Combined children's room with bedroom. Bedroom and children's room in one room - making the interior cozy and comfortable

We live in 2 room apartment, 2 families - grandparents and our family - father, mother, daughter and we are expecting another addition. For this wonderful event, we decided to exchange rooms with the older generation (they lived in a large room, and we lived in a small one) and accordingly make a room for ourselves.

Because renovations have already begun in the small room and everything has been moved into large room and it’s probably not possible to take full photos of the room. But I will try to describe everything and describe it in as much detail as possible.

As I already wrote above, we are moving to a large room (with a balcony) and would really like to equip it as much as possible for children, maybe it’s worth somehow zoning the room with wallpaper and (or) shelving.

I also want to understand where to place the bed for us and the children’s sleeping places. Maybe our sofa should be placed in the part of the window, and the children closer to the door (for the reasons that we only need sleeping area and it will be easier to assemble and free up space for games)?


  • built-in wardrobe with mirror (my dream)
  • air conditioner, most likely on the window side
  • desk, our school is just around the corner, so I’d also like to see workplace baby
  • there are a lot of study aids and books, maybe some kind of cabinet or rack could be designed for them
  • lamps or sconces or night lights for children
  • sleeping places for children (now it is clear that the eldest has her own sofa, and the baby has a crib, but I would like to understand how to arrange the sleeping places in a year, when we remove the crib). My eldest is also very afraid of heights, so we are not considering a 2-tier bed

  • And of course, everyone is wondering whether to squeeze a computer into the room or not (if you squeeze it in, it will take up quite a lot of space, because you will need to make some kind of cabinet or cabinet for the system unit, a scanner, 2 printers, a laminator and a booklet maker) maybe It’s not even worth moving it there.

    ... Maybe it’s worth making a big one functional wardrobe, where you can squeeze in and computer cabinet And bookshelf and for clothes?


  • TV with DVD
  • we want to leave existing ceiling with existing five-arm chandelier
  • existing door to the room
  • red corner (two shelves with icons)
  • We also have a lot of paintings, I would like to find a place for them too
  • We have sunny side with a balcony, the sun on our side wakes up and leaves only after 2 o’clock in the afternoon, please advise what wallpaper to choose, what color scheme of furniture to order next (I generally prefer calm pastel, cream).

    3. Room plan:


    After some time, we proposed this option for arranging the room:

    View from above:

    Written explanations:

    We thought for a long time about the layout and filling of the room - the task was indeed not an easy one.
    As a result, we came to the decision that to best suit the task we would have to make a lot of custom-made furniture, but we would be able to use maximum space for storage (shelves, cabinets, etc.).

    Adult bed in a mirrored closet:

    The mirrored wardrobe itself, with a full-fledged compartment for clothes on hangers, can only be correctly placed opposite front door. Since the depth of the cabinet should be about 70 cm, there are simply no other normal places for placement.

    The sleeping area in this closet was designed as a folding bed or as a folding sofa installed in a niche in the closet.
    In the end, we gave preference to a folding bed, because any sofa has armrests that would either make the sleeping area narrower or would not allow us to make one of the cabinet sections, since it would require a wider niche. The advantage of the bed in this regard is a full double bed with a width of 140 cm, which is very important given that babies often have to be taken into their bed at night. Well, also, no sofa can replace a full-fledged orthopedic mattress.

    When folded, the bed looks like part of a mirrored wardrobe. Here is an example of the implementation of such an idea:

    If desired, at the bottom of the bed you can provide more folding table, which can be opened when the bed is removed.

    Also in picture No. 6 you can see how you can organize an additional workplace or makeup table in the furniture wall to the right of the entrance.

    Lighting around the perimeter of the head of the bed is done with special boxes measuring 16x16 mm with LED strips, like this

    Organization of children's sleeping places:

    Now in the pictures you see a crib for a baby, which is located next to an adult bed.
    The eldest daughter's bed is located in another corner and can be removed (folded into a vertical position) into the closet during the day, freeing up space for games.
    When the baby grows up, the cradle can be removed and the daughter’s bed can be replaced with a double one pull-out bed like in these examples:


    The ceiling and chandelier remain as they are now.
    Floor - parquet board bleached oak color
    Walls - decorative plaster or decorative painting. You can also choose similar wallpapers.

