Building a country toilet with your own hands - an option with a barrel. Question about a country toilet (barrel without bottom) How long will an iron barrel for a toilet last?

Typical appearance The “conveniences” of a dacha are well known. This is a wooden booth on the outskirts, surrounded by green flies and an indescribable aroma. Is it difficult to make a country toilet - a septic tank with your own hands?

In this article we will explore what is probably the simplest way to construct such a structure.

A little theory

How does a simple single-chamber septic tank work? It is a container - a settling tank, connected by an overflow to a filter well or irrigation field. In the settling tank, the wastewater is separated: that which is lighter than water forms a crust on its surface; whatever is heavier settles to the bottom. Organic matter gradually decomposes when active participation.

The overflow is designed so that the settled water gets into it. The simplest solution to achieve this is to use a conventional sewer tee. The middle outlet goes into the wall; the side ones unfold vertically. What is the result?

The lower outlet limits water extraction. The crust surrounds the tee but does not enter the overflow. The upper outlet is used for cleaning in the event that solid wastewater fractions somehow clog one of the outlets.

Useful: there may be several cameras equipped with such overflows.
The more there are, the better the quality of wastewater treatment; however, the area occupied by the septic tank and its price (or the cost of materials, if it is manufactured independently) are also growing.

The photo shows a two-chamber septic tank made of two steel barrels.

The enemy of effective wastewater separation is the mixing of water by the incoming stream. It has long been noted that the minimum volume of a settling tank should be equal to at least three times the volume of daily runoff.

The way in which settled and purified water is disposed of is determined, first of all, by its quantity. For a relatively small volume, a filter well is more convenient; if there is a lot of wastewater, you will have to build a filtration field - lay out drainage pipes on a bed of crushed stone and sprinkle them with soil.

Septic tanks for country toilets deal with a very limited volume of wastewater. Moreover: apart from, so to speak, visiting products and paper, nothing foreign gets into them: neither washing powders, nor household chemicals(except for cleaning the toilet). In general, nothing that can harm plants if it gets into the soil.

What practical conclusions can we draw from this fact?

  • One chamber - the primary settling tank - is more than enough for our purposes.
  • It may be relatively small. Let's do a simple calculation. Volume cistern we make up approximately 6 liters (a little more or a little less depending on the manufacturer and the adjustment of the fittings).
    With ten visits per day, the total volume of wastewater will be 60 liters; the three-day volume, as is easy to calculate, is 180.
  • Our obvious choice for treated wastewater disposal is .

Let's get started


A homemade septic tank for country toilets is, by definition, not only a compact design, but also a low-budget one. We use an ordinary 200-liter steel barrel as a settling tank.

The filter well will be an ordinary pit filled with crushed stone. How to calculate its minimum volume? By absorbent surface area. We need to ensure absorption of approximately 60-70 liters per day, which corresponds to 1 square meter sand or 1.7-2 sandy loam soil.

So, we need to dig a barrel, connect it with a pipe to the toilet outlet, and drain the overflow into a filter column dug nearby... Stop. Why do we need to dig two holes?

Isn’t it easier to dig one with a slightly larger volume, place a sump barrel in it and fill it with crushed stone, diverting the overflow directly into the crushed stone? Obviously, the volume earthworks at the same time, the space occupied by the septic tank will decrease.


The instructions for bringing the project to life greatly depend on the set of tools that you have at hand. We will proceed from a reasonable country minimum - a drill, a hammer with a chisel and a semicircular file.

Alas, in addition to this set, you will also need a rare guest at the dacha - an angle grinder with a cutting wheel for steel.

However: having a metal cutter will save you from hard work with a hand file.

  • Cutting off the lid of the barrel. If you now turn the lid over, thanks to the collar it will close the container quite tightly.

