Slavic symbols. Origin and description of the Slavic amulet Kres

Ancient Slavic symbols

Original ancient Slavic symbols carry encrypted messages in their images. Our ancestors realized the simplicity and complexity of perception of the World. Each group, to which Slavic signs and symbols belong, has a direct impact on our true desires. Thanks to this, the consciousness is tuned to a healthy tone of work.

Slavic protective symbols are divided by element; they are conductors of male or female energy. Symbols adjust consciousness, perform protective functions, and serve as guides between the worlds created by the Rod. This article is the key to understanding swastika and runic symbolism. Here you will find everything you need to interpret Slavic symbols used in embroidery of folk clothing, in everyday life, in military affairs, and in sorcery.

Perception of a graphic image by the brain

For modern people, it is no secret that our brain is a complex and mysterious phenomenon. Conventionally, it is divided into two halves: conscious and unconscious perception of reality. Its structure contains the evolution of humanity itself.

Called the “oblongata,” the oldest division is responsible for our primary instincts, actions that are not intentionally controlled by us. It is also responsible for our reaction to any phenomenon and the subsequent work of the whole organism.

The most amazing thing is that Slavic signs and symbols are able to directly convey information to this department. In this case, images of Scandinavian runes or Celtic script do not have such an effect. This is due to the fact that our deep departments store codes for deciphering genetic memory.

Thus, Slavic symbols come into contact with our brain. They conduct a dialogue not only with us, but also with a whole generation of ancestors. The graphic structure of each sign is read, conveying the underlying information at the root level.

Static lines and dynamics

Considering ancient Slavic symbols as geometric designs, you can notice their amazing property. Simple lines are woven into a pattern that is perceived as movement. This is not an optical effect. We fix the direction, and the brain completes the dynamics according to its ideas.

The ingenious solution was the fruit of the observation skills of our ancestors. Thrift and sensitivity created these images in their worldview. Every stroke honors logic and the absence of anything superfluous or cumbersome.

Slavic signs and symbols - what did our Ancestors see in them?

All symbols can be divided into groups:

  • magical and protective;
  • tied to the elements;
  • personifying the Gods;
  • reflecting natural phenomena;
  • for different generation groups;
  • patrons of crafts.

The most incomprehensible thing is that Slavic symbols, despite all their diversity, have common features. They are aimed at uniting the soul and spirit of a person.

Our Ancestors believed in the complexity and multifaceted structure of the World. Such was the man, in their opinion. The individual was divided into spirit, which filled the essence with content. Moreover, the soul was another phenomenon bestowed by the Gods.

Despite all the division, the ancient Slavic symbols were not isolated from each other. They had specialization, but at the same time they had common features. Thus, each sign was part of the whole and complemented the whole picture.

Mysterious messages from the past: Slavic signs in the structure of the Universe

The ancient Slavic symbols known to us store not only specific information. They carry codes for the structure of the Universe. It is already known that the Slavs knew about the diversity of cosmic luminaries. They had access to information about those celestial bodies, which cannot be seen without special equipment.

Space exploration researcher Jacob Nikolaevich Borzhevsky once noticed that the structure of the solar sign of the Solstice resembles a rotating galaxy. Considering his assumption in more detail, he became convinced of the similarity of other Slavic symbols with the appearance of cosmic bodies.

It remains to be seen how much knowledge we have not yet inherited from our ancestors. And what secrets do the ancient drawings hold? Perhaps the combination of symbols reveals amazing details about the creation of our Universe or the possibility of interstellar travel.

How information about symbols was collected

For a long time, scientists attributed the available information about the images found to applied art. The Slavic protective symbols now collected are the product of long and painstaking work.

Only a part of the surviving ancient monuments became a clue to the true meaning of the marks. With each new city discovered or temple excavated, the number of images multiplied. At the same time, there was no longer any doubt that the graphic images carried sacred and cult information.

Mosiaci Etruscans

Ethnographers and adherents of the primordial faith conducted their own research, adding transcripts to the treasury. The source of reliable information was the folk epic, which you can still get in touch with. Epics, sayings and other information revealed the true meaning of Slavic signs.

Analogies with symbols of other countries

Considering Slavic symbols, one can note their affinity with other cultures. One of the fundamental designs - the Cross - can be found in the culture of Ancient Egypt, Mesopotamia, Scandinavia, Kelst and Germanic cultures, Anglo-Saxon, Hinduism and Buddhism.

The crossed lines denoting a field have a similar meaning in all cultures. The swastika, or Solstice, has the same design and meaning in all cultures.

Buddha statue

Swastika Slavic symbols can be traced on the map of the entire globe. This fact is confirmed by:

  • folklore;
  • excavations;
  • religious movements of many nations, where swastika symbols serve as the basis of the cult movement;
  • the architecture of ancient buildings, which are many thousands of years old.

One example of such monuments of ancient architecture are the temple buildings of the city of Baalbek, located in Lebanon. Baalbek is considered one of the oldest cities in the world. Unique footage was provided by employees of the Veles online store.

Temple buildings of the city of Baalbek

However, Slavic protective symbols, despite all the similarities with the cultures of other countries, have their own unique impact on our consciousness.

Protective properties

Slavic protective symbols for the culture of modern man enjoy great attention. The need to understand oneself and feel a connection with roots leads people to study meanings. Each outline carries its own unique information, which is aimed at eliminating blocks and negative programs in the mind.

Due to their positive essence, Slavic protective symbols have the following influence:

  • to a holistic perception of one’s personality;
  • setting internal systems life;
  • harmonization of energy metabolism;
  • restoration of mental balance;
  • creating strong logical connections between parts of the brain;
  • balance of perception of reality.

By putting on the chosen symbol, a person interacts with it at all levels of his essence. This allows him to build his own shield from negative external influences. A complex or simple interweaving of lines works as a cipher against the penetration of hostile entities. Thus, the owner receives not just protection, but also help from the ancestors themselves.

Meaning and interpretation of Slavic symbols

Our ancestors passed on the description of Slavic symbols orally. The process of Christianization largely disrupted the continuity of generations. That is why among modern admirers of ancestral culture, disputes and disagreements are raging in the true interpretation of Slavic symbols. However, it is necessary to understand that our modern perception differed in many ways from the way of life of our ancestors. Accumulated knowledge, sacred meaning and a unique worldview were invested in each cult image.

How did our ancestors perceive the world?

The intricate ligature of patterns left by our ancestors carries a whole ocean of knowledge. In trying to decipher their meaning, we little think about how different a person’s worldview is then and now.

Modern man is surrounded by various encrypted and open information. Artificial clutter blocks the true perception of things. Our ancestors put into Slavic symbols and their meaning only that information that has real meaning for the body and spirit.

Our ancestors saw intricate patterns in every bend of a branch or plexus of a web. The openness and emancipation of consciousness allowed them to read information without distortion. That is why studying the basics of the signs and symbols of the Slavs is a kind of healing of the mind from the layers of unnecessary intellectual load.

Subtleties of energetic connection with the universe

The description of Slavic symbols contains many provisions on energy exchange. The direction, number of turns and smoothness of the lines are important. For our forefathers, all this served as a kind of map of ley lines along which they channeled their energy.

In the center of each image there is always a place for the most important element - a living beating heart. The symbol itself is part of a single flow of power. Reuniting with a person, this chaotic energy of life is transformed into creation.

After all, only a person is capable of transforming the world around him to suit his own internal state. That is why it is necessary to select symbols carefully, with knowledge of the subtleties.

Slavic signs: interpretation of the symbol

Even in the culture of our ancestors, the interpretation of Slavic symbols was a real art. Knowledge of the rules of design and the time of making an amulet or amulet was highly valued. It was possessed by the most experienced members of the community and some masters.

Geometry of life

An amazing fact, but Slavic symbols and their meaning are directly related to geometry. Even before this science acquired proper name, its foundations were actively used by our ancestors.

Basic geometric figures in symbolism:

  • cross - determination of the four cardinal directions, distribution of energy;
  • circle - the sphere of each life level;
  • square, rhombus, rectangle - stability of positions;
  • point - basis, creation, outcome;
  • a bend is a complex figure that represents movement.

Our ancestors understood the structure of any geometric phenomenon more deeply and widely. Stable, clear angles are combined with soft, fluid transitions. This is the center of ideal balance in which any act of creation is possible.

Direction in sign

The most common description of the right-hand and left-hand directions in signs. However, the description of Slavic symbols includes much more complex provisions. If you compare the movement of the symbol with the direction of blood flow through the human body, you can get a clear picture of the distribution of energy according to the sign.

In the female body, the left half of the hemisphere has the greatest activity, in men - the right. This affects activity vascular system. That is why female and male symbols have different effects on representatives of different genders.

Marking on clothes

The interpretation of Slavic symbols contains sacred information about human capabilities. The combination of a cross and an oval gives a stable composition of flow distribution and suppression of third-party interference. Broken and smooth lines give direction to the active zones of our body.

If creativity prevails in a person, he is able to give more than he receives. This creates an unstable position in the exchange of energies. In the old days, such a person’s relatives would have embroidered his shirt with diamonds and squares. Thus, his energy through the prism of the sign would be in balance.

Masculine and feminine principles

Slavic symbolism is divided according to the principle of strengthening energy centers. In this series, male Slavic symbols combine a list of signs associated with the elements of air and heavenly fire. While Slavic symbols for women face the moon, water element, earthly beginning. All of them constitute a single cycle of balanced protective symbols.

Male Slavic symbols

The traditional Slavic symbol for a man represents:

  • strength;
  • protection;
  • freedom;
  • movement;
  • power.

All these signs belong to the elements of fire, air and heavenly light. The semantic load that the Slavic symbol carries for a man is aimed at awakening his true beginning.

Sword in the symbolism of the Slavs

The symbols that deserve special attention are swords. They have different shapes styles, but each sign has characteristic features:

  • direction;
  • size;
  • sustainability.

The sword is an attribute of power, protection and patronage. These concepts were perceived in the broadest aspect. Divine protection, absolute power. However, this implied a wise perception of one’s power, aimed at the benefit of the community. Swords served as a protective and attacking symbol at the same time.


Kolovrat is the personification of rebirth, the rising energy of life. He absorbed the cosmogonic picture of the structure of the World created by our ancestors. It is a direct reference to ancient knowledge about the Universe.


The Patriarch is a bright solar symbol, the true embodiment of universal fire. It is not just sunlight, but rather a flash in which life begins. One of the strongest signs of the male line.


The Yarovrat sign refers to the art of war and agriculture. Our ancestors praised the plowman on a par with the defender. There are two styles of Yarovrat - six- and four-rayed. At the same time, the root “yar” makes a reference to a blazing fire that protects from darkness.


The image of the Falcon is interpreted as freedom, victory, superiority, protection. In mythopoetics, the Slavic symbol for a man means the ascension of the spirit, the fulfillment of a karmic duty to the family.

Slavic symbols for women

A special place was occupied by female Slavic symbols, personifying creation and creation.

There are hidden messages in every female sign:

  • fertility;
  • veneration of ancestors;
  • hidden sacred knowledge;
  • women Health.

According to surviving information, Slavic symbols for women were compiled based on their status, occupation and significance for the community.


Almost all female Slavic symbols are divided into three age periods. The lunnitsa depicts the young moon, it is a symbol of the tide and fertility. It could be worn by young unmarried women who had recently gotten married.

Woman in labor

One of the oldest symbols, Rozhanitsa personifies the connection with the family and ancestors. This is the power of matriarchy, the protection of the most valuable gift - childbirth. He is creation, creation and giving of life in one image. The symbol was worn by women who had reached maturity, were married and had children.


The paired sign Ladinets echoes the male symbol Kolyadnik. This is a symbol of the harmony of two principles. It contains the protection of the feminine chaotic principle, ready to move into a peaceful state of creation. It contains two figures representing fire and the full moon.

The amulet is intended for women who practice mysticism. It is a strong protection and guide in the Implicit World. Protects from false knowledge, opens consciousness. Through it, the owner reveals the deep ancient feminine magic.

Symbols of Slavic Gods and their meaning

Universal love is the power that the symbols of the Slavic gods carry. Each sign contains unique codes that reveal the secrets of the Universe. Through the symbols of the Slavic gods and their meaning, we receive the blessing of our ancestors.

Strength and harmony in every sign

In the minds of our ancestors, the main driving force was love. Everything generated by the Gods was permeated by it and consisted of indestructible harmony. If we consider the symbols of the Slavic Gods separately, it is easy to notice a unique fact.

All images of the Gods can be combined to create groups of new signs. In this case, the power of each element subordinate to God will be summed up. The clear geometry of the symbolism allows you to create ornamental rows.

The sacred semantic load possessed by the symbols of the Slavic Gods and their meaning in the life of their ancestors has only partially survived to this day. From the known data it is clear that the signs served as a kind of center of communication with the patron. By turning to the deity through the symbol, a person tuned in to creation.

Common symbolism of the Slavs

The symbols of the Slavic Gods are divided into personal and elemental. Some are addressed specifically to God, others - to the elements that he commands.

The collected symbols of the Slavic Gods and their meaning differed slightly among different nationalities. The transcripts below describe the most characteristic features of the signs, which have the same meaning among all Slavic peoples.


Lelnik was considered a symbol worn by children and young girls. The decoding of the name means “cherished,” that is, nurtured in love. The patronage of the deity protected growing children; girls were especially favorably treated.

It was believed that Lelnik absorbs the power of sincere deep love and drives away evil spirits and evil thoughts.

