We destroy myths about soft roofing. Underlayment carpet for flexible tiles Why do the edges of soft tiles rise?

In order for flexible roof tiles to serve for a long time, it is important to install them correctly, in compliance with all requirements and standards. The process involves laying a special lining carpet. It is purchased separately and costs a lot of money, but without it the roof will be unreliable. Do you need an underlay carpet? flexible tiles and how is it installed? We answer these and other questions in the article.

To understand the features and necessity of using underlay carpet, it is important to understand what kind of material it is and what functions it performs. Underlayment carpet is a kind of membrane that performs a moisture-repellent function, protects the roof from leaks and interior spaces houses from flooding. The carpet is roll material, which is made from bitumen and polymers. Usually the structure of the material contains fiberglass or a base made of polyester fabric. This part of the carpet is covered with polymer compounds (usually bitumen-based), as well as fine quartz sand or fine crumbs. The bottom of the carpet may have an adhesive film that helps secure the material to the base. Crumbs or sand ensure that the surface of the carpet is not slippery - the material is always laid with the abrasive side up.

In general, the structure of the roof, which is covered with soft tiles, has the following layers, when viewed from top to bottom:

  • directly the flexible tile itself;
  • carpet lining;
  • base (for example, OSB board);
  • layer of waterproofing material;
  • insulation layer;
  • rafter and sheathing system;
  • film providing vapor barrier.

Only a roof that has all these layers will be reliable and will not leak throughout its entire service life.

Functions of underlay carpet

The lining carpet has two main functions - leveling the base and waterproofing the roof. Using this material, you can easily make invisible the joints between the sheets of material that cover the sheathing. It will also help compensate for differences in roof level.

On a note! The underlayment will also prevent air bubbles from forming under individual roofing elements.

The waterproofing function is especially important in vulnerable places - for example, in the area of ​​eaves, valleys, and the junction of the roof with pipes. The material will also prevent the formation of condensation inside roofing system during air temperature fluctuations. And the carpet in regions with a lot of snow acts as a shock-absorbing substrate when a large number of precipitation forms on the roof.

Due to the fact that the lining carpet provides excellent protection wooden structure roofs from moisture, it will last as long as possible, as it will not begin to rot. After all, even processed by various protective equipment wood is still prone to destruction if it is constantly exposed to moisture.

On a note! The underlay carpet can be used as a temporary roof - it is so reliable. Material in rainy regions plays important role in protecting the building under construction from moisture. It is always installed first.

Prices for lining carpets

Underlay carpet

In general, the following advantages of lining carpet can be distinguished:

  • strength;
  • tightness;
  • good moisture-proof function;
  • heat and sound insulation of premises;
  • leveling the roof base;
  • ensuring protection of the interior of the roof from condensation.

The main disadvantage of underlay carpet is its considerable cost. The material is sometimes compared in price to the softest tiles.

With a slight slope of the roof slopes, the coating is laid on the valleys and ridge. The carpet should be laid in rolls from bottom to top. The overlap is usually 20 cm

Is underlay carpet required?

Many people ask how justified the use of lining bark is. After all, waterproofing can be done in other ways, and the base under the tiles can be made as even as possible. Is it worth spending money on this expensive material? The answer from experts is unequivocal - it’s worth it. And all the positive aspects of using underlay carpet are described above. The most important thing is that the material will extend the service life of the roof as a whole for many years.

There are also cases in which it is impossible to refuse a carpet under any circumstances. For example, if the roof slope is very small (up to 18 degrees) or, conversely, too high (over 60 degrees), then you will still have to use this material. Otherwise, the store where the soft tiles were purchased will not even provide a guarantee for their products.

On a note! If the desire to save money is great, then on medium-sloping slopes you can not lay an underlay carpet, but use it only in particularly vulnerable places.

Which carpet to choose?