  • Mark the holes for the pipe with a scriber(with a sharpened steel rod) or a regular pencil. It is better to place them under the lid itself on opposite side walls. The overflow should be just below the drainage opening.
  • Drill out the outlined circles; then we cut them out with a chisel and bring them to an acceptable state with a semicircular file or cutter.
  • Digging a pit, into which our barrel will fit with a substantial reserve. We fill the bottom with a layer of crushed stone and, if possible, compact it.
  • We put the barrel in the pit and insert a pipe into it from the toilet outlet. It should be laid, of course, with a slight slope towards the septic tank.
  • Insert the middle branch of the tee into the second hole from the inside.
  • Sealing the holes silicone sealant . Strictly speaking, you can only cover up the overflow: under normal conditions, the water will not rise to the level of the drain pipe.
  • Fill the barrel with crushed stone on all sides. It is usually recommended to backfill with full septic tank to avoid its deformation, but this is clearly not our case: steel is stronger than traditional ones for local treatment facilities polyethylene and polypropylene.
  • Cover it with a lid with a screwed stopper.; If desired, sprinkle with gravel or soil on top.
  • We use. Our improvised septic tank will safely collect all solid fractions of wastewater; settled water, purified from suspended matter, will be used for soil filtration. At the end of the summer season, you can open the barrel and remove the accumulated compost from it.

An alternative option - installing a flange on the lid and connecting the drain to it - is less convenient. To clean the septic tank, you will have to disconnect the pipe.


A few simple solutions will help you get rid of odors near your septic tank.

  • Before filling the barrel, coat the connection between the walls and the lid with sealant.
  • A biological cleaner for septic tanks and country toilets in the form of a tablet or powder is quite capable of completely eliminating the smell for the entire summer season, and at the same time reducing the amount of solid fractions due to their decomposition by bacteria.
  • A ventilation pipe 2-3 meters high, equipped with an umbrella-deflector, can be inserted into the plug hole in the barrel lid or into a tee that opens the drain pipe.


Of course, the proposed budget solution is far from the only possible one. You will become familiar with one of the alternatives by watching the video in this article. Good luck!

You simply cannot do without a structure such as a toilet in a dacha. And if you decide to build a country toilet with your own hands, you will have to put in some effort and effort. The most difficult stage in construction will be digging a pit. As for the aesthetic side of the building, this is rather a secondary issue, because the main thing is to properly arrange the cesspool and create a reliable foundation for the above-ground structure.

Below we will discuss in detail the following points:

Choosing a place to build a toilet and its design.

What you will need to build a toilet.

Features of the cesspool design.

Construction of a country toilet house.

Using a dry closet at the dacha.

Biological toilet products.

How to build a country toilet with your own hands: photos, drawings, video

It’s worth noting right away that it’s better to do all the work once and then not return to this issue. long years. It is especially important to build a permanent structure if you spend a lot of time at your dacha. If you do not want to spoil the design of the site by installing a regular toilet, then you can always hide it in far corner behind a country house or invent one for it original design, which would allow it to fit harmoniously into the landscape.

Choosing a location for the toilet and its design features

As a rule, the toilet is installed closer to the far boundary land plot, since there will be a presence near the room bad smell, even if insignificant. But sometimes they use another option, making a cesspool not far from the house, and to place a toilet, they set aside a free corner of the house, leading the sewer pipe into the pit. This design is mainly used in cases where water has been brought into the house and it is planned to install an insulating container designed to collect waste.

Be that as it may, it is worth adhering to sanitary and epidemiological standards. They must be followed to protect yourself and the environment from negative consequences such as soil contamination or infectious diseases.

If you are planning to install a cesspool, it is important that it is located at a distance of at least 30 meters from water sources. Moreover, its depth should not reach groundwater.

If you are going to install a septic tank, then place it no closer than 15 meters from the house.

If you are going to use an insulated container that is cleaned as it is filled, it can be installed almost anywhere, since waste will not penetrate into the ground.

An insulated container is also suitable in cases where the groundwater does not run very deep and it is impossible to make a cesspool in the ground.

Most often, the pits of the simplest toilet for a summer residence have an area of ​​about 1 m2. If the pit is round, then its diameter should be approximately 1 meter. Its depth is 1.5-2 meters, depending on how the groundwater lies.

Once you decide on a place for the pit, proceed to choosing the design of the toilet. First of all, you must take into account the weight of the future structure - the choice of material that you are going to use for construction largely depends on it. Moreover, the house itself should not be made very heavy, since over time, under its weight, the soil may begin to sag and the building will become deformed and damaged.

