Installation diagram of plastic windows in a wooden house. Self-installation of wooden windows in a wooden house

Unlike foam or reinforced concrete buildings, wooden houses have high instability. This term refers to minimal but constant shrinkage of the structure. The tree “shrinks out” not in 2-3 years, as some experts believe, but in at least 5 years. Of course, shrinkage visible to the naked eye occurs during the first 12 months, but then the home continues to decrease in volume. If you don't take into account this property and, for example, install a plastic window in wooden house by analogy with reinforced concrete structures, you can seriously pay for a miscalculation.

The shrinkage of timber and logs is from 1 to 2 cm per meter of masonry. That is, a two-story wooden house can reduce its height by 10-12 cm after 5 years. If the owners decide to install plastic windows using generally accepted technologies, they will be disappointed within a year. The entire weight of the structure will put pressure on PVC products; First, the doors will stop opening, and then the frame will crack altogether, ceasing to perform thermal insulation functions. But you don’t need to take extraordinary measures to properly install plastic windows - just install them in window opening a pigtail.

Design Features

The purpose of the frame (otherwise called casing) is to give the windows complete independence from load-bearing walls Houses. The design has several undeniable advantages:

  • it eliminates even the minimum vertical load on the window, since it does not allow the logs to move;
  • does not interfere natural shrinkage Houses;
  • serves to strengthen the house in the area of ​​the window opening.

There are two types of casing. In the first case, grooves are made into which wooden blocks the same dimensions as the window opening. In the second, a ridge is cut out in the latter, onto which a carriage (a log hewn on opposite sides, better known as a gable beam) with a groove is fixed.

It is advisable to install plastic windows in log house(or timber) with an assistant, since installation of the frame requires high precision, and the weight of the double-glazed window is sometimes difficult for one person to handle.

Required Tools

To install PVC windows, you will need a basic set of construction supplies, including:

  • drill;
  • screwdriver;
  • chisel;
  • building level;
  • roulette;
  • mallet (wooden hammer);
  • self-tapping screws no more than 10 cm long (extended versions will violate the integrity of logs or beams);
  • polyurethane foam;
  • spacer wedges made of wood;
  • spray bottle with water;
  • gloves.

In addition, you will need a special adjusting hexagon for window structures. On the topic of installing windows in wooden structures There are hundreds of videos made that are easy to find. However, the basic and most valuable tips are given below.

Surface preparation stage

The first thing you need to do is dismantle the old window. If its condition is not bad, it may be useful in another matter (for example, when building a country greenhouse). Removing windows is done carefully so as not to damage the wooden walls. After this, the opening is cleared of dust and dirt.

Measuring the parameters of a window opening must be as accurate as possible. It is advisable to record the obtained values ​​on paper. Installing a new window is simple, but just one millimeter of miscalculation can seriously warp it.

If the contour of the opening is not completely smooth, it will have to be leveled using putty or sealant. A properly prepared surface for a new PVC product is characterized by ideal geometry (right angles).

It is also necessary to maintain a reserve for shrinkage at home. This is about 6 cm in height, 2 cm in height and sides for foaming, 4 cm under the window sill.

Depending on the time of year and the current stage of construction, ordering double-glazed windows either precedes dismantling or becomes the final stage. Few people would want to install a window in a wooden house and replace it after a year or two, so some points need to be taken into account. The buyer should decide on the number of sashes, the direction of their opening, the shape, size, and color of future products. And, of course, you should order from reliable manufacturers.

Installation instructions for PVC windows

The ideal distance from the floor to the window sill will be 80-90 cm. This is slightly higher desk. The user must lean freely on the window sill, bending the body minimally. The further sequence of actions is given below.

  1. Accurate markings are made for the side and bottom tenons (5x5 cm), after which they are cut out.
  2. In previously prepared and well-dried boards (preferably inch), holes are cut out that will fill the tenons.
  3. The window opening and the frame blank are treated with antifungal impregnation.
  4. Insulation (jute tape, tow, etc.) is attached to the tenon using a construction stapler.
  5. The casing structure is installed in the opening, starting from the window sill. Its elements are connected with self-tapping screws, and the joints are coated with sealant.

In general, the window frame is ready, all that remains is to insulate the upper landing gap. The same jute will do; the opening is caulked as tightly as possible. Now you can install a plastic window inside the opening. To do this, do the following:

  1. Insert the glass unit into the opening, perfectly aligning it with the front edge. Apply a level to make sure the geometry of the sides is correct. To make work easier, first remove the sashes from the insulation units.
  2. Fix the frame inside the opening using self-tapping screws, having previously drilled holes in it.
  3. Fill the gaps between the glass unit and the casing polyurethane foam.
  4. Before the foam hardens, install the window sill and screw it.
  5. After the foam has dried, waterproof it from the outside acrylic sealant, sealing tape or a vapor-permeable membrane, from the inside - with a vapor barrier tape.

Due to installation additional design(casing) it may seem that installing windows in a timber or log house is difficult, but this is not so. To be confident about the durability of the structure and the reliable performance of functions by PVC products, it is better to allocate a couple of hours for extra work. The casing will allow you to avoid unnecessary expenses as the home shrinks, and will also save the plastic novelty from deformation. Video can"t be loaded: Installing a plastic window in a casing in a wooden house or log house (

Korovin Sergey Dmitrievich

Master of Architecture, graduated from Samara State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering. 11 years of experience in design and construction.

Thanks to your operational characteristics Double-glazed windows made of PVC material have gained particular popularity among the population. They are installed in buildings and structures made of concrete, brick, and wood. Installing plastic windows in a wooden house requires following certain rules.

Important installation details

When starting the installation, you need to prepare the equipment you will need: a building level and a plumb line, and also know how to insert a plastic window. It is necessary to install a PVC window strictly observing the placement in a level plane. This will ensure the correct operation of all elements, the doors will not open or close spontaneously.

The technology for installing a PVC window involves its correct placement in a level plane

When purchasing plastic structures, you need to buy additional special fasteners for installation. The frame is fixed in the frame of a wooden structure using self-tapping screws and special fasteners. Observing technological process and performing the installation correctly plastic windows in a wooden house, you are guaranteed to receive window units that will last for a long time.

