Roller shutters and blinds for window insulation. What are thermal curtains: types and application Insulated curtains for windows

With the onset of cold seasons, not only the biorhythms of the human body change, but also the mood: the world around us becomes colder, grayer and cloudier. More than ever, we begin to appreciate the pleasant, cute and cozy little things of a warm home. It's time to create an atmosphere of protection from winter cold in your apartment. You cannot do without changing your window “clothes”; you need to purchase a set of curtains for bad weather.

Curtains for bad weather

Insulating windows with curtains for the winter

In the store, among the variety of structures, colors, types of curtain fabrics, it’s easy to get confused. The weightless, butterfly-bright summer options are especially fascinating, but winter, warm curtains are made from completely different types of fabric:

  1. Texture. Forget about flying, flowing fabrics; among the latest innovations is the use of soft, lightly piled and “shaggy” fabric (chenille). Those who like to soak up the warmth of long evenings with a cup of tea will be delighted by the quilted material for winter curtains with padding polyester lining. Classic models – jacquard fabrics – remain relevant. Their convex designs with clear, three-dimensional lines turn the window opening into a work of art.
  2. Color. The variegation and riot of colors are appropriate for the hot, bright summer months - such curtains in inclement weather will only cause nostalgia for the holidays and slight irritation.

Curtains should be thick (like clothing) and warm (like sunlight). Such products will not only satisfy our increased need for comfort and coziness, but will also stop the pervasive flow of icy air.

The highest quality multi-chamber windows let the cold in to one degree or another. Warm air leaves the room in winter through gaps and cracks; heat loss also occurs in the form of radiation through transparent window glass. Additional insulation and protection of windows are thick, heavy curtains of light warm colors, which during this period are used not only for decoration. Curtains for insulating windows become an element of comprehensive protection of the house from bad weather and cold.

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Necessary parameters of winter curtains

When choosing the decor of window openings for the cold season, you need to take into account the following product characteristics:

  • Color spectrum. With the onset of autumn, the intensity of lighting outside the windows and the duration of daylight hours change. Therefore, it is important to transform the gray twilight flowing through the glass into a semblance of sunlight. Warm curtains for windows will help you cope with this task with the help of correctly selected colors.

Color spectrum

Designers advise choosing warm shades of yellow, orange, beige and terracotta.

The less natural light there is in the room, the more intense and saturated colors the window design will require.

Don't be afraid to experiment with hot, sultry shades.

Avoid deep, dark colors - such winter curtains will create a gloomy, heavy mood in a dimly lit room.

  • Texture of the material. The play of light will be created by curtain fabric with a glossy, shiny surface. Reflecting glare and reflections will add a festive and mischievous mood to a gray day.

The density of the fabric is important. In the presence of drafts, impenetrable, heavy curtains will stop the flow of cold air penetrating through small cracks and prevent heat from leaving the heated room.

  • There are different types of winter curtains depending on the number of layers of fabric used in sewing. Curtains can be made with lining. An interesting combination is a thick lining and a light, weightless covering (for example, organza). The lower fabric adds volume to the product and protects the thin upper fabric from mechanical damage.

Curtain models are produced from 2-3 layers of fabric of different textures. You can play up the color scheme by using several shades of the same type of material.

Sewn together, the canvases are fixed on the cornice. The multi-layer design allows you to change the mood of the room in a short time: it is enough to replace the top fabric that has become boring (or does not correspond to the internal condition).

Multi-layer design

Related article: Installation of day-night roller blinds

In addition, this “design” has increased protective qualities:

  • Cold air is not able to penetrate through several layers of material; warm curtains from the wind are an insurmountable barrier.
  • An additional insulating air cushion is created between the layers. The curtain protects and maintains the internal temperature of the room using the principle of a thermos.

But don’t forget about the cornices: they carry additional load. The fastenings must be reliable in order to withstand the impressive weight of several pieces of fabric.

Winter curtain sizes

Now we determine the size of the seasonal set of curtains. Radiators in most rooms are located under the window sill. Long winter curtains cover their surface, which significantly reduces the heat transfer of heating devices. And if we are talking about dense, multi-layered fabric used for warm curtains, then the protective qualities will turn into a huge drawback: without allowing cold air to pass through from the windows, they at the same time do not allow radiators to heat the room.

