View projects of bathhouses with an attic. Bathhouse with an attic: delightful projects with comfortable space under the roof

Bathhouse projects with an attic are an opportunity to combine active water treatments on the ground floor and pleasant relaxation in attic under the roof. The benefits of bath time are beyond doubt. After a steam room with a broom and a contrast shower, your well-being significantly improves - the body gains health, and the spirit becomes cheerful. The dream of having a spa at your own disposal with a relaxation room where you can spend time productively is becoming a reality.

Choosing a bathhouse project

A bathhouse is an opportunity to combine business with pleasure

A bathhouse with an attic is a technically complex object. The design solution must take into account the features associated with the arrangement of additional premises. Full-fledged construction project contains sketch and architectural parts, structural and engineering sections, financial documentation.

A set of drawings and descriptions developed by professionals will help to properly prepare and organize construction, establish communications, and ensure the safety of vacationers.

The architectural part of the bathhouse project gives a clear idea of ​​the facades of the building, zoning, composition interior spaces. You can choose a compact building for a family holiday or a large-scale leisure structure in big company.

Projects are developed by specialized organizations. Construction sites offer a variety of solutions. The owner of the estate can choose an option taking into account his taste and the actual conditions of the site.


Attic - a room under a roof intended for temporary or permanent residence. The first attic rooms appeared in France and were used to house servants.

François Mansart, a famous architect, transformed the attic space, decorating it with large windows and an original shaped roof. Since then, attics have gained popularity. They began to be built in both economy-class buildings and luxury apartments. The premises contain bedrooms, rooms for relaxing or receiving guests.

The attic in the bathhouse is an additional area that can be equipped for comfortable relaxation in the warm months of the year and in the winter cold.

The undoubted advantages are:

  • ease of construction - no need to build a foundation or walls;
  • efficiency - a full-fledged room based on an existing building is much cheaper than a separate building;
  • basic communications have already been carried out;
  • the attic creates additional thermal protection for the lower floor, this is especially noticeable in winter;
  • The best part is that you don’t have to leave the bathhouse to lie down or chat with friends.

A beautifully decorated attic will emphasize the style and add uniqueness to the architectural appearance of the building.

Types of attics

Attic spaces are distinguished by a variety of design solutions:

  • for the installation of attics, single-pitched, gable, hipped, hip and half-hip roofs are used;
  • thanks to the broken silhouette of the roof, the walls and ceilings have different slopes;
  • the attic can occupy space above the main building or extend beyond it in the form of a console;
  • with reliable roof insulation, the room will be suitable for habitation all year round; with a cold roof, it will be usable in the summer;
  • The material of the supporting structures, as a rule, corresponds to the base building; in bathhouses, beams are usually made of wood.

The attic in the bathhouse is additional space

The design can be one- or two-level, with a balcony equipped with sloping dormer or vertical gable windows.

The finishing uses materials and techniques that are functionally and aesthetically compatible with the design of the bathhouse.

Types of baths with an attic

And modern ones:

  • foam blocks;
  • expanded clay concrete;


Timber is a traditional material for the construction of baths. Wood has a unique ability to “breathe” with fluctuations in humidity and temperature. It is warm, environmentally friendly and, importantly, affordable for construction.

The buildings are made of solid or laminated timber. The latter is considered more quality material, as it is not prone to drying out, deformation and cracking.

As a rule, bathhouses are built as single-story, free-standing ones. But in Lately Two-story and attic options are common, as well as those interconnected with a garage or house. This arrangement is convenient for water supply to steam rooms and wastewater disposal.

Baths made of profiled timber are often made in Russian or Scandinavian style. Wood is traditionally widely used in these areas. Log frames or vertical cladding of walls are characteristic features of buildings in timber-rich countries.


A log bathhouse is a traditional Russian log house made from whole logs with a modern “filling”. Healing air, saturated with the aroma of the forest, and the amenities of civilization - a shower, a swimming pool, a bathroom - create a comfortable environment.

Saunas made from rounded logs are not cheap. The wood is prepared for construction - it is impregnated with antiseptics, slots are cut for fastening the elements together, and the surface is polished until smooth.

Log houses look very impressive both outside and inside. The walls are often not covered, leaving the wood in its original form. The most popular buildings are 3x3 m, 4x4 m.

From foam blocks

Foam blocks are a relatively new material that is widely used for the construction of baths. It is light, warm, and easy to process. Thanks to the low price, the facilities are budget-friendly and affordable for many who like to take a steam bath.

The blocks are strong enough to withstand the load from the attic. Any finish is compatible with them. The main thing is to protect the material from waterlogging and low temperatures. To do this, it is carefully isolated from external and internal destructive factors.

Foam block baths are lined with wood, brick, decorative panels, and various types of siding. Architectural style can be anything from traditional folk to unusual.

Frame baths

Frame baths are quickly built, inexpensive, and provide the necessary comfortable microclimate in the room. The basis is a frame made of boards, with insulation placed in the spaces between them. As a rule, this is mineral wool.

Looks stylish frame bath with an attic, finished with a blockhouse. Imitation of timber creates a realistic feeling that the walls are made of solid wood.

Thanks to new technologies and building materials, the negative impact is completely eliminated high humidity and temperatures on the structures and decoration of premises.


Brick is a durable fire-resistant material. Thanks to these advantages, baths made from it are quite popular. Capital buildings serve for more than 50 years without rotting or being damaged by insects.

Brick is a durable fire-resistant material

You can use brick to build a small bathhouse 3x3 meters or build a structure of complex shape. Only ceramic clay material is used; it meets all sanitary, hygienic and construction requirements for buildings with increased flammability.

Brick baths with an attic are solid and solid. Their design requires special attention. The thickness of the walls is greater than that of wooden, foam concrete or frame analogues. For heavy structures, a massive foundation is erected.

Layout of a site with a house and a bathhouse

The location of the steam room on the site is subject to fire and sanitary safety requirements, as well as those related to convenient connection to communications.

When planning a place for a bathhouse, take into account:

  • Construction material. If the structure is wooden, the distance to the neighboring house should not be less than 10-15 m.
  • Fuel. If the bathhouse is supposed to be heated with wood, 5 m are removed from the fence, and 2.5 m with gas.
  • Availability of central sewerage. If it is not there, at least 8 m away from a residential building, well or cellar.
  • Red line. The distance from it to any building on the site is at least 5 m.