The window frame is secured using anchor plates

If you dismantle the sashes, the structure will become much lighter and it will be easier to move it, however, installing metal-plastic windows in a wooden house alone is still not recommended. To remove the doors, you need to remove the pins from the hinges.

How to install PVC double-glazed windows

Do-it-yourself installation of plastic windows in a wooden house is carried out in stages:

  • preparatory activities before installation;
  • installation of PVC windows;
  • control and verification of location in space;
  • blowing with foam.

To understand how to install plastic windows both in a wooden house and in a timber or log house, let’s look at each stage in more detail.

Carrying out preparatory work

First of all, you need to take exact dimensions by measuring the opening and order the window structure from a trusted manufacturer. To do this, most often they invite a representative of a company that produces plastic frames. You can take measurements yourself. After this, they determine the color of the structure and the completeness of the fittings necessary for the functioning of the window.

When the manufacturer delivers the product to the site, the following steps must be completed:

  • if the decision is made to replace installed windows in the old opening, first of all, it is necessary to dismantle the structure;
  • after which they clean dust, dirt and remove debris that got into the opening from dismantling;
  • It is worth aligning the opening if its geometry is broken.

Having completed the preparation, they insert a plastic window into a wooden house with their own hands.

Fastening the window structure into the prepared opening

We install the window sill first; it will be the base for the double-glazed windows, so it needs to be placed strictly level (horizontally). For fastening strength, notches are made on the sides of the box approximately 8 mm deep. Adjustment is carried out using plastic plates or boards. Fastening occurs with self-tapping screws to the bottom of the box. When screwing in, you should place washers under the screw head; this will prevent damage to the surface.

The next step will be correct installation pens. The film that protects the structures should not be removed; it protects them from damage when the windows are installed. When attaching, the handle must be placed horizontally. When all the fittings have been assembled, the installation of metal-plastic windows begins.

First you need to level the PVC frame. A frame is placed on two-centimeter bars and leveled horizontally, using a water level. After this, they move on to vertical alignment.

Having obtained ideal parameters at the water level, they fix the frame with self-tapping screws to the frame, using mounting fasteners that were specially purchased in the store. It is important not to get the self-tapping screw into the ridge of the log where the socket is installed.

Secure the frame with self-tapping screws

After attaching the window element, we get 2-centimeter gaps around it for the mounting foam.

Before using polyurethane foam, you need to hang the shutters so that after foaming the frame profile does not bend and damage the window. It is important to remember that foam can only be used when the sash is closed..

Control and foaming of the structure

After hanging the sashes, you need to check how the double-glazed window opens and closes. If a window that is half open does not close or move further, then the frame is considered to be installed correctly and the alignment is correct. After closing the sash, foam it with installation foam and leave it for complete fixation for a day.

Why is casing made for plastic windows in a timber house?

To obtain quality windows PVC in a wooden house, you must strictly observe the installation features, that is, install it to a special frame (base). The need for such a design is due to the characteristics of wooden buildings. Unlike a building made of stone (concrete or brick), a wooden panel house is unstable over a long period.

The casing prevents frame deformation when the house shrinks

The building will be completed within the first five years after its construction. In this case, the walls dry out up to 6 cm. This important nuance must be taken into account when installing a plastic window in a frame house. It is clear that you cannot simply insert a plastic window into a wooden house; you need to create a structure for the opening, which is called a casing, or they also say a window frame. Its direct purpose is to prevent the frame from being affected by wall shrinkage, so the socket:

  • strengthens the opening;
  • bears the load;
  • prevents the effects of shrinkage.

The pigtail looks like a box made from thick boards. The structure is attached to the side rack on a groove, no fasteners are used. There remains a shrinkage compensation gap above the pigtail for wooden house. There are several options for installing it:

  • A groove is cut in the log into which the block is placed. Self-tapping screws are screwed into the last element of the embedded beam;
  • a groove is cut out in the racks on the sides of the structure, a tenon is cut out from the end of the log in the opening;
  • A groove is made at the end of the logs, and a tenon is placed on the side posts of the box.

Casing options

To get a high-quality design, you need to follow the technology for installing plastic windows in a wooden house. To begin with, cover the ridges of the logs with insulation and secure it with staples or small nails. This stage is necessary to insulate the house and eliminate creaks. Then the lower crossbar of the casing is mounted, and carriages (side posts of the frame) are stuffed onto the ridges, and the upper jumper is placed in the upper groove of the posts. After collecting the box, carefully connect it with self-tapping screws, it is important that they do not get into the logs.

The gaps that are visible in the opening after installing the casing must be filled with tow or insulation. Then it happens standard installation plastic windows in a frame house or log house.

The cracks are sealed with insulation or tow.

The compensation gap is filled with flat boards pre-wrapped with tow. As the walls shrink, they are gradually knocked out. To do this, remove the top casing and, having knocked out the board, put it back.

The final stage when glazing a wooden structure

The final finishing after installing PVC windows in a log house is done in the same way as wooden ones, that is, after installing the frame structure and insulation, wooden platbands are installed. When ordering PVC windows in a wooden structure, you should take a closer look at the option with a wood texture, this will allow them to look harmonious against the background of the felled structure.

Many manufacturers of PVC structures offer not only the classic white color option for frames. You can order any shade that the customer desires. Colored plastic frames will cost a little more, but will be more suitable option for a home made of natural materials.

When ordering, it is important to take the correct measurements of the opening and not make a mistake in the width of the window sill. Self-installation of a PVC window in a wooden house, knowing all the nuances, is not like that difficult process. You can do it yourself, without resorting to the help of expensive installers.

DIY installation of plastic windows in a wooden house

I hope no one will argue that since their appearance on the construction market, plastic windows have proven themselves only on the positive side, although there are a few unpleasant moments, but still. It is precisely because of their excellent performance and ease of installation that more and more homeowners are choosing them. PVC windows can be installed in any window opening without any problems, but when installing in a wooden house, you need to take into account a number of nuances, without which all your work will go down the drain. Further in the article we will consider what these nuances are and will analyze all the stages of installing windows with our own hands.