Excellent as building materials wooden boards or bars or thin material - corrugated sheets and galvanized profiles.

If you decide to build a toilet booth from bricks or logs, then you should think about high-quality strengthening of the foundation. But there is no point in building such structures, since they will not be warmer than light buildings. Unless you need to thermally insulate a room using insulation that is light in weight, for example, polystyrene foam. This building will be warm, light, windproof in winter and not too hot in summer.

Having decided on the choice of material, you can begin to select the size of the booth. If you decide to build a country toilet with your own hands, then we offer you the following drawings.

As a rule, a standard toilet, as you noticed in the drawings presented above, has a height of 2.3 meters, a width of 1 meter, and a length of 1.3-1.5 meters. But these dimensions can vary, and should not be viewed as dogma. Be that as it may, the room should be as comfortable as possible for all family members to be in it.

What you need to build a country toilet with your own hands

Having chosen the design and size of the toilet, you need to buy Construction Materials. You can buy a metal or wooden “house” ready-made. If you decide to build it yourself, then be prepared for the fact that you will need the following materials:

  • wooden blocks and boards;
  • fasteners - screws and nails;
  • metal corners to strengthen the wooden frame;
  • roof covering material - corrugated board or slate;
  • door handle, latch or hook for closing;
  • wooden or plastic toilet seat with a lid;
  • polystyrene foam for insulation and material for covering insulated walls: thin board, chipboard or plywood (if necessary).

To construct a cesspool you will need:

  • crushed stone, cement, sand;
  • reinforcement to strengthen the foundation structure;
  • metal mesh netting (designed to cover the pit) and metal pins or brackets for attaching it to the ground.

Also, instead of mesh and plastering it with concrete, you can use brick to line the walls of the pit. Moreover, concrete rings that have holes in the walls are often used to construct pits. Many summer residents prefer old rubber tires.

Another good environmentally friendly option would be a ready-made container - a septic tank. You can find them most different sizes, so you will choose the one you need, depending on the length of your stay outside the city and the number of family members.

Of course, when building a country toilet with your own hands, you cannot do without special tools, so prepare in advance:

  • a bayonet or shovel with a short and long handle;
  • a hand drill that will help when digging a pit;
  • hammer drill (if the site has rocky soil);
  • screwdriver or hammer;
  • grinder – “grinder” with discs for metal and stone;
  • jigsaw;
  • marking tool - tape measure, ruler, square, pencil, building level or marker.

How to make a cesspool with your own hands?

Of course, you should start by marking and digging a hole, which can be round or square shape(depending on which design scheme for the country toilet was chosen).

If you are planning to install a two-chamber plastic septic tank, then the hole is dug so that the inlet pipe is in the toilet stall, since the toilet seat will be installed on it. The neck of the second chamber remains outside the room, as it is required to regulate the pumping of fecal matter.

Tanks can be different shapes, since the shape and dimensions of the pit depend on this. The size of the pit must be made 20 cm larger than the container, since the soil around it must be compacted as best as possible.

If the walls of the pit are lined with brick or concrete, it can be made square or round.

After you dig a hole of the required depth, you need to arrange drainage at the bottom from stones, coarse crushed stone, and fragments of bricks.

Then concrete mortar is applied to the walls using the casting method. It is left until completely dry. The total layer thickness can be approximately 50-80 mm.

When the first sketched layer has set, the walls are plastered to a perfectly smooth state with the same concrete mortar. Next, wait until the plastered pit dries.

The pit is covered or finished reinforced concrete slab, or you can make it yourself. It will act as a foundation and platform around the toilet.

Boards are laid on the pit itself. They should extend beyond its limits by approximately 700-800 mm and be recessed into the ground to the level with the ground. They are being processed antiseptics. like this wooden backing It is quite possible to replace it with concrete pillars.

Two holes are left on the surface for the cesspool and installation of the toilet seat. Formwork is installed around them.

A dense polyethylene film is spread over the entire area of ​​the foundation.

A reinforcement grid is laid on top of it, which encloses the formwork of the future foundation along the entire perimeter.

As for the height of the formwork of the holes, it should be exactly the same as the formwork of the entire foundation structure. When leveling the surface, the formwork boards will act as beacons.

