Compatibility with other signs of the Sagittarius man: who is best suited? Sagittarius man, what kind of women he likes, how to win his heart.

Sagittarius man.

General characteristics.

You will feel more alive the minute you meet him. He's funny, charming, witty, and makes it clear to you that you're the most interesting woman he's ever met.
Don't be fooled. If you look closely, you will see that his gaze, as if dancing, moves from one woman to another. The truth is that he wants them all! When a pretty woman enters the room, he will follow her, pour her wine, offer her tidbits, shower her with attention, use his entire repertoire to seduce her. He'll take her address and phone number and then besiege her. phone calls, sweets, flowers and other gifts.
In the novels, he is an idealist who thinks that every next girl will be the One. No matter how many times he is disappointed, his optimism remains. He views each new day as new opportunity: after all, this is a day he has never lived in before! It can already be exciting to wake up and find out that today is Tuesday.

He is sentimental, with a heart that practically begs to be pierced like an abscess. He wants to be “in love”, but is very careful in relationships. No relationship lasts long, since it is in his nature to create problems where there are none. Then his analytical nature takes over and presents the problem in a way that makes it seem insoluble. He fights against close involvement in relationships and hates female jealousy. What he prefers is love affairs with experienced women, since they, in all likelihood, treat amorous matters with the same ease as he does. They will be mutually pleased with each other, and he gives great importance sense of humor in romantic relationships.
In fact, he is not ready to enter into a long-term, truly intimate relationship. He takes amorous matters very lightly. When he falls in love, he doesn't like the feeling of signing a contract. Then, at the very least, it should contain a clause that relieves his party of liability. In reality, he never knows what he wants. In fact, he may convince himself that the most important thing in life is to know what you don't want.
Men born under this sign are sincere and frank. The truth sometimes hurts, but tact is not Sagittarius' middle name. On the other hand, if he gives you his word, you can rely on him.
As a friend, he is good-natured, cheerful, tolerant, with broad views. But if he is your lover, you become his creation. He will want to help you improve. If he wastes time on you and you disappoint him, his attraction will turn to resentment. He is not above petty criticism or silent gloom. He is a maximalist, demanding spiritual and physical compatibility with the one he loves. But his criticism is also a sign that he feels close to you.
He has a tendency to be secretive and will keep relationships secret even when there is no real need for it.
Easily subject to mood swings and easily depressed, he may also suffer from unexpected nervous attacks and even strange illusions. Fortunately, these attacks are short-lived. You may be caught off guard by his sudden outbursts of irritation. He likes to have his own way and is reluctant to make concessions. Life experience has taught Sagittarius that he can get almost anything his ambition pushes him to.
He is very practical in financial matters, but his weakness is that he sometimes spends his energies on enterprises that are not worth it. You will be convinced of his generosity. He enjoys luxury and gives generous gifts. He is an excellent toastmaster and a charming party guest. He prefers small groups and doesn't like having too many people under one roof. In fact, he would rather not be under a roof at all. He enjoys wide open spaces under cloudless skies and stars.
He loves to travel. Constantly
changing scenes, new faces, contacts and
experiences are ideal for the Sagittarius temperament. He is the prototype of the man who came to a travel agent and asked for a ticket somewhere: "Because I have friends everywhere."
He is always interested in facts. His curiosity is insatiable and he takes a keen interest in sex education. A woman marrying a Sagittarius must keep in mind that this is a man who, whether married or single, remains a bachelor at heart.

His sex life

Do you remember the song about a young guy who, when he couldn’t be with the girl he loved, loved the girl who was nearby? This is a song about Sagittarius. The Sagittarius man flutters from woman to woman, like a bee collecting nectar from flowers. He can't do anything about it. He is in love with an ideal, romantic dream and must follow it wherever it leads him.
Sex with him is rarely an intense experience. He enjoys it, but does not feel that the ground is disappearing from under his feet. Who wants to live in the epicenter of an earthquake?
He prefers to walk in a tranquil garden, where there are many beautiful flowers, and pick those that capture his imagination.
Excitement for him is in the chase, fun is in the foreplay. Meanwhile, even if he manages to lure a girl into the bedroom, she may be disappointed. The symbol of this sign is the Archer, drawing his bow, but his arrow does not always hit the target - at least not the first time! He is Mr. Hurry, hurrying to bring the matter to a quick end. "One-two - and you're done!" - this is very often the result, and the woman is left hanging like clothes in a closet (a small amount of vaginal ointment will help her in this case).
On the other hand, a Sagittarius man never gets tired of sex. He loves to make love. He will be the first to be ready to try a new position, a different environment - you just say it, and he will do it! I recently received a letter from a young woman asking whether her Sagittarius friend's health would be ruined by his desire to make love three or four times a day. I told her that nothing else could be expected from a person born under the sign of Sagittarius.
The Sagittarius man is most likely the local gardener from The Decameron in his office, having not one, but two or three secret affairs at the same time. However, if the women involved get together, they may find that although their lover is quite impetuous and ardent, he definitely compensates for this in one way: quantity replaces quality!
He enjoys oral play and anal sex and often combines the two. Don't be surprised if he sticks his finger into your rectum, trying to bring you to orgasm. Be sure to buy a couple of artificial penises - one for you and one for him. Sagittarius has a very glib tongue and can talk you into doing anything.
He is a master of erotic massage - oral and manual - his fingers act like little spider legs, easily touching and stimulating the erotic zones. His tongue can be a sophisticated tool when it touches a woman's erogenous zones: her nipples, the soft flesh between her thighs and the genital area. .
Those Sagittarius men who master further steps in this art of love sometimes take two plastic balls and during “cannilingus” insert the balls into the vagina. The combined actions of the tongue, lips and fingers manipulating the balls usually have an explosive effect.
The sexual obsession that many Sagittarius men are susceptible to is friction: satisfaction achieved by rubbing the genitals against some part of the body of a love partner.
A Sagittarius man can be brought to orgasm by his partner simply by manipulating his penis between the soles of his feet, in the cleft of his buttocks, or in his armpit. One Sagittarius man told me that he got special pleasure when his partner rubbed his organ between his lower jaw and neck!
The Sagittarius man shows exceptional interest in women's legs. Calves and thighs clad in sheer nylon will excite him. He even considers sexual intercourse more exciting if the woman is wearing stockings.
The pulsation of the leg muscles, the bend of the instep - complete eroticism for him. If a woman sits cross-legged, swinging one shoe hanging only on her toes, he may lose control of himself.
He has a penchant for other fetishes as well. While making love, he may ask the woman to wear gloves or shoes, or both. Or he might hold a piece of silk, or press her knickers, preferably ones she has recently worn, to his nose and inhale their scent. Any criticism will only result in a sarcastic remark or a verbal counterattack. Rarely - confusion.
He has a strong tendency towards bisexuality. If this becomes apparent, he will fly away from the female lover. to a male lover, without giving preference to anyone. None of them will hold his absolute devotion. This type of Sagittarius man would like to change the old formula of Hollywood cinema in this way: "Boy meets girl - boy leaves girl - boy gets boy."
His connections are many and varied. He is as immoral as an alley cat. For him, sex is life, and he wants to live it as fully as possible. He will agree with the famous writer Herman Melville, who said: “I try everything, achieving what I can.”

