Spinner made of wood with your own. How to make a spinner with your own hands at home

The spinner is a new fun toy that adults and children will enjoy. It appeared in America last year and in a short time gained enormous popularity. The operating principle of the toy is simple: medium and thumb We take the central bearing with one hand. With the other hand we activate the wings of the turntable. With sufficiently good control skills, you can operate the toy with one hand. Use your index finger and thumb to grasp the center bearing. The hand spinner consists of three parts: a housing, a bearing and a plug.

Advantages of a spinner

  1. Hand motor skills develop, fingers become more sensitive. This tool will be very useful for those who have suffered various hand injuries.
  2. This is a kind of anti-stress toy that calms the nerves. In addition, thanks to it, you can concentrate, restore efficiency, relieve anxiety and nervousness, and also become less irritable.
  3. The spinner will be an excellent companion during a long trip; it can be a great way to occupy your free time.

LED spinner on the controller

Some people buy them, while others make them themselves. Here circuit diagram spinner with LEDs controlled by a microcontroller. When rotating, all sorts of pictures and signs are created.

Project Parts List:

  • MK ATtiny-45
  • 5 smd led (1206)
  • 5 smd resistor (47 ohm)
  • 1 battery 16 mm (3 V)
  • 22mm diameter bearing
  • A piece of wood or plastic

As you can see, the scheme is simple, but if anyone doesn’t understand something, study the datasheet from Atmel.

The positive LED leads go to PB0 - PB4 on the MK. To limit current, resistors are added between them. The negative contacts of the LEDs go to minus - GND.

Possible different variants displaying figures, so a browser page is made to create image sequences for the spinner. IN shared file, the link to which was above, you will find a drawing, firmware and program.

Spinner with ball bearings

This spinner consists of a housing on bearings and a plug. The center bearing is the most important. The speed and time of rotation of the spinner depends on its quality. The plugs are inserted into the central hole.

One of the most accessible means at hand is paper and cardboard. A hand spinner is made from paper using a knife, four bearings, and glue. First you need to make drawings. Using a utility knife, cut out pieces from paper or cardboard. Holes for bearings are cut out nail scissors or a knife. It is important to ensure that their diameter is slightly smaller than the diameter of the bearing. This is necessary to ensure that the bearings fit tightly into the holes. The number of parts depends on the width of the bearing. Gluing requires a lot of glue. it will give the product greater strength. After finishing the work, we paint the toy in any color.

To increase the moment of inertia, it is necessary to provide weights. The most simple option are coins glued to each other. For 10 mm plywood, you need to glue 8 ten-kopeck coins together. We level the internal surfaces of the workpiece using a drill. We carefully and quickly bring the outer surfaces to the contour using a grinder with a grinding wheel. We remove all remaining irregularities manually with sandpaper.

For those who know how to work with a jigsaw and drill, you can make a spinner out of wood. Wood is an environmentally friendly material. The product turns out beautiful and pleasant to the touch. First we choose durable wood. For beginners, it is better to use plywood. Working with wood requires skills. First prepare a drawing. You can come up with it yourself or simply print it from the Internet. Place the paper blank on the wood or plywood and trace it with a pencil. Cut out and sand the part with sandpaper. The hole can be cut out, but it is better to use a drill to make the hole even. Important point: Use a drill to make a hole halfway on one side, and then turn the part over. This way you have a better chance of getting the perfect hole for the bearing. The thickness of the wood or plywood should be exactly the same as the bearing. If it is a little larger, it needs to be sanded.

Typically, a bearing from skateboard wheels, rollers or scooters is used. They have standard size diameter 22 millimeters, width and inner diameter you can choose at your discretion.

After experimenting with sizes, we came to the conclusion that perfect size for long torsion 25-27 mm in diameter. At the same time, for a spinner it is better not to take bearings smaller than 20 and larger than 30 mm.

Finger spinner will be a savior for those people who bite their nails, pens, or the like during stress. The fidget spinner is designed to relieve stress, warm up your fingers, as well as concentrate your attention and develop hand motor skills. Such a device will become an irreplaceable thing for children and adults.

