Stylish interiors in English style. Beautiful moderation: everything about the interior of an English house

The English style has always been distinguished by sophistication and conservatism. Quite rich people could afford it. Nowadays, the English style of apartment interior is accessible to almost everyone. It creates a spirit of nobility and elegance. If you respect British customs, then this style is just for you.

  • A harmonious combination of several styles. One is characterized by rich color and rich design, while the other is reserved color palette, monochromatic walls and symmetrical pattern in the interior.

  • An essential element of the English style is wood. It should be present almost everywhere: in wooden furniture, cornices, doors and on walls that are sheathed half with wooden panels.

  • Another undeniable attribute in the interior is portraits, paintings, family heirlooms, which are a kind of demonstration to guests of respect for family traditions England.

  • A combination of discreet, muted color compositions that characterize aristocracy. The predominant shades are combinations of brown and gray, burgundy and terracotta, gold and bronze, beige and cream shades. The predominance of these color compositions allows us to form integrity design solutions, so the apartment owner can combine them with his preferences in the interior of the apartment.

  • The English style in the interior of the apartment is emphasized by combined lighting, which is installed in different places in the room. The main central place of lighting will be a multi-tiered chandelier, and in addition to it, lamps will be installed in places where there is no access to natural light. By the way, a monochromatic color scheme of objects in the room also helps to expand and illuminate the space in the room.

The presence of antiques in the rooms allows you to experience the feeling of belonging to members of the royal dynasty.

The living room in the English style plays an important role. It hosts meetings with guests and relatives whom we have not seen for a long time. Creating a pleasant, conversation-prone atmosphere is the goal of every apartment owner.

In medieval England, monarchs preferred to use the English style in their interiors. They hadn't thought of it yet home appliances. Therefore, in order not to violate the integrity and harmony general style, equipment is stored in special lockers.

Items that are made from natural materials. Good, stylish furniture should be strict and laconic, so that the interior feels like a lively, energetic environment.

In this regard, quite catchy patterns and ornaments are used, which indicate the possibility of using the available space without any restrictions. The finishing can be made brighter and more contrasting, or monochromatic without abstract patterns.

Furniture should be simple, seasoned, but always decorated with wood carvings, well polished and covered with high-quality material.

This coating is done in order to give the furniture the sophistication and sophistication characteristic of the aristocracy.

The interior of the living room should contain a wide variety of textiles, both in relation to upholstered furniture and chairs, and in relation to such things as curtains, tablecloths, pillows, etc. According to the design concept, they can be made in pastel colors with all kinds of checkered, striped or floral patterns.

Parquet or carpet are an undeniable floor covering, and the finish is chosen based on the color of the furniture. For ceilings, stucco and three-dimensional designs are usually used in light shades.

An attribute without which it is impossible to imagine any English-style interior is a stylish, high-quality fireplace. It will create comfort and coziness during the cold winter season. There should also be a bookcase in the interior. This will indicate the education of the owner and his family.

The final step in giving the interior a noble look will be accessories such as Grandfather Clock, vases with flowers, a floor lamp and various figurines. Usually the owner decorates his home with things that reflect the type of his activity.

How to decorate a bedroom in English style?

The English style is quite appropriate for the bedroom interior. Its stylistic direction includes calm and soothing color shades that contribute to relaxing holiday, A big windows will help you meet the morning easily and be in good mood all day.

The bedroom must have a large bed with high legs, which will be equipped with a canopy. Although there are several other bed options:

  • shaped like a rook;
  • bed with a curved back.

There are small bedside tables on the sides, a soft ottoman opposite, and a dressing table near the window. Also along the wall there is a massive wardrobe and chest of drawers, which are painted the same color scheme with a room.

How to decorate a bathroom in English style?

The main item in the bathroom is, of course, the bathtub. But for an interior in the English style it should have original forged legs. It should be surrounded by antique furniture. Plumbing should also be made in the spirit medieval era. A mirror, hangers, and a bedside table are additionally installed in free places in the bathroom.

As for the tiles on the floor and ceiling, they are usually in the same color scheme as the main color. If you add light transitional tones to the main color, this will visually provide a slight transition from the main rooms to the small bathroom, and also maintain one style. The tiles are laid in the form of a mosaic, which is made up of slabs different configurations and color shades. The octagonal and square tile configurations gained the greatest appreciation among buyers.

