Construction materials for the construction of wooden blocks. Wooden houses: construction from wooden hollow blocks

New building materials appear on the shelves of stores and shopping centers almost every year, and sometimes more often. Today, research in the field of construction is moving towards creating a more environmentally friendly and at the same time reliable material. In addition, the cheaper the cost of a new building material, the more accessible and popular it will become on the market. A significant contribution to this research was made by domestic specialists who created a product called “wooden brick”.

What it is?

The unusual brick received its name for its resemblance to a well-known building material. In fact, in its composition and properties it is closest to wooden beams, differing from it in its smaller size and installation method. Visually, the material looks like wide blocks measuring 65x19x6 cm; on all its sides there are small grooves and locks with which the blocks are attached to each other. There are also options with smooth edges, but they are not used for the construction load-bearing walls, but only partitions or cladding.

The production technology for such unusual bricks consists of several stages and is as follows.

  • Tree coniferous species(cedar, larch, spruce or pine), sawn into beams, are brought to the production site and placed in special chambers for drying. Wood moisture content is reduced to only 8-12%, which allows bricks to better retain heat inside the house.
  • The dried timber is machined using special saws. With their help, long material is divided into separate blocks, on which grooves and tongues are cut. The edges are processed to look decorative and fit together with virtually no gaps. This connection method looks so neat that it does not require any exterior finishing both side walls and the facade of a residential building, in contrast to conventional timber or brick.
  • The finished brick undergoes finishing grinding so that its surface is as even and smooth as possible. Such a surface can be compared to the surface wooden furniture, which is made in a factory and not by hand. Ready-made bricks are most often not painted, they are only tinted with special compounds, as well as impregnations to protect them from exposure external environment and pests.

Based on the quality of the material, wooden brick, like ordinary timber, is divided into grades. The lowest of them is marked with the letter “C”, and the highest is labeled “Extra”. The difference between the lowest and highest grade can be about 20-30%. By itself, a cubic meter of this new building material costs 2-3 times more than conventional brick, but its weight is significantly less, which allows you to save on the thickness and depth of the foundation poured for the construction of a house or cottage. The inside of such material can be finished in any of the available ways: covered with plaster and paint, mounted with drywall or wallpaper.

Advantages and disadvantages

The distribution of such a universal material as wooden brick in markets and shops has solved many problems and inconveniences associated with the construction of both brick and wooden houses. This is due to the many advantages of this material compared to other products.

  • Construction of a wooden log house in one year is simply impossible, since it is necessary to wait for the drying of both solid trunks and wood sawn into beams. Wood bricks go through the drying stage while still in production, so you can build a house with a roof in almost a couple of weeks, after which you can begin installing the roof.
  • Unlike timber, brick blocks do not deform during drying, as they have small sizes. This not only reduces the amount of scrap during the manufacturing process, but also allows you to maintain a tight fit at the place where the grooves are attached without cracks or gaps. As a result, less thermal insulation material and internal decorative coating are required.

  • Installation of wooden bricks is carried out without the use of special construction equipment and can be performed not only by professionals, but also by beginners. In addition, for wood masonry need not plaster mixture, sealant and sealant, which will also save not only money, but also time spent on constructing a section of the wall. One of the most expensive elements of a brick-wooden house will be the foundation and rigid structures made of laminated veneer lumber and crowns on which the masonry will rest.
  • Unlike timber or logs, the small size of brick allows you to build elements not only rectangular, but also round or irregular shape, as is the case with the use of conventional brickwork. Such houses look more unusual and decorative than ordinary square log houses.
  • The price of one cubic meter of wooden elements is slightly higher than ordinary brick, but 2-2.5 times lower than laminated timber. At the same time, wood sawn into blocks remains an environmentally friendly material that perfectly retains heat in winter frosts and coolness in summer heat.

Of course, like any other material, wood brick is not without its drawbacks. Firstly, such material requires a competent professional design, since without correct calculation of loads there is a risk of the wall falling. Secondly, it is not recommended to build too large or high-rise houses from wooden blocks, since such structures will not be very stable. Besides, in northern regions In our country, the air temperature in winter is too low, and such material will not provide the necessary thermal insulation. It is unlikely that residential buildings will be built in Novosibirsk or Yakutsk using this newfangled material.

Can I do it myself?

Both professional builders and manufacturers of such an innovative material are skeptical about the idea of ​​​​making wooden bricks at home. To do this, you need to have a whole manufacturing facility with grinding and milling machines high precision. In addition, you will need to purchase certain raw materials, which must meet a whole list of requirements. Almost no one has such capabilities, and those who have them are most likely already engaged in the manufacture and sale of this material.

All experts agree that the installation of such material can be easily done on your own if you follow certain rules.

  • Laying bricks should be done exclusively in rows.
  • The block should only be laid edge-on to the lock, and not vice versa.
  • Laying is carried out in two rows, between which thermal insulation material is laid. These can be either special blocks from a hardware store or ordinary sawdust.
  • Every 3 blocks it is necessary to make a transverse bandage to give greater stability and reliability to the elements. This dressing is made of wood, like the masonry itself, and is done on both the inner and outer rows.