Symbol of the Family

The symbol of the Family was especially loved by our ancestors. He personified powerful forces:

  • intergenerational relationships;
  • help of ancestors;
  • Creator of everything that exists;
  • the creative power of creativity.

Worn by representatives of different generations and genders. Possesses incredible power, enhanced by respectful attitude towards family tree. Influences the fate of the owner, giving him clarity of thinking.

Ax of Perun

The traditional male symbol of Perun's ax belongs to personal amulets. Connecting with the energy of the owner, it influences his character and worldview.

Impact on character:

  • fortitude;
  • sobriety of thinking;
  • courage;
  • self-discipline;
  • strength of mind.

The ax was one of the types of weapons with which Perun fought against the dark forces.

Veles symbol

The personal symbol of Veles has a schematic drawing of the head of an aurochs. According to one version, the deity turned into this animal. Through the amulet, a person established a connection directly with the deity.

The power of the sign stands guard over justice; it is a protection against lies in any form. It is believed that contracts were concluded on the sign. The owner of the amulet gets the opportunity to feel the hidden meaning.

Seal of Veles

Veles's seals are depicted in the form of two signs - the paws of a wolf and a bear. Both animals were considered sacred, through them they exercised their will in the Explicit World.

According to its semantic meaning, the bear's paw belongs to the symbolic amulets. It gives the owner good luck in solving legal matters and trading. The symbol fuels a person’s inner strength, giving him breadth of thinking.

The wolf's paw amulet is suitable for mystical personalities. His strength embodies the power of Veles over the world of the subtle plane. It is in his power to protect a person engaged in spiritual practices from mental attacks.

Lada Star

The traditional female protective symbol was the star of Lada, the patroness of love and family. Personalization of the Goddess through the sign protects the life and home of the owner.

The meaning of the amulet has a wide range:

  • honor;
  • faith;
  • justice;
  • love of freedom.

This is a guide to the source of generational wisdom, establishing a relationship with ancestors. He is credited with protecting motherhood because it contains the power of almighty love.

Reza Dazhdbog

The solar sign Dazhdbog carries within itself the unshakable power of the deity. It contains the energies of fertility, rebirth and sunlight.

Under his patronage:

  • weddings;
  • wealth;
  • military courage;
  • spiritual mentoring.

He is a powerful protection and guide for those who find themselves in difficult life situations.

Reza Chura

The strong sacred sign Chur refers to personal amulets. He has the power to establish powerful protection from otherworldly forces. The spirits of nature living next to man obeyed God Chur. Under the protection of the deity, the owner does not have to fear the machinations of opposing forces.

Mokosh sign

The Makosh amulet is intended for women who are wise in life. It is a powerful conductor of fertility energy. Through symbolism, the Goddess guides her children, helping them find inner peace and wisdom.

The image of the symbol bears two main geometric shapes - a cross and a rhombus. The first is a conductor of solar energy, the second is the personification of the earthly principle. By uniting, they form a sown field - fertility and prosperity.

Reza Belobog

Consisting of broken lines, the harmonious symbol of Belobog forms a bizarre labyrinth. Its features contain knowledge of the complex structure of the Universe. Refers to personal symbols; conductor of pure energy of love and light.

Wishes are encrypted in it:

  • well-being;
  • clarity of thought;
  • of good;
  • purity of thoughts.

Reuniting with the owner, the sign brings the inner world into harmony with the thoughts and aspirations of the person. Thanks to the amulet, the wearer gains the ability to soberly weigh the facts and find the right solutions.

Kolyadnik or Reza Kolyada

The Amazing Caroler is the personification of the power of rebirth. This is the eternal desire of the Universe to renew and recreate life. The solstice depicted on the sign is in perpetual motion, the so-called “soling” direction.

Symbolism of the ancient Slavs memory from the depths of time

The first discovered finds bearing Slavic signs date back to the 1st millennium BC. e. The ancestors of the Slavic people are recognized as the Penkov, Prague-Korchak and Kolochin cultures. The discovered household and religious objects are covered with the symbolism of the ancient Slavs, the meaning of which has remained virtually unchanged to this day.

Slavic signs - early archaeological finds

In the works of Soviet and Russian archaeologists, the first Slavic signs are attributed to the period from the 1st millennium BC. e. until the 6th century.

These include graphic images:

  • carved on stone sculptures;
  • covering clay and wooden utensils;
  • embossed on leather or jewelry.

Clay vessel. Pozdnyakovskaya culture

These are mainly primitive drawings depicting wavy lines, dots and semicircles. Gradually these images transform and become more complex. At the turn of the 6th century, the first examples of clear solar symbolism appeared. The found clay vessel of the Late Dnyakov culture (mid-2nd millennium BC) is covered with images of a fern flower and wavy lines.

Proto-Slavic and pre-Slavic cultures

The early ancestral cultures include Penkovo, Prague-Korchak and Kolochin. They existed during the 5th-6th centuries and left a large number of reminders of those civilizations. Historian-archaeologist V.V. Sedov assumed that during this period the list of popular symbols was finally formed.

Slavic signs and their meanings found in the southern basin of Pripyat and the upper reaches of the Dniester repeat elements of ornaments and fragments of images from other areas.

Among the discovered finds of the 5th-10th centuries there are graphic symbols:

  • solar;
  • elements of earth cult;
  • stylistic images of animals;
  • cult symbols of deities.

There is reason to believe that this historical period reflects the origins of the formation of a unified Slavic symbolism.

Pagan symbolism of the Slavs - Kyiv culture

Cultural monuments of the Kyiv type date back to the end of the 2nd-4th centuries. Most of the finds were discovered in the Middle Dnieper, Seim, Desna and Dnieper. Kievan culture echoes the strata of the Baltic and northern tribes.

Among the utensils, jewelry and megalithic finds, Slavic symbolism was discovered that was repeated in other regions. The main feature of this period was the production of amulets as a separate line of craft. Precious metals were used that were not found in earlier finds.

V.V. Sedov assumed that during this period active trade relations were established with neighboring tribes. What influenced the development of pottery and blacksmithing. Judging by numerous finds, Slavic signs and their meaning were influenced from outside. Elements borrowed from the Romano-Germanic peoples appeared. Black Sun and Valkyrie came into use.

Interpretation of symbols

Archaeologist G.S. Lebedev assumed that Slavic signs reflected a unique understanding of the laws of the surrounding world of our ancestors. Each symbol carries several meanings that have one semantic root.


The image called Alatyr is widespread in folk crafts. This symbolism of the Slavs occupied a cult place, since it belonged to sacred signs.

This is evidenced by the list of its interpretations:

  • center of the universe;
  • the unity of the four elements;
  • unity of the world;
  • primordial fire.

The first finds of this sign date back to the 10th century, discovered at the Trinity excavation site in Novgorod.


Triglav, a symbol of the trinity of the divine principle, is found on stone and clay products of the 2nd century BC. e. It has been repeatedly recorded as part of the decoration of religious buildings and stone sculptures of different cultural periods.


Kres - symbolism of the ancient Slavs found in the Caucasus of the 6th-10th centuries BC. e. included complex images. Among them, on bronze items there were imprints of an image recognized as Cres - symbols of purification and fire. The drawing included a number of elements that were deciphered only in 1982 and the name could be identified.


The pagan symbolism of the Slavs had a lot of unique images that belong to pre-Slavic cultures. One of these is Krin, a symbol of new life, a sprout that has hatched.

Tree of Life

A symbol common in different eras. Complements the cosmogonic ancient Slavic signs, rooted in Aryan culture. It was brought by nomadic tribes, as evidenced by the finds of Smolensk-Polotsk long mounds.

Flower of Life

The plant symbolism of the Slavs and their meaning is inextricably linked with rebirth and the eternal cycle of life. Images of the Flower of Life have been found on numerous finds of household utensils from different eras. Archaeologist P.K. Semenov suggested that the image came from the Aryan culture along with settlers.

Deer images

The pagan symbolism of the Slavs is closely connected with fishing. Images of animals and people in the process of hunting were found on petroglyphs throughout Russia, Belarus, and some regions of the Caucasus. The Deer symbol dates back to the early Slavic civilizations, apparently depicting the remains of glacial fauna. Scythian culture is especially rich in images of deer - apparently this animal was the main totem of the people of that time.


The animalistic symbolism of the Slavs and their meaning belong to sacred cults that preceded a single pantheon. The symbol of Tur is found on cult stones and rock images. T.N. Grekov put forward the theory that our ancestors tried to borrow the strength and power of the animal.

Indrik beast

Ancient Slavic signs were supplemented not only by real animals, but also by mythical fauna. The symbol Indrik the beast adorned the walls of Radagost according to the testimony of Thietmar of Merseburg. Carved on wooden cladding images of indrik were found by P. A. Vavilov at an excavation site near the village. Kanevo, Vologda region.

Swastika symbols of the Slavs and their meaning

Slavic solar symbols are built according to the laws of universal harmony and sacred geometry. Each bend or curl is subject to the law of equilibrium and balance. Through these schematic images, our Ancestors turned not only to the power of the luminary itself, but also to the energy of creation.

Heavenly fire

In the minds of the ancients, the Manifest World was created by a powerful life force. Directing this energy with the power of creative thought, the mighty Rod recreated everything that exists. In this act, incredible amounts of energy were involved, which had visible forms of heavenly fire.

That is why for the Slavs, swastika symbols played a leading role in culture. Their images were an integral part of the cultural and everyday life. The most important The solar sign is the living embodiment of divine love for everything that exists.

Swastika symbols and sacred geometry

From a geometric point of view, the swastika symbols of the Slavs share similar features:

  • cross;
  • starting point;
  • sphere or hemisphere.

The direction of movement of the sign determines the flow of energy through the lines. Continuous rotation draws particles of life force into the center of the symbol. Thus, any solar image is a powerful battery.

Experts recommend taking into account the activity of blood movement in the human body when choosing a sign. For women it is left-sided, for men it is right-sided. However, it is worth paying attention to personal characteristics, as well as the meaning of the symbol that has come down to us.

Unique swastika symbolism

The Slavic solar symbols known to us form an arcade of many signs. And this multitude is no coincidence. It is a unique combination of stability and contradiction. The main interpretation of multidirectionality is the departure of the obsolete, the re-creation of the new. The symbol of rebirth formed the basis for the description of each solar image. By taking on one of the amulets, a person agrees to be included in the process of good changes and renewal.


Svarozhich heads the Slavic solar symbols, one of the strongest protective signs. He is the embodiment of the heavenly power of Svarog. The visual labyrinth system builds an insurmountable defense against spiritual degradation, protection of the soul.


Not inferior in importance to Svarozhich. Rodimich also crowns swastika symbols and embodies the power of the Family. It protects the ancestral memory and carries a powerful charge of the creative energy of creation. Symbol of continuity of generations.

Fern flower

The embodiment of spiritual purity, vitality and regeneration. Suitable for people engaged in spiritual practices, as it builds reliable protection against otherworldly interference. The Fern Flower has the power to bring out the hidden.


The overpowering grass is an incredibly powerful symbol of protection from illnesses. The purification process takes place on the physical and all levels of spiritual existence. Purifies a person’s thoughts, tuning him to goodness and harmony.


Complements the swastika symbols of the Slavs, addressed to Rod. Molvinets embodies the ideas of spiritual growth, the inner “burning” of the spirit. Protects from slander and negative thoughts. Protects family ties from curses.


Active protective sign. It is based on images of meridians - celestial arrows. Protects babies from evil, often depicted on cradles. Radinets is filled with the power of joy and peace.

Wedding party

The ornate sign promises protection to all newlyweds. The wedding person attracts good luck and happy occasions. Aimed at the successful implementation of the desire to create a family home.


Doukhobor is an important symbol for leaders and spiritual practitioners. Strengthens the spirit and restores connection with the soul. Protects internal harmony and agreement of the true “I” with the world.


A unique sign with a double direction. The lamp models the movement of energies in the universe. Its essence is the reunification of the earthly and spiritual. Divine embodiment of love.


Svitovit is a transforming symbol that brings the energy of renewal to the owner. Resonates with the essence of the owner, revealing his inner potential. Symbol of defenders of truth and justice.


The embodiment of the heavenly fire deity. Guardian of the universal fire. It contains a vortex of vitality. Znich provides protection from destruction and internal discord.


The epitome of balance and movement. Novorodnik bestows inner peace, acceptance of a person’s true “I”. Directs the owner's aspirations to knowledge of true laws.


The Godman is the quintessence of the patronage of all the light Gods. An energetically rich depiction of the kinship and opposition of the four fundamental elements of life.


The ancestor redirects the collected heritage of previous generations into one powerful stream. Connects the owner to this current. The result of this process is a clear awareness of one’s purpose and the choice of the right path.


Image of celestial electricity. Has a direction of salting, protects against lightning. Carries the meaning of the will of the gods. Depicted on the doors of dwellings and temple complexes.


The direction of the sign is left-handed. Grants the owner the protection of Indra. Meaning: heavenly wisdom, longevity and the weapon of a true warrior of the spirit. They were applied to the entrance portals of storage facilities. It was believed that the Thunderer struck those who entered with evil thoughts.


Symbols of defenders of the fatherland. Valkyrie recreates a single chain with relatives who defended their homeland. Increases the spiritual potential of the owner. Carries the meaning of "peaceful warrior".


Recreates the picture of Perunov's path. Embodies a graphic representation of the structure of the solar system. Aimed at creative people on spiritual quests.


Complements the swastika symbols of the Slavs with contradictory (bipolar) meanings. It bears the seal of the goddess Tara, who protected the four spiritual paths of man. Helps you search for your true purpose, your ancestral program. At the same time, sharply curved lines embody the four great winds, opposed to spiritual quest.