Materials and tools

To complete this task, in addition to PVC windows, we will need the following materials:

Characteristics Purpose
timber 150*100 Casing installation
Board 50*100 Casing installation
Lnovatin Insulation of the sides of the casing
High-quality insulation Insulating the thermal gap at the top of the casing
Thermal waterproofing tape Waterproofing thermal gap
Galvanized screws Casing fastening
Screws for concrete Nagel MRS PVC fastening - windows
Linings Plastic Window installation
Sealant Sealing seams
Polyurethane foam Sealing the gap between the frame and casing

Let's prepare this from the tools:

  • Hammer, drill, screwdriver;
  • Chain saw, ordinary saw, grinder;
  • Hammer and rubber mallet;
  • Paint knife, ordinary knife, pliers, furniture stapler, screwdriver;
  • Construction level, tape measure;
  • Gun for polyurethane foam.

Preparatory work

1. We dismantle the old windows (if there were any), check whether there is a frame or, as it is also called, casing and in what condition it is (casing essential element window opening in a wooden house and therefore this stage is very, very important). If there is a pigtail and it is in in good condition– you are lucky, you got rid of a lot of work, but if it is not there or it is in poor condition, then read below how to install it.

2. We check the opening for defects such as rot, chips and eliminate them.

3. We treat the opening with a special compound intended for wood, of which there are a lot in construction stores, and move on to the main work.

Instructions for PVC installation- windows

Step 1: As I wrote above, the window frame plays, perhaps, a key role in our task of installing plastic windows. But first things first, casing is a structural element that prevents windows from deforming during the shrinkage of a wooden house and therefore its installation is mandatory.

There are several modifications of this design, namely:

1. Casing in the “mortgage block”;
2. Casing into the “deck”;
3. Casing in the “spike monolith”;
4. “Fine” casing.

The last two options are most often used; we will also not reinvent the wheel and make a “spike monolith” casing.

First: Knowing the dimensions of the future window, we mark and cut out the corresponding opening.

Advice: We cut out the window opening at the top 5–10 cm higher than the frame will be installed. This is done in order to provide a thermal gap.

Second: We mark the future groove, usually it is made five centimeters in size. After marking, chain saw select a groove.

Third: We process the side bars. At the first stage, we should get a T-shaped beam “tenon monolith”. After cutting out this figure, all we have to do is make a bed for the top, that is, the upper jumper, it all looks like this.

Advice: If you plan to finish the outside of the house, then we buy rough material, but if the outside of the house is not additionally finished, then we use finishing material based on laminated veneer lumber.

Fourth: We treat the window opening and all elements of the frame with a special agent that protects the wood from rotting and other troubles. At the same stage, it is necessary to make thermal insulation between the wall of the house and the window frame; for this purpose, it is best to use flax wool.

Fifth: We install the side elements of the casing, then measure and cut the board for the top bar (top). The top bar needs to be cut so that it fits into the groove of the side bars with little effort. After installing all the elements, we fix them to the walls of the house using self-tapping screws.

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Sixth: We insulate the thermal gap left on top of the casing, this is best done with high-quality insulation, installed as with outside windows, and from the inside. Then, the insulation is necessarily hydro- and vapor-insulated with a tape specially designed for such purposes. This tape has a self-adhesive strip, but for more reliable fastening it is better to go over it with a furniture stapler.

From everything I described above you should get the following:

Important: Never use polyurethane foam to insulate a thermal gap, since after hardening it will turn into a very hard substance that will transfer all the loads associated with shrinkage of the house, windows and the window frame will cease to perform its functions.

Step 2: We proceed directly to installing a plastic window in a wooden house; this step, like the previous ones, will be divided into several stages.

1. Remove the glass unit from the window frame. We start with the opening sash, insert the handle into the groove and move it to the open position; there is no need to open the sash. We remove the rod of the upper hinge, open the sash and remove it from the lower hinge.

2. We remove the side glazing beads from the “blind” sash; to do this, with a thin object, for example, a knife, we bend the glazing beads towards the glass unit and back, they should click and remove them. After all the glazing beads are removed, we put on gloves, since the edges of the glass unit are very sharp, and carefully remove the glass unit.

Advice: To avoid the glass unit falling out, first remove the side beads and only then the bottom and top ones.

3. Drill holes in the frame for fasteners. For this purpose we use a 6*70 or longer drill. We drill holes for fasteners at a distance of 15 cm from the corners and imposts of the frame and no more than 70 cm from each other.

4. We try on the prepared window frame, having previously placed plastic pads under the corners and impost. Then we level the window frame using the same shims and a building level, applying it to the places where the glazing beads are attached and installing shims where necessary. Keep an eye on what top part the frame did not rest against the casing. The gap at the top should be at least 1cm.

5. After the frame is leveled and the necessary wedges are placed, we proceed to drilling the walls. It is impossible to cope with such a task alone, because one person will have to drill and the other will have to hold the window frame and look with a level so that the verticality of the window does not go astray. To begin with, we drill two holes at the top and bottom of the frame, insert screws into them, for fastening we will use concrete screws (MRS dowel), tighten them, but not all the way, as it may be necessary to adjust the lateral deflection of the window frame. After leveling the window, tighten all the screws.

Advice: There is no need to tighten the screws too much, as you can knock down the verticality of the window. It will be enough to slightly recess the screw head into the plastic.

6. Foam the gaps between the window frame and the casing. After fifteen minutes, as soon as the foam gains rigidity, you can insert double-glazed windows and finish the window opening. Finishing We will not touch upon this within the scope of this article, since this topic is very broad.

Read how to make slopes for plastic windows here.

At this point, the installation of plastic windows in a wooden house can be considered complete, good luck with your work!

Video on the topic “Installing plastic windows in a wooden house”:

Installing plastic windows in a wooden house with your own hands: installation features, instructions, video

Plastic double-glazed windows have gained popularity due to their performance qualities. But can they be used in the construction and repair of wooden buildings? Of course, it is possible and necessary.