In conclusion, we note that by decorating your apartment in the English style, you are getting closer to a luxurious life and creating for yourself the image of a responsible person with views on a quiet life rooted in all respects. With the help of monochromatic color compositions in apartment design, you create a peaceful environment for yourself and your loved ones.

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Have you always wanted to live in the UK? There is nothing simpler - turn it own apartment to a cozy corner of good old England! Arrange your home in a classic style, if it is close to your spirit.

The main features of this style are severity and restraint combined with wealth and luxury. This is not as easy to achieve as it seems, especially if you want to apply the English style to the interior of a small apartment. Find out what techniques designers use.

Features of the English style for a small apartment

Here are some tips to help you get as close to your desired result as possible:

  • First of all, think about the color scheme of the rooms. There are usually only a few windows, and they face a certain side of the world. As a rule, cold colors are used for a southern or western room (for example, green, azure or snow-white), and in rooms facing north or east, on the contrary, warm colors (pink, golden, brown);
  • large mirrors and paintings in massive frames are not suitable for a small apartment. As a last resort, limit yourself to one similar element– it will emphasize the style, and at the same time will not overload the space;
  • In terms of materials used, the area of ​​the apartment does not limit you in any way. Yellow copper, gilding, crystal will look great in a huge country house, and in the city two-room Khrushchev house;
  • the British habit of rigor and order will come in handy in the design small apartment. There may be few decorative elements, but they will become an excellent accent in the interior. For example, traditional shelves with family heirlooms will replace shelving “classic style”. They will save space and at the same time comply with required proportions in design.
  • English style will be appropriate if the kitchen and dining room in your apartment are represented by two different rooms. This is easy to arrange if your apartment is not of a standard construction, but has been remodeled;
  • Gold-plated plumbing fixtures, black and white, will help you decorate a small bathroom in English style floor tiles, laid out checkerboard pattern, lamp or sconce with frosted lamps.

The English style in the interior finally took shape in the second half of the 19th century; it absorbed the features of two royal styles - Victorian and Georgian. This style reflected the lifestyle of a respectable Englishman, absorbed the value system of that time and gave status to even tiny apartments and houses in England.

Regularity, unhurriedness, quiet reading and long tea drinking - a purely English style of behavior in its own cozy little world. And surely many would like to feel a little English, if not in their souls, then at least at home: to settle into an easy chair after a working day and condescendingly raise an eyebrow in response to the absurdities that occurred during the day.

In fact, it is possible to create a purely English atmosphere even in a typical Russian apartment, if you manage every detail correctly. square meter and feel the character of the style. We will help you remember its main features.

1. Traditional

The purpose of space in the English style is understood literally and with English precision: the kitchen invites you to prepare food, the bedroom captivates with its comfort, and the living room contains all the elements of a traditional classical setting - it is filled with armchairs, tables, consoles, poufs and banquettes, bookcases and sideboards, and unchanging soft chairs located near the fireplace. Arranging furniture in the living room, leaving the center of the room empty - such a thought would never occur to an Englishman.

Also, you will almost never find various high partitions and dividing structures: designation and division of space occurs through lighting. Small light sources of different formats, including fireplace fire, make the room deep and enveloping. The compositional structures of sofas and armchairs are closed, and if the room is large enough, then there are several such zones.

2. William Morris's legacy

The canons of English style were set by William Morris, an artist and designer who created unique floral patterns on fabrics and wallpaper. Colorful and restrained at the same time, Morris's motifs became the prototype of the recognizable English manner in decor. Modern stylization has adopted the special English charm of Morris's interiors - the floral pattern of the wallpaper creates elusive romanticism, and paneled windows add magical mystery. That's what we imagine the perfect bedroom in English style. As for living rooms and hallways, wallpaper with horizontal stripes has become widely used here to make the ceilings of rooms visually higher.

3. Massiveness and grace

The main feature of furniture in the English style is a combination of elements of classicism and rococo: symmetry and static coexist with light curls of sofa legs or flirty “ears” of armchairs. The capitonné technique, or diamond-shaped screed, makes a voluminous piece of furniture appear sophisticated and refined. The legendary Chesterfield sofa made using this technique, massive and at the same time elegant, sets a high standard for the entire interior, like the production of Thomas Chippendale.

Decorating furniture with carnations and decorating massive cabinets with carvings contrasts handcraft with mass production and adds elegance and aristocracy to simple, laconic convenience. And the use of tapestries with floral patterns makes voluminous furniture weightless and more feminine.

