Russia exports unique products and technologies.

Since the 2000s, Russia has been looking for opportunities to reorient exports from raw materials to more high-tech areas. It's about development promising industries, and support for exporters.

  • In 2016, the share of fuel and energy products in the commodity structure Russian exports, according to the Federal Customs Service (FCS), amounted to more than 58%. A significant share also consists of unprocessed metals, agricultural raw materials, and lumber.
  • Although the share of high-tech products in Russian exports is growing (from 2013 to 2016 it increased from 10.2% to 14.5%), this is mainly due to falling oil prices. In monetary terms, the volume of supplies of high-tech products from Russia in 2016, according to Rosstat, decreased by 6.3% compared to 2015.
  • However, the export of some of its species is showing sharp growth. Thus, according to the Federal Customs Service, supplies of land transport, except railway, to non-CIS countries increased in 2016 by 67.8%, instruments and optical devices - by 18.6%, electrical equipment - by 26.4%. In general, the share of machinery, equipment and Vehicle in 2016, 8.5% ($24 billion) of Russian exports accounted for, and 7.3% went to non-CIS countries.
  • The world demand for Russian weapons is stable. Russia ranks second after the United States in terms of military exports; last year it exceeded $15 billion.

Russia provides state support for the development of non-resource exports, including financial support (preferential loans, risk insurance, government guarantees). The agents providing financial support are the Russian Agency for Export Credit and Investment Insurance (EXIAR) and Roseximbank JSC. Since 2016, they have been united into the REC Group (Russian Export Center).

In 2017, new instruments of targeted support from the REC are available to exporters of high-tech products. Among them:

  • reimbursement up to 80% of total costs for transportation
  • reimbursement of up to 80% of expenses for participation in exhibitions
  • compensation of costs for the protection of intellectual rights and product certification
  • financing for a foreign buyer to purchase Russian high-tech products at preferential rates

A whole complex should be formed in 2017 government instruments financial and non-financial support for high-tech exports. This includes a project approved by the Presidential Council for the development of international cooperation and exports until 2025. According to it, already this year 6,600 exporters with a supply volume of $20 billion should receive assistance, the volume of subsidized loans will amount to 165 billion rubles. By 2025, all these figures should almost double.

Non-resource exports themselves should double. In such sectors as agricultural machinery and railway engineering, aircraft manufacturing and the automobile industry, the Ministry of Economic Development predicts that this indicator will be achieved by 2018.

But at the same time, Russia is also increasing its raw material exports. First of all, we are talking about gas. Gazprom is simultaneously implementing several large gas pipeline projects: Nord Stream 2 (costs are estimated at 9.5 billion euros), Turkish Stream (7 billion euros) and Power of Siberia (800 billion rubles).

As a manuscript



Specialty 08.00.05 – Economics and management national economy

(1 – economics, organization and management of enterprises, industries, complexes (industry))

dissertations for competition scientific degree

Candidate of Economic Sciences

Saratov – 2012

The work was carried out at the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Saratov State Socio-Economic University"

Scientific supervisor Yuri Borisovich Poroshin

Official opponents Denisov Vyacheslav Tikhonovich

Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor

Department of World Economy and Management of Foreign Economic Activity of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Saratov State Socio-Economic University"

Goryacheva Tatyana Vladimirovna

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor

Department of Applied Economics and Innovation Management of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Saratov State Technical University»

Leading organization: Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Orenburg" State University».

The defense will take place on December 18, 2012 at 12.30 pm at a meeting of the dissertation council D 212.241.02 at the Saratov State Socio-Economic University at the address: 410003, Saratov, st. Radishcheva, 89, Saratov State Socio-Economic University, room 843.

The dissertation can be found in the library of the Saratov State Socio-Economic University.

Scientific Secretary

dissertation council

Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor N.S. Yashin


Relevance of the research topic. In modern conditions of development of the world economy and international division labor, the export of high-tech industrial products gains everything higher value, becomes one of the priorities of economic policy. The basis of world exports is industrial products high technology. The experience of leading countries and largest industrial corporations shows that without developing the export of industrial products, its full integration into the world economic space and effective development of the country is impossible.