    Customer review

    I can’t say anything with delight yet, I liked everything very much, thank you very much! Now I will study everything, review, compare, change something in my ideas, change something in your proposals.

    Modern design trends are constantly pushing apartment owners towards their reconstruction and redevelopment. After all, any person wants to furnish their home beautifully and comfortably. This is especially true for small apartments, where just one small room serves as housing for parents and their child.

    Despite the small size of the room, living in it should be as comfortable as possible for absolutely all family members. Small child, just like his parents, requires a separate sleeping place, as well as a small play area. Looking at the photos of the interiors, you will be convinced that even a small room can combine all these elements.

    To properly arrange your living space, use the following tips:

    • to begin with, mentally divide the room into several main zones: a living room, a playroom and a bedroom in which the parents and child will relax;
    • Remember that you don't have to use walls to divide the space of one room. Zoning can be done by simply painting the walls in different colors;
    • if the child is small, his sleeping area can be combined with the parent’s;
    • For an older child, it is better to place the bed on the opposite side of the room from the parents. In this case, the living room or play area can be placed in the center;
    • the common living room can be moved to far corner, a work corner can also be located there, if there is a need for it.

    With a baby

    Here, the arrangement of living space should begin with zoning the room. In order for parents and their child to have their own corner, the room must be clearly demarcated by area.

    To set up a parent's area, you can:

    • place a transforming wardrobe, which at night turns into a spacious bed. During the day you will have free space for activities and games;
    • lay it on the floor soft carpet or put large pillows on which you can sit during the day;
    • separate the parent area using open shelving.

    For a child's corner, you can:

    • place the crib under the window if it is sealed enough;
    • use curtains instead of traditional ones roller blinds, taking up much less space;
    • Place a separate lamp above each zone, which may be the same in style, but differ in lighting intensity.

    In the photo you can see various options layouts in which one small room combines all the necessary zones. Supporters of traditional classics can use decorative partitions to separate them. A more radical solution would be to arrange each zone in a separate style so that they look like different rooms.

    With a schoolchild

    Here the need arises to arrange a separate work area where the child could comfortable conditions fulfill homework. Small room for a family with a child school age, can be planned as follows:

    • In this case, it is better to zone the space using shelving that can be used to store books and textbooks;
    • shelving should not be placed next to the window or opposite the front door;
    • the rack itself can be low or up to the ceiling;
    • behind the rack you can conveniently place a children's bed and table;
    • To save space, use a loft bed, a niche under which can be equipped as a work area.

    Use shelving that will fit into general style rooms. Photos showing similar design solutions, will help you in choosing pieces of furniture for your family nest.

    With a teenager

    A teenage child already requires a little more personal space, so parents should try to make the room comfortable for both the child and themselves. This is not easy to do, but it is still possible using the following design solutions:

    • the parents' area can be separated from the children's area by a plasterboard partition;
    • placed in the children's area loft bed, under which a comfortable work zone or closet;
    • can be used in the interior various finishes for the area of ​​the child and parents, while choosing a single color scheme. It is best to complement it with original photo wallpapers or paintings;
    • To make the adult half larger, at least visually, use a large rectangular mirror.

    Don't forget about the lighting that plays vital role for any layout. Even a small room, even if several people live in it, should be equipped with several light sources.

    How to choose furniture

    For a small room, compact furniture is best. To save space, you can use vertical shelves instead of a regular closet, and instead of a bed - folding sofa. In addition, choose practical and multifunctional items:

    • cabinets and tables on wheels;
    • cabinet with folding ironing board;
    • cabinets with mezzanines, etc.

    The photo shows several convenient options how to arrange a small room to suit your needs the whole family. Choose what suits you and enjoy a comfortable life.

    The question of how to combine a bedroom and a children's bedroom worries many before the birth of a child and when he grows up. Not all families can afford to allocate a separate room for children.
    More often, these two spaces have to be combined in one room. This article suggests how to do it yourself.

