Repair mixtures and solutions for concrete surfaces. The best mixture for concrete repair What mixtures are used for repair

Repair mixtures for concrete are used when we need to eliminate damage to the surface without dismantling and re-filling. Of course, the strength of the structure may decrease somewhat, but still the final condition will be much better than before the repair.

Below we will tell you what mixtures can be used to seal cracks and cracks, how to prepare such products yourself, and what to pay attention to when using them.

Even a heavily damaged surface can be restored using high-quality materials

General questions about the repair of concrete structuresThe most common damage

Concrete is a fairly durable material, and it is for this reason that it is widely used in construction. However, such surfaces are also subject to wear, so sooner or later they require restoration.

Photo of the damaged surface

As a rule, in everyday life we ​​encounter either damage to concrete load-bearing structures(foundations, plinths, walls), or with defects in the floor screed.

The most common problems include:

  • Dusting - finely dispersed destruction of the surface layer. It occurs as a result of a violation of the filling technology, as well as with a significant intensity of operational loads. Eliminated by applying film-forming compounds - sealings.
  • Cracks - formed when exposed to heavy loads on small area, as well as during temperature deformations. In addition, concrete can crack during shrinkage.

To avoid the appearance of deformation and shrinkage cracks, it is necessary to take measures at the stage of preparing the structure for pouring concrete.
For this, various damper tapes, expansion joints, etc. are used.

  • Traces of mechanical damage - chips, potholes, holes etc. This also includes traces from structural elements - mortgages, beacons, formwork parts.
  • Level differences caused by uneven shrinkage of the base.

And if in the latter case it is necessary to carry out a large-scale restoration of almost the entire floor, then if cracks or potholes appear, the concrete repair mixture will help restore the surface.

Concrete floor prepared for renovation

Types of mixtures

To carry out repair work, the most different compositions. Their range is very extensive, but still it can be divided into two groups. The easiest way to analyze the characteristics of materials is by studying the table below:

Mixture type Properties Features of application
Bulk The use of components that provide increased fluidity allows particles of the repair composition to penetrate deep into damaged concrete, securely bonding to the base. Used to restore defects in horizontal surfaces - floors, screeds, ceilings, etc.
Thixotropic When mixed with water, the material becomes plastic and does not delaminate or shrink. High viscosity prevents the free flow of the composition from the damaged area. They can be used both for sealing horizontal cracks and for repairing walls. With a certain skill, it can be used to eliminate defects in the ceiling.

As for the material, non-shrink cement is widely used for the manufacture of such compositions, as well as polymers - epoxy resin and polyurethane. All products in this category are characterized by fairly rapid hardening, which is why they are used for express restoration - when there is no time to wait for the concrete structure to fully gain strength.

Application of bulk mixture

An additional advantage may be the presence of fiber in the repair mixture - steel or polymer fibers. When the product hardens, concrete fiber strengthens the edges of the damaged base, significantly increasing its strength. True, the price of such reinforcing agents will be slightly higher.


If you don't want to spend money on a purchase branded material, then you can easily make a mixture for repair concrete surfaces with your own hands. Of course, its efficiency will be somewhat lower, but for domestic needs it is quite suitable.

You can also prepare the product yourself

To prepare we will need:

  • PVA glue or bustylate, diluted with water in a ratio of 1:3.
  • Cement – ​​1 part.
  • Sand sifted through a fine sieve - 3 parts.

The material is prepared immediately before the start of repairs.

For this:

  • Pour the cement-sand mixture into a container with a wide neck.
  • Add adhesive suspension to the dry material, gradually mixing the solution by hand. It is important not to overdo it with water - the composition should be quite dense.
  • When all the material is in the container, take a drill with a mixer attachment and mix the composition until completely homogeneous. As a rule, three to five minutes are enough for this.

Method for eliminating damagePreparing the base

Crack bridging scheme

Usually, any mixture for repairing concrete surfaces is accompanied by instructions that clearly regulate the process of its use.

  • First, we need to inspect the damaged area and roughly estimate the amount of material we will need.
  • Then we remove concrete fragments, dust, debris, etc. from the crack. For small defects, you can use a stiff brush, but for significant damage, it is more convenient to clean with sandblasting or high-pressure water jetting.
  • To secure the edges, the crack can be deepened 20-50 mm below the line of natural destruction. In the process of bridging cracks, cutting reinforced concrete with diamond wheels is often used, which makes it possible to obtain perfectly smooth edges and eliminate all weakly adherent areas.