For the most favorable illumination by the sun and saving energy resources, it is advisable to locate the bathhouse in the northern or northwestern part of the site.

Room layout

The premises in the baths are divided into sections:

The premises must be conveniently located and properly communicate with each other. The wash room is preceded by a dressing room and a dressing room, from which you can go to the steam room or swimming pool. For winter use, an additional vestibule is installed in the bathhouse, which prevents the penetration of cold air and the appearance of drafts.

The steam room, shower and washroom must have a separate entrance. Technical rooms are separated from the rest. The bedroom or lounge is located in the attic, reached by a staircase. It is equipped with stable railings and non-slip steps. If the bathhouse has a swimming pool, it is combined with rooms for water procedures and access to the terrace.

Premises equipment

A stove and shelves are placed in the steam room. Screens must be installed to protect against fire, and people must be protected from getting burns.

In a shower room equipped with running water, a stall or corner is installed. If this is not possible, and the water is heated in the tank, then the shower is replaced with a large ladle or a vertical watering can on a support.

The bathroom is located in the boiler room or separately. You can use a bio-toilet or organize a full-fledged toilet if there is a sewerage system.

In a small bathhouse, you can combine a washroom with a steam room, without separating them with partitions, and dispense with the bathroom.

The dressing room in small buildings serves as a locker room, resting place, and firewood storage. Even a modest-sized room is furnished with the necessary furniture: a bench or sofa, a hanger, shelves for shoes, a table.

If possible, separate the dressing room and dressing room, and move the rest room to the attic. If desired, a billiard table can be installed there, upholstered furniture, arrange a fireplace.

The area of ​​the bathhouse is calculated from the estimated number of visitors simultaneously taking water procedures. Each person is allocated 5 m².

A well-thought-out layout is the key to a comfortable and, most importantly, safe stay.

Types of steam rooms

In a steam room, a person is exposed to dry or wet steam and high temperature. The body reacts to this with rapid breathing, increased sweating, and active work of all organs. That is why after visiting the bathhouse you feel a feeling of lightness, liberation from accumulated fatigue.

Despite general principle, which is the basis of pairs, there are a sufficient number of their varieties in the world:

  • Finnish sauna— dry heating of stones is carried out with firewood, electric heating elements. A compact option is infrared emitters that raise the temperature of surfaces. After acceptance of the procedure, they move to the washing room.
  • — the stove heats up to a high temperature when burning wood. To humidify the air, hot stones are periodically watered with water, herbal infusions, and kvass. Birch, juniper, rowan, oak and even bamboo brooms are used for massage. Herbs and shrubs rich in essential oils are suitable for this purpose.

Finnish sauna - dry heating of stones using wood

  • — heat is supplied from a heated pipeline running in the walls along the perimeter of the room. The temperature does not exceed 55°, which is comfortable for people who cannot tolerate heat. Steam is released through special channels at a height of 1.5 m. The decoration is dominated by marble, a natural stone and tiles.
  • - a barrel-shaped font filled with water heated to 45° with additives essential oils, salts, herbal extracts. A person sits inside on a bench for 15 minutes, followed by a massage and warming up in a container filled with a mixture of hot cedar sawdust and pebbles. The popularity of such steam rooms is growing.

Interior Design

To get true pleasure from bathing procedures, the surrounding space must be correctly arranged, and the finishing must be of high quality and beautiful.

Decoration Materials

A steam room is a place where temperature and humidity constantly change. For finishing, lining made of non-resinous wood is recommended. The walls and ceiling are sheathed with boards, placing them vertically, horizontally and at an angle. Impregnation with protective compounds is required.

Stone, porcelain stoneware, facing brick used for finishing floors and walls behind the stove. The materials are not flammable, do not rot, and do not deform from fluctuations in temperature and humidity.

Illuminated salt panels will decorate the interior and saturate the air with healing vapors. It is advisable to arrange such finishing in dry steam rooms - water has an adverse effect on the material.

Mosaic panels made of marble are used to decorate surfaces in Turkish hammams, for Russian or Finnish saunas This type of cladding is not typical.

The temperature in the shower is lower than in the steam room, but the humidity is high. Stone, tile and wood can be complemented with:

The dressing room and attic rooms do not come into direct contact with water. Any options and combinations are possible for their finishing. It is recommended to cover the surface bordering the steam room with brick, stone or plaster without the use of wood. The accumulation of condensation destroys the wood.


Furniture plays a big role in the design of rooms. Wooden carved details will enrich the interior of a bathhouse or attic, and original hangers and benches made from solid logs will add a touch of closeness to nature.

For the safety of people, furniture should be stable, but not bulky. Surfaces must be carefully processed until smooth to avoid splinters or scratches.

Bathhouse project with a terrace or veranda

In suburban construction, the layout of a bathhouse with a terrace or veranda is common. The main building is made using any chosen technology - brick, foam blocks, timber, logs.

Terrace is a platform with a deck for relaxation next to the main building. She is satisfied with:

  • adjacent to the front or side wall;
  • under a common roof or separately, connecting a path with the entrance;
  • open or fenced.

Bathhouse on personal plot- the secret desire of every owner of land and home ownership. The building is of great value. It has health benefits and artistic beauty. In an effort to acquire something exclusive, many are thinking about such an option as a bathhouse with an attic. It has an undeniable majesty and is equipped with numerous design nuances. Let's consider the subtleties of designing such a structure.


The exclusivity of attic baths implies the full implementation of a variety of design solutions. Choose a bath house option taking into account characteristic features. For design lovers various variations buildings there will be a bathhouse with an attic in a great way implementation of your own ideas. One of the main superstructure structures of the attic is the staircase. Climbing to the attic in the bathhouse will require its presence.

The counterbalancing points should be carefully analyzed, taking into account the arguments for and against. Only after taking into account the main characteristics of a personal bath structure is it possible to consider design issues. Another structural feature of bathhouses with an attic is the roof structure. It is important to take into account the limitations of the attic. To make this floor useful, a broken gable roof structure is often used.