    There are many options for combining a bedroom and a nursery, it depends on:

    • Room area.
    • Baby's age. A child under two years old does not need a separate room. At this age, he spends most of his time with his parents.
      Therefore, it is enough to place the baby crib next to the parent's. As your child grows, he will need his own space.
      If there is no separate room in the apartment, it is necessary to divide the space using zoning (see).

    Some ideas for combining a bedroom and a nursery are presented below:

    • Planning. To do this, a room plan is drawn on paper, windows and doors are marked.
    • The room is divided into two parts. One of them will be a children's bedroom, the other a parent's bedroom.

    Tip: It’s better to make a children’s room on the half with a window.

    • The location of the table is marked so that the light falls on it from the left, and the place for the bed is marked.
    • The dimensions of the furniture are taken. At the planning stage, you need to adjust the location of the elements so that everything fits optimally into the interior of the room, based on the size.
    • The room is divided into a nursery and a bedroom. You can use a book rack for this.
      It would be better if it had frame shelves. In this case, the airy design will not reduce the size of the room, but will visually differentiate it into a bedroom and a nursery.
    • The bed can be placed sideways to the selected rack. A sleeping place can provide privacy wardrobe, installed between the door and bed.

    Advice: You should try to keep the children's room bright, while the bedroom, on the contrary, is done in muted, calm colors.

    • The room must have a unifying detail. This function can be well performed by a single carpet.

    How to zone a room

    Proper zoning helps to divide the space into a nursery and a bedroom.
    To do this, you can use the following elements:

    • Decorative designs.
    • Partitions (see).
    • Curtains made of fabrics.
    • Arches.
    • Various screens.
    • Cabinet furniture.

    Effectively divides one room into two multi-level ceiling or central podium. The design of the bedroom, which is combined with the nursery into one room, should be dominated by translucent structures and light fabrics.
    For the nursery, independent lighting will allow you to install partitions or thick curtains separating it from the bedroom.

    What are the features when combining different zones in a one-room apartment?

    The most difficult thing is to create a single harmonious space. This is due to the fact that the only room should be a children’s room, a bedroom for adults and also a living room.
    In this case:

    • The optimal solution would be to arrange the parents’ bedroom on the podium, and nearby organize a relaxation area for the child.
    • The rest of the space should be easily transformed into a recreation area, a play area or a reception area.
    • It is necessary to take into account that in the area of ​​​​the children's room it is impossible to install a TV or computer that would have an impact on negative impact on the child's health.

    How to arrange a place for a parent's bed

    When combining a nursery and a bedroom, first of all you need to determine the installation location adult bed, and then look for a place for the baby's crib.
    The work instructions suggest:

    • Draw a plan of the room on paper. To do this, the dimensions of the room are measured and transferred to scale on paper. Be sure to mark the location of the windows and doorway.
    • The sizes of beds - adult and children's - are transferred to paper.

    Advice: It is better to make planar furniture models. Now it’s enough to simply move the paper beds according to the plan of the drawn room.

    When installing a bed you must:

    • Choose this option to ensure easy access to the parent's bed.
    • Create 70 centimeters of free space near any sleeping place.
    • The bed needs to be positioned differently. The best option for narrow bedrooms it is possible to install it across the room.
    • For large areas You can try installing the bed along the room or diagonally.
    • An example of bed installation is shown in the photo.

    How to choose a location for a baby crib

    Features of choosing a place for a crib are:

    • It is strictly forbidden to place a child’s crib near a radiator or other heating devices, which can be the cause of frequent illnesses in the baby. This is due to the fact that overheating is no less dangerous than hypothermia.
    • The design of the room located together with the nursery should not have wall hangings. Dust accumulated on carpets can cause allergies in your baby. This applies to books and soft toys.
    • It is strictly not recommended to place a computer and TV in the nursery.
    • The most important condition is that the baby’s crib must be in safe place. There should be no sockets, paintings, or decorations on the walls that could harm the baby if they fall.

    The main ways to place a crib in the parent's bedroom:

    • In the corner. This method is convenient to use when large sizes rooms. As a rule, between the beds there is a chest of drawers or a nightstand.
    • Opposite the head of the parents' bed. In this case, parents can always see the child.
    • Close. For those who like co-sleeping, this will be ideal option.
      One side wall of the crib is removed and placed close to the parent's. So the child sleeps with his parents, but in a separate crib.
      The disadvantage of this method will be the difficulty in changing bed linen and the lack of free access to one sleeping place.

