Varieties of garden paths with your own hands. Inexpensive DIY garden paths

Every person who has a country plot wants his dacha to be equipped and well-groomed.

The Internet is full of articles with various options improvement summer cottages with photos of beautiful garden paths, but it’s not clear how to do it all yourself.

Designer services are quite expensive, but at the same time I would like your garden to be somehow different from others. Original garden paths will give any garden an original look.

DIY garden paths

Arranging a plot of land with garden paths will not require large financial expenditures, especially if the dacha has materials suitable for this.

You just need to use your imagination and carefully examine the contents of the attic and other places where suitable elements for making paths can be stored.

Exists great amount options for garden paths, the choice depends only on the taste and capabilities of the owner of the dacha.

How to make a garden path with your own hands

The easiest way is to make a gravel path. To make it, you will need:

  • Pebbles or expanded clay;
  • Geotexile or compacted film;
  • Sand;
  • Edges made of wood or concrete (sides) for paths.

First you need to think about the design of your garden paths. The path should be conveniently and harmoniously located.

To make a high-quality track, all steps must be performed step by step:

  • Make markings for your future path. If you plan to make it twisty, then draw all the twists.
  • Dig in on both sides wooden blocks or concrete sides.
  • The top layer of turf should be removed along the entire length of the path to a depth of approximately 15-20 cm.
  • Geotextiles or thick film are carefully laid along the path, the edges should be placed under the sides of the path.
  • The cleaned surface is covered with a 5 cm layer of sand. After which the sand is leveled.
  • The prepared surface is covered with gravel.
  • The gravel is compacted using a roller or a regular shovel.

Garden path made of natural stone

Natural stone is one of the best natural materials. It fits perfectly into its surroundings.

Stone paths are the most durable. This allows them to save appearance for many years. To make such tracks you will need:

  • Crushed cobblestone or rubble;
  • Some sand.

Garden paths made of natural stone

Marking the path is the first thing where work should begin.

You need to remove the turf from the entire area intended for the path. The depth depends on the size of the largest stone for the path.

Fill the area of ​​the path with sand, and then begin leveling. The thickness of the sand layer should be about 10 cm.

The stones are laid out on the sand. It is necessary to press the cobblestones into the thickness of the sand.

You can leave gaps between the stones into which soil can be poured. Many people sow this land with small grass.


If the stone is not very large, then intervals of 2-3 cm will be sufficient. In the future, these seams can be sealed with cement mortar.

Concrete garden paths

In order to make a concrete garden path, you can use a garden path mold, which is a plastic frame. This is very convenient device, which greatly simplifies the entire process.

Materials required for a concrete walkway:

  • Sand;
  • Crushed stone or gravel;
  • Water,
  • Cement.

How to prepare a place for a concrete path?

This path is prepared in the same way as a gravel path. But the trench for it should be wider in comparison with the size of the finished path - about 20 cm.

  • Remove excess soil from the trench and compact the bottom.
  • To secure the formwork, use wooden pegs located along the length of the path on both sides.
  • Crushed stone 5-10 cm thick is poured into the bottom. These figures should not be exceeded.
  • To prevent the concrete from cracking in the future, the formwork is reinforced with slats. The slats are installed transversely every 2.5-3 meters.
  • Next, a form for concreting is placed on top.
  • The form must be filled with cement solution as evenly as possible, without leaving empty spaces.
  • Having finished one section of the trench, move on to the next, covering the finished gap plastic film to avoid getting debris on fresh concrete.
  • After two weeks of waiting, the formwork must be removed.
  • The remaining areas between the slabs can be filled with soil or grass can be planted there.
  • Those spaces that remain from the trench on the sides are filled with pebbles or lined with bricks.

Wooden paths for the garden

Wood is the easiest available material for the construction of garden paths. The rich variety of colors and textures of wood allows you to give free rein to your imagination.


Wooden garden paths can be created from treated boards or from simple tree cuts. The methods for laying such paths are slightly different from each other.