The surface of the materials can be lumpy or smooth, and you can find a variety of color options: white, black, red and many others. The size of the toy is small, which allows you to carry it with you. Unusual and stylish design can make a great accessory out of it.

How to make a spinner with your own hands

Why do you need a spinner from a store if you can make it yourself? The whole process of work will take a little time, and its design is simple. In order to start tinkering, you will need:

  • Textolite;
  • furniture ties;
  • bearings;
  • drill and drill bits for it;
  • ruler, compass.

First you need to take the PCB and cut out the base for the spinner from it. First, using a compass, a drawing of the toy is drawn, and only then it is cut out. Before you start drawing the base, you need to find out the size of the bearing, for example, it is 22 mm, so the compass needs to be inserted into the PCB at 11 mm and draw a circle. After this, insert a compass at 18 mm and draw another circle. An individual calculation is required for each case. This is easy to do, all the variety of options are presented on the Internet, there are also stencils for the spinner.

Then we start working with bearings. Each of them needs to be wiped with resin, after which they can be connected to the block. Only after this can you drill holes for the sleeves. To do this, you need to mark six sectors of the spinner. Each intersection point of sectors and circles is the center of the sleeves. You need to drill holes in each intersection, exactly six pieces. Then you need to drill out the center of the spinner.

Each sleeve must be sanded before being inserted into the hole. This is very simple to do; to do this, you need to insert it into the drill chuck and rub it on sandpaper at the lowest speed until all the paint is removed from them. Each of the sleeves must be lubricated with the same resin and pressed in.

After all the steps are done, the toy needs time to dry. This will require a minimum of six hours, after which you can enjoy playing with the hand spinner.

Video - the coolest spinners

Children and adults are delighted with the popular toy on bearings - the spinner. There are many varieties of them from various materials. Learn how to make a spinner at home.

How to make a spinner from paper and cardboard

To make a spinner with your own hands, you will need certain materials and skills to work with them. The simplest ones to make are models made of cardboard and paper. Their only drawback is fragility and fragility.

You will need:

  • cardboard;
  • scissors;
  • awl;
  • marker;
  • silicate glue;
  • coins of the same denomination - 3 pcs.;
  • empty ballpoint pen refill;
  • gouache paints and glitter.

Step-by-step instructions on how to make a spinner:

  1. Draw a blank on the cardboard. To do this, circle the cap of a PET bottle with a marker, forming a triangle with a central (fourth) circle in the middle. Cut out two identical pieces.
  2. Glue three coins onto the “blades”.
  3. Glue the second cardboard blank on top.
  4. In the center of the workpiece, do through hole using an awl.
  5. Cut about a centimeter from the empty (without paste) ballpoint pen refill.
  6. Cut four circles smaller in diameter than the lids. To do this, you can circle small coins. Make through holes in two circles with an awl.
  7. Insert a centimeter rod into one circle and glue it. Then pass the free end of the rod through the central hole of the spinner blank and glue it. Insert the free end of the rod into the second cardboard circle.
  8. Hide the ends of the rod; to do this, glue the two remaining whole cardboard circles on top of them.
  9. Paint the craft with paints and decorate with sparkles.

How to make a spinner from plastic caps

Plastic spinners are much stronger than cardboard ones. Children over 8–10 years old will be able to make a spinner from caps with their own hands. The smaller ones will need parental help.

To make a craft you will need:

  • lemonade lids - 4 pcs.;
  • plasticine or clay;
  • scissors;
  • glue gun and glue stick;
  • nail and lighter;
  • toothpick.

Step by step description:

  1. Fill the hollow space inside the three lids with plasticine, and fill the top with glue from a gun.
  2. Make a hole in the center of the fourth lid with a nail. To do this, heat the sharp end of the nail with a lighter.
  3. Glue three lids filled with plasticine on three sides of the fourth with a hole, creating a triangle shape.
  4. Cut two pieces one centimeter long from the glue stick for the gun.
  5. Break the toothpick exactly in the middle.
  6. Secure one end of the toothpick to a cut piece of glue stick.
  7. Place the free end of a toothpick through the hole in the center cap. Hide the remaining sharp tip in another piece of glue stick.
  8. If desired, color the top of the lids acrylic paints or cover with appliqués.

