Make a plan for Vasilisa’s characterization for all fairy tales. Vasilisa the Beautiful - Russian folk tale


Leningradsky district

Municipal budgetary educational institution

Secondary school No. 13

village of Leningradskaya


Leningradsky district


1 class

Subject: Russian folk tale Vasilisa the Beautiful. Mysterious number 3.

primary school teacher

A. I. Bakhmetyeva

2011 – 2012 academic year

Lesson outline on the topic: Russian folk tale “Vasilisa the Beautiful. Mysterious number 3.

Target: introduce the concept of oral folk art; expand knowledge about Russian folk tales using the example of the fairy tale “Vasilisa the Beautiful”; introduce the mysterious number “3”, found in fairy tales; remember fairy tales known to children and introduce them to unknown ones.


Form and develop cognitive activity, correct speech, thinking, imagination, creative abilities;

To cultivate, through fairy tales, love for one’s neighbor, the beautiful, pride for one’s people and Motherland.
Equipment: books with Russian folk tales, kolobok toy, drawings of kolobok, wolf, hare, fox, bear, task cards.

Progress of the lesson

  1. Organizing time.

  1. Communicate the topic and objectives of the lesson.
Far, far beyond the distant kingdom, the thirtieth state, beyond the dense forests and impenetrable swamps, there is an amazing country.

They live there in the peace and harmony of fairy tales. I was there... but it’s very difficult to get to it. You have to be careful, miracles await you at every step. Don't scare them away.

Hush, hush, kids,

Fairy tales love silence.

They won't let naughty girls through

To that magical land.

Miracles don't like noise.

Let's sit quietly on a tree stump.

A fairy tale so as not to be afraid -

Lock your lips.

Let's take a walk, guys, along the fairy-tale paths of a magical land.

The tale is rich in wisdom.

Let's tell the fairy tale - come.

This is a saying, guys.

The fairy tale will be ahead.

But it will be very difficult for us ourselves. And one of the heroines of a Russian folk tale volunteered to help us. And who is this heroine you will find out from the fairy tale.

  1. Reading the fairy tale “Vasilisa the Beautiful” by the teacher.
So who decided to help us? (Vasilisa the Beautiful)

  1. Analysis of triple repetitions in a fairy tale.
Where in the fairy tale do we meet the mysterious number 3? (far away lands, in the distant kingdom, three tasks, three roads)

What other fairy tales do you know where the number 3 is involved? (Children's answers).

So Vasilisa helped us. She gave us guess what?

Didn't lie on the window -

Rolled along the path...

Of course it's Kolobok! (showing Kolobok’s drawing). And here is our hero himself. Today we will talk about Russian folk tales. How are they different from other fairy tales? (children's answers)


  1. Fairytale quiz.

Kolobok offers tasks. Remember the fairy tale about him and try to sing Kolobok’s song as accurately as possible:

I am Kolobok, Kolobok,

I'm scratching the box

It's mixed with sour cream, mixed with sour cream,

Baked in butter,

It's cold at the window.

I left my grandfather

I left my grandmother.


And now Kolobok is wondering if you recognize other fairy tales and their heroes:

And the road is far,

And the basket is not easy,

I would like to sit on a tree stump,

I would like to eat a pie.

(Masha and the Bear)

Oh, Petya - simplicity,

I got a little involved:

Didn't listen to the cat

Looked out the window...

(Cockerel - golden comb)

The beautiful maiden is sad:

She doesn't like spring

It's hard for her in the sun!

The poor thing is shedding tears.

(Snow Maiden)

There is no river, no pond -

Where can I get some water?

Very tasty water -

In the hole from the hoof!..

(Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka)

The little goats opened the door

And... everyone disappeared somewhere!

(The wolf and the seven Young goats)

Along the path, walking briskly,

The buckets carry the water themselves!..

(By magic)

The fly has found a home.

The fly was kind:

In that house after all

There are a lot of residents!



Everyone knows perfectly well that in fairy tales good always triumphs over evil. But without negative heroes, the fairy tale would be uninteresting. Name the positive and negative heroes of fairy tales.