A pitched roof, a type of traditional one, is undesirable. gable version It also cannot be called the most convenient. Hip roofing structures are often used. The geometric parameters are more or less clear. Choose an option for climbing to the attic, taking into account one or another roofing option. For example, marching type options are considered the most effective, but they are difficult to install in small areas. They adapt especially poorly marching devices to the design of baths 4x4 m.

Bolster ladders are equipped with the advantages of marching devices. Such systems cannot be applied to frame structures, since they require a strong load-bearing support. Steps are attached to the wall. If the bathhouse is made of other materials, the device is quite acceptable for use.

Screw-type devices are not convenient, but they are effective in terms of saving space. Often they become a lifesaver in a 4x4 or 5x5 m attic bathhouse project.

The best version of the project with a veranda, terrace and attic involves placing the rooms in the following order:

  • first floor;
  • steam room;
  • shower or washroom;
  • vestibule;
  • small veranda.

The veranda is often used as a dining area, filled with benches, chairs, and tables. This space is usually open, so it creates a simple atmosphere natural beauty. However, the veranda is sometimes sacrificed to increase the internal area of ​​the bathhouse. In the attic area it is allowed to arrange a sleeping area, a games room (for example, a billiard room), and a storage room. If the attic is a storage room, it is more expedient to equip a resting place below. For comfort in the attic, a total room height of 2.5 meters should be provided.

Construction materials

On the modern market there are many types of building materials that can be used for any bathhouse. For example, they are built from:

  • timber;
  • logs;
  • foam blocks;
  • wood and wooden blocks;
  • aerated concrete;

  • rounded logs;
  • frame blocks;
  • glued timber;
  • finished log house;
  • bricks

If the project contains brick, foam concrete and aerated concrete, the walls require cladding, both inside and outside. This feature is related to technical qualities materials. For example, a brick bath without insulation will be cold. The qualities of aerated concrete and foam concrete are almost similar. The structural pores of these materials can collapse under the influence of high humidity and temperature changes. In this case, it is important to perform the cladding of the foundations with the construction of the structure.

The most suitable material for building a bathhouse is wood. Wood is environmentally friendly, reliable and durable, practical and durable. Frame technologies are also used in such construction. In this case, both wooden and metal frames are allowed. The cladding is installed on top of the frame. Be sure to choose high-quality insulation for such a structure, which will serve as insulation for the entire structure.

Finishing frame construction can be made from:

  • wood;
  • block panels;
  • linings.

The interior decoration can be made of plastic. The most economical and profitable technology construction of baths - frame. The frame does not require a massive foundation. In this case, building materials are not the most expensive. And the weight of the building will not have any additional effect on the soil.

Determining the material for building a bathhouse is an important step. In construction stores you can find standard construction kits made from ready-made elements. An assembly kit is purchased based on standard developments. You can make the parts of the construction set yourself. Wooden materials (for example, timber, logs, rounded wood) are often used for the construction of bathhouses; block panels are often considered. Having dealt with the raw materials of construction, they move on to design.


Bathhouse designs with an attic vary in size and layout. The most popular of them include structures 6x6, 6 by 4 m. Despite the fact that the buildings are compact and usually simple, they provide complete relaxation. Like option will do for not large quantity people, as well as those who do not have extra space on the site.

The 6x4 m project plan involves the placement of:

  • steam rooms;
  • shower;
  • vestibule;
  • verandas.

Some small projects do not include a veranda. Sometimes the entrance area turns into a rest room. In this case, a guest room is placed on the attic floor. Sometimes the attic involves placing a storage room.

The staircase is placed so as not to clutter the bathhouse. Structures of 6x6 or 4x6 m will also not occupy the territory of the site. An equipped attic will make the building area more useful. At the same time, the internal dimensions of the bathhouse rooms can vary at the request of the owner during construction.

The design of a bathhouse with a 6x8 m attic usually accommodates everything necessary for a large group of people to relax. This building layout even includes a bathroom. More often there is a large terrace and a relaxation room of 20 sq. m. The room can accommodate standard furniture and even big table. A group of several people can fit at the table, while leaving space for free use.

The building includes a classic shower room and a relaxation room. There will be a spare bedroom on the attic floor. This could be a billiard room, tennis room or gym. The building material will be profiled timber.

A good compromise is the layout of baths 5x5 5x6, 5 by 9 m. To visit small bathhouse pleasure, everything must be carefully calculated. The layout of the premises is important to take into account a well-thought-out plan. For example, in a small bathhouse 5x5 m there will be an entrance hall, a washroom, a steam room, a relaxation room or a storage room on the attic floor.

Choosing a suitable log house project is always a search for a compromise. The bathhouse must accommodate all dimensions. When choosing a 6x9 or 7 by 8 m bathhouse, it is important to take the marking of the area seriously. Think carefully about the placement of the bathhouse (especially if the land is only 6 acres).

Another important parameter is the cost of construction. Logging of large dimensions will require a larger area on the site. For example, a log house with parameters of 4x6 m will cost 10,000-15,000 rubles more than a 4x5 m bathhouse. A larger bathhouse will require more time and fuel for heating. The temperature in the steam room should be sufficient for the heat.

An important parameter for choosing the size of the bathhouse is the number of people who will visit it. If the number of steam lovers does not exceed two people, it is enough to build a small and low structure. For big family and regular guests need a large structure. To correctly indicate the layout, draw drawings.


Let’s say it’s decided to build a log bathhouse 5x5 meters.

If we consider standard plans functional zones, there are three main ones:

  • dressing room;
  • washing room;
  • steam room

The 5x5 m bathhouse layout option involves placing the firebox not in the dressing room, but in a separate corner, separated by a wall. The same wall separates the dressing room from the steam room. The waiting room will be spacious. It is convenient to place a table and benches, as well as hangers. This room can be a living room.

A 5x5 m bathhouse will accommodate a group of 5-6 people. The attic floor in such a bathhouse is often used as a small rest room. The attic can be equipped with a toilet and shower room. It is definitely worth considering communications.

In a 5x5 m bathhouse, it is important to install the doors correctly. For example, it is important to get directly from the guest room to the wash room. This placement will prevent heat loss from the steam room. A shower room can be allocated a little less space than a steam room. Plan your steam room carefully. It is important to carefully consider the shapes and sizes of the shelves.