The intended task of accelerating the growth of the Russian economy is impossible without the development of high-tech innovative industries and increasing exports of their products to the world market.

The President of the Russian Federation and the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation have set the task of increasing the share of products from high-tech and knowledge-intensive sectors of the economy in the country's GDP by 30% by 20181.

Thus, the following priorities for the development of the Russian economy can be identified:

Increasing the share of high-tech innovative industries that produce competitive products according to world standards;

Increase in high-tech industrial exports by at least 2 times;

Creation of a comprehensive system for supporting domestic industrial products in foreign markets, taking into account the standards of the World trade organization(WTO) and the opportunities provided by this organization.

Considering Russia's accession to the WTO, it should be understood that this is an important beginning of work on using the tools of this organization to stimulate and develop domestic exports. High-tech innovative enterprises that produce competitive products will be able to take full advantage of the benefits.

Expanding the export of high-tech industrial products is one of the priority tasks facing both the entire domestic economy as a whole and an individual economic entity, since only this path of development can guarantee further effective functioning and economic growth.

Thus, studying the problems of developing domestic high-tech exports is an urgent task today. It is necessary to develop effective measures and mechanisms for stimulating and developing the export of high-tech products, adapted to WTO standards.

The degree of development of the problem. Problems of the development of foreign trade activities are reflected in the studies of such authors as Bulatov A., Gerchikova I., Denisov V., Pokrovskaya V., Strovsky L., Kireev A., Faminsky I., Fomichev V., Balabanov V., Oreshkin V., Rosenberg M., Poroshin Y. et al.

However, little attention has been paid to the study of the export of high-tech products and the main directions of its effective development in the scientific literature, despite the importance of this scientific problem.

The relevance of the problems of domestic high-tech exports, the insufficient degree of their scientific development, and practical significance for the domestic economy predetermined the choice of topic, goals and objectives of the dissertation research.

Goals and objectives of the study. The purpose of the dissertation is to study and solve problems of effective development of exports of high-tech products in modern conditions of liberalization of foreign trade activities.

In achieving the research goal, the following tasks were solved:

  • identifying features of the development of exports of high-tech products to modern stage;
  • study of the features of managing export activities in the context of WTO norms;
  • development of methodological provisions for assessing the level of development of export activities;
  • conducting a comprehensive analysis of the impact of WTO norms and rules on competitiveness and exports of high-tech products;
  • identifying areas for effective development of exports of high-tech products;
  • improving mechanisms for the effective development of exports of high-tech products, adapted to WTO standards.

Subject of research are economic relations influencing the development of exports of high-tech products.

Object of study are industrial enterprises exporting high-tech products.

Theoretical and methodological basis research is system analysis problems of developing exports of high technology products in the context of liberalization foreign economic activity. In preparing the work, we studied the works of domestic and foreign economists in the field of organization and management of export activities, as well as international conventions, agreements of the World Trade Organization on issues international trade, regulations and agreements Customs Union Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan, laws of the Russian Federation, presidential decrees, decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation, Saratov region, materials of scientific conferences. The main methods that were used in the research process are statistical, abstract-logical and economic-mathematical, as well as other methods of generalization and processing of information, determined by the objectives of the study.

As an information base The study used official data from the World Trade Organization, the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation and the Saratov Regional Statistics Committee, the Federal Customs Service, and actual data on the export activities of enterprises.

Scientific novelty of the research is as follows:

The concept of “high-tech products” has been clarified. High-tech products are products manufactured using advanced technologies, with high patent intensity, which have gone through several stages technological processes processing, the use of which is not related to their further processing. The main criterion for inclusion export products high-tech is the code of the commodity item depending on the degree of processing, in accordance with the Commodity Nomenclature of Foreign Economic Activity and the number of patents for it;

The methodology for a comprehensive assessment of the level of development of exports of high-tech products (HTP) has been supplemented in the following areas: separate groups countries and new integration entities; customs export procedures (direct export, processing at customs territory, processing outside the customs territory, temporary export, re-export); balance of production, export and import of high-tech goods; methods of customs and tariff regulation of exports; on the technical level and quality of products; level of production development; export infrastructure;

A methodology has been proposed for assessing the degree of readiness of enterprises to operate under the conditions of Russia's membership in the WTO, based on the formation of a system of key indicators of the export activities of enterprises producing high-tech products that characterize compliance with WTO requirements.

