Spicy plants on an alpine hill. What perennial flowers to plant on an alpine hill

Currently, the Alpine slide has become a widespread element garden design. Indeed, a rock garden is a very attractive piece of garden decoration, which can become the central element of the composition of the entire site.

Alpine slide.

Currently, the Alpine slide has become a widespread element garden design. Really, rock garden a very attractive garden decoration object that can become the central element of the composition of the entire site.

The slide should be harmoniously combined with other elements of the garden and with the overall style.

Properly creating a rock garden is quite a serious task. The task is greatly simplified if the terrain of the site is uneven and it is possible to use a natural slope. But more often the areas are flat and in this case the appearance of a hill on the plane should be somehow justified. For example, a slide can prop up quite gracefully internal corner fence or decorate the roof of a wine cellar. A good combination of rock garden and pond. In this case, the soil removed when digging a pond is used.

The list of plants for a pond is quite large. These are miniature dwarf forms coniferous trees and shrubs and small-sized decorative leaves and beautiful flowering shrubs, and numerous species of herbaceous perennials, especially groundcover species. You can also use numerous small bulbs.

Plants are planted between the stones in groups, taking into account their growth. Bulbous plants provide early spring flowering of the rocky garden.

The stones are used from a homogeneous material. Smooth boulders are more suitable for rock gardens on a flat surface, blocks with sharp protrusions are more suitable for a high hill, and layered ones stone slabs- for creating retaining walls and rocky terraces. The empty space between stones and plants can be decorated with crushed stone or gravel. Sometimes decorative colored filling is used for these purposes. In this case, the color of the materials used should be combined with the color of the stones and plants.


At the heart of creation beautiful garden skillfully developed design and competent layout. One of the elements of garden design is the mixborder. Mixborders are flower beds in which shrubs, roses, perennials and annuals are grown together. This is a favorite modern element decorative design, which allows you to preserve the beauty and attractiveness of the garden for as long as possible. Mixborders allow you to fully appreciate the wealth flora(various shapes of leaves, the widest range of colors of flowers, bark and leaves, the beauty of autumn foliage and berries, an abundance of shapes and outlines).

Traditionally mixborders had rectangular shape and were located along walls or fences, while modern ones have a wide variety of shapes.

A border is a decorative border between different areas of the garden. These border borders can be used as screens to disguise an unsightly view, create a secluded area or separate one area of ​​the garden from another.

A single flower bed is a free-standing border that is surrounded by lawn or hard surface. Such plantings are visible from all sides and there is no vertical background behind them. Such mixborders can be different shapes from arbitrary to strictly geometric in the garden of a regular style. The choice of specific plants of different species and varieties depends on this. And of course this choice depends on the lighting conditions and soil. Different types plants require certain conditions, so it's worth thinking about which ones are right for you.

A well-planned mixborder can make you happy all year round With early spring until late autumn. It’s not difficult to create a mixborder with spring and summer decorativeness, however, achieving attractiveness in late fall and winter is not an easy task and requires gardener experience. Creating a flowerbed that at any moment looks like it is at an exhibition is an impossible task, but you can always do something worthwhile thanks to the right choice plants.

A good border can be compared to a painting that has a thoughtful composition and was made by an experienced master.

Fragrant garden

Spicy herbs have long been used for cooking and medicinal purposes, and now they are also used in decorative plantings. Typically, herbs are set aside as part of a large plot, laid out in a regular or symmetrical style, or grown in raised beds and containers.

If spices are constantly used for food, they should be placed near the kitchen. Almost all herbs are perennials. They are eaten in small quantities, which makes them a good permanent element of the composition. The choice of traditionally cultivated spice plants is extremely wide, and among them there are many species that, although not strictly used in modern kitchen, differ beautiful leaves, flowers or pleasant aroma. Plants can be planted in groups, depending on their growth rate and size. Some plants, especially long-lived perennials or shrubs such as rosemary, thyme and sage, fit nicely into a mixed border, where they can play a mixed role, providing both decorative and culinary value.