Therefore, the optimal length of the winter set (so as not to cover the radiator with curtains) is a few centimeters below the window sill:

  • You can make warm curtains for your home in the right size to order.
  • Vertical dimensions are varied using decorative fasteners. The lower part of the curtains is beautifully draped or picked up and fixed in the desired position with clips.
  • There is another option: transformable curtains. Buttons are sewn onto the middle of the curtain along a horizontal line, and the lower edge of the product is “equipped” with eyelets. The length of the curtain is adjusted as needed: with the onset of cold weather, the hinges are fastened, and the curtain acquires the required length, revealing the surface of the radiator.

In the winter months, the lambrequin also performs not only an aesthetic, but also an insulating function, being an obstacle to cold air at the top of the window. But here it is important to maintain the style of the room: this decorative element will not “make friends” with the modern, clear and laconic design of the room. And with a low ceiling height, a lambrequin will emphasize this lack of a room.

How to sew “winter” curtains that will not only decorate the interior of your room, but also help keep it warm

How cold and uncomfortable it is to wake up in the morning in an apartment that has cooled down overnight. Sometimes you don’t even want to stick your nose out from under the blanket, but you have to. When cold weather sets in, many people experience heat loss in the room. This is because the window on the street side is cooled, the room tries to heat it up and intense heat exchange occurs, while the temperature drops significantly. To prevent this from happening, you can purchase special curtains, so-called thermal curtains. Or you can make them yourself without spending a lot of money on it.

As you know, curtains are one of the essential elements when decorating a room, which help create a cozy atmosphere and a unique interior of your room. The windows in everyone's house are different: some have more, some have smaller, there are windows with a balcony door. How can you make curtains not only retain heat, but also match your interior? Everything is quite simple: you need to choose a suitable fabric and sew curtains according to the parameters of your window.

What you need for “winter” curtains

1. Foil insulation;
2. Fabric that matches the interior of your room;
3. Ceiling cornice.

Insulation is our base, which will be located inside the curtain. For this we take a regular reflector, which can be purchased at a hardware store. The size of the insulation should be equal to the size of the window.

We buy the fabric at a fabric store, respectively. Choose thick fabric for curtains. To calculate the amount of fabric, measure the window opening. The width of the fabric is equal to the width of the window, the length of the fabric is the height of the window multiplied by 2. Plus ten centimeters of margin on all sides so that the curtain overlaps the window and does not let out warm air.

We sew curtains

Fold the fabric in half and sew the sides. Thus, you get a large cover closed on three sides, similar to a pillowcase. The most important thing about the cover is that it can be easily removed and washed. Therefore, on the fourth side of the curtain we sew Velcro or a zipper - whatever you like.

Another nuance is curtain ties; they are necessary to roll and secure the curtain during the daytime.

We take pieces of fabric and make garters for the curtains. You will need two of them. The length of each segment should be about one meter, the width ten centimeters. We fold the piece in half lengthwise, folding the edges inward and stitching. The result is a harness that matches the color of the curtain. Fold the harness in half and sew its center onto the top of the curtain. Of course, you can use a beautiful ribbon or lace as garters.

So, the “winter” curtain is ready. The lower part of the curtain is the side that unfastens, the upper part is where the harnesses are sewn. We place insulation inside (be sure to place the foil towards the room if the foil is on the insulation only on one side).

But how can you hang all this on the window? Very simple! To do this, you should use a ceiling cornice. It is sold in various lengths, you can simply cut it to fit your window. It is necessary to attach the curtain rod to the wall directly above the window opening so that there is no gap left between the curtain and the window. We sew loops onto the curtain and hang it on the hooks of the curtain rod.

Of course, you can stop there, but if you are not a fan of boring and monotonous curtains, you can come up with some other stylish and unusual decor. These can be original decorations in the form of butterflies, flowers, ribbon bows, you can sew on various beads or sequins. Your imagination plays a role here, the main thing is not to overdo it.