In some cases, it is used to remove damaged parts. diamond drilling holes in concrete

On longitudinal cracks, experts recommend cutting transverse grooves in increments of about 20 cm for more effective fastening.

  • Particular attention should be paid reinforcement cage. All metal parts, protruding beyond concrete covering, clean until shiny. Then we apply an anti-corrosion primer to the stripped rods to prevent oxidation of the material during the hydration of the repair mixture.
  • If the depth of the defect exceeds 50 mm, then additional reinforcement must be placed into it. The reinforcement is installed in such a way that the metal is subsequently covered with a layer of mortar no thinner than 20 mm.

After completing all this work, we re-dust the area. Then we moisten all surfaces, trying, however, to prevent the accumulation of large drops.

Preparation and application of the composition

The mixture for repairing concrete surfaces, prepared independently, can be applied immediately. And here are the compositions industrial production need to be properly diluted with water.

Only in this case will the material acquire the necessary effective filling Seam and polymerization characteristics:

  • As a rule, both flowable and thixotropic mixtures require a relatively small volume of liquid. On average, 120 to 250 ml of water is consumed per 1 kg of dry material.
  • Cool water in a minimum volume ( exact numbers indicated in the instructions) pour into a container or concrete mixer. Then add the dry component, gradually mixing the material.

Manual processing does not provide the desired homogeneity of the product, so you must use an electric mixer.
For small volumes, it is possible to use a drill with a special attachment.

We apply casting agents in this way:

  • We install formwork along the perimeter of the restored area. It is advisable that its height be at least 50 mm greater than the planned coverage level.
  • Pour the prepared fluid mixture onto the concrete, evenly distributing it from one edge to the other. This sequence of actions will avoid trapping air bubbles.
  • Vibratory compaction of the composition is not required in most cases. To remove air pockets at the junction of the surface and the formwork, it is enough to run a metal strip around the perimeter.

We act differently with thixotropic agents:

  • We collect a small amount of material on a spatula or grater.

Filling the defect with a thixotropic non-shrinking solution

  • We forcefully press the compound into the crack, filling it by 15-25 mm in one pass.
  • After waiting some time for the layer to polymerize, we repeat the treatment until the defect is eliminated.
  • Smooth the surface with a moistened steel float, trying to mask all protrusions and irregularities. Repeated leveling using the same tool is carried out after the mixture has set, i.e. at least half an hour after application.

To prevent the repair composition from cracking, it must be kept moist for 24 hours, and in hot weather - up to three days or more. To do this, periodically spray the restored area with water from a spray bottle or hose, and then cover it with polyethylene or burlap.

Grouting the surface

It is advisable that during the entire drying period there are no drafts or sudden temperature changes in the room.

At optimal use Concrete repair mixtures will help restore the surface of almost any structure. Compliance with the rules for preparing the solution and its application makes it possible to preserve mechanical properties surfaces, and in some cases, seriously improve them. The video in this article will help to understand the nuances of the technology for those who plan to do such repairs themselves.

Concrete is strong and durable. However, under the influence of various unfavorable factors, concrete begins to deteriorate: poor-quality pouring, non-compliance with the proportions of components, exposure to aggressive environments and mechanical damage.

A special tool can eliminate surface damage. concrete repair mixture, which, according to world and domestic experience, is much more effective than traditional cement-sand mortars. All repair mixtures for concrete existing in nature are divided into types:

  • For repair of load-bearing structures ( concrete columns, load-bearing beams, floor slabs and other structures);
  • For repair of asphalt concrete pavement and self-leveling floors;
  • To protect concrete from corrosion.

In addition, repair mixtures are divided into casting (for horizontal surfaces) and thixotropic, for vertical and ceiling surfaces.

Factors influencing the choice of type of repair composition

  • Type of damage: crack, chip, leveling or pothole of concrete;
  • Size of damage;
  • Terms of Use.

In this regard, there are the following types repair and concrete work:

  • Strengthening the strength of the concrete surface;
  • Surface leveling;
  • Sealing cracks and potholes.

To strengthen concrete that carries significant loads and at the same time has a loose surface ( concrete screed floors, floor slabs, etc.), as a rule, deep penetration primers are used.