If the decision to purchase carpet underlay is not worth it, then it is important to decide what type of product to purchase. The material is always produced in rolls 1 m wide, but, depending on the manufacturer or some features, it may differ. First of all, carpets are divided into two types according to the method of fastening:

  • self-adhesive, which is fixed by an adhesive strip applied at the factory to the wrong side of the material and sealed with a protective film. This is the most common variety;
  • without adhesive base, which is fixed only with galvanized self-tapping screws or roofing nails with a pitch of 20 cm. The edges of the sections joining each other are additionally connected using bitumen mastic.

There is also a so-called combined type, which in the lower part of the canvas is fixed to an adhesive base, and in the upper part - using fasteners. There are also weldable materials that are fixed by heating with a construction hairdryer.

Important! When purchasing an underlay carpet, you need to make sure that there are instructions for use for it. And during installation you will have to act strictly according to it.

Self-adhesive carpet is the most popular among all types. It is produced in rolls measuring 1x15 meters or more. During installation, it is unrolled and glued to the base of the roof parallel to the overhang of the eaves. Individual strips are laid with an overlap of 10-15 cm. The service life of the carpet is on average 15-25 years and will directly depend on several factors - design features roofing, climatic conditions of the region, compliance with installation rules.

Advice! In areas where leakage is most likely, it is recommended to lay the underlay carpet in two layers.

Table. Manufacturers of underlay carpets.


Finnish-made material, which, depending on the type, can be fixed in different ways - mechanically, with glue. Prevents the formation and accumulation of condensation. The material is of high quality.

Russian manufacturer. The company produces lining carpets that can be fixed to the base using screws or glue. The material is of high quality.

One of the most famous manufacturing companies. It produces several types of underlay carpets that can be used for various types of roofs.

Material made from non-woven polypropylene. Suitable for arranging cold roofs, for laying under bitumen shingles, for standing seam metal roofs. Can act as a temporary roof. Production - Germany.

The material is produced in Russia. The base is fiberglass coated with a bituminous composition, sometimes with the addition of polymers. Suitable for roofs with a slope greater than 11.3 degrees.

On a note! The lining carpet purchased for work must be stored in a dry place at a temperature of no more than +30 degrees. It is best to place the rolls in a vertical position. They cannot be placed near heating radiators.

Installation subtleties

Installation of the underlayment is relatively simple, but during work it is worth following certain rules and follow recommendations. Then the material will last long years without any complaints, reliably protecting the roof from leaks. When installing underlay carpet, it is important to ensure that the material is well stretched. Usually the covering spreads horizontally, starting from the lower edge of the roof. But if the roof has a large slope, then the rolls can be laid vertically.

The pitch of the self-tapping screws, if a material that requires mechanical fixation is used, is approximately 10-20 cm. Roofing fasteners can also be used for additional fixation of the self-adhesive coating. All joints and seams must be well sealed with bitumen mastic, and the width of the adhesive strip should not be less than 10 cm.

The main condition that must be observed when laying the underlayment is the evenness of the base, which is created on top of the sheathing or roof rafters. The following materials can be used as a base for underlay carpet.

Attention! When installing a flat base under the carpet, it is important to ensure that there are gaps between the individual sheets of leveling material. Their width is 2-4 mm. Otherwise, the material may deform over time due to thermal expansion or humidity.

Prices for moisture-resistant plywood

Moisture-resistant plywood

Installation of underlayment on the roof is carried out at air temperatures from +5 to +25 degrees. If it is necessary to trim the material, use a sharp knife and a board, which is placed under the area to be trimmed. This will prevent damage to other layers of material.

Step 1. To lay underlayment under soft tiles you will need a number of tools, as well as some materials. This bitumen mastic, small metal spatula, sharp knife, pencil and tape measure, pliers, hammer.

Step 2. The rafters are covered with leveling material ( OSB boards). A gap of several millimeters must be left between the individual elements of the base. Next, the cornice strips are installed. They are fixed along the perimeter of the roof on its edge. In this case, in the valley area, two separate planks are laid overlapping.

Step 3. The eaves strips are nailed down with galvanized roofing nails in a checkerboard pattern in 15 cm increments. Too close to the bend cornice strip fasteners are not clogged.