Source – “Intimate Horoscope” by J. Martinet (Moscow, ROSAD, 1995)

A horoscope can say much more about a person than some skeptics believe, and sometimes it allows you to immediately abandon a relationship that will not bring success. Forewarned means forearmed, and therefore let’s look at the characteristics of Sagittarius men in the love sphere.


Men who celebrate their birthday between November 22 and December 21 belong to the zodiac constellation Sagittarius. The character of their cheerful nature is very interesting. We can say that Sagittarians are born exactly like ideal hero-lovers in novels - honest, straightforward, open, knights without fear or reproach, who know how to look after beautifully and are always ready to protect their lady.

Relationships with them resemble an exciting, dizzying romance with an abrupt ending. This is exactly what they most often do, since they are not prone to long-term relationships and deep attachments, at least in their youth.

These are very honest, direct and open people. They demand the same attitude from those around them - this is probably why Sagittarius has so many friends and just good friends. He will never offend or betray, he is always ready to help, and it is not at all dangerous to go on reconnaissance with him. You can rely on his strong shoulder if you accept the rules of the game and special moral standards that only he understands.

The Sagittarius man, of course, will not violate the most ordinary social norms and behave like a “freak,” but it is likely that some little details of etiquette will not fail to be ignored. He has his own, special idea of ​​what a person should and should not do. Such actions, however, do not go beyond the scope of universal morality.

The representative of the ninth zodiac constellation loves parties, travel and noisy companies, and is often their soul and ringleader. A merry fellow and a wonderful storyteller, a tireless optimist, he is always surrounded by a crowd of women and is unusually popular. At the same time, he himself is quite straightforward and even harsh when expressing his own opinion. This, however, does not push people away from him - on the contrary, they often see a certain charm and sweet spontaneity in this manner of communication.

Sagittarius also has good taste. Loves everything related to music and nature. His restless character prevents him from sitting still, which is why such a man has a very wide circle of acquaintances. He also has a wonderful sense of humor, which puts his interlocutors at ease.

The fiery element that feeds the representatives of this sign is similar to smoldering coals, but ready to flare up at any moment. They do not like injustice and, like Leos, they look for the truth everywhere. Sagittarius loves to stand up for the weakest and most abused. He does this not out of posing and not for further praise or the opportunity to assert himself, it’s just that a different course of events is unthinkable for him.

If a Sagittarius man does not have the opportunity to find a job with constant travel and business trips, then in any case he will provide himself with a similar hobby. This does not mean at all that a restless family member does not value family ties and home - relatives and friends bask in the rays of love, he is ready to provide help and support at any time, but the warmth of the relationship lies somewhat differently for him. More than a hearty holiday pie for common table, Sagittarius will appreciate the spiritual closeness and respect between all family members.

For Sagittarius, freedom is very important. They do not tolerate any restrictions and immediately strive to stop communicating with those who are trying to impose their own opinions and values ​​on them. The representative of the sign will not have a good relationship with those women who try to tie them to themselves or force them to do something unusual for them.

In general, in relationships with women, the Sagittarius man often earns the reputation of a ladies' man. Behind him comes a trail of windy novels. Girls are both attracted and repelled by this, but such a magnificent representative of the stronger sex is so attractive that they are often not embarrassed by the huge number of rivals. Each of them hopes that the jackpot in the form of a charming, intelligent and moderately gallant Sagittarius will go to her.

This simple and straightforward person in love is often guided by paradoxical and even opposite tendencies. While he cheats himself, he does not accept the same behavior from his girlfriend. Wanting to have a bright and interesting woman nearby, he wants to completely share his interests with her. Such a man is simultaneously attracted to the playfulness and softness of female nature. His ideal companion should be flirtatious and at the same time faithful.

What kind of girls does he like?

A man born under the sign of Sagittarius is at the same time extraordinary and selective in his preferences, and at the same time similar to most representatives of the stronger sex.

So, in a girl he will be attracted, first of all, by her appearance. A representative of the fire element, like many men, loves with his eyes. However, this will not be an academic ideal beauty or a woman stuffed with silicone and comprehensively “tuned” - a short romance or a casual relationship may happen with such a lady, but no more.

Representatives of the stronger sex are attracted to women with bright features (perhaps with one striking feature of appearance): a mop of gorgeous hair, bright-colored eyes, long legs or refined lips. At the same time, other appearance features may not be ideal at all. The only requirement here is that a woman must be well-groomed and take care of herself, but without unnecessary fanaticism, vulgarity, or excessive makeup. She should be dressed stylishly and tastefully, not necessarily according to latest fashion. He won’t appreciate a short, tight mini either. He will be attracted to semi-tight clothes that do not restrict movement, in which a woman feels natural.

The Sagittarius man's chosen one should be smart, have a good sense of humor, and communicate easily and naturally. This is so necessary because the companion will have to attend numerous events and companies that her partner loves to attend. He will never appreciate an interlocutor who will modestly remain silent in the corner or talk about boring everyday topics. Such a girl will very quickly become a burden, and he will be forced to run away in search of new mental pleasures.

Sagittarius will appreciate the truthfulness and directness of his companion, especially since these qualities are also characteristic of him. He won’t be offended at all if you even speak too harshly to him, especially if your opinion is valuable to him and the criticism will be constructive. But directly laughing at a Sagittarius man or making fun of him behind his back would be a terrible mistake. But you can laugh at jokes or mutual acquaintances (but not evil), the funny behavior of smaller brothers.

The ideal woman, according to Sagittarius, should give them complete freedom and share their hobbies. It doesn’t matter what a woman does, but she must have a favorite thing. They don’t respect empty playgirls on social networks. It’s great if you spend as much free time together as possible with similar interests. If for some reason this is impossible, then a woman should be calm about the lonely adventures of her companion and not be jealous of others.

Even a simple home woman will not satisfy their discerning taste. Sagittarius won't appreciate it perfect cleanliness in the house or a gourmet five-course dinner, if during this meal he has nothing to talk about with the mistress of the house. For a Sagittarius man, the priority is spiritual closeness with a woman, trust and mutual understanding, then the spouse calmly turns a blind eye to the mess in the house and will be content with store-bought instant soups.