Each row of dressing must be shifted by half a brick so that it does not coincide vertically on adjacent rows. This will not only strengthen the structure, but will also allow you to get a beautiful pattern on the front side of the masonry.

From time immemorial, wood, due to its availability, low thermal conductivity, natural origin and beauty, has invariably been considered one of the best materials for construction. Any professional will confirm that wood has very few shortcomings, and humanity has gradually learned to deal with those.

Our ancestors built houses from wild log house. Difficulties with manual adjustment of logs during construction, a lot of questions about wall insulation and drying out starting material, as well as the need to unify and reduce the cost of all cycles for the construction of wooden houses led to the emergence of production facilities rounded logs, timber and profiled timber. In turn, the problem of shrinkage and constantly increasing quality requirements interior decoration premises, together with a scientific approach, produced laminated veneer lumber. But the high cost of the latter and controversial environmental indicators (especially for domestically produced laminated veneer lumber) forced the institute wood construction look for new ways to build high-quality and affordable wooden housing.

Lumber manufacturer, inventor and designer Yuri Chmil repeatedly thought about creating a new material that would not be inferior in its characteristics and strength to laminated timber but, at the same time, would surpass it in all other indicators. Since 2001, Yuri Svyatoslavovich has been analyzing the cycles of production and further construction of wooden houses. The conclusion was clear - despite the huge selection of wood wall materials, there are no products or technologies on the market that would combine the properties of laminated veneer lumber and at the same time meet stringent requirements for heat transfer resistance, ecology, and were also unified in design, production and construction.

Finally, how ready product, wooden block brick was prepared by the joint efforts of specialists under the leadership of Yuri Chmil at the end of 2009. The product was first presented at the exhibition of wooden housing construction in Kyiv. Yuri Svyatoslavovich became a laureate of the competition Innovative technologies in the field of wooden house construction, and block brick was awarded in the category Best Product and was awarded the corresponding diploma.

The study of global trends and the experience of our own experiments made it clear that wooden block bricks are not a separate product. As a result, a new technology for wooden house construction was developed taking into account modern world (in particular European) requirements. Particular attention was paid to heat transfer resistance.

Unfortunately, the economic crisis did not allow practical testing of prototypes to be carried out as planned, and only in 2010 did it become possible to finance the construction of the first houses from wooden block brick, manufactured at the company's production site (Kyiv).

The company's management realized that the team's main task was to develop technology for building a wooden house that would become an equally comfortable and reliable home. That is why specialists needed several more years to observe and check the product in finished structures. Houses built from wooden block bricks were tested at temperatures from – 29 C (winter 2011) to +40 C (summer 2011, 2012) and at a relative humidity of 35-100%. As a result of research into the characteristics of the material and technology in general, a full cycle of production and quality control of wooden block bricks was set up.

There are a lot of projects and articles in the media and on the Internet dedicated to the so-called “wooden brick”, but these are just surrogates created “on a quick fix" Having studied in detail all the types and technologies for manufacturing such wooden products (it’s hard to call them “wooden bricks”), it is easy to draw a simple and at the same time the only correct conclusion - this technology is unique and has no analogues.

Wooden brick is a multilayer timber of a unified size (for example: 750:125:145mm), consisting of several boards (lamellas), which are glued and fastened together with a certain offset, resulting in the formation of locks on all sides to connect the bricks to each other. For gluing the lamellas, environmentally friendly glue is used water based. Using exclusively coniferous wood (depending on cost: more affordable pine, spruce, as well as cedar and larch), full cycle production and three years of observation of finished objects made of wooden block bricks allows us to draw a loud, but completely justified conclusion - wooden bricks made using this patented technology are the best that currently exists on the wooden house-building market. The cost of production of these products is 1.3 times lower than the cost of laminated veneer lumber (the closest competitor in essence and quality), and the range of applications is much wider. With it we have the opportunity to build objects of any complexity and configuration.

made of wooden bricks are not subject to blowing (and wood structures suffer from this disadvantage). Walls made of wooden block bricks have increased resistance to heat transfer. In Europe, the coefficient of heat transfer resistance for wall materials is 3.61, and in Moscow it is 3.19. For example, according to the formula for thermal engineering calculations, the thickness of a wall made of laminated veneer lumber at the joints should be 42 cm. for the Moscow region, and according to more stringent European requirements 52 cm. The calculated heat transfer resistance of a wall made using this technology corresponds to a heat transfer coefficient of 4.2, which exceeds existing requirements.

No deformation (torsion) structure due to the short elements that make up the block brick, the absence of shrinkage of the building, maintainability that has no analogues in similar technologies, as well as the speed of installation and the ability to make changes to the building plan directly on the site - all these are additional pros, speaking in her favor.