The proposed methodology allows us to identify the degree of readiness of an enterprise to work under the conditions of WTO norms; main indicators of economic and export activities that require improvement; to rank enterprises according to the degree of readiness to operate under the rules and regulations of the WTO, to forecast the development of exports of enterprises, etc.;

Features of the development of exports of high-tech products have been identified:

  • the share of high-tech products in the structure of exports is extremely small (less than 6%) and tends to decrease, in contrast to the share of unprocessed products;
  • a number of domestic high-tech products have export competitiveness and can be sold on the foreign market;
  • targeting the export of domestic high-tech products only to the CIS countries (more than 90% of all supplies);

A system has been developed to ensure sustainable production and export of high-tech products (SOUPE VTP), consisting of the following interconnected elements: ensuring the technical level of high-tech products (OTU VTP); ensuring the quality of production of high-tech products (OKP VTP) and ensuring the optimal supply of high-tech products for export (OOP VTP);

For the effective development of high-tech exports, a model of state support for exports has been developed and an export support mechanism, adapted to WTO standards, has been supplemented in the following areas: state regulation of high-tech exports; support for high-tech exports; customs means of stimulating high-tech exports.

The use of the model and mechanism for export support allows for comprehensive planning of support for high-tech exports, targeted support and monitoring the results of the support provided.

A set of measures has been proposed, in accordance with the system for ensuring sustainable production and export of high-tech products (SOUPE VTP), in the following areas: innovative development, R&D, introduction of new technologies; development of cooperation ties for the production of high-tech products; development of export infrastructure.

Theoretical and practical significance The results of the study are that the main conclusions and generalizations are focused on the further development of the theory of effective organization and management of export activities. Scientific and methodological developments are used in educational process within the disciplines “World Economy and Foreign Economic Activity”, “Customs Management” and others. Practical significance The results of the study are that the recommendations and conclusions of the study can be used as tools to stimulate the development of high-tech exports.

Approbation of work. The main theoretical results of the study were tested at a number of industrial enterprises, accepted for use at Robert Bosch Saratov LLC, and were also presented at international, regional and interuniversity scientific and practical conferences (international scientific and practical conference “Current problems customs regulation and foreign economic activity in the context of globalization of the world economy" (Saratov, SSEU, 2009), international scientific and practical conference "Prospects for the development of an innovative economy" (Saratov, SSTU, 2011), all-Russian scientific and practical conference " organization of customs affairs in the Russian Federation: problems and prospects" (RD, Makhachkala, DSTU, 2011), etc.). Theoretical and methodological developments are used in the educational process of the Saratov State Socio-Economic University during seminars and practical classes.

Work structure. The dissertation consists of an introduction, three chapters, and a conclusion. The work is completed on 203 pages, contains 40 figures, 29 tables, 5 appendices. The list of references includes 165 titles.


The basis for the development of the modern international division of labor today is an increase in exports finished products, and primarily high-tech ones, and an increase in the share of high-tech products in the structure of world exports. In such conditions, expanding domestic exports of high-tech products is an extremely pressing problem in the development and implementation of the country’s foreign economic strategy.

Today, world exports are characterized by the following indicators: growth in global export volumes; high specific share of high-tech products (more than 60%); stable growth in exports of high-tech products (Fig. 1).

Source: Based on data from the World Trade Organization (WTO)

Rice. 1 Share of high-tech industrial products in global and Russian exports, %

In Russian exports, finished products occupy a small place, approximately one quarter of its value; in recent decades, the share of the most promising group of goods - machinery and equipment - has decreased significantly. In terms of the volume of supplies of manufacturing products to world markets, our country is inferior not only to developed, but also to leading developing countries. Compared to Russia, China exports 15 times more high-tech products. Despite the fuel and raw material orientation of Russian exports, Russia’s presence in world exports is very insignificant, as finished products(1% of world exports), and for fuel and raw materials (9% of world exports)2.