Step 4. In the valley area, the planks are joined so that the small remaining tongue of the previously fixed plank is under the next plank. Then the connection will be neat.

Step 5. Installation of the underlay carpet begins. A piece of carpet 1 m wide is laid on the valley so that there is 50 cm of covering on both sides of the valley axis.

Step 6. The carpet is carefully leveled on the surface, and it should not reach the edge of the eaves strip by about 2-3 cm. Moreover, the smaller the angle and length of the roof slope, the smaller the indentation.

Step 7 The protective film is removed from the back surface of the carpet. For convenience, one part of the carpet is turned away, the film is removed from it and put away under the other part of the carpet.

Step 8 Half a carpet with removed film placed back and smoothed to the surface of the base with your hands. Exactly the same procedure is performed with the second half of the carpet.

Step 9 The underlayment carpet is spread over the rest of the roof horizontal stripes. A distance of 1-3 cm is also maintained from the edge of the cornice.

Step 10 The material is laid overlapping the previously laid piece of carpet on the valley. The overlap must be at least 15 cm.

Step 11 Gluing starts from the edge of the roof. The protective film is torn off from the extreme section of the carpet and tucked under the other edge of the material. The coating is spread on the base and glued.

Step 12 The rest of the roll is rolled into a tube. During gluing, the protective film is simultaneously removed and the carpet is glued to the roof surface.

Step 13 The rest of the roof can be covered with mechanically secured carpet. A piece of the required length is laid with a longitudinal overlap of 10 cm. The carpet in the upper part is nailed with galvanized fastening material in increments of 20-25 cm.

Step 14 All carpet joints are coated with bitumen-based mastic. Layer of applied adhesive composition should not be more than 1 mm.

Prices for bitumen mastic

Bitumen mastic

Video - Installation of underlay carpet

Video – Nuances of installing a TechnoNikol carpet

Video – Lining carpet Shinglas

Installation of underlay carpet is not difficult, the main thing is to comply with all the rules and requirements. Only in this case will it be possible to prevent mistakes that could become fatal and spoil the reliability of the roof.


If the soft roof comes in waves, this is a sure sign of a violation of the installation technology. The reason for this is a violation of the technology for laying tiles or those located under them. thermal insulation boards. The problem cannot be fixed simple repair roofing: it is necessary to completely cut off the damaged area and re-tile the tiles.

Causes of malfunctions

The cause of waves and swellings should not be sought in the tiles - they just perform the functions of a covering. Problems usually arise from the sheathing, thermal insulation or vapor barrier. For example, a common case is when damaged side faces and the ends of the insulation boards, covered only on one side. Difficulties can also appear in difficult places - where the sheathing forms corners or transitions. Improper pruning of heat and vapor barrier materials may cause the roof to lose its shape.

The fact that it is broken is also indicated by swellings with a diameter of more than 1 meter. The occurrence of such air or water “bags” occurs due to the fact that the heat flow lifts water vapor to the roof, where it condenses on the materials and is absorbed into them. In winter, this is especially dangerous, because during the cold season the insulation repeatedly thaws and freezes again, as a result of which the moisture alternates between liquid and solid states, destroying the roofing carpet. Blocks of ice formed in the insulation tear it off from the base, and at the same time increase the size of the pores in the materials included in its composition.

In summer, roofing with low-quality vapor barrier is also at risk. On hot sunny days, the roof surface heats up to 80 degrees. The enclosed space, where the water droplets absorbed by the roofing carpet are located, warms up even more, so that the water turns into a vapor state. The volume of water vapor is 15-40 times greater than the volume of liquid. This is the reason for the formation of “bags” in those places where the vapor barrier is broken.

Solving roof problems

If waves on the roof are associated with damage to the insulation, local roof repairs are necessary. To do this, the tiles are removed along with the thermal insulation and re-laid, but not on the entire roof, but only on the damaged area. The base for re-sticking the materials is thoroughly cleaned, and the thermal insulation is installed in 1 or 2 layers. The same applies to the difficulties associated with improper cutting of vapor barrier and insulation materials.