Wooden brick is applicable not only in the construction of cottages, dachas, industrial premises and other low-rise construction projects, but also for insulation, creating a unique microclimate, stabilizing humidity and aesthetic design of finished buildings. Wooden brick can be used for exterior and interior decoration of houses built using any technology (panel, monolith, brick, frame, etc.).

Wood block brick specifications

Block-brick made of wood is an environmentally friendly building material, consisting of several wooden lamellas connected to each other with a certain offset, resulting in the formation of locks for fastening the blocks to each other in the vertical and horizontal planes. The lamellas are connected to each other using glue and dowels

Elements for the manufacture of block bricks - lamellas - have the following characteristics:

  • Dimensions: 750*125*35 mm (D.W.T.)
  • Material: pine
  • Humidity 10-12% (chamber drying)
A brick block consists of several lamellas.

Basic models:

  1. Block brick 4 – consists of 4 lamellas, total thickness 142 mm. Purpose: external perimeter of the building.
  2. Block brick 3 – consists of 3 lamellas, total thickness 106 mm. Purpose: internal perimeter, partitions.
  3. Pie wall structure consists of: block-brick4 (142 mm) + frame with insulation (100mm) + block-brick3 (106 mm) = 348 mm total heat transfer resistance R0 = 3.81 [ m2 0C / W],
For comparison: profiled laminated timber 260 mm - heat transfer resistance R0 = 2.15 [m2 0C / W]

Modern new wood construction technology makes it possible to build houses from wood in compliance with the most stringent standards for the thermal conductivity of wall fences - the ability to form a wall of any thickness and any composition of the wall pie: block-air-block, block-insulation-block, block-insulation - lining, etc.

The story began fifteen years ago. I was looking at an old file of the Engineer magazine, and, if memory serves, I read a short note in the November 1986 issue under the heading of world inventions. The article described the invention of a resident from an American town in Texas. It was about the technology that an American invented to build a house, solving his housing problem.

The material used for the construction of the walls was 40/100/300 mm in size, which was made from waste from a local sawmill, assembled and glued together into the structure. The order of laying wooden “bricks” is the subject of the invention. The parts are laid “in a row”, longitudinally along the wall on the edge, butt to butt. Through three bricks there is a transverse ligation of the outer and inner rows of the wall from the same “brick” parts of the same size, weight, wood, etc. The transverse ligation of one layer-row is shifted relative to the ligation of the lower layer by one and a half “bricks” - this scheme ensures the simultaneous overlap of layers and row parts by half a brick. The result was: a strong, lightweight, hollow wall structure; correct masonry geometric shape and ornament.

Try to assemble a similar “structure” from dominoes and you will get a visual model, which many of those present have probably already built, at work in a smoking room or on a table in the yard, but did not attach any importance to it. And the Texan found a practical application for this harmless activity.

The application of the invention in the form in which the author did it when building his house, despite the obvious advantages that I listed, also had disadvantages:

With the mass (more than 8,000 blocks were produced) artisanal method of manufacturing “bricks,” the quality suffered, tolerances of -/+1 mm or more were inevitable. Laying and fixing such blocks into the structure caused some problems; It was not always possible to seal the gaps at the joints of parts with glue - gaps remained. To get closer to the ideal, it was necessary to use an archaic method - a stretched cord, as when laying brickwork.
The erected walls were plastered to give additional strength, protect the glue from destruction and hide flaws in the masonry.

This method is not suitable for industrial development.

I set a goal - to get rid of the disadvantages and develop POTENTIAL. In order to know what to move towards and who needs it, give the CONCEPT (S.I. Ozhegov and N.Yu. Shvedov, Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language, 4th edition Moscow 1999, p. 293). No sooner said than done. I did it for a long time - years. In the end, the view of the problem, as I imagine it, was formed. Here's what happened:

1. Application latest technologies in the design and development of CAD systems (AUTOCAD and other programs) - required.
2. The priority in design is individual projects.
3. The production of parts should be carried out in workshop conditions using high-tech equipment (programmed controlled machines, automatic lines), with tolerances of no more than +/-0.1m.
4. Wide application of standard parts and constant expansion their range.
5. Use only high-quality wood as construction material.
6. Do not use adhesives or cushioning materials.
7. On construction site only assemble from finished parts. No modifications on the knee.
8. Eliminate the “finishing” operation in the generally accepted sense (plastering, paneling, painting).
9. Use the technology in the construction of small buildings (baths, country houses) and houses up to 100 m2 with an area of ​​no more than two floors.

The price of the issue remains open, but for the middle class and above it is real.