Path made of stumps

Wood or hemp cuts can be used to create original paths for your garden. When making such tracks, follow the step-by-step instructions:

  • The material for laying a garden path must be treated with an antiseptic, since the tree does not tolerate contact with damp soil. Wood processing 10% copper sulfate will increase the protective properties of the tree. Bitumen is used for the same purposes. You can purchase material that has already been treated with an antiseptic.
  • Mark the area of ​​the path and remove upper layer land.
  • Dig a trench 30 cm deep.
  • Place film or geotextiles along the entire path.
  • Cover the film with a ten centimeter layer of crushed stone.
  • A layer of sand is applied to the crushed stone, which must be moistened and compacted.
  • Now you can lay out the cuts. The remaining gaps between cuts can be filled with earth or gravel.

A path made from boards is prepared in the same way as a garden path from tree cuts, only the boards are laid vertically.

Whatever option you choose, it is important to carry out all work on garden plot With good mood and inspiration.

After all, a dacha is a place to restore mental and physical strength. Every corner of its area should please the eye and inspire new ideas.


Photos of garden paths with your own hands

Provides for the creation of paths. Moreover, the requirements for them are quite serious: they must be reliable, comfortable, functional, beautiful and, very preferably, inexpensive. We’ll talk about how to make garden paths with your own hands at low cost in this article.

What to make paths from

The path surface can be hard or loose. For creating hard surface The following materials are used:

  • Concrete. Concrete walkways are more than just plain gray tape. In addition, there are dyes and you can decorate it if desired. There are also forms for filling immediately on site. It turns out homemade paving slabs. Another option is to pour small ones yourself. concrete plates the right size, then put them on the bedding. See photos for design examples.

    And everyone in the household has forms for such a path - cut water bottles into cylinders, place them as needed and fill them with solution: beautiful and cheap
    And this is a concrete path with expansion joints. If you look closely, you can see that there are stripes across it. This is to ensure that the wet surface is non-slip.

  • Flagstone. This is a natural stone that has been cut into plates. It is laid on a prepared base (more on this later), the gaps are filled with backfill. It turns out beautiful, reliable, non-slip. It’s not for nothing that landscape designers love flagstone paths so much.

    Backfill is one of the important elements, shaping the appearance

  • Brick. Ordinary ceramic brickbeautiful material, but not for paths. It absorbs moisture, and if it then freezes wet, it breaks into pieces. If you are planning to make a path from broken bricks, then you can walk on it more or less normally only for a couple of years. Then you'll have to redo it. The resulting cracks will need to be filled with coarse sand or fine crushed stone. Clinker bricks will last much longer on the path, but this option cannot be called low-cost: the cost of one piece starts from several tens of rubles.

    These are two types of bricks - ceramic and crushed granite. A clinker brick path is beautiful, to say the least... but maybe too beautiful for a garden?

  • Tree. Such a seemingly unsuitable material, but correct processing it can serve for a long time. Moreover, many hand-made wooden paths can be classified as low-cost. For example, they came up with the idea of ​​using stumps and tree cuts as borders or coverings. They also make flooring from well-treated boards - better than a terrace, but if not, an old floor will do.

    The combination with pebbles is comfortable to walk on. And this is how to make a path from boards

  • Plastic. There are tiles for garden paths made of plastic - polyethylene or polypropylene. She has square shape and a system of locks that are attached to one another. It can be laid directly on top of the lawn or previously trodden paths in the country house or on a plot of land. This is an option - fast and cheap. It can definitely be called “Low Cost”. It is better, of course, to make the filling according to the rules from crushed stone and sand, and lay plastic elements on top. It's a little longer and more expensive. There is also an immodest, but very nice option plastic tiles for paths. There is also “garden parquet”. These are slabs or boards made of wood-polymer composite - WPC (they are in the photo, they look exactly like parquet). This material appeared relatively recently. It looks and feels like wood, but is essentially a mixture of wood flour and polymer. These are very beautiful coatings, but their cost is by no means modest. Although not fabulous.

    This is garden parquet. Gorgeous, but overpriced

  • Pebbles. It's rounded natural stones, which can be found on the banks of rivers or lakes. Flatter stones are more suitable for making paths. There are different shades of gray, black, white, and sometimes you can find burgundy. These stones, laid close to each other, create amazingly beautiful mosaic paths. But this is an activity for the diligent and persistent. Those who lack patience can find large flat boulders or large pebbles and place them in the sand. It's not as luxurious, but no less reliable. You can do the same with granite or other similar stones. It is important that at least one edge is relatively flat. You put this flat part up, and bury the rest. The work is not easy, but you can not only walk on the path, but also drive.
  • Available materials. Country paths made from old tires and bottles.