The share of high-tech products in Russian exports is no more than 5%, which is 10 times lower than global indicators. While most countries are increasing the volume of high-tech exports, Russia is reducing them. Today, Russia's share in global exports of high-tech products accounts for less than 1%. Taking into account this development of domestic exports, it is possible that the share of high-tech products in it will decrease to 1% by 2015.

The priority of Russian foreign economic policy for the near future and long term should be to support and stimulate the production and export of high-tech products.

For the purposes of this study, it seems necessary to us to identify a more accurate and specific definition of high-tech products, for further research into the export of these products and to identify areas for its stimulation and support.

We propose a refined concept of “high-tech products”. High-tech products are products manufactured using advanced technologies, having a high patent intensity, having gone through several stages of technological processing processes, the use of which is not associated with their further processing. The main criterion for classifying export products as high-tech is the code of the commodity item depending on the degree of processing, in accordance with the Commodity Nomenclature of Foreign Economic Activity and the number of patents for it.

Unlike other definitions, the concept of patent intensity was introduced and linked to the Commodity Nomenclature of Foreign Economic Activity, which makes it possible to determine the degree of processing and unambiguously classify exported products as high-tech; allocate enterprises exporting it to stimulate and support their exports.

Export activity is an important functional subsystem of the enterprise. The development of export activities is determined by factors and conditions of the external and internal environment of the enterprise. The system and strategy for managing the export of high-tech products at an enterprise must be formed taking into account external conditions, which include: global economic conditions; international regulation of foreign trade activities (rules, prohibitions and restrictions of the WTO; prohibitions and restrictions of a specific importing country); government regulation (customs regulation; prohibitions and restrictions on foreign trade activities; licensing and export quotas; export duties, state support for export-oriented enterprises).

In the context of WTO norms, the development and support of high-tech exports is characterized by the following features:

Export support (state) must comply with WTO rules and requirements, in accordance with the Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures;

Opportunities to resist unjustified restrictions on high-tech exports are increasing;

The possibilities of conducting our own anti-dumping investigations to protect national high-tech industries are increasing;

The impossibility of using government regulatory instruments that create privileged conditions for domestic high-tech enterprises and discriminatory conditions for foreign companies;

A ban on most export subsidies to domestic high-tech enterprises, which may result in protective measures in the form of countervailing duties;

The need to support high-tech exports through government funding of basic science, applied research and developments, research activities industrial enterprises, which does not contradict WTO norms;

Focusing support on enterprises mastering new production technologies and new types of export products.

We can definitely say that enterprises that produce competitive innovative products according to international standards and already have export potential today will not experience any particular difficulties when working under the conditions of Russia’s membership in the WTO, and may receive broader development prospects.

To effectively manage the development of exports of high-tech products (HTP), systematic and comprehensive monitoring of its development is required. For these purposes, we propose a methodology for a comprehensive assessment of the level of development of high-tech exports.

Using the proposed methodology for a comprehensive assessment of the level of export development, an analysis was performed and features of the development of exports of high-tech products were identified3:

The share of high-tech products in the structure of exports is insignificant (less than 6%) and tends to decrease, in contrast to the share of unprocessed products, which shows an increasing trend;

The share of equipment supplies to the markets of industrialized countries averages 5-6% of total exports of high-tech products. The main buyers of high-tech products are Kazakhstan (instruments, railway locomotives, carriages, equipment and electrical machines), Ukraine (equipment and electrical machines, land transport means). The majority of domestic high-tech goods (for most items this figure reaches 100%) are sold only in the CIS countries. Consequently, the WTO will not have a significant positive impact on the development of their exports. Imports of similar goods, on the contrary, are carried out from industrialized European countries and China, therefore, the WTO can stimulate further accelerated development of imports of similar products and increased competition in the Russian domestic market;

A number of domestic high-tech goods have export competitiveness and can be sold on the foreign market.