Installing plastic windows in a wooden house has a lot of differences and features. The process includes a number of preparatory manipulations, primarily related to the fact that the structure tends to sag over time.

We install a PVC window in a private house

The technology for installing PVC windows in a wooden house of new or old construction does not have strong difference. In any case, experts recommend technology using casing - time-tested, this technology allows you to avoid deformation, regardless of the material from which it is made.

Installing a plastic window in a wooden house or cottage with your own hands will require the performer to have some knowledge and skills. Of course, if there are none, then it is more advisable to turn to specialists. Difficulty in self-installation PVC systems in a wooden house is that the frame is fastened using a tongue-and-groove mechanism. This design makes it possible to create operating conditions in which the deformation and subsidence of wood does not directly affect the glass unit.

According to statistics, a wooden house can shrink up to 30 cm. Depending on the material, due to the drying of the wood within 1 year after the construction of the structure, the amount of structure shrinkage per meter of height is:

  • log: 40-60 mm;
  • timber: 30-40 mm;
  • laminated timber 10-30 mm.

These factors should not be neglected, since subsidence of the building already in the first year threatens to crush the window with the crowns of the wall structure.

Wall shrinkage can also occur after 5 years of operation of the house under the influence of seasonal changes air composition and humidity. At the same time, installation of windows in old houses also implies the presence of casing.

So, let's consider the algorithm for installing PVC systems in wooden houses.

Stage No. 1. Preparatory work

Before starting the actual installation, it is necessary to carry out a number of preparatory measures:

  • dismantling the old window (if replacement is taking place);
  • cleaning the opening from dirt and construction debris;
  • produce necessary measurements and calculations;
  • drawing up a drawing and recording the opening measurement parameters;
  • aligning the contours of the sides of the window opening if the hole has an irregular shape;
  • leveling is performed using putty or sealant;
  • decide on the design and functionality (number of doors, their size, which of them will open);
  • decide on the manufacturer and color of the product.

Only after completing all of the above manipulations do we order a window from the manufacturer, taking into account individual wishes.

Stage No. 2. Installation

Once the windows have been delivered and the necessary preliminary work has been carried out, you can proceed directly to installation. Tools:

  • drill;
  • construction level;
  • chisel;
  • screwdriver;
  • roulette;
  • mallet;
  • pliers;
  • anchor plates and bolts;
  • window adjustment key;
  • polyurethane foam;
  • spacer wedges;
  • spray bottle with water.

Casing: purpose, types and design

The casing is a box-shaped structure, which is made of three or four boards and installed around the perimeter inside the opening.

The system allows you to install a plastic window yourself, so that the window is fixed independently of the main structure of the wall and has a floating character. The window system is secured using grooves on the side, which are placed on tenons protruding from the end of the logs and beams.

To fix and seal the casing, only tow, flax batting or fiber insulation are used. Never use polyurethane foam.

Thus, wall shrinkage wooden structure does not affect the window in any way, much less damage it. Depending on the fastenings, casings can be classified into the following types:

  • into a thorn This design is characterized by the presence of a tenon, which is mounted on the side parts of the casing, and a groove, which is located in the logs of the opening;
  • in the embedded beam. The basis of the fastening is considered to be a block, which is placed in a groove at the ends of the opening and passes through the casing posts;
  • into the deck. The tenon is located at the ends of the window opening logs, but the groove is in the casing posts.

The box is a floating mechanism, which prevents deformation of the plastic window during operation, regardless of the type of installation of the casing.

Calculations should be made with high accuracy, since even a minor error can lead to deformation of the window frame or leakage of the structure. In addition, correct installation is the key to the quality of the plastic window itself.

How to make a pigtail (casing)

The design can be of two types: complex and simple. A simple window frame is the system described above, with bars and grooves. Complex design It is performed somewhat differently: a ridge is cut out in the window opening, onto which a carriage with grooves is placed. This option is more reliable. When the walls shrink, the ridge can slide and does not allow vertical deviations, eliminating pressure on the window frame.

The casing is usually made of timber. Using a wood chisel, a 0.5 cm groove is knocked out in the center of the beam, and a tenon (0.5x0.5x.25 cm) is cut out from one end. A ridge with 0.5x0.5 cm spikes is cut out from the end of the opening logs. You can use a saw or chisel for this.

After the ridge is ready, we proceed to install the risers and form the structure of the opening between them. The beams are installed level, taking into account the gaps for wall shrinkage (1 cm on the sides and 0.5 cm on top). The frame made of beams is strengthened with the help of grooves with the main fabric of the walls and dowels between them. The gaps left are sealed with tow or other fiber. That's all, now you can start installing the plastic frame directly. You can watch the process in more detail in this video:

Stage No. 3. Installation in the prepared opening

After carrying out the necessary preparatory work and installation of the frame, you can begin installing the window.

To begin with, we check the dimensions and location of parallels, the gaps between the casing structure and the frame. The margin for foaming should be: 4-5 cm at the top, 2-3 cm in width and height, 3-4 cm in the window sill area. Having made sure that the stock corresponds to these indicators, we proceed directly to installing the plastic frame.

The window is secured using special fasteners, which are sold at any hardware store. They are metal plates with holes.

Installation of a plastic window should be done level. If you neglect this factor, then you risk getting a structure with a slope, which significantly reduces the operational and aesthetic objectives of the window.

After the window is secured in the opening, it is necessary to fill the gap with foam. To avoid displacement of the structure during foaming, blocks are placed that will maintain the position of the frame without deviation. After drying, do not forget to remove it.

Fastening the window to the casing is done with care. In this case, you must select correct location tightening screws. Under no circumstances should a window be secured in the ridge area!

That's all, we finish the process by completely foaming the opening. We put the sashes on and let the foam dry.

We presented The right way installation of a plastic window in a wooden house. This process can be difficult, so if you are unsure of your abilities, it is better to turn to professionals.