The concrete solution is mixed, then poured onto the site, carefully leveled and left to dry. For the strength and durability of the concrete layer after the initial setting, you can “ironize” the wet surface using dry cement.

After the site has matured, you can install a toilet booth on it. The hole that is intended for pumping out waste will need a hatch. You can buy it in a store or make it yourself. The hatch cover should be easy to close and open.

Another good optionround form pits made from tires. But do not forget that this type of pit cannot be used for regular users. Such a toilet can only be used in a country house, and only if the owners come occasionally, for example, on weekends, otherwise they will have to resort to pumping out waste very often.

To make a pit from car tires a round pit is dug out 150-200 mm larger than the diameter of the tires.

A drainage having a thickness of 15-20 cm is laid at the bottom of the pit.

Then the tires are laid exactly in the center of the pit to the ground surface. As they are laid around the tires, a drainage layer of sand and gravel is poured and compacted well. This process is carried out to the top.

When the tires are laid, it is recommended to arrange strip foundation. To do this, a trench about 500 mm deep is dug along the entire perimeter of the future structure, into which concrete is poured.

The bottom of the trench is compacted and then filled with 50-70 mm of sand. It also needs to be compacted and covered with a layer of crushed stone of exactly the same thickness.

The waterproofing is made of dense polyethylene.

Next, you can weld a lattice from reinforcement, install it and mount the formwork 100-150 mm above ground level, and then fill it with concrete mortar. Make a brick foundation and then plaster it with cement.

After the mortar has hardened, remove the formwork from the cement foundation and level the brick foundation on top. Then roofing material is laid on its surface. He will separate concrete surface from wood.

Then the finished structure of the country toilet is installed on the foundation, or it is built independently.

For ease of construction, a base frame consisting of powerful bars is first fixed to the foundation, and then the remaining structural elements are mounted on it, depending on the building model you choose.

It is worth noting another option for arranging a cesspool - metal barrels with a cut bottom. They are installed on top of each other and then operate in the same way as in the case discussed above. A mixture of sand and crushed stone or a gravel mixture is compacted around the pipe.

It would seem that this method is simple to implement, but it has much more more disadvantages than advantages. Metal barrels for negative impact both the outside and the inside will quickly begin to corrode, and this toilet will not last long.

Do-it-yourself country toilet: building a house, photo

Once the pit and platform for installing the toilet are ready, you can begin assembling the house according to the previously drawn up diagram.

It’s worth saying right away that houses for country toilets can have a variety of shapes. Many people even make them in the form of a fairytale hut, and those around them may not immediately understand what kind of room fits so harmoniously into landscape design. You can make such a structure with your own hands, having an idea of ​​​​its assembly scheme.

In the photo you will see an option partially made of logs, which give the structure a decorative appearance, masking the purpose of the building.

In the diagram you see the basis for building a house made of logs, only boards are used instead of logs. You can clearly see how the walls of the structure are assembled and the roof slopes rise. The internal space is distributed, and a place for the toilet seat is selected.

The next step will be roof sheathing, roofing and wall finishing using the selected material (both wood and metal can be used).

The house can be installed on a pit or used as a room for a dry closet.

This version of the toilet structure is called a “hut”. In this case, the house is built in the form of a triangle, and its side walls act as a roof. The form is extremely simple, so the construction process will not cause you any difficulties.

This design is easy to construct and easy to use - it is very stable and quite spacious inside.

In the photo you will see everything internal structure, place of installation of the toilet seat and sheathing of the walls and roof. Finishing of the front and back walls has begun. You can place the “hut” house on a well-equipped cesspool, as in the above case, or use it as a room for a dry closet.

In this photo you see a house for a country toilet of a traditional shape, which is found in many areas. However, you can decorate even such a seemingly simple design according to your preference. For example, the toilet in this area was made into a Japanese house. This is evidenced by the hieroglyphs on the sign, which is suspended on chains; there is also a roof and a Japanese lantern at the entrance. Moreover, the interior space is also designed in the same style.

This attitude to design suggests that even from such a structure as a toilet, you can make a real work of art if you put in a little more effort.