4. Materialism

The main thing in any room is not the space, but the thing itself, and the British are famous for the high quality of their products. Maybe that’s why their houses are filled with open shelves and sideboards with jars and vases, teapots and mugs, and libraries good books and status office?

The nature and origin of things can be completely different, since the English style has an echo of colonial times. Things brought from all over the planet coexist in one interior, but often the authenticity of an English interior consists of classical paintings, antiques, hunting trophies and family heirlooms.

Trellis hanging of paintings and cabinets stretched to the ceiling occupy almost the entire wall, and if there are corners of free space left, they are filled with lamps or small shelves.

A hospitable host tries to include everything that might interest his interlocutor and help maintain an intellectual heart-to-heart conversation while warming himself by the fireplace on long winter evenings.

5. One whole

Interiors in the English style are full of peace and tranquility, due to which they can be called cozy and intimate. This effect is achieved through the use of wood as a binding material for floors, ceilings, walls and furniture. Even the modern interpretation of this style involves the presence of interior items made of dark wood, which takes us back to medieval England.

Rarely used now Wall panels And wood trim ceilings, especially in standard apartments, are more likely to make accents and hints using antique chests, geographical maps, globes and stuffed animals. Despite the variety of options for finishing and filling the space, several characteristic details, with a competent approach, can combine all the present elements into a single style solution.

The English style is a deep mixture of the visual characteristics of the Georgian and Victorian eras with the addition of a touch of colonialism, which appeared due to the positioning of Great Britain at that time as a colonial empire. The spread of the interests of this country to the far corners of Asia and the East contributed to the appearance of exquisite items from India and China among the British. They reliably served as confirmation of wealth, as well as the high social status of their owners. To create an English style in the interior of an apartment, you need to starting points take good quality, respectability, thoroughness. If you care Conan Doyle, Dickens, Wilde, Chesterton and Agatha Christie, then cool restraint, staunch adherence to traditions is best option to decorate your home.

Essential elements

The main idea, the central axis around which interior items are strung together to create the English style, is symmetry. The arrangement of windows, shelves, armchairs, sofas, floor lamps is symmetrical; the use of duplicate items and accessories in pairs is traditional.

Elements that emphasize the belonging of the interior to the chosen style direction: square carpets, numerous portraits, a fireplace, collections behind glass, high-quality furniture, an armchair with ears, quilted sofas, armchairs upholstered in floral chintz, heavy curtains, paired lampshades, many pillows, porcelain trinkets, watches and bronze.

The walls, as in the time of Sherlock Holmes, are half lined with oak panels or dies trimmed with mahogany veneer. Upper part wallpapered or painted. Preferred colors for common rooms: dark burgundy, silver-green (sage leaf color), deep gray, dark blue. Wallpaper is characterized by acanthus or damask patterns, or voluminous bouquets tied with gold ribbons. Private rooms are decorated with wallpaper light colors with a small floral pattern.

A special place in the British interior is occupied by draperies - voluminous, multi-folded, tied with tassels or tiebacks at a height of about a meter, arranged in waves on the floor.

Heavy curtains are sewn in two layers, with a thick lining. This technique is used so that the curtains do not fade from the sun, and their folds keep their shape well.

Traditionally, plain-dyed fabrics, checks, stripes, and flowers are used. The windows of the living room, study, and dining room are decorated with curtains made of white muslin and drapes made of expensive materials: velvet, satin, brocade. On summer period It is recommended to replace thick curtains with lighter ones made of cotton fabrics.

Walk through an English house

Just as theater begins with a coat rack, so English style begins literally from the front door. The aroma of old England, the first striking accent of the English style, is instantly felt when you just approach it: on the paneled door, in addition to the ordinary door handle the door knocker flaunts. It is absolutely not necessary that this item be made like a real hammer. By design, it is a bracket with a protruding part that strikes a metal plate. Now, like two hundred years ago, it is made in the form of a ring, a lion’s head, a mythical animal, and many others. interesting options, for example, a human palm. This attribute entrance group immediately emphasizes that your interior belongs to the English style. Entrance door victorian era painted with dark green, cinnabar red or black paint, emphasizing the texture of the wood. Now designers continue to use this technique.

An apartment whose interior has absorbed the spirit of British traditions implies the presence large quantity rooms. Each of them plays its own role, creating the scenery for a certain time period. human life: living room, office, bedroom, kitchen, dining room, children's room (or even a separate study room). What are the distinctive features of a space according to its purpose?