However, installing a plastic window yourself is a significant cost savings. We invite you to watch a video tutorial on how to install a window yourself:

Installing plastic windows in a wooden house: DIY installation video

Repair work in a wooden house differs significantly from similar buildings in other types. Most companies do not provide a guarantee for installations carried out here, especially for plastic windows. Isn't this a reason to think about DIY installation? Armed with a step-by-step video, you can achieve high-quality results, significantly saving your family budget.

Features of installing a window system in a wooden house

There are many prejudices about wooden houses. The service life of PVC windows installed here depends entirely on the quality of the structure itself and compliance with the technology of the installation process.

You cannot start working on a window opening in a new wooden house right away. To avoid deformation in the future, it is recommended to wait some time for the structure to stand, the wood to dry, excess moisture to evaporate, and the walls to become static. Thus, the chance of the opening being undermined is minimized.

The outer part of a wooden house is not chosen as a place for a window. The opening may be in the center or closer to one of the corners, but not in contact with it.

The installation process itself is not too labor-intensive: it can be done with one pair of hands in a few hours. The subtleties of the preparatory work depend on whether the windows have already been installed before or whether the casing needs to be created from scratch. A similar technology can be used to install PVC in any wooden building: bathhouse, gazebo, etc.

Preparing the workspace

To install plastic windows yourself, you need a reliable foundation - a frame. If the previous windows were installed over the past few years, did not have time to acquire physical damage and were not touched by rot, then you can use the box from them as a frame for new system. With this option, measurements are made according to the new size of the opening, focusing on the preserved box.

If PVC is installed in a new building, then you will have to take care of the piping. This is the name given to the design that prevents the window system from deformation. There are several types:

  • With a mortgage block;
  • In the groove of the log wall;
  • On a spike in the wall;
  • With a quarter.

Using a rag, you can remove dirt, dust and start taking measurements. The reliability and feasibility of all further work depends on their accuracy: inattention at this stage can jeopardize the entire installation.

Advice. If the opening is distorted, then to create a plan diagram with measurements, they are guided by the presumably correct geometric shape and right angles, and deformations are removed using sealant or ordinary putty.

Window sill installation and window preparation

The window sill is the basis of the entire window system, so its installation must be carried out with a level: the horizontal surface must be ideal from both longitudinal and transverse positions.

To do the work yourself, the following algorithm of actions is used:

  1. Small recesses (at least 5 mm) are made in the window frame for additional fixation of the window sill.
  2. Using plates made of fibreboard, plastic or treated wood antiseptic, level the window sill.
  3. The window sill is installed using self-tapping screws. It is necessary to place a gasket or washer under the caps to prevent cracks. For self-tapping screws, you need to choose a place where they will be hidden by the future window. Typically, it is located at a distance of 2-4 cm from the end.
  4. After installing the window sill, check its horizontalness using a building level.

As for the window itself, before installation it is necessary to attach the handle in the down position (closed state).

Window installation

Installing a window in a prepared area of ​​a wooden house is no different from installing it in another structure. The process is performed in the following sequence:

  1. Marking the window frame and drilling mounting holes. The procedure is carried out using a 6 mm drill for a corresponding self-tapping screw 1 mm smaller in diameter.
  2. Installation of the system in the opening. In this case, they focus on the window sill, the even level of which, thanks to additional control, is beyond doubt. The center is determined using a measuring tape.
  3. Level relative to the wall. To ensure that the window is parallel to the surface of the wall, use a plumb line. If it is finished with siding, which allows you to place a level between the trim and the wall, then you can use it.
  4. Fixing a beam that would completely fill the space between the window and its frame. It will become a stop for further installation. Installation without it may lead to blocking of the window opening/closing mechanism.
  5. The window is fastened using self-tapping screws from the bottom and top of the side posts, so that they do not interfere with the free opening of the window in the frame.
  6. Foaming cracks and removing excess foam.

Installing a PVC window yourself can save up to 60% family budget. Following detailed instructions their installation will make the structure resistant to seasonal deformations of the wood, extending the service life of the system for a long time.

Windows made of strong and durable plastic can be found today not only in stone, but also in wooden buildings.

However, their installation in a wooden wall differs significantly from installation in stone structures. The reason for this is the significant shrinkage of wood during the drying period.

For raw material it can reach 6-8% (1.2-1.6 cm per 1 meter of log height).

Drying wood turns into a powerful press that easily deforms window unit. The doors do not open after such an impact, and the frame is severely warped.

It turns out that high-quality installation of plastic windows in a wooden house is not possible - you ask? No, it is quite real, but only if special technology is followed. We will consider this in our article.

How to properly install a plastic window in a wooden wall?

In order to eliminate the pressure of the wall on the window block, craftsmen came up with special “sleds”, popularly known as frames or casings. The idea of ​​this technology is very simple: a vertical protrusion-ridge is made with a chainsaw on the end part of the window opening logs.

A window carriage is placed on it - a wooden beam with a vertical groove cut into it. There is no rigid connection with screws or nails between the opening and the carriage. As a result, due to the sliding tongue-and-groove connection, we get a frame that moves freely along with the drying wall.

Thanks to this original solution A plastic window installed in a casing box is not affected by the destructive forces of deformation of the log house.

The pigtail performs several important functions in a wooden wall:

  • prevents logs from moving from the vertical;
  • does not interfere with the vertical shrinkage of the log house;
  • strengthens the wall in the window opening area.

Now let's take a closer look at how to install plastic windows in a wooden house with your own hands using a casing box.

Features of installing plastic windows in wooden walls

You need to be very careful when cutting the ridge at the ends of the window opening, marking it using a level. Any deviation from the vertical and any inaccuracies in the tongue-groove joint will negatively affect the operation of the socket, disrupting its free movement along the wall.

Having made the ridge cutouts, you can begin making window carriages. These are planed wooden blocks with a cross section of 150x100 mm. At their ends it is necessary to make cutouts measuring 5x5 cm for inserting horizontal jumpers (150x50 mm board with two tenons at the ends).

When making a casing, keep in mind that its assembled height should be 7-8 cm less than the height of the window opening. If you make a casing without such a gap, then the upper crowns, when the wall shrinks, will put pressure on the box, deforming it.