It will be good if the girl finds mutual language with Sagittarius’s friends or gets along with relatives - then there will be no limit to admiration and gratitude. In general, a man of this kind will appreciate the sociability and broad social connections of the woman in whom he is interested.

How to get his attention?

At first glance, it is not difficult to win the attention of a Sagittarius man - it is more difficult to keep it. But this is not entirely true, because such representatives of the zodiac constellation with an arrow in their hands are, of course, first-class hunters. Seducing them in the sensual sphere is easy, but taming a freedom-loving Sagittarius man for life is not an easy task. As a rule, they themselves take the initiative when making acquaintances, but stand out from the crowd as pleasant, bright and attractive women. At the same time, ease of communication should not be confused with primitive simplicity.

A man shouldn't be bored with you. You must constantly awaken his imagination with your intellect. Light humor and common themes will make a picky storyteller become a grateful interlocutor. An intellectual interlocutor does not like routine, which already surrounds everyday life in abundance, full of worries. With a woman, according to representatives of this zodiac sign, it should be easy and pleasant. It is precisely such a girl with her easy and relaxed attitude towards life that will be able to make you fall in love with her. She will be able to win your heart with her somewhat childish spontaneity and passion for adventure, her readiness to take off at any moment along with her restless Sagittarius.

It’s good to at least occasionally take the initiative in deciding how to carry out free time. The more often you drag your man out into society, the more valuable you will look in his eyes. A party, an art gallery or a hike in nature, fishing or a noisy party - choose an event in accordance with the tastes of a particular man - this will make it easier to interest him in an interesting pastime. It’s not bad if the entertainment is not repeated, because the opportunity to receive new emotions and impressions is as important to him as air.

In a relationship with a Sagittarius man, you shouldn’t have a showdown or a long showdown. Hints of seriousness and the possibility of being tied by marriage will make him retreat and find a less troublesome relationship.

It’s worth learning to be just as free and somewhat independent, sometimes hinting slightly that you have a choice of admirers, and this man is not the last hope. The main thing is not to overdo it. Sagittarians love women who are successful in society, but at the same time not publicly available. Being polygamous themselves, they are not able to forgive their companions for betrayal.

Good manners and elegant taste with an attractive appearance will be a pleasant addition, but not a decisive factor for dating. Sagittarius is quite democratic by nature, so a woman with a whole series of conventions, norms and prohibitions will not be able to attract for a long time his free nature, striving for constant changes and ever new hobbies.

Signs of falling in love

It is not difficult to understand the feelings of a womanizer in love. A man born under the sign of Sagittarius is quite straightforward and open, so he will immediately admit his feelings and will be showered with compliments. He will not do this only if he feels that the lady of his heart is not very accessible to him and conquering her will be associated with significant difficulties.

If a Sagittarius falls deeply and truly in love, he knows how to court. At first, there will be a short time to carefully test the waters, attracting attention, giving small pleasant gifts, and providing simple help. As soon as he feels favor from the girl, he will immediately begin to invite him to various interesting places, shower him with signs of attention and various amenities. His behavior becomes more emotional and even enthusiastic. It is not difficult for him to make a sudden surprise with his resourcefulness. Such a man can even dedicate poems of his own composition.

A Sagittarius in love will be given away by his sparkling eyes in the presence of the object of his adoration and even more cheerful behavior than usual. A lover will pay almost all his attention to the woman he likes. Tactile contact is also important: consciously or involuntarily, such a man will try to touch your hand or hug.

Are Sagittarians jealous?

There is no clear answer to this question. More likely no than yes. In principle, they themselves are completely free in their relationships, they do not see anything good in jealousy, moreover, they often and easily change women, not considering this tendency of theirs to be something immoral.

On the other hand, they want to feel trust from their partner and trust themselves. He won’t maniacally follow your gaze or go through his phone, since he’s too busy for that with his numerous contacts and affairs. But if he is absolutely sure of betrayal, then he will not be jealous, but simply will not be able to forgive his woman.

He himself, if he decides to connect himself with one and only once and for all, will be faithful to her, but a difficult choice will fall only on the most intelligent, charming and extraordinary woman. Then it will be simply impossible to take such a husband away from the family.

At the initial stages of a relationship, it is sometimes worth warming up Sagittarius’ interest in your person with a light cloud of flirtation that seems to be blowing around you. He is pleased to know that there is a woman nearby who is popular among other men. The main thing is not to go beyond the bounds of decency, because within each representative of this sign there is a clear framework of what is permitted and an idea of ​​​​their own rules. Once you violate this man’s trust, you will have to come to terms with his imminent departure.

How do they break up?

No matter how unpleasant it may be, Sagittarius break up as quickly as they fall in love, and they leave in English: without long goodbyes, showdowns or explanations. Fiery hero-lovers cannot stand this. If this is very important, you can try to bring him to a frank conversation with a debriefing, but it will be short and not particularly encouraging.

It’s just that Sagittarius men have their own special criteria in feminine character and behavior they cannot tolerate. Representatives of this sign always believe that they need to be accepted and loved as they are, without the hope of changing them. Expecting such a direct attitude towards oneself, they do the same with a woman. If you don’t like some cardinal feature in her, a man will not break her character or adjust her to his own way; it is much easier for him to find a person who is more suitable and suits her in all respects, especially since the cheerful favorite of women always has a large choice.

How to return?

If for some reason Sagittarius left, then it will be impossible to return him. Violence is unacceptable to them and various ways tie to oneself, whether through blackmail or attempts to keep an unwanted child. If the trust of such a man has already been undermined, then it will definitely never be possible to win him over again. Do not impose yourself, do not stick in such a situation, but simply resign yourself - the most worthy and good advice by behavior.

It may also be that the reason for the separation was not you - suddenly your chosen one was drawn to new shores. In this case, it would be optimal to leave the choice to the Sagittarius man. Even vicious aspirations should not be limited, especially since he may realize the error of his actions. And if at the same time you manage to put the brakes on the situation, then you will also hear a request for forgiveness, although this is not so important for a fire sign. It will be much better if, if possible, you do not take the position of a victim, but try to understand and accept the behavior of your flighty companion.

Thus, with Sagittarius, the most effective advice would be not to keep them. If you want to return a man born under this zodiac sign, then to do this you need to let your loved one go. The less you hold someone seeking freedom, the greater the likelihood of the prodigal husband or boyfriend returning.

Compatibility with other signs

If you are unable to attract attention or build a relationship with Sagittarius, you should pay attention to the features of your compatibility by sign zodiac circle– perhaps the obstacles lie there too.

Women of similar fire signs of the Zodiac, as well as Virgo, are most suitable in relationships for Sagittarius men.