An approximate construction diagram is shown in the photo. It clearly shows the cesspool, the installation of the toilet structure and the cleaning hatch. This design is quite simple in design and is not difficult to build. However, for it to be reliable, it is necessary to achieve rigidity of the ligaments of each of the parts among themselves. The internal space arranged above the cesspool may look like this during the construction of the walls. That is, a base of bars is installed directly on the foundation, onto which the frame of the building is subsequently fixed.

Upon completion of finishing the interior of the country toilet, the room will have a cozy and neat appearance, such as you see in the photo.

If you wish, you can come up with a different toilet design, but interior decoration necessary from warm materials. We do not recommend using it for finishing ceramic tiles because it's cold material, and in winter the tiles will also become slippery.

Dry toilet in a suburban area

If you cannot build a country toilet with your own hands or you do not have the desire or time to deal with construction work, then use a dry toilet. This option will save you from the need to dig a hole and install the house.

A biotoilet is nothing more than an autonomous toilet, which does not require either connection to drainage communications or separate room. It consists of two chambers, the top of which acts as a toilet, and the other is used for biological waste treatment. The lower chamber contains active substances that decompose feces, turning them into a homogeneous, odorless mass. The action of the bioactive liquid lasts for 10 days, after which the chamber is cleaned and the contents are poured into the soil or central sewer.

The choice of disposal method depends on what substances were used in the dry closet. They come in three types: chemical, composting and microorganic. Each one is ideal for specific type dry closet.

For composting, peat is used as an active substance. It is characterized by high absorbency - 1 kg of peat can absorb 10 liters of liquid. Odorless compost resulting from active processes, perfect for fertilizing the garden.

As a rule, this compost toilet comes with ventilation pipes that remove unpleasant odors during processing.

The operation of a dry closet is based on the use of chemicals. It has an indicator that indicates when the container needs cleaning. Recycled waste is discharged into the sewer, and you do no harm environment. For such models there is special means with non-freezing property.

The third type is a dry toilet, in which microorganisms are responsible for the process of processing waste, turning it into compost. The material obtained in this way is environmentally friendly and absolutely safe for animals and soil, so it will not be difficult to dispose of it.

If necessary, you can install a dry closet in a regular room located in the yard, and in winter you can bring it into the house, selecting a convenient place for these needs.

What biological agents are used for toilets?

Owners country houses For those who have pit toilets on site, special means are offered (they are similar to those used in dry closets).

As you can see, there are many ways to solve the problem of a toilet in a country house - you can always choose the most suitable option.

Making a toilet out of a barrel in your country house with your own hands is quite simple. You just need to find a container of suitable volume, which is made of reliable materials, and install it in a pre-dug hole. After constructing a booth made of wood or brick, you will get an outdoor bathroom. It can be used at any time of the year. At the same time, it has all the necessary characteristics that an outdoor bathroom for a summer cottage should have.

Country toilet

Characteristics of a bathroom using a container

One of the most successful design schemes for a cesspool for a toilet in a country house is one where a container without a bottom is installed in the pit. The advantage of this option is that there is no need to pump out the accumulated liquid, since it is absorbed into the soil. Due to the small amount of waste, they have time to penetrate into the ground. Moreover, their volume should not exceed 1 m 3 per day. If you neglect this recommendation, waste will accumulate in the cesspool from the container. This will lead to the formation of an unpleasant odor in the area.

This option arrangement of a cesspool is not suitable for dachas, where high level groundwater. In this case, all sewage will penetrate into the soil, where it will contaminate the drinking source.

That's why the best way out The solution to the current situation is to install a volumetric sealed barrel. It will act as a septic tank.

In this case, it is necessary to regularly pump out the liquid using special equipment. To avoid doing this too often, you need to install a large capacity container.

To reduce the size of the septic tank, in this case it is recommended to install a complex structure.

It involves installing two or even three containers where waste will accumulate. Moreover, the last of them can be made without a bottom.

In this case, it is necessary to additionally use aerobic or anaerobic strains of microorganisms. They are added to the first container, where they break down biological waste. As a result, solid particles settle to the bottom. The already purified liquid is transferred to the next container. It, passing through an additional filtration layer of sand, enters the soil without polluting it.