Don’t forget that part of the area will go under the stove and heater. Its location should not be close to the wall, otherwise there will be a risk of fire in the sheathing and wooden walls. They expand the area of ​​small baths by providing the building with a terrace. A small terrace can serve as a summer kitchen. The construction of a terrace will increase the amount of building material.


The rules imply the preparation of a building project simultaneously with the installation of all necessary communications. You will definitely need water, electricity (sometimes gas). Pad water pipes takes place during the construction of the structure. Don't overlook installation quality system ventilation in all rooms (including rest rooms), otherwise the humidity will increase. Wet air will cause fungus to appear on the walls. Some types of building material will begin to deteriorate quickly.

To save optimal warmth In winter, it is important to provide a heating structure. Only with additional heating can you achieve optimal temperature conditions in cold weather. In addition to ventilation in the bathhouse, it is important to provide high-quality waterproofing and thermal insulation. Installation of communication systems in a two-story building is easier than in a one-story building with extensions.

Work related to planning is a critical stage in the construction of a bathhouse. It must be approached with full responsibility.

Once the planning issue has been resolved, determine the following important organizational steps:

  • Take into account popular sizes: 6x4, 6x6, 6x8 m.
  • Consider the materials from which the bathhouse will be constructed.
  • You can download the program on your PC “3D modeling”. This will simplify the planning stage.

The standard arrangement of rooms is usually as follows:

  • entrance from the terrace into a small hallway;
  • further on there is a rest room or dressing room;
  • Behind it there are two exits: to the bathroom and the steam room.

Sometimes a shower room and a steam room are provided with an additional entrance. All this is located on the first floor. The second floor is often used for entertainment, recreation or household needs. Sometimes a solarium is installed on the second floor. This adds comfort to the rest of a large company.

Buy a ready-made standard construction set. Create a standard bathhouse from an assembly kit. Coming up with your own options for arrangement details is more difficult. If the soil properties on the site are unstable, use frame constructors for the construction of the attic complex. Columnar and screw foundation structures will help strengthen the foundation of the bathhouse.

Baths with a veranda and attic look amazing. The attic is intended for guests to relax after the bath. Relaxing after a steam room, like in the good old days, with a samovar is an unforgettable feeling. Bathhouses with an attic are a good option to save space on the site where you will build.

Where to start designing?

  1. Choose a place where water supply and drainage to the sewer system are close. If there is already a sewer system, then it is better to make a septic tank in a way that the sewer system may not be able to cope with.
  2. You need to think about extensions to the bathhouse. In order to fire safety, from one extension to another, there must be at least 15 meters.
  3. Position the windows for sunset, so there will be more light.
  4. Decide on the sizes. The bathhouse set should include a steam room, a washing room, and a dressing room. If you are building for your family, you should not make a large bathhouse.
  5. It's worth making a vestibule, it can replace a locker room and maintain the temperature between the street and the bathhouse.
  6. For the oven the most the best option The steam room is heated with wood and the water is heated with gas.
  7. Considered the best stove stove with oven, can be heated with wood. If you want, you can install a fireplace that will open into the relaxation room.
  8. Thermal insulation must be taken into account.

You need to know the type of bathhouse you want to build:

  • Russian bathhouse of our ancestors.
  • Tatar bathhouse.
  • Sauna.
  • Japanese bath or ento.

Selecting a project

Bathroom layout

It is important to answer questions such as:

  1. Premises that are needed.
  2. Premises that are not needed.
  3. The minimum area in which it will be comfortable.
  4. Rational use of all premises.

Designing a steam room

  1. It is necessary to make the stove along the length of the wall itself. It should be taken into account that convenient shelves are 75 - 85 cm in width, plus the distance between the shelves. Shelf length 1.5 - 2.2 meters. The steam room should be rectangular. Size 7 – 8 sq.m.
  2. To avoid getting burned, there should be free space not less than 3 sq.m., 1.5 meters from the stove to contact with the wall, 1.5 meters from the shelf to the door.
  3. The steam room depends on the size of the stove. You need to leave a distance of at least 15 cm from the shelf to the stove. Now let’s calculate: the length of the stove plus the width of the bottom shelf is 60 cm. Plus the gap, plus 75 cm from the level of the sun loungers; as a rule, 2 levels are made. Minimum 3.5 sq.m.
  4. The door should not open into the steam room, otherwise all things will be wet. It is necessary that the door opens into the vestibule, which must be reflected in the project.

Where should the stove be located?

Waiting room design

  1. In the dressing room it is necessary to plan a place for clothes, shoes, and storage of things. Here you can relax after the steam room and go steaming again. Minimum size 5 sq.m.
  2. The dressing room must be spacious to accommodate a bench. The windows must be huge so that they can be opened, at least 1.5 meters from the floor.

Design of a bathroom and shower

Minimum size 2 sq.m. The bathroom needs sewerage and water supply.

In order for the bathhouse to last a long time, it must be installed on a foundation.

Foundation design

There are foundations:

  1. Screw.
  2. Tape.
  3. Columnar.

Screw foundation

This is the simplest and easiest type, and it can also be done even in cold weather in winter. This foundation consists of metal pipes, which are driven into the ground with a special machine.

  • This foundation is used for sandy soil or near groundwater.
  • Thermal insulation is much simpler and easier.
  • If the ground is hard, such a foundation will not fit as it will be very difficult to drive in a pipe.

Columnar foundation

How to lay the foundation:

  1. Dig holes in the corners, at least 90 cm deep, 60x60 cm wide.
  2. Cover with gravel or crushed stone.
  3. Weld the structure from reinforcement.
  4. Fill it all with concrete.
  5. Concrete hardens in 6 - 7 days and should stand for 3 - 4 days.

Columnar foundations are used to save money.

Strip foundation

  1. Dig holes in the corners and around the perimeter of the bathhouse. Depth 60 – 70 cm, width 50 cm.
  2. Cover with crushed stone.
  3. Make a welded structure from reinforcement.
  4. Make formwork.
  5. Pour concrete into the formwork.
  6. Concrete should dry for 10 days for a more stable condition.
  7. It is necessary to lay waterproofing material on top of the foundation.

Strip foundation compared to screw foundation Expensive. But it is very reliable, although it will take more time to install.

Designing a foundation for a brick oven

To install a stove, you need a foundation, even if the stove is large.