  • They feel great in a relationship with an Aries woman, born under the influence of a similar element. A riot of passions and a whirlwind of interests will not let them get bored together, but it is difficult to build strong and serious relationships on passion alone - even energetic Sagittarius needs rest.
  • The Taurus woman is characterized by a slow-flowing vital energy, you can get bored with her very quickly, and besides, she is down-to-earth and stubborn in her essence. She will not be able to attract such a man even with her homeliness and economic qualities.
  • In marriage, Sagittarius will find happiness with Gemini. Representatives of this sign are also easy-going, witty and inventive. If they suddenly find each other, they will create a very successful tandem.

  • Relationships with a woman born under the constellation Cancer are possible only with great patience and acceptance of each other. Sagittarius should not be a mother, but should show more independence - the companion will appreciate such behavior.
  • A woman under the sign of Leo will easily seduce a Sagittarius man with her intelligence, charisma, beauty and love for life and pleasure. Good friends can become successful life partners.
  • The intellectual and spiritual qualities of Virgo will appeal to those born under the constellation Sagittarius. Passion may even arise between them, but feelings will soon be cooled by Virgo’s sober and practical view of life.

  • The emotional component of Libra greatly appeals to Sagittarius. The couple will have a great time together. If a Libra woman does not put pressure on her lover with a serious relationship, then he himself will propose to her.
  • A bright relationship awaits with a representative of the Scorpio sign. They definitely won’t become clear-cut and calm. A stormy romance is possible, but quickly coming to an end - both have too strong characters and goals in life.
  • Relationships with a Sagittarius woman will not be harmonious. Violent passion, common interests, the same reaction to everything around, it would seem, should make this union strong, but both representatives of the sign love freedom and independence too much.

  • A Sagittarius relationship with a Capricorn woman is possible. Despite their contrasting personalities, there are many similarities in their views on life. If she becomes imbued with his hobbies, then with her remarkable intelligence and abilities she will be able to win the unfaithful heart of the womanizer.
  • With Pisces, who has their head in the clouds, the union will not be easy. For all the apparent lightness of the representatives of this zodiac sign, they are too deep into themselves and everything high, but Sagittarius likes earthly hobbies and joys. They will have to spend their free time in different companies, and then only with mutual concessions will a long relationship be possible.

According to reviews from representatives of the stronger sex of this sign, it is easiest to interact with women Sagittarius, Leo and Gemini. Cheerfulness and ebullient energy, love of entertainment and high intellectual level will make them excellent companions if the beautiful halves can curb their jealousy of their companion.

Capable of charming you from the first words. His cheerfulness, fun and wit are very contagious, so he practically experiences no lack of attention from the female half. Representatives of this zodiac sign sometimes exhibit strange things. They are the ones who are able to jump on a running horse or get into a crowd of clowns and have fun with them at the circus for children.

Sagittarius? Well, this can only be done with enough effort and certain manners. First, try to get him to get off this running horse and lead him away from the crowd of clowns. After all, it is precisely such enthusiasm for some insignificant matter that does not give him time for family life.

Sagittarius is almost always surrounded by a crowd (friends, acquaintances, acquaintances of acquaintances...) so you also have to push away this crowd in order to be alone at least a little. Also keep in mind that these men are always optimistic, so pessimism should under no circumstances come from you. True, his cheerfulness sometimes takes on a blind character; he is not even offended by insults from his enemies. Many people think that big dreamers are quite easy to work with. But this is not entirely true; their dreams are always accompanied by logic and curiosity. Maybe they are a little impractical and unbridled. If he understands that there is at least a small opportunity to achieve the desired goal, then he paints it with the most bright colors.

How to win a Sagittarius man when he is so fickle in love affairs? The main thing to remember is that even a married representative of this sign will forever remain a bachelor at heart. Therefore, you should not obsessively restrict his freedom; your excessive guardianship will not end in anything good. After all, his single nature does not at all indicate his infidelity. Also, perhaps, we should not forget that Sagittarians do not like dishonesty in relationships; if you suddenly cheated on him, it is better to admit it yourself, then there is a chance that he will forgive.

Reflecting on the topic: “What kind of women do Sagittarius men like?” we can say with confidence that he is most impressed by ladies like him. He expects some kind of miracle, some kind of beauty from his chosen one. You must be able to admire beauty with grace. Sagittarius looks for sincerity and value in every person. Thanks to his character and inherent optimism, he has much fewer enemies than other zodiac signs.

Sagittarius is characterized by tactlessness and inattention, but he is not cruel. Usually he says everything he thinks, and it can really hurt, so either don’t pay attention to them, or talk to him about this topic, he will definitely understand you.

How to win a Sagittarius man through sex? Considering his various preferences in the field of carnal pleasures, this will not be very difficult. The question is whether you are ready for this. By nature, he is not a fan of too active sex, he just wants to enjoy the process of foreplay. But be that as it may, Sagittarius does not get tired of sex throughout his life. You can safely relax with him and be sure that he won’t talk about it on every corner.

By the way, the Sagittarius man is a big fan of jokes that not everyone understands. If at the first meeting he says that he would gladly take you as his mistress, you should not be offended right away; most likely, he did not want to offend, but simply made a compliment.

The representative of this sign has finely honed his skill to impress others. You may immediately think that you will be the wife of a historian, but this, unfortunately, is a mistaken opinion. You have the opportunity to become his mistress, maybe you won’t understand it right away.

And now again about his honesty. Oaths of love coming from this man are often false, but frankness is from the heart. Sagittarius will never tie the knot if he hides his true feelings. But still, you shouldn’t marry him to yourself by deception; as soon as he understands this, he will immediately file for divorce (and he will understand quickly enough).

Sometimes women misunderstand their relationship with a Sagittarius man. Their opinion that the relationship between them is stronger than it seems at first glance is wrong. Sagittarius only needs something more serious that begins to weigh on him.

Many women wonder about Sagittarius and don't see an obvious answer. There is no need to be jealous for no reason, do not frighten him by leaving (just imagine how much pleasure he can get from this). This applies to any man. It is possible to keep him near you only by giving him freedom.

Be with Sagittarius the way he wants you to be, and you won’t regret it. After all, going hiking and flying kites is so much fun. If you want to become his wife, remember that you should not make scandals for him every evening. All the same, they don’t touch him; he is absolutely indifferent to them.

There is no need to interfere with the implementation of his cherished ideas. While he is passionate about them, you will also find, and then you have every chance of becoming his wife.

Perhaps from personal experience I can add that Sagittarius men make excellent fathers. He is closer in spirit to his child, a comrade, a friend, than a father. Therefore, be prepared for the fact that he may spoil them.

If none of the above frightened you, and you have already chosen for yourself a way to win a Sagittarius man, then your marriage can safely be called happy.