In order to correctly insert a plastic window in a wooden house, you need to adhere to the established experienced craftsmen sequence of operations.

First you need to cover the ridges of the window opening with tow and secure it with a stapler or small nails. This is necessary to insulate the joint and eliminate squeaks. After this, the lower lintel of the frame is placed in the window opening. Then carriages (side bars of the casing) are stuffed onto the ridges. The second jumper is inserted into the upper cutout of the carriage and lowered to a horizontal position. Having assembled the box, you need to carefully fasten it with self-tapping screws so that they do not go into the ridges of the log house. Otherwise, the casing will not “work” because the screws will not allow it to slide along the wall.

All cracks remaining in the window opening after installing the frame are tightly clogged with tow. Next, using standard technology, the installation of a plastic window is carried out with all the accompanying operations to ensure protection of the junction area with the casing from moisture, heat loss and noise penetration.

The gap between the frame and the wall of the log house is filled with thin boards wrapped in rolled tow. As the walls shrink, they are knocked out one by one. To do this, remove the top trim (it is attached only to the frame) and, removing the unnecessary “compensation” board, put it back in place.

The finishing of a plastic window in a wooden house is no different from decorative cladding regular frame. It is highly advisable to order not standard white plastic windows, but those covered with a special film that imitates the color and texture natural wood. They will look natural against the background of a chopped wall. Having completed the insulation and sealing of the joints, the window block with the frame is sheathed inside and outside with wooden casing.

Until now we have talked about the installation of plastic window blocks in new log buildings. But is such technology necessary if we are talking about an old wooden house?

Experienced craftsmen say that a socket is necessary here. The fact is that any log house, even after 5 years of shrinkage and shrinkage, does not stop changing its size. Wood is a living, porous material. Therefore, when it rains outside, the logs and beams swell. During the hot summer, the reverse process occurs and even an old hundred-year-old log house loses several centimeters from its previous “wet” height.

It should be noted that the old window frame is absolutely not suitable for the role of a frame, since it cannot slide along the surface of the wall, compensating for its shrinkage.

Therefore, the owner has two options:

  1. install plastic windows in a wooden house, reducing the size of existing openings by the width of the casing + gap for sealant;
  2. keep the same window area, but increase the openings for installing the frames by cutting through the walls.

Concluding our review, let's say that installing a plastic window in a wooden wall is not a very complicated process. With a careful and attentive attitude to the work, it can be done efficiently on your own, without involving “expensive” craftsmen.

Addition to the article

We sometimes receive additional questions that cannot always be answered in the comments. We will answer such questions further and give options for solving a specific problem.

Good afternoon
Installing a plastic window in a log house is clear, but how is a plastic window installed in a house on the gable, in which an opening for the window is formed from an 80x100mm board?

This installation option is simple. Just before installation, it is advisable to attach an antiseptic 20x20 mm strip along the contour of your box (it will act as a quarter, protecting the polyurethane foam sealant from solar radiation). If you have already made a quarter in the board, then you will not need to install a batten.

We place the plastic window on spacers (to create a gap into which the foam will be blown). After this, we carefully go through the entire contour with sealant. You can additionally secure the window in the opening using metal mounting plates. However, foam alone will hold the window securely.

Did not retreat from the outer edge of the window block, and the house The old window unit is level and in some places there is a 50 mm board going out into the street, and now it’s cooling. What can be done?

The best option is to remove the window unit and install it in the opening with a quarter space, as shown in the previous diagram.

An acceptable option is to make a thick board around the window block outside the wall so that you get quarters that cover the joint of the window block with the wall from blowing. Seal all leaks and gaps with foam or tow.

It is known that wooden windows in houses built from timber are rightfully considered the safest and practical solution, which favorably influences the indoor microclimate.

Fundamental in the presented case is that when it shrinks window system and the walls behave monotonously. Their installation according to technology plays a decisive role here.

Features of installing windows in a wooden house

The assembly of windows in a timber building has certain features. As you know, wood shrinks. In houses made of chopped logs or during the first 5 years, shrinkage is about 10-13% of the height of the building, while shrinkage does not exceed 2%.

If there is warping of window structures, the formation of crown gaps in the walls or cracking of the glass unit, this indicates a violation of the technology during the installation process.

  1. In houses made of chopped wood, rounded logs, planed or profiled timber, it is advisable to install the window support after the house has settled (not earlier than 1.5 years after construction).
  2. Installing windows after the construction of a log house is not rational due to the lack of the ability to calculate wall shrinkage. This indicator depends on the moisture content of the timber.
  3. In houses made of laminated veneer lumber, installation of windows is allowed immediately after erection of walls and installation of the roof of the house.
  4. Installation of windows must be carried out exclusively through sliding connections - support beams and casing. Tying window blocks and frame structures to logs or beams is strictly prohibited. Tight fastening during drying leads to a violation of the integrity of window modules and the walls of the building. In fact, the window system must balance separately in relation to the wall.
  5. At the top above window boxes it is necessary to provide a shrinkage reserve - gaps of 6-7 cm. Miscalculations of spare spaces can lead to poor closing of windows or roof gaps in walls.

Installation diagram wooden windows

Preparing the window opening

Before installing the box, you should prepare the window opening. The opening must be rectangular in shape without cracks, recesses, distortions or other defects. It is necessary to remove from all its surfaces construction garbage, dirt, dust and deposits.

In order to avoid distortions in the future, it is necessary to take accurate measurements of the external, internal and lateral sides of the opening.

In the case where the skew of the opening is significant and it is not possible to correct it, it is recommended to expand the window parameters in such a way that highest level the external hole exceeded the width by 2.5-4 cm and the height by 1-2 cm.

Extension can be achieved by installing an additional profile on the window. This will prevent the appearance of gaps between the box and the hole in areas of maximum distortion.

In addition to the option of expanding the size of the opening to correct the distortion, there is such an option as increasing the parameters of the window frame.


A special design that is wooden box without a bottom crossbar, the purpose of which is to securely fasten the window and maintain the shape of the window frame, regardless of the degree of shrinkage of the house, called casing or frame.