Recreates a harmonious relationship with nature. Gives you the strength to join the world around you, to find a reflection of yourself in it.


A powerful symbol of protecting balance, reunification. Unites all genera, allows you to connect to a common karmic network. Appeal to the spiritual flame passed on from generation to generation.


Female solar symbol. Represents the protection of heavenly mothers. Through it, appealing to any of the Goddesses receives the power of an increasing impulse. Protects motherhood, the bonds between parents and children.


The symbol combines two geometric designs - a cross and a lightning bolt. It is considered a female sign of protection of reproductive capabilities. Special meaning had for young girls, protecting their fate from damage and the evil eye.


Personification of God Vyshenya in a sign. Embodies protection from decline and lack of money. Attracts the beneficial energies of creation, wealth and balance.


The task of the symbol is to preserve the paths of the true search for the meaning of life. Reunion of heavenly and earthly fire.

Sky Boar

Included in the swastika symbols of the Slavs. The personification of the meeting of the future and the past. Protects the spiritual self-improvement of the owner, gives him perseverance in achieving goals.

Spiritual swastika

A symbol of immaterial fire that embodies the thoughts of the Family. This is the pure energy of universal love, captured in lines.

Soul swastika

Connects to the energy of the spirit. Regulates the conscious life of the earthly incarnation. Has power over the lines of a person’s destiny, responding to his intentions.

Spiritual strength

Spiritual power helps you feel the connection between the mind and the subtle plane. Adjusts the instinct to subconsciously choose the right path.


The image of a person in both forms - material and spiritual. Helps to manifest the abilities bestowed by the Gods and pacifies negative traits character.


A feminine symbol that can be worn by men. Its main meaning is fertility, bestowed by Mother Raw Earth. A gift from the origins of life that brings prosperity to the owner.


Symbol of reverse retribution. Strengthens any action, allowing you to quickly feel the results. This is an energy boomerang that allows you to receive the fruits of your honestly earned money on time.


The embodiment of the original nature of the soul. Represents the palaces of Zhiva, from which the creative energy of creation emanates.


Equilibrium symbol of the order of the Universe. Light and dark beginnings in the eternal dance of true harmony. A person on the path of spiritual search reveals all visible and hidden paths of development. The choice of path determines what energy the sign will use.


The embodiment of the connection between two parallel worlds- Navi and Yavi. Grants access to the unique capabilities of a person in the spiritual sphere. Protects against otherworldly interference.


Unites the spiritual and physical energy of a person. A symbol of the connection between pure light and the material world. Strengthens the impulse of aspiration, allowing you to see your goals more clearly.

Solar cross

The embodiment of the forces of Yaril - the summer sun. Enhances human health and power. Strengthens the connection between spirit and soul. Patronizes warriors. Male symbol.

Heavenly Cross

A universal symbol suitable for both sexes. Depicts the eternal power of rebirth. Protection given to spiritual search, ancestral ties.


Another symbolism of the Family. Often depicted on his idols. An insurmountable barrier from evil influence on family ties, support of the ancients.


Male symbolism of fertility. Fullness of life, fire of eternal flame. It was considered a protective sign against diseases for livestock, maintaining profits in the house. It was painted on stables and cowsheds, and on messenger posts.


Sign of fortitude, male symbol. Aimed at protection from unclean creatures, allows you to develop both sides of the essence. Gives stability to the psyche, connecting a person’s internal reserves.


Symbolism of the unity of the entire Slavic race. A conductor of the powerful creative energy of creation. Grants protection to the entire nation. Revives the desire to know roots and heritage.


Household symbolism that protects home life and prosperity from external interference. Endowed with the power to increase material heritage. Universal sign.


Incarnation of Yaro-God. Male symbol of fertility, rebirth and life after death. Symbolism was painted on barns to protect the seed from damage. Bestows fertility and abundant harvest.


Symbols of Slavic palaces

The Svarog circle is united by 16 signs, each of which is under the protection of a specific deity. The semantic load carries concepts about the structure of all layers of the world. Each image has unique features that influence the fate and character of the owner.

The meaning of the symbolism of the palace for a person

At birth, a person is given the opportunity to enlist the support of the gods. You can contact your protector through the symbols of the palaces. The sign is a conductor of the petitioner’s will and a channel of energy transmission. Since each symbol has its own characteristics, unique changes will occur in a person's life and character. Amulets allow you to acquire protection and direct the energy and efforts of the owner to achieve harmony with his life task.

Under the protection of the gods

The symbols of Slavic palaces are endowed with unique features. Their meaning makes adjustments to the characteristics of the wearer, depending on the patron deity.


It is under the care of the goddess Jiva. Conductor of renewal energy.

The owner is endowed with the following qualities:

  • independence;
  • stubbornness;
  • purposefulness.

All these qualities are manifested thanks to the transmitted energy of youth and love for life.


The sign comes under the auspices of Rakhmat, the deity of the Heavenly Court, Universal justice and law and order.

Gives character traits:

  • the desire for purity of thoughts;
  • clarity of consciousness;
  • balance.

Owners of the sign are determined, but not reckless.


Those born in this sign were lucky enough to become the beloved children of Rozhana, who is responsible for family comfort and prosperity.

People of this symbol are characterized by:

  • calm;
  • equilibrium;
  • desire for peace.

It is difficult for owners of the sign to leave their comfort zone. However, they adapt well to change.


The Great Heavenly Mother of God Mokosh leads the destinies of people born in the sign of the Swan.

Symbol bearers are characterized by:

  • caring for one's neighbor;
  • joyfulness;
  • abundance;
  • well-being.

He bestows the gift of clairvoyance on women who have reached their prime.


The sign is subject to the keeper of the Heavenly Fire, Semargl. The symbols of Slavic palaces associated with the fire element have the strongest influence on the owner.

Those related to the amulet have:

  • a clear, sober mind;
  • perfect internal balance;
  • hot temper;
  • ambition.

The sign provides support during difficult periods.


The sign is in the jurisdiction of Kolyada. Patron of change and paths human destinies grants the owner of the symbol:

  • good nature;
  • sense of humor;
  • deep wisdom.

The bearers of the amulet have an amorous and open character.


One of the main symbols belongs to Svarog.

Those born in the hall have:

  • fortitude;
  • justice;
  • boundless kindness.

Owners of the amulet strive to achieve a strong position through creative work. Their quality is to destroy life barriers on the path to the chosen goal.


Ancient hall symbols always refer to the strength of connections with ancestors. The Stork's palace comes under the patronage of Rod. It especially strongly bonds with past generations.

The owner is given the following traits:

  • flair;
  • ability to navigate in life situations;
  • developed sense of duty;
  • desire to create a family.

Bearers of the amulet receive a blessing for the birth of healthy and full-fledged offspring.


The symbolism belongs to Veles, the guardian of the Gates of Interworlds. Supports defenders of the family and fatherland.

The characteristic qualities of the carrier are:

  • success in trading affairs;
  • Thirst for knowledge;
  • wealth and prosperity.

Holders of the symbol know how to build strong communications.


The wise earth goddess Marena sends a blessing to the bearers of the sign.

The owner of the amulet is granted:

  • flexibility of mind;
  • cunning;
  • curiosity.

By enlisting the support of the goddess, a person achieves success in business and shows ingenuity.


The sign is supervised by the god Roof. God has two hypostases - a warrior and a reaper.

Strengthens the following qualities in his ward:

  • hard work;
  • the ability to listen to yourself;
  • a sense of true purpose in life.

God helps his child gain confidence and stability in personal interests.


Mother Lada patronizes the lives of those born in the sign.

Thanks to her supervision, a person gains:

  • honesty;
  • strong desire for justice;
  • Love;
  • mutual understanding with others and yourself.

People of this sign are dedicated to their work and find joy in serving society.


The god of light worlds, Navi Vyshen, takes care of the bearers of the symbol.

The sign helps the owner to gain:

  • persistence in the fight against dark forces;
  • sincerity;
  • clear vision.

It protects the wearer from slander and the evil eye.


The Kupala amulet complements the symbols of the palaces, providing the wearer with protection from illness.

The qualities of the owner of the mark are:

  • purity of soul;
  • body strength;
  • a heart free from false feelings.

Being under the auspices of Kupala, a person receives a deep inner impulse for renewal.


Perun patronizes warriors and defenders of the peace of the fatherland.

The owner of the symbol is endowed with the following properties:

  • steadfastness;
  • internal balance;
  • determination.

Owners of the sign act without doubt and always find the right solution.


The Guardian of the great universal Wisdom Dazhdbog blesses those born in his sign.

They are given the following qualities:

  • prudence;
  • foresight;
  • ability to make plans.

Owners of the symbol radiate inner light and confidence. They know how to unite people around them, leading them to true goals.

Slavic symbols and Runes

Slavic symbols and runes cause heated debate among the scientific community. Since the facts that have reached us are fragmentary, the very existence of writing is called into question. However, there is evidence that rune symbols played a ritual role and were of a communication nature. The signs of the Slavic runes allowed tribes to conduct business and transmit information. The found symbols of ancient runes are known for their sacred meaning.

Runic symbolism of the Slavs

The Slavic peoples had developed communication, which for foreigners created the impression of a single nationality. Despite the uniqueness of each tribal union, the runic symbolism of the Slavs made it possible to transmit information in an accessible form.

There is evidence that the symbols of ancient runes had two purposes:

  • writing;
  • divination.

The German chronicler Thietmar of Merseburg, who studied monuments of Slavic religious culture, described that in Radogost the name of a god or goddess was inscribed on each idol. Despite the fact that those who came to give praise were from different tribes, they read and understood these inscriptions in the same way.

This suggests that the runic symbols come from a single source, which gave rise to all cultural branches of the Slavs. The remaining decoding of Slavic symbols and runes relates to their religious significance. The fact that this information reached contemporaries in a relatively complete form speaks of the special place that the signs of Slavic runes occupied in the cultural life of our ancestors.

Symbols of ancient Runes

Known rune symbols include 18 signs. Some of them bear the names of gods. The meaning and interpretation depends on who the mark is dedicated to.

The runic symbolism of the Slavs, used for fortune telling, has a unique set of meanings. Each transcript embodies the originality of the worldview of our ancestors.

World- He is also called Belobog. The embodiment of the World Tree, a sign of prosperity, order and prosperity.

Chernobog- chaos, a destructive force that brings change.

Alatyr- the embodiment of balance and harmony, the starting point of the World.

Rainbow- the sign symbolizes movement, path. The rune means a spiritual or physical journey, followed by internal development.

Need― personification of Viy, means the destined outcome of the current action or event. Everything that happens is in the power of higher powers and does not depend on the will of the fortuneteller.

Steal― stability of financial situation, revival after a long period of stagnation or complete ruin. A symbol of rising forces that bring prosperity to any area of ​​life.

Force― spiritual cleansing energy, Spirit of the Warrior. Uniting purpose and aspiration.

Treba- a symbol of the edge of the sword, masculinity and victory. The power of perseverance and faith in victory, supported by the spiritual protection of the gods.

Wind― personification of spirits and the elements of air, a path indicator. It means directing willpower towards goals that will lead to the integrity and successful outcome of the enterprise.

Bereginya― a symbol of protection from negative influences. Powerful spiritual protection, support of ancestors. Provided an insurmountable defense against the evil eye.

Oud- the second interpretation of the name Yarilo. The embodiment of the power of love, the energy of passion. Represents a powerful creative principle.

Lelya― the potential for creativity, the rune of imagination, the power of intuition. Indicates a smooth change in direction.

Rock- closed possibilities, inevitability of what is happening. A pre-planned scenario whose course cannot be changed.

Support- rune of luck, help from higher powers. The key meaning is the message from the ancestors, their support.

Dazhdbog- the symbol has a double meaning. A test that brings purification. Support of the divine patron.

Perun- intervention of powerful forces, a person endowed with power.

Eat― material abundance obtained by following one’s purpose. A reward for long and persistent efforts.

Source- stop, calm before a favorable period. Hidden deep growth, stagnation phase.

Slavic symbols in embroidery, their meaning and patterns

Slavic symbols in embroidery were used to create a talisman for the body and spirit of the owner. Techniques for applying cult images include satin stitch and cross stitch techniques. Geometric symbols were formed into ornaments, the meaning of Slavic symbols in embroidery formed a message to higher powers.

Cult signs in everyday life

Even before the formation of writing, signs and symbols served for our ancestors as a means of transmitting and storing information. Religious signs were applied to household items and clothing. The set of images and the nature of their application determined the nationality of a person and his social status.

The signaling system was most clearly expressed by Slavic symbols in embroidery. It covered both outer clothing and lower layers. Each type of decoration had its own set of drawings and signs. There were unwritten rules according to which images were subject to a clear structure for inclusion in the composition.

Rules for forming an ornament

The signs used in embroidery were not made separately. Each element was part of a complex ornament. By the nature of the arrangement of the picture, one could read the encrypted meaning. The meaning of Slavic symbols in embroidery determined the group of symbols that could be included in a single design.

Women's and male signs never assembled. They were diluted with a pattern with a neutral meaning.

For example, the symbolism of abundance, birds of paradise, always coexists with earthly signs of fertility.

Slavic ornaments have geometrically correct patterns and balance in every detail. Protruding parts do not break the composition; they are complemented by balancing elements.

Women's and men's symbols

The difference in female and male symbolism lies not only in the set of symbols. Solar signs and elements of nature are introduced depending on the nature of the meaning.