Spicy herbs are used for food; potions, elixirs, and balms were prepared from them. Most fragrant herbs grow, leaving no chance for weeds to survive. When compiling a garden of aromas, you should focus on life cycle spicy herbs. For example, annuals include basil, coriander, marjoram, and dill. There are biennials: such as parsley, caraway, angelica. Perennial herbs include mint, lemon balm, fennel, tarragon, etc. Evergreen shrubs and subshrubs, such as rosemary, sage, lavender, and St. John's wort, grow year after year. Spicy plants can be divided into groups with various applications. For example, medicinal properties possesses mint, St. John's wort, chamomile. valerian, echinacea, sage. Herbs that increase appetite include basil, thyme, anise, rosemary, parsley, coriander.

The so-called “tea herbs” are known: lemon balm, oregano, mint. By regularly harvesting and trimming bushes, you will stimulate the formation of young shoots. One of the main rules for creating a scent garden is moderation. It’s not just the layout or materials used that are important here, but the nuances and harmony of the scents of the plants you choose.

Landscape design can transform any area. Modern designers When offering their ideas, they often focus on the presence of herbs in their designs. In fact, herbs in the garden will not only make it look spectacular - they are also a source of vitamin supplements. And thanks to their exquisite aromas, they can have a direct impact on human health and mood.

Rules for planting herbs

There are many options landscape design, which include spicy aromatic plants. It is worth noting that herbs for the garden are good for their unpretentiousness. They do not require any special care and can fit perfectly into any landscape ensemble. Therefore, the planting scheme for herbs may be different.

Beds with herbs

The shapes of the beds on which herbs will grow vary. Even a simple rectangular bed or bed of herbs in the country, properly laid out and decorated, will add color to the area. Many professional landscape designers offer complex circuits planting a herb garden consisting of triangles combined into squares. For example, nasturtium is planted in the center, and around it, clockwise, combinations of the following herbs are placed:

1-2: dill and lemon balm;
3-4: lovage and parsley;
5-6: hyssop and tarragon;
7-8: lovage and canoufer.
However, an ordinary gardener can achieve an excellent effect if he knows how to beautifully plant herbs and greens. All you have to do here is follow certain rules placing herbs on the site.

Read more about how to grow herbs in the garden
The main feature of herbs is their versatility. They are ideal for any landscape design. You can decorate a garden of herbs and a decorative vegetable garden, you can decorate flower beds with exquisite flowers with these plants, you can combine herbs with shrubs. It is best to plant herbs close to home, and you need to start by choosing a place for spicy and aromatic plants. After all, it’s one thing to break up a flower border, another to break up a flower bed, and another to place herbs in pots. So it’s first worth developing a clear scheme, taking into account the characteristics of the herbs themselves and their features. You also need to know which herbs grow in partial shade and which require sun.

Herb garden

When drawing up a plan for your landscape design, you should consider the following components:

The shape of the future plot or herb garden;
A set of the herbs themselves (according to their names);
The number of units that will be placed on the site;
Layout of the shape of beds and flower beds of herbs.
It is also necessary to take into account the fact that aromatic plants can be found not only in beds, but also in special containers. Therefore, if you decide to place some herbs in pots, then you need to take care in advance about choosing such pots and pots.

How to plant herbs on the plot
If you are going to combine decor and benefits, then it is best to choose those herbs that are served as spices and herbs at the table. In this case, aromatic herbs can be planted in beds arranged on an artificial hill. This simple method allows the spring soil to warm up better, which means that herbs can be sowed earlier - accordingly, greens will appear on the table faster.

Another way to rationally place herbs is the stepped principle, especially if the house is located on a hill and you have to go down to the site. Here the stone or wood for the steps and the materials that you choose to decorate the beds themselves can be ideally combined. But, since among aromatic herbs there are also spicy plants, shadow lovers in the garden, this feature must be taken into account - after all, the slopes are usually under direct exposure to sunlight.

Do not forget that herbs in landscape design should be located depending on their height and how their shades will be combined with environment. For example, oregano or spearmint will look impressive against the background of clumps of thyme. The same mint, rosemary and parsley, planted in containers, are suitable for placement on an area paved with brick or paving stones.

When developing landscape design options, keep in mind that herbs can grow on their own (for example, as a corner in a certain part of the garden) and be evenly integrated into overall design. An alpine hill made of herbs always looks elegant, the layout of which should be clear and well thought out. Typically this is a combination of a small earthen mound, large stones, cobblestones and vegetation. When laying stones, leave free in advance those areas where you plan to plant herbs. The basic rule is a careless asymmetrical arrangement of stones and plants, otherwise the natural beauty of the structure will be disturbed. When building your alpine hill from herbs, you can plant plants directly in the soil or in pots. In the latter case, the free space around the pot is filled with gravel or small stones.