As you can see, spinners are not at all difficult to make yourself. This good opportunity captivate the child for a while and rejoice with him at the result.

To create a craft in the form of a fashionable spinner, you will need ordinary available materials that you can always find at home. Good luck and creativity!

Spinner conquers the galaxy at the speed of light. Millions of people twist, spin and toss the toy, which has become a favorite accessory at work, home and school. For those who suddenly returned from a business trip in the forest, we explain: a spinner is the coolest anti-stress gadget for children and adults. The toy is made from a variety of materials: metal, plastic, wood, and so on. In previous materials, the gaming portal Game2Day talked about, and.

However, despite the fact that prices for spinners start from a few dollars, many users still search the Internet for how to make a spinner with my own hands. Today we will tell you how to make a spinner yourself at home without unnecessary complex gadgets. Let's start with something simple: make a spinner out of Coke caps and cardboard. And then we’ll try to complicate it and make a spinner from a bicycle chain. Well, then let's see what human imagination is capable of.

What does it take to make a spinner? Prepare cardboard, paper with a pencil, a compass with a ruler, several round bearings, a stationery knife and a simple knife, as well as a lot of glue: liquid, hot and superglue.

Making a spinner from paper and cardboard

A hand spinner made of paper or cardboard is simple to make: create a drawing (four equal-sized circles with places for bearings), cut out the parts from paper, and glue them onto cardboard. Cut the holes for the bearings a little smaller so that metal part fit tightly and did not pop out. And then we simply glue three circles together around one at equal intervals.

Wooden spinner

Do you own a jigsaw and drill? Great! You can make an eco-friendly and pleasant-to-touch wooden spinner. There are plenty of drawings on the Internet, download and print them on paper. We apply the blank to a wooden board, carefully trace it with a pencil and cut it out along the contour. It would be a good idea to sand the resulting toy with sandpaper and coat it with varnish or wood oil. You can even age the spinner using a lighter. The holes for the bearings can be made with a drill (drill halfway, turn it over and drill further). The thickness of the board must match the thickness of the bearing.

Spinner made of plastic caps

The spinner can be made without bearings. We take 6 plastic covers (you can different color, it will be more beautiful). We make small holes in the center of two lids. We glue them with a flat surface facing each other, but so that the holes are not filled with glue. Fold three lids around the resulting figure, distributing them at the same distance. Glue them to our double lid on the sides equal height. Then we take wooden stick and push it through the hole in the center. We cut it off, leaving 3-4 millimeters on both sides so that it sticks out slightly from the lid. Fill the stick with glue and wait. That's it, you can spin it! You are your mother's engineer!

Spinner made of bearings

We will need three bearings, one of which should be slightly smaller than the others. Use a knife to pry off the protective liners from the small bearing and place them in a row so that the large ones are at the edges. Let's take three plastic clamps and tighten them around the future spinner. Firmly, so that you can lift the spinner by one of the clamps. We take two more clamps and tighten them across (on the sides of the small bearing). We cut the clamps and whoosh, magic!

A three-beam spinner will require seven bearings, a tube of superglue and hot glue, a wooden stick, acetone, salt (!!!), napkins and stationery knife. We remove the protective liners from the four bearings and clean them of oil residues using acetone. Then we lay out all seven bearings on the table so that one is in the middle and the rest around it (bearings without liners should go through one). We glue them to each other on top with superglue. We DO NOT glue bearings with liners! As soon as the glue dries, remove the excess and glue the spinner at the junction of the pieces of iron. Sprinkle salt there to fill the gaps and coat the spinner in a circle with hot glue. We wait until everything freezes and go show off to our friends.

What else can you make a spinner from?

Ohohonyushki! Well, we have questions today. A spinner can be made from anything. Seriously. You can even make a spinner out of a Lamborghini. Would you like to see? Please!

For tough men - a brutal spinner made from bullets. Melted and poured into a special form. You can walk around the area fearlessly. There is!

But this spinner is the complete opposite of the previous one. Want to make a toy out of Gummy bears? That way.

The young chemists perked up... Gallium spinner, how do you like this? They say that this material literally melts in your hands. But one thing is clear, it is very fragile, but beautiful: it resembles silver. You can troll werewolves.