Thus, the right-sided Kolovrat was depicted only on mature men; the left-sided one could be present in women’s ornaments. The signs were distributed according to age criteria, for example:

  • Bereginya with her hands down is a symbol of a young maiden;
  • folded on the sides - a married mature woman;
  • hands raised - an elderly person.

Plant themes were also differentiated according to gender and age criteria:

  • rose, lily, viburnum - female drawing;
  • oak, cornflower, Chernobrovtsy - male signs;
  • hops - youthful ornament;
  • poppy is a maiden sign.

Men's ornaments were more symmetrical and clear. Fluid, smooth lines predominated in women's patterns.

Reading the embroidery pattern of Slavic symbols

The embroidery patterns of Slavic symbols reconstructed by folk craftsmen have undergone virtually no changes. To read an encrypted message, it is enough to know both the individual values ​​and their group meaning. By the type of images used, one could find out where a person lived and what position he occupied in the tribal union.

Among the inhabitants of mountainous areas, broken angular lines predominated in embroidery. Wavy ones in combination with ovals were found among residents of water areas of reservoirs. The higher the status of a person in the community, the more densely the outfit is covered with patterns.

Boys and girls had embroidered edges on their shirts and underwear. Married women had several fields on their shirts from shoulder to wrist.

The solar symbol of the swastika was found in the southern and central regions of the Slavic peoples. Among the northern tribes, animalistic patterns often predominated.

Rules for embroidering Slavic patterns

In order to maintain a clear sequence of alternating fragments, a corner part is selected to begin work. From this point the space is divided into squares. Embroidery patterns of Slavic symbols are formed based on who will wear the product.

The edge fields were filled in first. Then large details of the pattern were placed above it. Various additions were made last. The pattern always had a direction towards the feminine or masculine side.

Rich bright myths and divine creatures. Modern interest in the faith of the ancient Slavs is constantly and steadily growing. People are attracted not only by amazing tales and myths from the world of the ancient Slavs, but also by runes and the fascinating symbolism that our distant ancestors used.

Features of the ancient Slavic faith

Quite fragmentary and sparse information about the religion of the ancient Slavs has reached our time. However, scientists were able to lift the veil of secrecy and find out the main features of their faith.

So, for example, we now know that the most revered deity among our ancestors was the formidable and powerful god Perun. Thunder and lightning were subject to him. Perun was considered the patron saint of the prince and his fighting squad. In addition to Perun, the ancient Slavs also revered other mythical creatures. The most formidable of them were: the werewolf Volkodlak; vampires called Ghouls; fire bird Rarog.

In the ancient Slavic pantheon, in addition to the formidable Perun, there were other deities. This:

  • Dazhbog- solar deity, patron of spring
  • God Horse- personifying the sun
  • Stribog- being the wind
  • Goddess Makosh- she patronized women, guardians of the hearth and comfort
  • Semargl- he was a kind of Slavic Charon
  • Svarog- patron god of blacksmiths

Hoping for the benevolent will of their gods, the Slavs also used special symbols that were supposed to protect them and bring them happiness.

Symbols could be worn on the body in the form of jewelry, embroidered on clothing, or applied to the walls of homes or sanctuaries. Charms with these signs were made according to the date of birth.

In ancient times, the Slavs had several dozen unique symbols, each of which had its own purpose and interpretation. Here is an interpretation of the most famous of them.

The main ancient Slavic symbols

Altar boy

The symbol means the indivisible unity of the ancient Slavic family. The ancient Slavs depicted this symbol on special and ritual altars, on which sacrifices were made in honor of the race, people and family lineage.


This symbol personified the power of Svarog. The Slavs believed that this mystical symbol protected their lives from evil and death.


The symbol meant eternal, endless power and patronized only honest and decent people. He helped them take the path of understanding the Universe.


A sign of a pagan altar and comfort in the house. This sign protected ancient Slavic buildings and religious buildings from terrible natural disasters, robbery or, and also endowed the owner with the wisdom of the Slavs.


This sign symbolized the strength of the entire Slavic Universe. It benefited only those who honored their ancestors and made regular sacrifices to the pagan Slavic gods.


The symbol endowed a person with protection from the great Slavic gods. Through this symbol, the gods gave the ancient Slavs real truth, wisdom and the ability to perform only just actions. This symbol was especially revered by the priests, who, as the Slavs believed, could communicate with the gods.


This symbol was used in Rus' by the ancient wise men to preserve and protect precious holy scrolls. It was also popular among warriors who defended their land and their family line from enemy attacks.


This symbol personified the supreme god Perun. The ancient Slavs believed that this sign bestowed longevity and an endless source of life-giving forces. Later he was revered by the Old Believers.


A sign of fire and courage, courage and fearlessness. He was usually depicted on the armor of brave warriors, weapons or on the banners of military squads. Our ancestors believed that Ratiborets could blind enemy warriors and force them to cowardly run away from the battlefield.


This symbol was a family talisman for the ancient Slavs. It was applied to the walls of pagan Sanctuaries, as well as to the sacred altars of altars. Later he began to be depicted on everyone Slavic buildings antiquities. The ancestors believed that this mystical sign was the most reliable protector from evil otherworldly forces and unfriendly creatures from the afterlife.

Wedding party

This symbol was considered the most reliable family amulet. It symbolized the close and related union of Slavic families. Interweaving two swastika systems into one big system, depicted on this symbol, symbolized the union of the male fiery essence with the feminine principle of water. This symbol protected newlyweds from anger and separation.


This symbol meant the connection of the worlds of Heaven and Earth. It served to protect the unity of the family line and the continuity of its different generations. All the altars that the ancient Slavs erected to honor their ancestors were made in the form of this particular symbol.


It really was the most popular symbol in Rus'. The ancestors believed that he carried the protection and patronage of all the ancient Slavic gods: Perun, Svarog, Dazhdbog and Khors.

The ancients believed that Kolovrat protected them from evil spirits and strengthened people’s faith and physical strength. That is why Kolovrat was very common in Slavic culture. This symbol still remains the most recognizable symbol Slavic pagan culture.

Sky Boar

This symbol marked the divine palace. He concealed sacred and earthly wisdom. Moreover, this same sign meant the continuity and relationship of the past with. It was usually used by people who wanted to achieve complete insight into the truth.


Such a symbol meant a strong fusion of two mythical lines: the earthly and the divine line. It symbolized a certain Universal Vortex, which, as the ancient Slavs believed, helped mortals discover the essence of existence.


This is a mystical sign of the eternal connection between the Fire of heaven and the existence of ordinary people on earth. From this connection, the ancestors believed, new and completely innocent souls are born, preparing for material birth on earth. Pregnant women embroidered this amulet on their dresses and sundresses so that living and strong successors of the family line would be born.


This is also a fairly popular ancient Slavic symbol. Among the Slavs who lived in Antiquity, it was understood as a symbol of the eternal renewal of the world. People used this sign as an additional protection of legality and security around them. After all, the ancient Slavs rightly believed that the well-being of the people themselves directly depended on law and order.


The symbol demonstrated the generosity and fertility of the Slavic Mother Earth. He brought prosperity, security, peace and prosperity to the Slavs and their relatives, as well as to their subsequent descendants.


A fiery and saving symbolic sign. He saved homes and other buildings from fire, family associations from violent disputes and irreconcilable differences, family clans from bloody internecine wars. It was believed that the symbol of Vseslavets would lead all Slavs to harmony and eternal unity.


A Slavic sign that gives the Slavs unprecedented heroic strength. The power of their mythical divine beings to accomplish good deeds and to protect the homeland of their ancestors. It was used as body amulets and ritual signs by the Magi.


This is an image of spiritual rebirth and enlightenment of the entire Slavic race. He combined Kolovrat of a bright fiery color, moving along with the Multifaceted World, which united the golden mythological Cross, symbolizing illumination, and the blue Heavenly Cross, meaning purity and virtue.


A well-known symbol of prosperity among the ancient Slavs. Perunitsa is the lightning of Perun. It symbolizes a spark of light in endless darkness. Perunitsa destroys dark forces and portends victory. Usually the ancient Slavs wove Perunitsa into some other sign, believing that they thereby increased its magical power.

Black Sun

This symbol was originally used exclusively by priests. But gradually it became more widespread not only among the Slavs, but also among the peoples of the Scandinavian Peninsula.

This sign symbolizes the spiritual connection of its bearer with his ancestors. And not only with the immediate descendants, but with the entire Slavic family in general. The ancient magi believed that the Black Sun not only endows a person with great inexhaustible power, but also imposes great responsibility on him.

Lada Star

This was a fairly common mythical sign among the Slavs. It was used both exclusively for everyday purposes and in priestly cult. The Lada Star resembles a large flame, from which four long tongues of fire quickly and widely burst out.

These flames symbolized faith, justice, independence and integrity. It was believed that this symbol could protect a person from harmful and malevolent energy. It was usually used by women to replenish their wisdom and learn from the wisdom of their ancestors.


It was an exclusively female ancient Slavic symbol. Married women hoped, with the help of Ognevitsa, to protect themselves from the bad influences of others, be it open hostility. Usually women wore this symbol in the form of a talisman made of silver jewelry or wood. Ognevitsa was believed to have fertile and inexorable energy.


Source is a sign that is directly related to the internal energy of the human body. The ancient Slavs believed that in the bodies of all people there is a certain Center of Power, the care of which is directly related to health. The Source symbol purified human energy and healed even the most severe diseases and illnesses. Men wore this symbol on the ornament of their clothing or as a talisman around their neck.

Cross of Svarog

This symbol was rarely used by the ancient Slavs as a single symbol of deity. Most often, the Cross of Svarog was used in embroidery to give it harmony or to enhance the effect of nearby symbols. The cross of Svarog symbolizes the presence everywhere of the great god Svarog - the blacksmith of the Universe among the ancient Slavs.

The cross of Svarog among the ancestors was the visible embodiment of the omnipotence of Svarog and his total control over all living things. The ancients believed that Svarog was omnipresent and knew everything about the life of mortals. That is why the ancient Slavs expressed their respect to him through this amazing symbol.

Cross of Lada-Virgin— A symbol of Love, Harmony and Happiness in the family, people called it Ladinets. As a talisman, it was worn mainly by girls in order to have protection from the “evil eye”. And so that the power of Ladinets was constant, he was inscribed in the Great Kolo (Circle).

Ladinets, also known as Harmony of the Feminine, is a feminine Amulet that brings the feminine essence to harmony. Calmness and joy in your soul are immediately reflected in your appearance - you become more beautiful and attractive, and most importantly, healthier.
The amulet gives peace, joy and awareness of oneself as a Woman.

The red ray remains unchanged in any case, the color of the second ray changes depending on the zodiac sign.
Fire - Aries, Leo, Sagittarius,
Water - Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces,
Earth - Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn,
Air - Gemini, Libra, Aquarius

For the element of Earth - classic black (many people embroider dark green).
For the element of Fire, black is also used (many people embroider dark brown).
For the element of Air - blue.
For the element of Water - blue or turquoise.

Ladinets is usually embroidered in combination with roses.

A girl or woman who was given the Ladinets or Harmony of the Feminine amulet must wear a skirt and dresses for 40 days after receiving the gift!!! Even at home you need to wear robes or sundresses, trousers, shorts, etc. it is forbidden! This also applies to your loved one!!! It is very important!
Ladinets is also a popular and simplified name for the “Kolo-Ladnik” amulet.
Ladinets is a pair to Kolyadnik (Rodovich). Together they personify the feminine (Ladinets) and the masculine (Kolyadnik) principles, and form a heavenly family.

The Slavs called the Goddess Lada the great Mother Goddess, or the Mother in Childbirth. It is Kolo (the circle, the feminine principle) and the 8 elements (the symbol of infinity) that emphasize the feminine nature of the amulet, the harmony and embodiment in eternity of all living things.
Kolo-Ladnik or Ladinets can be seen paired with Kolyadnik inside the family home - these are symbols of the giving and receiving principle, they personify the unity of a man and a woman, and are swirled in a whirlwind of solar movement, which is embodied in 2 amulets.
Ladinets is given to a woman, regardless of her marital status. If Ladinets is worn by an unmarried girl, it reveals femininity, feminine qualities and character traits in her. Ladinets will help a married woman give birth to healthy children, promote family well-being, and maintain Peace, Harmony and Harmony in the house.
The Lada Cross of the Virgin Mary (Ladinets) is a Symbol of Love, Harmony and Happiness in the family. This amulet was worn mainly by girls in order to have protection from the “evil eye”. In order for the strength and power of Ladinets to be constant, the amulet was inscribed in the Great Colo (Circle).
If there is a Ladinets amulet in the house, Trouble will never befall it. Traditional colors for this pattern are blue and emerald green.
When to embroider: 10th, 14th lunar day.

Friends, just recently I came up with the idea of ​​getting a tattoo-amulet with Slavic symbols. So, I read a huge amount of material. I share with you the most famous and powerful, in my opinion, symbols.

“Whether or not to get acquainted with the traditions and history of one’s ancestors is everyone’s volitional decision. In former times, the Slavs considered familiarity with the traditions of the family obligatory. Perhaps this is why echoes of paganism remain strong in modern culture.”

The word "symbol" has Greek roots. The ancient inhabitants called this the signs that had secret meaning known to certain groups of people. For example, early Christians drew fish to be recognized by their fellow believers. The Greeks could not speak out loud about their views. The persecution of Christians and their executions forced us to be careful.

The ancient Slavs also had their own symbols. They also reproduced their belief in something in visual images. And our ancestors believed in the forces of nature. They were deified. So that the elements would not destroy or dry up, but, on the contrary, would help in life, the Russians sketched them in the form of signs.

