Homemade center finder for a milling machine. Homemade center finder

This device has a dual purpose. It can be used to find the center of a round workpiece; also, using a series of holes, it is possible to mark circles and arcs of various radii.

Cut out a block of the specified size from 19 mm material and shape it in accordance with the drawing. Using a hacksaw, cut off a piece 305 mm long from an aluminum strip with a cross-section of 3×25 mm. Mark the centers of the holes as shown in the figure. By using drilling machine make three through holes for the screws and countersink them. Then drill a series of marking holes at equal intervals and a center hole. Holes drilled into aluminum often have burrs on the edges, so we recommend sanding the part smooth sandpaper № 220.

Using a square, position an aluminum straight edge perpendicular to the bottom edge of the block, aligned with the top of the triangular cutout. Drill guide holes in the wooden block through the countersunk holes of the ruler and fasten both parts with screws.

How to use this tool

To find the center of a round object, such as the turning piece shown in the top photo, rotate the center finder block around it and draw two lines along the ruler, intersecting at approximately right angles. The point of intersection of these lines is the center of the circle.

To make the tool act as a compass, insert an awl, nail or other pointed object into the axial hole. Using one of the holes in the row, rotate the tool around the pivot point to draw a circle or arc.

Can be used to find the center of a round workpiece, as well as to mark circles and radii. It has simple design and it is quite easy to make.

It consists of an aluminum strip and a wooden block.

Assembly of the device.

First from wooden blank a rectangle is cut out the right size and forms:

Then a piece 305 mm long is cut out of a 3x25 strip of aluminum. 3 mounting holes for screws, one axial hole and 20 marking holes are drilled in it. Their size and position are shown in the figure:

When drilling holes in aluminum, burrs may appear on their edges; to eliminate them, it is recommended to sand the workpiece with fine sandpaper.

When attaching the aluminum strip to wooden block It is very important to accurately maintain an angle of 90 degrees with respect to its lower edge; the accuracy of the marking will depend on this. This can be done using a square. The edge of the strip should exactly coincide with the top of the triangular cutout in the block.

After marking, the strip is attached to the block with 3 screws.
The axial hole is made through.
The device is ready!

How to work with the device.

Center finder.

To find the center of a round object, you need to place the center finder on the top of the workpiece, pressing it firmly against the surface of the object being measured. Next, you need to draw a line along the ruler on the workpiece, rotate the center finder 90 degrees and draw a second line. The points of contact of these lines will be the exact center of the workpiece.


Of course, the device is inferior in functionality to a real compass (since it has a rather large marking step), but it can still be used to mark circles of a certain radius.

To do this, any sharp object of suitable diameter (awl, nail, etc.) is inserted into the axial hole of the device. A marker or pencil is inserted into one of the marking holes.

Today we will make a very useful tool - a center finder square.

Channel “TOKARKA”.

The basis of the tool is a corner

To make it you will need an ordinary construction corner. It costs pennies at any hardware store. The master found it surplus and will use it.

Electrical tape is needed to ensure that the cut is as smooth as possible.

To avoid injury, we smooth out all sharp corners and edges. We take a two and a half millimeter drill and make three holes. It is advisable to do all this carefully. If you have a machine, then use it better.

We apply any solvent that is available to the cotton wool and degrease it. You need glue to hold everything securely in place. Add a little water, since the stainless steel from which the homemade center finder will be made is quite difficult to drill. We will use the same drill for two and a half mm.

What is a center finder for and how to use it

The work on creating the tool is completed. He's completely ready. It's called a center finder. With its help, you can easily find the center on round parts. For example, if you need to drill holes clearly in the center in the lid for a tube or something similar. Those who use lathe for metal or wood, they also need this square, since the blanks need to be placed with the holes to support the center and this is not always easy to do. But thanks to this device, the operation is simplified.

The center can be found not only on round parts, but also on square workpieces. Using a caliper to do this takes a long time and is not convenient. True, the workpiece has rectangular shape, so there would be two centers. The ideal center would be between them.

“From the presented material you will learn how you can make a center finder yourself using improvised means. Every craftsman simply needs a reliable and handy tool for marking and finding the center on workpieces. You can buy such tools in a store, or you can also make them yourself. What you need is a piece of plywood and an aluminum plate 305 mm long and 25 mm wide. Holes for fastening 3 pieces and 20 holes for marking are also drilled.

The design of the center finder is quite simple, to understand the essence, let's look at the drawings. Based on the drawing data, it is necessary to cut a wooden block according to the presented dimensions, then aluminum plate 305 mm long and 25 mm wide. It is necessary to drill 3 holes in the plate for fastening, 1 guide and 20 holes on the ruler itself for marking.
Everything is assembled into a single structure. In addition to finding the center of round blanks, you can also draw a circle (example in the photo below)
To mark the center, press it tightly to the workpiece and draw a line with a pencil, then turn the center finder 90 degrees and draw another line, the place of the crosshair will be the center of the part.
So simple and the right tool for your workshop, you can do