Many enterprises with high export potential are ready to work under WTO standards.

The dissertation proposes a methodology for assessing the degree of readiness of enterprises to operate under WTO rules. The essence of the methodology is to form a system of key indicators of the export activities of enterprises producing high-tech products, characterizing compliance with WTO requirements.

In the proposed methodology, specific indicators are used that characterize the readiness of enterprises to work under the WTO rules: share in the exports of industrially developed non-CIS countries; share of products certified for compliance with international standards; the share of imported high-quality components and components in the final product; the level of international cooperation in production; level of patent intensity; increase in market share (global); and etc.

Using the methodology, an assessment was made of the degree of readiness of enterprises to work under the conditions of Russia's membership in the WTO (Fig. 2).

The proposed methodology is comprehensive in nature and allows us to identify the degree of readiness of an enterprise to work under the conditions of WTO norms; main indicators of economic and export activities that require improvement; to rank enterprises according to their degree of readiness to operate under WTO rules in order to identify the most promising enterprises and enterprises requiring support; predict the development of exports of enterprises (Fig. 3).

Rice. 2 Assessment of the degree of readiness of enterprises to work under the conditions of Russia’s membership in the WTO

To develop the export of high-tech products, the dissertation proposes a system for ensuring sustainable production and export of high-tech products (SOUPE VTP), consisting of the following interrelated elements (Fig. 4):

Ensuring the technical level of high-tech products (GTP), including: international marketing research; assessment of the technical level of products; R&D; optimization of international transactions; production preparation reserves;

Ensuring the quality of production of high-tech products (OKP VTP), including: introduction of new technologies; assessment of production levels; development of cooperation ties for the production of high-tech products; production reserves;

Ensuring the optimal supply of high-tech products for export (OOP VTP), including: managing the optimal supply; export supply reserves; export infrastructure development (assessment); state support for export of military goods.

The use of the proposed system allows you to cover the stages of production and sales of products, contributes to the systematic and comprehensive analysis level of production development, targeted identification and use of reserves for production and export of high-tech goods.

In accordance with the system for ensuring sustainable production and export of high-tech products (SOUPE VTP), the dissertation proposes a set of measures to develop high-tech exports of enterprises in the following areas:

Rice. 3 Forecast for the development of exports of enterprises producing high-tech products in the context of WTO rules, (units of change) 4

Innovative development, R&D, introduction of new technologies, including: lending (with the participation of government agencies) for export-oriented R&D; participation of enterprises in special economic zones to reduce production costs, customs duties, taxes in the manufacture and export of high-tech products; participation of enterprises in “technoparks” to create competitive innovative products using nanotechnology; classifying exporters of high-tech industrial products as subjects of innovation activity;

Rice. 4 System for ensuring sustainable production and export of high-tech products (SOUPE VTP)

Development of cooperative ties for the production of high-tech products, including: the use of subcontracting for the development of competitive innovative products and entry into new markets; using customs processing procedures to improve export efficiency; creation of joint innovation-export-oriented production; development of relations between large enterprises with a high technical level and small and medium-sized businesses on the basis of self-regulation; creation of innovation-export-oriented clusters;

Development of export infrastructure, including: application of economic customs processing procedures; application of customs procedures for temporary import and export for the development of export leasing; reduction of import duty rates, or their reduction to a zero rate for unique technological equipment, imported for the modernization of fixed production assets; reimbursement to exporters of part of the costs of certification of manufactured products for compliance with international standards.

In order to ensure competitive advantages, support and protect the interests of domestic exporters in the foreign market, grow economic potential and increase the share of high-tech and knowledge-intensive products in the total volume of Russian exports, a system of measures is required today state support export of high-tech products, involving the use of trade, economic, organizational, financial and information and consulting tools.

For the effective development of high-tech exports, a model of state support for exports is proposed (Fig. 5). The model includes three stages: researching the need for support; development of support areas; implementation and control.

Rice. 5 Model of state support for the development of high-tech exports

At the first stage, priority industries for support and development are determined, criteria and support indicators are formed.