The ideal living room corresponding to this style direction is a room with high ceiling and a bay window. Large, elongated windows starting almost from the floor are required. The dominant feature of the living room, the symbol of the house and its main decoration is an open fireplace with a black cast-iron firebox placed inside. The fireplace lining is made of marble, carved wood or tiles. Cutting off the intense heat, a decorative screen is placed in front, and a large mirror framed by a ceremonial frame or a painting takes its place above the fireplace.

Strictly opposite the fireplace there is a voluminous furniture group: a sofa, armchairs and banquettes, surrounded by small side tables with paired floor lamps or vases.

On both sides of the fireplace there are mirrored sideboards, round glass display cases or cabinets; inside them, as well as on the mantelpiece, collections of porcelain (Chinese, English), watches, and bronze are displayed. Clock mechanisms under glass covers, elegant figurines or the finest items from a great-grandmother's service - these family treasures belong here.

The walls of the living room are decorated with paintings in heavy gilded frames, ceremonial family portraits and photographs. A special feature is the very dense distribution, i.e. The distance between the paintings is chosen as minimally acceptable.

The main content of a traditional English office interior is books. They are located on open shelves height up to the ceiling, completed with fillets, cornices, possibly pilasters. Engravings are placed on the walls, and furniture, except desk or a bureau, there is supposed to be a group of sofas, necessarily surrounded by small tables. Strict lines and muted colors should help create a working mood.

The heart of the bedroom is high bed, and her distinctive features- voluminous headboard, valance decorated with frills and scallops, canopy on posts (optional option), great amount pillows An ottoman is installed at the foot of the bed. Bedside tables and night lamps are placed symmetrically with the bed, and opposite is a dressing table with an armchair or pouf. The bedroom walls are decorated with prints, lithographs, and photographs in thin frames. Curtains are made of cotton or linen fabrics that duplicate the wallpaper or upholstery materials used for upholstered furniture.

The most important symbols of British style in the kitchen are a giant stove, metal dishes, copper pots hung on the walls, ceramic pots and porcelain displayed on open shelves, a tiled floor in dark shades, and a deep rectangular earthenware sink.

Interior of a small apartment

If your love for "five o'clock" is prohibitively great, then reproduce modern style a classic English house in a small apartment is quite possible, but before starting work you should ask yourself the question: “Is it comfortable to live, feeling like a sightseer (or even an exhibit) historical museum, especially if it is not located at the source of the Thames, but inside an ordinary modern building?

A better and more elegant solution would be to consider a simple classic English interior, but make some reference to England, add a slight aroma of foggy Albion, using as accents objects that have an undeniable affiliation with the British style.

During development English design For a small space, it is important to maintain the main trends: symmetry and pairing, but the main thing is not to clutter the space. Take only all the essentials: a sofa, a square carpet, a fireplace (raised fireplace), and sofa tables. Instead of a traditional desk with cabinets, you can use a bureau with a hinged or roll-up lid. Such a piece of furniture is very functional and takes up much less space. Floral curtains, chintz upholstery, quilted Chesterfield furniture collection, Victorian colors in wallpaper, a “gentleman’s” chair, a “British flag” print on the pillows, like a designer’s joke - these elements will give your home the required flavor, but will not overload it with the massiveness of the old England.

Dreams of durable, cozy and beautiful house may someday come to fruition. It all depends on how these dreams are combined with physical and mental efforts.

And if you have such (or a slightly different) house (or apartment), you need to be fully armed and finally arrange your home the way you wanted. And in order to know what you want, it is better to familiarize yourself with the interior that others have. In this article I propose to look at interiors in the English style. The photo below shows a classic living room with a carpet, a sofa and armchairs with ears. A low table in front of the sofa with a table top covered with genuine leather is a calling card of an English home. The combination of furniture with thin legs (sofa and armchairs) with more massive and voluminous ones in one room is also distinctive feature English.

The same “eared” chairs, but in colorful upholstery, books on the shelves, a twisted wrought-iron chandelier, lighting in the form of small floor lamps with fabric lampshades and, finally, a palm tree by the window - all this is a classic English interior.

An ordinary comfortable old chair next to the bed, where you can sit before going to bed and leaf through a book or watch TV. Everything is simple, but looking at this interior, you understand that everything in this house is good with comfort and arrangement!

An English house usually has large windows decorated with floor-length curtains. This gives the rooms a special elegance.

Small rooms with low ceilings, panels on the walls made of natural wood, olive color walls and soft electric and natural lighting create the atmosphere of an English home.