    How to decorate a room

    When combining a nursery and a bedroom, you need to carefully consider the design.
    For finishing it is better to take:

    • Ecologically clean materials. In this case, paper or non-woven wallpaper is suitable.
    • Colors should be chosen neutral and calm. It’s great to use blue, light green or cream shades.
    • You need to carefully approach the choice of curtains. They must be beautiful, fit the interior and perform certain functions.
      If the curtains are made of thicker material, your baby may sleep longer. They will protect him from the morning sun rays.

    How to design a children's area

    Makes the interior more comfortable children's corner easy and unobtrusive zoning. One option would be to highlight a part of the wall near which the crib is located.
    The price of this design is small; it is enough to use wallpaper in a contrasting color.
    You can decorate it with decor using the following elements:

    • Framed photographs.
    • Children's pictures.
    • From the big ones beautiful letters post the child's name.
    • Make casts of the baby's legs or arms and hang his first booties in a frame.
    • Paper garlands.
    • Original night light.

    A canopy(see) or canopy can make a children's corner more cozy. In addition, they will protect the baby from bright light or drafts.
    How a combined bedroom with a loggia is designed can be clearly seen in the video. This article provides recommendations for decorating a combined nursery and bedroom for parents who will be comfortable caring for their baby and will be able to constantly watch him grow and develop.

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    Arrangement common room for parents and children - not an easy task, but quite standard and solvable. As a rule, it is up to those who live in one-room apartment or, say, expecting a second child, living in a two-room apartment. Let's find out what solutions there are for the design and renovation of a children's and adult bedroom.

    • Let’s say right away that in this material we will consider the topic of parents living with a newborn baby, but even if your child is older than 3 years, some of our recommendations will still be useful.

    10 ideas for arranging a common room for parents and children

    1. Make repairs if necessary

    If your bedroom is already furnished, then you may only need to rearrange the furniture, buy a crib, and do some spring cleaning. But if you are planning a renovation from scratch or doubt the safety of the existing finish, then here are some tips to help you navigate:

    • Paints for walls and ceilings should be water based and are marked with the inscription “For children's rooms” (or “Kid”).
    • Welcome or undesirable – vinyl wallpapers(on any basis).
    • The ideal flooring for a parent-child room is wood.
    • Ideally, it is best to simply whitewash and paint the ceilings. Give up plasterboard structures and stretch ceilings of Chinese or little-known production.
    • Finishing materials should be predominantly natural, but still, some exceptions are quite acceptable.

    2. Make your bedroom design as neutral as possible

    It is advisable that the design of your bedroom is not childish, not too “adult” and elegant, but neutral. Recognize that this is your room and at some point your child will move into their own bedroom.

    • Calm shades such as white, light gray, cream, light blue will be an excellent background for your life together with your child. Bright hues They will visually enlarge the space, make it lighter and even tidier in appearance, and this will be very useful during infancy. Below are photo examples of the design of a parents' bedroom with a crib.

    • Don't be afraid of absence bright colors– approximately the child will need colorful toys, a mobile phone and a rug. An abundance of colorful accents will distract the child from sleep and “overload” the interior.
    • Eliminate unnecessary decorations, such as wool rugs, fur capes, extra pictures, candlesticks, photo frames, and the like. This way you will “unload” the space, get rid of unnecessary dust collectors and make room for children's things.

    3. Leave only necessary pieces of furniture in the room

    Continuing the previous points: try to make the room as… empty as possible.

    • For example, it is better to place a chair for feeding a baby not in the bedroom, but in the living room.
    • If possible, move your wardrobe, desk, or, say, extra bedside tables to another room (living room or hallway). Then in the free space you can arrange a corner for the newborn.
    • Another item that you should get rid of for a while is the TV.

    Remember that than less furniture, the less dust, the fewer dangerous corners and the easier cleaning.