At the second stage, the regulatory framework is improved and areas of state support are formed specific enterprises.

At the third stage, the actual implementation of state support for promising enterprises and monitoring of the results of state support is carried out.

The main criteria for stimulating exporters are:

1. Code of manufactured products according to the Commodity Classification of Foreign Economic Activity.

2. Patent intensity of manufactured products.

The mechanism of existing state support for high-tech exports has been supplemented, adapted to WTO standards in the following main areas:

State regulation of high-tech exports, including: development of a target program for the development of high-tech industrial exports; intensification of activities

government agencies responsible for the development and diversification of domestic exports; providing access domestic producers to world markets;

Support for high-tech exports, including: lending for the export of high-tech industrial products; guaranteeing export supplies of high-tech industrial products; government financing of exports of high-tech industrial products;

Customs means of stimulating high-tech exports, including: stimulating the use of various customs procedures for export and processing; timely reimbursement of value added tax (VAT) when exporting high-tech products; improvement of the procedure for declaring mechanical and technical products in terms of their classification according to the Commodity Nomenclature of Foreign Economic Activity and definition customs value; reduction of import duty rates, or their reduction to a zero rate for unique technological equipment imported for modernization production equipment industry; establishing a fixed rate of customs duties for customs declaration high-tech industrial goods, not subject to export customs duties.

The use of the proposed set of tools helps to increase the efficiency of export and production activities of high-tech enterprises.

  1. Zatsarinin, S.A. Main directions of foreign trade support for export-oriented enterprises [Text] / S.A. Zatsarinin // Vestnik Sarat. state social-economic un-ta. – Saratov, 2011, No. 2 (36). With. 85-88 – 0.5 p.l.
  2. Zatsarinin, S.A. Development of export of domestic industrial products [Text] / S.A. Zatsarinin // Vestnik Sarat. state social-economic un-ta. – Saratov, 2012, No. 2 (41).p. 61-64 – 0.5 p.l.
  3. Zatsarinin, S.A. Features of foreign trade in high-tech industrial products [Text] / S.A. Zatsarinin // Vestnik Sarat. state social-economic un-ta. – Saratov, 2012, No. 3 (42). With. 102-105 – 0.5 p.l.
  4. Zatsarinin, S.A., Kruglov V.S. Development of domestic high-tech export [Text] / S.A. Zatsarinin, V.S. Kruglov // Innovation activities. – Saratov, SSTU, 2012, No. 2 (20).p. 60-64 – 0.4 p.l. (auth. 0.2 p.l.).