(Children's answers)


Very often in Russian folk tales the main characters are animals, in which the people saw people: their good and bad deeds. Guess these heroes:

Cunning cheat

red head,

A fluffy tail is a beauty,

And her name is...

Who is cold in winter

Walking around angry and hungry?

It runs through the snow and meanders.

By summer he changes his fur coat.

You can't see him in the snow -

It's a shame for the wolf and the fox!

All these heroes are very closely related to our Kolobok. Which?

(Children's answers)

Who's missing?

(Bear. Teacher shows drawings of animals)

In what other fairy tales do these heroes appear?


Very often, it was fairy tales that vividly and colorfully depicted the appearance and behavior of these animals. Can you depict these animals?

(Children go to the board, depict animals using facial expressions and gestures)


And now Kolobok is wondering if you remember the fairy tales and heroes that we talked about today.

(You need to guess which of the fairy-tale characters is encrypted and enter the letters indicating vowel sounds. The task is given in the rows: K*L*B*K, *L*N*SHK*, B*B* - *G*, Ts*R *VN* L*G*SHK*, K*R*CHK* R*B*, *M*L* D*R*K, G*S* - L*B*D*, S*M*R* K*ZL*T, *V*N - C*R*V*H. Kolobok, Alyonushka, Baba Yaga, Frog Princess, Emelya the Fool, Geese - Swans, Seven Little Goats, Ivan - Tsarevich. Check.)


But if you haven’t read some fairy tales yet, then you need to do something.

(Children guess “Confusion”, where the word is encrypted - LIBRARY)

That's right, you need to visit the library and read these stories.

Summary of the lesson.

And now, guys, we are leaving the magical land, but we are not saying goodbye to it.

The great Russian storyteller Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin said: “A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it - a lesson for good fellows!” How do you understand these words?

(Children's answers)

Our assistant Kolobok remained in the fairy tale, but he left a bunch of his friends - little Koloboks, who rolled onto your desk. Complete the face of your Koloboks so that it conveys your mood. If you liked our trip, then the bun should smile, and if not, then it should be sad.

Year of writing: published in Afanasyev's collection in 1855-1863

Genre: fairy tale

Main characters: Vasilisa, Baba Yaga, stepmother, tsar, old lady

Russian folklore is rich in heroes and legends, and in the summary of the fairy tale “Vasilisa the Beautiful” for the reader’s diary you will find echoes of folk wisdom and fantasies.


The merchant's wife died, leaving behind an 8-year-old daughter. Before her death, she blessed the girl and gave her a helper doll that needed to be fed so that it would support Vasilisa. The merchant married a woman with 2 daughters. They disliked Vasilisa because of her beauty and tried in every possible way to make the girl lose her beauty. When the father left, the stepmother decided to get rid of her stepdaughter and sent her to the forest to Baba Yaga for fire. The old woman wanted to eat Vasilisa, but found out about her blessing and gave her a skull with fire. When she returned, the girl surprised her stepmother. Fire from the skull burned the woman and daughters. Vasilisa settled with the old woman, waiting for her father. She spun beautiful cloth. The old woman took her to the royal court. The king wanted Vasilisa to sew shirts for him from it. Seeing the girl, he fell in love and took her as his wife.

Conclusion (my opinion)

Kindness, courage and honesty lead to good, water wears away stones, and meanness, envy, malice and harmfulness turn into death, as happened with Vasilisa’s stepmother and stepsisters.

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Vasilisa the Beautiful (Russian folk tale)

Drawings that are related to this fairy tale

  • doll - Vasilisa’s mother gave it to her before her death; the doll helped its owner.
  • Baba Yaga - the evil sisters sent Vasilisa to her for fire
  • skull - Baba Yaga gave it to Vasilisa so that she would bring fire into the house
  • shirt - woven by Vasilisa for the Tsar
  • Tsar - married Vasilisa

The Snow Queen (H.H. Andersen)

1. The Snow Queen put Kai in her sleigh and took him to her castle. The boy was hit in the heart by fragments from a magic mirror, and he became cruel and insensitive.

2. Kai's named sister Gerda went in search of her friend. On the way, she came to an old woman, who combed her hair with a magic comb so that the girl would forget about Kai. But she still remembered him and ran away from the old woman’s house.