One of the most expensive spinner options is gold. For what? We don't know. Maybe someone has more than enough school medals. Or teeth inherited from a great-grandfather. In general, if you have nowhere to put one of the most expensive metals on the planet, make yourself such a spinner. Maybe it will go under the hammer for even more money.

And these spinners are especially for boys and girls. Bright, colorful and completely safe. They are mostly made of cardboard, and the drawings can be downloaded from the description of the video. Offer to make one during labor or crafts classes. The teachers will definitely like it, maybe they’ll even let you do tricks in class

The next set consists of as many as three spinners: from a bicycle chain, which can be made for a very short term; a very cool spinner with LED lights that glows in the dark, and the third option is made from LEGO.

The most luxurious spinner made of copper. Handmade, but it looks like it was made in a factory by hardworking Chinese. Or Filipinos. In general, see for yourself, if you happen to have such tools at hand - go for it!

There was already a spinner made from Gummy bears. It's time for another edible toy. A candy spinner made by an American blogger. Is it weak to repeat? A barberry spinner will turn out great!

Another glowing spinner with LED lights. You can put production on stream and supply local clubs instead of hand stamps. Why not a startup? Enjoy it for your health.

Sakura has bloomed. Silver rain is falling. Making a spinner shuriken. During the process, you can come up with more than one haiku, you know.

If you have nowhere to put your iPhones, make one into a spinner. Seriously, it spins cool and looks expensive. You just can’t call on it... me too, it’s called quality. Just think, they drilled a hole in the middle!

Glamorous spinner for girls with sparkles. You can also decorate it with beads.

A classic metal spinner for cool tricks and spins. Reliable, simple. You just have to get a lathe first.

You can come up with as many more models for spinners, if not more. The main thing is that there is enough imagination and available tools. Good luck and may the crookedness in your arms go away while you spend making the new spinners. Surprise us with your variations in the comments, happy spinning!

Despite the fact that the peak of popularity of the anti-stress toy that was fashionable in 2016-2017 has begun to subside, many are still looking for ways to create an original little thing that will help them spend time not boring on long trips, long queues or difficult situations. life situations. Naturally, we are talking about a do-it-yourself spinner. How to create it at home, and what you need for this - read more in our material.

What are spinners for and how do they work?

Each twist dismantles the individuality of its owner.

Fidget spinner is a rotating flat or three-dimensional toy that is popular with adults and children around the globe. Its main purpose is to occupy and distract . Some people think that spinner is useful , because thanks to him you can take a break from everyday life and psychological problems, relieve irritability, get rid of anxiety. Others claim that thanks to the turntable you can focus on the right things, distracting from everything unnecessary. Be that as it may, the fame of the toy does not need explanation, because literally everyone loves it.

There are many forms of the so-called hand twister. It will depend not only on the invented design, but also on the components available in stock. To understand the specifics of the work when creating a spinner with your own hands, you need to know just a few important points.

Mandatory traditional elements of a spinner are:

  • bearing;
  • wings.

The most important part of the spinner is the bearing. It will depend on him how long and quickly the toy will spin, as well as its sound and vibrations. In many homemade toys, bearings are often replaced with primitive structures made from toothpicks , which also allow the toy's wings to spin.

Wings, or petals, can be from two to six , but often you can find two or three petals. It is these elements of the spinner that give room for imagination, allow you to embody bold ideas and show individuality.

Unusual design one of the most primitive forms of a toy - round.

The so-called twisters made from plastic, metal, wood, cardboard and many other materials. Often materials are combined. IN Lately plastic or metal toys with glowing wings.

Products made of plastic, wood and copper.

The design of many hand-made spinners is amazing. Many people decorate their toys with interesting engravings, illustrations, and icons. . The model of a small spinner that fits in the palm of your hand allows you to characterize its owner without further ado.

Spinner in the shape of a snitch.
Fairy-tale illustrations and details look very interesting on spinners.
Men's pinwheel design.
Lately, glow-in-the-dark toys have become very popular.
Fidget spinners in women's design.