This is how you get a roller blind that will not only help keep you warm, but will also complement the interior of your room, creating a cozy atmosphere in it.

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Not only clothes are warm, but also… curtains. The special “design” of such curtains allows you to literally insulate the windows and protect them from the penetration of cold air from the outside.

This is especially true for regions with cold climates. After all, no matter how high-quality the windows are, no matter how well the heating works, in frosty weather the window glass still blows cold. This creates discomfort if you are sitting nearby. And it reduces the energy efficiency of housing, which has been talked about a lot in recent years - both from the point of view of saving money on heating, and in the light of the fight for the environment.

Warm curtains for the window. Photo

How to sew a warm curtain with your own hands? A simple master class will help you find out what is needed for this and in what sequence to build the process.

A simple recipe for warm curtains

As you know, the more layers, the warmer. This principle, which is valid for clothing, is also proposed to be used when creating warm curtains. They are made from several panels of different types of fabric. It is important to follow the recommendations of specialists - then everything will definitely work out as it should.

You will need:

  • material that will create a decorative layer; it can be any decorative fabric;
  • material for the reverse side of the curtain (opaque); it can also be decorative;
  • a special fabric that has the property of reflecting heat - something like felt; this will help make really warm curtains for the window.

Warm curtains for windows made from such materials will provide good protection from drafts and from the cold coming from the glass. You also need a regular sewing machine, a needle, thread, scissors and a tailor's yardstick.

Taking measurements of future warm curtains

The first step in how to sew a warm curtain is to measure the window. You need to take measurements of its height and width. It is advised to do this carefully.

Warm curtains can be made in different sizes. Usually their dimensions are the same as those of ordinary curtains: the length reaches the floor.
Having decided on the width and length of the curtains, you need to add another two centimeters to the allowances - on the decorative and backing fabrics. The heat-reflecting fabric is cut exactly to the size of the curtain.

How to sew warm curtains. Photo master class

Putting on the cover

Then the blanks are stacked with each other. First, decorative and opaque fabrics are placed one on top of the other so that the front surfaces are inside. The edges of the parts must match exactly.

Then, on a sewing machine, a stitch is laid at a distance of two centimeters from the edge along each edge. Turn the part inside out and iron the edges thoroughly.

Now you need to place heat-reflecting material in this “case”. This can be done in two ways: insert the fabric inside or put a “cover” on it, as is done with pillowcases and a pillow.

Warm curtains. Master Class

When this is done, the edges of this multi-layer “pie” are pinned along the front side and stitched around the perimeter.

Now you need to attach braid for hooks to the top of the curtain or decorate it in another way, for example, using eyelets or sewing loops, or do something else. Warm curtains for the windows with your own hands are ready.

A fairly simple way to reduce heat loss through windows is to install a screen on the outside of the window made of heat-insulating plates. Lowering the screen or closing the shutters at night will reduce the heat flow emitted by the glazing to the outside and create an additional air layer, which is good thermal insulation.

Rice. 1. Windows with roll-up screens:
a - vertical section;
b - horizontal section;
c - axonometry;
g - closing shutters;
d - lowering blinds;
e - sliding shutters.

Inner screen

One of the options for increasing the thermal protection of windows is to install curtains or blinds on the room side. Their device allows to reduce heat loss in the room as a result of reducing the flow of radiant heat. In this case, you should not cover the surface of the heating device located under the window with curtains.

Rice. 2. Installation of curtains (a, b) and blinds (c) from the side of the room.

If the heat-protective curtain, blinds or screen are made of opaque material, then they are lowered onto the window when it begins to get dark. In this case, the thermal protection of windows will increase for a certain period of time - at night, when the outside temperature drops and artificial lighting is used.

Rice. 3. The effect of curtaining and screening windows on heat loss,%:
a - window without curtains;
b - window with long curtains covering the heating device;
c - a window with short curtains that do not cover the heating device;
d - window with a screen on the outside of the glazing;
d - window with short curtains and an external screen.