There are also paved paths: gravel or crushed stone. Their peculiarity is that with a small layer of 2-3 cm and sufficient compaction, it is comfortable to walk on them. If the layer is slightly larger, unevenness will form when walking, and such walking will be tiring. Therefore, as you have seen in many photographs, gravel and crushed stone are used as backfill, into which rigid elements made of other materials are laid. When done correctly, this is convenient: gravel conducts water well and puddles do not form. Those who don’t like the gray color can be advised to paint it: many designers do this when organizing rockeries.

How to make garden paths with your own hands

It’s not enough to know what you can make garden paths from with your own hands. You also need to know how to make them correctly so that it lasts for more than one season or two. Laying different materials may differ slightly, but there are several rules and actions that are repeated in any technology.

First rule: When laying or shaping the path surface, it is made with a slight slope. If the material allows, a slope of several centimeters is made on both sides of the center. If, for example, a concrete path is poured, then the slope is formed in one direction - away from the house, if it is nearby. The slope is made towards the lower part of the site if the path is located on a slope.

Second rule: Any coating requires preparation of the base. If you place stones (for example) directly in clay or loam, there will, of course, be benefits - it will definitely be more convenient to walk, but the stones will “silt up” after some time. They will simply trample into clay. When installing a bedding, this will take much more time. And if you add a drainage cushion and a side, water drainage will be even more effective, and everything will look even more beautiful.

Third rule: the level of the path surface should be a couple of centimeters higher than the adjacent area. Then the water will drain quickly, cleaning will be more convenient, and cleaning will be required less often: the eroded soil will not flow either during rains or during watering, which is often done along the paths.

Step-by-step instruction

When making garden paths with your own hands, start with markings. In theory, the dimensions and shape should be marked on your site plan, and the markings should be carried out according to the project. But most often everything is done locally. To make the future path more visible, its contours can first be covered with white sand or something similar. If the shape suits you, you can drive in pegs and stretch twine between them, but you can also work on the backfill.

You can place a flower garden or flower bed along a beautiful path. Read how to make them.

Beautiful DIY pebble path

If with flagstone, paving stones, brick, everything is more or less clear - everyone has already seen more than once how this is done, then how to lay pebbles in patterns is not clear.

Below is a photo report on the process of making a pebble path. It shows the basic techniques: lines are drawn onto leveled sand along which pebbles will be laid out. If these are arcs, they are made using thread and two sticks/nails.

When selecting stones, they are laid out on edge close to each other, slightly buried in the sand.

Place a board on the folded pattern, take a rubber mallet and knock on the board, hammering the pebbles into the sand. This is how they deepen the entire pattern, making sure that the edges of the pebbles are at the same height.

Stones are sunk into the sand

Take a mixture of sand and cement (2 parts sand, 1 part cement) and fill the gaps, leveling the layer with a brush.

A fragment of a pebble path is carefully watered with water so that the backfill does not wash away. Wait several hours for the cement to set a little, then remove the excess with a soft brush.

It is important not to miss the moment: the solution should not get dirty, but also become a stone. If you pick at it with your finger, it should crumble. It's time to clean off the excess.

Path made of wooden stumps and crushed stone: video

Old logs or trees can be turned into beautiful path. The wood is cut into logs of the required length, the face cut is sanded, and all the wood is first treated with a bioprotection compound (you can soak it in waste oil). After drying, dip into Kuzbass varnish and dry again. Then coated with paint desired color the front parts of the stumps - which will protrude outward. They dry it again and only then put it in the sand.

The process is described in detail in the video. Here we explain step by step how to make garden paths from stumps or logs with your own hands.

Making a concrete path yourself

The process is generally similar to that described at the beginning. There are some differences that we'll talk about.

After the trench is dug and the bottom is leveled, formwork is installed along it on both sides. These are boards from 25 mm thick (thicker is possible, thinner is not advisable, you can use plywood 16-18 mm thick). Their height is the height of the track. If you are shaping the slope, the boards should be aligned taking it into account - one side is slightly higher, the other is slightly lower.