Today, a spinner can be bought in almost any store. There are budget models, and there are expensive original or even designer ones. But to stand out from the crowd, you need to make a certain effort, for example, make it yourself original item for yourself or your child, relative, friend (for example, as a gift). If a child asks for such a fashionable product as a spinner, so much the better, because he can be involved in the creative process, starting with choosing a model and ending with creating a memorable toy.

General instructions before starting work

Before you start working on your spinner, you need to have an idea of ​​what exactly a person wants to get as a result. To ensure that the result does not disappoint, you need to work according to a simple scheme.

  • Stage No. 1 - selecting a model and design

Since there are countless possible models of spinners, and we are all different, and we like different things, then for starters you can choose suitable model from the simple ones. This is necessary so that the process does not turn into punishment. Or you can go the other way and choose the most original model from a special material unusual shape. This option will do for those who have already tried to create things with their own hands.

Options for creating a hand spinner with your own hands.
  • Stage No. 2 - draw and draw

For everything to work out, you should take care of the drawing on a scale of 1:1. You can draw the future spinner model on paper, or you can search for ready-made drawings on the vast expanses of the Internet.

Drawings and blanks.
  • Stage No. 3 - prepare tools

Now that the creator has decided on the design and the schematic image is ready, you can begin to prepare all the necessary materials.

The first step is to purchase (or withdraw from old technology) bearing. It can be made of metal or ceramic. The most acceptable option is a diameter of 2 mm. To ensure a pleasant pastime in the future, professionals advise clean the part from grease in a "bath" of gasoline before it ends up in the toy. Why clean the bearing from grease? It makes the rotation slower, and also gets your hands, clothes and furniture dirty.

In addition to the spinner assembly parts, you will also need the following tools:

  1. Construction marker (pen, pencil, regular felt-tip pen);
  2. Scissors;
  3. Stationery knife;
  4. Elements decorative finishing(optional);
  5. Glue;
  6. Special tools for creating the wings we need (tools for working on wood or metal).

Preparatory stage.
  • Stage No. 4 - creating a spinner

When the preparation is complete, you can safely start making the toy with your own hands. Next, we will consider several popular options for creating spinners from various materials in several ways.

Varieties of hand twisters made from improvised means.

Spinner made of paper and cardboard without bearing

The most popular option for those who are in no hurry to run for a bearing and cut out squiggles from metal or wood is to make the first simple spinner from cardboard and paper. It’s really not difficult to do this with your own hands, and if you show a little more imagination, then a simple cardboard can turn into an original canvas for your favorite icons or drawings.

Tools for work:

  1. ruler;
  2. compass;
  3. pencil;
  4. pen;
  5. scissors;
  6. stationery knife;
  7. cardboard;
  8. glue;
  9. toothpick;
  10. nut - 2 pcs.

You can watch the step-by-step process in the video:

Using plastic covers

Another simple way to create a spinner with your own hands, which will take a little more time, is a model from ordinary bottle caps. By the way, this method also does not require bearings. Here's a little step-by-step instructions.

Tools for work:

  1. caps - 4-6 pcs.;
  2. plasticine (you can use kinetic sand);
  3. glue gun;
  4. glue stick;
  5. lighter;
  6. awl;
  7. stationery knife;
  8. toothpick;
  9. scissors.


  • Fill three lids (or more if the spinner has more wings) almost to the top with plasticine. We secure it with a layer of glue from a gun, which should fill the lids to the top.
  • The main cap remains without filler. We make a hole in it with an awl in the very center. We glue the lids with plasticine on the sides to this central part of the future spinner. It is important to do this at an equal distance from each other.
  • Take a glue stick and cut off two equal parts - about 1 cm each.
  • We break the toothpick in the center. We insert it into the central cover and attach pieces of silicone rod to the ends so that it is convenient to hold the piece of wood.
  • Your DIY spinner is ready!

Wooden with bearing

A wooden spinner is the most pleasant and affordable option, which you can create with your own hands. A real lesson in labor for adults and children!

Tools for work:

  • Glue gun;
  • Bearing 2 mm;
  • Plywood sheet, thickness 5 mm;
  • Several coins;
  • Drill;
  • Hand jigsaw;
  • Clamp;
  • Scissors;
  • Sandpaper;
  • Pencil or construction marker;
  • Ready-made spinner template.