  1. The foundation of the bathhouse and the stove should not be together– these are 2 different types of foundations by design.
  2. A distance of at least 8 cm must be left between the foundation of the stove and the bathhouse., when the foundation shrinks, they will not interfere with each other.
  3. It is necessary to lay 30 - 35 cm deeper, depending on how much the ground freezes.
  4. The foundation should be 25 cm larger than the stove itself.
  5. Must be laid in a trapezoid shape.

There is nothing heavy about laying a foundation for a stove; it is reminiscent of laying a bathhouse itself.

Laying the foundation

Bath wall material

  1. They use timber, logs for a log house, brick, and foam blocks.
  2. When building from brick, the bathhouse needs to be lined and plastered.
  3. The most warm bath It will be made of linden, even though it is clumsy.
  4. The veranda and attic can be made in frame form.


  • Due to the fire safety of the bathhouse, ventilation is necessary. It can be in the form of vents or there is no need to close the door tightly.
  • Immediately during construction, you need to think about how the bathhouse will be ventilated.
  • If there are vents, they can be made directly in the walls.


Frame baths are a frame that is covered with boards. To make the frame, you need dry boards 25 - 35 mm thick. The frame does not shrink.

After installing the frame, you need to use the following material:

  1. Vapor barrier film.
  2. Film with a reflective element.
  3. Membrane film 3 layers.
    Where it is cold, the material needed is fibrolite, carbolite, and bonfires.
    2 layers of glass wool.

Floor installation

  1. It is necessary to raise the floor by 80 - 105 mm to retain heat. For a clean floor you need larch, and the boards must be dried.
  2. For insulation glass wool is needed.
  3. We lay the beams on the foundation, laying 3 layers of roofing felt.
  4. Nail logs on top of the timber, nail the cranial bars to them.
  5. On top of the subfloor lay a membrane that will protect against moisture with an overlap of 30 cm to glue it with the waterproofing.
  6. It must be laid on the subfloor glass wool, with a film on top to protect against steam.
  7. Lays on top finished larch floor.

Floor installation

  • The ceiling resembles a beam. Closed fiberboard, chipboard on top and bottom, and expanded clay between the floors. If the bathhouse is painted, it is necessary to install ventilation so that there is no moisture. You can also lay earth on the ceiling, and make vapor insulation from fatty clay.
  • The Earth is warming up quickly and cools down slowly.
  • If there is no attic, as insulation, you can use thick cardboard, which is impregnated with drying oil.
  • If there is an attic, coat with 4 layers of clay.
  • Place material, which insulates heat; if done incorrectly, heating the room will be a big problem.

Materials used for insulation:

  • Glass wool.
  • Polypropylene.
  • Clay, earth.
  • Aerated concrete.

What is included in the ceiling design?

  • Attic floor.
  • Hydra and thermal insulation.
  • Boards.

There will be a lot of weight on the floor, so you need beams measuring 70x160 mm, without knots or rotten damage.

Protection of attic baths

  • At the bottom you need to attach a vapor locator material, then insulation, you can use glass wool.
  • Antiseptic treatment is required.
  • Under roofing material You need to secure the polyethylene to prevent moisture from forming.
  • Expanded clay is used for floor insulation.

Putting the bathhouse into operation

Wait for the fire safety inspector and inspection of local utility networks.

For a full life in a country house with all the amenities and pleasures, it is necessary to place a lot on the site important elements, including different zones landscape design and useful additional buildings. This can be achieved by increasing the functionality of buildings. For example, an ordinary wooden bathhouse can have minimal dimensions and maximum functionality due to the second attic floor. In this article we will talk about why a 6 by 6 bathhouse with an attic is convenient, what material to choose for its construction, what are the stages of its construction, what are the design solutions for such buildings and what are they.


Advantages of a bathhouse with an attic

The main advantage of a two-level bathhouse is that it saves space on the site. If, for example, homeowners want to have a spacious bathhouse with a comfortable lounge area, they can get this by allocating a minimal building area. In this case, the recreation area is partially or completely located in the attic part of the building.

Often, bathhouses with attics are built in order to avoid building any object separately. For example, in the attic of a bathhouse there may be:

    summer cuisine;


    guest house;

    billiard room;

    winter garden, etc.

The attic above the bathhouse can be designed as a veranda with wide glazing, in which case it will serve as a gazebo. Sometimes top level a bathhouse or garage is arranged as a separate home for one of the family members.


Having two objects under one roof can save a lot of money on construction, communications, heating and maintenance of premises.

Another important advantage is attic baths, built from timber or logs look much more impressive than one-story ones. High roof slopes give them an elegant silhouette. A beautiful bath building with an attic can become a stylish centerpiece of the landscape design composition on the site.


The operational specifics of the bathhouse require the use of materials with certain characteristics for its construction, the main one of which is environmental friendliness. The walls of the bathhouse should not emit harmful substances even in conditions high humidity and sudden changes in temperature. They should not be deformed or destroyed under these conditions. In addition, it is very difficult to choose an external and interior decoration. Therefore, it is better to build it from materials that do not require cladding.


Modern construction wood meets all these conditions. It is manufactured using advanced technologies, resulting in a material ideal for the construction of bath complexes. Today you can quickly and relatively inexpensively build a bathhouse from logs or timber made from coniferous species wood (cedar, fir, larch, pine), or deciduous (linden, aspen, birch, oak).

On our website you can find contacts of construction companies that offer design services for small architectural forms: gazebos, grill houses, etc. You can communicate directly with representatives by visiting the “Low-Rise Country” exhibition of houses.

Log sauna

Logs are in great demand today construction material. Based on the type of processing, it is divided into several varieties. Here are the main ones.

Planed. This type of log is made by processing with an electric planer. In this case, a small layer of wood is removed, and the fiber system remains unharmed, which provides the material with high performance properties. However, the shape of the planed log is not ideal, but conical - like the natural shape of a tree trunk.


Rounded. When making such a log, a significant part of the top layer is sawed off on a machine to give the log the correct cylindrical shape. As a result, the characteristics of the material are somewhat reduced, but it becomes as convenient as possible for construction.

Scraped. This option processing involves removing a minimum layer of bark. The scraped wood retains its natural resin content, which makes it as durable as possible. But its shape is not ideal, and it is difficult to build walls from it without noticeable gaps between the crowns.