Also, when choosing a scheme for arranging a cesspool, you need to choose the right material from which the barrel will be made. It is best to use metal or plastic containers. Each of these types of materials has its own advantages and disadvantages that must be taken into account before the installation process.

Metal containers - advantages and disadvantages

Metal containers that you can install with your own hands have a number of significant shortcomings, which directly affect the durability of the constructed structure. These include:

  • low corrosion resistance of the material. After 3-4 years, such a container becomes unsuitable for use, since it is impossible to repair it;
  • in most cases, this option for arranging a cesspool can be expensive. Metal containers are quite expensive;
  • complexity of installation. If you use a large container with massive walls, it is quite difficult to install it without the help of special equipment;
  • You can only use containers whose wall thickness reaches 15-16 mm. They are often very difficult to find.

To the benefits of this material Their resistance to frequent temperature changes can be attributed. It is not afraid of severe frosts when deep layers of soil freeze. Also, such a container is heavy, which will more securely fix it in the ground.

Plastic containers

When constructing a cesspool with your own hands, plastic is considered a better material than metal.

It has many advantages:

  • long service life. Plastic can be used for arranging a cesspool for a toilet in a country house for 40 years;
  • due to their light weight, these containers are very easy to install without the help of outsiders or special equipment;
  • plastic is resistant to the harmful effects of biological fluids or special chemical compounds, which are used for waste processing;
  • prevents wastewater from penetrating through the walls of the container into the soil;
  • the cost of such a container is quite low;
  • The plastic is very durable and will not collapse under pressure from soil or runoff.

The disadvantages of this material include its instability to exposure low temperatures. To fix this, plastic walls containers must be insulated with a layer mineral wool. Also, a plastic barrel can float due to its light weight.

To prevent this, its walls must be securely fixed in the ground.

How to choose the right place to install a bathroom?

When choosing a place to install a toilet with your own hands in the country, you must adhere to the following rules:

The first stage is the arrangement of a cesspool from a container

When constructing an outdoor toilet from a plastic barrel with your own hands, you must first dig a pit of suitable dimensions. In this case, the use of a galvanized metal container is also allowed. But you need to take into account that it has a much shorter service life.

The pit for the toilet, which is equipped with your own hands, must have a depth that is 25-30 cm greater than the height of the container. This is necessary for arrangement filtration field, which will help clean the waste, and clean liquid without harmful impurities will be absorbed into the soil. Also, this pit should be 10-20 cm wider than the tank. This gap is needed to fix the tank inside the pit.

When the hole is dug, fill its bottom with a layer of fine crushed stone 20 cm thick. Lay sand on top by another 10-15 cm. In this case, each layer must be carefully compacted so that no voids form. After this, you need to install a barrel without a bottom so that its upper edge rises 7-8 cm above the ground surface. In the future, this will greatly facilitate dismantling the container.

You need to fill the sides of the walls with crushed stone. It should reach 2/3 of the height of the container. Place a layer of clay on top to the ground level. When the hole is completely filled, cover the surface of the soil with fine gravel. Also, add an additional layer of sand on top, reaching the level of the top edge of the container.

Pouring the foundation

In parallel with installing a container without a bottom with your own hands, or after that, you need to start building a foundation for the future toilet. This construction phase consists of the following processes:

Construction of the above-ground part of the street toilet

After constructing the foundation for the outdoor toilet with your own hands and installing the container, you need to start building the booth. This process consists of the following steps:

  1. You need to lay a piece of roofing felt on the surface of the foundation.
  2. A wooden beam measuring 100x100 mm should be used for the bottom frame of the base under the floor. Before this, it must be treated with an antiseptic solution.
  3. To build a reliable foundation, install the bars around the perimeter of the structure and in the middle of the long side of the structure, attach them with nuts, after placing them on metal pins.
  4. Using 40 mm thick boards, build the floor of the future toilet. In this case, it is necessary to leave a hole under the toilet where the container is located.
  5. Attach 4 wooden columns to the corners of the base. Two of them should have a height of 2 m, and the other two should have a height of 2.2 m. Choose bars with a cross section of 100x50 mm. You need to attach them using metal corners and wooden struts. Before final installation frame, check the verticality of the racks.
  6. On the front wall under the doors, install additional columns of the same section. The width of the opening should be 0.7 m and the height 1.97.
  7. Fasten the racks on the other side with a vertical jumper at a level of 1.77 m, which will also serve as the base for the roof.
  8. Along the structure, leaning on the installed jumpers, attach two rafter legs.
  9. As roof sheathing, use 40 mm thick boards, which must be attached to the rafters using regular nails.
  10. Install to the grid covering using screws OSB sheet, which will act as a base for the roofing material.
  11. Use a soft coating as a cover. bitumen shingles or roofing felt. It is necessary to choose materials that will not create additional load on the structure.
  12. For wall cladding, use a tongue-and-groove or half-tongue board 2-4 cm thick.
  13. To prevent the inside of the building from being hot in summer and cold in winter, you need to make thermal insulation with your own hands. To do this, install foam sheets in the inner plane of the frame. After this, you need to additionally sew up the walls with another layer of board.
  14. For all wooden elements apply a special impregnation that will protect their surface from the harmful effects of moisture and other negative factors external environment. You can also additionally use fire retardants.
  15. Install doors on the curtains. You can equip them with a small window to illuminate the interior space during the daytime.

Interior design of an outdoor bathroom

Before interior work Inside the room you need to lay a cable for the lighting device. You can do this yourself by entering the electrical wiring through a mast, which should be attached to the back wall of the bathroom. At the same time, its height is 2.5 m. Cable routing should be carried out open method. The wire cross-section must be at least 2.5 mm 2. For lighting, use a lamp with a power of 40 W or less.

To construct the seat, use bars with a cross-section of 30x60 cm. Build a frame 400 mm high from them, and attach them using self-tapping screws. Ready design need to be sheathed with plywood or OSB board. In this case, you must remember to leave a hole in the place where the plastic container is installed. As a final step, attach the seat with cover, which is used for regular toilet. When everything is ready, paint the interior and exterior of the bathroom with paint or varnish, which will extend its life and help keep the wood in its original condition.

So in a simple way You can build an outdoor toilet yourself using a regular container made of plastic or metal.

Video: Septic tank: types, principle of operation and installation

The presence of a toilet and running water supply make topical issues collection and disposal of all wastewater. Cesspools on personal plot quite often is optimal solution problems if there is no possibility of connecting to a centralized sewerage system.

Regardless of the type of material used, as well as the volume, the main purpose of the cesspool is to ensure maximum comfortable living in a private household and high-quality collection of all waste and sewage water that is produced during the residence of all residents.

Design selection sewage pit should be based on:

  • total number Wastewater produced per day, which depends not only on the number of residents, but also on the degree of equipment of the living space with various plumbing fixtures;
  • frequency and intensity of sewerage use;
  • characteristics of the soil at the digging site and the level of groundwater;
  • budget that is expected to be spent on arranging a cesspool.

The most affordable and easy-to-implement option for a cesspool is to build a structure based on metal or plastic barrels.

Description of this method

The use of both metal and plastic barrels has not only certain advantages, but also some disadvantages that must be taken into account when arranging a cesspool.


Metal barrels more effectively prevent the walls from collapsing in the cesspool. However, plastic barrels have significant advantages over metal structures:

  • almost complete absence of restrictions on the period of operation and the possibility of use for more than forty years;
  • simple self-installation, which is due to the low weight of such a barrel;
  • high level of resistance to the effects of many chemicals included in sewage waste;
  • resistance to corrosive changes and soil pressure.


  • Cesspools made from metal barrels, as a rule, make the structure leaky, which may lead to the need for additional protection. In addition, this design is not resistant to corrosion, and in less than five years the barrels can simply rot. Also, metal barrels are larger and may require significant effort during installation.
  • Plastic barrels require frequent pumping out of liquid and may react poorly to temperatures that are too low, requiring the use of thermal insulation materials for insulation of plastic structures.


average cost a cesspool based on plastic barrels with a height of two meters and a diameter of one meter does not exceed $160. This amount includes a barrel, digging a pit, as well as the price of crushed stone or broken bricks.

Price metal barrel varies significantly and can start from 300 rubles. The total costs will depend on the depth of the pit for the cesspool and the number of metal barrels involved in the design.