Features of herbs
The choice of herbs can be anything. However, not everyone can immediately name at least a dozen spicy aromatic herbs, which can be found in a well-kept and professionally considered garden. Some novice designers are so carried away by the ideas of designing the site that only at the last minute they remember what kind of grass they would like to see. But there are many such herbs, we can list only a few:

Benefits and features of growing tarragon.
It grows well on slopes and rocky soil. Prefers to be in the sun, so your small herb garden can safely include this aromatic plant. Flowering: August-September; Basil. This is an annual plant, so it will have to be sown annually. The distance between basil bushes should not be less than 30 cm. Basil according to color scheme combines with garden chamomile and petunia. Flowering: August;

It can often be found among garden herbs. Also an annual plant, however, when planted in a pot, it can grow for two years in a row. Flowering: July-August; Mint. Everyone knows perennial, exists in several varieties. Capable of gracefully highlighting the aromas of certain garden flowers. Flowering: July-September; Rosemary. A rather whimsical plant that does not like drafts and can wither in the wind. Bushes have to be trimmed periodically. Flowering: May-September;

Looks great on a hill for herbs in the country, and also as borders. This plant is often planted in decorative pots. Flowering: June-August; Catnip. Its second name is catnip. The plant is known for its beautiful flowers, and can bloom in several shades. It is often planted with onions, creating a beautiful ensemble. Flowering: June-August;

A perennial plant that does not tolerate frost, which does not allow it to grow for a long time in middle and northern latitudes. Rue will look great on a hill for growing herbs, since in nature it usually grows in rocky areas. Flowering: June-August;

It is also called sweet anise. This plant loves the sun and, thanks to its thin “web” leaves, can resemble dill in appearance. Fennel can be safely included in the herb bed scheme. Flowering: July-August;

Perilla bush.
Ideal for bright design flower beds and flower beds of herbs thanks to dark leaves accented with purple and blue. Sets off bright greens and rich white colors of flowers. Perilla is planted both as borders and as a component of complex color compositions. Flowering: July-August.

Other aromatic plants
Of course, this is not the entire list of spicy and aromatic plants; you can plant many others in your garden, no less beautiful and fragrant. In order for such herbs to feel comfortable on your site, you must first study what a particular plant prefers. Some herbs grow in the shade, others in the sun; some prefer pebbles, while others require fertilized soil. So be attentive to their requirements if you want to create a luxurious landscape design.

There are several varieties of alpine slide. The hill on which plants of the Onion family are planted is called “allarium” ( onion slide).

1 - chives (skoroda);

2 - anzur (bows - giant, high, aflatun, stalked, highland);

3 - oblique bow (Allium obliquum);

4 - blue onions (can be replaced with dark purple, blue-blue, branched onions);

5 - wild garlic (bear or victory bows);

6 - Karatav onion (Allium karataviense);

7 - slime bow (Allium nutans);

8 - Pskem onion (Allium pskemense);

9 - Ostrovsky bow (Alliumostrowskianum);

10 - thyme (= thyme,Thymus).

For a rock garden, choose an open, sunny area of ​​the garden, preferably near buildings, near a fence. The slide in the middle of a spacious lawn looks quite ridiculous. A path should lead to the hill, preferably made of uneven, angular slabs.

Firstly, ridding the site of the future slide from perennial weeds. They even grow from tiny pieces of root or rhizome deep in the soil. Herbicides will not help in this case. You have to dig up the soil several times and select these pieces by hand.

At the base of the slide lay a drainage layer. It could be gravel, expanded clay, broken brick. The drainage layer is about 25-30 cm. Pour onto it layer of sand, then - the ground, compacting it every 5-10 cm.

Earth no need to fertilize, because mountain plants are accustomed to poor soil (in general, it all depends on what kind of plants you plan to plant: some need to add peat, some need lime, some need sand).

Stones and pebbles They don’t just lay them on the ground, but bury them to half their volume, otherwise they will slide out of place after the first rain or will look unnatural. Since you need to stand on rocks when planting and weeding, some of them need to be large, flat and stable. They are not laid completely horizontally, but with a slight slope towards the center of the hill. Plants are planted only after a year: the earth must settle and the stones must settle.