These signs were placed on clothes, weapons, and houses. This is how the Slavs sought the favor of higher powers and asked them for protection. It all started with 3 symbols - fire, water and earth. We will reveal the entire spectrum of Slavic symbols, from the earliest to the latest.


Makosh is a symbol of the earth, named after the Goddess who commands it. The first Slavic symbols are easy to “read”. Diamond means field. If it is empty, it means it has not yet been sown. If divided into sectors, it is plowed. A field with dots indicates that there will be a harvest soon.

The general interpretation of the symbol is fertility. An ancient conspiracy pronounced in honor of Mother Raw Earth has been preserved. We invite you to listen to it and look at options for depicting Mokosh, both in human and graphic forms. Sometimes, the Slavs refused to use the rhombus.


Kolovrat is a Slavic solar symbol, like most swastika ornaments of the ancient Slavs. The connection with the daylight is visible from the name. For our ancestors, the word “kolo” meant “solar circle.” The life of the tribes completely depended on it, the harvest and way of life depended.

Therefore, drawings with rays diverging from the center were so popular. In the first third of the 20th century, one of the swastika signs was used by Hitler. This tarnished the symbol. Initially, it carried only a positive charge. Rusichi and Germanic tribes were related. Their sign systems were similar.

The fact that the swastika is a Slavic symbol is indicated by artifacts found by archaeologists in western Russia and stored in state museums. We bring to your attention a video with evidence. The entry will also tell you about several more swastika symbols of the Russians.


The Slavs deified everything in nature. Every tree, stone, pond, house, and phenomenon had its own spirit. Many of them were associated with solar, swastika images. But, some symbols of the Slavic Gods look different. For example, the sign of Veles was drawn like an inverted letter “A”.

The triangle is a prototype of the head. The inverted crescent moon above it resembles horns. It turns out to be the head of a bull. What's the connection? Veles was considered the patron saint of cattle. At the same time, God was responsible for inspiration, helping singers, musicians and other creators.


Valknut is the sign of God Odin. It is considered Scandinavian. But the Russians also believed in this supreme spirit of war. Valkyries served him. They circled over the battlefields, picked up the fallen and carried them to the heavenly city. There, food awaited the slain, which was also presented to the Valkyrie. Valknuts made of metal, wood, embroidered on clothes are symbols of the Slavic belief that the protectors of the clan find a better life in the upper world.


Perunitsa looks like lightning because it is associated with Perun. The Thunder God was associated among the Russians with light in the darkness. The Slavic symbol of the family of our ancestors was perceived as a sign of victory over evil hidden in the darkness. “Lightning” was carved in stone, embroidered on dresses, and applied to plows, prophesying prosperity, a bright and successful future.

For complete information about the heavenly spirit and its incarnations, see the video “Legacy”. Its author will not only talk about Perun, but will also provide video footage of the celebration of the Thunderer in modern conditions. Perun Day falls on July 20th.

Svarog Square

Our ancestors considered Svarog one of the patrons of fire. God was also responsible for wisdom, marriage, and helped hunters and blacksmiths. Svarog is the supreme spirit, the head of the pagan pantheon. Therefore, it was in his name that most oaths were sealed. Svarog's wife is the main Goddess of the female pantheon, Lada. Her sign is swastastic. The symbol is called a ladin and resembles a wheel with 8 axles.

Until the 9th century, the Slavs had a different writing system - the Vedas or, as they are also called, runes. Each of them is more than a letter. The signs were compared with gods and used as talismans. We have already talked about one of the runes associated with the image of a wolf. The time has come to get acquainted with the rest of the Vedas included in the Slavic symbols and amulets. Their meaning follows.


The rune "world" opens the Vedic alphabet. The "letter" is similar in appearance to the antlers of a moose and the tree of life, so "world" was used to represent them. But the main interpretation of the sign is associated with Belobog. This bright spirit protected the Slavic families. The very word “peace” in the language of the tribes meant precisely their community, unity. Therefore, the Veda is included in Slavic symbols, pictures of which serve as amulets for the family and, in general, for humanity.


The word “altyr” is not in vain reminiscent of “altar”. This divine place, the center of the universe. This is exactly how our ancestors understood the Veda. If you need to download Slavic symbols that simultaneously denote the beginning and end of all things, the “altyr” sign is the best choice. The rune can be compared to the eastern symbol “yin-yang”. “The Letter” indicates the eternal struggle between chaos and order, Belobog and Chernobog - the spirit of destruction and evil.


The modern letter "r" can be called a stylization of the "rainbow". Our ancestors saw in this Veda a sign of the path, the joy of life's path. According to Russian beliefs, the path of the rainbow leads to the altar. “Letter” helps to find the shortest vector. The Slavs used the symbol so as not to get lost while walking towards their goal.


This means not only physical strength. To walk the path of the rainbow, you need the power of consciousness, freedom from the shackles of your own consciousness. Veda serves as a Slavic symbol of good luck. Warriors and hunters tried to have his image with them. The first written mentions of the runes of our ancestors date back to the 6th century.

The lines were recorded by the Gothic scholar Jordanes. But, modern historians believe that the iconic alphabet was formed in the 4th century AD. This is confirmed by archaeological finds on the territory of Moldova. Its lands were inhabited by Slavic tribes.


The Veda served as a sign of the natural variability of existence. The rune contains hidden energy that gives strength to the grass to grow, blood to run through the veins, and the juices of the earth to flow through the trunks. However, Slavic signs and symbols and their meaning are associated not only with the positive aspects of life. There were about 20 Vedas in the “alphabet” of the pagans. We consider the main ones. So, let's get acquainted with the signs that are rarely used as amulets.

material from the sites,,

Here I post images and meanings of Slavic symbols that can be used in weaving. I took the designation of the symbols from various sources:

  • Arina Nikitina “Patterned”
  • Ruslan Nikitin “Vedas of Rus and Alatyr-Runes”
  • Slavic-Aryan Vedas
  • Marina Kachaeva “Treasures of Russian Ornament”
  • Katsar M.S. "Belarusian ornament"
  • Marina Kachaeva “The Magic of the Belt. Slavic belt in ritual and in life"
  • Ruslan Nikitin “Yarilin Vedas”

And also from some sites whose definitions of the meanings of symbols were to my liking, but the sources are not indicated in them, just as it is not known on which site the definition appeared for the first time in order to at least indicate it as a source.

I named the names of the symbols taken from the book “Vedas of the Rus and Alatyr-Runes” by the names of the runes with which the author associated them. I decided that for now it was more correct, because my understanding of symbols still needs to be developed.

Since there are a lot of symbols, for ease of searching I have compiled a couple of tables. Clicking on the name of a symbol in the table will take you to its definition in the alphabetical index.

In the first table “Gods and Goddesses” the symbols (of course not all of the available ones) are divided into the Gods and Goddesses with which the symbols are associated. This will help you decide on the choice of symbols for men’s and women’s clothing (the second table will also help you decide on the symbols).
In the second table, “Purpose of Symbols,” symbols are distributed according to their main use. This will make it easier to select symbols to create a pattern for a specific task.

To enjoy the beauty of all the symbols presented in the gallery and familiarize yourself with their definitions, use the alphabetical index below.

Write your questions and wishes to me by email or on the page of my VKontakte group Miroslavna's workshop

Gallery of symbols.


Alatyr is a powerful protective symbol and materializing symbol, the basis of all foundations, the center of the Universe. When we interact with this symbol, we call upon the highest Star and connect to a Higher Power. As a result, transformation and materialization begins to occur.


Immortality - Indestructibility, Goddess of Aspelenia- Goddess-conductor of the help of the Gods, guiding star. Contributes to the achievement of higher goals, eternity, enlightenment, immortality, both physical and spiritual. It also helps to achieve the immortality of a name by acquiring fame and fame. Helps to undergo step-by-step evolutionary growth in the right direction. Helps to find a plasma body in the material world.

White God is the piercing white light in all material and immaterial worlds. Deity of white light. He leads “lost” people to the righteous path. God of mercy, health and spiritual wealth. God of obtaining honest material wealth. Patron of all righteous people and Svarozhichi. God of true joy and children's laughter. Patron of all stringed instruments, drums and tambourines. He is the one who leads the Soul to the source. He is also the guardian of the sources. Used to achieve well-being in a righteous way, to be in a state of optimism, for spiritual practices, enlightenment, contemplation, transformation

Ber - a symbol of a bear, means strength, including childbearing, fortitude, courage, endurance, fury, wisdom, lightness, foresight, ferocity.

Bereginya - Bird Swa- Goddess of the world of Slavi - the world of bright ancestors, heroes, saints, demigods. She is the Goddess of Glory, the patroness of famous people. She is the embodiment of Mother Sva, Lada the Mother of God. It helps to achieve true success and true glory. She is also the Goddess of luck, truth, youth, rejuvenation, longevity, and unfading beauty.

The rich man is a symbol of a rich harvest, a symbol of wealth in the peasant economy.

The Bogovnik is a Slavic Vedic symbol with a dimension that goes beyond the 16th dimension, personifying the Eternal power and protection of the Light Gods for a person who has taken the path of Spiritual development and improvement. Helps to understand the interpenetration and unity of the four primary elements (Water, Air, Fire and Earth) in our Universe. Gives the bearer of this symbol the protection of the Ancestors-Forefathers and our Gods.


Vedaman is a symbol of the Guardian Priest, who preserves the ancient wisdom of the Clans of the Great Race, for in this wisdom the Traditions of Communities, the Culture of Relationships, the Memory of the Ancestors and Patron Gods of the Clans are preserved.

Vedara is a symbol of the Guardian Priest of the Ancient Faith of the First Ancestors, who keeps the Shining Ancient Wisdom of the Gods. This symbol helps to learn and use ancient Knowledge for the benefit of the prosperity of the Clans and the Ancient Faith of the First Ancestors.

Knowledge - God Savior- saving from many troubles, from all harm and decay, bringing down divine knowledge to people, saving from self-destruction. The symbol helps to understand and reveal your true essence, as well as true information about everything. Helps absorb information. Helps you find a way out of a problem situation and make the most correct decision.

Veles is the God of wisdom, enlightenment, true knowledge. He carries within himself the power that helps transform him into a superman. It also carries within itself the qualities of the masculine principle on planet Earth and the manifestation of all-pervading light (Alatyr-light) on earth, which produces matter, that is, materializes in Revealing. For Veles, everything has the right to be, everything has the right to exist. He is the guardian of the Lower World, the world of Navi. With his power he is able to remove a strong curse, damage, slander, love spells, evil eye. He knows how to camouflage himself well and fit into any system without breaking it. He is the manifestation of Svarog and Rod, Alatyr-stone on earth. He is also the lord of the material world. He is capable of bringing untold wealth, prosperity, treasures, strength, power, victory and glory. He is also the information field of the Earth. Patron musical instruments, especially bagpipes and those who play them. He is the first to respond to help. Application: for men - this is help in self-realization and discovery of the qualities of an operator of subtle matters and an enterprising owner in everyday life. For women, this is a way to turn to the Higher Powers to attract a man into their lives who will be the leader in the family in terms of Spiritual development. Also for earning money through your favorite job.

Boar - symbolizes stubbornness, treachery, brute strength, endurance, willfulness, blind rage, ferocity, quarrelsomeness.

Villa (Samodivy, Likhoplesi)- Solar Fire - Virgo. The personification of the forces of nature. Help people. Daughter of Dazhdbog - summer.

Whirlwind - Goddess Stratim- The vortex creates resistance to the force that moves towards you. Helps to create a counterforce directed against those who want to mess with your head, helps to get rid of Morok, gives the strength to resist, freeing and shifting the “assemblage point”.

Water - Memory, King of the Sea- God of the oceans, seas and all salt water in the Universe. He is also the God-carrier of information. Patron information systems. He is also the patron saint of pregnant women and amniotic fluid. He was revered as a protector, ruler of the seas and their patron by sailors, fishermen, rescuers, etc. Helps you discover and realize your own potential. Helps restore lost memory, promotes recall of past lives, forgotten events of this life.

Revival - Resurrection, Goddess Indrani- Goddess who resurrects vital forces. Helps you get into a good, good mood for no apparent reason. Patron of creativity. It helps to revive and give strength to old projects and ideas. Helps to embody these ideas and awaken the strength to carry them out. She is the Goddess of synthesis, fusion and unity. Helps to merge different forces. Helps resolve conflicts and smooth out inharmonious manifestations. Helps to revive personal strength for personal growth. It is used to acquire knowledge from the Earth’s information field using the experience of past civilizations.

Restoration - Goddess Auska- Goddess of Female Fertility. Goddess of courtship, freedom and carnal love. Goddess of restoration and regeneration. Guardian of the source of female natural powers.

Restoring Justice - Truth, God Perun- restores Divine truth, establishes the Divine canon. Perun God is a warrior and king of warriors, guardian of truth, destroyer of darkness, punishing facet of the Supreme God and conductor of His will. It also has peaceful functions - help in achieving the true (righteous) goal, help in any deeds righteous in the Spirit, in knowing the truth of the nature of nature. Protects from darkness, ghouls, and grants victory. Brings good luck in life, establishes a blessed path.

Climbing Alatyr - Guide, God Surya Ra- leading the Soul on the Path to God, the Divine Road, the Golden Path, the Heavenly River. Helps a person return to his true Divine Path, to find his destiny.