There are several types of this design:

  1. One piece. It is made from specially processed solid material.
  2. Adhesive. The individual components are made from type-setting boards, connected by means of microgrooves and glue. All burrs and small knots are removed.
  3. Mixed. Part of the casing is made solid, and the other is made using glue. Upon completion of installation, the pigtail is varnished. This type Suitable for use on large window sills.

The window frame is made according to the size of each window. Moreover, if it is planned internal lining, then a sample can be made for it. When facing on both sides, sampling is not performed.

Assembly of the casing can begin after preparing the window opening.

Its production is carried out as follows:

  1. Grooves are machined in the base, which is adjacent to the window opening. A beam of the same size is inserted into them, acting as the side of the casing.
  2. First, place the beam at the bottom of the opening, which will prevent displacement of the side elements.
  3. A compactor is placed under the timber from linen tow.
  4. Sealing material is placed in the recesses and install side boards.
  5. The final stage is fastening the top board of the structure.
  6. A space is left on top of the jamb for the wood to dry out and filled with sealant. This way, during the process of shrinking the logs, the load on the window opening will not be affected.

Window installation

Window installation is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. A waterproofing layer is placed on the lower part of the opening. and sealing material.
  2. Install the window frame and fix it it with the help of linings or wedges made of wood.
  3. Using a building level or plumb line, adjust the horizontal and vertical lines. In this case, you need to pay attention to the actual horizontal and vertical, and not to the sides of the window opening.
  4. On each side of the opening, in increments of 50 cm, drill holes.
  5. Using self-tapping screws fix the box.
  6. Insulate the space between the frame and the wall sealing material.
  7. Next, the frame is mounted. It is installed in the grooves of the box and secured to it with screws.
  8. Window blocks are installed on the frame using hinges(severable and inseparable). The difference between them is the possibility of removing the hinge. Detachable ones are convenient in areas where there is no possibility of raising the window transom. Smooth fastening of the hinges facilitates even hanging of window transoms. They are fastened using screws.
  9. The sash is locked using a locking element or latch. After checking the opening and closing of the transom, you should secure the frame using nails.
  10. Next we move on to installing window sills. They are mounted from the inside so that the side edges extend into the walls by 4.5-5 cm on both sides.
  11. Immediately before installation, using a lime-gypsum mixture, align the lower part of the window opening.
  12. The window sill is fixed using wedges. After laying the thermal insulation material, it is finally fixed.
  13. Installation of drip linings is carried out from the outside of the opening– the entire width of the frame’s recess into the base.
  14. The gaps between the casing of the base and frame, as well as the top and sides of the window, are covered with platband. It is advisable to use the same type of wood from which the house is built as platbands.
  15. All parts of the casing are connected to each other. To do this, use spikes, nails or an adhesive solution.
  16. Placement marking is carried out in advance fastening elements (step is 10-12 cm).
  17. So that during the process of attaching the platbands they do not move, the structure can be placed on glue.
  18. The final stage is fixing the platbands with nails or self-tapping screws, and closing the gaps between the base and platbands with sealing material.

  1. For the manufacture of casing, wood with a moisture content of at least 10% is used., otherwise cracks will form inside the structure over time.
  2. When making a joint, it is strictly prohibited use metal fasteners.
  3. Construction foam should not be used as a sealing material when assembling the casing. In this case, the wood is bonded, which prevents its natural drying.
  4. When installing windows, it is important to make the holes for them correctly. Optimal distance from the window sill to the floor is 85-90 cm.
  5. Experts do not recommend installing windows without installing frames, even if the house was built many years ago and the frame is completely dry. This is due to the fact that throughout its lifespan the tree has a tendency to dry out.
  6. For greater efficiency and heat retention, wooden windows should be installed closer to outside window hole.
  7. It is necessary to choose hard wood as a material for the window sill. A window sill made of laminated wood has the longest service life; a window sill made of solid wood has the shortest service life (as a rule, the product is subject to warping).
  8. The angles of the window opening should be 90 degrees, and the diagonals should not differ by more than 10 mm. If the hole in the base exceeds permissible value, more sealing material will be required. If you do not ensure that the corners are even, the box may warp.
  9. It is important to correctly calculate the seating depth of the window in the opening so that the dew point isoline, equal to 10 degrees, passes in its inner part. Then there will be no condensation on the inside of the window.

Choosing the type of window to install in a wooden house is important aspect for creating general design. But there are some nuances to this issue that you need to know before making your final choice. There are three types of house windows: aluminum, wood and plastic. Wood has been and remains the elite among materials, as the most environmentally friendly. The cost of double-glazed windows on aluminum profiles is more affordable, but deviations from installation technology can lead to the accumulation of condensation on the frame of such a window, which later ends up on wood covering walls of the building and can lead to mold and rot. Most economical option– installation of plastic windows in a wooden house. Due to low PVC prices windows are statistically the leaders in the number of installations, but the question of their quality remains open.

Plastic windows can also be different shapes and sizes Source

Materials, sizes and window shapes

The following materials are used in the manufacture of wooden windows:

  1. Pine- most inexpensive type wood. One of the advantages is good moisture resistance. This is due to the high resin content in pine. The downside is low strength due to the softness of this type of wood.
  2. Larch is the most durable representative coniferous species. When in contact with water, it becomes even stronger, which is very important given the operating conditions of the windows. Taking into account excellent characteristics In terms of moisture resistance, the cost of larch windows is not much more expensive than pine.
  3. Oak has the greatest hardness and durability. The disadvantages include lower heat resistance compared to coniferous samples and greater specific gravity. Windows made of oak are premium products and, accordingly, cost more than those made of pine and larch.

Plastic and aluminum windows are made from profiles that are characterized by absolute moisture resistance.

The main standard for window size is the ratio: per 1 sq. m. glazing 10 sq. m. walls of the house. This ensures good illumination of the rooms. But you can deviate from this rule if the window is installed in the living room or children's room.

The children's room should have enough light to develop good vision in the child. Source

These rooms require more natural light. IN Lately, the so-called “Scandinavian” style of house glazing has gained great popularity. Large double-glazed windows (6 sq. m.) provide a wonderful view from the window of a country cottage. But at the same time, the strength requirements for glazing structural elements increase.