Sagittarius men are quite impulsive natures, but at the same time sociable and amorous.

Such people are optimistic. They believe in chance, luck and fate. Sagittarius men are real fighters for their place in the sun. They love to travel, gain new knowledge and comprehend the unknown.

Sagittarians are quite friendly and eccentric personalities. Possess great vitality, are very active and cheerful, which for the most part attracts people of the opposite sex.

But, having received what they want, they leave their romance in the past. Sometimes they become rude and persistent, indifferent and pessimistic. So, what kind of girls do Sagittarius men like and how to attract his attention?

Main characteristics

A man looking for a girl cheerful, good-natured and in love with nature. His soul longs for a woman who could conquer him at first sight.

Sagittarius man: what kind of women does he like, does such a man need a supermodel from the cover of a glossy magazine?

Sagittarians prefer women with a treasured “zest”, capable of pushing men to romantic deeds and heroic deeds.

This accurate archer is always directs his arrows at the target, at the sight of which all the men turn around. Having achieved such a woman, the Sagittarius man will feel like a real winner.

However, the feeling of victory must remain with him until the very end, otherwise he will soon become bored and leave, slamming the door, in search of a new target.

A woman who is next to Sagittarius is simply obliged to always look attractive and sexy. This is her main task, because such men are real alpha males.

They need to feel superior. And only a beloved woman is able to demonstrate the primacy and high status of the “archer”.

A Sagittarius man will never ask his girlfriend to hide her sexuality. However, in this case you should not bend it. These young people know a sense of proportion, so vulgarity and vulgarity instantly repels them.

Born under this sign are so amorous that sometimes they don’t think about the results. The fact is that a Sagittarius man is rarely capable of a serious relationship.

Having met a girl, he immediately shoots his “arrows of Cupid” and instantly wins her heart.

If a woman ends up in his bed on the very first night, then it is unlikely that she will become the one and only. Inaccessibility is the quality that is most desired to see a Sagittarius man in his chosen one.

If a girl manages to make him fall in love with her, then this is a definite victory. In a relationship with his beloved, Sagittarius is the best and most devoted man. He cannot be called an owner and a fanatical jealous person..

A man born under this sign likes a woman who could provide freedom to communicate with friends and also shares his interests. The one who constantly curses and criticizes is unlikely to stay long in his life.

Concerning negative qualities, then in this case it should be noted excessive control on the part of the woman. Sagittarius men don't like people who are too jealous.

The archer's girlfriend should be admired, but inaccessible to everyone. Even the slightest suspicion of flirting can result in an accusation of promiscuity.

“Centaurs” are also distinguished by their style of courtship. They can pursue the girl they like for a very long time, sparing neither money nor time.

They are wary of women who prefer to meet first. This is an absolute miss. The Sagittarius man prefers to choose his own girlfriend and win her favor.

Sexual compatibility is also important for the “archer” With a woman. However, the ability to show oneself well in bed is not enough to completely win over such a man. A girl should be able to captivate him with just one glance.

It is worth noting that zodiac archers try to choose their favorite among like-minded people. Coincidence of interests, mutual understanding - this is what must be in a relationship with Sagittarius.

Such men are not attracted to women who want to hide from all problems behind a strong back. This does not mean that he will not provide his beloved with help in case of difficulties.

However, Sagittarius intends to think that for real ideal woman must be able to solve their problems independently. A helpless person who constantly complains about her bad life is unlikely to become a companion this man through life.

Only self-sufficient, purposeful women, whose lives consist of changes and positive impressions, will be able to keep the “archer” next to them for a long time.

A girl's intelligence is also very important. Such men want to see next to them an excellent interlocutor who will happily discuss politics, philosophy, and discuss interesting book etc.

Good sex, tidy house, delicious dishes- this is not all that attracts Sagittarius.

The beloved girl of such a man should constantly take care of herself, visiting beauty salons and gyms, and also do not forget about spiritual and intellectual development. Having lost that very “zest”, the girl will cease to be interesting to Sagittarius.

How to entice

Those born under this sign are difficult people. Excessive frankness and simultaneous hypocrisy, absolute attractiveness and repulsive conflict, deep intellectuality and intolerable know-it-all.

Sagittarians sometimes themselves do not know what lies inside them.

Astrologers say that Zodiac centaurs are ready for serious relationships only in the second half of life. At a young age, these men are always in search of the one.

To please a Sagittarius, you should study the subtleties of his character.

Those born under this sign are leaders in relationships., and always will be. If you want to win the heart of the “archer”, give this role to him. If he said it was necessary, then it was necessary.

This is the fate of the Sagittarius girl. Only Don't show excessive submissiveness. Everything should be within reason.

You should not constantly point out to Sagittarius his shortcomings, otherwise he will decide that you do not value him. As a result, quarrels, scandals, separation.

Your chosen one is always right. Of course, you can argue with him - on everyday topics, For example. The only exceptions are those about which he knows almost everything - football, fishing, cars, etc.

In this case, you can cause a storm of emotions and indignation on the part of your man.

In relationships with “archers,” sometimes there comes a moment when the girl is confident in his obedience. In vain. Thinking that such a man is completely tamed is a bad idea.. This is the beginning of the very end when all hopes for a white wedding dress disappear.

The fact is that Sagittarius is, at its core, a player., who has the ability to fake falling in love for the sake of his comfort. As soon as superiority is felt on the part of the chosen one, such men turn around and leave.

Never complain about poor health or well-being, the attitude of others, inattention from the chosen one.

You should not demand constant declarations and proofs of love.

You can't show your dissatisfaction, insult, disappointment, Bad mood, pride. Sagittarians do not encourage these qualities in a woman.

Don't let him get bored. As soon as the “male centaur” feels the flame fading, he will immediately turn around and leave.

Never make scandals for him. This is the only sign of the Zodiac that simply hates them and avoids them.

A Sagittarius girl should be bright and extraordinary. This does not mean that she must have ideal body proportions or be beautiful. Hollywood stars. The main thing here is charisma and ability to present oneself.

The chosen one of the “archer” should be, first of all, interesting. Ordinary gatherings in a cafe or at home near the TV will not suit him. He needs drive, a flight of emotions, unusual impressions. Therefore, offer him interesting trips and activities more often.

Sagittarius loves it when people agree with him. However, this does not mean that the girl should be completely submissive and faceless. You just have to restrain yourself at some points.

Talk about sex and not a word about love

Even after several successful dates, a woman’s confidence that this man is already standing on the threshold of her house with suitcases and a toothbrush is absolutely in vain.

Sagittarius love can end just as quickly, as it began. Therefore, try not to touch on the topic of love, especially at the initial stage of a relationship, otherwise it will scare away the “centaur”.