Rotation - Goddess Holy Rus'- Goddess of the presence of the home of the Soul and Spirit on earth or the world of Rule. Its power gives the harmonious and cyclical stage-by-stage development of the individual, so that the Soul does not stray from the path of God, the Native. The use of this symbol in the pattern on the belt carries out constant transformation and transformation of the personality according to a predetermined program of intention and goal. It rotates the Universe and all the events taking place in it. Creates constant movement and, as a result, transformation.

The accession of Iria - the symbol is used to realize its destiny, for the speedy onset of a positive period in fate and fabulous events.

All-Reachability - Goddess Sura- The goddess who owns the primordial light pouring from the very center of the Universe - Alatyr. One of its names, Sadhana, means a state when a person enters a state of light and transforms his body into a light body. She simultaneously owns this light, this light itself personifies its power and presence in the Universe. With its power, it helps a person get rid of illusions and realize and fulfill what he came to this earth for. She is the Goddess of spiritual growth and transformation. She is the Goddess of correction of fate, path, consciousness, essence, soul, body, Spirit, thoughts, actions, desires. Helps improve. Creates conditions for constant stay in a stream of light, which will be directed only for good.

Universal Love - God Lel- God, transferring love to the Universal level. Then a person experiences a state of inner joy, love for everything that surrounds him. When the Soul recognized that God is everywhere, then for it there are no longer any conflicts or contradictions. She begins to see it in all living and nonliving beings.

All-comprehensibility - Seven-flowered, God Ruevit- possession, overpower, win, regeneration, restoration, attainability, comprehensibility. God, personifying the power that helps to survive in unfavorable environmental conditions.


Gamayun - Goddess of intuition, true speech, true wisdom and knowledge. She is the bird of Perun, sometimes of other Gods of the highest pantheon. It is believed that new worlds are created based on new information. It manifests what is inside, reflects the inner action in the outside world. It reflects external speech, but says only what is inside. It is used for productive restructuring of the internal picture of the world.

The loud candle is a strong protective symbol against misfortune and illness.

Breasts are a symbol of childbirth, motherhood, help to awaken the qualities of caring in oneself, and have a beneficial effect on women's health.


Dazhbog is a giving God, giving the gift of strength when given to you, when you give. The power of this God carries within itself the qualities of light, i.e. this is the Sun, Stars, Galaxy and all the concentrated light in the Universe. Patronizes people who selflessly give more than they take. One of the main Patron Gods of the Slavs. The limitless creator of life or giver of life. Boundless light is spirit.

Rain - Living Water, Queen Water- Goddess of purification, transformation, flow. By addressing it, we are addressing all the fresh water in the Universe. She is able to wash the body, Soul and all subtle bodies.

Brownie, Chur - a protective Deity, the personification of the power of all the native Gods of the family, clan. Helps in everyday affairs, especially at home, protects and protects household members.

The road to good - paves a direct path to the heart and well-being. For example, it helps to find a rich spouse or to recharge so that the money goes and finds a couple.

The road to money- paves a direct path to money, promotes a personal matter, purpose, for example, helps with finding a job so that it contributes (does not interfere) with purpose; or an urgent need for money to advance a project that furthers a cause.

The road to certainty- when you have problems with money and haven’t found a job that suits your heart, you don’t see your path, and also when there are obstacles in your well-being and purpose.

The road to destination- strengthens the help of the Gods in realizing their destiny - helps both those who cannot find their destiny and those who follow their own path.

The road to the heart - paves a direct path to the heart and enhances the help of the Gods. Removes the crown of celibacy.

The road to peace- a direct path to money, prosperity and increased love. Removes obstacles to cash flows, cleans relationships with your significant other (from quarrels, insults, scandals, etc.)

Prosperity - God of the Earth- God of the underworld. Lord of silver and gold veins. Patron of material wealth. He intertwines the roots of trees with his underground kingdom. The owner of the upper layer of the earth, which grows due to cosmic dust and is baked by the sun. It also includes: all the bowels of the earth, minerals. He is the owner of money, because... money is made from paper, the initial raw material of which was trees. It attracts not only material wealth, but also everything that you think about: wealth in the sense of knowledge, health, and other things that you lack.

Tree of Life - Guide, God Prove- God Rules, conducting the power of God through man and back to God. Make sure that this connection does not stop. The more effective and better this connection is, the more opportunities and superpowers a person has. He is one of the incarnations of the Almighty, the face of DazhGod, Perun, Svarog, Rod. Displays the interconnection and interdependence of all systems of the material and spiritual worlds. Used for unity with God, Gods. To enhance vitality and health. For communication with all worlds of ten-dimensional space. Connections with the information field of the Earth and the Universe.

Duniya (Altar)- the symbol denotes the earthly wind that blows, clearing spaces for that person who, as a pillar of the spirit, leaning on the earthly, rushes to the heavenly, without rejecting anything; nothing else. Therefore, this sign was applied to earthly objects intended for spiritual deeds. Symbol of the connection of Earthly and Heavenly Living Fire. Its purpose: to preserve the Paths of Permanent Unity of the Family. Therefore, all Fiery Altars for the baptism of Bloodless Religions, brought to the glory of the Gods and Ancestors, were built in the form of this symbol.

Doukhobor is a symbol of the primordial internal Fire of Life, which destroys in a person all bodily ailments and diseases of the Soul and Spirit. Doukhobor is applied to a cloth used to cover a sick person.

Spiritual Swastika (Uzhich-Borich)- a symbol consisting of two intersecting multidirectional spirals of “snake” - a symbol of an ancestor, an ancestor, which, thus, unite all four spaces - body, soul, spirit and conscience. This symbol means the unification of the present and the future (therefore two snakes), the unification of four spaces, and if this unification is okay, the one who uses the symbol and confirms the right to wear it with his actions receives the power of his ancestors to transform the surrounding space - magic (“whoever can is a magician” ). It symbolizes the spiritual strength of man, the harmony of the human soul and body and their interconnection into a single whole. Magi and priests included such a swastika in the ornament of their clothes, since it contributed to spiritual development. It was also depicted on the facades of houses and buildings for protection against evil forces.

Spiritual Power is a symbol of constant improvement and transformation of the human Spirit. This symbol means the acquisition by the power of spiritual fire, the power of the movement of grace contained in knowledge, of oneself as a part of God for the development and embodiment of every seed - human and mental. This is what the wearer of this symbol wanted. Promotes the concentration of spiritual forces by a person for creative work for the benefit of the entire KIND.

Spiritual transformation- a symbol of the transitional state of the Soul in the process of birth - death.

Soul Swastika (Uzhich-Dushevnik)- a symbol, the reverse “Spiritual Swastika”, consisting of two intersecting multidirectional spirals of “zhiks” - a symbol of the ancestor, the ancestor, which, thus, unite all four spaces - body, soul, spirit and conscience, but the going opposite - has also the power of purification and destruction, which is why it was worn by people with very great moral qualities. Used to concentrate the Higher Powers of Healing. Only Priests who had risen to a high level of Spiritual and Moral perfection had the right to include the Soul Swastika in the ornament.

Breath - God Breathe- his strength is capable of pushing aside any obstacles, “breathing out” them. Make room for action, create space. God Dyy is one of the sides of Svarog, the God of the folding and expansion of space in the material Universe. Gives new perspectives, a surge of strength, inspiration. The emergence of new projects gives a lot of new ideas that make it possible to fulfill your purpose, your mission. Helps to facilitate the ways of its implementation, it is easier to find ways for self-realization. Helps in cleansing the lungs. Helps runners, singers, wind players. Helps you work through and remove your vices, negative qualities, and bad habits. Good for those who are engaged in physical labor and exercise: running, swimming, lifting weights, covering distances, etc.


Unity with God - God Tarkh Dazhdbog- manifestation magnetic field Earth, God of attraction, trajectory rotation, human magnetic field, Sun, Galaxy, Universe, supergalaxies from the Universes (Tree of Life), eight-pillar star, world pillar. It also manifests itself as a magnetic field of the Soul and Spirit in the desire to return to the Divine Source Home. The desire for unity with the Higher Self. They call on him to realize their true goals in life, to realize their true Path. God of sky and light, knowledge, laws of the Universe, justice, battle, struggle, struggle of the world Rule against Krivda. God of strength and hardening male spirit. Helps to realize that the Almighty is simultaneously one being and all beings in infinite space.


Desire - Goddess Zhelya- Goddess of true desire and the emergence of desire. If a person’s desire did not correspond to the level of the Soul, then the Goddess could “sting”, after which a state of regret and pity would set in. People following their own path bring satisfaction, a desire to act in the real world and joy.

Sacrifice - sign of the Warrior, God Beloyar- generosity, openness, sacrifice, gift of gift, selflessness, selfless service, diplomacy of relationships and actions, achieving inner peace, voluntary renunciation of the previous way of life, blissful contemplation of life, devotion, surrender to naturalness, life in harmony with oneself and the world around us.

Alive - Goddess of Life, Light of the Most High Family, Zhivitsa, Life Giver. Goddess of all living beings. Limitless life.

Living Fire - God Znich- fiery heavenly God, guarding the unquenchable fire - the eternal source of life. This fire is invisibly present everywhere. It gives all living things the opportunity to bloom, flourish, and gives people the opportunity to live in happiness, love and joy. Helps to transfer the power of the illuminated fire into human souls. Used to obtain relief from various ailments.

Life-Giver - Thoughts of Svarog, God Rodomysl- God, personifying the centrifugal force of the Universe. God of thought, all thought forms and images. His strength is the life-creator - a person who thinks within himself and embodies this thought in life-creation, real action.


The bunny is a powerful Slavic solar symbol that bestows solar energy and positive to its bearer. Neutralizes all negative influences.

Hare - symbolizes caution, fertility, speed, vanity.

Castle - Goddess Twilight- prolongs the situation and the qualities on which the lock is placed, so that the situation is not preserved, but develops and continues. Preserve the Divine. A lock is used to stake out, secure something, for example, something is going well for you, you put a lock on this situation.

The Sown Field is a symbol of the Earth, which provides food and bears fruit; symbol of female fertility; a symbol of pregnancy, the birth of a new life, as well as the revival of the old.

Conception - Goddess Kostroma- Goddess of fertility, harvest, summer and the Sun, patroness of lovers. The Kostroma ornament signifies the creation of a family, the conception of a child, and maturation. It is used to awaken feminine grace in a girl and reveal its source. For couples - for the appearance of a long-awaited child. To turn to the Goddess for the beginning of favorable events in life.

Protection - God Avsen- God of male fiery creativity. It reflects the power of early morning in the masculine aspect, the power of dawn in man himself. He is the patron of the flourishing of creative potential in a person. God of male fertility. Helps a person fulfill his destiny. Helps those who are busy with their business to achieve maximum fulfillment. He is also Kolyada's assistant. Used as protection against anything that could threaten a person and his well-being.

Protected Good- used to protect the Beregin Goddesses, Mother Earth, the Universe, Yarovit, Yarila, Veles and the Gods of Fertility. To gain material wealth through your favorite business.


Getting rid of lies - God will tear you down- the power of this God is capable of preventing and exposing any deception, lies, intrigues, etc. Destroys aggressive information. Warns of danger, difficulties, deception, slander. Convicts and brings to clean water dishonest individuals. By protecting, it diverts negative flow, bad views or thoughts away from you.

Feeding - Goddess Zemun- The patron goddess of motherhood and mothers bearing and feeding children. Used for the flow of abundance, pleasant opportunities, to protect mother and child, attracting maternal forces and energies to raise and educate children.

The spark of God is a heavenly symbol of the divine sunlight rising to Earth. People receive this light during the day from Yarila the Sun, and at night from brightly shining stars.

Execution - Goddess Delight- Goddess of fulfillment: desires, events, qualities. Powerful materializer.


Key - King of Living Water- promotes the cleansing process. Symbol men's life on the planet. Used to enhance male power and reveal forgotten spiritual knowledge.

Colard is a symbol of fiery renewal and transformation. This symbol was used by young people who joined the Family Union and were expecting healthy offspring. The symbol helps to find yourself and God within yourself and continue the family line.

Kolovrat is a symbol of the rising Sun and Good, a symbol of the victory of Light over Darkness, Truth over Falsehood and Life over Death. A formidable sign of crushing power, giving strength to the Knights (Warriors) in battles with the enemies of the ROD. Cleanses and removes obstacles.

Kolo Navi - Black night, dark night, when neither the stars shine nor the moon shines, the Clear Sun languishes behind the horizon, the Navier Sun rises, the Black Sun, the Midnight Sun. That Sun shines in the underground world, illuminates the underworld, scorches the eyes of wandering spirits and underground reptiles, roasts the filthy evil spirits. The Sun is bright, but its light is not for people and not for animals, but for ancient sorcerers, experienced witches. That Sun illuminates the long road to wisdom, the light on the path is the one hungry for knowledge, that they are not afraid to step on the path of Navi, they step over the dark threshold and go into the night. The Sun preserves Navier as if it were the children of its sages and priests, witches and sorcerers. It appears to the helpers that the brave men are not afraid to taste the salt of knowledge. The Black Sun helps its travelers, reveals secrets, and guides them along the path of knowledge. Symbols of the Navy Sun, yargi-swastikas twisted counter-salt (counterclockwise). Swastikas of this type symbolize the reverse course of things, the past, the underworld and healing; they are addressed to the lower world. They help in working with energy, chakras (especially the lower ones to anahata), exits to the astral plane and lucid dreams. All work with the subconscious, all witchcraft and magic, all the unknown is under the jurisdiction of the creatures of the Lower World. Suitable for all those who engage in various types of energy practices (including non-contact combat), healers, doctors, people with high psychological stress.