    4. Choose a warm and bright place for the crib

    The best place to place the crib is in a bright area, but not too close to the window or radiator. Worst place- where the draft passes, that is, on the line from the window to the door. Another recommendation is that it should be located next to the parents’ bed to make it more convenient to care for the baby. Ideally, you need to think through layout options starting with the placement of the newborn’s corner.

    • By the way, if the room does not have enough storage space, then you should purchase a crib with a drawer.

    5. If there is not enough space in the room, then discard the changing table and come up with alternatives

    If the room is small, then you should abandon the changing table. Instead you can use:

    • Bed changing board;
    • Your bed, laying a changing mat on it;
    • An ordinary chest of drawers with the same changing mattress;
    • Coffee table (if your bedroom is also a living room);
    • Wall-mounted changing table (for example, you can buy it at Ikea).

    If there is enough space in the bedroom, then the changing table should be placed next to the crib.

    6. Divide the space into zones

    Dividing the space into zones is an important part of remodeling a combined bedroom. Zoning will streamline the space, simplify it, give parents a sense of privacy, and give the child the opportunity not to wake up from the light on (with physical separation).

    Here are the methods we offer:

    • Visual zoning can be done using a carpet (lint-free or short-pile!), wall colors and lighting.
    • Physical separation involves erecting a partition, installing curtains, sliding door, screen or screen, as well as furniture, such as a cabinet, shelf or chest of drawers.
    • In a one-room apartment there may be not two, but three zones: the parents’ bedroom, the children’s room and the living room. In this case, the living room area can be located between two “bedrooms”.

    We present examples of the design of a parent-child room with zoning in the following selection of photos.

    By the way, if there is a niche in the room, for example, from a former wardrobe, then a newborn’s corner can be organized in it. An example of such a layout is shown in the photo below. Of course, this method is far from ideal, because the far end of the room is not the best place for a child. When choosing this option, parents should clean and ventilate the bedroom twice as often.

    7. Install additional light sources

    With the arrival of a child in the bedroom, you will need to install additional lamps with dim light. For example, you can place a floor lamp near the changing chest, and near the feeding chair.

    8. Change the curtains

    Curtains in your bedroom should be made from natural (or mixed) thick fabric. They are required to prevent drafts and, of course, protect the child from light during sleep. They should also be easy to remove, hang and wash.

    9. Organize additional storage space

    With the arrival of a baby in the house, one closet and chest of drawers will not be enough to fit all things. Here are some ideas that can solve this problem:

    1. If you are furnishing your bedroom from scratch, then buy a bed not with lifting mechanism, and with drawers– this will make it much more convenient for you to store things under the bed. Similar models can be found at Ikea. For example, the Brimnes bed has not only drawers under the mattress, but also a headboard with shelves.
    2. If you have to live with a child for a long time, then you can make a more radical decision - build a podium.
    • Under it you can store things, and also visually divide the space into zones - adult and children's;
    • If you live in a one-room apartment, then under the podium you can place a pull-out bed, and above it - a child’s bed or.
    1. There is one more unusual way Making the most of a small bedroom. By securely securing the head of the bed to the wall, and placing a chest of drawers under its foot, as shown in the photo below, you can make room for another chest of drawers or, say, a rocking chair.

    1. Can be used to store changing and baby care items hanging shelf. If you hang it directly above your “changing station” - changing table, dresser, your bed or sofa, then everything you need will always be at hand. The main thing here is to choose the right height.
    2. If necessary, hang shelves in other places, such as above the door, bed or TV. However, you shouldn’t hang too many shelves either, so as not to clutter up the space and make cleaning difficult.
    3. Use beautiful baskets and boxes for storage above cabinets and shelving, as well as under the bed.

    10. Install safety devices

    Latest but very important events:

    • As soon as the child begins to crawl, install door stops so that the baby cannot pinch his fingers;
    • Be sure to install a special security lock on the windows;
    • Sockets should be covered with plugs;
    • Cover the corners of the furniture with rubber pads.

    By the way, by the time the new “neighbor” moves in, parents need to carry out a general cleaning with disinfection, giving Special attention cabinets and their contents.