Working draft

For clarity, let me present a working draft. Bathhouse size 35000*55000mm with a relaxation room, washing room and steam room. In creating the project, many years of experience and skills in working in AutoCAD were used. 185 standard parts were modeled in the “solid-state” program environment. Based on them, a structure was assembled in the same environment from 4553 parts. The structure is fastened with cable tensioners in the hollow space of the walls to anchors in the foundation. The accumulated volume is 329 MB in 245 files. I show four types of models below:

Northwestern corner and western wall of the model;

Center of the model, top view

Pay attention to the joints of the parts. The joint forms a lock, protects against the formation of cracks, strengthens the structure, and makes the wall decorative. The parts are stacked on top of each other in a row on a double tongue-and-groove sawtooth profile, so they in an ideal way without zeroing, they take their place in the structure. The connection between the outer and inner shells of the walls is made by metal spacers, which are fixed in hidden cuts in the wooden parts inside the walls (if we look at the example of a row, after two “bricks” there is a third with a spacer). For outdoor corner connections I started to invent something and used a “classic” proven lock. For two perpendicularly connected walls I made a castle original design, I will not dwell on it in detail. Coverings of door and window openings, window sills can be made of solid wood or laminated veneer lumber. The entire structure rests directly on the lower support beams. Pressing bars are placed on the top row, on which the cable tensioner plates rest. The parts in the structure are connected without gaps or voids, which gives the structure solidity. I believe, that the best insulation Sawdust will be used in the walls. This is an excellent heat insulator that does not interfere with natural air exchange in the room, and is an environmentally friendly material.

The outer and inner surfaces of the walls, if the developer’s imagination goes beyond their “bare” design, can serve as a platform for wood carvers. In this case, the cutting depth is allowed up to 20 mm without compromising the strength characteristics of the structure. The presented method of construction from small wooden parts relieves internal stress in the massif and the structure eliminates bending and cracking of the wood.

My solution probably has shortcomings and disadvantages, but there are also attractive aspects that I hope you will appreciate.

Today, no one can be surprised by innovative building materials. Every year experts release some new product to the market. IN Lately And in the construction industry, everyone is also talking about the need for environmentally friendly products. And the result was not long in coming. Russian experts have released a relatively inexpensive and at the same time reliable material, which does not harm the environment. This is a wooden brick. It has already been appreciated and is being used in construction.

Wood brick: what is it?

It must be said that this innovation is similar to ordinary brick only in its shape and name. In fact, a “relative” of this product is timber, but with smaller dimensions. In appearance it is a block with dimensions 650x190x60 cm.

For ease of use, special locks are made on the sides of each brick for fastening.

To make wooden bricks, only high-quality coniferous wood is used.
During production, it goes through several operations. First of all, the raw wood is dried until the moisture content reaches 8-12%. Then mechanical processing of all side surfaces is carried out. The final stage is sanding.

The result is a building material that no longer requires any additional finishing work. This is a profitable solution. If you build a house from such blocks, you no longer need to finish the facade - it already looks great. It will be enough to apply a layer of wax as protection from the external environment and moisture.

In addition to standard sizes, individual wooden bricks are also produced. The block can be of any size as desired and necessary.

Benefits of Green Innovation

When this building material was created, the inventor of the product solved most of the problems that arise during construction work on the construction of wooden houses.

So, houses made of wood take several years to make - you need to wait until the structure dries out. Then they wait for it to shrink. Next, doors and windows are installed. And only after this the builders begin finishing work. Using a new innovative material, you can safely skip the stages of drying and shrinkage. An environmentally friendly building is ready for use immediately after construction.

In addition, wood blocks do not deform during the drying process - they have small dimensions. As a result, the original shape of the blocks is perfectly preserved, and the products themselves are perfectly connected to each other. In this case, you can forget about the gaps - there are none.

Another advantage of this know-how is the low cost of construction if wooden bricks are used. A structure built in this way costs much less due to the absence of the need for expensive equipment for carrying out the work, sealants, cement and sand, as well as the absence of the need for further processing with plaster. The most expensive parts to build will be pillars and crowns. Naturally, you can build an excellent eco-house without them, but no one wants the building to suddenly collapse. If you want to get a reliable building, then you can use laminated veneer lumber. It is cheaper, and the result is no worse than with a solid pole.

Designers do not limit the overall dimensions of bricks, as is the case when logs or beams are used. Thus, this building material allows you to create even the most unreal and amazing architectural elements on its basis.

And finally, the price of wooden bricks is several times lower than the cost of laminated veneer lumber. This is definitely an important advantage.


This material has many advantages. But potential buyers should be warned about some of the disadvantages that wood brick has.
In regions with a harsh climate, it is better to build a house from traditional brick - a wooden house will not work in this case. It will be too cold there.

You should not start construction work without a project developed by competent specialists. A house made of such building material, made without a design, can collapse under the influence of even minimal loads.

Wooden bricks: DIY production

Construction professionals, manufacturers and suppliers will unanimously say that this is simply impossible, but nothing is impossible. For production it is necessary to have high-precision milling and grinding machines. In addition, you need to select raw materials very carefully. Wood for bricks must meet a variety of requirements. If such opportunities exist, then there is nothing complicated.

Masonry rules

There is an opinion among professionals that independently with the masonry process of this building material will also fail. This is debatable. There are a number of rules that must be followed.

So, the brick must be laid strictly in order. Be sure to follow the order.