The most common type of surface repair is concrete leveling and crack filling. Vertical cracks are sealed with thixotropic mixtures. They “adhere” perfectly to the surface, do not spread, have minimal shrinkage and have high strength, frost resistance and water resistance.

Particularly critical areas require the addition of reinforced fiber fiber, and operational repair provided with special compounds. Horizontal damage can be repaired using injection molded repair compounds. These are more liquid substances, therefore they have minimal shrinkage, set faster and form a more durable “crust”.

Below we present the best imported and domestic mixtures for repairing concrete surfaces, depending on the type of repair.

  • The best mixtures for leveling horizontal surfaces: “VOLMA-Nivelir Express”, “Vetonit-2000”, KESTONIT 97;
  • Repairing chips and potholes: IVSIL EXPRESS-BASIS, Thomsit RS 88, “LAKHTA” quick repair»;
  • Repair of cracking: “LAKHTA basic repair mixture”, BASF MasterEmaco S 488, Sika Monotop 612.

Remember! A correctly selected composition for concrete repair is the key and guarantee of the required long-lasting result.

Concrete is the most popular construction material, characterized by high durability and strength, wide application, absolute non-flammability and low cost. However, violations of the technology of its preparation and installation lead to rapid wear of products and structures. Accelerated destruction of concrete is also facilitated by operation in aggressive environments and increased mechanical loads. As a result, the material loses its design strength and becomes covered with cracks and cavities.

For restoration, a traditional solution is not used, but a specially created repair mixture for concrete with suitable technical characteristics. Such compositions are produced and packaged in the form of a dry powder, which is diluted with water in a certain proportion. To give them special properties (frost resistance, moisture resistance, speed of hardening), various ingredients are added (plasticizers, modifying additives, fractional fillers).

Ready-made formulations for concrete repair are conventionally divided into groups.

By area of ​​application:

  • For the restoration of structures and products experiencing increased mechanical loads (beams, columns, floor slabs, load-bearing walls).
  • For strengthening reinforced concrete elements susceptible to corrosion.
  • For repairing road surfaces and floors.

According to the complexity of the composition:

  • Single-component (cement with large and small fractions).
  • Two-component (epoxy with different degrees of fluidity).
  • Multicomponent (liquid polyurethane).

There are also repair compounds for concrete with special conditions Applications:

  • Thixotropic - for vertical surfaces.
  • Casting - for horizontal planes.
  • Fast-hardening - for urgent repairs and eliminating leaks.
  • Frost-resistant - for use at low temperatures.
  • Industrial and domestic use.

Self-leveling mixtures are used when the thickness of the working layer is no more than 100 mm, and quick-hardening mixtures, which gain the necessary strength after 6 hours, are used up to 40 mm.

Selection method

Correctly selected repair dry mixture for concrete and strict adherence to the technology of its use will ensure the strength and durability of the product or structure. When purchasing a composition, you should take into account the nature of the damage, the size of the affected area and the operating conditions of the concrete. After hardening, the repair mortar should not shrink or delaminate. Its compatibility with the surface being restored and the required level of adhesion to it are extremely important. Almost every manufacturer of repair compounds additionally offers branded primers deep penetration, binding concrete and ensuring high adhesion to the solution.

When choosing the type of mixture, the extent of surface damage must be taken into account. Significant potholes, cracks and differences in floor levels are eliminated with solutions with large fractions. To seal small sinks and cracks, it is enough to buy a fine-grained concrete repair mixture with increased plasticity. If a product or structure is used in extreme conditions, then the restorative composition must contain additional ingredients that give it special qualities, such as frost and water resistance.

Technology of use

Floor repair

To eliminate major damage on horizontal surfaces and differences in concrete floors, inexpensive dry cement-sand mixtures. Before applying the finished solution, the work area should be cleared of debris, dust, degreased, and then treated with a deep penetration primer recommended by the manufacturer. After assessing the extent of damage, it is determined required amount repair mixture for concrete. The recommended thickness of the cement-sand screed does not exceed 40 mm. Control beacons are set and the solution is drawn out, which will gain strength within 2 weeks. All this time, the surface of the screed, covered plastic film, should be periodically moistened with water to prevent cracking. To eliminate small floor defects, it is advisable to use self-leveling finely dispersed liquid formulations with increased plasticity.