  1. Zatsarinin, S.A. Development of domestic high-tech export [Text] / S.A. Zatsarinin. Saratov, SGSEU, 2012. – 3.6 p.l.
  2. Zatsarinin, S.A. Economic measures to support and stimulate exports [Text] / S.A. Zatsarinin // Materials of the international scientific and practical conference “Current problems of customs regulation of foreign economic activity in the context of globalization of the world economy” December 1-2, 2009 SGSEU. Saratov, SGSEU Publishing House, 2009. – 0.2 pp.
  3. Zatsarinin, S.A., Kruglov, V.S. Assessment of export development based on the application of an economic-mathematical model [Text] / S.A. Zatsarinin, V.S. Kruglov // Materials of the international scientific and practical conference “Current problems of customs regulation of foreign economic activity in the context of globalization of the world economy” December 1-2, 2009 SGSEU. Saratov, SGSEU Publishing House, 2009. – 0.2 pp. (auth. 0.1 p.l.).
  4. Zatsarinin, S.A., Poroshin, Yu.B. Geographical directions of the export strategy of the Saratov region [Text] / S.A. Zatsarinin, Yu.B. Poroshin // Materials of the international scientific and practical conference “Current problems of customs regulation of foreign economic activity in the context of globalization of the world economy” December 1-2, 2009 SGSEU. Saratov, SGSEU Publishing House, 2009. – 0.2 pp. (auth. 0.1 p.l.).
  5. Zatsarinin, S.A., Poroshin, Yu.B. Creation favorable conditions development of foreign economic activity of industrial enterprises [Text] / S.A. Zatsarinin, Yu.B. Poroshin // Materials of the All-Russian (correspondence) scientific and practical conference “Current problems and prospects for the development of modern economics and management.” Saratov, 2010. – 0.2 p.l. (auth. 0.1 p.l.).
  6. Zatsarinin, S.A., Kruglov, V.S. Study of the features of foreign trade in domestic industrial products [Text] / S.A. Zatsarinin, V.S. Kruglov // Materials of the international scientific and practical conference “Current problems of development of modern economy” International Academy of Business and Management. Saratov, 2011. – 0.2 p.l. (auth. 0.1 p.l.).
  7. Zatsarinin, S.A., Kruglov, V.S. Formation of the main directions of innovation-export-oriented development policy of foreign economic activity of domestic enterprises [Text] / S.A. Zatsarinin, V.S. Kruglov // Materials of the international scientific and practical conference “Prospects for the development of an innovative economy” April 22-23, 2011 SSTU. Saratov. Publishing house "Kubik", 2011. – 0.2 pp. (auth. 0.1 p.l.).
  8. Zatsarinin, S.A. Main directions of support for export-oriented enterprises [Text] / S.A. Zatsarinin // Modernization of the economy and society: Collection scientific works based on the results of the work of SGSEU in 2010. Saratov, Publishing house of SGSEU. 2011. – 0.06 p.l.
  9. Zatsarinin, S.A. Development of foreign economic activity of domestic industrial enterprises [Text] / S.A. Zatsarinin // Materials of the international scientific and practical conference “Current problems and prospects for economic development in the conditions of modernization”. Saratov. 2011. Publishing house "IC Science". 2011. – 0.2 p.l.
  10. Zatsarinin, S.A. Development of export activities of domestic enterprises [Text] / S.A. Zatsarinin // Materials of the All-Russian scientific and practical conference “Organization of customs affairs in the Russian Federation: problems and prospects.” DSTU. Makhachkala, 2011. – 0.2 p.l.

Signed for publication ____._____.2012. Format 6084 1/16

Typographic paper #1 Riso Seal.

Circulation 100 copies. Order __________ Academic publishing house l. 1.1.

410003 Saratov, st. Radishcheva, 89.

1 See: Transcript of the meeting on issues of innovative development of economic sectors dated August 17. 2012

2 See:

3 using the example of industrial enterprises in the Saratov region

4 Constructed in Excel using the least squares algorithm and approximation existing values according to the formula (y=mx+b), where b is the progression step

Made in Russia-2, or again about our high-tech exports

In connection with the economic confrontation between Russia and the West, the Runet is again filled with mantras about the oil and gas needle on which Russia allegedly sits. They say that our economy will collapse instantly if Russian fuel becomes unclaimed in the West due to sanctions, electric vehicles, or shale oil/gas.

"Guard! Russia produces nothing except oil and gas!!!” - dogs are constantly heard from all camps of the opposition: red, brown and white (or whatever color the Westernized liberals have?). Here, for example, is a typical annealing of the (this is not a curse word - this is his nickname in LiveJournal):

“At the same time, Russia during the post-Soviet period has not learned to either invent or produce any competitive products for foreign markets: the entire economy rests on milking the exhaustible natural reserves of the Motherland..."

With all the dislike for Edrosov’s swindlers and thieves, with which I agree, I must admit that such criticism of Russia has nothing to do with reality.

2. Financial services

10. Tourist and business trips

Russia annually receives millions of tourists and business visitors, their services bring more than 7 billion dollars per year.

Further, Russia exports non-commodity goods by approximately 150 billion dollars (if you subtract from 238 billion 70 billion services and 18 billion round timber, ore, coal.). The general list of exporters again exceeds several thousand positions, so I will again present larger categories with some striking examples Russian exporters.

11. Metallurgy

Exports of metallurgical industry products reach 40 billion dollars. It includes ferrous and non-ferrous metals in ingots and their products. For a number of positions, Russia is a key exporter in the world - titanium, nickel, aluminum.