The block is placed edge-on to the lock. Transverse ligation is required for external and internal blocks. This is done every three blocks. Moreover, the dressing material should be the same as the masonry itself. The dressing must not be allowed to coincide with the parts from the bottom row. It should be shifted by 0.5 bricks. This is the only way to get a reliable design made according to all the rules, as well as a beautiful design. natural wood and a hollow wall.

In the interval between external and internal wall place a layer of thermal insulation. In rare cases, you can add sawdust there. They also have excellent heat retention properties.

Where are wooden bricks made?

There are several enterprises in Russia that produce this construction know-how. So, brick is produced in St. Petersburg, in the same place where it was invented. It was in this city that this innovation was created on the basis of the Stankom company. You can see the first houses in the construction of which the material was used. These buildings are located in Zaozerye, Zaychikhino, and in the village of Harmony. The company produces products under the Woodbrick brand.

Another enterprise is located in Tomsk. Pine products are produced there. The product is supplied under the brand " Cozy home" This is what these wooden bricks look like. The photo can be seen below.
The price of these eco-friendly building materials is significantly lower than that of Woodbrick.

Reviews and prospects

This material has good prospects, however, it is only suitable for low-rise construction. Professionals say that this material is suitable for those who already have a house and additionally want other buildings on the site.

The second point is the price. Manufacturers are not very willing to share information about them, but the cost of material from “Cozy Home” is $470 per 1 cubic meter, while profiled timber with the same size can be purchased for $320, and rounded logs for as much as $240.
Stinkom offers grade A products for $860, and laminated veneer lumber for $600.

There is another problem that wooden bricks have. Reviews indicate a large deviation from tolerances. The size must be strictly maintained to hundredths of a millimeter, especially on locks. A large number of connecting surfaces can turn a building into a sieve if the gaps are too large. The locks are connected either with serious play or with the help of a hammer.

Wooden bricks: raw technology

Such a wall, in which there are an abundance of gaps and mechanical stresses, will sooner or later crack.
More cracks will appear. There are still a lot of problems in this technology that have not been solved. It hasn't been fully worked out yet. The advantages that manufacturers talk about in advertising brochures, is still only a wish rather than a reality. Here it is, an innovative wooden brick. Like glass, it can be waterproof only if all installation rules have been followed.

Building block: type, size, price and technical characteristics

The block has big size and high strength. However, it should not weigh too much. These basic material requirements dictate technological features its production.

Blocks can be divided into types according to the filler and the material used to bind the filler. So, what is this building material made of:

  • foam concrete;
  • slag concrete;
  • expanded clay concrete;
  • gas silicate;
  • concrete;
  • wood concrete;
  • ceramics;
  • polystyrene concrete;
  • sawdust concrete.

In most cases, a cement mixture is used to bind the filler. Special technologies make it possible to create porous concrete.

Let's consider the types and characteristics of building blocks in more detail:

Types of blocks/Image Description

These are heavy elements made from cement mortar and gravel. For strength, such structures are reinforced with metal. The elements are laid using lifting equipment. The minimum weight of one block is fifteen kilograms. This building material is used mainly for forming the foundation and constructing external walls in multi-story structures.

The basis of building elements is a mixture of cement, lime and aluminum in paste form. Gas silicate blocks are hardened in an autoclave. The result is a material with a porous structure. After hardening, the blocks are cut using a special mechanism with cutting strings into geometrically correct fragments. Building a house from gas silicate blocks is one of the most popular options. Such houses have characteristic white walls that do not need to be plastered. Among other things, foam concrete is easy to cut and process by hand. It can be used to make structures of complex shapes. The standard size of aerated blocks for building a house is 60x20x25 cm.

Cinder blocks are formed using a vibrocompression machine. Blast furnace slag or coal boiler waste, broken bricks and small crushed stone are used as filler. This building material is used for the construction industrial buildings and utility buildings. It is not recommended to use cinder blocks for the construction of a residential building. Their components may adversely affect the health of people living in the home.

Foam concrete is formed without exposure to steam and temperature. It is whipped with a special mixer and poured into molds measuring 20x30x60 cm. The foam concrete hardens gradually at natural temperature. This building material has good heat and sound insulation.

The building material perfectly combines all the positive qualities of natural wood and the strength characteristics of cement. Wood makes the material vapor-permeable, and concrete makes it fire-resistant. Its only drawback is sensitivity to moisture. Walls made of such material must be additionally protected from contact with atmospheric moisture.

They are produced, like cinder blocks, using a vibropressing mechanism, but foamy clay granules fired in a special oven are used as filler. This product can be used for the construction of residential buildings. It is environmentally friendly and has high strength. Modern production technologies make it possible to create expanded clay blocks with polystyrene insulation and artificial stone cladding. Walls made of such building materials do not need to be additionally insulated or treated. If desired, you can choose a coating with imitation brick, natural stone or tiles.

These elements contain polystyrene and a concrete base. The material has high thermal insulation qualities and good strength. Its disadvantage is that it shrinks under heavy load. So polymer blocks are more often used as insulation and partition elements, but not as the main material for walls.