Crack repair

Before using the solution, the cracks in the concrete surface are usually widened. To do this, grooves up to 50 mm deep are cut around them with a diamond wheel or grinder, and then the destroyed material is selected with a hammer drill or chisel. Work area cleanse compressed air from debris and dust, treated with impregnation, after which a repair solution is applied. Cracks on horizontal and inclined surfaces eliminated using the saturation method without excess pressure. To fill vertical cracks, inexpensive and practical repair mixtures MBR 300 and MBR 500 for concrete are often used, which differ in strength characteristics and hardening speed. In some cases, to fill internal voids and deep cracks, they resort to the injection method using a special device - a packer. The repair compound that has come out on the surface under pressure is removed with a lath, and after hardening it is ground.

The choice must be approached as responsibly as possible. After all, if work to restore a concrete base is carried out using unsuitable or low-quality materials, the structure only loses strength, not to mention the fact that its cost increases significantly.

What causes concrete to fail?

Concrete structures are destroyed under the influence of the following negative factors:

Chemical reactions caused by increased carbon content in concrete. These processes provoke a violation of the proportions of water and cement content in the solution.

Chemical reactions caused by the action of chlorine ions contained in road salt, which is used in the cold season to protect reinforced concrete road surfaces from ice. As a result of these processes, oxidation of reinforcement in concrete begins.

Action of moisture. Water seeps into concrete cavities. When frozen, it crystallizes and causes destruction and cracking in the concrete structure.

Mechanical factors - shocks and dynamic impacts exceeding the permissible loads provided for project documentation etc.

Seismic processes.

Natural disasters- floods, hurricanes, etc.


Failure to comply with technological standards and violations at the construction stage. For example, long periods of downtime during the concreting stage can lead to poor adhesion of the new concrete to the old base. This entails the formation of working (cold) seams and over time reduces the strength and damages the aesthetics of the structure.

The main stages of concrete repair activities

Work is carried out in the following sequence:

Examination. At this stage, specialists assess the severity of the damage caused and analyze possible reasons who provoked them. To do this, the size of cracks, the thickness of the protective layer, the intensity of carbonization processes, etc. are measured. Based on the results of the surveys and their recommendations, a repair plan is drawn up and the means intended for this are selected.

Preparatory work. The damaged layer and signs of previously carried out restoration measures are completely removed from the base to a dense, clean and solid base. Its surface is cleaned of all types of dirt, traces of paint, oils, etc.

Processing of reinforcement. Bare reinforcement bars are carefully cleaned from traces of corrosion and covered with protective compounds.

Repair work. Construction mixtures for concrete repair are applied manually, bulk method(for example, into formwork) or by spraying/gunning.

- Recovery by using special means. Protective compounds on an organic or inorganic basis protect concrete from negative impact environment, pollution and other aggressive external factors.

If necessary, a decorative layer is applied over the protective layer.

Types of mixtures for concrete repair

Depending on the purpose and nature of use, the following types of compositions are distinguished:

    Compositions used to restore load-bearing concrete structures (floors, beams, highways, floors in industrial premises and other types of coatings experiencing strong dynamic loads).

    Compounds used for non-structural restoration of concrete, leveling the surface of the base and sealing minor defects.

When choosing a repair composition for concrete, the nature and extent of damage, the specific operating conditions, technical specifications concrete and other factors.

Concrete repair mixtures from MAPEI

MAPEI offers various materials for a complete and quality repairs reinforced concrete structures:

  • Means for anti-corrosion protection of fittings.
  • Materials for repair of reinforced and unreinforced concrete.
  • Leveling mixtures.
  • Waterproofing compounds.
  • Epoxy resins for repairing cracks using the injection method.
  • Finishing decorative and protective materials, etc.

The most popular materials for complex concrete repair from MAPEI are produced in Russia, in own factories companies.

The most popular mixtures for concrete repair from MAPEI

Mapegrout Thixotropic is a dry mixture for the repair of reinforced concrete and concrete structures, reinforced with polymer fiber, with compensated shrinkage. Characterized by excellent adhesion to concrete and steel, frost resistance, water resistance, mechanical strength. Applied in a layer of 10 to 35 mm. Thanks to its thixotropic properties, it is suitable for use on both vertical and horizontal bases, without requiring the use of stationary formwork. Gains strength quickly. This dry mixture is intended for surface restoration concrete foundations- for example, for filling formwork marks, smoothing open reinforcing rods, repairing upper layers industrial floors, ramps, etc.