Usually, for the construction of a bathhouse, rounded material is chosen, which makes it possible to make very high-quality log houses without cracks and gaps. There is an opinion that it is better to choose wood with natural moisture rather than dried wood for a bathhouse. But not all experts agree with this opinion. In any case, you should trust the purchase of logs professional builders who have experience in selecting quality wood.


The peculiarity of a log bathhouse is that it shrinks, and you can start using it only after construction is completed. After all the walls have been laid out, the log frame needs to be sanded and caulked several times.

Bathhouse made of timber

When making timber from an ordinary log by sawing, square or rectangular section. There are also several types of timber.

Classic unprofiled. Regular timber with smooth edges carved from solid wood.

Profiled. The edges of such beams have special grooves (ridges) for the most precise connection of the beams with each other.

Glued laminated timber. During its manufacture, several thin lamellas are folded and glued together under a press. The result is a highly technical wood material.

Half beam. During its manufacture, the log is processed only on two opposite sides, intended for connecting the crowns. The other two sides remain oval. Buildings made from such material look like log house, but keep specifications timber log house.


A log sauna can be used almost immediately after construction is completed. Shrinkage can be from 1 to 10 percent depending on the type of material. Glued laminated timber has a minimal percentage of shrinkage. Non-profiled timber gives maximum shrinkage and requires caulking and finishing after the walls are erected. Other timber options can be used without caulking.

On our website you can find contacts of construction companies that offer services. You can communicate directly with representatives by visiting the “Low-Rise Country” exhibition of houses.

What's better

To choose between a rounded log and a profiled beam, you need to compare the main characteristics of these materials. The timber is somewhat more expensive than the log. But it has its advantages. It weighs less, which allows you to save on foundation construction and transportation. At the same time, it provides the premises with higher thermal insulation.


As for shrinkage, the advantage here is also on the side of the timber. Its shrinkage is predictable, even in the case of material with natural moisture. It “compresses” more evenly and smoothly. In most cases, a log after shrinkage produces such effects as the appearance of cracks and inter-crown gaps, as well as deformation of shapes. You can get rid of all this only by re-caulking.

There is one more criterion - appearance. A 6x6 bathhouse with an attic and a log terrace looks like a classic Russian hut from a fairy tale. For many homeowners, this factor is decisive. But the timber is also quite aesthetic. It looks good in both classical and modern architecture. So, for example, if a cottage on the site is built in the high-tech or constructivist style, then an authentic log building will look inharmonious next to it. But log sauna will fit perfectly into any architectural environment.


With all the listed differences, the choice is often made in favor of a material that is more convenient in construction. It is easier to build from profiled timber. The tongue-and-groove system allows you to quickly and easily connect individual elements. This affects the speed of construction of the building. Therefore, many homeowners choose timber.

Construction stages

Let's consider step by step process construction of a bathhouse from profiled timber. The first step is to choose a place for its location. According to the norms and rules, it must be located at a distance of at least 3 meters from the fence, 8 meters from the house, 12 meters from the well, 8 meters from the neighbors’ property. By selecting appropriate place For construction, you can begin planning and construction.


To build a bathhouse, you can use one of standard projects, designed by professional architects. If desired, you can order individual project 6x6 baths, the layout of which will fully comply with existing requirements.

When designing a compact bathhouse, the most important thing is to conveniently place all the necessary rooms. It should have a steam room, a washing room, a bathroom, and a rest room. It is also advisable to have a small vestibule to effectively maintain the temperature and a room in which you can store things.



An ordinary bathhouse can be built on a lightweight strip foundation. But for construction with an attic, in some cases they choose a strip-pile foundation. The choice depends on the soil conditions at the site. The weaker the soil, the more justified is the use of a strip-pile foundation.

Assembling a log house

Timber can be purchased as regular material in accordance with the designer's calculations. Or you can purchase a ready-made house kit, which is a kind of construction set with elements of the necessary parameters.


Assembly of the house kit is very quick and simple. But when building a 6 6 bathhouse with an attic, work with standard bars It’s also not difficult, since their length is just 6 meters.

Before starting assembly, you need to lay additional slats on the foundation base. They should be located at a distance of 25 cm, and their thickness should be from 5 to 10 cm. After installation, this structure must be filled with polyurethane foam or similar insulating material.

Before laying, all beams should be thoroughly treated with an antiseptic, which will protect them from moisture and insects, and also give the wood fire-fighting properties. If pine or linden is chosen for the log house, it is advisable to use beams made of more stable wood - larch or aspen - for the first crown in contact with the base of the building.


To make the walls of the log house warm enough, during their construction you need to lay the seams with jute. You can use other insulation, but using jute is the least labor-intensive and can be done as quickly as possible.

Video description

How much does a cedar sauna cost? How is Canadian cutting different from regular cutting?


A ventilation system is needed in any building. It is simply necessary in the bathhouse. In conditions of high humidity without reliable ventilation, even well-treated wood will not last long. The location of supply and ventilation openings in the walls is included in the project. They need to be made during the assembly process.


It is very important to cover it with a roof as soon as possible after assembling the log house. Roofing pie must consist of all the layers necessary for the construction of the attic. It must be insulated, insulated from moisture, and have a roof ventilation system.

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Bathhouse roof made of timber

Arrangement of the steam room

It is better to additionally insulate all surfaces in the steam room. The wall can be covered with fire-resistant and moisture-resistant mineral moisture. It is advisable to insulate the walls with foiled vapor barrier material. It is recommended to make the floor in the steam room higher than the level of the stove installation. This is necessary in order to protect the wooden floor from excess moisture, as well as to quickly and efficiently warm it up.

Project options

A bathhouse with an attic can have different layouts. There are not very many options, as there are certain rules designing a bath complex. However, it is the presence of an attic that reveals wider possibilities for the distribution of space in the building.

Video description

What are the features of building bathhouses and hand-built houses? How to choose the right materials and what to pay attention to? Watch the answers in this video:

Bathhouse project 6 by 6 with attic

A variant of the bathhouse layout, in which all the premises of the bathhouse complex are located on the lower level. In the attic floor there are 2 additional rooms that can be equipped at the discretion of the owners. On the ground floor, a compact corner terrace takes up little space. However, there is enough space left for all architectural elements. As can be seen in this example, the layout of a 6x6 bathhouse with an attic can include not only mandatory, but also additional architectural elements.