3. Gerda met a raven who lived in the royal castle. She thought Kai was there, but it turned out to be another boy.

4. Gerda fell into the hands of robbers, but the little Robber took pity on her and let her go, giving her a reindeer, which rushed the girl to the North, to the Snow Queen.

5. Once in the Snow Queen's castle, Gerda saw Kai. He sat frozen and unconscious, collecting crystals from the ice. Gerda's love managed to melt the ice in his heart, and they went home together.

We determined the topic of the lesson, set goals, and outlined an action plan.

Let's read the fairy tale and find out if our assumptions were justified.

Vocabulary work:

Before reading the fairy tale, let's do some vocabulary work:

Pay attention to the slide and read what words you come across in the fairy tale.

Who can explain the meaning of these words themselves?







Let's check:

Bless- cross, conveying patronage, wishes of happiness, good luck.

Merchant - a person (trader) engaged in trade, buying and selling.

Widow- This is a woman whose husband died.

Resignedly submissively, humbly, obediently.

Closet- utility room for utility purposes.

treat - treat. feed

I invite you to get acquainted with the fairy tale. The teacher and students read.

Primary perception:

Were our assumptions justified?

What mood is conveyed in the fairy tale? (words on pieces of paper)











Justify your choice.

What feelings arose in your heart?










Justify your choice.

Did you like the fairy tale?

What type of fairy tales can be classified as? Why?

What's magical about a fairy tale?

What lesson can be learned from this fragment of a fairy tale?

Look at the blackboard. What have we already done?

What is the 2nd goal?

To begin with, you and I

We only turn our heads.

(Rotate your head.)

We also rotate the body.

Of course we can do this.

(Turns right and left.)

Finally we reached out

Up and to the sides.

We caved in.

(Stretching up and to the sides.)

Flushed from warming up

And they sat down at their desks again.

(Children sit at their desks.)

Read question 1:

- Who became the most dear creature for Vasilisa after the death of her mother?

- Find and read about how her doll took care of Vasilisa.

- Why was Vasilisa called the Beautiful?

Was Vasilisa only beautiful in appearance?»

How did Vasilisa’s stepmother and her daughter treat her?

Support with words from the text.

Answer the main problematic question:

Why did mom give Vasilisa a doll before her death?

You see, guys, even after death, my dear mother helped her daughter.

What proverbs do you know about mom? (slide)

What is the next item on our action plan?

I invite you to work in pairs to create a filmstrip based on the part of the story you read.

- Look at the picture plan in the textbook on page 18

Only the most important things are reflected in the picture.

Please tell us for each frame what happened in the fairy tale.

Picture plan: (Slide)


3.Death of mother.

4. Father's marriage to someone else.

Are all the events of the fairy tale conveyed by the illustrations of the picture plan, or do they need to be supplemented?

The filmstrip should be more detailed; it conveys not only the main events, but the entire plot of the fairy tale.

You will work in groups:

You have a template of the filmstrip on your desk. In this template, the main points of the picture plan are already included in the first four frames.

Read them. (slide)

1. The merchant had a beautiful daughter.


3.Death of mother.

4. Father's marriage to someone else.

Your task:

Select words from the text in order for each picture and write them down. In order for words to fit in the frame, there should be few of them, and they should reflect the main content of the work

Use cards to show how you understood the task.

Let's check what you got?

At home, students read the fairy tale to the end and complete two tasks in the TVE notebook.

Let's summarize the lesson

What fairy tale did you read?

What is the main idea of ​​the part of the fairy tale you read?

Remember the most interesting parts of the lesson and share with us.

Will this lesson be useful to you later in life? How? Where?

You have signal cards on the tables.

Red circle - very satisfied with my work.

Green circle - I can work better.

Yellow circle - you need to be more careful.

Thank you for the lesson!

Lesson No. 10.

Subject:“Vasilisa the Beautiful” (Russian folk tale).

Goals: Read meaningfully, fluently, correctly and expressively. Read selectively. Predict the content of what is being read. Identify and formulate the idea of ​​the work. Expand words knowledge. Compare works. Classify fairy tales.

Planned results.


Know the features of a folk tale.