Concentration - God Semargl- he brings power, information from the world of Reveal to the world of Reveal, and also from the world of Reveal to the world of Reveal. He acts as an intermediary between people and Gods. The Most High God is the keeper of the eternal earthly Fire, as well as the guardian of the strict observance of all rituals where fire is kindled. God of fiery purification. Magi and priests invoke his powers during rituals when lighting a fire. Through Semargl, bloodless sacrifices were offered to the Gods and to himself. At the same time, there were strict rules for feeding the fire. It could not be filled with water. It was possible to sprinkle it with earth or make a small ditch around it. Offerings to the fire and the Native Gods: bread, grain, milk, honey, suritsa, poppy seeds, beer, herbs, baked milk, melted butter. All offerings were made with intention, the intention being spoken out in the form of an appeal, prayer, mantra, hymn and other available means. Its power has also been used for cleansing, healing, blessing, initiation, etc. In addition to the Ritual, its power was used in baths and steam rooms to cleanse the Soul and Spirit. They drove out illnesses and cursed the fire. It is believed that it is he who ignites the hearts of brave knights in battle. It was presented in three forms:

  • the seven-headed fiery man is the quality of the cornucopia and fire-fertility, from which the seeds of all types of plants were scattered;
  • fiery winged dog - this quality manifests itself in the hearts of brave warriors;
  • fiery falcon Rarog - this quality manifested itself when God, in the form of a falcon, rose up, conveying the requests of people, or descended, bringing the will of the Gods.

One of his qualities is the ability to concentrate intention and desire in a person, and he wants to be heard by the Gods. Concentrates the attention, strength and impact of all shells on the execution of any tasks.

The hoof is an image of the seeds of life, the embryos of Souls, the heavenly dew. Affects the body as a whole, has a beneficial effect on the musculoskeletal system.

The oblique cross symbolizes earthly fire, a powerful cleansing element, the action of which has always led to the withering away of the old and its rebirth in a new form.

Krinitsa - God Roof- God, protecting from degradation, helping to improve the true “I” as opposed to a sense of self-importance. Helps transform the illusion of separation from the world into a Divine sense of unity and interconnection with all beings. God of intuitive Divine wisdom in man. Helps to cope with internal troubles and defeat the Miracle of Yudo at the Kalinov Bridge. Protector of the family, Rhoda from various harms. In the era of the greatest decomposition of mankind, Kryshen shows the greatest mercy of God. Teaches people basic humanity. Shows mercy even to those people who, according to the Divine canons, are not worthy of this mercy. In the most terrible times, it protects people from degeneration and self-destruction.

Kupala - an ornament used by girls when turning to the Higher Powers in order to marry a good man, and married women - to strengthen the family union.

Kupalinka is a symbol of the unity of the masculine and feminine principles, leading to the birth of a new life, as well as carrying an image of well-being, well-being, and abundance.


Lada Theotokos - Goddess of the primordial ring and the primordial egg. Mother of Goddesses. Lada - balance, harmony, love. Movement towards harmony leads a person to bliss, divine love awakens in a person. The symbols of Lada help women find its qualities, become softer, calmer and more feminine.

Concordance - calls on the Gods for concordance in a stressful situation, helps to find peace of mind, harmony.

Ice - God Ladobog- God, who establishes harmony by stopping those processes in man that harm him. He is the God of fertility. Appears as the Northern Lights. Sparkling God, God of harmony, as well as God of ice and cruelty. His power is invoked in order to stop degradation, and can stop the process of alcohol intoxication, drug addiction and other addictions. God of hunting, oaths and duels. He is able to help a person see the diversity in the unity. It also helps to distance yourself from the external and focus on your inner world.

Face of Rod - God Rod- helps, no matter what (not paying attention to a person’s weaknesses and negative manifestations in life), to acquire harmony and balance. God Rod is the Progenitor and Progenitor of all living beings, therefore his symbol helps to unite all opposites and bring them to balance. The pattern is used to gain integrity, to protect the embryo, to protect children - boys, to increase male strength. It is used to understand one’s purpose, to increase wealth, harvest, children, living creatures and promotes fertility.

Fox - symbolizes wisdom, cunning, resourcefulness, grace, rebellion, uncontrollability.

Elk - symbolizes nobility, fortitude, militancy, power, courage.

Love - Goddess Lelya- love between star halves, love between a man and a woman. Earthly love. Attracts love and its constant impact on the inner world of a person. Helps those who want to learn to love and those who feel its absence in the Soul.

Makosh - she is the feminine principle of the planet. She is the Goddess who creates destiny. She is the Goddess of prosperity. She patronizes everyone who weaves, knits, weaves, embroiders, and spins. She is the mother of Dolya and Nedolya. She herself spins three threads - doli, nedolya and sva. She is a manifestation of the material Universe. She is both an Earthly and Heavenly Goddess. If we consider her as an Earth Goddess, then she is part of the concept of Mother Cheese Earth. If as Heavenly, then Mother-Cheese Earth is part of it. Makosh is a great protective mother. It is used to help the Goddess of Fate in finding happiness, good luck and the qualities of foreseeing the future.

The World Tree is a symbol of the horned deer, the Great Mother Goddess, uniting all worlds.

Wisdom - God is One- the main quality of God is the insight into oneness in everything, the understanding that all beings on Earth are one being and that only with full awareness of this unity do we ourselves become whole.

Nav - Dana, Volyn, Guiding Rule- Goddess of the unmanifested world, everything that is hidden from view in the material universe. Nav is an unmanifested world, a new, future. They will be used for protection, to send entities that possess a person back to their home world, to open the gift of vision of the future.

Beginning - Foundation, God Kalada- God of the calendar, the beginning of a new life, natural and cosmic cycle. God, attracting new positive changes in a person and his life. God is the patron of rites, conspiracies, fortune telling, rituals and everything mysterious and witchcraft. Used to find new job, favorite thing, help from Higher powers in any endeavor

The Heavenly Boar is a symbol consisting of a Kolovrat repeated four times, a symbol of heavenly and earthly fire; sign - yarga - a symbol of the ardent fire of the bright soul, twice repeated lines mean the unification of heavenly and earthly space. Sign of the Hall on the Svarozh Circle; The symbol of the Patron God of the Hall is Ramkhat. It is called a boar because it is not just an animal of strength, but an animal that combines a dual nature: passivity, sacrifice and the desperate rage of the uterus, protecting the offspring or the herd cleaver. This sign symbolizes the connection of the earthly, material and heavenly, spiritual; willingness to sacrifice oneself and possession of fortitude - to be able to choose for whom and what to sacrifice - wisdom. Therefore, it was worn by people who embarked on this complex spiritual path, full of contradictions and hidden meanings, in order to gain the ability to connect the sometimes incompatible - wisdom.

The Heavenly Cross is a symbol of Heavenly Spiritual Power and the Power of Ancestral Unity. It was used as a body amulet, protecting the one who wears it, granting him the help of all the Ancestors of his Family and the help of the Heavenly Family.

Invisible - Zero, Bereginya Doma- bereginya hearth and home and family wealth. Bereginya in the house could attract abundance and prosperity, the birth of many children, protected all family members, and most importantly, the husband. Supports the owner. Works to unite men and women in the family, protects the family union. It is used to protect against evil forces; it removes all the subtle bodies of a person beyond the access and influence of evil forces in time and space. With its help, a person, as it were, enters the sphere of boundless infinite purity, where the protection of the Supreme God is present, and this sphere shelters him. Helps to see the future, enhances sensitivity and intuition.

Lovebirds are a strengthening in love and a direct path to the help of the Gods. Helps build relationships with your significant other. Help from the Gods to preserve the couple, for the spiritual development of the couple, to preserve love, relationships, to take a fresh look at your soul mate.

New Life is a symbol denoting the birth of a new life, be it the life of a person, animal, plant and all living things on our Earth.


The Cloud Maiden is a maiden symbol, unrealized fertility, grains that have grown but not started.

Ognevitsa is a fiery protective symbol through which the Heavenly Mother of God grants married women all kinds of help and effective protection from dark forces. It is embroidered and woven on shirts, sundresses, ponyas, and belts together with other amulet signs.

Flint is the fire of the hearth, a female symbol of fire. Affects the reproductive organs, intestines, and immune system. Suitable for waistband and hem, not suitable for men.

Fire - God Agni, Fire Svarozhich- burns, turns heavy masses into light ones, gives inner fire. It outwardly reflects our inner element, our inner fire. Through the fire of this God and through his symbols one can communicate with the Ancestors and Gods. It is also used to inflame or intensify any phenomenon or situation.

Overcome-Grass - a symbol consisting of the rune “G” repeated twelve times; meaning conscious movement, twelve - the number of shaker sisters who send diseases to people and the number of beregin sisters who guard the earth. Therefore, the grass overcomes any illness - physical and mental.

Orepei (Burdock)- a symbol that helps to find (“catchy”) happiness, peace of mind, and balance.


Rebirth - Awakening, Goddess Amelpha- helps remember past lives and achieve a state of enlightenment. Helps achieve immortality, prolongs life, heals.

Perunitsa - Goddess of justice, fairness, Goddess throwing lightning. The goddess of justly bestowed benefits and creativity that a person has acquired during the period of his incarnations.

Flame is a protective symbol of the inner human fire of life. It is used everywhere, but mainly on clothes as a reliable and powerful amulet against any dark and evil forces.

Fertility - Goddess Mother of Cheese Earth- a place for the action of the Supreme Deity, a place for cultivating fruits, a place for health and creativity. It is used by women in search of a soul mate, and by men for material and financial assistance. This symbol denotes the fertile power of all women in labor.

Victory - Goddess Peremoga- helps you win by working on yourself, helps you overcome your own pride and false ego. It often comes after the expansion of consciousness, when a person was able to break away from his own problems and look at the situation more broadly, i.e. managed to wake up.

Lucky - Marvel, Goddess Divya- Heavenly Goddess of the material Universe (symbol of the turtle), beautiful, amazing, amazing, wonderful, magnificent, light, good. She is the Goddess of space, the vastness of the material Universe, the material side of the Mother of all Gods - Lada, i.e. manifestation of Lada in Revealed. Used for good luck in affairs of the Soul, obtaining wealth.

Field of the Universe - the symbol is used to connect with the information field of the Earth and the Universe. Also to enhance intuition.

Help - Goddess Strength- The Goddess is the guide of help on all three levels: from the Ancestors, from People, from the Gods. She is the personification of soft power, inspiration, optimism. Helps you gain these qualities. Provides assistance to the Earth, helps to gain strength on all three levels: physical, material, spiritual.

Order - God Thor- God of just war. One of the manifestations of Perun, Dazhbog, the face of young Svarog. God bringing order out of chaos. Establishment of Divine order in the material world. He is the God of jokes and funny humor. Helps bring a person out of an inferiority complex. Brings a person's condition into order. Helps to get out of stress and depression. Establishes order in the soul and life of a person. Leads to consistent development. Promotes instant enlightenment - “Turned”. His power is called upon where a creative process associated with the establishment of order is needed. And also to prepare space, fields for the further development of these actions. It is chaos, as it makes a non-stable system, rich in its capabilities and reserves of strength, stable, and transforms opportunities into more effective opportunities. He is able to create magic and create a fairy tale. Thor, as the God of fertility, gives a breakthrough and impetus to the growth of all vegetation on earth. Thor's hammer contains the male power of the yari, which helps to increase the birth rate of the population. The symbol is useful for men for developing masculine qualities, as well as for implementing their projects and finding the best options.

Flow - God Silich- physical and spiritual strength, strengthening any flow of power, strengthening desire, in order to accomplish. Helps cope with diseases, enhances other symbols.

Ancestor - symbolizes the unity of living relatives with their ancestors and “roots” on a spiritual level. A symbol of connection with our ancestors, it contributes to the opening of the “birth column”.

Transfiguration of God- this symbol launches an intensive process of insight, enlightenment so that a person can realize his true purpose, to gain self-confidence and self-affirmation.

Guide of Souls - a Deity accompanying the Soul in the Navya kingdom. Used in wedding, funeral, and shamanic symbolism.

Guiding - a direct road to the Gods when fulfilling one's destiny (an appeal to the Gods for help in fulfilling one's destiny - to remove obstacles, to re-enter one's path).

The traveler is a Slavic symbol that patronizes all those who are on the road and on a long journey. It is depicted on transport, traveling bags and protects the traveler from troubles and misfortunes, and contributes to the speedy achievement of the final destination.

The bee is a symbol of hard work and helps to cultivate the qualities of hard work. You can embroider on children's clothing to instill a love of work.


Balance - Goddess Radunitsa- Goddess of harmony, balance, peace and harmony. It helps to achieve internal and external balance. Helps to reconcile all areas of a person’s life. Helps to find balance of the Soul. Helps improve the behavior of children experiencing strong pressure from negative information.

Rainbow Tree - to reveal your Divine individuality, capable of living with high ideas and realizing them. To awaken the “hyper-discoverer” in yourself.

Dawn - Goddess Zarya Zarenitsa- gives strength for a good undertaking, gives inspiration. Transforms the Spirit, Soul and Body of a person. Goddess of growth of strength, ascending currents, transformation of God, growing possibilities. Used to bring fairy tales to life and the dawn at all levels

Scattering - Goddess Parvati, Arys Field- creates strong protection from everything dark and evil by dispersing these forces and transferring them to another quality or another dimension. It also helps to spread good news, good fame.