  1. Print out the diagram and cut it out. We fix it on a plywood sheet and trace it. It is necessary to mark the places in each of the circles where there will be holes.
  2. We drill additional holes on the sides of the circles with the door, allowing us to cut out a beautiful circle shape from the inside of the wing.
  3. The future spinner needs to be cut out of plywood with a jigsaw. Then carefully sand the edges and surface until the surface is smooth.
  4. The bearing must be inserted into the hole prepared for it in the center. If you have difficulty, you can use a hammer and hammer in metal element in a wooden one.
  5. The wings of the “spinner” need to be weighted down—for this you will need coins. You can glue the weights for each hole in the following order: a coin with a face value of five rubles, then two, and again five, as shown in the video.
  6. You can cover it with a solid color paint, or you can decorate it with another interesting and in an original way- there is room for imagination, which is so nice to realize with your own hands.

Video tutorials on creating spinners

To get comfortable with creating a spinner with your own hands, you can watch some video tutorials on this topic. The conditions for creation can be very different, as well as materials and styles, but a homemade spinner can turn out no worse than a factory one.

Here's another way to create paper twisters, this time in the shape of shuriken :

Minimalistic spinner made of bearings and clamps:

And here great option“turntables” for girls:

If you look around, most likely you will see a person who is constantly spinning some kind of propeller in his fingers. This item is nothing more than a spinner or fidget - a kind of spinner, which consists of a bearing and a petal body.

The spinner was developed by Katherine Hettinger, who decided to create a useful exercise machine for her daughter with myasthenia gravis. At first, the woman made toys from adhesive tape and paper, and then began producing fidget spinners. Back in 1993, she received a patent for her invention, but no companies were interested in making it. Patent term for this toy has long expired, so every second person in the world can issue it.

Spinners are far from being the same type; they vary in size, shape, color, and some can even glow in the dark. They vary in price; some models can cost several hundred dollars.

What is a spinner

What is a spinner, can tell Small child, and an adult respectable man in an expensive car. The spinner has no age restrictions, since its design is designed in such a way that it simply does not have sharp corners or the smallest details.

This device is a gyroscope that is incredibly stable in space. With its help, interesting tricks are performed that invariably attract the attention of people around.

Spinners releases great amount companies that are trying to outperform their competitors. They try to release as much as possible unusual model, for which you don’t have to shell out a tidy sum. It is worth noting that no company in the world has pre-emptive patent rights to produce spinners.

Playing a spinner is as safe as possible, since it does not require additional devices or any specialized places to play. The spinner never leads to injuries, it not only does not spoil the psyche, but also weakens obsessive states and autistic manifestations.

It is worth noting that this device operates solely on physical strength; it does not have batteries or a motor. The spinner is easily set in motion with a snap of the fingers. In order to start the propeller, you simply need to hold the axle between your middle and thumb, and start the blades with your index finger. In some cases, it is possible not to pick up the toy, but simply place it on the table, which greatly increases the speed and time of its rotation.

What is included in this device? The spinner consists of:

  • covers - inserted into the middle of the bearing and helps to hold the entire structure;
  • housing - the part that rotates around the bearing;
  • bearing - the main part, which is a ring stuffed with metal balls.

Very great importance has a spinner rotation time, so the most expensive devices are based on high-quality bearings. Although the most cheap option will spin for about two minutes, and the most expensive spinners spin for more than ten minutes.

How to make the spinner spin longer without replacing the bearing? You just need to try to clean it of dust particles and debris that create friction and prevent the structure from rotating for a long time.

You need to clean the spinner using:

In order to quickly dry the bearing of this spinner, it is recommended to use a hair dryer.

There are a huge number of spinners of various types:

  • single - consists of one blade and a bearing, they are mobile and powerful because they can rotate for up to five minutes;
  • three-spinner – is a trefoil clover, in the center of which there is a high-quality bearing;
  • quad spinner - looks like a cross or a mill with four petals, however, it weighs quite a lot and cannot satisfy everyone with its size;
  • wheel - this type speaks for itself because it looks like a cart wheel;
  • exotic - a rather expensive option, since spinners are made of zirconium or tungsten and are shaped like weapons super heroes or even medieval weapons torture;
  • created using a 3D printer - they can be printed and assembled in about an hour, so they are in demand, and they are also quite cheap.