The “bags” are removed in another way: they are cut with an envelope, the corners are turned away and dried. Internal sides The corners are cleaned of dirt, greased with mastic and glued back. The cuts are wiped with a comb and covered with a patch, it is puttied and covered with a layer of mastic. Sometimes an incision is not needed: if there is only air in the “bag”, it is enough to puncture the swelling, inject 20 g of kerosene or white spirit inside, and then press the damaged area tightly.

Installation of soft bitumen shingles must be carried out in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.

Inattentive Study technical documentation, errors when choosing materials for roofing pie, haste and the desire to save money lead to various problems, including: leaks, visual defects, and reduced service life of the coating.

Knowing the most common mistakes will help you avoid unforeseen situations and serious costs for urgent repairs.

    Use of wet lumber. During the operation of the house, the board used for sheathing dries out and becomes deformed. The slope becomes uneven, which leads to shingles peeling off, water flowing in, and reduced resistance to wind loads. For need to use edged board coniferous species with humidity no more than 20%.

    Laying OSB without gaps. This leads to deformation soft tiles in places where OSB sheets join and the formation of elevations that spoil the appearance of the roof. Compensation gaps prevent the sheets from pressing against each other as the temperature rises or humidity increases. The installation instructions say: “a gap of 2-3 mm should be left between the OSB sheets.”

    Improper storage of underlay carpet. Bends and folds, dents and creases form on the material. As a result, the laid underlay carpet loses its ideal surface geometry. becomes more complex, choosing a pattern becomes more difficult, and waves form on the surface of the finished roof. The lining carpet should be stored in an upright position at normal humidity and a temperature not exceeding +30ºС.

    Laying underlay carpet at low temperatures. As the temperature rises, there is a natural change linear dimensions OSB sheets. This leads to the formation of waves on the roof made of flexible tiles. The defect is more cosmetic and may go away over time. But is it worth the risk? Manufacturers recommend at a temperature not lower than +5ºС.

    Error in selection of material: thick carpet, thin tiles. This combination “reveals” all the shortcomings and flaws in the installation of the base and underlayment. Irregularities and waves appear, resulting in a decrease in the resistance of the coating to wind and mechanical loads. It is better to use soft tiles and carpet from the same manufacturer, and the thickness of the tiles should be greater.

    Errors when installing wind slats. These provide a tight connection between the roof and gables of the building. Improper installation leads to water flowing under the tiles and into. The pediment planks begin to be laid from the eaves, making an overlap between adjacent elements of at least 5 cm. The planks are nailed with roofing nails in a checkerboard pattern.

    Use fewer nails for fastening or nails without notches. Saving on fasteners or using nails that are not intended for fixing the roof leads to a decrease in the reliability of the roof. In this case, the shingles are easily torn off by strong winds. For installation of soft tiles, 25-30 mm long with a wide head are used. There are 4 - 6 nails per shingle (depending on the angle of the roof).

    Installation without using markings. Laying shingles “by eye” leads to the formation of a crooked pattern. The markings play the role of guides; horizontal lines are applied using construction laces or using a stretched rope.

    Use shingles from only one pack. This leads to the formation of a “zebra effect”, which will negatively affect appearance roofs. Manufacturers recommend taking one shingle from 5-6 different packs to avoid variations in color.

    Installation in hot weather. At temperatures above +25ºС, the bitumen in the flexible tiles softens. This makes it difficult to move on already installed shingles, and there is a risk of damaging the shingles with shoes. Roofing It is better to carry out at a temperature of +5 - +20ºС in dry weather.

The standard set of tasks for a real man, as you know, includes three points: give birth to a son, plant a tree and build a house. And today among the stronger sex, regardless of profession and status, there are many who strive to literally bring them to life. Even more easy to use modern materials and technologies allow us to successfully carry out construction and repair work on our own country house. For example, to achieve guaranteed reliability and durability pitched roof possible, thanks to the use of lining carpet. It forms a continuous waterproofing layer through which moisture that has penetrated into the under-roof space simply drains without causing damage to the structure.