    Typical apartment buildings built according to standard designs and often do not have the most better layout. This is especially evident when the need arises for zoning space. Rooms in Khrushchev-era buildings rarely exceed 18 square meters. m, so the owners of such apartments face a difficult task: to combine the living room and children's room in one room of 18 sq. m. m. You can see photos of such interiors on the Internet and try to replicate them in your apartment.

    Zoning options for one room

    On 18 square meters, it is possible to create multiple options for dividing the space into a living room and a children's room. Let's look at current solutions:


    The boundary between the guest room and the child's room can be created using partitions. The partitions are movable and can be easily moved to another place. They can be created in the form of plasterboard structures or decorative blocks. In this case, the boundary will be stationary. She will divide a large room into two full-fledged small rooms. Doors are installed in stationary partitions.


    The children's area can be separated by large pieces of furniture: sofas, shelves, chests of drawers.

    Tall furniture will create intimate area, and the child will feel comfortable while sleeping.


    At the point where the room is divided, curtain rods are fixed on the ceiling, on which curtains can be hung. Textiles and cornices are selected to the taste of the homeowners. The advantage of this option is that changing the decor by changing textiles will not be expensive.

    Emphasis on colors

    Color zoning of space consists of selecting different finishing materials by color. In this case, the furniture also has a different tone.

    Dividing the room into different colors will clearly reflect the boundary of the zone.


    The construction of a podium will visually highlight the baby's sleeping area. You need to understand that installing a high podium is dangerous for the health of a small family member: a wrong step will result in a fall.

    Tips for decorating a shared room

    A living room and a children's room in one room of 18 sq m involves using all the available space: photos on the Internet show that separated rooms become small and cramped. Your task is to expand them visually. This is achieved due to the fact that the entire space is used small furniture, removed most of accessories and poor decorative items. For separation, you can use a plasterboard partition with niches - this will save space.

    If the partition takes up half the width of the room, the rest of the room will remain light and will look more spacious.

    When separating a zone, keep in mind that normal growth and development requires a constant supply of sunlight.

    Therefore, place the children's room near the window. In this case, the living room can remain in shadow side, which will not affect the purpose of the room in any way.

    In the living room you can install mirrors and highlight them with spotlights. This will expand the room and make it deep.

    The downside will be the placement of the children's area near the door. If the child is small, then the slamming of doors or the constant passage of adult family members past the baby’s bedroom will not allow him to get a full night’s sleep.

    It is not necessary for a student to buy a separate desk. It will be enough to transform the window sill into a writing area by adding shelving to the corners of the room. They can be stored school supplies and other personal items.

    Use roller blinds or blinds. They will create a feeling of lightness in the interior.

    Color design of the children's area

    If you decide to combine a living room and a nursery in one room, keep in mind that the main factor in choosing the future interior will be psychological development baby.

    There are several general rules color design in which the living room will acquire stylish design, and the child will not be excited by the riot of colors. Let's look at them:


    Green color in the children's and living areas promotes calm and relaxation for children and adults. It has a positive effect on the heartbeat and helps maintain blood pressure within normal limits.

    If the child is calm, then green color It is not recommended to use it, as it will have a depressing effect on the baby’s psyche.


    The blue color distracts attention, so if you plan to divide the space for a schoolchild, this color should be excluded. For the living room, you can use it if the child’s room is isolated by a stationary partition.


    Blue color relieves tension. The entire children's area should not be decorated in this color: it suppresses the mood and plunges into despondency. A child of any age will feel uncomfortable in a dark space.


    This color is used if a girl lives in the children's area. Usage Pink colour has a positive effect on the child’s well-being, reduces anxiety levels, and improves mood. The use of pink in the design of all 18 square meters is not recommended. Color has a hard effect on the adults in the living room.

    White or beige

    A universal color that does not affect the child’s psyche in a positive way: it calms and improves the child’s well-being. The color is best used with bright accents, because on its own White color– faceless, and does not bring a feeling of joy to the child. Beige color has the same properties and is used in diluted form.

    When the question is about combining a living room and a nursery, the interests of the child are taken into account first. Whatever color you choose for decoration, remember that by diluting it with white and using the weakest shade of a bright color, you can get maximum emotions for relaxation. Therefore, it is recommended to give preference to light shades.