The formwork is leveled - the concrete will be leveled against it

To make formwork, pegs are driven into the ground at intervals of no more than 60 cm. Boards are nailed to them. It is better to smear the inner surface of the formwork with mining or other oil: so that it can be removed easily. Next, crushed stone is poured onto the bottom and compacted. But compaction must be done carefully: if you walk along the bottom, no traces should be visible.

Next, to prevent the path from cracking, a metal reinforcing mesh is laid on the crushed stone. The thickness of the rod is 4-6 mm, pitch is 5-10 cm. It is sold in pieces, they need to be tied together with steel wire.

Then, to compensate for the expansion in winter period need to be delivered wooden planks 1.5-2 cm thick. They are placed across the path, positioned so that the height of the planks is level with the formwork boards. Compensation strips are installed at least every 2 meters. More often it is possible, less often it is not. Why do it more often? For beauty. Squares look better than long rectangles.

It is poured into the finished frame concrete mortar grades not lower than M-250 (). For it, take 1 part cement, 3 parts sand, 4 parts crushed stone. Everything is mixed into a solution of medium fluidity (thick sour cream) and poured into the formwork. When pouring, you need to make sure that there are no air bubbles left. To remove them, pierce the solution with a pin, shaking it slightly - bayonet it. It is ideal if you have a surface vibrator for concrete - it quickly compacts the solution, creating a perfectly flat surface. If it is not there, you will have to level it using the rule, using the edges of the formwork as beacons.

A few hours later, after the concrete has set, you can treat the surface. You can leave it as is, you can brush it with a stiff brush, making transverse stripes, and finally, you can lay pebbles, stones, flagstone, etc. into the not completely hardened solution. It's not very economical, but it's reliable. After a couple of days, the formwork can be removed, and you can already walk along the path.

Budget track made from tires

They make a lot of things out of tires: swings, and... walkways. It's simple: old tire you need to cut off the sides, leaving only the tread. How can I cut it? Bulgarian. Someone manages to use a knife, but this is only if the cord is not metal.

The projector is cut crosswise to create a track. Then cuts of 15 centimeters are made on the sides - depending on the diameter of the tire. They will give you the opportunity to unroll the tires.

They make cuts on the curved edges - the surface is still nonlinear

In this form it can already be laid on the beds. It will serve for many years. This one is definitely a low cost garden path.

This coating will withstand many years of active use.

As you understand, there are a lot of options on how to make garden paths with your own hands. It is impossible to tell and describe everything, but we are trying...

The design of paths in a dacha can greatly influence the design of the site. Therefore, it is so important to pay attention to creating beautiful paths.

Moreover, you can make an interesting path from various materials, for example, a brick path will look elegant, but mysterious country house design a path made of round timber will give natural wood, the path made of river pebbles looks stylish and will emphasize original design and a path made of plastic corks will make it brighter.

In addition, there are ready-made removable panels that can be laid out each year to your liking.

Country path project

Before you start laying a path, you need to create a plan for the area, in which you identify all the buildings, garden plantings, flower beds and schematically mark the path. The drawing must also include auxiliary objects, such as an irrigation system.

When creating a plan, you need to take into account all the nuances, so you should be as comfortable as possible when getting to any place in the garden. In addition, you need to take into account the fact that you need to walk around your territory in any weather conditions and at any time of the year.

Now the completed project must be applied directly to the site.

It will be easier to determine the width of the path and its direction if you apply markings directly on the site, which is especially important for a path made of paving slabs or brick.

It is best to make markings with pegs, which you must first drive in and then pull the rope along them. Also, for convenience, the side border of the path can be marked by sprinkling it with lime.

It is important to take into account that the removal of the top layer of soil to lay the path should be wider than the path, because for reliability and durability it will require curbs made of durable materials such as concrete or stone.

Preparatory work

In order for your garden path to serve you faithfully for many years, you will need thorough preparation.

So, you need to take into account that the path should have a slight slope, and in the area of ​​the slope you need to make drainage trench. This is necessary in order to rainwater flowed off the path, and excess moisture would not have damaged the coating.

The thickness of the removed soil should be 15 ÷ 200 mm. After this, in order for the edges to remain even, it is necessary to install boards along the entire perimeter of the dug hole from the sides.

Then a “pillow” is made; gravel is poured into the hole along with cement and everything is compacted and moistened. The “pillow” should have a thickness of 50-100 mm.