Now this progressive specialized material is produced in Russia. Underlay carpets ANDEREP of TECHNONICOL Corporation successfully compete in foreign markets and do for Russian consumers quality independent of imports. A non-professional builder can easily handle their installation. However, there are a number of nuances, neglect of which can lead to a decrease in efficiency. About them - below.

Substrate preparation and installation conditions

The successful functioning of the underlay carpet and finishing coating largely depends on a properly prepared base and the conditions in which the installation was carried out. Therefore, it is extremely important to avoid mistakes at these stages. Base plates - OSB, or moisture-resistant plywood must be laid with a gap of no more than 3 mm. Otherwise, during the process of thermal expansion, the surface may be deformed, unevenness will be created on the lining carpet, and the roof will lose, at least in its aesthetic appeal. Installation on wet bases or “spring installation” can also lead to the formation of wavy folds on the surface. During the winter, structures inevitably gain moisture, and at positive temperatures they begin to release it. The expert recommends avoiding haste and starting laying the material only when the building frame and the mounted surface are in one temperature conditions and in acceptable humidity. For sheathing structures, the permissible humidity is no more than 20%, for solid wooden flooring(OSB and moisture-resistant plywood) - no more than 12%.

Folds and waves in the underlayment can also occur if it is installed in different temperature and time frames. For example, a team may begin work in the evening, when the air temperature drops and the material hardens. At such a time, even small folds on the material will be invisible. In the morning, when the temperature rises, the lining carpet will soften, begin to fit tightly to the surface, and any irregularities will gather into large folds. To prevent this from happening, the installation of the lining carpet must be carried out in one temperature regime with its maximum softness and pliability, that is, during the day and at the same time of year.

Alexey Vorobiev

Choosing the right underlay carpet

Many people today understand the need for underlay carpet. But it is important not just to lay down an underlayment, but to choose a solution that is most suitable for a specific construction task. A common mistake is replacing specialized products with cheap ones. roofing materials, most often roofing felt. The savings in this case are very doubtful. The strength characteristics of roofing felt are lower. Unlike underlay carpets, it does not have a “self-healing” function. A huge number of holes formed during the mechanical fastening of it and the roofing material and increased in the process, for example, by seasonal deformations, turn such a coating into a “sieve”. Moisture that gets into the under-roof space will almost certainly end up on wooden base and can lead to its rotting and destruction. Underlay carpets, unlike roofing felt, create a continuous protective layer even on surfaces of complex geometry. But among them it is important to choose the right one. For example, any product from the ANDEREP line will be suitable for flexible tiles. But the use of economical underlay carpets ANDEREP GL and ANDEREP GL PLUS, specially designed only for flexible tiles, with other roofing materials - metal sheets, ceramic tiles etc. fraught with problems.

To do this, it is better to choose universal ultra-light underlay carpets ANDEREP PROF and ANDEREP PROF PLUS, and in places where roofs made of flexible tiles and tiles are most likely to leak, it is recommended to use ANDEREP ULTRA.

ANDEREP GL and ANDEREP GL PLUS are based on fiberglass. It imparts the necessary strength, but does not have tensile strength; therefore, materials based on it do not withstand deformation well. For higher loads, ANDEREP PROF, ANDEREP PROF PLUS and ANDEREP ULTRA materials are suitable, based on durable and stretchable polyester.

Alexey Vorobiev

Installation of “self-adhesive” and underlay carpets with mechanical fastening

A simple and optimal solution for installation is self-adhesive underlay carpets, such as ANDEREP ULTRA. To attach them you just need to remove them protective film and roll the material to the base. It adheres tightly to the surface without forming air gaps. But when working with self-adhesive materials It is extremely important to meet several conditions. The material must be laid on a surface that is as dry and clean as possible. And the air temperature during work should not be lower than +10˚C. In addition, in places of high loads, for example, in the valley area, it is necessary to additionally apply mechanical fastening.