    Important! Consult a child psychologist to understand what color scheme your child will feel calm.

    Furniture for children's area

    Use functional furniture throughout the combined space. If possible, it should be small in size so as not to create a feeling of clutter in the room. The design of a living room and a children's room in one room of 18 square meters can be copied from numerous photos on the Internet.

    If you use a cabinet to separate zones, make sure that it has two functional sides, unless otherwise provided design project. You can use shelving or a wardrobe.

    To save space, remove bulky equipment. Hang the plasma TV on the wall or in a plasterboard niche in the partition.

    The corner sofa will free up central part living room. Free space can be used as game Zone for the baby.

    Try to separate the children's area so that it is square in shape: this way the space will look more organic. In the children's room it is better to install transformable furniture, which can change depending on the growth and needs of the child.

    Important! All furniture used in the child's corner should be made of environmentally friendly material. Take only high-quality interior items and check the quality certificates for the products.

    Materials for decorating a children's area

    Environmentally friendly materials should be used in the children's area. For flooring Laminate or parquet from natural wood. These materials are warm, safe, and easy to care for. If the child is small, then good decision The floor will be covered with carpet. Do not forget to use materials for noise and sound insulation of the floor and ceiling.

    To decorate the walls, use laminate or wallpaper. In the second case, exclude vinyl covering, giving preference to non-woven or paper wallpaper.

    Not recommended for use suspended ceiling in the children's area. If you already have a suspended ceiling, then do not rush to remove it: despite the protest of experts, the ceiling material does not pose much harm to children.

    Decor in the children's and living area

    To decorate a children's room, use natural materials. Accessories must be safe and must not contain sharp corners, breaking glass, toxic elements. Let's consider the options that can be used in a child's corner:

    1. Select one section of the wall and apply chalkboard paint to it. The child can draw either independently or using numerous stencils that can be found on sale.
    2. Be sure to ensure that your sleeping area is illuminated by a night light. Night lights can be various forms and sizes: it is better if the owner of the room chooses it himself.
    3. Use blackout roller blinds to prevent morning light from disturbing your baby's sleep. During the daytime, the window can be decorated with a light tulle curtain.
    4. Set up a children's corner in nautical style. A toy chest will help save space, and white and blue tones will have a calming effect.
    5. If there are multi-colored curtains hanging on the windows in the children's area, sew the same bedspread on the bed and decorate the pillows with this fabric. This will create a sense of unity in a small nursery.
    6. A budget option for decor would be to decorate the walls with posters depicting your child’s favorite characters.
    7. You can decorate the room decorative letters made of wood. The inscriptions may vary depending on the family's preferences. A standard letter decoration can be called the use of three-dimensional letters that make up the baby’s name.

    Style design for a combined living room

    Try to keep the style of the living room not too different from the children's corner. In the case where the division of zones occurs with the help of low pieces of furniture, it is recommended to adhere to a single design for the entire space.

    Use different items for decoration in the living room and children's room. geometric shape. This will help your child understand how to distinguish shapes.

    At the same time, we should not forget about the needs of adults. Place in the room corner sofa, in which you can hide ottomans. This is how you get extra seats for seating and can accommodate more guests.

    If you love plants, you can place them on horizontal surfaces located at a height inaccessible to the child. You can give preference big flower in an outdoor potty, but even here you need to take care of the safety of the smallest family member. The flower should grow in a pot made of material that, if broken, does not form sharp edges.

    Since the rest of the living room will be small size, then beware of symmetry in the arrangement of furniture. It is better if the interior items in such a small living room contain a minimum of straight lines.

    INimportant! White floors in small rooms create the feeling of a hospital ward.

    In conclusion, it is worth noting that the appearance of a baby in a family does not always automatically increase square meters. Most often, young couples remain living in the same conditions and are faced with the problem of moving the baby to a separate area. Having one room, adults almost always have to neglect their desire for separate accommodation in favor of creating a children's corner. You need to connect the nursery and living room after first considering all the pros and cons of such a neighborhood. Correct placement furniture, as well as styling will allow adults and children to live in the same area without causing discomfort to each other.

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