This building material contains ninety percent wood chips held together cement mixture. To improve the adhesion of materials, in the production of wood concrete blocks they use slaked lime and aluminum sulfate. The properties of wood concrete correspond to the properties of wood, but the material is not flammable and does not rot. The only thing that is “lame” about this type is excessive absorption of logs. When building houses from wood concrete blocks, the facade must be treated with vapor-proof plaster.

To make building elements, clay is mixed with fine sawdust. In the oven, under the influence of high temperature, sawdust burns, and the clay acquires a porous structure. The standard dimensions of ceramic blocks are 38x24.8x23.8 cm. The pros and cons of ceramic blocks are good heat retention and high strength, but fragile structure and high moisture absorption.

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How to choose the right foam blocks. In the review, we will consider the characteristics, properties, advantages, secrets of the right choice and the average cost of this building material, and also give practical recommendations on its application.

What are the best blocks for building a house: price of products

When deciding what better blocks When building a house, price is not the least important factor. Price various types building materials depends on the region, the average price in rubles for one standard size element:

  • Foam blocks – 110
  • Gas blocks – 130
  • Arbolit – 120
  • Ceramic blocks – 100
  • Expanded clay blocks – 53
  • Polymer – 110
  • Sawdust blocks – 50
  • Cinder blocks - 50

Let's compare: which blocks are better to build a house from?

Pay attention to the wall materials comparison table.

Price square meter walls made of different materials has minor differences, but construction periods differ significantly from each other. Silicate walls are considered the strongest, but ceramic blocks are almost as good in resistance to compression. The lightest of these are aerated concrete elements, but it is impossible to build a house with a height of more than two or three floors from them. Ceramic blocks show the ideal ratio of strength and density. They do not require a massive foundation and at the same time are able to withstand concrete floors.

The most better thermal insulation- near aerated concrete. Ceramic blocks take an honorable second place in this indicator.

In all respects, aerated concrete is the leader. It’s up to you to decide which material is best for building a house. But it is worth considering additional factors, influencing the choice.

What else influences the choice of wall blocks for external walls

It is necessary to consider not only the technical characteristics of the building material, but also the specifics of the future structure:

  1. For an energy-saving design with good thermal insulation, gas blocks will be required.
  2. A building with two or three floors with a heavy roof must be built from durable materials - ceramic blocks and bricks.
  3. When choosing a building material, its availability plays an important role. Agree, there is no point in choosing blocks if the cost of transportation will double their price.

Important! It is not often that you come across houses built from one type of building material. The ideal option is to combine different materials depending on the design features. For example, for a two-story house, it is rational to use ceramic block for the construction of the first floor and foam concrete or wood concrete for the second.

Pros and cons of foam blocks for the construction of a residential building

Foam concrete and gas blocks are the leaders in popularity among developers of individual housing. If your choice fell on this particular building material, it is worth clarifying all the advantages and disadvantages.


  1. The material is environmentally friendly and provides a comfortable microclimate for humans in the house.
  2. The cost of foam concrete in comparison with other types of blocks.
  3. Lightweight material that does not require a massive foundation.
  4. The speed of construction of housing from foam blocks is up to three months.
  5. Excellent heat and sound insulation properties.
  6. Fire safety.
  7. Possibility of finishing with any materials.


  1. Easily damaged during careless transportation.
  2. It may crack if there is a sudden change in temperature after installation.
  3. Requires reinforcement and exterior finishing.
  • For storage and transportation, the material should be protected from moisture using plastic film.
  • Blocks are transported on special pallets. To prevent the material from moving during loading, it is secured with slings.
  • Construction from block material is carried out at a temperature environment not lower than five degrees Celsius.

  • Gas blocks can be sawed using regular saws hand hacksaw. Band-saw used when the scale of work is very large.
  • For precision cutting of foam concrete building materials, a construction corner is used.
  • Glue is applied to the joints with a trowel with teeth.
  • The elements are adjusted and seated with a rubber hammer.
  • When arranging the foundation, you should not forget about the blind area. She will take you away from block walls excess moisture.
  • To strengthen aerated concrete walls, reinforcing materials should be used around the perimeter. It is especially important to use this technique when constructing a multi-story building.

  • Floors in a block house can be made of wood or concrete. Good results gives a combination of materials.

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Despite the fact that the first house made of wooden blocks was built more than two decades ago, this building material was launched into mass production in Russia only in 2013 by the Baltic Architect company. This material was patented in Russia in 2012. The updated wooden brick is strikingly different from the material that was used to build the first house.

Note! New wooden panels are more convenient for construction, which significantly reduces the construction period and makes the walls more reliable.

What are they - wooden blocks

Wooden blocks Several types are produced for building houses. The length and height of the bars differ. The profiled appearance of surfaces connecting to other elements remains unchanged in production technology. The bottom and top surfaces are ribbed, as are the end sides.