Sagittarius girl must be on top- such a “dear beauty”. It is important to always maintain a conversation on exactly the topic that he touched upon.

Don't make a fuss if he's late for a date or looks lustfully at another woman.

It’s better to make sure that the “archer” shoots arrows only in your direction. To do this you need to use all your charm.

Try to demonstrate your independence at every opportunity. But by no means pride and coldness.

Look at him as if this is your last date, look at him as if he is the most... the best man in the world.

However don't forget about individuality. Such a man does not like it when a woman is his shadow. He wants to be proud of his chosen one.

As for sexual relations, then Sagittarians prefer liberated, passionate and insatiable natures who are always ready to experiment in bed. “Modest maidens” will never suit them.

So, fantasize, add variety, come up with new poses. This will definitely make the “archer man” stay with you forever.


Sagittarius man is happy in marriage with Gemini, Aries, Libra, Aquarius, Leo.

They should avoid Virgos in relationships.

Sagittarius is a rather difficult person who will not submit to every girl. Astrologers advise girls to avoid scandals, constant complaints, demands, humiliation, and superiority.

However, you should not lose your individuality and independence.

Horoscopes and predictions have become a fairly commonplace thing for us. Some people treat them neutrally, while others believe and take into account the signs of fate. Believing in this or not is, of course, up to you, but when it comes to winning the heart of a lover, this method will not be superfluous. Today we propose to consider the character traits of romantic and spontaneous Sagittarius men.

When building relationships with a person, we always rely on certain knowledge about his tastes, preferences and about himself. Most often, we receive such information during communication with our lover, his family and friends. But this is far from the only way to learn about your loved one, his character and morals. It has long been no secret that our character depends not only on our upbringing and the circumstances in life, but also on what zodiac sign we belong to.

As a rule, men born under the sign of Sagittarius are everyone's favorites. And this is an absolutely justified definition of Sagittarius, because it will be extremely difficult to find more good-natured, trusting and sincere guys.

  • Sagittarius men are still dreamers, they are never bored even when alone, because in their head there are always a thousand and one ideas on how to entertain themselves.
  • In company, they are always laughing merry fellows, who can easily amuse friends and find an activity that will appeal to absolutely everyone.
  • Representatives of this sign are real enthusiasts: always ready to take on new things, discover the world and improve.
  • Thanks to the constant desire to develop, Sagittarians are always distinguished by their mental abilities.
  • Such men always have many hobbies, as well as interests, which can sometimes be completely incomprehensible to other people.
  • Sagittarians are characterized by excessive frankness and naivety, so they very easily reveal their souls, and sometimes this is completely unjustified. These men never want to believe that anyone, much less close people, can take advantage of these qualities and cause them harm.
  • Representatives of this zodiac sign are also distinguished by such quality as honesty. Embellishing events, giving things greater significance - all this is acceptable for Sagittarius, but lying and deception - never.
  • By nature, men of this sign are very strong and this applies not only to physical strength, but also to moral strength. These guys are always ready to help and solve the problems of their family and friends, without expecting anything in return.
  • One not very good quality of Sagittarius can be considered their inherent tactlessness. But despite this, we need to calm you down right away. The tactlessness of these men is completely unconscious; they simply always say what they think, sometimes forgetting that this may hurt the feelings of other people.
  • It is also worth noting that these guys have not only a good mind, but also an excellent memory. Sagittarius will never forget what you were wearing yesterday and will always wish you a happy birthday.
  • Men of this sign also belong to those people for whom justice is sometimes above all else. Even if you are his close friend or relative, know that if you are wrong, Sagittarius will not take your side, this is fundamental for him.
Sagittarius man
  • Representatives of this sign greatly value their freedom and personal space. Therefore, if you have a brilliant idea to try to make a boring homebody out of Sagittarius, rest assured that you will not be able to do it.
  • He devotes himself entirely to the business that the Sagittarius man decides to do. These guys are not used to retreating halfway or when encountering some difficulties. It is thanks to such focus and dedication that they always manage to achieve their goals.
  • And you can write a separate story about the sociability of Sagittarius. The Sagittarius man knows how to win people over, and with absolutely no less success he knows how to use this to get from them the help that he needs.
  • Despite the diverse interests of Sagittarius, everyday life is not included in their list. Therefore, do not expect Saturday gatherings in front of the TV and general cleaning of the territory from this sign - with great interest they will organize a party or a trip to a picnic.

Everything is relatively clear with the general preferences of the Sagittarius man, but what about his preferences in women? This question is quite complicated. So, let's figure it out.

What kind of girls do Sagittarius guys like?

Representatives of this sign are quite demanding of women. They will never choose a girl as a companion who is not attractive enough.

Yes, Sagittarius always pay attention to appearance young ladies, and sometimes they can even “meet you by their clothes.” But this applies only to the initial stage - dating.

When it comes to communication, the Sagittarius man will expect to see you as an interesting and intelligent interlocutor, and if this does not happen, then most likely the guy will simply lose all interest in you.

In order to please Sagittarius, a woman must be:

  • Beautiful and well-groomed. Yes, if you decide to make a representative of this sign fall in love with you, then first you will have to love yourself. It wouldn't hurt to lose a couple of unnecessary pounds and get a new hairstyle. Guys of this sign appreciate when a girl takes care of herself and knows how to present herself favorably.
  • Dress stylishly and elegantly. In this case, the advantage will be the girl’s ability to emphasize her sexuality without turning it into vulgarity and vulgarity.
  • Let's move on from external beauty to internal beauty. The girl must be educated and well read, It is in such cases that Sagittarius will become interested in her person. It is also worth noting that a woman’s knowledge should be very extensive.
  • First of all, a girl who wants to please such a man must be a person with her own views on life. She must be able to boldly defend her point of view.
  • Because Sagittarius is a holiday person, his chosen one should be cheerful and at the right moments slightly frivolous in order to play along with her lover in his sometimes crazy ideas.

  • Honesty and loyalty- these are the basic qualities that these guys value not only in women, but also in all other people. Therefore, there will be no talk of any relationship if representatives of this sign suspect you of lying or insincerity.
  • Inventive and proactive. Of course, these nice dreamers have plenty of ideas on how to brighten up their leisure time and have an interesting time, but this absolutely does not mean that they will not be happy to see the initiative coming from you. Spontaneously purchased tickets for a weekend or unexpected tour romantic evening will greatly please Sagittarius, Once again, convincing him of the correctness of the previously made choice.
  • Representatives of this sign also love and appreciate when a girl knows how to please them, not only by giving gifts, but also by giving compliments. Yes, these are exactly those rare men who love compliments, and it doesn’t matter what they are said about.

Therefore, if you want to please such a guy, learn to give refined compliments.

What kind of compliments do Sagittarius men like?