The most common use of underlay carpets is with mechanical fastening. This installation method is practical and simple. However, it is extremely important to correctly calculate required amount fasteners - if you do not comply with the standards, in the event of strong gusts of wind there will be a risk of the material tearing off the surface. Overlapping material sheets must be secured with special roofing mastics. This is a rather labor-intensive process. This year TECHNONICOL launched the upgraded materials ANDEREP GL PLUS and ANDEREP PROF PLUS on the market. Unlike their “big brothers” (ANDEREP GL and ANDEREP PROF, respectively), they are equipped with special adhesive (bitumen-free) strips - to fasten the sheets, you only need to remove the protective film and glue the next sheet to the adhesive surface. The use of such materials reduces mastic consumption, makes installation less labor-intensive and increases the reliability of joints.

When installing any underlay carpet, it is extremely important to ensure its maximum tension and adherence to the surface. Therefore, installation must begin after the material rolled out from the roll has completely straightened out. The behavior of underlay carpets on the roof largely depends on their base. If the moisture requirements for the wood used in construction are not met, folds may form on materials with a fiberglass base in the joint areas of the base. To prevent such a problem from arising, it is necessary to reduce the step at which the material is attached to the base and provide additional mechanical fasteners in the middle, in several rows. Super-thin backing carpets with a polyester backing are flexible and when folds occur, they simply knead, preventing the material from lifting up the surface roofing. But, accordingly, their price is more expensive.

Alexey Vorobiev

Timely protection of the underlay carpet

Underlay carpets are intended for laying under the finishing coating. A bitumen mixture without special protection is not designed for prolonged exposure to ultraviolet radiation. The sand coating on the material is intended only to ensure the safe movement of the person performing the installation. It is advisable to leave such material without a topcoat for no more than a week. But the underlay carpets ANDEREP GL PLUS, ANDEREP PROF, ANDEREP PROF PLUS and ANDEREP ULTRA will not lose their properties under direct influence environment for six months.

When installing the roof due to various reasons There may be interruptions in work. In such situations, a number of underlay carpets can effectively perform the functions of a temporary roof for a fairly long period. ANDEREP GL PLUS, ANDEREP PROF, ANDEREP PROF PLUS materials give this ability protective covering non-woven polypropylene (Spunbond), and ANDEREP ULTRA - increased content of high-quality modifiers contained in the bitumen mixture.

Alexey Vorobiev

Thus, right choice underlay carpet and strict adherence to the manufacturer’s instructions will allow those who are used to doing everything themselves to provide reliable and durable protection pitched roof Houses.

During the operation of a soft roof, swellings of various diameters may appear on its surface. The reason for their formation is a violation of the technology for installing soft roofs in terms of vapor barrier. This may be the lack of a vapor barrier or its improper installation during roof installation. The heat flow that rises from the premises upward towards the roof carries a significant amount of moisture. As the roofing cake passes through, it condenses and accumulates in the gap between the roofing materials and their substrate. IN winter period throughout the year, this moisture freezes and thaws repeatedly, which leads to delamination of the soft roof and its gradual destruction. In the warm season, moisture is converted into hot steam and increases its volume up to 40 times. For this reason, swellings with a diameter of more than one meter can form on the surface of a soft roof.

To eliminate swelling, they are cut in the shape of an envelope, and the corners are turned away and the contents are thoroughly dried. The inner and outer sides of the corners are cleaned of adhering dirt and moisture. After this, they are lubricated with a special mastic and glued back to the roof surface. A patch is fixed on top of the damaged area, the size of which should cover the incision sites by a distance of at least 100 mm. The edges of the patch are puttied, and the top is carefully treated with mastic. If the soft roof was made of fused materials, then you can refuse to use mastic. In this case, all gluing operations are carried out using blowtorch or gas burner.

Roof repairs in Moscow are carried out in this way by most construction companies who have extensive experience in this field and qualified personnel.