Types of garden paths

There are a lot of materials that can be used to make an excellent country path.

Brick path. This path is reliable, durable and looks very elegant in appearance.

Wooden path. This path looks beautiful and even mysterious; the round timber laid out in the form of an ornate path resembles a fairy tale path.

Stone path. Those who want to see a stylish and graceful garden path on their plots can try mosaic option from river pebbles.

Cement path. This path is durable and reliable. To make it attractive, you can use special shaped molds, thereby getting the effect of a paved path.

Garden path made of plastic covers. A rather unusual, but at the same time bright version of the path in the form of a mosaic of multi-colored plastic bottle caps.

Availability large quantity colors and availability of material, allow you to create a path with a variety of patterns that will make the landscape of your site a real work of art.

Plastic prefabricated path. This type of track can be quickly and easily installed and, if necessary, changed and even removed.

Thanks to relief surface plastic panels It is convenient to walk along the path, because it does not slip, even if it gets wet. A large assortment plastic products will allow you to choose a garden path of any color and shape.

In addition, using slabs you can make a path of any shape and width. Plastic construction allows you to organize a path in any part of the site.

Another advantage of such a path is that, thanks to its structure, moisture will not accumulate on it, water will flow out through special holes.

Garden parquet path. This material is one of the most expensive, but its advantages outweigh the desire to save money.

Thus, “garden parquet” can be easily assembled and disassembled; wood treated with a special solution is not susceptible to moisture, fading, or temperature changes, has strength and durability, and besides, such a path will look luxurious.

Photo of garden paths on the site

Garden paths, elegantly winding among the trees, add to the area well-groomed and complete. And it is not at all necessary to buy paving slabs or hire a designer and builders for their arrangement. You can improve the paths in the garden yourself, putting your soul into their creation, and in return you will receive a durable, well-maintained coating that can delight you long years. We’ll tell you in more detail how to make a garden path from a variety of materials with your own hands.

Fill the stencil with the prepared solution , avoiding voids in its corners. Using a small tamper, which we use as a vibrating plate, we try to compact the concrete as much as possible, and then level its surface with a spatula. After the 30-50 minutes required for the concrete to pre-set, the form is carefully removed and placed side by side, repeating the process until the finish line.

We begin to gradually fill the form, do not forget that the concrete should not be very liquid Special attention Pay attention to the corners, you need to fill them as much as possible with concrete mortar.

Since we used a plasticizer and made the solution thick, after 15-20 minutes you can remove the mold. Here the first slab is ready! Let it harden for a day, after which we begin to actively use it. To avoid animal prints

, self-made garden paths are covered with plastic film and waited at least 3-4 days before taking a new path and taking a photo as a souvenir. The full load on the concrete product can be given no earlier than after 20 days. The last stage in the construction of garden paths

Do it yourself at low cost by painting and filling the tile joints with river sand.

  • There are several ways to paint a new path. The first is to add dye at the final stage of concrete preparation.
  • . After this, you can lightly mix the concrete, achieving an uneven color, or thoroughly mix the components to obtain a uniform color. The second method requires dusting the wet concrete surface with dry dye each time the mold is removed.

, however, in this case, only the very top layer will be painted, which will be erased over time. Garden paths with stains wiped off precisely after this type of painting can often be seen in photos on the Internet.

DIY paths video tutorial Garden paths painted with your own hands look very interesting. dye dissolved in soil deep penetration , which allows you to achieve similarity with natural stone at low cost. Stone effect tiles, painted in various colors , will look especially impressive in your garden. AND last tip

: after painting, do not forget to treat the surface of the path with a water repellent - it will not allow moisture to penetrate the pores of the concrete, destroying it from the inside.

Pouring a concrete path with your own hands Monolithic concrete paths laid along summer cottage

. Next, read how to make garden paths from concrete. Marking , driving pegs along its edges and pulling a cord between them at the required height. We take into account that optimal thickness filling is from 7 to 10 cm.

Preparing the sand bed . To do this, we dig a trench up to 20 cm deep, level its bottom, install beacons and lay geotextiles, also covering the slopes of the trench with this material. After this, we fill the hole with 2-3 layers of sand with intermediate pouring and compaction of each layer. You can add a layer of fine crushed stone between two adjacent layers of sand. This will enhance the drainage properties of the pillow.