Since these guys are very inventive and sophisticated, they will be pleased to hear something unusual from you. This does not mean that simple compliments will not bring them pleasure, no, but it will be much better if you dream up a little and come up with something original.

  • Always in fashion compliments regarding appearance. Praising a Sagittarius for looking great is an absolutely win-win option, and besides, these scrupulous guys always try to be on top, so you don’t have to come up with anything in this case. Tell your loved one: “You have such pumped up arms, you are very strong and look very courageous” or “The color of this shirt unusually brightly emphasizes the beauty of your eyes.”
  • Compliments praising his qualities such as strength, resourcefulness and intelligence. Perhaps any man will enjoy it if his woman, even after 5 years of marriage, reminds him of these virtues. Sagittarius will be pleased to hear: “Your enterprise stays afloat only thanks to your intelligence and resourcefulness” or “Only you can solve such a problem.”
  • Based on the fact that Sagittarius has more than enough inexhaustible optimism, cheerfulness and constant unbridled fun, you simply need to give compliments specifically about these qualities. These men know very well that they are the life of the party, but they are all for hearing this from someone. Tell the man: “It was very sad without you at the party yesterday. After all, you ignite drive in the company.”

Taurus will be pleased to hear a compliment from you.

Perhaps it’s worth saying that knowing a man’s preferences is one thing, but putting your knowledge into practice is completely different. Representatives of this sign may encounter many difficulties, but you should not be afraid of them, because your happiness is at stake. A girl who can make such a man fall in love with her will “pull out a lucky ticket.”

How to attract the attention of a Sagittarius man and please him?

The answer to this question will be quite banal and simple. Of course, you shouldn’t forget about the previously described tastes and morals of these guys, but at the same time, always know how to remain yourself.

  • To attract Sagittarius' attention It is enough to be a bright individual. Is it difficult? The answer is obvious - of course not. Don't try to copy someone or be like someone and you won't have any problems with this issue.
  • It must be said that representatives of this sign give preference to girls with whom they have many common interests. Therefore, in order to please Sagittarius, you will need to use a little trick, or maybe it’s not a trick at all - it’s up to you to decide. Just respect his hobbies, regardless of your personal attitude towards them. And if you manage to interest yourself in his hobbies, rest assured that success is guaranteed.

Sagittarius will like it
  • You Sagittarius will definitely like you, if you can represent him favorably in society. These men really appreciate it when girls do everything to be representative: from their appearance to their manners.

It has long been no secret to anyone that compatibility according to zodiac signs does exist. This can be explained by the fact that representatives of each zodiac sign have their own character traits, which sometimes simply do not allow people to build normal relationships. But let’s not despair ahead of time, a way out of the situation can always be found.

How to make a Sagittarius man fall in love with a woman of a certain zodiac sign?

Sagittarius man and Aries woman

  • This is true "hot" union. A jealous Aries woman and a freedom-loving Sagittarius man can certainly attract each other's attention, but building a family relationship is unlikely. The Aries woman will simply try to “crush” Sagittarius with her temperament, and even despite her restraint, the man will not tolerate this.
  • If speak about sexual compatibility these signs, then it is quite high, because the passion that is inherent in them is what unites them.
  • In order to make a Sagittarius man fall in love with her, this temperamental lady will have to slightly restrain her excessive emotionality, which will certainly irritate Sagittarius.

Sagittarius man and Taurus woman

  • Despite the fact that these are absolute opposites of each other, this couple knows how to see in this positive side. In their union, the Taurus woman gives Sagittarius comfort and a well-equipped life, and he, in turn, knows how to add a bit of celebration and fun to their family life at the right moment. This is not only a wonderful couple, but also Good friends, because Taurus knows how to listen, understand and support in difficult times.
  • In “bed” matters they are doing quite well. The Taurus woman not only loves, but also knows how to bring pleasure to her chosen one, and Sagittarius, in turn, knows how to reward this.
  • In order for the relationship of this couple to always remain at this level, the Taurus woman must sometimes give complete freedom of action to her man, because Sagittarius madly values ​​her freedom. Rest assured, he will always want to return to a woman like you.

Compatibility of the first two signs with Sagittarius

Sagittarius man and Gemini woman

  • Thanks to the fact that the Gemini woman, just like the Sagittarius man, loves and values ​​her freedom, this relationship can work out pretty successful. As a rule, the relationship of this couple is not entirely traditional. Yes, they feel good and comfortable together, but at the same time they will not run to the registry office to put a stamp in their passport.
  • In the sexual life of these signs, everything is going more than perfectly; they know how to show both tenderness and passion, which helps them remain interesting to each other.
  • In order for this relationship to last as long as possible, the Gemini woman must focus on common interests, not forgetting to take the initiative.

Sagittarius man and Cancer woman

  • It is unlikely that such a union will take place, because representatives of these signs have completely different views on life.
  • Sexual attraction takes place here, but without a serious relationship, the Cancer girl herself will not feel the desire to have sexual intercourse.
  • In order for these relationships to exist, both parties need to learn to give in and put the interests of the partner, if not higher, then at least on an equal footing with their own.

Sagittarius man and Leo woman

  • It is worth noting immediately that this a very promising union. When these two signs begin a relationship, their life turns into a daily celebration. Because their interests are identical, this couple gets along very easily with each other, both in friendship and in love.
  • A Sagittarius man and a Leo girl always know how to interest each other. These signs love to openly express their feelings, so the “candy-bouquet” period in their life together practically never ends.
  • Regarding sex, it must be said that these are wonderful lovers. A Lioness always strives to give her partner maximum pleasure, and this will not be at all difficult for the passionate and loving Sagittarius.
  • In order for an atmosphere of love and passion to always reign in this union, the proud Lioness needs to learn to restrain her jealousy and remember that the Sagittarius man, despite his love for female representatives, is a very faithful and devoted partner.

Sign compatibility with Sagittarius

Sagittarius man and Virgo women

  • This one is very controversial alliance It is rarely durable, because these signs are too different from each other. The practical Virgo cannot tolerate inconstancy, of which Sagittarius has more than enough.
  • If sexual relations happen between representatives of these signs, it is unlikely that they will give them the expected pleasure.
  • If a Virgo woman still experiences an unbridled desire to build a relationship with a Sagittarius man, she must be prepared to constantly infringe on her own interests, as well as search for compromises.

Sagittarius man and Libra woman

  • Such relationships will quite successful, because representatives of these signs “look in one direction” in everything.
  • This couple can rightfully be called ideal lovers; they are perfectly compatible in bed, because they know each other’s desires and strive to fulfill them.
  • Support and mutual understanding are what will bring stability and harmony to the relationships of these people.