Wooden panels on the walls are preferably made from durable types of wood, which are treated in a special way to prevent mold and bugs.

Semicircular windows, dark olive-colored walls, a large fireplace, massive upholstered furniture and palm trees, as evidence of past colonial conquests of the British. Much of the interior, like strange plants, appeared in the homes of the British thanks to the fearless sailors who brought it all from their long sea voyages.

Placing upholstered furniture with different upholstery in one room for some reason does not cause a feeling of disunity in the interior, but quite the opposite. There is something elusive and unifying in this environment.

A fireplace or stove, which needs to be heated with wood, will warm its owners in any frost. And how great it is to come after a slushy and cold street, light the fireplace and sit next to you, listen to the firewood crackle and feel the warmth flowing through the room.

Evenings by the lit fireplace in a narrow circle of family, what could be better?

Winter evenings will not seem tediously long, in this small room It’s warm next to your loved ones and you don’t want to go anywhere.

And around the fireplace you can place all the portraits and small paintings dear to your heart.

The chimney is like a home decoration.

A bedroom in an English house is a well-appointed room. The bed is the main piece of furniture, always beautiful and fundamental.

Not only the furniture in an English house is solid, but also other interior items. The British don't fill their house with cheap trinkets, and once they bring something into the house, it's permanent.

The secret of quality and quality English furniture is to use natural materials for its manufacture and the skill of furniture makers.

This metal bed with a wrought-iron headboard looks elegant and light. Bright room filled with sun and fresh air.

Such a bed is covered with a ruffled bedspread; pillowcases on the pillows and curtains on the windows should match it.

All English furniture is reliable and high quality, serving several generations.

And this girl's bedroom is in soft blue with lots of colored pillows.

Here is a bedroom for adult family members. Every centimeter of space is used here. But everything is in its place, everything pleases the eye.

Once upon a time, the canopy over the bed was evidence of the greatness of its owner. Nowadays, romantic people place this addition to the bedroom interior over their beds.

Order in the house means order in your thoughts, success in work, a calm and measured life.

They carefully arrange not only the bedroom, but also the kitchen. This is a special place in the house where food is prepared, it is always cozy, smells delicious, there is an abundance of sunlight and flowers.

Here everything is at hand, everything is familiar and familiar. And it has always been this way, because conservative Englishmen honor their traditions and maintain the connection between generations. wonderful self made furniture is passed down from grandmother to granddaughter.

English cuisine can be light colors with mandatory covers on chairs, with fabric curtains on glass cabinet doors, with lace curtains on windows.

There is always a lot of dishes in English cuisine. English porcelain is renowned for its quality, both ancient and modern.

Dishes in England were always made not only of porcelain and earthenware, but also of ceramic and metal.

How nice it is to celebrate holidays in such a reliable and beautiful house, for example, New Year and Christmas. Fresh pine or Christmas tree branches, lit candles, waiting for a miracle.

And here is the Christmas tree, in the evening it will gather the whole family in this small living room.

Such New Year's Eve in the family circle are remembered forever and live in our childhood memories as the best.

To make your fairytale home not only cozy and comfortable on the inside, but also pleasing to the eye on the outside, it should be surrounded by green spaces.

There will never be too many trees, flowers, climbing plants if they are well-groomed. Of course, such a house is more like the abode of the gnomes from English fairy tales, but the flowers are real.

Without the wonderful plants around this house it would be empty and lonely.

And this, albeit small, but such a nice house, also looks good.

I would like to live in such an old place brick house, decorated with a climbing trellis rose.

And in front of the house or on open terrace put this swing sofa with a lace cape.

On such a sunny terrace, among the abundance of plants, it is easy to breathe.

The sofa can be placed not only on the veranda or terrace, but also in the garden in front of the house and admire the daisies, cornflowers and asters in moments of relaxation.

The British, like many people on Earth, value nature and love trees and flowers, so they surround their homes with them.

Such a house should have a simple but comfortable interior.

All these houses have their own face, look closely and you will see it too.

Even from the photograph you can feel the warmth of human hands, with what love and businesslike everything was done. And poultry only adds color to this rural idyll.

“My home is my castle” - not only the British say so now. After all, all people in the world understand that their home is part of the happy existence of an entire family.

There is no need to copy the English way of life, their houses and interiors. We are different, but no one forbids us to adopt experience and learn from other peoples the quality of life, improve our culture of life, equip our home, relying on the achievements and skills of Europeans.