Laying agrofibre Installation of a sand cushion Leveling the sand cushion

Preparing concrete . You can use the recipe from the instructions for filling the molds. If you need a pavement path of increased strength, for example, for driving or parking a car in a country house, then take 1 part of cement (not lower than grade 400), 1.5 parts of sand and 2.5-3 parts of crushed stone or gravel. The ideal volume ratio is 1 part water to 3 parts cement, but to increase the plasticity of the liquid, add a little more. Don't forget what less water will be in the solution, the stronger the concrete coating will be.

Formwork is used for garden paths from wooden planks thickness of at least 20 mm. It is better if the width of the boards is equal to the thickness of the fill, otherwise you will have to dig them into the ground. The boards need to be nailed to inside pegs.

Install dividers at even intervals in order to create expansion joints. When making paths at the dacha, dividers can be used from available material. Smooth, narrow strips of drywall, glass, thin boards, scraps of laminate, siding, etc. are suitable for these purposes. In order to remove the spacers after the concrete has set, they must be lubricated with any suitable lubricant.

We carry out reinforcement of the structure to increase its strength. Chain-link mesh, scraps of reinforcement, pipes, etc. are used as reinforcing mesh. Of course, it is best to use a welded reinforcing belt made of rods with a diameter of up to 8 mm, with a cell of 100x100 mm. The reinforcement is placed at half the height of the path, using fragments of bricks or clamps made from the same rods.

Garden paths are poured up to the top edge of the formwork. . Next, using a tamper, we compact the surface until cement milk appears on the surface of the path, and then level it using the rule. Next, cover the path with plastic film and wait at least 5 days before removing the formwork. Full load on concrete can be given no earlier than after 3 weeks.

Decorate the path possible in several ways.

  • Firstly, the surface can be painted or tiled with marble or ceramic tiles.
  • Secondly, you can apply a design to it using a shaped spatula, screwdriver or coarse brush.
  • Thirdly, you can paint the concrete itself at the preparation stage.
  • Fourthly, gravel or pebbles can be pressed into the wet layer, laying out intricate patterns.

In a word, a garden path made of concrete can be original and attractive, as in numerous videos of popular Internet resources.

DIY garden path made of paving slabs

If you are planning to arrange garden paths with your own hands at low cost, then this method will not suit you. Paving slabs cannot be called a cheap material. On the other hand, such tracks have a lot of advantages and are practically free of disadvantages. Watch a video in which you can lay such a garden path yourself. Not so difficult, right? At first glance, this is true. In fact, in order for the sidewalk path laid at the dacha to please the eye long time, careful preparation of the base and maximum care and precision in work are required. So, how to make a path from paving slabs with your own hands:

  1. Choosing a tile . At the same time, we focus not only on design, but also on its operational features. For example, for tiles on which you plan to drive a car, the ability to withstand increased loads is important.
  2. Stocking up on tools . For work we will need: a trowel, a rubber hammer, a tamper, a level, a cord, pegs, a pipe or I-beam, sand and cement.

  1. Marking future paths . To do this, we hammer in the pegs and pull the cord to the required height.

  1. Preparing the foundation . The successful operation of the track throughout its entire service life will depend on this work, so we approach this stage with the most responsibility. To do this, we level the base as accurately as possible, removing part of the soil on the hills and adding it in the lowlands. As we work, we constantly compact the soil, wetting its surface with water.

We calculate the depth of the base by calculating the height of the tiles plus the height of the sand layer. To the resulting value add a couple of centimeters for shrinkage. As a rule, the depth is 20-30cm. Do not forget to create the necessary slopes for water drainage from the surface.

  1. After leveling the base, we lay geotextiles . It will prevent weeds from growing into the tile joints.
  1. Pour a sand cushion , spill it with water and tamp it down. After this, we level its surface with a profile, relying on pipes or beams installed at the required distance from each other.

  1. Preparing the mixture from 1 part cement and 3 parts sand, which we lay on the base and screed using an I-beam or channel.
  2. We start laying the tiles from the curb in the direction “away from us” . We lay out the initial row clearly along the cord installed along the chamfer. In this case, you can use 1-2mm crosses to form seams of the same thickness. To ensure the required height, sand is added or removed with a trowel, compacting it as you work. At the same time, do not forget to constantly monitor the quality of installation using a level and a mallet. If you need to join the tiles to other buildings, then, if necessary, they can be trimmed with a grinder with a circle installed for working on stone.
  1. After the last row is laid, fill the seams sand-cement mixture and fill them with water.