Most decorative onions are mountain plants. This means that they belong in the rock garden. Moreover, they are all edible. The most famous is chives with small purple hemispherical inflorescences and thin tubular leaves. Its wild relative is often found in meadows in middle lane Russia. Slime onion, a Central Asian species, is perhaps the most delicious. Its flat, belt-shaped leaves are very juicy and sweetish. The peduncle, at first drooping, straightens out by the time the flowers open. In the soil of the slime there is not a bulb, but a thick rhizome.

Victory bows (left) and bear bows, as well as a slime bow:

Ramson is the common name for two types: the European bear onion and the Asian victory onion. Bear's onion is an ephemeroid: it will bloom, the leaves will fade, and it is not visible in the summer. The victory onion grows later in the spring than the bear onion, its leaves are coarser. Blooms in summer, the inflorescence is denser and spherical.

Several types of mountain Asian onions, anzurs, with large purple balls of inflorescences on a high (one meter or more) peduncle are very decorative. Unfortunately, during flowering the leaves look untidy: they turn yellow and curl. Of these onions, the most common onion in gardens is the giant onion (Allium giganteum).

The Karatav onion is original: squat, with wide flat leaves and an openwork large pinkish ball of inflorescence.

The tender leaves of blue onion are pleasant to the taste (Allium caeruleum). They are triangular in cross section. Blue onion, like its relatives blue onion (Allium caesium), - a native of the mountains Southern Europe and Western Asia. Both species are easily propagated by baby bulbs.

Pskem onion, whose homeland is the Tien Shan and Pamirs, has swollen arrow stalks and tubular leaves that are colored bluish. The flowers are white, like those of a close relative - onions.

The leaves of the onion are flat, bluish-green, rising along the stem almost to the inflorescence. The flowers are yellow, with protruding stamens, making the inflorescences appear fluffy.

Oblique bow:

Reproduces very quickly long pointed bow (Allium longicuspis), or wild garlic, it can clog any mound, but it is tasty, just like soon. The plant overwinters with green leaves, so the harvest can be harvested in early April.

Bows (from left to right) long-pointed, dark purple, blue:

Good on the hill, purely decorative low-growing species onion with large flowers in a loose inflorescence-umbrella: yellow - in the onion Molya (Allium moly), bright pink - Luka Ostrovsky.

The bulbs are planted in the soil starting at the end of September. Planted at a depth equal to height of three bulbs

Since almost all onions are “vertical” plants, for contrast they place low creeping plants. This could be, for example, thyme or creeping thyme. In the wild, thyme is found on dry hillsides, in the steppes, and on the edges of pine forests. There are many types of thyme in nature, all of them are decorative, fragrant and so similar that it is difficult for a non-specialist to distinguish them.

IN last years Many forms of thyme have been obtained not only with green, but also with yellow, variegated leaves. Thyme blooms for a long time, from June to the end of summer, and sometimes blooms a second time. The flowers are pink, purple, and white.

Thyme is the main plant and spicy slides.

The most popular medicinal and spicy plant is oregano.

The most famous herb is mint. Mint and oregano can grow in one place for many years, but they like to “spread”.

The annual plant basil is popular as a spice. Its varieties with purple leaves are especially impressive. Seedlings are planted on permanent place when the threat of frost has passed. Basil loves fertile soil.

In the picture of a “spicy” alpine hill:
1 - hyssop;
2 - sage;
3 - oregano;
4 - monarda;
5 - nasturtium;
6 - thyme;
7 - basil.

Build a “spicy” alpine hill in your garden and get “two in one”: both beauty and benefit!

Types of fragrant edible plants for “spicy” slides

Many herb plants look great and grow successfully next to rock garden stones.

The “champion” for spreading among stones is thyme, or creeping thyme. Thyme is the main plant for the “spicy” slide.
In the wild, thyme grows on dry hillsides, in the steppes, and on the edges of pine forests. There are many types of thyme found in nature; they are all decorative, fragrant and very similar in appearance.
Breeders have obtained many aromatic forms of thyme, not only with green, but also with yellow and variegated leaves.
Thyme blooms for a long time - from June to the end of summer; sometimes it blooms a second time. Thyme flowers are pink, purple, and white.
Thyme is used as a seasoning meat dishes, in sauces, and also add leaves and flowers to tea.
Thyme has many uses in medicine. Thyme is especially popular as a cough remedy.