Be able to identify the main idea of ​​a work and draw up its plan; connect impressions from

illustrations with the content of the read work.


Compare the characters of the works.

Determine your attitude towards the heroes of the fairy tale, give reasons for it.


To form an orientation in the moral content of both one’s own actions and the actions of other people.

During the classes.

Lesson steps

Teacher activities

Student activities

UUD at the lesson stages

Organizing time

Greets students. Checks the class's readiness for the lesson.

The children take their seats. Check availability of accessories.


Checking homework

Activates the process of discussing reading what has been read and listens to everyone who wants to, correctly and tactfully comments on each child’s statement.

a) Radio theater;

b) Students read notes characterizing Vasilisa.

c) The most successful images of the wonderful doll are selected. Children justify their choice of drawings.

Communication UUD:

Motivation for learning activities

What fairy tale did we work on in the last lesson? What do you think we should do in class?

Regulatory UUD:

The ability to set a learning task, name a goal, and formulate a topic.

Updating knowledge

What groups are fairy tales divided into based on content?

Find and read a passage that proves that the fairy tale is magical.

They find a passage in the text that proves that the fairy tale is magical.

Communication UUD:

The ability to express one’s thoughts with sufficient completeness and accuracy in accordance with the tasks

Application of knowledge in a new situation

How many parts does a fairy tale consist of? Is there a beginning to a fairy tale? Are there triple repetitions in the fairy tale?

Read the text of the tale to the end, three sentences at a time.

Cognitive UUD:

Development of reading skills,

Generalization and systematization

Let's do the test. Make a filmstrip based on the fairy tale.

Match the words from the text in order to each picture. In order for the words to fit in the frame, there should be few of them, and they should reflect the main content of the work.

Children select the words of the fairy tale: 1. “In a certain kingdom... the daughter is Vasilisa the Beautiful.” 2. “Listen, Vasilisa!.. how to help misfortune.” 3. “Then the mother kissed her daughter and died.” 4. “After the death of his wife, the merchant struggled as he should, and then began to think about how to get married again. The merchant married a widow, but was deceived and did not find in her a good mother for his Vasilisa.” 5. “Vasilisa was the first beauty in the whole village... there was no life at all.” 6. “Here, doll... what should I do?” 7. “Vasilisa is just resting... and the stove is lit”

Cognitive UUD:

the ability to search for the necessary information in a text, selectively convey the content of the text;

Ability to briefly formulate ideas

Ability to process information

- development of research skills, consolidation of group work skills,

Control of assimilation, discussion of mistakes made and their correction

Who do you think read the fairy tale best? Evaluate your work in class.

Evaluate their work in class.

Personal UUD:

- development of self-esteem

Homework information

Children find and read books with Russian folk tales. In addition, students prepare for a story about the books they have read, for a quiz on fairy tales, and for staging skits

No. 9–11 on p. 36.

Personal UUD:

- formation of self-organization skills

Formation of writing skills


Can you name the topic of the lesson?

Was it easy for you or were there difficulties?

What did you do best and without mistakes?

Which task was the most interesting and why?

How would you rate your work?

Personal UUD:

- development of self-esteem

    How many years was the merchant married? ____________

    What was the name of the merchant's daughter?___________________________

    How old was the girl when her mother died?__________

    What instruction did you give to your daughter when she died?_____________________________________________

    What did the merchant do after the death of his wife?_________________________________

    Who helped Vasilisa cope with difficulties? __________________

    Who lived in the dense forest?___________________________

    Why was Vasilisa driven out into the forest one autumn?___________________________

    What is a torch?______________________________________________________________

    Who is the rider on the white horse?_________________________________

Who is the rider on the red horse?__________________________

Who is the rider on the black horse?___________________________

    What did Vasilisa bring home from the forest?________________________

12. “Your Royal Majesty,” answers ______________, “I brought a strange product. I don’t want to show it to anyone but you!”

Who said these words? What product are we talking about?__________________________________________

13. What task did Vasilisa receive from the king?

14. How does the fairy tale end? ________________________________________________


15. What happened to the father, the old woman and the doll?_________________________________


16. Write the name of the fairy tale _________________________________

What kind of people is this fairy tale? _________________________