Ratibor - Kresen- personifies the power of unconditional courage, willpower. Helps you fight your shortcomings. Helps to show courage, cunning, dexterity, wisdom and ingenuity in the name of Divine Truth. The power of this God was called upon to overcome many shortcomings, many enemies, and to manifest the necessary qualities to achieve this goal. Kresen - God of the omnipresent Fire (Earthly and Heavenly Fire), directed along the crosshairs. This is the purposeful movement of fire, the control of higher consciousness. He is the earthly embodiment of Svarog and the Fire of Svarozhich. The symbol of Kresen gives invulnerability and strength in inner equanimity. Is a symbol of courage.

Ratiborets - the symbol means strength of spirit, ready to consciously sacrifice oneself for the sake of relatives and one’s Motherland. Fiery symbol of military valor, courage and bravery. The symbol is so powerful that it can turn enemies back.

Child - the symbol means the child for whom the product is woven or embroidered.

The Smorodina River is a fiery river separating the Manifest World from Navnogo.

Rozhanitsa - Mother Goddess- Supreme Goddess. Creates conditions for the birth of all creatures, provides interconnection between all organisms. The pattern is used during obstetrics, during pregnancy, for female fertility, for conception, when bearing a child. Protects children, especially girls. Protects against magical influences. Gives help to the Motherland, native area, and is used for protection by local spirits.

Horns are a symbol of the Goddess of the Sky, a symbol of a nulliparous woman.

The horned snake is a symbol of connection with the Ancestors.

Horned - Moose - Slavic goddess of the Sky with golden horns, from which came heat and light. With these horns the goddess melted snow and ice, awakened the Earth from hibernation. Also a Slavic symbol of God of the One Kind. Idols of the Family, amulets, amulets, and amulet are decorated with carved script from these symbols. This symbol was used as a talisman to preserve the harvest and to avoid the death of livestock.

Rodimich is a symbol of the Universal Power of the Parent Family, preserving in the Universe in its original form the Law of Continuity of Knowledge of the Wisdom of the Family from old age to youth, from Ancestors to Descendants. Protects Ancestral Memory from generation to generation.

Rodovik - protects the thread of human life from dark forces, provides a connection with our ancestors and ancestors and places them under their invisible protection. Promotes healthy offspring and worthy continuation of one’s family.

Giving birth - means the unity in a person of the father's clan and the mother's clan, allows you to use the knowledge of these clans to realize your destiny.

Growth - God Yarilo - God of the Sun, his strength is given by bright, pure, kind and heartfelt thoughts coming from our heart. He is the guardian of good, pure hearts and love. It is the personification of love and a fulfilling life coming from our luminary. Also able to bring and sow love. The pattern is used for growth in everything: in career, well-being, health, professional training, level of consciousness, for increasing strength, adding magical powers. Helps in healing, used for spiritual growth, helps solve (break through) insoluble problems, find a way out hopeless situation. It makes a woman feminine, a man masculine.

Ryzhik is the oldest Slavic protective solar symbol against evil forces. Promotes the hard work of relatives and any good undertaking they undertake.

Rysich - an ancient amulet symbolism, consisting of two gammatic lines - boundary lines, symbolizing the delimitation of space between friends and foes, was used in body amulets, on buildings, and in ornaments on clothes, since it was believed that the best amulet from dark forces coming from outside and from within the person himself than Rysich. Lynx is the personification of the wise power of Perun.


Wedding - Rejuvenation, Goddess Alkonost- Alkonost is one of the incarnations of Lada the Mother of God. Its main personification is the rejuvenating apples on which the Alkonost bird sits and grazes. These apples give youth, beauty, strength and immortality to those who eat them. Alkonost is also a bird of success and prosperity. Alkonost is also the carrier and personification of life-giving force, which enhances human regeneration processes at the cellular level and promotes rejuvenation. Used to attract the other half, ignite the inner fire, for an energetic lifestyle

Svarga the Most Pure - Goddess Alatyrka- personifies the cyclical nature of movement in the Universe, i.e. construction of bodies in material space in the form of a swastika. This is the Divine Power that leads you to fulfill your destiny, preserve your uniqueness through your creativity and return to a fertile place for the Soul.

Svarozhich - symbol Heavenly Power God Svarog, preserving in its original form all the diversity of forms of Life in the Universe. A symbol that protects various existing Intelligent forms of Life from Mental and Spiritual degradation, as well as from destruction as an Intelligent species.

Fulfillment of the Plan - Thunder bird, Thunderbird, Golden Woman- Goddess of justice, Goddess of justice, Goddess throwing lightning, Goddess of blessings and creativity. Helps to realize a plan, an idea, to bear a child, to ripen a fetus, a creative idea. The symbol is used to grant victory, accompany good luck in something, to implement one’s projects in material space.

Svarozhich Dar - God Surya- God, personifying the Omnipresence of God on earth, i.e. the presence of all Gods in Reveal or Rule in Reveal. The main impact is the embodiment of the creature's purpose. A symbol of purification, saturation, healing and Love of the Almighty. A powerful amulet.

Svetogor - his strength is the conductor of the power of the Ancestors, the support of the Ancestors, the power of the Family. Helps a person to know himself and fulfill his destiny as efficiently and favorably as possible. Helps to receive strength not only from the world of Ancestors and Family, but also from all four worlds to fulfill one’s personal and ancestral karma. It personifies the physical and spiritual sides of existence, helps to combine these forces well for one’s development.

A seed is a symbol of the birth of a new life, pregnancy, the birth of a new idea, the birth and embodiment of what is desired, the fulfillment of a dream.

Life Force - Courage, Goddess Hara- Khara is the earthly embodiment of Alatyrka, the wife of the Alatyr-stone - the center of the universe, its feminine side. She was also called the Goddess of War (Harabora). Hara translated from ancient Aryan means life force. It helps a person survive in any difficult conditions and achieve justice. Gives perseverance, courage, fearlessness. Helps you become worthy and brave. With Her life force, Hara helps a person create a circle of himself, a space for the fulfillment of dreams.

Hidden Light - God Holy, Light- invisible light that permeates the entire Universe in all dimensions. The presence of God in everything gives movement and opportunity. He is the Divine who builds the structure of all forms. The power of light. It is used for spiritual practices, the purpose of which is the enlightenment and transformation of a person. Also for protection and bringing a positive attitude into life.

Slavets - A heavenly image that bestows and protects the health of girls and women. He helps married women give birth to healthy and strong children. Therefore, all girls and women use Slavets in embroidery on their clothes.

Slav - Goddess Slav- Goddess of the world of Slavi - the world of bright Ancestors, heroes, light ones, demigods. Goddess of Glory, patroness of famous people. It helps to achieve true success and true glory. Goddess of luck, truth, youth, rejuvenation, longevity, unfading beauty.

Removing damage is a symbol that helps to get rid of and protect yourself from damage and disease.

Connector - Baba Yaga, Baba Yoga- helps to move between Worlds. Used to enhance the effects of one's rituals. To strengthen and expand the attention of God in oneself. Connect yourself with any subtle world to gain experience or help.

Solard - a symbol helps to find oneself, to know the earth as the homeland of one’s ancestors and to find the essence of life. A symbol of the greatness of the fertility of the Mother of the Raw Earth, receiving the light of the warmth and love of Yaril-Sun. Symbol of prosperity of the land of the Ancestors. A symbol of Fire, giving wealth and prosperity to the Clans, creating for their descendants, for the Glory of the Native Light Gods and Ancestors.

Solar Cross (Foot and Mouth Disease)- contributes to the awakening and disclosure of human talents. Gives people solar vital energy. Symbol of spiritual strength and prosperity of the ROD. Used as a protective amulet against all evil forces. It was used as a body amulet by guardians of the forest, the army, small children, and spiritual teachers.

Knotweed - God Prok- he is the personification of the spring breakthrough of seeds, ready to actively grow. Helps a person to integrate into natural processes. Helps you achieve results in your chosen business.

Stribog - gives birth and unites stable, indestructible connections and relationships between Gods and people, heaven and earth, but destroys everything that violates this order. Stribog - God of air currents and elements. Helps in cleansing while filling with fresh, clean strength. He is the personification of the will of the world. Associated with stability and laws (the canons of God). In epics, people turn to Stribog to release pain and bondage, as well as to convey some information to the world of Rule and receive it from there.

Stribozhichi - Vetra- Stribozh's servants. The essence of the eight winds of space. Personification of the cardinal directions. The idea of ​​spatial division of the spiritual and physical.

Satiety - God of Delight- God of satiety and satiation. Helps to get enough of matter, spirit, strength, both material and spiritual quality. Helps you enjoy a pleasant moment, discovery, achievement. Helps to satisfy all needs of any quality and get enough.


Talent - Harvest, Goddess Talana- A goddess who helps awaken the true talents inherent in man by God. Helps awaken the power of the creator within yourself to start a new life.

Triglav is a symbol of the Supreme Triglav, which includes the Vyshny DazhGod and the Vyshny Zhiva, the Vyshny Perun and the Vyshny Perunitsa and the Most High. It means the omnipresence of the Almighty, helps to realize one’s limitlessness, one’s capabilities, and to experience the pleasure of creativity.

Triglav - it is the presence of the meaning of the Supreme Trinity and its providence. She is a manifestation of creativity on earth. It is the realization of the plan of Trojan's path - this is knowledge, enlightenment and realization. It is used to help in all matters of the Beregin Goddesses and the Supreme Feminine Hypostasis of God. For women - to reveal their femininity, to remove unnecessary aggression.

Earthly Craving - Goddess Tara- The goddess of fruits, fertility, one of the manifestations of Mother Earth and Alive, helps to acquire benefits. Represents the power of female attractiveness. The expression “stock up” means to stock up on food.


Pattern of Life - used for healing and childbirth (if there are no children).

Acceleration - God Haste- A deity who assists in speeding up some processes in order to have time to do something. Accelerating the passage of some negative processes or circumstances. Acceleration for the common good and success.


Bread - helps to grow a rich harvest, ensures material well-being in the family. It is also a symbol of the matrix structure of the Universe. Used to correct a situation.

Guardian of Souls - Bereginya, guarding the Soul in the Navem world. Used to correct a situation. Used in wedding, funeral, and shamanic symbolism.


Bloom - God Yarovit- God of spring flowering in fields, meadows and forests. Yarila's assistant. He makes sure that flowers bloom, forests and fields turn green, and berries ripen. Helps in matters where success depends on far-sighted actions and effective distribution of forces and resources. .

Fern flower- a fiery symbol of the purity of the Spirit, has powerful healing powers. The symbol gives a person the opportunity to reveal Spiritual Powers.

Healer is a Slavic symbol of fire, depicted on the clothes of weakened and sick people, helping them overcome bodily ailments.

Purposefulness - God Siva Yar- giver of benefits and protector from poverty. Responds only to those requests that correspond to the deep realization and purpose of the human spirit. Deity-destroyer of illusions, leading man to his main goal. Protecting and protecting a person walking along the path of his Divine destiny. Expands consciousness, harmonizes the inner world and worldview, helps to transfer it to a higher level.


Chara of Life - Goddess Alive- helps to be filled with vitality and heal.

Bowls of Svarog - Brahma- personifies the very process of serving God and paying attention to him through prayers, rituals, holidays, praise, etc. Helps a person fulfill his destiny. Guardian of ceremonies, services, rituals dedicated to God. His power manifests itself as the power of the Creator. Represents the power of creation, inspiration. Helps you use your gift and the potential of your Soul to serve God and fulfill His will. It is used to fulfill a purpose, increase creative potential, develop skills, and handiness.

Sensuality - Seed, Goddess Didila- A goddess who helps to grow crops, seeds, plants, children. Extends the period of milk appearance in the breasts of a nursing mother. She also patronizes pregnant and lactating women and children. She is a pure Goddess unconditional love, embracing all of humanity and every living being in particular.


Youth - Goddess Red- Goddess of youth and rejuvenation. People turn to her when it is necessary to restore strength. Personifies the movement of the Divine world in man. In honor of her, young people danced in circles. Anyone who wanted rejuvenation for himself stood up in this round dance. She is a Goddess who helps to accumulate strength for a further evolutionary leap. Helps you feel young, with a surge of light forces. Helps cope with feelings of hopelessness and dissatisfaction with oneself. Used in the treatment of mental illness, removes heaviness from the Soul. Attracts optimism and enthusiasm to any business.


Reality - Goddess Ognedeva, Firebird, Currant River- Goddess of the manifested world, earthly, present, existing, revealed now, tangible, carnal. Personifies every material being and substance that fulfills the will of the Rule in the material world. If a person followed his path and fulfilled the will of the Gods, then he became part of them and could rise to the more developed worlds of Glory and Rule. In legends, the world of Reveal was a River of Fire, through which every person had to pass and rise to a higher level of development. At the same time, Kalinov Bridge acted as a symbol of purity, love and virginity, with which every Soul comes to the world of Reveal. Those people who were too keen on accumulating material wealth and did not care about their Soul were punished by the Goddess of Reveal herself. Used to materialize desires.

Yarilitsa - Goddess of good news, Goddess of the awakening of nature and the rage of spring. It is used to create a spark in the energy sector, awaken an internal source of strength, and soften current events into more comfortable ones. For a successful balance in the interaction of two opposing energies.

Clear - Goddess Yasunya- understanding, clarity, clarification. Reveals many hidden points. Promotes the processes of clairvoyance and clairaudience. She is a pure Soul, a clear understanding. Goddess of enlightenment, insight, sobriety, sanity. It appears where the quality of clarity, purity and sobriety with a predominance of purification is needed.

The lizard is the chthonic hypostasis of the Rod. The first ancestor of all animals. Ruler of the underworld, underground waters. Participates in improving the explicit world. At night the sun of the Manifest World shines.