Sagittarius man and Scorpio woman

  • The frequent intensity of violent passions nullifies even those feelings that may arise between these people. A Sagittarius man is always popular among women and will never refuse such pleasure, while a powerful Scorpio woman may even consider cheating in a light flirtation.
  • All these same emotions make the sexual life of such a union quite diverse. Therefore, as sexual partners, these two signs are very compatible.
  • In order to build a relationship, a Scorpio woman must learn to give in, sometimes even to the detriment of her interests.

Sagittarius man and Capricorn woman

  • Insanely different, but able to find advantages in it– this is how we can briefly describe this couple. In fact, why not? Having found those very advantages, the relationship of these signs is quite likely.
  • Thanks to Sagittarius’s ability to bring something new into their sexual life, and Capricorn’s willingness to try new things, such relationships have every chance of being bright and intense.
  • Such a woman will be able to conquer the freedom-loving Sagittarius if she manages to show this man the beauty of stability in absolutely all areas of life.

Sagittarius man and Aquarius woman

  • In marriage and relationships between Sagittarius and Aquarius, many disagreements and disputes often arise, which do not provide the opportunity to build strong relationships.
  • Nevertheless, representatives of these signs have quite a lot of common interests. They also have completely identical preferences in sex, so their relationships are almost always excellent.
  • It is necessary to make every effort for such a union to take place; for this, the Aquarius woman needs to learn to be constant and stable, and also teach Sagittarius this.

Sagittarius man and Pisces woman

  • Inhabitants different worlds - that's who these two signs are. Such a union is impossible in principle; these people have too different priorities and outlooks on life.
  • In sex life, of course, everything is better, but, as a rule, it simply doesn’t come to that.
  • If a Pisces woman manages to make a Sagittarius man fall in love with her, then this cannot be called anything other than a miracle. But for this miracle, a woman will have to work hard and forget about her stubbornness, as well as her criticality.

Sometimes it happens that there is communication and the partner seems to be already showing signs of attention, but there is absolutely no certainty about whether this man likes you. This is exactly the outcome you need to be prepared for if your beloved guy is a Sagittarius.

How to understand that a Sagittarius man likes you?

This will not be easy to do. In life and in communication, representatives of this sign are very open, which, unfortunately, cannot be said about relationships.

To hear confirming words, and even more so to see some actions confirming Sagittarius’s sympathy for you, a lot of time must pass. Only after the man himself is convinced that he cares about you will he begin to show it to you. But those women who show patience and understanding will be fully rewarded - a liberated partner will show everything he is capable of in in a good way this word, of course:

  • Compliments and words of love will be spoken daily
  • Flowers and gifts - showering on you like a mountain
  • There will be so many romantic dates and trips that you can’t even imagine.

Sagittarius in love

Perhaps no one will argue that for the sake of such a result we can wait and not draw any hasty conclusions. Agree, getting a man to like you and making him fall in love with you is only half the battle. Sometimes situations arise in which you need to prove yourself again and revive your partner’s interest in your person, and this moment is far from unimportant.

How to keep a Sagittarius man?

The Sagittarius guy's nature is very flighty and fickle; he gets bored with everyday life very quickly and therefore his interest must always be “warmed up.” This needs to be done on time, otherwise Sagittarius may become too carried away by other interests.

IMPORTANT: To keep such a man, you need to let him go. Yes, no matter how banal it may sound. Freedom is the most valuable thing a Sagittarius has, so just don’t forget about it and then you won’t have the need to restrain anyone.

Based on the fact that Sagittarius men are always of interest to women, their sex life is rarely boring and monotonous.

What does a Sagittarius guy like in bed?

Representatives of this sign are truly wonderful lovers. To satisfy these loving heartthrobs, a woman must know the following:

  • Sagittarians love sex and are always ready to initiate this process, but in order to give them maximum pleasure, you also must not forget to take the initiative. Believe me, getting rejected in this case is almost impossible.
  • Know how to diversify your sex life. If nothing comes to mind, use the services of a “special” store, they will certainly help you. Starting from sexy outfits and ending with “adult toys” - It all depends on your desires and preferences.

Sagittarius are wonderful lovers
  • Sagittarius loves when people are honest and frank with him. The same applies to sex, so don’t be afraid to tell your lover about your sexual desires - he will be happy to fulfill them.
  • Don't be afraid to get emotional. Do what you want and say what you think is appropriate during sex.
  • Of course, you should not forget about showing tenderness to your partner. The Sagittarius man loves affection, kisses and, of course, praise.

Let's remember such an important thing as temptation. Seducing a man is an art.

How to seduce a Sagittarius guy?

Since Sagittarius is quite proud, he can be seduced when his partner’s desire to succeed and gain the upper hand is zero. For a moment, let go of the situation, give the man the opportunity to prove himself. It is then that he will become interested in you and desire to achieve your favor. It's not all that complicated, is it? A little patience, a little ingenuity and cunning - and the result will not take long to arrive.

The Sagittarius man is very generous, especially to those he loves. But he himself will be no less pleased if you show respect for his person and at least occasionally give him a present.

What to give a Sagittarius man?

What you definitely won’t have any problems with is choosing a gift for your Sagittarius lover.

  • Since representatives of this sign adore celebration and fun, then organizing a party would be a worthy gift. If this party is unexpected, even better, because Sagittarius will understand that you are not indifferent to him, since you know his desires and tastes well.
  • Trips- This is perhaps the greatest weakness and passion of this sign. If you have the opportunity to give your loved one a trip as a gift, know that you definitely won’t go wrong. Also, as an alternative, you can give a “thrill”, for example, a parachute jump.
  • As we already know, household chores are not Sagittarius’s concern at all, so by giving a gift of essentials that will make his life easier, you will hit the mark.

  • Technique, like a phone or camera would also be a worthy gift.
  • Remembering Sagittarius guys’ thirst for new knowledge and the diversity of their interests, another gift option could be a book or several tickets to a film premiere.
  • Leisure– that’s what these guys are always striving for. It would be appropriate to present a gift in the form of a bicycle, roller skates, sportswear, as well as any accessories for exercise.
  • Sagittarians are respectable men, so a gift in the form of expensive watches or a leather wallet.
  • What you should not give these men is money. Frivolous Sagittarius will instantly spend it, and most likely on completely unnecessary things.

Well, as we have seen today, the Sagittarius man is far from being a gift. But don’t despair, because as they say, “Whoever wants, looks for opportunities, and whoever doesn’t want, looks for reasons.” If you seriously want to connect your life with a representative of this sign, prepare yourself for difficult work, but remember, when you reach the end, you will be rewarded. After all, the good-natured Sagittarius is ready for the sake of his beloved to commit the most exciting and crazy things that all women dream about.

Video: Compatibility of a Sagittarius man. Sagittarius man in a relationship