging of the internal drain;
  • required mechanical cleaning outer layer from snow and leaves;
  • inability to use sheet or piece types;
  • no way to check status roofing pie(in particular insulation) However, drainage and ventilation duct systems are much easier to check.

Lack of attic floor if available flat design roofing can be an advantage or disadvantage depending on preference.

Southern house with flat roof

Types of flat roofing

Despite the fact that the design of a flat roof is quite simple and does not require special skills to design it, these roofs have variations. They are classified depending on their additional purpose and technical features.

Types of flat systems include:

  • Exploited. The main requirement for this option is the rigidity of the base at which an important condition is to maintain the integrity of the waterproofing layer. The base can be made of concrete screed or . The requirements include the strength of the material and its resistance to static and dynamic loads. The most common outer covering for a flat design is paving slabs , which is installed on additional stands or sand cushions;
  • unexploited. Considering that a roof of this type is designed to perform exclusively the functions of protecting the building from external factors, then there are no special requirements for the rigidity of the insulating layer or the strength of the base. The installation of such a roof is much simpler than the structure in use.;
  • classic. When settling in classic type A vapor barrier layer is laid on the base in order to protect the insulation (mineral wool or polystyrene foam) from moisture. Waterproofing is provided with bituminous materials;
  • inversion. Structure roofing provides for the location of the waterproofing layer below under the insulation, which prevents the accumulation of moisture in the insulation. At the same time, temperature changes that destroy waterproofing under the insulation are minimal.

In order to design a house with a flat roof, you need to think about the covering option in advance.

Photos of modern one-story projects country houses with flat roof below:

Frame house with an exploitable roof

High-tech style house

Two-story unused house

Modular house with unused roof

Inversion roof

Country house with an inversion roof

Where to start designing

The purpose of designing any roof is making the right choice and quantity calculation necessary materials , as well as in a clear expression of what load all elements involved in the structure will bear.

A project is a plan. The project plan should reflect each stage of work.

It is most convenient to carry out the project in special program , which will help not only to display the future structure, but also to help calculate the dimensions of materials and their load.

Design is carried out step by step:

  • A sketch of the roof is being made. At this stage the color is approved, geometric shape future roof, with indicators of roof dimensions, the load of materials is calculated taking into account regional atmospheric influences. It should be remembered that snow loads on a flat roof are more significant than on pitched structures;
  • calculations are made of the cross-section of beams and lengths of boards rafter system . It is very important to correctly determine the pitch of the sheathing, since it is truss structure withstands the entire load;
  • a schematic drawing of the roof is being made. At this stage, the location of all additional elements of the roof structure is taken into account.

After completing the roof drawing, we begin to draw up an estimate.- costs of materials, structural elements and tools (if necessary) required for full implementation flat roof installation works.

Don't get carried away decorative features of these elements, the most important thing is to pay attention to their functional features.

Roof project

Two-story project

Lightweight flat roof

The flat, lightweight design system is installed in regions with minimum quantity atmospheric precipitation.

The construction of a lightweight roof is very similar to the construction of a classic flat roof structure.

However, there is some features of its construction:

  • At the installation stage of the support beams, it should be taken into account that they will support the entire structure. They must be secured with through anchors. The cross-section must be calculated taking into account the maximum snow load;
  • the sheathing laid on the beams must be continuous, without gaps, thickness more than 2.5 cm;
  • waterproofing laid on the sheathing is overlapped, which is hot-fastened. The edges of the film should extend beyond the roof line;
  • Solid insulation without gaps is laid on the waterproofing layer. The joints are sealed with polyurethane foam;
  • Further lay down OSB boards or waterproof plywood board.

This is what a lightweight system pie looks like. All layers are fastened with anchors and covered outer layer waterproofing.

Lightweight roof

Operable flat roof

Flat roof that performs additional functions, in addition to protecting the building from cold, wind, snow and rain.

The main advantage of such a roof is the ability to arrange free space at your discretion: install a recreation area, terrace, court, bathhouse and even a swimming pool.

Such roofs are ideal for both a summer house and a cottage.

To ensure that the necessary buildings on the roof are securely equipped, it is necessary to take care, first of all, about the strength of the foundation.

  • thermal insulation;
  • Flat usable roof

    Flat roof terrace

    Green roof


    So there are several options. Special attention When erecting a direct structure, attention should be paid to ensuring ventilation and creating conditions in the structure to prevent moisture from entering.

    The originality of a straight roof may lie in the arrangement on it additional space for recreation, and this option should be considered during the process of creating the project. If everything is calculated correctly and high-quality materials are used, this design will be in no way inferior to pitched options.

    Useful video

    In this video you will see one of the projects of a house with a flat roof:

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