Construction technology is beneficial in many respects:

  • Lightness of the material;
  • Hygroscopicity;
  • Little waste during construction;
  • Clever mounting for quick assembly reliable design;
  • The material dries faster.
  • The ridges of the brick, processed on ultra-precise machines, reliably hold the vertical of the wall, preventing distortions.
  • Does not occur in small, light parts internal tension, which protects the building from cracks.
  • Using wooden bricks, door and window openings easier to create than when building from timber or logs.

Specifics of construction from wooden blocks

The peculiarity of assembling walls from wooden blocks is that the wall consists of two parts, between which there is a cavity.

Note! This assembly method allows you to make the house warmer without overpaying for additional materials.

Wall assembly technology:

  1. A support beam is attached to the foundation of the future building.
  2. The masonry is carried out so that a cavity is formed between the bricks, in which spacers will be located in a certain order.
  3. The lower tier of the masonry is secured to the timber using clamping bars.
  4. The pressure bars must be connected to metal plates. These plates will hold the tensioners, which will create a vertical load.
  5. Installation of tensioners is carried out only after completing the assembly of all walls. They will be attached to the foundation of the house with anchor bolts.

Not good simple technology buildings made from small parts. For a simpler construction of a house from wooden blocks, the video will help you understand the technology of assembling long wooden bricks.


Houses made of wooden bricks do not have all the disadvantages that appear in houses built from wood of natural moisture, and also have environmental advantages over laminated timber.

Wooden brick has no deformation, shrinkage, or wall cracks. Wooden brick has a high surface quality comparable to furniture quality.

Dry wooden brick has less weight than material with natural moisture. This fact makes it possible to simplify the design of the foundation and seriously reduce the costs of its construction.

The small weight and size of wooden bricks makes it possible not to use cranes, forklifts and heavy equipment during transportation and on the construction site.

So, do wooden bricks have no disadvantages at all?

Alas, of course, this is not the case. You cannot start construction without a well-developed project, otherwise the walls may simply fall under the influence of loads. It is also not recommended to build multi-storey buildings and large houses from it - such structures will be unstable. Well, if your region has a harsh climate, then wooden bricks simply won’t suit you - the house will turn out to be quite cold.

Many home craftsmen will wonder - is it possible to make such wooden bricks at home? Experts are quite skeptical about such an initiative. After all, there are many specific and quite high requirements for the material, and even for the product itself, which are very problematic and sometimes even impossible to meet in a home workshop. And the plant has high-precision milling and grinding equipment.

Professionals are only allowed to lay wooden bricks themselves, but with the obligatory observance of the following rules: the brick is laid in a row; compliance with the order is mandatory; the block is laid edgewise on the lock; Both the outer and inner rows require transverse ligation every 3 blocks.

In this case, the dressing material is the same as the one from which the masonry is made; the matching of the dressing with the bricks of the bottom row is not allowed. It must be regularly shifted by 0.5 bricks.

Read also: Installation of decorative facing bricks with your own hands (internal cladding)

This is the only way we will get the correct design, a beautiful design and a hollow wall. The gap between the outer and inner walls is used to place thermal insulation in it.

The width of the gap for thermal insulation can vary up to 600 mm, while the consumption of wooden bricks will not increase. Various types of insulation can be used heat insulating materials, available on the market. Sometimes sawdust is poured into this gap - it retains heat just as well.

In general, wooden bricks have more advantages than disadvantages. And, before making such an important and responsible decision - to build a house from wooden bricks, you need to carefully weigh all the pros and cons.

Wooden brick house - video

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    General information

    Wood and brick is a classic combination that builders have been using for a long time; in particular, lining a wooden house with brick is a common operation. In brick houses they often use wooden beams ceilings and other elements. But wood brick is truly a novelty on the building materials market.

    True, in America, the method of assembling houses from small blocks was patented more than twenty years ago. Then waste from a timber processing factory was used to make them.

    The inventor built himself a house from the blocks, but this innovation did not gain further distribution.

    This is due to many reasons:

    • The method of assembling the structure was not worked out - the inventor assembled the walls using the method of selecting blocks.
    • It was not possible to organize the production of the material due to the lack of proper equipment.
    • The purpose of the development was to reduce personal construction costs.

    As a result, no one began to promote this invention, since specialists this technology did not inspire confidence. And so in 2012, a Russian architect, looking for a way to reduce the cost and simplify wooden house construction, returned to the topic of using small blocks and came up with wooden bricks.

    What is wood brick


    The material in question is made from solid wood on high-precision modern machines. The dimensions of such blocks are as follows:

    Externally, the block is a beam, profiled on four sides with a comb-shaped lock. The depth of the ridges can range from 45 to 70 mm.

    As for the type of wood, it can be very different. This even allows you to combine panels from different breeds, for example, during the construction of a bathhouse. The inner wall can be made of linden or larch, and the outer wall can be made of cheaper pine.


    This material has many advantages.