The most popular medicinal and spicy plant suitable for alpine gardening is oregano. Essential oil oregano flavors soaps, creams, and shampoos.
Oregano leaves and flowers are also used in medicine and in cooking (added to stews, gravies and sauces). Oregano sprigs are added when pickling cucumbers and mushrooms.

The most famous herb is mint. And this plant is also added to pickles and marinades, to various herbal teas and medicinal mixtures. Menthol, which is part of mint, is the basis of many medicines.
Like oregano, mint is indispensable in cosmetics and perfumery, where it is mainly a cultivated species (unknown in wildlife) - peppermint.
But wild types of mint are also decorative and very useful: for example, field mint, long-leaved mint, round-leaved mint, and swamp mint (flea mint).

Mint and oregano can grow in one place of the allium for many years, but they like to “spread” to the sides. Therefore, it will be necessary to periodically limit their growth.

Basil is not only beautiful, but also popular as a spice in cuisines. different nations. This one has a very fragrant annual plant Especially spectacular are varieties with purple leaves of different shades.
Basil seedlings are planted in a permanent location when the threat of frost has passed. But keep in mind that basil loves fertile soil. Therefore, on a hill for basil, a planting “pocket” with loose, nutritious soil is made among the stones.

Hyssop has been known since ancient times as a spicy and medicinal plant. ABOUT healing properties Hyssop was mentioned by Avicenna in the “Canon of Medical Science”. This semi-shrub, undemanding to growing conditions, pleases with its blue, pink, white fragrant flowers until frost. You just need to cut off the flowering branches in time to give the opportunity to grow new, lateral ones. This makes the hyssop bush thicker.
Fresh or dry hyssop herb is used in a mixture with other spices and for aromatic tea, and in cooking (in salads and soups, as a seasoning for meat dishes).
Hyssop can grow in one place for five to six years. Hyssop is propagated by seeds and by dividing the bush.

Salvia officinalis is grown in the middle zone as a 2-3-year-old crop; it is a heat-loving subshrub. Perennial sage can be rejuvenated by completely cutting off the branches.
Very aromatic, with a bitter-spicy taste, sage leaves are used in cooking as an additive to meat and poultry dishes. The famous Christmas turkey is always seasoned with sage.

Monarda has long settled in gardens as ornamental plant, but as a spice in Russia it is almost unknown.
The types of monarda (double and fistula monarda) differ little in appearance. In both species, the flowers are located on the stem in whorls of several “floors”, and the leaves resemble the leaves of field mint.
Monarda blooms almost all summer. Its leaves are also used as a seasoning for meat and added to tea.
Monarda is propagated by seeds (it is better to grow seedlings) or by dividing the bush.

Nasturtium is loved by many gardeners as a long-flowering plant. beautiful plant. But so far, not many gardeners use nasturtium as a spice; they grow it only for decorative purposes.
But in the homeland of nasturtium, in South America, the local population has long been eating the sharp-tasting, fragrant leaves, flowers, and unripe fruits of nasturtium, adding this wonderful plant to meat and vegetable dishes, pickles and marinades, and sauces.

Series "Spice herbs"


Set of seeds low-growing perennials 9 herbs

This set is specially created to make it convenient for you to plant and grow your favorite greens beautifully and usefully.

The set includes low-growing, perennial spicy-flavoring herbs specially selected for alpine hills, borders, rocky gardens, rock formations, balcony boxes or flower pots.

Included for you inside the package are: detailed descriptions properties of each of the components of the set, their use in perfumery, home pharmacy and cooking.

Chives (Allium schoenoprasumh) - perennial herbaceous plant family Onion.

Bear onion (ramson, chanceles, wild onion) (Allium ursinum L.) is a perennial herbaceous plant of the Allium family.

St. John's wort (Hypericum perforatum L.) is a perennial herbaceous plant of the St. John's wort family.

Narrow-leaved lavender (Lavandula angustifolia Mill.) is a perennial, standardless, highly branched, evergreen subshrub of the Lamiaceae family.