The ABBYY group of companies includes 9 international offices in Russia, the USA, Germany, the UK, Japan, Taiwan, Ukraine and Cyprus, a high-tech Russian translation agency ABBYY Language Services ( and publishing house ABBYY Press. ABBYY's head office, located in Moscow, is responsible for developing products and coordinating the activities of the company's offices in other countries. ABBYY products are used worldwide by about 30 million people in 130 countries, technologies are used in their products by leading players in the document management and data entry market DELL, EPSON, Fujitsu, HP, Lexmark, Microtek, Panasonic, Siemens Nixdorf (Germany), Samsung Electronics, and many others.

Russian non-resource exports – a vector of economic development

More details and a variety of information about events taking place in Russia, Ukraine and other countries of our beautiful planet can be obtained at Internet Conferences, constantly held on the website “Keys of Knowledge”. All Conferences are open and completely free. We invite everyone who wakes up and is interested...

World high-tech exports 1990-2013

The World Bank, in its World Development Indicators statistical publication, regularly publishes data on the value and share of manufacturing exports, including high-tech exports including the following products: aerospace technology, computing equipment, pharmaceutical products, scientific instruments and electrical machines.

Below are World Bank (WB) data on global high-tech exports (HTE) in US dollars from 1990 to 2013 for the TOP 50 countries with largest size VTE for 2013. 1990 – the beginning of statistical series for most countries; 1996 – beginning of statistical series for Russia; 2013 – Last year, for which there are WB statistics.

According to the World Bank, global high-tech exports in 1990-2013 looked like this:

Table 1 – value of high-tech exports, $ billion (TOP-50) 1990-2013.

Empty cells – no data.

The two undisputed leaders of world high-tech trade in the 90s - the USA and Japan - by 2009 had lost ground to China and Germany. Germany took second place after China due to a sharp drop in US VTE.

The greatest successes (growth of more than 5000%) during the study period were observed in foreign trade Vietnam, Lithuania, China, Costa Rica, Hungary, Czech Republic. Anticipating the logical question “what kind of Vietnam?” - in the structure of Vietnam's exports in 2014, $24 billion accounted for phones and spare parts for them. By the way, this is the largest item of Vietnamese export. Based on export dynamics (see Table 1), the telephone was invented in Vietnam in 2010.

The smallest growth (less than 200%) is in the USA and Japan. The size of VTE in these countries has remained virtually unchanged since 1990.

The UK's VTE is falling rapidly - it is the only state that has demonstrated a decline to the level of 1990 (in 2013 - 70%).

Table 2 – dynamics of changes in high-tech exports, % (TOP-50) 1990-2013.

Empty cells – no data.

It is worth saying a few words about Russian VTE. According to the Russian classification, in 2013, high-tech goods worth $52.63 billion were exported, and according to the World Bank - only $8.656 billion (Table 1). The list of products classified as high-tech under the Commodity Nomenclature of Foreign Economic Activity can be found. This list is much more diverse than the World Bank list. In particular, according to the Commodity Nomenclature of Foreign Economic Activity the following are considered high-tech goods:

Bearings, pumps, engines, turbines, agricultural machinery, tractors, machine tools, strollers, tires. According to UNCTAD, they belong to “Medium-skill and technology-intensive manufactures”. Those. “medium-tech” exports;

Motorcycles, seamless pipes, rolled metal with a width of more than 600 mm or coated, metal containers, trailers and semi-trailers, railway locomotives, ships (except military). UNCTAD defines these products in “Low-skill and technology-intensive manufactures”, i.e. “low-tech” exports;

Footwear, leather, plywood, paper (including newspaper), cotton fabrics, furniture, clothing, which UNCTAD considers “Labour-intensive and resource-intensive manufactures”. Or labor-intensive and resource-intensive goods.

According to the UNCTAD classification, weapons are considered high-tech goods (code 891 Arms & ammunition).

Based on the above, domestic statistics on Russian VTE are fundamentally at odds with the World Bank information and are not comparable.