Border installed along the edges sidewalk path, will prevent the tiles from moving and maintain the integrity of the structure. During operation, sand can be washed out of the seams with water, so it will be necessary to add it periodically.

Wooden garden path

Many summer residents think about how to make garden paths from wood, because this inexpensive and accessible material is always at hand. In addition, you can use not only classic version in the form of installed cuts, but also to install beautiful and functional paths in the country, for example, from such improvised material as Euro pallets.

The material for the cuts can be either a purchased log house or fallen trees from the grove located next to the site. A chainsaw will help you make wooden garden paths at low cost; you don’t have to buy it if you can ask a friend for help.

To arrange the path, follow the following instructions:

  1. We mark the place for the path and dig a trench 10-20 cm deep.
  2. We lay waterproofing taking into account covering not only the bottom, but also the slopes.
  3. For drainage, fill the bottom of the trench with crushed stone.
  4. Pour a 10 cm layer of sand as a cushion under the cuts.
  5. We install the cuts, alternating thick logs with thin branches to fill the space as much as possible.
  6. We fill the gaps between the cuts with sand.

You can install the saw cuts in such a way that they top part will rise 3-5 cm above the surface. A path of this type will be much less dirty in slush and rain.

In the video you can often see how great a garden path made of wooden boards looks. But material such as Euro pallets is excellent for our purposes, and the cost of such material only includes its delivery to the site. At the same time, pallets are made from durable wood, which, when treated with antiseptics, can last a long time.

To prepare the boards, they are cut into 50 cm pieces, sanded, processed protective agent and painted or varnished. The flooring itself is performed according to the following algorithm:

  1. Logs are made from wooden blocks, which are fastened together with the same bars, using “half-wood” knitting.
  2. Cover the structure bitumen mastic, which will protect the frame from rotting. The same mastic is used to cover the bottom of the boards.
  3. Lay the boards, leaving a gap of 10-20 mm between them for water drainage.
  4. Additionally, the path is coated with varnish or paint.

When driving nails, try to bury their heads into the wood as deeply as possible. This will allow you to walk along the path barefoot without fear of getting hurt.

Prices for forms and materials

Everything you need for arranging garden paths can be found in the appropriate sections of the Leroy Merlin store. “Garden paths” and other sections of the catalog contain hundreds of items necessary tools and materials. At the same time, one cannot help but note the rather affordable prices.

Thus, the cost of a mold for a garden path in Leroy is 507 rubles, which, you see, is quite inexpensive, given its reusable use. A concrete mixer, of course, will cost you more - a 120 liter unit costs 5,690 rubles, but it will greatly facilitate concrete work.

Concrete dyes

Dyes for concrete start at 603 rubles. for a 700 g jar, while plasticizers can be purchased for a minimal price - 149 rubles. for a container weighing 600 g. The store’s consultants will be able to answer questions about how to make paths in the dacha with your own hands or tell you about the features of using certain materials. A form for a garden path, purchased from Leroy Merlin, will allow you to save quite a significant amount when arranging paths in your garden.

If you have not yet decided how to make a path in your dacha, look at the gallery of photos located on our website. Interesting solutions using in various ways arrangement of garden paths will help you choose the most best option, make the necessary changes to it and create your own unique design. And maybe soon a photo of your particular site will appear in the first lines of search results.

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T It’s hard to imagine a well-kept garden without garden paths going around flower beds and gazebos. Originally designed, they not only perform a utilitarian function, but are also part of the landscape. The coating can be very diverse, the main thing is that it is not difficult to care for, and it is durable enough to last for decades. The task of any summer resident is to make garden paths with your own hands at low cost, but with optimal results.

A garden path can be made from regular boards

When choosing a trail style, you need to consider overall design residential complex. Garden paths can be classified according to the material used:

  • Gravel. Behind the simple construction and attractive appearance of such a coating are hidden significant shortcomings. Such coverings are difficult to clear from leaves and snow; they will not tolerate the arrival of equipment.
  • Brick. This coating is not expensive, it can be laid without any special skills. If you use clinker material rather than simple solid brick, the path will last a very long time.