Table 1. Efficiency of using various types of heat shields
Design Total heat transfer resistance, m 2 *°/W
Single glass 0,17
Double glass 0,38
Triple glass 0,62
Double glass + curtain 0,46
Double glass + 2 curtains 0,55
Double glass + curtain coated with aluminum varnish 0,53
Double glass + wooden shutters 0,52
Triple glass + curtain 0,7
Triple glass + 2 curtains 0,73
Triple glass + curtain coated with aluminum varnish 0,88
Triple glass + wooden shutters 0,76
Triple glass + shutters, aluminum varnish 0,83

Screen in the inter-glass space

The thermal protection of windows can be increased by placing various screens in the inter-glass space. This method is based on the fact that when installing a screen, the temperature difference between nearby surfaces decreases and the intensity of the movement of air molecules and, consequently, convective heat transfer decreases. In addition, in some cases, when creating narrow air gaps, the speed of ascending air flows is slowed down by descending ones, which reduces heat transfer by convection. The screen installed in the inter-glass space also reduces the radiant component of the heat flow.

Curtaining light openings with devices placed between the glazing allows not only to reduce heat loss through the glazing in the cold season, but also to regulate the illumination to some extent.

Rice. 4. Interglazed curtain-blinds:
1 - aluminum plate; 2 - flexible connection; 3 - box; 4 - cord.

Commercially produced blinds can also be used for standard windows with paired and split sashes.

It is possible to place a roll-up curtain in the inter-glass space, which has an elastic screen made of metallized film that is wound on a drum. At the end of the drum there is a reel with a cord, the end of which is released through holes in the binding into the room.

Rice. 5. Roll Up Curtain:
1 - screen; 2 - drum; 3 - cord.

Also of interest is a combined curtain located in the inter-glass space, consisting of 2 panels connected to each other. Each of the canvases is attached to coils, one of which is located in the upper and the other in the lower part of the light opening. One of the canvases is made of transparent fabric or metallized film, the other is made of light-proof material. A transparent canvas is installed in the window during the daytime, and a dark one - in the evening or at night. In addition to reducing heat loss through the window in the cold season, the combined curtain can also be used in the summer as a sun protection device (when installing a sheet of metallized film).

Rice. 6. Combination screen curtain:
1 - upper drum; 2 - canvas made of translucent fabric or metallized film; 3 - lower drum; 4 - opaque dark fabric; 5 - cord.

Heat loss through windows can be significantly reduced by using a volumetric curtain located between the glass with a screen made of folded metallized fabrics. The screen sheets are made of metallized film, and the inner sheet can be made of transparent film. The screen of a volumetric curtain is lifted using a cord attached by a rail to the bottom edge of the screen and collected in a bag at the top of the window.

Rice. 7. Curtain with volumetric screen:
1 - screen made of folded fabrics; 2 - bar; 3 - cord.

Analysis of the heat-protective characteristics of screen designs showed that the most effective volumetric curtain allows reducing heat loss by 38%. Curtains-blinds installed in the inter-glass space can increase the thermal insulation capacity of windows by 1719%, and roll-up transparent curtains made of polyethylene film or fabric by an average of 28%.

With the onset of cold seasons, not only the biorhythms of the human body change, but also the mood: the world around us becomes colder, grayer and cloudier. More than ever, we begin to appreciate the pleasant, cute and cozy little things of a warm home. It's time to create an atmosphere of protection from winter cold in your apartment. You cannot do without changing your window “clothes”; you need to purchase a set of curtains for bad weather.

Insulating windows with curtains for the winter

In the store, among the variety of structures, colors, types of curtain fabrics, it’s easy to get confused. Weightless, bright options are especially fascinating, but winter, warm curtains are made from completely different types of fabric:

  1. Texture. Forget about flying, flowing fabrics; among the latest innovations is the use of soft, lightly piled and “shaggy” fabric (chenille). Those who like to soak up the warmth of long evenings with a cup of tea will be delighted by the quilted material for winter curtains with padding polyester lining. Classic models – jacquard fabrics – remain relevant. Their convex designs with clear, three-dimensional lines turn the window opening into a work of art.
  2. Color. The variegation and riot of colors are appropriate for the hot, bright summer months - such curtains in inclement weather will only cause nostalgia for the holidays and slight irritation.