The spinner is rightfully best toy 2017, which invariably attracts attention and is a welcome gift for a special occasion.

When purchasing it, you should take into account factors such as aesthetics and vibration, ergonomic or rotational properties, durability and rarity, precision of processing and its quality. These relaxation toys are made from plastic, wood, and metals. different types, skin.

What is a spinner for?

It is not yet clear exactly why a spinner is needed. Some people use it as a toy, a finger trainer, or just a sedative. Agree that it is much more harmless to spin the propeller of a spinner while standing in a long traffic jam than to click a pen or bite your nails. And also this reliable means in order to focus on some information or task.

By the way, a spinner is a rather interesting simulator that can teach the basics of juggling.

So, what is a spinner and what is it for, and what benefits can the use of this kind of toys bring:

  • will develop fine motor skills Hands;
  • will help develop hands damaged during injuries or accidents;
  • relieves stress and anxiety;
  • will help to relax while a person quits smoking;
  • improves mood;
  • will develop the right hemisphere of the brain;
  • will release the accumulated negative energy;
  • will increase a person's response to external stimuli;
  • will speed up your thinking processes.

The negative aspects of this device include the possibility of injury or swallowing balls from the bearing. In general, spinners are often declared to be a successful marketing project.

How to make a spinner without bearings at home

Having found out the cost of the option they like, many people begin to seriously think about how to make a spinner without bearings at home.

It will be quite possible to make a hand trainer without using expensive bearings. On the Internet it is quite possible to find drawings of such homemade spinners from scrap materials.

This spinner without bearings is made of paper, for this you should prepare:

  • two sheets of thick A4 paper;
  • ruler;
  • compass;
  • a simple pencil;
  • toothpicks;
  • glue for paper and for parts.

How to make a spinner without bearings for children

How to make a spinner without bearings for children can be found on our website. In order to make this kind of structure for kids, all the same elements are used as for an adult.

However, it is worth checking that all parts and related materials are, of course, environmentally friendly and safe. For example, for very young spinner users, you can use finger paints and environmentally friendly glue.

When making a design with and for a child, be sure to blunt the tip of the toothpick. Bearings are never used, since the baby can swallow balls from them.

How to make a spinner without bearings and caps

How to make a spinner without bearings and covers? Just try using cardboard and use glue stick caps for the template.

In order to make the main bearing, you need to use a hairpin, a toothpick, and a ballpoint pen.

You should use a compass and ruler to measure all dimensions as accurately as possible. Whether the measurements are taken correctly will depend not only on appearance, but also the properties of the spinner, including speed and rotation time.

How to make a spinner without paper bearings

Many young people ask questions about how to make a spinner without paper bearings.

  • draw a rectangle 9X2 centimeters;
  • draw diagonals to determine the center;
  • fold this drawing several times;
  • cut out about eighteen rectangular pieces;
  • place two identical coins on their opposite edges;
  • circle the coins, giving the edges a rounded appearance;
  • glue all the cut out parts together with paper glue;
  • to make it heavier, glue coins to the edges special glue for details;
  • measure 2 centimeters using a ruler and compass;
  • draw and cut out eighteen circles that will become the central bearing;
  • punch a point in the center that will be slightly larger than the diameter of the toothpick you are using;
  • insert a toothpick into the center;
  • put nine two-centimeter circles on it on both sides;
  • carefully glue the joints of the toothpick and the mug, in no case without sealing the hole itself;
  • let the future spinner dry and give it an aesthetic appearance with scissors;
  • practice spinning the structure while softening the friction of the spinner;
  • paint this homemade product in your favorite colors or stick on your favorite logos.

How to make a spinner without bearings from caps

Many people are interested in how to make a spinner without bearings from caps. Of course, ideal option will be the manufacture of a homemade spinner using one or more bearings.

When using bearings, you should find the correct main element, wash off the grease from it and remove dust particles. If you make a spinner yourself without bearings from caps, then you won’t have to perform these actions.