An even more suitable option for lovers large windows is the so-called panoramic glazing. Its area can reach up to 70% of total area walls of the house. In this case, tempered glass or triplex is used as the material. This is far from the most cheap option, but windows made from such glass are much stronger and better able to withstand wind loads.

As a rule, the opening scheme for double-glazed windows is: rotary, sliding and tilt-and-turn mechanisms. Window shapes can vary from the usual rectangular and square to exotic triangular and trapezoidal. The most extravagant option could be round and arched window. But they are extremely rare due to the complexity of manufacturing and installation.

Advantages and disadvantages of window materials

The main advantage of plastic windows in a wooden house is their low cost. With high-quality fittings, plastic and aluminum frames provide good level tightness, high heat and sound insulation.

To maintain the aesthetics of windows, it is enough to wash them on time Source

On our website you can find contacts of construction companies that offer the service of installing windows and doors. You can communicate directly with representatives by visiting the “Low-Rise Country” exhibition of houses.

An important factor is the ease of maintenance of double-glazed windows - unlike wooden ones, which require periodic preventive measures to be treated with protective agents.

Another advantage of plastic and aluminum windows is highly resistant to external factors– the sun or rain have practically no effect on them.

The main disadvantage of double-glazed windows made of PVC and aluminum is considered to be the low maintainability of the profile. For example, replacing glass will require contacting a company specializing in such repairs. In order to change the glass in a wooden window, you do not need specialized tools and any carpenter can handle the task.

Another disadvantage is that if non-premium class profiles with special coatings were used for the window, then over time PVC windows may appear on the window sill and frame. minor defects in the form of scratches and chips. This is due to the fact that plastic attracts dust more strongly than wood and the dirt particles gradually “break up” protective covering. Over time, these places begin to turn black from the dirt accumulating in them.

The main advantage of a wooden window remains its “eliteness” and environmental friendliness. The disadvantages include insufficient moisture resistance and shorter service life compared to plastic ones.

Wooden windows - additional opportunity“breathe” at home Source

Wires and their installation

The main feature of a wooden house is that it is constantly “in motion.” If this new house, then the first year or two there is a process of shrinkage. Then you need to take into account the effect of wood expansion with changes in temperature and air humidity. As a result, the walls of the house, although imperceptibly to the eye, move, so it is impossible to firmly attach the window frame to the wall. If you do this, then at best it will lead to jamming of the sashes in the frame, and at worst - to the destruction of the glass in the package.

The way out is to make a so-called casing (casing) - an intermediate box that can move slightly inside the wall along specially cut grooves. This allows you to maintain the integrity of the window during shrinkage wooden elements walls.

There are the following types of pigtails:

  1. Simple. To make it, grooves are cut out at the end of the opening and reinforced bars are inserted into them to absorb the load from the components of the wall.
  2. Complex. It involves cutting out a special protrusion in the window opening. It serves as the basis for a pre-fabricated U-shaped bar. Thanks to large area contact of this beam with the elements of the wall, it is able to withstand a large load.

The main thing in the manufacture of all parts is accuracy, this will allow you to install the window frame in the opening without any problems Source

To make the casing, a chisel and a hand a circular saw or a hacksaw, as well as a beam, the dimensions of which depend on the thickness of the wall of the house.

Using a cutting tool, the required length of the casing post is cut. In the prepared part, a groove is hollowed out using a chisel. A protrusion is made in the opposite part of the opening using a saw. The stand is inserted into the opening. In this case, the groove is aligned with the protrusion. This operation is performed on all sides of the opening.

Installation of windows in a wooden house

Installing a window in a wooden house begins with work on making a window opening or removing an old double-glazed window (if we are talking about replacing a window).

In an old house, it is also necessary to inspect the opening itself. For example, in log houses, very often the lower part of the opening suffers from moisture. In this case, repair of the damaged area is required. If there is no need for repairs, then the opening is cleared of dirt, and measurements of the future window are taken.

Video description

Watch the video for the entire process of installing a window in a wooden house:

Direct installation of double-glazed windows begins with detaching the sashes from the window frames (it is much more practical and simply more convenient to install the frame first, and then hang the sashes on it).

The frame is installed and secured in the frame. This is done by level and plumb so that the horizontal and vertical position is maintained. When the frame is fixed in the frame, the doors with double-glazed windows are hung on its hinges. Afterwards, the window sill is installed, and the space between the frame and the frame is foamed to seal it.

As a result, a feature of installing windows in a wooden house is the mandatory preliminary production of frames. Otherwise, installation is carried out in exactly the same way as in panel or brick houses.

Approximately this design should hold a PVC window Source

Exterior window design in a wooden house

The main element of window decor, first of all, is the platbands. The overall interior of the house largely depends on how they are selected. Platbands give the window a finished look, and in addition, they perform protective function, covering the space between the frame and the opening from drafts, ultraviolet radiation and weather precipitation.

The standard choice of color for the trim is to match the color of the frame and edging of the glass unit. However, interesting solution There may be a contrast between these components of the window. For example, the frame and edging are white, and the trim is dark.

Another trick would be to install shutters. This will give originality to the house, as if you have plunged into the former Russia of tsarist times. This decor is especially suitable for log house, not closed with anything outside.

Shutters can be made either in the classic version or decorated with beautiful wood carvings Source

Shutters are easy to remove and install, so many people use this to periodically update appearance facade of the house. Several types of shutters are made - with different patterns or ornaments, and from time to time a new set is installed.

An interesting solution could be to install a small hanging flower bed under the window at the window sill level, with various planted plants, ranging from flowers to exotic flora varieties.

Video description

Windows in a wooden house can be very different, as for ordinary ones. brick structures. See the following video for examples:


Selecting and installing a window is a very important stage in home improvement. It requires not only financial effort, but also creative approach to this matter. Since it is necessary to make frames for windows in a wooden house, installation should definitely be entrusted to experienced specialists who know all the nuances of carpentry.