Bathhouse project with an isolated attic

In this option, the staircase to the second floor is located in the hall. This planning move allows you to use the attic without entering the bathhouse complex. There are 3 rooms on the second floor. If one of them is equipped as a kitchen-living room, and the second as a bathroom, the attic of the bathhouse will become a separate isolated dwelling.


Project of a 6 by 6 bathhouse with a dressing room

This project provides a walk-through Walk-in closet. There are 3 rooms allocated for the recreation area, 2 of which are located in the attic. One of the attic rooms can be turned into a billiard room or home bar. A 6x6 bathhouse, the design of which includes several recreation rooms, is very convenient for a large company.

Bathhouse with walk-through dressing room Source

Bathhouse project with terrace and balcony

An example of this development of a bathhouse measuring 5 by 8 shows how, by changing the proportions of the building, you can successfully place additional architectural elements - a terrace and a balcony. The originality of the project is that the terrace here is slightly “recessed” into the structure of the building, which allows you to plan a fairly spacious room in the attic floor.


Bathhouse project 6 by 8

This bath building can also be a summer kitchen, for which there is a place in the veranda. The balcony on the second floor is a great place to have tea with family or guests. An isolated room in the attic is quite suitable for arranging a workshop, an office or implementing others.



Having your own bathhouse on site significantly increases the level of comfort of country living. But if you build a 6 by 6 bathhouse with an attic and a terrace, you can minimum costs space to get the most useful additional structure, which will also decorate the landscape composition of the entire household.

Although beautiful projects Bathhouses with an attic are available in abundance; most homeowners still want to have unique design of its own construction. The desired project can be ordered from a specialized company or compiled independently. But for this, many factors must be taken into account, starting from the material from which the structure will be built, and ending with zoning.


A bathhouse with an attic is a relatively new solution that has only recently gained recognition. Using the attic space opens up many possibilities:

  • you can equip a rest room;
  • allocate space for a billiard room;
  • build a gym;
  • leave the attic for storing small items: towels, bath brooms and the like.

However, it is best to turn the attic into a room in which you can spend time pleasantly. Organizing the space above the bathhouse has many advantages:

  • This way you can save space by rationally using all available square meters.
  • A large bathhouse with such a superstructure, for example, with an area of ​​8 by 9 m, can be used as a full-fledged guest house, which will solve the problem of accommodating a large number of friends or relatives.
  • The attic can be converted into a veranda by completely glazing the end walls, or you can supplement it with a terrace by making access to an open balcony. Such specific solutions will not leave anyone indifferent.
  • Baths with attic floors look much more attractive than low one-story buildings. They fit better into any environment.

By using the space under the roof, it becomes possible to save on heating costs. If everything is calculated correctly, the attic floor will be heated by a sauna stove and will always have a comfortable temperature. If the bathhouse is used only in summer period, then you can use the attic in the summer as a living room. Another solution is to equip it summer kitchen with a beautiful view of the surrounding nature.


Today, large designs of bathhouses with an attic are in demand:

  • 5x5 m;
  • 5x6 m;
  • 6x4 m;
  • 6x6 m;
  • 6x7 m;
  • 6x8 m;
  • 6x9 m.

It is worth looking at some drawings, to understand exactly how the plan for a bathhouse with an attic is built and what professional architects focus on.

  • Bathhouse with attic measuring 6 by 4 m has all the necessary compartments on the ground floor. There is a steam room, a washing room, a relaxation room, and even a terrace. A small attic room can be converted into anything, but it is best to make it either an additional bedroom or a billiard room. So after the bath procedures you can have a pleasant time. Please note that this project is not designed for people to live permanently in the attic (even guests), since the layout of this 4x6 m bathhouse does not include a toilet.

  • Bathhouse with attic measuring 5 by 7 m has a full bathroom. Please note that a building with an attic is still considered to be one-story, and the attic floor on the plan is called an attic, and not a second floor. The second floor has a small area due to the fact that the bathhouse is covered with a gable roof, under which there is almost no space left to build a full-fledged room.

  • The design of this bathhouse with an area of ​​6x5 m does not provide a large space for bath procedures. It is most suitable for constructing a residential building. So, the roof here is attic, freeing up maximum space for rooms, so there are two of them under the roof. In addition to this, there is a large room rest area on the ground floor, part of which can be used as a kitchen.


In general, baths can be built from completely different materials: timber or rounded logs, aerated concrete, brick, SIP panels - in a word, from almost anything. An attic superstructure is a completely different matter. You can’t make it out of anything, and there is a very simple explanation for this: the foundation may not hold up and sag under the weight of the structure.

That is why it is important to initially indicate in the plan the desire to add an attic. This way it will be possible to calculate everything so that the foundation can withstand and not sag, and the walls do not crack.

If you decide to build an attic only after the bathhouse has already been built, it is strongly recommended to take a closer look at lightweight materials: frame panels, gas or foam blocks. They weigh significantly less, and will cope with their duties no worse, especially since the main protective function the roof will still perform.

It happens that the owners of a site build a bathhouse with an attic for reasons of economy, but at the same time do not want to give up quality construction. In this case, the first floor itself can be built from quality logs, and for the attic, leave a simpler option, for example, a laminated timber frame. Since the second floor is not subject to the same colossal loads, there is no need to worry that such wooden walls rot or crack.

It is important to pay attention to insulation materials, as well as the caulking of the entire structure, if it is made of a log house.


The best material For the construction of baths, no matter how many storeys, wood is rightfully considered. Since ancient times, our ancestors have used this particular raw material, since it has many positive features:

  • It is resistant to temperature changes. Specially selected wood, laid properly, is better than other materials in resisting temperature changes, which are essential in a steam room.
  • Has a beneficial effect on the human body. The evaporation of essential oils from certain types of wood has a calming effect on the psychological background of a person, and also leads to natural cleansing of the respiratory tract.
  • Wood retains heat well. Wooden buildings will not cool down for a long time, so you can take a steam bath longer. In addition, the heat is moist and comfortable, the heat is not harsh.
  • Wood is an environmentally friendly material, which a priori speaks in its favor.
  • As a rule, wooden structures can withstand the weight of superstructures well, especially if they were built from high-quality wood. This means that an attic for a wooden bath can be built a little later than the start of its operation.