Peppermint (Mentha piperita L) is a perennial herbaceous plant of the Lamiaceae family.

Common thyme (Thymus vulgaris L.) is a small perennial subshrub of the Lamiaceae family.

Perennial mountain winter savory (Satureja montana L.) is a strongly branched subshrub of the Lamiaceae family.

Common or garden parsley (Petroselmum crispum) - biennial plant Celery family.

Broadleaf sorrel (Rumex acetosa) is a perennial herbaceous plant of the buckwheat family.

An alpine hill planted with erect decorative onions (I already told you about mine earlier) is often supplemented with low-growing creeping herbs.
Or you can build just a “spicy” hill in the garden.

Let's look at some types and seasoning herbs that can be used to plant a “spicy” rock garden.

Types of fragrant edible plants for “spicy” slides

Many herb plants look great and grow successfully next to rock garden stones.

“Champion” for crawling among stones - thyme, or . Thyme is the main plant for the “spicy” slide.
In the wild, thyme grows on dry hillsides, in the steppes, and on the edges of pine forests. There are many types of thyme found in nature; they are all decorative, fragrant and very similar in appearance.
Breeders have obtained many aromatic forms of thyme, not only with green, but also with yellow and variegated leaves.
Thyme blooms for a long time - from June to the end of summer; sometimes it blooms a second time. Thyme flowers are pink, purple, and white.
Thyme is used as a seasoning for meat dishes, in sauces, and the leaves and flowers are also added to tea.
Thyme has many uses in medicine. Thyme is especially popular as a cough remedy.

The most popular medicinal and spicy plant, suitable for alpine hills, is oregano. Oregano essential oil is used to flavor soaps, creams, and shampoos.
Oregano leaves and flowers are also used in medicine and in cooking (added to stews, gravies and sauces). Oregano sprigs are added when pickling cucumbers and mushrooms.

The most famous spicy plant is mint. And this plant is also added to pickles and marinades, and to various medicinal preparations. Menthol, which is part of mint, is the basis of many medicines.
Like oregano, mint is indispensable in cosmetics and perfumes, where the mainly cultivated species (unknown in the wild) - peppermint - is used.
But wild types of mint are also decorative and very useful: for example, field mint, long-leaved mint, round-leaved mint, and swamp mint (flea mint).

Mint and oregano can grow in one place of the allium for many years, but they like to “spread” to the sides. Therefore, it will be necessary to periodically limit their growth.

Basil not only beautiful, but also in the cuisines of different nations. This highly aromatic annual plant is especially striking in varieties with purple leaves in different shades.
Basil seedlings are planted in a permanent location when the threat of frost has passed. But keep in mind that basil loves fertile soil. Therefore, on a hill for basil, a planting “pocket” with loose, nutritious soil is made among the stones.

Hyssop Since ancient times it has been known as a spicy and medicinal plant. Avicenna mentioned the healing properties of hyssop in the “Canon of Medical Science”. This semi-shrub, undemanding to growing conditions, pleases with its blue, pink, white fragrant flowers until frost. You just need to cut off the flowering branches in time to give the opportunity to grow new, lateral ones. This makes the hyssop bush thicker.
Fresh or dry hyssop herb is used in a mixture with other spices for aromatic tea and in cooking (in salads and soups, as a seasoning for meat dishes).
can grow in one place for five to six years. Hyssop is propagated by seeds and by dividing the bush.

Salvia officinalis in the middle zone it is grown as a 2-3-year-old crop; it is a heat-loving subshrub. can be rejuvenated by completely cutting off the branches.
Very aromatic, with a bitter-spicy taste, sage leaves are used in cooking as an additive to meat and poultry dishes. The famous Christmas turkey is always seasoned with sage.

Monarda It has long been established in gardens as an ornamental plant, but as a spice in Russia it is almost unknown.
(double and fistula monarda) differ little in appearance. In both species, the flowers are located on the stem in whorls of several “floors”, and the leaves resemble the leaves of field mint.
Monarda blooms almost all summer. Its leaves are also used as a seasoning for meat and added to tea.
Monarda is propagated by seeds (it is better to grow seedlings) or by dividing the bush.

Nasturtium loved by many gardeners as a long-flowering beautiful plant. But not many gardeners grow it yet; they grow it only for decorative purposes.
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