    Below we consider the main ones:

    • It simplifies construction, since you can lay the blocks yourself.
    • There is no internal tension inside the small panel, so the walls of the house will not crack.
    • Drying the material takes less time, thanks to which well-dried blocks do not lose their shape.
    • The transportation and unloading of blocks is simplified.
    • Small panels allow you to assemble walls of complex shapes.
    • Low price due to the fact that the blocks are often made from remnants of timber production.

    Construction Features

    The assembly of walls in this case is also a kind of invention - houses are built according to the principle of hollow walls. Assembly is carried out along a multi-tiered continuous chain.

    Spacers with profiled ends are placed in the space between the two walls. Spacers connect the outer and inner walls of the house. Moreover, they are installed strictly in certain places.

    The basis for assembling the walls is a supporting wooden beam, which is installed on the foundation. The first crown of the walls is attached to the beam using pressure bars and tensioners, which can be rod or track.

    In order for the house to be durable, it is necessary to properly perform the foundation and its waterproofing.
    To do this, several layers of roofing felt are laid on top of the foundation, after which brickwork is erected under the wooden house, which serves as a plinth.

    From below, the tensioner is attached to the foundation with anchor bolts. Moreover, they are installed after the walls of the house are assembled.

    It should be noted that when assembling such houses there is no need to use seals between the crowns or lay insulation, since the tightness is achieved thanks to a comb-shaped lock. Vertical loads are regulated by tensioners, which give the walls stability.

    When building any wooden houses, it is necessary to comply with fire safety rules, especially when installing chimneys in a wooden house.
    Metal or brick pipe in a wooden house should not touch walls, ceilings or other surfaces.

    At the same time, the house turns out to be warm, thanks to the double wall, and attractive. Therefore, after erecting the box, you do not need to think about how to cover a wooden house with bricks or decorate the facade with other material.

    The only drawback of this technology is that it can only be used for permanent buildings - houses, outbuildings, etc. If you need a wooden extension to brick house, for example, a veranda, then for these purposes it is better to use traditional timber.

    The fact is that a wooden veranda attached to a brick house with your own hands in most cases has a frame structure. But, even if you make its walls solid, certain difficulties will still arise when using blocks.

    But to attach brick building to such a house it will be possible without problems. Moreover, there are several ways to connect a wooden house with a brick extension. Most often, reinforcement is used for this, which is driven into the walls and then laid into the masonry, which allows you to obtain a securely connected structure.

    Often, novice craftsmen are interested in how to make a wooden extension to a brick house with your own hands?
    This design can be made on either a columnar or strip foundation.
    In this case, adjacent elements are attached to brick wall dowel-nails.

    Here, perhaps, is all the basic information about wooden brick and building houses from it.


    Wood bricks are promising modern material. Its main advantage is the cost-effectiveness of production. In addition, small blocks are more convenient to construct and provide more options for architects.

    You can get additional useful information on the discussed topic from the video in this article.

    Building blocks: types, sizes, prices and technical characteristics

    When choosing a material for construction, first of all they look at the technical characteristics of the raw materials, and not at the external attractiveness. Monolithic concrete elements are most often used in the construction of durable buildings. The types and characteristics of building blocks depend on the auxiliary components added to the solution during manufacture.

    There are various blocks for building a house. Which is better, because the price, characteristics and dimensions are different for everyone? To understand this issue, we will consider each type in detail.

    At the moment, the following varieties are distinguished:

    The specific weight of all options is less than 1800 kg/m³, which is very convenient when building walls, and the cost is quite reasonable even for budget buildings.

    Expanded clay concrete

    These blocks are made by adding hollow balls of foamed and fired clay to concrete. They are much lighter than other options and also have high heat and sound insulation properties. In this case, you can safely drive nails into such a structure without fear of damaging the integrity of the blocks.

    The pros and cons of ceramic blocks also require careful study. The positive aspects of building houses include:

    Note! When using such blocks, pay attention to the material itself and where it was purchased. If the creation technology is violated, the density and geometric parameters become unstable.

    When choosing expanded clay concrete structures, take into account the negative aspects of the material:

    You can purchase different sizes of blocks. There are options corresponding to ordinary brickwork (a 50x24.8x23.8 block has a mass of 25 kg and is the same size as 15 bricks). You can find widths of 23, 24 and 25 cm, and lengths from 25 to 51, which is very convenient for building walls at home and planning material costs.

    Aerated concrete

    Almost 85% of volume aerated concrete block consists of cells, so it is very light. Includes quartz sand, cement and lime, and the raw materials are diluted in ordinary water. The dimensions of the bubbles vary from 0.6 to 3 mm, they are evenly distributed.

    This material has positive aspects:

    Note! It is necessary to use only a special solution.

    To understand what aerated concrete is for building a house would be better suited, take into account the following parameters:

    At the same time, elements with a thickness of 7.5 cm are used to insulate walls; if you need to build a utility room, 2 and 2.5 cm are enough. If you plan to use such material for load-bearing walls, then buy blocks with a thickness of at least 37.5 cm.