Curtains should be thick (like clothing) and warm (like sunlight). Such products will not only satisfy our increased need for comfort and coziness, but will also stop the pervasive flow of icy air.

The highest quality multi-chamber windows let the cold in to one degree or another. Warm air leaves the room in winter through gaps and cracks; heat loss also occurs in the form of radiation through transparent window glass. Additional insulation and protection of windows are thick, heavy curtains of light warm colors, which during this period are used not only for decoration. Curtains for insulating windows become an element of comprehensive protection of the house from bad weather and cold.

Necessary parameters of winter curtains

When choosing the decor of window openings for the cold season, you need to take into account the following product characteristics:

  • Color spectrum. With the onset of autumn, the intensity of daylight hours changes. Therefore, it is important to transform the gray twilight flowing through the glass into a semblance of sunlight. Warm curtains for windows will help you cope with this task with the help of correctly selected colors.

Designers advise choosing warm shades of yellow, orange, beige and terracotta.

The less natural light there is in the room, the more intense and saturated colors the window design will require.

Don't be afraid to experiment with hot, sultry shades.

Avoid deep, dark colors - such winter curtains will create a gloomy, heavy mood in a dimly lit room.

  • Texture of the material. The play of light will be created by curtain fabric with a glossy, shiny surface. Reflecting glare and reflections will add a festive and mischievous mood to a gray day.

The density of the fabric is important. In the presence of drafts, impenetrable, heavy curtains will stop the flow of cold air penetrating through small cracks and prevent heat from leaving the heated room.

  • There are different types of winter curtains depending on the number of layers of fabric used in sewing. Curtains can be made with lining. An interesting combination is a thick lining and a light, weightless covering (for example, organza). The lower fabric adds volume to the product and protects the thin upper fabric from mechanical damage.

Curtain models are produced from 2-3 layers of fabric of different textures. You can play up the color scheme by using several shades of the same type of material.

Sewn together, the canvases are fixed on the cornice. The multi-layer design allows you to change the mood of the room in a short time: it is enough to replace the top fabric that has become boring (or does not correspond to the internal condition).

In addition, this “design” has increased protective qualities:

  • Cold air is not able to penetrate through several layers of material; warm curtains from the wind are an insurmountable barrier.
  • An additional insulating air cushion is created between the layers. The curtain protects and maintains the internal temperature of the room using the principle of a thermos.

But don’t forget about the cornices: they carry additional load. The fastenings must be reliable in order to withstand the impressive weight of several pieces of fabric.

Winter curtain sizes

Now we determine the size of the seasonal set of curtains. Radiators in most rooms are located under the window sill. Long winter curtains cover their surface, which significantly reduces the heat transfer of heating devices. And if we are talking about dense, multi-layered fabric used for warm curtains, then the protective qualities will turn into a huge drawback: without allowing cold air to pass through from the windows, they at the same time do not allow radiators to heat the room.

Therefore, the optimal length of the winter set (so as not to cover the radiator with curtains) is a few centimeters below the window sill:

  • You can make warm ones of the required size to order.
  • Vertical dimensions are varied using decorative fasteners. The lower part of the curtains is beautifully draped or picked up and fixed in the desired position with clips.
  • There is another option: transformable curtains. Buttons are sewn onto the middle of the curtain along a horizontal line, and the lower edge of the product is “equipped” with eyelets. The length of the curtain is adjusted as needed: with the onset of cold weather, the hinges are fastened, and the curtain acquires the required length, revealing the surface of the radiator.

In the winter months, the lambrequin also performs not only an aesthetic, but also an insulating function, being an obstacle to cold air at the top of the window. But here it is important to maintain the style of the room: this decorative element will not “make friends” with the modern, clear and laconic design of the room. And with a low ceiling height, a lambrequin will emphasize this lack of a room.


Decide for yourself whether to close the curtains in winter. When assembled, they create a comfortable temperature regime in the room, cutting off wind, frost and cold, and give the room the right mood. Properly selected winter curtains maintain and protect the warm, peaceful and cozy atmosphere of the home.