Required tools and materials

By doing independent work to arrange a cesspool based on a barrel you will need to use:

  • metal or barrel;
  • grinder;
  • shovel and buckets on a strong rope;
  • coupling;
  • pipe branch;
  • sewer pipes;
  • sealant;
  • crushed stone or broken bricks;
  • cement mixture and a container for mixing the solution;
  • non-woven fabric based on high-quality geotextiles.
Using ready-made plastic container with a hatch and outlet pipe greatly facilitates the work and reduces the amount of tools required for installation.

Basic characteristics and purchase of a barrel

The most reliable and simple option is the acquisition of ready-made plastic construction, which already includes such necessary elements as a hatch and vent. Depending on the volume of drainage, you need to select the number of such barrels, which will be combined with each other during the installation process. The inability to purchase a ready-made container does not pose a particular problem. You can use a design option based on metal barrels with a volume of two hundred liters.

The best option such barrels are represented by containers that are used in railway when transporting chemical liquids or gasoline. It is these barrels that are sixteen millimeters thick and can be used for at least five years.

Installing the barrel in the pit and connecting

Cesspools made from barrels are quite simple and intuitive clear design. For her self-installation the following sequential steps are required:

  • choosing the location where the cesspool will be located;
  • digging a hole whose parameters match the dimensions and shape of the tank to be installed. The diameter of the pit should be twenty centimeters larger than the diameter of the installed container;
  • filling the bottom of the dug hole with crushed stone. Twenty centimeters of sand should be poured on top of crushed stone or broken bricks, followed by thorough compaction;
  • if there is a close occurrence of groundwater, it is important to place a high-quality concrete pad on top of the sand;
  • lower a barrel of suitable material. If a ready-made container with an inlet pipe is used, then this section must exactly coincide with the location of the sewer outlet pipes;
  • when using a plastic container, fill it with water, and then fill the gap formed between the installed reservoir and the dug hole with sand. All backfilled layers must be thoroughly compacted;
  • ensure connection using a double-sided coupling sewer pipe with a receiving pipe in the upper installed barrel.

At the final stage, the soil should be backfilled, leaving only the hatch free outside, as well as ventilation pipe. If the barrel was filled with water, then the water should be pumped out with a pump before filling.

When using a metal barrel, before immersing the container, you should use a grinder to cut through drainage holes in a checkerboard pattern, as well as mount the inlet pipe and treat all joints with sealant, followed by wrapping with geotextile.

Cleaning dirty containers is not the best favorite hobby many, especially if these containers large sizes. Follow the link to find more information on how to make this procedure easier.

Correct operation of the structure

The operation of a private cesspool, which is equipped with plastic barrels, is not at all difficult.

It is necessary to carry out regular pumping of wastewater, as well as periodic visual inspections structures for tightness. The same rule applies to operation metal structure. very important!

Living in a private house requires the presence of an autonomous sewer system. It consists of internal wiring, external piping and a storage tank (or VOC). For residents of holiday villages or houses of temporary (seasonal) residence, a cesspool remains relevant as The best way collection and partial recycling of waste.

We will tell independent home craftsmen how to construct a cesspool from a barrel. This is an extremely simple option that requires a minimum of funds in construction. Taking into account our recommendations, you can arrange without any problems autonomous sewerage with a cesspool.

Previously the word“septic tank” was unknown, and the role of the only possible place for collecting waste was played by a cesspool.

Structurally, all cesspools were similar, the difference concerned the presence or absence of any container. Often, an ordinary hole was dug in the ground, and a wooden house- "birdhouse". Such outdoor toilets can still be found in old holiday villages.

A modern version of a toilet that is located “in the yard” is a beautiful house, neatly painted and decorated with flowers. A sewer container with a neck for pumping is buried under it.

A pit without a sealed container is an environmental threat to garden plot. If home owners are interested in clean soil and water, they must place a reservoir in the cesspool pit.

Previously it was made of boards or bricks, now it is made of concrete rings or monolithic concrete. Barrels, metal or plastic, specially designed for sewage systems are also often used.

Even a large sealed tank made of modified plastic is just a storage tank that fills quickly and requires regular pumping. It is for this reason that cesspools are absolutely not suitable for family cottages.

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