The biggest disadvantage wooden baths with an attic is their high cost, but by choosing an alternative material for the attic you can save significant money. Wood is also a fire hazard, so you need to think about possible evacuation from the attic floor.


Brick, unlike wood, does not burn, but its positive qualities are not limited to this:

  • Like wooden baths, brick ones last a very long time. Their service life, if the construction is made of high-quality raw materials using all the rules, exceeds 50 years.
  • Brick is an environmentally friendly material. In its production, only natural substances are used.
  • Objectively speaking, it is almost impossible to build a bathhouse with a complex, intricate shape from timber. Another thing is brick. When using this material, it is possible to build any intricate structure, while the thermal insulation characteristics of the walls do not suffer, since the joints will still remain completely sealed.

Brick baths also have a number of disadvantages:

  • Heating such a bathhouse is much more energy-intensive. Brick heats up much more slowly than wood, but cools down several times faster.
  • It will be necessary to provide good waterproofing, since brick quickly becomes damp when exposed to moist air.
  • Brick costs a lot, so you need to prepare decent money for the construction brick building with an attic floor.

Bathhouses with an attic, made entirely of brick, need to be fully planned. Brick is enough heavy material, and the base underneath may simply not support the weight of the structure with the superstructure.

There are a number of materials that can be used to create an attic without greatly increasing the weight of the entire bathhouse building.

Gas and foam blocks

Foam blocks or aerated concrete - bad decision for the construction of the bathhouse itself. This is due to the fact that under the influence of moisture, materials quickly disintegrate, therefore, such walls will not last long. As for the attic floor, where the air is much drier, the blocks - great idea. Thanks to your positive qualities they are perfect for lining an attic.


  • Block material is much cheaper than brick or wood. In addition, construction from it is a fairly simple process, so you won’t need a lot of money to pay workers.
  • Thanks to the lightness of the blocks, construction can generally be done alone. The same lightness plays into the hands in the case of excessive load. Thanks to the block attic floor, this will not occur.

  • Both aerated concrete and foam blocks are fire resistant. They do not burn, therefore they are fireproof.
  • Although the blocks cannot be called ecological pure material, it does not adversely affect the atmosphere. Due to their synthetic origin, the blocks are not attacked by rodents or insects, and mold fungi do not grow in them.
  • The blocks are large. Due to this, all work is carried out in the shortest possible time. They are easy to saw, giving them the desired shape, which makes the work even easier.
  • Although the material is “afraid” of temperature changes, high temperature conditions It holds up well without cracking or deforming.

Block material has more than enough disadvantages. That is why it is rarely used for the construction of baths. As mentioned above, blocks do not tolerate temperature changes. This material itself releases heat easily, so you will need high-quality thermal insulation, and this greatly increases construction costs. However, in cases where the blocks are used for the attic, these disadvantages are not so important.


Assembling a frame for subsequent cladding with inexpensive panels is not a new solution. Builders generally speak positively about this method, since the construction process itself is greatly simplified. You don't have to apply any special effort, as is the case with wood or brick. Frame construction is suitable for both the entire bathhouse and only the attic floor. The material retains heat well: its performance is not inferior to its wooden counterparts. However, there are also some nuances.

By itself, a frame bath without finishing does not look particularly attractive, so considerable investments will be required in its finishing, both outside and inside. In addition, for winter use you need to be well insulated. frame walls, and this will also cost a pretty penny.

Not every material is suitable here: it is important that it is fireproof, otherwise the frame will easily burst into flames at the slightest impact open flame, since the materials for the frame are not fire-resistant.

So, there is not much difference in price when they are building a frame bathhouse or a log bathhouse. But there are strong differences in weight. Frame construction weighs 5-6 times less, therefore, there is almost no load on the foundation. If you build a frame attic floor over an existing bathhouse, this will not harm the foundation. You can also save money on insulation here, since the roof will perform the main heat-insulating function.

SIP panels

The construction of structures from SIP panels began in Canada, and since this country has a climate close to ours, Russian companies The technology was quickly adopted.

You can build a bathhouse with an attic from SIP panels in record time, and they will have a lot of advantages, including:

  • Light weight finished buildings allows them to be erected on lightweight foundations, for example, strip foundations, which are the easiest to build.
  • The panels themselves already have a fairly decent level of thermal insulation due to the components they contain. So, on the attic floor without additional insulation you can get by.

  • Proper execution installation guarantees the absence of drafts, dampness and cold in the room due to the complete sealing of all seams.
  • What is important for baths is the moisture resistance of the material. Some of the SIP panels are moisture-resistant, but not all, so you need to pay attention to the presence of appropriate markings.
  • This is not to say that the panels are flammable. However, they are made of wood, so the use of basic fire safety measures is mandatory.
  • SIP panels have good soundproofing qualities, which is important when constructing an attic for a living room, in particular a bedroom. This way, street sounds will not penetrate into the room and you can relax peacefully.

SIP panels have a number of significant disadvantages, which are mainly associated with their installation and financial component. You won't be able to install it properly yourself. You will definitely need assistants, or better yet, a team of professionals. The cost of the material is by no means so low, especially if it is of high quality. Aesthetically, such baths also do not look very attractive, so money will be required to decorate them.

Room zoning

The attic can be adapted to any room, or you can combine several zones here at once. The most popular options include the following:

  • Restroom. Zoning provides places for passive and active recreation. Here you can organize billiards by placing comfortable sofas or armchairs nearby so that you can sit comfortably and just relax.

  • Veranda + living room. When an attic is converted into glass veranda, this is always a win-win, especially when the bathhouse is surrounded by picturesque terrain. In such an atmosphere it will be pleasant to drink tea after the steam room.

  • Living room + kitchen. If space allows, then you can organize a full-fledged living space here. However, difficulties may arise with communications, in particular gas. Some craftsmen manage to adapt a sauna stove for kitchen needs, but you shouldn’t go to such extremes. It is better to simply organize a dining room in the attic, placing a sofa bed nearby for relaxation.

  • Gym. If you make good ventilation in the attic and install several exercise equipment, you will be able to create a full-fledged sports room. Since there is a washroom downstairs, cleaning yourself up after sports will not be difficult.