Mapegrout Hi-Flow is a dry mixture for repairing concrete by pouring into formwork. Indispensable where, due to the depth and specificity of the damage, materials with high fluidity rates are required - for example, for restoring road surfaces, filling the distances between elements of concrete structures, etc. Apply in a layer of 10 to 40 mm. Upon contact with water, it forms a concrete mixture that is not subject to delamination, resistant to abrasion, low temperatures and has waterproofing properties.

Mapegrout 430 is a concrete repair material characterized by controlled shrinkage and medium strength values. Used for repairing concrete foundations destroyed as a result of corrosion processes in reinforcement. It is applied in a layer of 5 to 35 mm without the use of formwork on vertical surfaces. In order to provide the composition with the opportunity to fully expand in open construction sites, use in conjunction with Mapecure SRA is recommended.

Mapegrout SV-R Fiber is a dry repair mixture that quickly gains strength and is intended for the repair of serious defects where the coating is subject to heavy loads and long-term downtime is not possible (road surfaces, airport runways, industrial premises etc.). Can be used for negative temperature conditions from -5*C. Apply a layer of 20-50 mm.

ARB-10 and ARB-10F are concrete repair compounds that quickly gain strength. They are characterized by high resistance to mechanical damage, water resistance and compensated shrinkage. Thanks to the presence of steel fibers in the composition, ARB 10F can be used to repair foundations subject to severe loads. These products were developed specifically for the restoration of airport runways, bridges, industrial floors, etc. Apply in layers from 50 to 300 mm

Mapefill and Mapefill 10 - expanding fluid concrete mixture, not subject to shrinkage and quickly gaining strength. Used for base fixing and anchoring industrial equipment. In addition, it is suitable for filling seams, technological cavities, etc.

Stabilcem is a cement binder for the preparation of injection solutions for repairing cracks in concrete, brick, and stone using the injection method. It is also used to compact foundations and fill hard joints.


    Mapelastic is an elastic composition for protection against water load and atmospheric influences, both external (balconies, terraces) and underground parts of the structure (basement walls, swimming pools, water tanks, etc.), as well as plastered surfaces and old floors.

    Idrosilex Pronto - rigid waterproofing for the protection of underground structures: basements, foundations, channels, swimming pools, under positive and negative water pressure

We focused only on the most famous repair compounds from MAPEI. The company's product range is so wide and includes so many materials for different areas construction, that it is simply impossible to list the entire product line in one article.

Potholes, chips, cracks - all this can happen to any concrete surface. In this article we will tell you how and with what mixtures you can repair concrete.

Types of repair compounds

Concrete is known for its strength, reliability and durability. However, under the influence of various factors, it begins to deteriorate over time. The reason for this may be poor-quality installation, non-compliance with the proportions of the components, aggressive external environment, mechanical damage. Defects can be eliminated using special repair compounds.

In order to prepare the composition, you need to mix the dry repair mixture with water. It is possible to use special additives that improve some of the characteristics of concrete. Ready-made compounds are used to repair floors, walls, stairs, bridges, roads and other concrete structures.

All repair mixtures can be divided according to their purpose:

  • for repairing load-bearing concrete structures, for example, columns, beams, floor slabs;
  • for repairing roads and concrete floors;
  • to protect concrete structures from corrosion.

The market offers a fairly wide range of repair compounds with different properties, from different domestic and global manufacturers. Accordingly, their quality and price category may differ quite significantly.

Repair compositions must ensure high adhesion to concrete, non-shrinkage and absolute compatibility with it. With their help, the load-bearing capacity of structures is restored, water resistance, frost resistance and strength of concrete are increased. In addition, they must be accessible and economically feasible.

According to international and domestic experience, it has been proven that the use of repair mixtures is more effective than the use of traditional cement-sand mortars.

Repair mixtures for concrete are divided into thixotropic and castable. The first ones are used for vertical surfaces, the second ones for horizontal ones. The reinforcing properties can be increased using fiberglass.

How to choose a repair compound

Several factors influence the choice of repair composition:

  • type of damage
  • defect size
  • terms of Use

There are three main types of repair work:

  • strengthening the concrete surface
  • leveling the concrete surface
  • crack repair

To strengthen concrete that carries heavy loads and has a fragile surface (screed, floor slabs), deep penetration primers are usually used.