You should prepare several caps from plastic bottles in advance, the best option will be the use of three pieces. They will need to be glued to each other on the sides using Moment glue.

In the middle you will need to drill a small hole into which the ballpoint pen will fit. It is worth cutting a three-centimeter piece from the empty rod, which is inserted into the hole.

It will be possible to rotate this structure by holding it with two fingers.

How to make a spinner without bearings from Lego

To understand how to make a spinner without bearings from Lego, you should follow simple instructions. To assemble the structure you need to prepare:

  • a flat and maximally long cube with holes;
  • kernel;
  • two limiters round shape with a cavity inside;
  • several flat, round cubes for your fingers.

After all the parts of the future spinner are prepared, you should stretch the rod through the hole of the long cube, and then limit it on both sides.

Then you need to easily and quickly tighten the round platforms intended for the fingers. Should be balanced and positioned symmetrically side faces spinner. That's all, you can start relaxing with the help of a turntable.

How to make a spinner without bearings from coins

The Internet is replete with instructions and diagrams on how to make a spinner without bearings from coins. The simplest option would be to make a simple spinner from caps, on the inside or outside which coins are glued.

You can take coins in denominations of five Russian rubles, and then we make holes in them using a drill or soldering iron. Then you should insert three-centimeter pieces of a ballpoint pen into them.

How to make a spinner with your own hands from a plastic bottle

Another popular request on the Internet is how to make a spinner with your own hands from plastic bottle.

To do this, you should select a bright plastic bottle and cut a strip 10-11 millimeters wide from it. This is done in order to cover the bearings, which are 8 millimeters wide.

You should also take thick plywood, three nuts and three self-tapping screws for 19, as well as four washers. Make three holes in the plywood into which you need to insert a nut, a washer and tighten the self-tapping screw.

Bearings should be placed between them, aligning them as much as possible, and millimeter washers should be placed under them. The bearings should be pulled together from a plastic bottle and the structure should be heated with a hairdryer.

After drying, carefully tighten the structure, and then unscrew the nuts. In a few minutes it will be possible to use the spinner.

How to make a spinner with your own hands from wood

To understand how to make a spinner from wood with your own hands, you need to read the instructions or watch an instructional video.

It is quite easy to make for those who have a little knowledge of a drill and a jigsaw. Choosing the right wood is essential, but novice fidget spinners can try creating a masterpiece using thick plywood.

You can come up with a drawing of the future spinner yourself or find it on the Internet. Then you need to attach your drawing to the plywood, trace it, and then cut it out using a jigsaw (preferably an electric one).

The workpiece should be cleaned using sandpaper, a hole is made in it with a jigsaw or drill, since then it turns out much smoother. A little trick for a novice craftsman: you should drill a hole halfway, then turn the plywood over and do the same with reverse side.

Do not forget that the thickness of the plywood should not be thicker than the width of the bearing. If the wood is thicker, it should be trimmed and sanded.

This spinner can be opened with varnish or oil, and also aged using a lighter.

How to make a spinner with your own hands in 5 minutes

How to make a spinner with your own hands in 5 minutes? You should use available materials, for example, bearings and different types of glue; leather, sequins, and beads are used for decoration.

The most original spinners that can be made with only five free minutes are made from shell casings, a bicycle chain, copper, and even from an iPhone that its owner does not need.

Kids will quickly be able to create a beautiful and bright spinner from ordinary thick cardboard. Children and parents will have a great time constructing such a toy, and will also save cash for a good book or something useful. Schoolchildren can propose making such a product from cardboard during craft lessons, and the teacher will support this initiative.

It is also possible to create a spinner solely from bearings or not use them at all. In general, there are a lot of options, and what exactly your spinner will be will be determined by a flight of fancy.

How to make the spinner spin faster? You just need to remove excess grease from the spinner bearings. To do this you need to go through several steps:

  • drip high-quality lubricant;
  • change a bearing that has served for quite a long time;
  • change the plastic spinner to a metal one;
  • place a high-quality plug on the structure that will protect it from dust, moisture and dirt;
  • clean the spinner several times a week using a hair dryer or a can of compressed air;
  • do not try to remove and clean the bearing on cheap models, this is simply unrealistic and not provided by the manufacturers.