  • Concrete. Making a concrete path at your dacha with your own hands is not as difficult as it seems. Materials for work are affordable. If you tint concrete and use curly forms, you can achieve excellent results.

  • Wooden. Paths made from cuts of tree trunks look very original. If wood is treated properly, it will not decompose for a long time.

  • Herbaceous. Green paths require careful maintenance. They need to be trimmed regularly, watered during droughts and replanted. But they fit perfectly into any country landscape.

  • Ground. This option is only suitable for temporary use. In wet weather, dirt will stick to your shoes and they may become overgrown with weeds.

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Molds for making garden paths from concrete

One of the most available options– paths created using a mold for making garden paths. Such a coating can withstand a significant load, for example, the passage of a tractor. Plastic molds you can buy them in the store average cost- about 900 rubles. Working with them does not require special skills.

Before you start pouring, you need to remove the top layer of soil by about ten centimeters and prepare a sand and gravel bed. Afterwards the mold is set and poured concrete composition. After 10-15 minutes, the form is removed and moved to another location. Such a sidewalk can be used for its intended purpose in just five days. Dyes can be added to the cement composition.

Important! Concrete should be poured onto a damp base and, after pouring, be moistened during the hardening period to prevent cracking.

You can make a form for concreting yourself from boards or iron. After the mortar has formed, sand is poured into the spaces between the tiles.

Paths made of sand and crushed stone

Do-it-yourself garden paths can be made from crushed stone, gravel or special colored backfill at low cost. Such sidewalks, in addition to other functions, will also serve as burglar alarm, you won’t be able to walk through them silently.

Helpful information! Gravel paths can only be laid on flat areas, on slopes and depressions, gravel will roll and accumulate.

Backfill coatings do not tolerate smooth geometric lines. They should be curvy and curly. The top layer of soil is selected along the contour of the future path. Geotextiles need to be laid at the bottom of the trench; it will prevent the material from “going” into the ground. The edges are secured with border tape or laid out with pebbles. Large flat stones can be placed among the gravel.

DIY brick paths: photos of masonry options

Often on suburban area after construction or repair work What remains is simple brick, which can be an excellent paving material. To work, you will need a shovel, a building level, a rubber hammer, hand compaction, sand and cement. As with any other coating, it is better to remove the top layer of soil by about fifteen centimeters. A bed of gravel and sand is laid on the geotextile. Next photos do-it-yourself brick paths show different variants drawing:

Having decided on the design, first install the borders. Their role can be played by the same bricks placed on edge or ready-made elements. Then onto a flat surface (this needs to be checked building level) bricks are installed. There should be a small distance between them, which will later be filled with sand. When installing, the bricks are lightly knocked together and leveled using a rubber hammer.

Wood and other materials

Colorful and unusual option garden paths are made from wood cuts. Hardwoods are particularly durable. Oak, acacia, and beech cuts are the best choice.

The tree trunk is cleared of bark and cut into nickels 10–15 centimeters thick. Each element must be treated with drying oil. If you don’t have it at hand, you can use regular mining. After the cuts have dried, you can begin installation. The foundation is being prepared traditional way, using geotextiles and sand-gravel mixture. Geotextiles will allow moisture to pass through, but will not allow weeds to grow through the coating.

The saw cuts are placed on a pillow. This work requires a certain diligence: each element differs in size and shape, you need to select them so that there are as few empty spaces as possible. Small spaces are filled with cuts of thick branches. You can use small pebbles and pebbles for voids. After some time, the tree on the path will darken, this is a natural process.

Helpful advice! To make it possible to walk along the path barefoot, it is better to sand the top side of the cuts.

Paths from natural stone will be a logical continuation of the alpine landscape. Large flat stones different sizes and the colors are stacked together with the small ones. Particularly chic are paths made of colored pebbles laid in patterns. Such garden path It will take a lot of time and patience, but the result is worth it. The stones are stacked on cement mortar. Such coatings are practically eternal, do not fade and do not need to be maintained. DIY garden paths, photos of pebble paths:

Do-it-yourself garden paths can be easily and quickly made from ready-made plastic modules at low cost. They are sold in garden stores and are relatively inexpensive. The elements can be put away for the winter and washed if necessary.