The most common type of concrete repair is leveling out uneven surfaces. Sealing of vertical surfaces is carried out using thixotropic dry mixtures. They cling perfectly to the surface, stick well to them and do not blur. They have minimal shrinkage and high strength, water and frost resistance characteristics.

Particularly critical areas require the addition of reinforced fiber fiber. Quick repairs are ensured by special compounds. Their hardening time is up to 6 hours. But they have a limitation on layer thickness - up to 30-40 mm.

Horizontal surfaces are leveled with casting mixtures. They are more liquid and, thanks to this, they are simply poured onto the surface. The mixture sets quickly, has minimal shrinkage and is quite durable. One layer can be laid up to 10 cm thick.

Leveling mixtures are also used to repair cracks in concrete.

The choice of repair composition is influenced by the operating conditions of the structure. If necessary, you can add components to the mixture that enhance different properties, for example, water resistance or fast drying.

The most famous manufacturers repair mixtures - BASF, MAPEI, SIKA, from Russian ones - Lakhta, Alit, Consolit, SpetsRemSmes.

Leveling the floor

To level the floor, you need to prepare cement-sand screed. The concrete surface is first cleaned of dust and treated with a primer. After this, they determine the point at which the floor will be leveled, according to laser level beacons are installed.

Next, the screed is poured. Its maximum height should not exceed 35-40 mm. The pre-mixed solution is poured onto the surface and leveled with a spatula. On the second day, the beacons are removed and the seams are sealed with a trowel.

The screed should dry well. This may take up to 2 weeks. The screed is covered with film, and the surface itself is periodically moistened with water. Thanks to this, it will become stronger and will not crack.

Horizontal surfaces can be repaired using a self-leveling compound. They are used in the presence of small defects and uneven areas. The result of use is a perfectly flat surface.

To level the floor I use the following mixtures: “VOLMA-Nivelir Express” (cost: 14 rubles/kg), “Vetonit-2000” (17 rubles/kg), KESTONIT 97 (39 rubles/kg).

Repairing potholes on the floor

At the beginning of work using diamond blade or a grinder, small incisions are made around the damage. Then the remnants of damaged concrete are removed with a chisel and a hammer drill, and the surface is cleaned of dust. For better adhesion of the composition to the concrete, a special epoxy primer is applied to the surface.

After applying the solution, it is necessary to remove its excess and use a lath to level the surface. After complete drying, the composition becomes as durable as possible. The sealed area is sanded.

The following mixtures are suitable for filling potholes: IVSIL EXPRESS-BASIS (cost - 10 rubles/kg), Thomsit RS 88 (30 rubles/kg), "LAKHTA quick repair" (80 rubles/kg).

Crack repair

Due to various reasons, cracks appear in concrete. Over time, they can increase, destroying the entire structure. This defect must be repaired.

Vertical cracks are repaired by injection. When using the injection method, the composition is pumped into the crack using special equipment - a packer.

Surface cracks, which usually form on inclined and horizontal surfaces, are repaired using the saturation method. In this case, the cracks are impregnated with the mixture without pressure.

There is another method for eliminating cracks. At the beginning of work, the crack is sawed 25-50 mm deep and 10-20 mm wide. Excess concrete must be removed and the crack must be blown out of dust and dirt. The cut is filled with repair mixture. If the concrete crumbles, it is worth using a higher quality mixture; if it produces virtually no dust, a cheaper product will do.

To repair cracks, you can use the following mixtures: “LAKHTA basic repair composition” (cost - 57 rubles / kg), BASF MasterEmaco S 488 (33 rubles / kg), Sika Monotop 612 (86 rubles / kg).

Comparative table of technical characteristics of dry repair mixtures:

Options "LAKHTA basic repair composition" BASF MasterEmaco S 488 Sika Monotop 612
Material consumption, kg/dm 3 1,6-1,7 1,9 2,11
Water consumption, l/kg 0,13 0,145-1,6 0,1-0,115
Strength of adhesion to concrete after 28 days, MPa, not less 1,5 2,5 1,5-2,5
Bending strength after 28 days, MPa, not less 8 8 7-9
Waterproof grade no less W12 W16 W16
Application temperature, °C from +5 to +35 from +5 to +50 from +5 to +35
Cost, rub./kg 57 33 86

Basic specifications presented in this table will help you choose best option repair mixture for your needs.

The right mixture for concrete repair and quality work guarantee an excellent final result.

Andrey Badovsky,